January 2010

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Surveyor The Washington

2205 Forest Drive SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403 Volume 53, Number 5

January 25, 2010

Forum makes progress towards a more diverse Wash experience Trevor Polk Copy Editor On Wednesday, January 13, 2010, Washington High School, by initiative of social studies teacher Eric Thompson, held its first Diversity Forum to discuss the lack of integration of minorities in advanced classes. It seems unlikely that a get together of a handful of students and an even smaller handful of teachers would be effective in solving such a significant problem. Although many students questioned whether or not any improvements could be brought about by such an event, the forum brought both students and teachers together to discuss a problem that is widely acknowledged. That all sounds well and good, but what exactly is the problem? “There are more minority students in special and skills classes than even the average general education class and especially AP classes,” said Monica Jamison, a panel member at the Diversity Forum and a teacher at Washington. Those at the forum spoke out passionately that something external was the cause of our segregation. In fact, some attributed the problem to the school system itself. “Students are pegged in certain categories academically and socially. Because of that they’ve learned to blend into whatever stereotype or group they’ve been fit in.” said Britt Berquist, ’11. Berquist was just one of many at the forum to criticize what’s commonly known as tracking, a widely utilized method of helping students achieve future educational goals in middle school and high school. Tracking has become more akin to “a pegging or limiting of students.” Many students are told early in their education, traditionally at the end of middle school, what class levels they should pursue throughout their high school career. This is usually based on their success in previous course work. Another source of segregation, socioeconomics, was also discussed at the Diversity Forum. It was determined that the social class of a person’s parents has a very strong correlation with their academic success. As minorities, at large, make less money than caucasians they tend to be less academically successful. “It hasn’t been that long since the 60’s. I think it’s safe to say we’re progressing, maybe not as quickly as we’re comfortable with. I think the way things are aren’t satisfactory. History definitely has had a role to play. The way we’ve treated minorities in the past is unique to the United States,” said Andrew Marshall, ‘10. Tracking and socioeconomics are hardly in the hands of students. However, one of the final opinions of the forum was quite simple: students need to step out of their comfort zone. Additionally students at the forum discussed the need for students to enroll in classes that may be a notch above their comfort level. Meeting new people and challenging themselves could convince these students that their desire to learn will pay off later in life. One attendee of the forum, Elizabeth Matus, ‘10, suggested high schools students reaching out to elementary aged children would help inspire interest and committment to taking greater advantage of their academic potential. She intends to form a group of students to accomplish this goal, possibly through Adastra National Honor Society.

Wash grads become Wash teachers: An examination of then and now Page 10

During the Diversity Forum, a panel of three students and three teachers led an audience of students in a structured discussion concerning segregation at Washington. The panel consisted of students Jack Shey, ‘10, Oliver Hidalgo-Wohlleben, ‘11, and Marrisa Reed, ‘10, and teachers Ben Hamburger, Monica Jamison, and Akwi Nji-Dawson.

In this issue A&E discusses the lesson behind “The Laramie Project”

Columnist Nick Heins argues why the second amendment should be protected

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Jerusalem, Israel: Jan. 10, 2010 Plans to construct a barrier along Israel’s coast with Egypt were approved by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Additionally, advanced surveillance equipment will be installed; all in an effort to keep illegal immigrants and militants from entering Israel and to “secure Israel’s Jewish and democratic character,” said Netanyahu. This project will cost approximately $270 million and take two years to complete.

News Just so you know Events written by Alyssa Christian

Adelaide, Australia: Jan. 9, 2010 The life of a drowning man off the south coast of Australia was saved by two eight-year-old boys. The boys, who are part of the lifeguard training program for children under 14 at Northcliffe Life Saving Club, saw the middle-aged man calling for help off Northcliffe Beach and rescued him. There are approximately 50,000 Australian children participating in life-saving programs.

Graphic by Trevor Polk

Jemez Pueblo, NM: Jan. 12, 2010 Harnessing the power of the sun may have big benefits for the Jemez Pueblo Indian tribe. The 3,000 members of the tribe are planning to construct the nation’s first utility-scale solar plant on their tribal land. This project could bring in $25 million to the poverty-stricken tribe in New Mexico in the next 25 years, and help to improve its water system and treatment facilities.

Port-au-Prince, Haiti: Jan. 12, 2010 The strongest earthquake to strike the Caribbean coast in more than 200 years hit Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince. This 7.0 magnitude earthquake left tens of thousands of people displaced or buried in the rubble. Overall, the quake affected at least three million Haitians, leaving them in short supply of food, water and shelter. The death toll is estimated to be in the hundred thousands.

Family and Consumer Science class makes a comeback to Washington Emily Wicke Staff Writer

in order to fill her schedule with an elective that was both fun and challenging at the same time. “We take chapter tests over what we have learned. Those can be challenging, but I still have a lot of fun learning all the new information,” said Royster. Whether learning about beneficial nutrients or cooking up fruit pizza, Royster enjoys being part of this newly revamped course. “I am so glad I decided to take this class. It has been a really rewarding experience,” said Royster.

Family and Consumer Science has been a class at Washington for many years, but it recently has returned with a whole new twist. The class is now a career and technical education course. Concepts taught in the class are tied into preparation for the work world. The new program is divided among all three trimesters. The class begins with a unit on relationships and communication. Students who sign up for the elective spend the trimester learning about leadership skills, relationships and conflict resolutions. The second trimester focuses in on food and nutrition. Students study nutrients, food groups and even get a chance to prepare the healthy foods that they have learned about. The last trimester is spent learning about family dynamics. The unit discusses parenting and the development of children. Class instructor Joan Stekl teaches the Family and Consumer Science course at both Washington and Jefferson High Schools. Stekl is passionate about the program and enjoys teaching each of the topics that are discussed in the curriculum. “The most rewarding part of the class for me is seeing my students learn and be successful,” said Stekl. Photo by Lauren Hoth Jazzmine Royster, ’12, is one of many students participating in the second and third hour class. Students in the Family and Consumer Science class held at “I really enjoy this class, I love learning about the food Washington during second and third period work to perfect and then getting to cook it,” said Royster. their cooking skills under the direction of teacher Joan Stekl. Royster decided to take Family and Consumer Science

Family and Consumer Science

Quick Hits

- Class instructor: Joan Stekl - Currently taught at Washington and Jefferson High Schools - Meets every day for three trimesters during second and third hours - Covers one main subject per trimester: relationships and communication, food and nutrition and family dynamics





Club puts feminisim in action

Airplane suicide bomber raises U.S. security concerns

Shana Matthews Staff Writer

While families were home on Christmas Day celebrating the holiday, passengers on American Airlines flight 253, traveling from Amsterdam to Detroit, encountered a starkly different scene. As the flight was in the air, passengers looked to see where a loud pop had come from. Much to their surprise, they saw Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab surrounded by a cloud of smoke. Abdulmutallab had attempted to set off a bomb that he hid in his underwear, which had possessed enough explosives to blow a hole in the aircraft. This failed attack has led to speculation of the strength of American airport security. After the terrorist attacks that occurred on Sep. 11, 2001, security has stepped up in airports all across the nation. The lapse in security on Christmas Day has prompted the United States to increase security more. The new security measures to be enacted will require every passenger to pass through a full body scanner, which has shown itself to be a very controversial method among American citizens due to its ability to sometimes see through passengers’ clothing.

