CR Washington Surveyor September 2011

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2205 Forest Drive SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403 Volume 55, Number 1 September 30, 2011

Keyed out: District takes new measures Alyssa Christian Editor-in-Chief In light of current events, schools nationwide look for ways to increase safety. The Cedar Rapids Community School District has decided to do so by transitioning to a new keyless entry system which implicates some changes for students and staff at Washington High School. “The new keyless entry system is a system that allows the doors to be opened or locked remotely from either [the] office or cell phone. What it does is it just makes the school a little bit more secure because it reduces the amount of entry points that anyone can use to gain access to the building,” said Thaddeus Paisar, Wash’s school resource officer. Staff identification cards will now be necessary in order to gain access into the building at times when Wash is unopened. These ID cards were distributed out the staff

members on Thursday, Sept. 8th, McWherter, the newly-hired technol2011. The shift to the new ogy specialist at Wash. security system came about The decision was also affected for varied reasons. by worldwide current events. “The reason that “A lot of it is based on what we’re doing this is not happens outside the school as Washington-initiated, this well in society and the comis a district mandate. But munity. With the rise in threats of in the meetings, they’ve terrorism and things like that, obdecided that this would viously we’ve got to be got to be be better in the longon guard,” said Williams. run; that it would be Williams and Mceasier to once again Wherter believe that manage who enters the new system the building, will cause who should students minor enter the inconveniencbuildes, at most. ing, and at Additionally, what time they the keyless entry should enter the will eliminate any building,” said key distribution. Graphic by Tori Wheeler Rick Williams, “The history The key is obsolete. Wash assistant of taking care of principal, “It’s security in builddefinitely a security measure.” ings has been such that we’ve always Because this changeover was been a key- dominated situation. So district-mandated, the district will with the need of keys, the amount also be paying all expenses associof keys given out, those actually reated with the transition. tained and given back… making sure “It’s very costly, and safety is they don’t fall into the wrong hands a cost,” said Williams in regards to and lost, etc. This new system that the installation. we’re putting in is preventing that The system also offers some kind of situation,” said McWherter. other conveniences to the staff. Keys that were previously “It makes for a very easy used to access athletic facilities outsystem to operate, maintain, and if side of the school day will no longer something were to come up, we can be effective, but Williams does not always remote-in from another locabelieve this will have any negative tion… we’ll be able to do anything impact on the athletic department. that we need to do to facilitate a In regards to any further security circumstance to allow people in, out, measures, Williams believes Wash is or lockdown a building remotely. currently well-outfitted. So, it’s convenient,” said Scott “I, at this time, don’t know of

any plans for the district or Washington High School to increase any security… I think we feel as though we’re pretty well-equipped right now with a police officer on campus, 40 or 50 cameras, three full-time security guards, I think we’re in a pretty good position right now,” said Williams. Although there are no current plans for further security enhancements at Wash, there is speculation about the future. “I believe it’s also an early phase to having students carry ID cards…. to have and gain access into the building as well. I think that’s down the road,” said Williams. Overall, the consensus is that the new keyless entry system will allow for a more effective scholastic environment. “[It will help to] gain security for the building so you as students can come here and learn without fear of someone from the outside coming in and causing harm,” said Paisar.

Inside this Issue n e w s

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2 | News

Sangamithra Sathian | September 30, 2011

C A M P U S c a l e n d a r Friday, Sep 30, 2011 PSAT Registration Beloit College, 8:30AM @ Counseling Office Football moms meal, 3:00PM @ Cafeteria Sophomore Football Game, 5:00PM @ Iowa City High School Varsity Football Game, 7:15PM @ Iowa City High School Little Shop of Horrors, 7:30PM @ Little Theatre Saturday, Oct 1, 2011 Five Season’s Marching Band @ Kingston Stadium SAT Test Public Ethics for Education Class, 7:30AM @ IMC Freshman Football Game , 9:00AM @ CR Wash Varsity Swimming & Diving, 9:00AM @ Cedar Falls Varsity Volleyball, 9:00AM @ CR Prairie Boys Varsity Cross Country, 9:40AM @ Clinton Girls Varsity Cross Country, 9:40AM @ Clinton Little Shop of Horrors, 7:30PM @ Little Theatre Sunday, Oct 2, 2011 College Fair, 12:30PM @ Wells Fargo Arena - Des Moines Monday, Oct 3, 2011 PSAT Registration Tuesday, Oct 4, 2011 PTA Health Sessions @ History classes Choir Concert, 7:00PM @ Auditorium Wednesday, Oct 5, 2011 Parent Teacher Conferences, 3:30PM @ CR Wash Thursday, Oct 6, 2011 PTA Health Sessions @ History classes Orchestra Concert, 7:00PM @ Auditorium PPA Meeting, 7:00PM @ Little Theatre Saturday, Oct 8, 2011 Band @ State Marching band, All day @ West Des Moines Valley Monday, Oct 10, 2011 Marching band, All day @ Kingston Stadium Parent Teacher Conferences, 3:30PM @ CR Wash Wednesday, Oct 12, 2011 PSAT Test, 8:00AM @ KTOS Center Early Dismissal, 12:30PM @ CR Wash Parent Teacher Conferences, 3:30PM @ CR Wash Thursday, Oct 13, 2011 ITED Assembly, 9:40AM @ Main Gym Friday, Oct 21, 2011 Progress Reporting Day @ CR Wash

