2019 Annual Report Infographic

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Executive Summary

April 2019 marked the start of the seventh operational season of the Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society (CSISS). Thanks to dedicated staff, diligent directors, knowledgeable partners and inspired volunteers, the CSISS expanded its programming and made significant progress on each guiding goal.

Pr oject Ar ea:

Salmon Arm, Revelstoke, and Golden Invasive Plant Management Areas (IPMAs) and entire Columbia Shuswap Region. 1

Vision St at em en t :

The environment, economy and society of the Columbia Shuswap region are protected from the adverse impacts of invasive species.

The objectives of the Society are: a) To educate and engage public, private landowners, land and aquatic managers, First Nations and others about invasive species and their impacts.

b) To establish and operate invasive species management programs.

c) To do all other things as are incidental and ancillary to the attainment of the above purposes.

M ission St at em en t :

The Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society is a network of partners who facilitate the prevention, reduction and management of invasive species through collaboration, engagement, and education. 2

Aqu at ic Pr ogr am Aqu at ic In vasive Species M on it or in g in t h e Colu m bia Sh u sw ap

139 plan k t on sam ples collect ed an d an alyzed f or in vasive m u ssels

16 su bst r at e sam pler s deployed t o det ect adu lt in vasive m u ssels

25 sit es su r veyed f or in vasive aqu at ic plan t s

Boat access t h an k s t o M in ist r y of En vir on m en t & BC Par k s

28 sit es m on it or ed acr oss 12 w at er bodies

No in vasive m u ssels f ou n d 3

Ter r est r ial Pr ogr am Ter r est r ial Field Pr ogr am in t h e Colu m bia Sh u sw ap

332 sit es in ven t or ied

1201 in vasive plan t su r veys com plet ed

46 sit es m ech an ically t r eat ed

69 pr oper t ies assist ed w it h lan dow n er ou t r each

38 sit es ch em ically t r eat ed f or pr ior it y species

Biological con t r ol su r veys com plet ed t h r ou gh ou t t h e r egion 4

Education & Outreach

CSISS continues to educate, engage and inspire residents and others to participate in invasive species management

In 2019, CSISS was represented at over 153 community events and meetings, engaging directly with over 4000 people

CSISS completed a variety of outreach activities: Hosted 11 workshops and training events Presented to 32 community/recreation groups Visited 16 garden centers Collaborated with 13 trail groups and race organizers Hosted info booths at 25 community events Presented at 4 conferences Hosted 22 youth/school events Delivered 4 delegations

CSISS targeted outreach to many stakeholders, First Nations, landowners, boaters, marinas, trail users and gardeners


Communications This year CSISS delivered: 11 Press releases 42 Published articles 4 Radio interviews 10 E-Newsletters Non-invasive wildflower seed packs for outreach events

200+ Facebook Posts Week ly Instagram posts

Website upgrades and new resources pages

New signage for bike wash stations!

Aquatic Outreach

Paddle sport events

3,226 direct interactions at 72 aquatic related events, including dragon boat festivals, fishing derbies, youth stream projects, water quality monitoring meetings, and Father 's Day events 29 marinas visited, 6 all-staff briefings 29 campground visits to inform about invasive mussels 37 new CLEAN DRAIN DRY signs installed at boat launches 222 direct interactions with boaters at 54 boat launches 30 'Invader Alert' American bullfrog posters installed near ponds Campground visits 8 pet stores visited with 'Don't Let It Loose' information 5 high level meetings (MPs, MLAs, Provincial budget meeting, Federal AIS Committee, International AIS conference)


New signage for boat launches!

Community Weed Pulls CSISS su ppor t ed 7 com m u n it y w eed Pu lls

Par t n er sh ip an d Collabor at ion

En gagin g 70 volu n t eer s

Glacier Adventure Stewardship Program, Salmon Arm Nature Bay Enhancement Society, BC Parks, Nature Trust BC, Wildsight Golden, RBC Revelstoke, Invasive Species Council of BC Job Creation Partnership, White Lake Stewards

Tar get Locat ion s:

Tar get Species:

White Lake/Little White Lake

Yellow Flag Iris

Revelstoke Greenbelt

Himilayan balsam

Martha Creek Provincial Park

Spotted Knapweed

Salmon Arm Foreshore Trail

Bittersweet nightshade

Kicking Horse Pedestrian Trail



Workshops - Training - Conferences

To bu ild capacit y am on g par t n er s, in t er est ed r esiden t s an d st ew ar dsh ip gr ou ps, CSISS h ost ed var iou s w or k sh ops an d t r ain in g oppor t u n it ies in 2019. These included: · Invasive species plant identification workshops (x 4) in Salmon Arm, Revelstoke, Sicamous and Golden (May 2019); · PlantWise workshop with High Mountain Farms (April 2019) ; · Staff briefings at Twin Anchors, Little River Boat world, FINZ, Waterway Houseboats, Three Buoys, The Marina (April-June 2019); · Techniques for Recording and Reporting Invasive Plants (July 2019); and · Edible Invasives workshop (September 2019)

In addit ion t o w or k sh ops an d t r ain in g even t s, CSISS pr esen t ed at sever al m ajor con f er en ces in 2019. These included: ·The Invasive Species Council of BC Annual Forum? Presenter (Feb 2019); · 6th International Columbia River TransBoundary Conference? Poster presentation (Sept 2019); · Columbia Mountains Institute Research Forum? Poster presentation (Oct 2019); and · 21st International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species? Presenter (Oct 2019)


Fin an ces & Fu n din g 19 Fu n der s Su ppor t in g CSISS in 2019 Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD) Employment and Social Development Canada (Canada Summer Jobs Program) United Nations Association in Canada Green Spaces Programme Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation Columbia Shuswap Regional District BC Community Gaming Grant Shuswap Watershed Council City of Salmon Arm Parks Canada BC Hydro

We thank all members and stakeholders for their donations at workshops and events!

BC Parks Nature Trust of BC Columbia Basin Trust Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (MoECCS) Ot h er Con t r ibu t ion s r eceived f r om : To support our work you can make a donation online at Wildsight Golden

https://columbiashuswapinvasives.org/get-involved/donate/ or by sending a cheque? call 1-855-785-9333 to learn more

Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program Shuswap Trail Alliance (RBC Revelstoke Blue Water Grant Partnership) Plus other small donations and honorariums


Gr oss Reven u e in 2019

Expen ses in 2019

$304,023 CSISS Pr ogr am s 90.5 %

Adm in ist r at ion

9.5 %

In Kin d Con t r ibu t or s: Loran Scholarship intern ? Loran Scholorship Foundation Clean Drain Dry sign installation ? Volunteers from various groups AIS Sampling and substrate monitoring volunteers? Indian Point Resort, Village of Chase, Parks Canada, BC Hydro Power boat usage for Shuswap Lake Survey (Invasive Mussel Lake Monitoring) BC Parks, MoECCS Power boat usage for White Lake Yellow Flag Iris Survey? FLNRORD Canoe usage for Yellow Flag Iris inventory on White Lake? White Lake Stewards Canoe usage for Yellow Flag Iris treatment on White Lake and Little white Lake? White Lake Stewards

In Kin d Con t r ibu t ion s

Herbicide workshop ? Corteva Agriscience Cattails for restoration ? Keith Cox

$ 32,515

Electric motor boat usage for Gardom Lake Yellow Flag Iris Inventory? Friends of Gardom Lake Aquatic sampling gear and aquatic outreach supplies? North West Invasive Plant Council Clean Drain Dry Pilot signage and outreach supplies? Canadian Council on Invasive Species and Invasive Species Council of BC Weed Pull Volunteers Meeting rooms


"The world as we have created is a process of our thinking, it cannot be changed without changing our thinking." - Albert Einstein


Team and Board of Directors CSISS Boar d of Dir ect or s 2019 Hamish Kassa

Laurel Corrigan

Adam Croxall

John Braisher

Dianne Millar

Bruce Husband







Chris Chochran

Chris Gill

Darren Komonoski

Natalie Stafl

Vice Chair




Not pictured

Not pictured

Not pictured

CSISS St af f 2019 Robyn Hooper Executive Director Laura Gaster Field Operations Program Coordinator Sue Davies Aquatic Invasive Species Program Coordinator Kim Kaiser Outreach and Education Program Coordinator Sam Legebokow Program Assistant (Summer Staff) Hannah Kendall Program Assistant (Summer/Fall Staff) Janelle Weslowski Program Assistant (Loran Scholarship Summer Intern) 12

1-855-PUL-WEED (785-9333)

colu m biash u sw apin vasives.or g

in f o@colu m biash u sw apin vasives.or g

@Colu m biaSh u sw apIn vasives @colu m biash u sw apin vasives @CSISS_In vasives

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