Washington’s Dance Marathon’s success continues Students danced the night away supporting children suffering from cancer on Friday, Jan. 8. A group of Washington students planned and held the second annual mini-Dance Marathon in the cafeteria. The event was organized through the University of Iowa’s Dance Marathon. Dance Marathon aims to raise funds to donate to the Children’s Miracle Network to help provide assistance and treatment for kids suffering from cancer and in need of bone marrow transplants at the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital. The money goes toward anything from assistance for paying for medicine, new equipment, or even providing services to make patients and their families more comfortable. The mini-Dance Marathon proved to be a success, expected to have raised more than $6,000, an increased amount from last year. The exact amount raised yet has still not been determined. Iowa’s Dance Marathon will be held on Feb. 5 and 6, with 24 hours of continuous dancing. Last year, it raised a total of $1,030,248 with the help of mini-marathons like the one held at Washington. Overall, the dance was a fun way for students to raise money for a local cause; money that will continue to provide cancer patients’ families some comfort in the near future.

- Compiled by Sara Larson, Staff Writer

together and bake, while [also] having great discussions,” said Caster. The club’s main goal, however, is to hold discussions about what feminism is, and how it affects life in the 21st Of all of the organizations at Washington, the Young century. The discussions include topics such as women in Feminists Club may be the the media, abortion and pornography. only one to successfully “Our group is all about equal combine women’s rights and opportunity,” said co-president, Isaac baking. Behrens, ’10. “We want people to be “The Young Feminists treated on the basis of their mind rather Club is all about hating men,” than their parts. Women should be able said club co-president, Emma to be respected in the workplace, just Caster, ’10, jokingly. “Okay, like men should be able to be stay-atno, it is mostly a discussion home dads.” group.” One of the club’s future goals is to The Young Feminists club put up a display in the school durwas started five years ago by ing March, which is women’s history Caster’s older sister, Hannah month. The display would consist of Caster, ’06, and her best friend, pictures and information about imporKatie Jones, ’06. The club is Photo by Jessica Wohlers tant women of the past and present. still sponsored by language arts “The interesting thing about [the teacher, Adam Witte. Emma Caster and Isaac Behrens, coclub] is the discussions that show such “The club was on somewhat presidents of the Young Feminists Club, a wide range of opinions on topics like of a hiatus my freshman and lead discussions on current topics related what it means to be a feminist, or what sophomore years because I was to women and their roles in society. it means to be empowered,” said Witte. busy with debate,” said Caster. “We won’t save the world, but do “But we are trying to make a comeback this year.” hope to get a better understanding and learn,” said Caster. In the past, the club has held bake sales to raise money “We especially want to break down feminist stereotypes. for Planned Parenthood and the Emma Goldman Clinic Not all feminists are militant bra-burners who shave their in Iowa City. This year they raised $120 to send to Wayheads and not their legs. We all have different opinions point, the shelter and support center for women in Cedar and different ideas on what it means to be a feminist and Rapids. this club is about sharing them.” “When we are having a bake sale we will all get

Warriors give families a holiday to remember Patrick Anderl Staff Writer

The donations totaled $2,400. Spanish teacher Jackie Niffenegger’s third hour class was the winning class, donating $550, while social science teacher Brad Metzger’s class came in a close second with $530. During hard economic times, many Americans struggled With all the donated money Washington students to provide their families with a holiday to remember. This provided these five families in need with a holiday dinner, holiday season, however, generous Washington High School numerous presents and a bountistudents helped five ful holiday to remember. families make holiday “I think HACAP is a great memories of their own. opportunity for those in the Washington’s community to have a great Student Senate teamed holiday when they wouldn’t have up with the HACAP had a chance too otherwise. program with the I think the (Student Senate) hope of raising enough kids are doing a great job,” said money to give five Lisa Nicol, the Student Senate families a great holiday. - Tyler Eckhardt, ’10 instructor. It was planned to have The success of the HACAP students bring in donadonation drive not only showed what Washington students tions to their third hour class while staff had the option to are capable of, but what kind of people walk the halls of donate gifts from the families’ wish lists. The Washington. While some people might think that high two classes that brought in the most money, school students, who don’t have a large amount of money the two classes that brought in the highest to give on their own, would likely not donate, Washington average of dollars per student, and every class proved any doubters wrong. that donated over $250 would all receive “Service projects are always great. It was so rewarding bagel parties. to bring special feelings to a family in need that otherwise The incentive of a bagel party, along with wouldn’t have that opportunity,” said Tyler Eckhardt, ’10, sheer generosity towards complete strangers leader of the HACAP drive. brought forth results no one expected.

“Service projects are always great. It was so rewarding to bring special feelings to a family in need that otherwise wouldn’t have that opportunity.”

--> The Rundown: A list of upcoming local performances Tue., Jan. 26. - The Washington Revolutionists and Jazz Also jazz bands will be performing along with three-time Grammy Award winning saxophonist Jeff Coffin and his band Mu’tet. Coffin has performed with the Dave Matthews Band and Bela Fleck. The concert will be held at 7 p.m. in the Washington Auditorium and cost of admission is three dollars. Wed., Jan. 27. - “The Rising”, an entirely student-lead production will be performed at First Assembly of God in Cedar Rapids at 6:30 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public. Thu., Jan. 28, and Fri., Jan. 29. - Large Group Speech night will feature all of the Washington Speech Team and their performing groups in the Washington Little Theater and auditorium. Each night performances will go from 6:30-10 p.m.




Tyler Hubler News Editor Four hundred thirty-four, 394 and now 343 students. These figures represent the dwindling number of students left in the senior graduating class of 2010. From the 2006-07 school year through this school year, the senior class has dwindled from 434 to 343 students, nearly a 21 percent decline. The significant drop in enrollment for the senior class is mainly due to a large number of transfer students, but also due to specific transfers to Metro High School, retained students and a percentage of students who dropped out from Washington. These are not issues, however, that are exclusive to the senior class. All graduating classes from Washington have seen a significant decline in their size for over the past two decades. This year’s senior class will see a graduation rate close to 79 percent of its original class. This statistic is markedly better than the 70 percent graduation rate of the class of 2009. Based upon the last year (2003 for the class of ‘03) in which data was kept for the number of transfer students, transfer students to Metro specifically, and dropouts, it is likely that approximately 10 percent of the class of 2010 transferred out of Washington,

around eight to ten percent transferred to Metro and about one to two percent of the class dropped out of high school completely. “Unfortunately, a lot of those students who transfer are being forced to move around due to poor family situations, and many of them end up not graduating from high school,” said Washington principal Ralph Plagman. Plagman points out that it is difficult to control the number of students who transfer out of Washington. However, there are a variety of programs that have been implemented to limit the dropout rate and to close the achievement gap among students. These include I-JAG, a credit recovery program for 10-12 grade students, an afterschool study table (which is not mandatory for low-achieving students) and skills classes for multiple subjects. The other large group of students missing from each - Ralph Plagman graduating class is the proportion of students who transfer to Metro High School. “The typical pattern of a student who decides to transfer to Metro is that they have one or multiple of these issues or situations to deal with: recurring attendance problems, problems with completing enough credits in a trimester, family circumstances (such as divorce) or that they are from a low income level family,” said Plagman. The fact remains that if more than 75 to 80 percent of a class is going to graduate on time, then more must be done to target students who need academic assistance.

“Unfortunately, a lot of those students who transfer are being forced to move around due to poor family situations, and many of them end up not graduating from high school.”

Graphic by Gabrielle Lisinski

The declining number: Senior class enrollment

Enrollment Factoids - The class of 2010 has experienced a 21 percent decline in enrollment since their freshman year (2006-2007). - The class of 2010 will have a graduation rate near 79% this year. - Around eight to ten percent of this years’ seniors transferred to Metro High School over the course of four years.