Vending machine changes evoke strong student response

Kiran Misra Staff Writer The recent changes in the vending machines have led to loud student complaints around the school, but do these new healthy snacks get an unnecessarily bad reputation, or are they leading other problems other than just students’ to many buds? disappointed taste In the past year, many sugary snacks and fried chips have been phased out of vending machines and have been replaced with offerings such as Baked Lays chips and Smart Fries, which are Air-Popped instead of being fried or baked. While some students like these new additions, many do not. A disappointed Isabel Severson, ’13, said ,“the Smart Fries taste like packing peanuts.” Other schools in the district and across the country are also embracing the new plan to eat healthier. Replacing sugary carbonated beverages with water and juice and candies with trail mix and other low sugar and low calorie snacks have been beneficial for student health, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest; across the board, “teachers have commented on the improvement in students’ behavior and academic performance,” and, “shortly after the changes were made, revenues increased.” However, this doesn’t hold true for Washington. The changes in vending machine products have definitely had a negative impact on school budget. Wash bookkeeper Gail Barry explained that there has been, “a very substantial decrease in sales from the vending machines. Each round of making the vending machines healthier and removing junk foods has brought a significant decrease in student purchases.” School cafeteria workers added to Barry’s statement, saying that the a la carte options containing cookies, chips, sugary drinks and snacks are the choices that students gravitate towards the most. So is it worth it to attempt to change students’ eating habits, or is it too late? Childhood obesity affects 17% of all children and adolescents in the United States. It is evident that something needs to be done about this epidemic, but if students aren’t buying the new, healthy products, not much impact is being made.

Students do like many aspects of the availability of snacks via vending machines, but are waiting for foods that they like, to be added or returned to the machines. Sarah Beth Coleman, ’13 said, “I enjoy the vending machines and they are very convenient for after band practices and between classes, but I’m not a fan of the removal of all the sugary treats. They should add some foods that have some sugar so not everything tastes like cardboard, but some the healthier options like the baked chips are really good.” These sentiments echo the thoughts of many other students who believe that it is possible to strike a healthy balance between tasty and nutritious.

Photo by Katie Nunemaker

A student stops by for an afternoon snack.


the world in review

Catalonia takes a stance-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Animal rights won in a clash over tradition, in the autonomous community of Catalonia. Catalonia, which consists of the four provinces of Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, and Tarragona, banned the sport of bull fighting, as a command from their parliament, within their boundaries. On constitutional grounds, the banning was made due to the deadly nature of the sport and its association with Iberian culture. The final spectacle was held on September 25th, 2011 inside La Monumental where pro- and anti-bullfighting supporters gathered to voice their opinions. Several attendees sneaked some sand from the matadors’ floor as a memento while others rallied outside its walls to make their stance on the cruelty of the sport. Spanish citizens support both sides of the issue, but many agree that Hispanic culture calls for the continuation of bullfighting.

Second servings of disaster-------------------------------------

“It was just a bridge too far.”-------------------------------------------------Two people’s indulgence in traveling led to something more, in the far corners of South America. Bruce Scott and Leslie Norris, an elderly pair, fell almost 30 feet into a ravine while in their car, on top of an unstable bridge in the Brazilian Amazon on Tuesday, Sept. 20. The couple, who were trapped for almost 17 hours, while being 200 miles away from civilization, initiated a rescue by telephoning a relative in their native nation of Britain. Making use of today’s modern technology, Miss Norris used her satellite phone to call her sister Jenny, in Eastvbourne, East Sussex, who then gave Brazilian officials the GPS coordinates of the trapped couple’s location.

Typhoon Roke, a tropical hurricane, formed in the Pacific Ocean and followed its path onto mainland central Japan on September 3rd, 2010. The cyclone generated winds at 103 miles per hour and caused almost 1 million people to evacuate the projected areas where the storm was to wreak havoc. Some areas experienced rainfall up to 17 inches. Tokyo, Japan’s financial, commercial and political center also took a hit; commuter transit was temporarily shut down. Several passengers at train and subway stations and airports were stranded. Most importantly, the plans to start the outdoor reconstruction on Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima Daiichi plant were canceled prior to the passing of the typhoon due to uncertain circumstances.

News | 3

Sangamithra Sathian | September 30, 2011

Club fair may become Wash tradition

Reid Rossberger Staff Writer

Dungeons and Dragons, KIVA, and SADD: these aren’t the names of hot clubs on the Jersey Shore, but instead clubs found at Washington High School. Wash’s entire list of clubs numbers to almost 90. With such a wealth of organizations, trying to understand what they are all about can be a very daunting task. Recognizing the intimidation that new students may feel at a high school, the Student Senate sponsored their second annual Washington Club Fair during Freshmen Orientation. It was held in the courtyard after a day of tours and instructions. Tables were set up around the courtyard with groups of fellow students pitching their clubs to the freshmen. 
 “The kids were pretty excited and very active at the booths,” said Laura Vestle ’12. The fair featured 17 clubs fit for every type of person. Booths ranged from representatives from Interact, Wash’s feature volunteer organization and several gaming clubs to Harry Potter club for the HP addicts. 
 “The most exciting thing that came out of the fair for me was the fact that I joined Harry Potter Club,” said Mady Goodwin ’15 who also signed up to be a techie after the fair.

The club fair has proved to be a good way for incoming freshmen to learn about the assortment of opportunities offered at Wash. Several students have found that they can meet new people, stay in these groups throughout high school and feature these activities on college resumes. 
 “The most important thing is to join clubs that you are actually personally interested in,” said According to Erika Derrick, the Student Senate advisor, the clubs showed an influx of interest after participating in the fair. With such success, it is amazing the fair is only offered to freshmen. 
 Next year could be the year for a school wide club fair. Would you be there?

