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Little did I know when I set off to the Bitcoin Foundation’s conference in San Jose, California last year that my life was about to change dramatically. The conference was one of the first all-Bitcoin events of this magnitude ever held— hard to comprehend now with the litany of Bitcoin events happening, what seems like daily, around the world.

the story of Bitcoin’s social value. This is the true beauty of Bitcoin and why it will revolutionize our world. It is clear that demonstrating the social value of Bitcoin is a win-win for both charitable orga-

I already knew that the power and the potential of Bitcoin was revolutionary; but things really clicked when I was immersed in the energy of that conference. Surrounded by enthusiastic entrepreneurs, brilliant programmers, and Angel and Venture Capital investors in the heart of Silicon Valley, I knew this was the next dot-com boom.

Crypto Biz Magazine Page.12 August.2014

With my background in nonprofits, my natural inclination was to capture the beauty of

Bitcoin in ways that would allow the community to give back. Practically instantly, and quite magically, the BitGive Foundation was conceived. BitGive focuses on charitable giving and demonstrating Bitcoin’s social value on a global scale. With every opportunity we have to talk publicly about our work, we begin with

nizations and the Bitcoin community. Not only are charitable efforts helping those in need, this type of application of Bitcoin can help bridge the gap from early adopters to mainstream users. Donations provide something that people can relate to and also offer an easy on-ramp to Bitcoin. We are now celebrating our one-year anniversary, and we already have some successful charitable efforts under our belt, including $4,850 (BTC

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