Munching on the taste of kindness Charlie Parks Staff Writer From day one of freshman year to the final bell of sophomore year, Dr. Plagman and his elite security task force have reminded the non-upperclassmen that it is strictly prohibited for them to leave campus for lunch, with penalties, like the inability to leave for lunch junior year, to those who get caught. However, once a week on Thursdays, adventurous sophomores and freshmen have a loop hole to avoid cafeteria food and have lunch outside of school: lunch at Pastor Phil Roger’s house. Getting there is as simple as going to the end of the football field where the luscious grass meets the chain link fence, and head to where there is a trodden path leading directly to Pastor Phil’s house. Phil Rogers is a burly man who moved to Iowa six years ago. His church in Nebraska transferred him to St. Paul’s Methodist, where he became the new youth pastor. Before he had his first service for the youth group, two youth group members of St. Paul’s who attended Washington arrived at Pastor Phil’s house wanting to meet him over lunch. “All I had at the time was some PB&J [sandwiches] and Coke,” said Rogers. “We had a great time, so I told them to come back next week with more kids.” This would be the beginning of early Thursday mornings devoted to brown-

ing meat and preparing food for hungry teenagers. “It was started by the kids, for the kids. I like seeing everyone and having a chance to meet new people,” said Rogers. Rogers has never turned down anyone, except on the rare occurrences where he ran out of food. However, there has not been a shortage in several years. This is due in large part to donations for buying food by church members. St. Paul’s has set up a donation system that pays for the food, and what’s left over is donated to different homeless shelters. Through bitter cold temperatures and blazing heat, students line up outside his door to catch a break from the samePastor Phil Rogers old, same-old. On average, 65 to 80 students (first and second lunch combined) will help finish off the 30 pounds of fresh meat or hot-dogs. “It’s different to walk into your house and have to wait in line,” said Kristin Rogers, ’11. “I’m not even guaranteed a seat.” Jacob Vandervaart, ’11, went to the lunch for the first time with his brother during his freshman year. Not knowing many students, he found an unoccupied spot on the floor and met some new people. “It’s always a good time, and there isn’t much religion except for grace,” said Sara Belay, ’12, who occasionally drops by. Free food, an excuse to leave the school, and a break from the normal cafeteria food; lunch at Pastor Phil’s house make Thursday meals better.

“It was started by the kids, for the kids. I like seeing everyone and having a chance to meet new people.” -

Lunch at Pastor Phil Rodgers’ house is held every Thursday Address: 2122 Country Club Parkway SE Time: 11:15 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.

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Opinions Juicy gossip for juiceless lives Spotted: B and N mingling in the foyer; has cupid shot his arrow so soon? S has returned from her latest trip to Europe, what will this gorgeous wildchild do next? Molly Brown This is the Staff Writer classic opener of any Gossip Girl novel. Teenage girls, and some boys, devour these dramafilled and, often times, repetitive books. The books feature a notorious blogger known popularly as Gossip Girl. What is acceptable, and encouraged, in these books has become a favorite game to many teenagers. I like to call it the “Rumor Game”. The rumor game is very easy to play. It’s just like that childhood toy that had interchangable body parts. The logical thing to do would be to put the human head, torso and feet together, however, it was much more interesting to make a creature with a shark head, monkey body, and bird feet. The same goes for rumors - what starts as a mundane story in early bird can turn into an elaborate tale of epic proportions by first lunch. I often wonder how some rumors get started. It’s been commonly said

that every lie has a speck of truth, however, some things I hear are too outrageous to be even partially true. I like to picture kids sitting in a circle with their own rumor game set. They may have pictures of students on the top, shady places in the middle, and risqué activities on the bottom. One little turn and you have enough to talk about for a week! People love rumors. It gives them something to talk about that is more interesting than their own lives. As opposed to finding a safe conversation in local news, one’s weekend or quantum field theory, many people will turn to information about others’ lives and try to juice it up to keep as much of the listener’s interest as they can. Such gossip strikes me as selfish, considering that gossipers are willing to put the status of another individual at risk simply to form their own conversation topic. Doesn’t this seem a little pathetic? Are their lives so painfully boring that they actually have to refer to falsified stories of peers to communicate with others? Rumors suck, and not even in the realm of Gossip Girl novels are they reasonable. Despite the obvious pain that gossip can bring, I fear that as long as we have individuals with too much time, a relatively dull life and a deficit of communication skills, gossip will thrive.



Shop online, leave awkward employees behind

Daniel Williams Staff Writer I recently read somewhere that the number of online shoppers is predicted to double to 132 million in the next five years. No doubt this is because of the ease, convenience and the ability to get diverse and strange items using the internet. But for me, also an avid online shopper, there’s something about not having to deal with sales representatives that really makes online shopping an attractive alternative. There are very few things that I hate more than walking into a store and being swarmed by hundreds of eager employees asking me, “Can I help you find what you’re looking for?” (The worst is at Wal-Mart where the back of their uniform has the words “How may I help you?” printed in big, bold frightening letters). First off, rarely do I go into a store knowing exactly what I want - especially if it’s clothes - and I’m definitely not going to talk to a sales rep for the next five minutes discussing the “latest and greatest new arrivals”; I just don’t do that. My usual response to

one of those oh-so-awkward questions is, “Oh, no thanks, I’m just browsing” - with extra emphasis on the “browsing’ to make sure they never come near me again. What’s even worse is when they don’t get the hint and they hover around the area just out of your direct line of sight, yet still close enough that you can see them out of your periphery. I suppose the logic there is that they’re there “just in case”. Which leads me to my second point; on the infrequent occasion that I do

I can take as long as I want without feeling incredibly self conscious, something I’m notorious for doing (It’s not at all uncommon for me to walk into a store, look around for no less than 1.5 hours and then decide that what I initially wanted wasn’t worth the money - and then walk out empty handed). Internet shopping isn’t the only thing that’s becoming a less person-to-person process. McDonalds recently started installing automated cashiers in some of their stores, but surprisingly they aren’t employing less people. Apparently McDonalds is actually experiencing an increase in sales which in turn leads to an increase in workers preparing the food. The increase in sales is hypothesized to be caused by people being less self conscious about what they’re ordering (I mean come on, no matter who you are it’s at least slightly embarrassing to order a triple cheeseburger, an extra large fry and a 42 oz. coke - especially if you’re Graphic by Gabrielle Lisinski 20 pounds overweight). know what I want to get, I’m This demonstrates that not stupid. I can find where self consciousness is a very it is. And on the even more real factor in sales, and I infrequent occasion that I believe that it is by no means can’t find something, I’m not restricted to just the fast food bashful - I’ll find one of the industry. Perhaps the internet many strategically placed sales sales trend is just the beginreps and I’ll ask them myself. ning; if sales keep falling for in Of course with internet store products before long we shopping, all of this can be may begin to see stores with avoided. I am free to browse fewer and fewer employees, the internet free from nagging even fully automated stores. employees and bask in all That’ll be the day; at least, its glories. And best of all, they’d have my vote on that.

Surveyor Editorial Policy Surveyor is established as a school-sponsored open forum dedicated to informing and entertaining its readers. It is published nine times each school year by students enrolled in Sam Seyfer the Journalism News class at Washington High Editor-in-chief School. The staff will report as fairly and wellbalanced as possible. All activities and news will be covered to the best of the staff’s ability. Surveyor accepts the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics as the basis for good journalistic ethics. Jessica Wohlers Editorials and the reviews that appear under Photo editor a byline are the opinion of the writer, not necessarily the staff. Unsigned editorials represent the majority of the Editorial Board. The opinions section is designed to provide a forum for the opinions of the Surveyor staff and the Washington High School Community. Molly James Readers are encouraged to express their Profiles editor viewpoints through guest editorials. Surveyor Writers also welcomes letters to the editor, with these Patrick Anderl guidelines: Natalee Birchansky Jill Broghammer 1. It is not libelous or obscene. Molly Brown 2. It explains the material clearly. Ryan Brown 3. It is not longer than 300 words. Alyssa Christian Catherine Cooper 4. It is signed.