New technology evades privacy policy Michael Andersland Staff Writer

Many kids at school will use their cell phone at some point during the school day, whether it’s to check their grades on the internet, text a friend, or maybe call their parents for a ride home. But cell phone use becomes a problem for teachers when kids pull out their cell phones in class. Some teachers across the nation have attempted to solve this problem with cell phone jammers, controversial devices that block the signals of nearby cell phones. The phone jammers are legal in every part of the world except for the U.S., and in fact are common in places such as concert halls, where they are used to make sure that performances aren’t getting interrupted. The jammers are mainly marketed from, a website based in London. They are typically small handheld devices that have a jamming radius of two to twenty-five meters. After finding and confiscating phone jammers in multiple states, the Federal Communications Commission, (FCC) proposed a $25,000 dollar fine against Phonejammer for marketing the devices to people in the U.S. Not only teachers blocking the phones of their students, but also people who used them in public to temporarily silence the noisy phone conversations of others. Washington Russian teacher and Men’s cross country coach Willis Harte said that he used to have a cell phone jammer. “I would mainly use it during tests, to prevent students from cheating,” said Harte. He misplaced the cell phone jammer while on a cross country trip. Although he no longer has the phone jammer, Harte thinks that they should be legal throughout the country. “The use of cell phones to cheat in high school is rampant; it would be great if all teachers had one to keep students from being distracted.”

Caleb Stafford, ’12 and Dominic Valenti ,’12 make a call and send a quick text during school hours. Photo by Katie Nunemaker

National attention on Iowa Sangamithra Sathian News Section Editor

Once in every four years, The Des Moines Register is placed among newspapers like The Washington Post or The New York Times for their opinion on the political scene; the Iowa Caucus that happens during that time, plays a pivotal role in straw polls for the presidential race. Although many states hold similar events, the caucus held in Iowa makes the state the center of the political world. Iowa was the first state of the entire nation to give the candidates the chance to be tested, to see if their campaign agenda and message is desirable to American citizens. The change to being first came about due to the Democratic Party, in 1972, that decided to change its scheduling and make the state the first state to hold the caucus. Later on, the Republican Party also followed. Revamped recently, the “Young Republicans” club has been getting attention from Wash students. Co-founder of the club, Leisel Kohn said “We have a full agenda; we are planning on arranging for students to attend the political rallies.

Christian Nassif , ’ 15 enjoys his time at the Freshman Orintetaion Club Fair at the Interact booth. Photo by Katie Nunemaker

Visit the link below in order to get a full list of all clubs and organizations at Wash. Clubs offer a synopsis of what they’re about and an event calendar.

4 | Opinion Roses

Grant Kamin | September 30, 2011

Problematic Parking Woes

The contrast between this past summer and the excitement of adjusting back into Crump squad the day-to-day routine of the school year Mr. Kleman’s hair is comparable, in my mind, to the differLeadership retreat ence between chocolate ice cream, and Winning Mr. Mason Marshal that sensation you get when you find out Reagan Blake Lewis your doctor had just been testing someone New computers Staff writer for STIs. And if you’re anything like me, Channing and Jon settling back into such a tingly lifestyle is Opinions wizard Toddlers and Tiaras only worsened each morning upon my arrival to school. Hawkeye comback In recent years, there has been minor discussion as Brownies how to allocate parking at Washington. Quite truthfully, we New toothpaste are rather lucky to even have enough space to provide parkFall flavored coffee Weeds ing to all students who drive to school, and I recognize that. Iowa tailgates Many schools, such as Kennedy, don’t even have enough Uggs parking spots for all of their students, despite the fact they CDO have assigned parking for seniors. But I’ve become spoiled. Pumpkin pie During my past two years, I’ve had the luck to be able to park Senior year Keenan Davis in the jock lot pretty much whenever I please, and it’s been Fall leaves awesome. Foreign exchange students This year, however, that all changed. I’m not entirely sure as to why, but every time I go there, it’s full. Entirely. Understandably, if you are a sophomore and have early bird Surveyor hard drive crash AP World, or such, and your classroom is right by the jock lot, ACT/ ACT Results you have every right to be there. I also admire your belief that Craig </3 No heat until Oct. 1st at such an age school is more important than an extra hour of New computers sleep each day; I am glad I don’t share your opinion. However, School 63% of underclassmen have NO idea how to park. I know Hallway smells this because I live with one, and trust me, the dude sucks at 2012 Forgetting about driving. It’s okay, though. We’ve all been there. Except when New Facebook I sucked at driving/parking, I didn’t hog up the jock lot by People whining about FB taking up two parking spaces closest to the front door in the Trousers on the floor Last year of Desperate HWs jock lot because I knew that’s where the seniors park, and I secretly wished to be mistaken as one of them. No. I parked Clocks Vomit in the “north lot” or was even sacrilegious enough to park in Footbal the church parking lot, and hoped Jesus didn’t strike me down Hallway traffic with lightning because I prevented old ladies from parking by #Hashtags their place of worship. Having no followers AP Junior I toyed with the idea that perhaps I, of all people, deMacbook envy served a personal parking spot in the jock lot. After concluding Hipster beanires that this was a rather conceited and self-centered request, I deDisease cided to go along with it anyway. My calculations find that this Less literal roses 300 days until summer would result in a 27% increase in the likelihood of me actually


showing up to 5th hour on time and thus, I would no longer have to write on Mr. Taylor’s clipboard that my excuse for tardiness was “My foreign exchange student wanted to play one more round of Nazi Zombies”. Not only might this increase the likelihood of me showing up to class on time, but it would also mean I have to exert less effort in walking from my car to class. If you know anything about how lazy I am, you also know that this is a very big deal. By the time I’ve expended all the effort to walk to class, I end up feeling like doing nothing the rest of my afternoon, and so I don’t. You may be asking yourself “Why, Lewis, do you feel like you deserve a personal spot in the Jock lot of your choice and with a personal sign to clarify so?” This is a very valid question; and nice idea on giving me a sign to go along with it. I can only reply “Why not me?” I feel I’ve been enough of a statistic to this school in my academic record for them to be able to say “Real education happens here at Washington High School.” I also believe that I am the first to ever propose such an idea, and thus should be rewarded with my request as recognition of my initiative thinking. Until I can persuade Dr. Plagman that it is a good use of your tax dollars to provide me with personalized parking spot, I can only really rely on calling dibs on one. So, until the end of the year, I’m calling dibs on the parking spot directly outside of the jock lot doors on the right, facing the hill, four rows of cars from the track. I also request that no one parks in “no parking zone” adjacent to it because it makes it harder for me to get out quickly and beat the traffic at the four-way stop of Cottage Grove and Forest, which is another unnecessary ordeal in my day-to-day life.

