Macular Degeneration and Important Facts About It

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Macular Degeneration and Important Facts About It As we age, we have the tendency to experience age-related diseases. One of them is macular degeneration where the affected part is the macula or the central part of the retina. The function of the macula is for our central vision. This simply means that we can see all the things that are directly in front of us with the help of this part of the eye. Aside from the detailed vision, it is also for color vision. This is the part of the eye that allows us to see 20/20 and read properly or recognize other people's faces. Macular degeneration can lead to blindness for people aging at an average of 55 years old. In this condition, the macula involved for the central vision degenerates or deteriorates. There are two types of this kind of eye problem, the dry and wet form. The dry type is identified due to small yellow to white spots called drusen that are formed at the retina. Drusen macular degeneration is due to the breakdown of the cells of the macula. The second type or the wet and exudative type is caused by the bleeding and leaking of the abnormal blood vessels in the retina. This causes the rapid loss of vision. The etiology or the main reason for macular degeneration is still unknown. But there are certain related risk factors. Genetics is one. Those who have a family history of this kind of condition can be prone to acquiring the disease also. Another risk is for people with an older age. The tendency to have this kind of eye problem increases with age. Persons with this kind of eye condition may experience macular degeneration symptoms. Blurring of vision especially on the central part can happen to them. Blind spots are also common or there are dark spots that a person sees on his field of vision due to loss of macular function. Aside from that, vision is not organized, detailed and exact especially when it comes to color, lines and shapes.

Once you experience this kind of symptoms, it is better that you seek medical treatment. Aside from that once we reach the age of 45 years old, it is better to have a complete eye examination and visit the ophthalmologist once in a while in order to have some followups on the condition of our eye. The options for treatment are through medications and surgery. Usually a macular degeneration surgery is done for both types. For the first type, it can be treated with laser surgery. For the wet type, a laser is also used to destroy the abnormal blood vessels that are leaking. The medical procedure carries with it some risks and complications. For the wet type, new blood vessels can grow back again which may lead to several treatments again. Before everything complicates, it is important to undergo eye examinations. Through this, there will be early detection and diagnosis of this kind of eye condition. With the help of an eye specialist, you will know what to do and you can choose from your possible options. One of the common eye problems that we can encounter as we age is macular degeneration. There are certain risk factors and symptoms that we must be aware of so that we will be able to take note if we are experiencing this kind of condition. Prompt treatment can be done by an eye doctor. For more very vital information about this, just click on

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