Max Ernst

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The death of an icon It was only two months ago that the shadow of Tiger Woods engulfed the landmasses of civilizaJack Shey far and Staff Writer tions wide. On top of Mount Olympus, he stood proudly, his dark pectorals blazing in their enormous girth only to be contrasted by the glow of hope and glory that sat intently by his side. His bronze, muscular physique stood with perfection and lust; a testament to the Greek gods of old. Tiger was the modern embodiment of Zeus, flawless in every way and seemingly never to succumb to the temptations of power. Yet, just as Zeus’ sexual drive for the flesh of mortal women became his predominant flaw, so too did Tiger become lost in the temptations of prostitution. Like Hera flung Hephaestus off of Mount Olympus, so did Tiger take the long fall back into the civilization of mortality. In an instant, the perceived ruler of eternity fell into the depths of hell, ferried across Acheron and into the inner realms of Dante’s vision.

Lurking alongside this fallen hero, lie the many tragedies of professional sports. Athletes stand frozen in time, stained by the shortcomings and flaws of their torn careers. Just as Prometheus so bravely gave mortals fire, Mark McGuire and Barry Bonds used this fire as the technology of the gods, the steroid elixir granting baseball immortality. Just as Icarus flew too close to the sun, dying by the delights of freedom, so too did Bjorn Borg, Michael Vick, Shay Gutman and countless other professional athletes become lost by the seduction of drugs and money. The Greek gods were known for their self-centered acts of jealousy and revenge; it is not hard to draw a parallel observance on our modern deities. Like the sails of Ulysses, my journey on the sea of life is largely guided by the winds of the superior gods. These winds contrast the likes of what should be a rather straightforward voyage. My heavenly compass steers me through the values and questions that accompany increasing maturity. With each new decision, I look to the gods for support. Would Tim Tebow read Hamlet or drink this orange juice? Would Kobe Bryant watch Avatar? Would Dick Cheney wear this shirt? The thought is comforting in principle, but my underlying

conscience pleads the insecurity of distrust. While their peers fall around them, who is it that I can now trust for comforting support? Tomorrow I’ll try Derek Jeter, the next day I might give Carl Lewis a shot and maybe even someday I’ll be hanging on the words and actions of five-time motocross champion Albert Carr. I am tired of my ongoing voyage. I am tired of finding unloaded firearms under the bed of my little sister, of finding the pollution of steroids littered throughout the houses of my close friends, of watching the depletion of my college savings by the many lavish and unnecessary expenditures of my ill-informed mom. As more and more athletes climb from the ashes of Vulcan’s forge, up to the highest echelons of athletic perfection, I see only a growing potential, soon to be forgotten in the midst of increasing kinetic energy. With each new day I can only hope for one chance, one shot to prove my decency in a world of failure, to rise above and treat my beautiful Switzerland nanny-wife with every delicate affection she rightly deserves. As I contemplate who will be next to grab the vulnerability of my whimsical fantasies, I can still hang on to the short-lived, patriotic chants of Ricky Stanzi, “If you don’t love it, leave it - U.S.A. number one.”

Roses - senioritus - counter-protest WBC - WBC never showing up - Avatar - Kleman’s constantly hot room - being an exchange student - white vans - freshmen women’s basketball - farmville - 2010 - Dance Marathon - Skype -First diversity forum

“It is more than just guns themselves that makes us so passionate,” a gun dealer speaks, “it is our way of keeping ourselves safe and making sure that the government doesn’t get too out of hand. It is much better to have a gun and not need it, than to need one and not have it.” Also the same gun dealer spoke of an anti-gun person who had actually put a bullet into a gun at one gun show (loaded weapons at gun shows are illegal), in hopes that the gun would discharge and result in the shows being banned. Though no one was killed, a man was shot in the hand while handling the gun. Though no one could logically hold this against all anti-gun activists, it sure does put some perspective into the mix. When looking at the issue itself, if guns were taken out of the hands of homeowners, the remainder would be left to three parties; the army, the police and criminals. Being around gun owners first hand, I feel safer around those who carry than those who don’t. At least, I get the assurance that if someone were to hold up a place at gunpoint, a carrier could save an innocent life, if necessary. Seeing the passion of gun owners leads me to think, would trying to take guns away from homeowners really be worth it? There are those, and I mean many, who would no doubt defend this right in blood. It is not the gun that matters, it is the assurance of safety, and there is no one safer with a gun than those who are knowledgeable about carrying them.

Maddy Becker Sports Editor

Since 2004, six states have legalized same-sex marriage. In the same time, voters in 31 states have

from its traditional meaning. Rather than a goal of survival and procreation, people today search for a spouse with shared interests to create a loving household and economic partnership. Two men or two women could achieve this just as easily as two members of the opposite gender. Still, many Americas exhibit a knee-jerk hostility toward same-sex marriage. Many religious conservatives feel the sanctity of heterosexual marriage is threatened by gay and lesbian couples. Although I respect these views, I simply cannot connect the dots to understand how one couple’s marriage can somehow demean another’s. Furthermore, isn’t the legitimacy of marriage more threatened by the high divorce rate of many heterosexual couples, who vow to love each other eternally in a holy sanctuary? Rather than diminish the power of marriage, I would argue the union of a loving and committed homosexual couple would strengthen it. The U.S. Constitution promises equality for persons of all races, religions, and places of origin, and it’s time to include persons of all sexual orientations. To do anything less is a form of discrimination. Equality has made progress in the past several years, and giving voters a chance to move this progress backwards would be a mistake for our state.

banned the practice. Many Iowans would like the opportunity to overturn the Iowa Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage, which occurred last April. Although it seems logical and fair for Iowans to have the right to a vote, there is a time when it’s better to leave the decision to our elected official. The majority, in this case, heterosexuals, rarely votes to protect the minority. Many Americans would have voted against the civil rights legislation of the 1960s had they been given the opportunity. Retrospectively, most people would agree that this legislation was a positive change. I believe people will look back on today in a similar manner, realizing same-sex marriage is good for society. True, a marriage between two people of the same gender is not considered traditional. But the definition of marriage has itself evolved lesson after lesson of guitar, and consistently slacked on my Some of my peers, have sculpted hours of practice and daily practice. Through years of playing, I never obtained a natural talent into a fantastic gift: the ability to communifull understanding of music. I may be a more than decent cate with music, in the way it communicates with each of Tenor and can recite F-A-C-E and E-G-B-D-F with the best us. The members of Revolutionists, Slice of Jazz, Symphony of them, but I still do not exist in that upper tier of musical Orchestra, Wind Symphony and many of my fellow Madriprowess. When I tune out the world with Bose headphones gals have provided themselves with the ability to play with, and Miles Davis, I tend to find peace. understand, and manipulate music in a way that many Nevertheless, the idea of the upper tier still sneaks into people will unfortunately never experience. However this my head. Bose sound quality and the genius of Miles Davis does not mean it is impossible for others to experience. make me wonder and enviously appreciate the ability of I refuse to believe that it is too late to pick up an instrumany of my peers. This ability is most visible in the wing ment once you have lost all of your baby teeth. A young cuddled up close to the “North” lot. age may provide a “prime-time” for learning, but the In this collection of three rooms, musical exploration, understanding of music is so incredible, that it can never theorization, appreciation and even prodigal composibe learned too late. For this reason, I have decided to utilize tion can be witnessed. Although I take classes and spend the piano in my living room, and begin taking piano lessubstantial time in this wing, I have not captured the full sons. I wonder if John Snell teaches? beauty of music that others have.