Illustration by Luke Godlewski

The Surveyor Editorial Policy

The Surveyor is established as a school-sponsored open forum dedicated to informing and entertaining its readers. It is published nine times each school year by students enrolled in the Journalism News class at Washington High School. The staff will report as fairly and well-balanced as possible. All activities and news will be covered to the best of the staff’s ability. The Surveyor accepts the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics as the basis for good journalism. Editorials and the reviews that appear under a byline are the opinion of the writer, not necessarily the staff. Unsigned editorials represent the majority of the Editorial Board. The opinions section is designed to provide a forum for the opinions of The Surveyor staff and the Washington High School Community. Readers are encouraged to express their viewpoints through guest editorials. The Surveyor also welcomes letters to the editor, with these guidelines: 1. It is not libelous or obscene. 2. It explains the material clearly. 3. It is not longer than 300 words. 4. It is signed.

Alyssa Christian

Emily Wicke

Katharine Goodwin

Sangamithra Sathian

Grant Kamin

Kitty McGurk

Chloe Kohl

Francesca Hidalgo-Wohlleben

CJ Cooper

Katie Nunemaker

Joe Berry

M.J. Kamin


Opinions editor

Profiles editor


Michael Andersland Megan Anderson Madeline Berg Lewis Blake Molly Brown Evan Fisher Shanay Gonder

Managing editor

A&E Co-editor

Photo editor

Peter Holmes Lauren Johnson Gavin Jones M.J. Kamin John Kopec Kiran Misra Amy Parker Reid Rossberger

Business Manager

A&E Co-editor

Sports editor

Photographers Megan Anderson Jessica Erb Amy Parker


Tori Wheeler Luke Godlewski

News editor

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Web Master


Kyle Phillips


Oliver Hammond Eleanor Rinas Kyla Yuza-Pate

Grant Kamin | September 30, 2011

Opinion | 5

Remembering 9/11 Every year on September 11th we remember the victims of the terrorist attacks on our great country. I was seven years Molly Brown old on that day, a Staff Writer second grader at All Saints Elementary. Many things have changed since that monumental time in our nation’s history. I have always felt guilty for not remembering the day that changed so many lives. Many times on the anniversary of that day during class discussions and memorials, I have fabricated a story about that day out of longing to feel with everyone else. When I was assigned this story, I thought again on how I don’t really remember that day. But what I do remember is how this nation, that

is so often times divided in regards to politics and social views, came together. Now as I watch the tenth anniversary ceremony I shed tears to names I have never heard. Although I do not remember that day, and although I do not personally know anyone who perished in that catastrophic event, I do feel, ten years later, what I didn’t on that day. It is something spectacular, I think, how much our nation has grown. We still remember the victims, but as construction for the new buildings is underway, ten years later a sort of enlightenment is shared throughout the country. Something about this anniversary is clearly different. With the capturing and death of Osama Bin Laden our country was able to feel a unity that has seemed lost since that day in 2001. Many times people take for

granted the value of a life. It is the moments like these in our nation’s history that bring to reality just how sacred each second of every day should be treated. I personally do not think that the terrorists “won”. The goal of a terrorist is to instill fear upon a nation, but I think many brave men and women showed the exact opposite of fear on that day. Every firefighter police officer and every passenger on the American Airlines Flight 11, United Airlines Flight 175, American Airlines Flight 77 and United Airlines Flight 93 I thank you for the exceptional bravery you showed. The surge of rescue workers from across the nation depicts just the sort of unity that 9/11 distilled. People who did not know victims personally were traveling to help recover bodies. Of course there were

many negative effects that should not be overlooked. The incidental rise in the number of hate crimes regarding the Muslim community is something that should not easily be forgotten. Muslims who had nothing to do with the attacks were targeted simply because of their beliefs and that is something that should never be allowed. What Americans need to remember is that these vile attacks were not planned by the Muslim people. They were planned by a group of radicals displeased at the American sympathy for Israel. AlQaeda, formed by Osama bin Laden, the group responsible for the attacks is not compiled of all Muslim people, and to group them together with the rest of the Muslim society is a disgrace to all those men and women who died 10 years ago.

Number One?

Student Section Etiquette

What defines a number one high school? This should be an easy question, as we go to one, but for some reason I can’t find the answer. What seems to define us is a sharp division between the level of learning going on in the school, which is then measured by the amount of money we spend on taking AP tests. So is it academic talent in which we excel, or is it just the Grant Kamin amount of money that we send in pretty envelopes to the ColOpinioins Editor lege Board? What should define us is a balenced representation of our collective intelligence, like that collected by the ITED. As the number one high school we should score well on that, but instead you will find us, for the sixth year, upon the schools in need of assistence list for math and reading upon the ITED score card. Sure, being on that list longer than Metro might be a red flag for problems that lie within our school, but apparently that fact is overlooked. I’m not saying that our school isn’t one of the best schools in Iowa, but that some of the ranking lists are using exceptionally flawed sets of data to demonstrate levels of success. They should be taking in results, instead of just participation, from AP tests, graduation rates, college acceptance rates, and other standerdized test results. It would be exceptionally interesting to find out where we fall within a rating system like this, although I’m not quite sure we’d be able to claim the utter dominace we have during the last couple years.

