The Types of Cataract Removal Procedures and Their

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The T ypes of Cataract Removal Procedures and Their Risks

A cataract is a problem in the eye that affects the lens. At first, cataract is not a noticeable problem for someone but as the opacity increases and spreads, light cannot pass through. That is why there is a change in vision and may lead to significant loss of sight. This kind of eye condition develops from a lot of reasons. Trauma, glaucoma, radiation, genetics and long term use of steroidal medications have caused this eye condition. No matter what the causes are the treatments for cataract are all similar. The patient will undergo an eye examination before an eye cataract surgery. If cataracts occur bilaterally, surgery is usually performed first on the more advanced cataract. Cataract removal procedure involves the removal of the crystalline lens which creates a condition called aphakia. The best visual acuity is only 20/400 and necessitates lens replacement, which can be accomplished with cataract glasses, contact lenses or an intraocular lens implant. The advent of intraocular lens has made cataract extraction with implants one of the most successful cataract removal surgeries today in terms of curing a visual impairment. The excellent visual rehabilitation has greatly increased the visual expectations of old age.

Cataracts are removed either by extracapsular cataract extraction or intracapsular cataract extraction. The first one is in current use because it requires a much smaller corneal incision. This reduces healing time and complications and leaves the posterior capsule intact, thereby protecting the vitreous and retina. An instrument is inserted through the incision to remove the anterior central portion of the capsule. The nucleus is being removed by being expressed in one piece manually or by phacoemulsification or the process of breaking it using localized high-pitched sound waves. Once the process is done, it is then irrigated and aspirated. The cortex is removed but the posterior capsule is left intact behind the iris. This bag is the supporting structure into which a posterior chamber intraocular lens is placed. This remaining posterior capsule prevents forward movement of the vitreous. With intracapsular cataract extraction, the entire lens is removed and the zonules give way, releasing the entire capsule while leaving no remaining supporting structure behind the iris. The possibility of forward movement of the anterior vitreal face exists and the incision must be as large as the lens.

Complications are rare for extracapsular extraction. Its main complication is rupture of the posterior capsule with vitreous loss. If the capsule is ruptured during the procedure, a backup anterior chamber lens may need to be implanted. The most serious complication with intracapsular is forward movement of the vitreous into the anterior chamber, which interferes with healing and can lead to retinal disorders. Other cataract removal risks include adhesions, secondary glaucoma and infection. Medications help control certain risks. Activity restrictions are imposed to help control the risk of hemorrhage and increased intraocular pressure with wound rupture and suture separation. Certain activities like too much reading, heavy lifting and straining, violent coughing or sneezing, jerky movements, jolting activities, bending head lower than waist, and any activities that causes blood to rush to the head are prohibited. A cataract removal procedure can come as extracapsular or intracapsular. Both involves the removal of the opaque lens and implantation of artificial lens. Since both are invasive procedures, they also come with risks and complications. But to prevent any complications, the surgeon will instruct you on what you need to do. For further information about this condition, just visit

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