Music: a virtue to still be learned

I find it hard to believe that there exists a single person on the face of the earth who does not enjoy at least one type of music. Whether you listen to Wolfgang, Weezy, or Wes Carlson, you will always listen to music. It is a universal language amongst all of humanity, one in which every being can communicate with one another. However, there are those Isaac Halyard who hold a deeper relationship with their instrument or voice, by Staff Writer exceptionally performing the music of others, and even composing music of their own. And there are also those like me, whose musical abilities are much more limited. In my elementary days, I took

- Westboro Baptist Church - buttcracks in the hallway - powerschool - that green car in the jock lot that is eternally lodged in a snow bank - Christmas music two weeks after Christmas - Channel 1 - looking for a job - Haiti earthquake - 2 hour dealy (and not snow day) - blood

Overturn of same-sex decision would be discrimatory

Safety in guns, danger in ignorance Gun rights are cherished among many Americans, some being buyers, collectors, traders and dealers. In fact, there is even an amendment guaranteeing the right. The second amendment, in fact, reads, “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep Nick Heins and bear arms shall not be Staff Writer infringed.” Though it sounds irrefutable, some will go to great lengths trying to undermine the right, even if it means reading the amendment a different way. When I read the amendment, its sounds to me like the forefathers were telling us that a well regulated militia is necessary; therefore, the right to arms should not be infringed. However, there are beings out there who would say that the only way this right should be upheld is if there is a militia. Of course, that is not how the amendment is worded. I have witnessed Hawkeye Downs filled with weapons of all sorts. Pistols, rifles, shotguns, knives and even pins reading, “If you want to take my guns, you’ll have to pry them from my cold dead fingers.” I have been given first-hand speeches from many about how guns are good for preserving the safety of your family, but from some I have heard that it means much more than just that.





A life not still

Teen eases into parenting

Natalee Birchansky Staff Writer

Sangamithra Sathian Staff Writer

For Brittany Ficken, ’10, art isn’t just a class, it’s a lifestyle. Whether she is working on a piece of art for school or hard at work at home, Ficken spends multiple hours on art each day. She enjoys many types of art like drawing, painting and photography. Ficken has always been interested in art. “When I was little I drew a lot. I have sketch books from when I was seven,” said Ficken. She likes expressing her ideas and trying to get a point across with all of her work. “Everything I do means something,” Ficken said. Pulling inspiration from experience and music, she finds a way to relate every part of her life to art. Additionally, she has sold mixed media pieces through her website. Ficken wants to go to school in either Chicago or Kansas City for fashion production and later be a product manager. As for now, Ficken’s favorite art class is AP Studio Art, taught by Kristina Dvorak. “Mrs. Dvorak has been really helpful and taught me many techniques and ways to challenge myself,” said Ficken. “She’s very creative. I’m always interested to see what she’s going to come up with next. I’m always impressed by her artwork,” Dvorak said. Her classmates also rave about her pieces. “Her artwork is cool, interesting and something I’ve never seen before,” said Shaun Welsh, ’10.

While normal teens groan at the thought of extra responsibility, Stephanie Perry, ’11, embraces her job as a mother without complaint. Perry delivered her baby, Orlandrea, on May 5, 2009. Juggling work, school and taking care of the baby is something that Perry feels she can handle. Now, eight months and one week old, Orlandrea doesn’t keep Perry up frequently at night. Perry works at Wendy’s on the weekends and attends school regularly during the weekdays. She leaves her baby in the care of her mother when she hangs out with her friends. Her mom’s one condition is that Perry must let her mother know about the activity beforehand. Perry recently attended the Washington High School Dance Marathon, where she danced and had a good time with friends like any other high school student. “Being a mom hasn’t changed my life that much. You learn to get used to everything and learn to cope with the situation after a while,” said Perry. The one thing in Perry’s life that has changed a lot is the amount of money that she has to spend on the baby. She mentions not being able to buy as many clothes for herself, but instead spends money on diapers, toys, baby clothes and other baby essentials. Friends and family of Perry were surprised when she announced her pregnancy. “I was always the quiet one in the family,” said Perry. Now, relatives and friends help out Perry as much as possible; they give her items Orlandrea needs and also offer to take care of her. Perry’s advice to her fellow peers is to focus on school and getting a good education. “Getting an education is really important and it affects your future,” said Perry. Orlandrea’s father Tracie, doesn’t actively participate in Orlandrea’s life, but is excited about her and wants to meet her.

Claassen: A warrior inside and outside the doors of Washington Cole Rhatigan Staff Writer Inoperable. A word no parent wants to hear concerning his or her child. Especially when that child has yet to experience a year of life. However, it’s the news Trudy Claassen endured when her son, Sam Claassen, ’11, was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor not quite six months after his birth. Claassen is well known by many of his Washington peers. Many students met him in elementary school while attending Grant Wood, Johnson and Erskine. Others became familiar with his outgoing personality here at Washington. “Sam knows so many kids, or rather, so many kids know Sam,” said Sam’s mother, Trudy Claassen. Many students are also aware of the basics of Claassen’s story; he has lived with cancer all his life. However, the majority of us don’t recognize the many challenges he has faced and continues to face today. For two years after being diagnosed he underwent chemotherapy. For a while the tumor sat dormant, however when Sam was nine it became active again, this time causing major damage. Due to the location of the tumor, Sam had a stroke, leaving the right side of his body severely weakened. Another side effect of the tumor was extreme damage to Sam’s eyesight. Despite these obstacles, Sam excels at Washington. He is able to read and write in braille. He takes part in many activities throughout the school, one of which is being the school mascot. “I mainly am the mascot for popularity. I know that’s a bad excuse, but I enjoy being the center of attention,” said Claassen. Washington’s Mini-Dance Marathon took place on Friday, Jan. 8, and Sam was a major part of its organization. “I have a lot of connections with the University of Iowa’s Dance Marathon and am able to obtain a lot of knowledge to help make ours better,” said Claassen. “Also, a thing a lot of people don’t know is [that] I help with the sound work in the theatre program.” School has played a major role in helping Claassen through his struggles. In first grade, while attending Grant Wood, his classmates raised enough money for him to take a trip to Disney World. “It really was perfect timing,” said Trudy Claussen. “Sam was healthy and it really was just an awesome experience. It was probably the highlight of all the challenges he’s faced.” Prior to attending Washington, Claassen went to Vinton schools for their sight program. However, he was very unhappy there. “I wasn’t making many friends and really wasn’t enjoying the situation,” said Claussen. It’s just the opposite for him at Washington. He has many friends who both care for and respect him. “It’s really just overpowering what Wash and the people here have done for me,” said Claassen. Recently, he enjoyed a graduation at the University of Iowa given to patients who have gone five years without treatment. Following his high school graduation, Claassen wishes to pursue a career in sound engineering while attending Kirkwood. Although he may be the Washington mascot, Claassen needs no costume, helmet or cape to become a warrior. He’s been a warrior every day of his life. No matter what obstacles he faces in his future, he will always live by his life motto,“live strong.”




Surviving an IOWA Seasonal affective disorder Anna Fisher

Winter is considered a SAD time of the year. Seasonal Affective Disorder affects the moods of many Americans. More than just the “winter blues”, SAD is a type of depression. Most often, symptoms will appear in the fall and will remain throughout the cold winter months. There are some that even face SAD in spring or early summer. Seasonal Affective Disorder is mainly caused by low melatonin and serotonin levels. Low melatonin levels occur when the season changes and can affect sleeping patterns. A lack of sun results in low serotonin levels, affecting mood and may lead to depression. Major symptoms of winter and fall Seasonal Affective Disorder are depression, hopelessness, loss of energy, social withdrawal, oversleeping, loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed and weight gain. Seasonal Affective Disorder is clinically diagnosed, meaning these symptoms will repeat themselves annually. Mrs. Adams, AP Psychology teacher at Washington, teaches a unit on Seasonal Affective Disorder every year. Adams also suffers personally from Seasonal Affective Disorder. “I was diagnosed after I had gotten a strep virus (like strep throat) except it affected my skin. In order to dry up the strep rash, I was prescribed 4 minutes twice a week of light therapy,” said Adams. The light therapy, similar to a medical tanning bed, raised Adams’ serotonin levels, cleared her skin and lifted her mood. However, there are more natural ways to raise your serotonin levels,“I prefer to exercise, run, swim or play a game of hockey.” Each person is affected with seasonal depression differently, so treatments will vary. The most popular ways to beat the ‘winter blues’ are through medication, light treatment (tanning), exercise and avoiding focus on the cold and dark winter days.