This school year has had some of the most epic student sections of all time, thanks to an amazing senior class. Although some students have been forgetting some key rules: 1) Seniors get the first two-three rows of the student section and the juniors are allotted the two or three after. Molly Brown That one should be absolutely no surprise, yet some rather ambitious sophomores seem to be drifting upwards in the Staff Writer stands. Also on a side note, CJ Cooper is an exception to the said rule. 2) First come first serve. As every class gets their own section, seniors should be able to find some place for them on the first rows, however that does not mean seniors can tell other seniors to move down. Telling others to move is a right only reserved regarding underclassmen. For example, if a senior gets to the game early and sits on the 50 yard line, another senior cannot tell said senior to move over. The logic behind asking a person who arrived early to the game to move from their superior seat in order to benefit one’s self is beyond me. Perhaps others are more generous, but I prefer to keep my seat. 3) Profanity is not allowed. I understand the urge to sing vulgar songs that have absolutely no relation to football, but disappointing DP shouldn’t be on anyone’s priority list. 4) Speaking of the unrelated, as much as I love YMCA Camp Wapsie, those songs actually have nothing to do with football and should be disregarded in order to focus on the actual game. 5) A humble critique of the cheerleaders, of who’s ranks I would so love to join, “rowdy” is in fact Photo by Katie Nunemaker not spelled with an Warriors facing Dubuque in our homecoming game “ie”. And this again goes with taking songs from Camp Wapsie, I don’t see the point in promoting incorrect spelling at a school event. 6) Pay attention. I too was once among those who didn’t care about the game and used the time to socialize, but times have changed. Now instead of bantering with my classmates, I would like to watch them play without the annoyance of underclassmen, who should stay at home if they plan on not watching the game. 7) Cheer. Do it. It’s Warrior Nation. 8) Respect the band. This I can say the student section has been doing extraordinarily well. Keep it up. Following these rules will make everyone happy. It will make underclassmen happy because upperclassmen will not yell at them and it will make me happy because I will not be pushed from side to side by a ROWDY Joe Kenney and Grant Gregory who will now, as stated in the rules, realize you must show up earlier if you would like to sit on the 50 yard line.

6 | Focus




The defeat of Osama bin Laden: Did it help? Amy Parker Staff Writer Shortly after 1 PM on May 1, 2011, Americans

around the country rejoiced, waving flags and chanting ‘U.S.A., U.S.A.’. This date marked the death of Osama bin Laden the founder of al-Qaida, the terrorist group that planned the attacks of September 11th, 2001. Hidden in a costly and custom hideout in Pakistan, Bin Laden was concealed for many years. In the hour prior to the attack, U.S. helicopters confirmed this hideout as Bin Laden’s, and in less than 40 minutes, military troops had killed their target. This event has created a variety of emotions in people, with many feeling relieved, but with others questioning whether or not it was the correct retaliation.

“He’s going to be replaced, and unless we address the root cause of the problem, terrorism will continue.” Sophie Torrijos, ’13, points out. Regardless of the personal opinions over this event, however, thoughts remain directed towards the future. CC by jburwen “This is more of a symbol than an actual solution to terrorism”, said Olivia Baker, a social studies teacher at Wash, “ [bin Laden] posed a major threat to security of the world.” “Even if it hasn’t diretly solved anything, but it has indiretly solved the fear of him because we eliminated the biggest head of terror,” said Brad Lock, ’13.

Q&A: What do you think is the most significant change caused by 9/11?

“I think the most obvious change has been our attitude towards the world, as well as America’s stance globally. I don’t think we’re unaware that other countries are not very found of us and our response to these events.” - Jackson Ochs, ’13

“This event may have not affected people directly, but it is now a symbol in our history that shows the country coming together as a whole, and brought a whole new meaning to the to the term ‘citizen of the United States.’”- Carly Herron, ’14

“9/11 definitely created a sense of national unity that even if it is not it isn’t as strong, still remains today.” - Anna Noureil, ’12

“I’d say the biggest change comes in how we view other countries and how we discuss terrorism.By talking about it frequently, it has been made more of a reality, and therefore made the world scarier.”- Pete Clancy, Wash language arts and social studies teacher

Francesca Hidalgo-Wohlleben | September 30, 2011


Years Later Looking back at the day that changed America

photos are CCs by cliff1066


Jenny Vestle, ’12, and Wash principal, Ralph Plagman, recall their experiences on this fateful day Madeline Berg Staff Writer “I first saw the attacks on the little TV in Dairy Queen,” said Jenny Vestle, ‘12. Vestle was in second grade at Grant Wood Elementary School when the September 11th terrorist attacks happened ten years ago. “We got let out early, but I didn’t know what was going on,” said Vestle. The teachers at Grant Wood did not show footage of the attack until the next day, after giving parents a chance to explain the situation as best they could. Rather then receiving all the gruesome details, Vestle describes the information she gathered as being very “sugarcoated”. Vestle remembers that her mom, who works for the government, was given the afternoon off. Vestle and her sister walked home from school and their dad brought them to Dairy Queen. That is where they first saw footage from the attack. Vestle can still recall some of the most memorable images from the World Trade Center destruction that day. After seeing these, and recognizing the shock and fear in her parents reaction, Vestle began to realize the gravity of the situation. Ten years later, although Vestle has a better grasp on what exactly happened on that historical morning, the shock of the events that occurred ten years ago on 9/11 is still present.