-Hand warmers -Hot Chocolate/tea/coffee -Soup -Fireplace -Snuggies -Boots


Layering clothing has been proven to keep a person more warm as opposed to wearing a single layer of thick clothing. Each layer traps air and the trapped air is then warmed by one’s body heat. Start with a tank top or pair of leggings/spandex as the base layer and build from there. (http://almostfrugal.com/)


-Review for AP tests -Study for ACT/SAT -Start college searching -Begin prep for graduation party

Purchase a membership at the YMCA in Cedar Rapids, Marion or Stoney Point. One can keep in shape and meet friends at the YMCA. Facilities include: indoor track, indoor pool/hot tub, raquetball, basketball, volleyball, weights and exercise equipment. The YMCA also has yoga and other various exercise classes and trainers available. Age Monthly rate Cost for year Newborn-17 $16.50 $174.00 College (18-23) $25.00 $288.00 Hours at Helen G. Nassif YMCA: Mon-Thurs 5-10; Fri 5-9; Sat 7-6; Sun Noon-5

KEEP MIND OFF WINTER * Meet a friend at Barnes and Noble or Starbucks and look through books or magazines while sipping warm hot chocolate, tea or coffee. * Rent movies or buy some Blockbuster previously viewed DVDs - half the price of brand new DVDs. * Read a book or listen to music. * Bake desserts! * Get a group of friends together and play board games or ping pong. * The following games to the right have been the most recent popular games to play.

1. Buy a humidifier to creat relative humidity drops in t 2. Try to wear cotton and lin polyester. 3. Wear leather shoes as rub in regular shoes react with c 4. Mix fabric softener with lightly mist furniture and ca allergy to softener). (http://www.getridofthings.

A way to warm inexpensively cookies and le door open afte

“Vegetables kee in the winter as digested, emittin keep your body www.foodmall.o

“Certain spices k warm and healthy winter months: g cinnamon, tumer cumin, fennel an (http://www.food


As jobs become difficult to find in the winter for teenagers ternative is to volunteer at a local service organization. Ad range from having a less time commitment than a job, req little to no education, a way to start building service for fu and, most importantly, doing good in the community. The are some places to volunteer in Cedar Rapids.

A.) Red Cross: (319)393-3500 B.) St. Luke’s Hospital: (319)369-721 C.) Mercy Hospital: (319)389-6035 D.) CV Humane Society: (319)362-62 E.) Habitat for Humanity: (319)366F.) Waypoint: (319)365-1458 G.) Catherine Mcauley: (319)363-49




te more moisture in the air as the winter. nen versus wool, nylon and

bber shoes and synthetic fibers carpet to generate static. water in a spray bottle and arpet (make sure no one has an


m the kitchen y is to bake eave the oven er.

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keep your body y during the ginger, garlic, ric, cloves, nd peppercorn.” dmall.org/)

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When bored read one of the four books shown to pass time away while stuck inside. If Yoga class is too expensive, buy a book instead. Yoga is a way to relieve stress and to relax the body.

“Breathing through a scarf will warm the air before it reaches a person’s lungs to keep them warmer.” (http://www.troop68bsa.org/)

Taking warm baths or soaking feet in warm water can heat the body quickly.


The body loses heat through radiation and conduction. It is important to wear a hat, scarf and ear protection because 50% of body heat escapes from the head through radiation. Avoiding contact with cold objects by wearing mittens and drinking warm fluids will prevent loss of body heat through conduction. (http://www.troop68bsa.org/)

Inexpensive heat

Lauren Kelley

To many, winter means sledding, hot cocoa or luxurious snow days. To others, however, winter brings thoughts of negative temperatures, car trouble, and large heating bills. Despite the enjoyable activities and memories, the winter months also bring the constant struggle to stay warm and comfortable. Washington High School’s physics teacher, Ian Kleman, shares a few of his own tips. Surviving an Iowa winter can be frustrating and many times, expensive. Kleman uses devices such as heated floors and a cast iron radiator to keep his house heated in a more efficient way. The floor heating system involves water-heated tubing positioned underneath the floor of the house. The system works through conduction, by which heat is transferred from the floors to objects touching them, and radiation, which involves infrared waves that are absorbed by other objects in the room. “With radiation, infrared waves are absorbed by everything in the room, such as the chairs or couches. It provides a high degree of comfort,” said Kleman. Once the water in the tubing is heated, it takes very little energy to stay warm. Kleman compares this method of saving energy to boiling water or even pushing a swing. Although it takes a little while to get the water boiling or the swing moving, it is very easy to keep the water warm or the swing going once they’ve been “warmed up.” “This saves a lot of money in the winter, which would otherwise be spent on other forms of energy,” said Kleman. The floor heating systems can keep the house warm until the temperatures fall below 33˚ or 34˚. For colder temperatures, Kleman relies on cast iron radiators. Although they are much older than the heating systems used in many houses today, Kleman suggests they do a more thorough job of heating the house. The radiators are positioned in the coldest areas of the house, usually under the windows. The radiators warm the air and are able to evenly heat a room. Of course, not everyone can install a floor heating system or set a radiator under every window immediately. In the meantime, there are some other ways to maintain warmth in a home. For example, make sure all cracks around doors and windows are sealed can prevent cold air from entering the house. Try turning the thermostat down a little at night or while away from the house for a longer period of time. This can help reduce heating costs. Using the sunlight can also be a helpful tool. Keep the shades open during the day to absorb the warmth of the sun, but keep them closed at night to conserve heat. Whether using larger appliances or these easy tips, a little effort can save a lot of money.





Loushin rises to the top of nation’s jazz trombonists Cathryn Cooper Staff Writer

and one for the bass trombone. By January the results were in and Loushin had been picked out of thousands of high school students from all over America to be a part of Many musicians believe that making music is a way to get together with the honor jazz band. people you know, or even don’t know, and have a good time. That’s what When Loushin first found out that he was accepted, it was hard for Cameron Loushin, ’10, enjoys about playing the trombone. him to believe. When he was in the fifth grade there was an instrument introduction at “I was very surprised. I had to take a night and sleep on it, and then his school. in the morning make sure the e-mail was still there,” said Loushin. “No one went to the trombone area, I guess I wanted to be different,” Loushin enjoys looking back to his freshman year and thinking said Loushin. about all of his accomplishments since then. Since that day he has played the trombone. Loushin later picked up “Thanks to James Miller and Steve Shanley, Washington band directhe bass trombone as well. He believes that this was a wise decision because tors, always pushing me to do better, I am now the best high school he has now been accepted into the Jazz Band of America. musician I can be. I’m quite happy with that,” said Loushin. While audition processes can often be nerve-wracking and stressful, On Mar. 5, 2010, Loushin and the other sixteen musicians of the Loushin found this one rather enjoyable. In September, he made a DVD 2010 Jazz Band of America will perform at Clowes Memorial Hall at recording of himself playing three songs: one required song, a solo song Butler University in Indianapolis, IN. Loushin is looking forward to having a good time with other talented musicians.

Washington grads just couldn’t get enough Many of Washington’s current teachers once sat in the desks we do now, as students themselves. Surveyor staff writers, Natalie Neppl and Lily Gasway, sat down with some of Wash’s teachers to discuss their experiences here, both as students and instructors.

Chris Cruise

Akwi Nji-Dawson

Tracy Stranathan

Class of ’89

Class of ’96

Class of ’00

Why did you choose to come back and teach at Wash? Washington was a place that gave so much to me as a student, athlete and person. I hope that in some small way I can repay the debt as a teacher and coach.

When did you start teaching at Wash? 2001

What is the biggest difference at Wash now as compared to when you attended? There are ten times the number of AP classes now.

What do you wish you had back then that you have now? I think one of the biggest advantages is the “improvement” in the diversity of the AP program. I think those classes are so good for students because they are excellent preparation for college, in terms of the workload and the commitment to academic excellence. I think it is great preparation for college and beyond.

How was your experience as a student? Wash was the first place I really ever felt comfortable due to the welcoming environment and the support Dr. Plagman always provided. I had a very positive high school experience. What activities were you involved in? Literary Press, Yearbook, Cultural Diversity, track and swimming.

What was your favorite class? AP US History, Humanities and AP Chem, even though they weren’t my best subjects.

How is Wash the same? Different? Wash is still a place of inclusion, and is totally open to self-expression. It is still so successful, which has a lot to do with all of Dr. Plagman’s hard work. It is different in the push for AP classes. The enrollment in advanced classes is much higher now.

What is your fondest memory from your days at Wash? Probably the friendships that I made through the swim team and in the classes. I really enjoyed the entire experience here at WHS.

Do you feel kids are having the same positive experience you had as a student? Yes, this school provides so many opportunities. The only way it would possibly be different is the stress being added by society.

Sarah Colony

Class of ’01

When did you start teaching at Wash? 2009 What activities were you involved in? Swimming, cross country, wrestling When did you attend Wash? I was in cheerleader, student senate, four years the class of 2000. of French and Debate. What was your favorite class? Either Are there any teachers that were here Humanities with Witte or Pre-Calc when you were a student that are still with DR. Not so much the class, but here? Yes, I can remember Mr. Schlicht the teachers. and his overwhelming cat dissections. Who was your favorite teacher? Scher- How is Wash the same? Different? rman. Well he wasn’t my teacher, he Clubs, and of course Dr. Plagman was the attendance facilitator and I was running the school smoothly is nothhis T.A. for three years. It was the best ing new. The biggest difference I have job, especially when Scherrman left me noticed being a teacher is the advance “in charge”. in technology. When I was a student, iPods and cell phones were much less of What was your favorite part of school a distraction. then and what is your favorite part of school now? Lunch. Do you feel kids are having the same positive experience you had as a How have school lunches changed? I student? Washington is definitely not don’t know much about lunch at Wash. lacking in providing the same experiWhen I was a student I spent most ence, but the economy and flood are lunches at Little Caesar’s, Dairy Queen, adding much more stress on students. Hardee’s or at home. Now I bring my lunch and eat in the math office. One thing that hasn’t changed is that the lunchroom is a crazy place.




Cameron brings new world to life with “Avatar” Mackenzie Hepker Staff Writer

greed will lead to downfall, the destructive nature of man versus the purity of the soul and Andrew Jackson was an asshole. These are the obvious themes intertwined with the plot of the film, but some viewers Ah, the endless quest: life on other planets, genetihave noticed other subtle implications, such as racism. cally modified human beings, hot foreign chicks and “The white man saves the indigenous people,” cosmic enlightenment. Combine all these notions into Christiansen said. “I mean, it’s clearly just Pocahontas something seemingly tangible and you have “Avatar”, all over again.” the sci-fi action romance directed by James Cameron Like in Pocahontas, the indigenous are regarded as that has effectively captivated the nation since its savages by those attempting to conquer their sacred bank-blowing release last December. land and take their resources. The natives, though Aside from man’s insatiable curiosity, there are clearly quite civilized, cannot defend themselves many reasons why “Avatar” may be so tremendously against the oh-so-powerful invaders and it takes the popular (in a record-breaking 17 days after its release, change of heart of it broke $1 billion at the one such assailant to box office). What first single-handedly lead drew Tyler Knierim, ’10, the helpless people to Directed by: James Cameron to the film was, naturally, victory. Fight back? “frickin’ like, aliens,” but So simple! Why didn’t Starring: Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, he also appreciated its deep they think of that? underlying messages. Sigourney Weaver Some conservative “It dealt with environcritics also find the mental issues and how humovie’s portrayal of mans pretty much destroy the military to be uneverything,” he said. American. Katherine Christiansen, “There’s a part of ’11, agreed. the movie where these “It was a cool movie,” former marines die, she said. “It held mostly and the audience is true. That’s exactly what would happen if we found actually cheering this moment,” a critic told Fox News [life on] another planet.” Mobile, “That’s kind of effed up.” Just like upcoming video games that promise stateAnother says, “This movie doesn’t really serve any of-the art graphics so real that the player feels like a part of the game, “Avatar” definitely drew in the crowd other purpose than to discredit the United States military, and of course the free-enterprise system.” boasting 60% CGI and motion-capture technology Overall, however, the general audiences’ percepthat made the blue indigenous planet of Pandora look tion of the “Avatar” is peaceful, thought-provoking strikingly valid. Super-saturated colors and realistic and entertaining, which is why it continues to draw 3-D viewing of the stunning and creative Pandorian in the masses and remains on top at the box office a landscapes enthralled the senses. month after its release. There’s no question that the “It was something new,” said Evan Tarkington, film’s mind-blowing graphics define the technological ’10. “I’ve never seen a movie like it before in my life. I progress of the decade. Despite (or perhaps thanks to) loved the colors.” its controversial themes, “Avatar’s” aftermath is going Aside from surface allure, “Avatar” encompasses to leave behind very big shoes for James Cameron or many ideas and messages into its storyline: life and any other effects-based movie director to fill. nature are greater than money and industrial progress,


Though the new sci-fi blockbuster, “Avatar”, has generated controversy among critics since its initial release, its viewers’ consistent high praises prove it a must see.

photos courtesy of imdb.com

LOL @ these gr8 internet cOmediEs XD

Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog

The Guild

This musical tragicomedy tells the story of, Dr. Horrible, a suprisingly vunerable aspiring supervillan and his plot to take over the world. When Captain Hammer, Dr. Horrible’s arch nemesis, goes after Penny, a sweet and endearing social activist (and the love of the doctor’s life), chaos ensues. roleplay.com


Dorm Life

Overkill: A Love Story

This mockumentary web series, created by former UCLA students, follows the fictional lives of a dorm hall called 5 South. Everything from the hall members’ web-cam recorded confessions to the hilarious interactions between them will keep you coming back for more.

Upcoming Events


-In a quirky comedy starring Steve Buscemi and Sarah Silverman, a compulsive gambler attempts to cure his addiction by moving from Las Vegas to Albuquerque. IndieVest Picture’s latest production, “Saint John of Las Vegas”, is released in theaters on Jan. 29. -On Feb. 12, musician and humorist, Vance Gilbert performs at CSPS (8 p.m.). “With the voice of an angel, the wit of a devil and the guitar playing of a god, it was enough to earn him that rarity: an encore for an opener,” wrote the Fort Worth Star-Telegram in its review of a show from his first tour in 1994.

“The Guild” is an award-winning web comic about an online guild, “The Knights of Good”, and the hilarious drama that comes with their intense dedication to internet gaming. Awkward inter-guild dating and the emotional confessions of, Codex, the group’s moral leader, will leave you rolling on the floor with laughter.