“I remember it all so darn clearly; it was such an unusual day,” said Ralph Plagman, principal at Washington High School. Plagman was in Buffalo, Wyoming for a funeral when he first heard about the attacks on the morning of September 11th. Plagman and his wife both needed to return to work the next day, but most flights had been canceled – including theirs. Instead, they drove their rental car all the way back to Cedar Rapids the next morning. Meanwhile, when the 9/11 chaos first began Tuesday morning, Michael Johnson, the assistant principal, was the man in charge at Wash. The first tower was struck during the homecoming assembly. “We didn’t know what happened,” said Johnson. As Johnson and a couple other Washington staff members turned the news on, the assembly continued without any interruptions. After the assembly ended, the rest of the school day was “shot”. Teachers had their TVs playing in every room. “You walked into any room and everybody was watching...It was the quietest day around this building that I can remember,” said Johnson. Johnson talked to Plagman via phone and they made the decision to cancel the homecoming parade that week. However, the football game was still played. “We had the concert choir sing ‘America the beautiful’ and the players stood at the sides with their helmets at their feet. It was one of the most memorable nights, from the crowds standpoint,” said Johnson. Over the next couple days, Johnson describes the Wash population as being “extremely quiet and shocked”. The New Gym was turned in to a place where students could go to reflect on the events of September 11th, 2001.

8 | Profiles

CJ Cooper | September 30, 2011

Washington Homecoming 2011

Shanay Gonder and MJ Kamin Staff Writers

Queen Channing Tackaberry

Q: What do think is your strongest attribute that led to you becoming Homecoming Queen? A: I’m very open with people and I’m not shy. If you sit down to have a conversation with me, I’m bound to tell you my entire life story by the time we get done, even if I don’t know you.

King Jon Paramore

Q: What have you experianced since you were crowned Homecoming King? A: I feel like people are comfortable with me still and feel like they can interact with the same person that I was before homecoming king. A lot of people make jokes about bowing to me etc. but it’s all fun.

A day in the life of the Homecoming Queen

A day in the life of the Homecoming King

6:00 A.M. - Wake up. 7:15 A.M - Drive to school. “[My commute] takes about seven minutes if I speed a little bit.” 8:00 A.M. – School. “My favorite class this year is either AP Comparative Government or AP Lit.” 12:00 P.M. – Lunchtime. “I go to Abbie Peterson’s house a lot.” 3:00 P.M. - Cross country or track practice, depending on the season. 5:00 P.M. – Break time. “I give myself about twenty minutes to just sit and relax.” 5:30 P.M. – Homework. “I finish homework as quickly as possible.” 9:00 P.M. – Bedtime. “I try and get to bed before 9:00.”

All Photos by Katie Nunemaker

7:20 A.M.- Wake up and rush to get ready. 7:35 A.M.- Try to leave for school, “but my foreign exchange student, Abdullah AboHaimed, takes a while to do his hair in the morning.” 7:40 A.M.- Pick up Kimu Kasha and go to school. 10:16 A.M.- Attend the “super smart, awesome-tobe-around” Mr. Clancy’s A.P Lit class. 11:11 A.M.- Lunch at Micah Rambo’s house. 11:50 A.M.- Struggle to stay awake in A.P Econ 2:45 P.M.- Arabic after school. (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) 3:45 P.M.- Cross Country Practice. 6:00 P.M.- Marching band practice. (Monday) 9:15 P.M.- Fall asleep while attempting to do homework. 12:00 A.M.- Cut-off homework and go to bed.

Blue eyed bachelor Evan Fisher Staff Writer

This freshmen bachelor is an adorable 5’4” tall, blonde haired,

blue eyed sight to see. Oliver is very involved in school activities such as golf, tennis, and math team, School is important to him, but his friends are a close second. When he isn’t studying, playing sports, or solving the world’s most difficult math problems, he loves to be with his friends. Oliver is ready to date, but is just “waiting for the right girl.”

Favorites Favorite Musical Artist: Kid Cudi Favorite Movie: The Other Guys Favorite Food: Steak Favorite Subject: Science

Perfect girl -Not afraid to try new things -Easy to talk to -Smart, funny, and polite -His height and cute

Photo Illustrations by Lauren Johnson

A&E| 9

Kitty McGurk surveyorwhs.a& | September 30, 2011

Fresh meat in music wing Kitty McGurk A&E Editor

After working at Washington High School for nearly a decade and accomplishing the things that he did, some may have said that filling the shoes of Mr. Shanley would have been nearly impossible. However, Brett Messenger has made it clear that his feet may be much bigger than we all could have imagined… feet made visible due to his lack of wearing shoes. After attending the University of Iowa, where Messenger participated in Marching Band, Jazz band, Combo, Live gigs, and pretty much everything under the sun, the talented and youthful musician Headed to Prarie High School where he was the assistant director. After doing so, he then went to Waterloo West where he was the head band

director. So one might question why he came to Wash? “This place is awesome. I want to work at a place where I work hard and am expected to succeed,” said Messenger. While at Wash for only a brief amount of time so far, Messenger is already Co-director of Marching Band, teaches concert band and AP music theory, and does side lessons. Students have already sealed a bond with Messenger, a bond formed by an instantaneous level of comfort and humor. It is this comfort that helps kids to flourish with improvement and actually want to be involved. “He’s definitely 1/8th muppet,” said Eli Wolter, ’14. Photo by Kitty McGurk

Messenger tooting his horn

Warrior nation- or Dr. Dre nation? Photos by Kitty McGurk

What are you listening to?

Flynn Heald, ’12 “Middle Finger” by Cobra Starship

Jason Oney, ’13 “Boom boom boom” by the Outhere Brothers

When it Waynes, it pours John Kopec Staff Writer

It is safe to say that the wellanticipated “Carter IV”, recently released Aug. 29, has caused more than an uproar in the music industry. With record-breaking sales reaching almost a million sold copies in the first week, one may have predicted that Lil Wayne did it to ‘em. However, critics argue that this Martian esque legend did not live up to his standards. Fans have greatly awaited “Tha Cater IV,” which followed two misguiding albums, “Rebirth” and “I Am Not A Human Being”. Wayne proved himself with an early release of a popular first single, “6 Foot 7 Foot,” that was dropped shortly after his release from prison last fall. The hyped album moved 964,000 copies in the first week of release thanks to record-setting iTunes sales of over 300,000. It is also without doubt that the support from the Video Music Awards increased these sales. “I really enjoy Mr. Wayne’s

reinvigorated approach to his music. You can tell that he’s matured not only as a person, but also as a musician. I would argue that he placed more importance on the musicality of the beats, all while keeping a constant flow of wholesome lyrics” said Kyle Fliger, ‘12. It was expected that Lil Wayne’s “Carter IV’ would debut as one of the most popular albums this year. His third No. 1 album, “Carter IV,” following 2008’s “Tha Carter III” and 2010’s “I Am Not a Human Being,” earned the biggest sales in a week for a

Braedon Tovey, ’12 “Red Nation” by The Game ft. Lil Wayne

Hip-Hop album since “Tha Carter III” debuted with 1.01 million units sold in June 2008. The infamous beat of the popular track from “Tha Carter IV”, “President Carter,” provides the listeners with a unique and repetitive beat sampling Jimmy Carter’s inauguration from 1976. Although offering this old school swag, it still provides enough space for Wayne to flood the listeners with ruminations

on power, prestige and politics. Also, Lil Wayne’s most popular track on the album, “How to Love” tackles unpleasant struggles that some are faced with, as shown in the music video. Critics say Lil Wayne lacks the imagination and ingenuity the Carter’s II and III had with poorly developed punch lines that correspond to wordplay rather than a message. “It didn’t meet its standards. But still…YOUNG CARTER MAKE IT RAIN ON DEM H**S!” said Flynn Heald, ’12. With all of this said, there is no denying that Lil Wayne has a way with words. He understands rhyme and flow innately. Despite the high expectations in the release of “Tha Carter IV”, the album has many highlights that still capture the audience. Is “Tha Carter IV” Lil Wayne’s most prized album? …Obviously not. Is it a respectable enough album to incorporate it in the Carter series? …Without a doubt.

10 | A&E

Chloe Kohl | September 30, 2011

David Greely & Co. play Wash and Landfall Chloe Kohl A&E editor

The woman may be gone and the road may be long, but with a bottle in one and hand a fiddle in the other David Greely and his clan of fiddle playing minstrels numb the pain. Using traditional Cajun French folk songs and a reverence to the past, they teach us northerners about heartbreak and accordions. David Greely visited Washington High School on September 22nd and 23rd with the laid back Steve Riley as a duo, and also came with quirky Jo Vidrine and quiet Chris Stafford as Gumbojet. They performed for selected French classes and for the Wash Orchestra and then played for Legion Arts’ Landfall, which brings world music to Cedar Rapids, where it is much needed. “It was a really amazing experience. ” said Danielle Gallet ’12 about the experience . “To have the opportunity to see into that culture was phenomenal and super empowering. It was love. No one gets all up

on a desk if it’s not love.” Greely hails from Lafayette, La., where the French is as primitive as its folk music. His passion for his Acadian ancestry and the music that goes with it caused him to pick up the fiddle at 17 years. His inspirations drew from his teacher Dewey Ballfa, who taught him “how to listen”, famous Cajun fiddler Denis McGee, and 60’s folk singer Bob Dylan. “Bob Dylan’s kind of a

Photo by Chloe Kohl

Greely croons away at Landfall.

Jewish hip hop/fusion

Chloe Kohl A&E editor

1.King Without a Crown- Matisyahu 2.Darkness into Light- Matisyahu 3.Skin to Skin- The Sway Machinery 4.A Staff of Strength in the Hands of the Righteous- The Sway Machinery 5.Ich Bin a Border by Mayn Vayb- Socalled 6.War Again- Balkan Beatbox 7.Ya Ba Bim Bam- Sabbapath 8.Underground- Tomer Yusef 9.Put ‘Em Up (featuring Lyrics Born and Axum)- Soulico 10.Train Across Ukraine- Golem

problem for me,” said Greely. “When I write songs in English, I want to be that good. That’s why writing in French works for me... I don’t have to be Bob Dylan.” Greely travels plays with many different outfits of Cajun music. The usual set up includes either one or two fiddles, a guitar, and an accordion. As prevalent as this may be in Louisiana, when he travels the unique and foreign qualities really speak to non-native audiences.

Being bombarded with Yiddish and horns never felt so good or welcoming. With this mix of artists (all from JDub Records) there’s a sense of Guerilla warfare that instead of violence, they use Shofars and love to get you hooked. What makes this music so captivating is the passion from which it developed. The community felt within the Jewish religion plays a huge part in how the music reads: strong, intelligent, and peaceful. All that inherent, that doesn’t mean you have to celebrate Chanukah to appreciate the sheer talent that comes with the diversity of the genre. This is archaic appreciation and reinvention. This is talent personified. This is for everyone, so enjoy. Shalom.

“What’s really authentic is the experience that the audience has.”

-David Greely

“What’s really authentic is the experience that the audience has. That’s where it all happens,” said Greely. “It’s where Louisiana and Iowa intersect.” Through his charming demeanor and smooth delivery, David Greely swayed audiences all over CR to the honesty that resounds in the culture of Cajun music. He left a bit of the Acadian Louisiana in Iowa, leaving more understanding in the sounds than he ever could with the language.

Upcoming Movies

Human Centipede II Theater Date: October 7, 2011 Synopsis: Continuing the grotesque values of the first Human Centipede, it seems the only plot the second movie brings is more stomachturning grapics and bad acting to laugh at. Should be quite the comedy

Lion King 3D Theater Date: September 16, 2011 (still playing) Synopsis: A digital reworking of the popular disney movie, the story of a heroic lion provokes the same tears, but this time you’ll cry in 3D.

Everyday Sunshine: The Story of Fishbone Theater Date: October 7, 2011 Synopsis: A documentary on the band Fishbone, the movie explores music history and the bands toils around the Reagan years.

Joe Berry | September 30, 2011

Gavin Jones Staff Writer

Sports | 11

Professional football coming to Cedar Rapids, March 2012

In March 2012, professional football will be coming to Cedar Rapids. The Cedar Rapids Titans, an Indoor Football team will kick of their inaugural season at the Cedar Rapids Ice Arena. The Indoor Football League (IFL) was created by two businessmen, and began as a six team league located in Texas, but after a league merger in 2010, the league grew to twenty-two teams. Rules in the IFL are very similar to the rules of the Arena Football league; regulation fields are only fifty yards long, but rather than a boxed end zone the IFL has domed end zones. The Titans will play in the Cedar Rapids Ice Arena as their temporary home until the US Cellular Center’s renovations are complete, then the team will play their

Photo by Shelby Swartz

Golfers Clayton Hoyt, ’12, and Jon Landis, ’13, walk the course at a meet.

home games there. Just last month, on Aug. 19, Chris Kokalis was named the team’s General Manager co-owner. “We believe that Cedar Rapids is a fantastic market to bring a team into,” Kokalis said. “We hope to promote economic development and be a part of the growth of the community by being active and giving back to the fans.” Kokalis took no time to get his up-and-coming team together, already signing three players. You shouldn’t expect any Kurt Warner’s coming through the IFL anytime soon; most of the leagues players played for low Division I schools and are out of their prime. Leading the Titans out of the tunnel next March, will be former All-American Linebacker, Wes McDermott, who racked up 361 tackles in his career at Morehead State University.

Photo by Katie Nunemaker

Sophomore quarterback, Reagan Wilson, ’15, searches downfield.

Other signings include 6’6” 340-pound offensive lineman, Travis Miller, who graduated from the North Dakota College of Science two years ago, and a former All-Metro kicker from Cedar Rapids Jefferson, Mike Polaski. The Titans will also be holding open tryouts at SportZone on Saturday Oct. 8, and Sunday Oct. 9. “This is our first opportunity to take a look at local talent and for football players in the area to come out and see if they have what it takes to play professional football,” said Kokalis. The try-outs are for players eighteen or older. Players will be tested on everything from the 40-yard dash, to agility, to 7-on-7 play. Fans interested in attending any Titans game this coming season can purchase tickets starting as low as $10. Season tickets will also be available for $65. The 2012 season schedule will

Photo by Shelby Swartz

Varsity golfer, Clayton Hoyt, ’12, tees off at a golf meet.

Injuries plague Warrior athletic department Peter Holmes Staff Writer

As more students participate in today’s high school sports, injuries are inevitable. Whether it’s a sprained ankle, a fractured arm, or a nosebleed, sports injuries affect many athletes at Washington High School, keeping students out of the activities they love to pursue. According to Michelle Bartels the athletic trainer at Wash, the most common injury she deals with is the lateral ankle sprain. In order to treat this injury, Bartels suggests ice, compression, and elevation. She also suggests that crutches and rehab may be necessary, depending on the severity, until comfortable to walk on again. Some sports at Wash produce more victims of injuries than others. Due to the strenuous contact with other players, the most injury-prone sports are football and soccer. On the other hand, cheerleading, dance team, and bowling injuries are seldom, but have happened before. According to the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, more than half of all sports injuries occur during practices, rather than games. Players often ignore safety precautions at practices even though the stress on the body is similar to game day. Wash’s Paul Nash, ’12, was helped off the football field by his teammates after getting hit after a play against Jefferson. Nash was notified soon after that he had a vertical fracture in the distal part of his fibula. Until recently, he could be seen limping around the Wash hallways, sporting a large, black boot. According to Nash

the extent of the injury was apparent immediately. “I heard a large pop, and I knew right away it wasn’t just my ankle,” said Nash. Bartels has seen a variety of injuries, student athletes at her time at Wash—some more serious than others. One particular injury stands out above the rest. “A Waterloo West goalkeeper collided with one of our players. He was seizing and blood was going in his airway. I thought was going to have to give him CPR.” There are a number of ways for a person to prevent major injuries. First, strengthen muscles and build coordination by going to the weight room. Next, wear equipment properly and learn how to play the sport. Knowing how to fall correctly can also help avoid injuries. This means do not use hands to break a fall and jump only when it is possible to land without getting tangled up with other players.

Photo by Jessic Erb

Trainer, Michelle Bartels, tapes a student’s ankle. Being proactive is the best way to avoid injury.

be announced in November. For more information, visit their website, http://, or the IFL website,

The Cedar Rapids Titan’s will kickoff their inaugural season at the Cedar Rapids Ice Arena, in March 2012

Photo by Katie Nunemaker

Tyler Burrell, ’12, blocks and opponent during the Homecoming game.

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12 | Back Page

Katie Nunemaker | September 30, 2011

Steps To: 5 Homecoming 2011 1. Choose Homecoming Court

2. Homecoming Week 3. Bonfire and Parade 4. Football Game 5. Homecoming Dance

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