When the awkward, innocent and astonishingly average, Henry, is wrongly accused of commiting the crimes of “The Overkiller” (the most excessive and brutal mass murderer history has ever known), it seems as if there is no hope left. But will a beautiful retailer’s love for him alter the course of his dreary fate?

-Washington’s top jazz band, The Revolutionists, will perform at the Tall Corn Jazz Festival at the University of Northern Iowa on Feb. 19. The Revs won the festival in 2009 and are excited to reclaim their top position among 4A bands. -Multi-instrumentalist singer-songwriter, St. Vincent, performs at the Blue Moose in Iowa City on Feb. 16. Before starting her solo career, St. Vincent (Annie Erin Clark) opened for popular indie acts including Arcade Fire, Grizzly Bear, The National and Death Cab for Cutie.





The Laramie Project: “Live and let live” doesn’t cut it Lana Godlewski A&E Editor This winter, the infamous anti-homosexual Westboro Baptist Church announced their intent to protest Theater Cedar Rapids’ opening night of “The Laramie Project”. Twelve years prior, the WBC’s founder, Fred Phelps, orchestrated a picket at the funeral of Matthew Shepard, a 21-year-old college student who was brutally beaten and left to die as a result of a gay hate crime. Phelps and his church have followed in suit of this malevolence since then, organizing numerous protests in opposition of the play that tells the story of Shepard’s murder: a play that challenges the basest beliefs of WBC (…“God hates fags.”), a play that shines a new light on the sector of humanity for which they swear damnation is in store… a play they’ve never seen. “The Laramie Project” was born of a journalistic profile on the citizens of Matthew Shepard’s hometown, Laramie, Wyoming, conducted shortly after his death. When the project was adapted into a play, its script took on the form of an examination of the environment that bred enough hate to inspire the brutal act to which Shepard fell victim. Through a series of interviews and journal entries, the production reveals a hesitant and withdrawn attitude towards the event on the part of the Laramie community. More so than a desire to delve into their feelings concerning the loss of a neighbor, the people of Laramie exhibited a persistent ardor to defend their town, almost as if to express that Matthew’s murder was just a fluke; their home was not a place in which such

a display of hatred could ever take place. As for the “gay issue”… I don’t give a damn one way or another as long as they don’t bother me. And if even if they did, I’d just say “No, thank you.” That‘s the attitude of most of the Laramie population. …They might poke one in a bar situation, you know. If they had been drinking, they might smack one in the mouth…but then they’d just walk away. Laramie is live-and-let-live. “Live and let live” is a philosophy that “The Laramie Project” addresses in full. The majority of Laramie citizens in the play agreed that, while it was socially unacceptable to openly abuse homosexuals, it was preferable that they conduct their personal affairs below the radar. Furthermore, if an offense did occur, it was kept under wraps or even blamed for a breach of what seemed to be unwritten contract: “If you don’t expose your lifestyle, I won’t exploit it.” This attitude was prevalent to the extent that it tended to be accepted by even the gay community itself. An openly lesbian professor at the University of Wyoming, for example, was considered dangerous by most homosexual women in Laramie, many of which were afraid to be seen with her. One townsman spoke out against this attitude, expressing that the gay population needed to expose their interior lives in order to progress. That is such crap. Basically, what it boils down to… if I don’t tell you I’m a fag, you won’t beat the crap out of me. What’s so great about that? That’s a great philosophy? Obviously, Laramie, Wyoming isn’t the only place in which the issue of gay equality has been largely avoided. Distance from “the other” as a defense mechanism is part of human nature. Even in the halls of Washington

THE PTA WOULD LIKE TO CONGRATULATE THE ACADEMIC CERTIFICATE WINNERS Phoebe Adolphson Mariah Althoff Jennifer Anderson Devaughn Ayers Christopher Barber Jackson Bartelme Emily Bartels Matthew Bartels Madeline Becker Isaac Behrens Kathryn Bell Alexandra Bergman Cassandra Bertch Alexandra Bissell Alec Bjornsen Catherine Blades Alexandra Blanchard Anne Brenneman Erin Briggie Katherine Briggie Trenton Buchanan Stephanie Buckley Susan Buckley Filipe Camarotti Brenna Canfield Blake Carrera Emma Caster Tracey Cook Jeremy Corbett Joseph Decious Saxon Dolan Kylie Drahn Tyler Eckhardt Shayma Elsheikh Julia Emery Maxwell Ernst Brittany Ficken Joseph Gallet Joel Gasway Jessica Giese Lana Godlewski Lee Goodlove

Stephen Gray John Gregory Daniel Griffin Alexis Guess Chase Gustin Mackenzie Hartman Kestrel Henry Mackenzie Hepker Tayler Hines Lauren Hoth Tyler Hubler Alyssa Isaac Molly James Abigail Johnson Bradley Johnson Krista Johnson Sharon Kann Lauren Kelley Joey Kennally Sophie Klingenberger Jack Kohn Zachary Kramer Emily Kratovil Madeline Lederer Chase Lehrman Kenzy Lewis Gabrielle Lisinski Mathilda Loeffelholz Cameron Loushin Emily Lower Lauren Maninen Elizabeth Matus Morgan McVay Kennon Meyer Spencer Micka Erika Narhi-Martinez Maggie Norman Marci Novak Sadie Nunemaker Connor O’Neil Greta Oldach

Eric Owens Rachel Owens Zachary Pilcher Trevor Polk Samantha Puk Bailey Sande Christina Scharmer Mary Kate Schmitt Maggie Schneidermann Matthew Schrafel Dylan Schulte Sam Seyfer John (Jack) Shey Christine Smith Skylar Smith Jonathan Snell Jeffrey St Clair Rachel Stolba Evan Tarkington Caitlin Thirnbeck Caroline Thome Spencer Thornton Emily Vander Zee Abby Varn Keile Wahle Victoria Walling Nicole Waters Maria Welch Margaret Wenndt Tiffany Westrom Hannah Wheeler Molly Wickham Daniel Williams Jackson Williams Mallory Williams Jessica Wohlers Matthew Worley Banning Young Meg Zmolek

High School, students can be heard pejoratively using the terms “faggot” or “dyke” and, in most cases, these sorts of comments are ignored or passed off as harmless. However, if students want their gay classmates to feel accepted at their school, they need to speak out against such language and other forms of violence towards homosexuals. As former Wash language arts teacher and the director of TCR’s production of “The Laramie Project”, Jason Alberty, pointed out in his note to the audience, most people who protest the play have probably never seen it. It is this kind of remove that becomes a community’s biggest hindrance in raising its consciousness towards and informed view of social equality. Showings of “The Laramie Project” in Wyoming inspired grassroots efforts to combat homophobia. Largely due to the awareness the play promoted, over 500 books and other media were donated to the University of Wyoming’s Rainbow Resource Center. Today, the university houses one of the largest GLBT libraries in the country. With resources like this in place, it may be possible to raise awareness and decrease the disconnect from situations like that of Matthew’s. We have to mourn this and we have to be sad, but we live in a town… a state, a country where shit like this happens. People are trying to distance themselves from this crime… and we need to own this crime, I feel. Everybody needs to own it. As individuals, we need to take responsibilty for all members of our society. If we ever want the gay community or any other unjustly repudiated group to become socially accepted, to “live and let live” will not be enough.

“The Soundtrack to My Life” In December, Andrew Watkins, ‘13, wowed Washington High School at the WLP poetry slam with his mindblowing guitar skills.Today,The Surveyor reveals the musician behind the scenes... This is the soundtrack to Andrew Watkins’ life. Joey Mescher Staff Writer What is your favorite song to start the day off with? “Crescendolls” by Daft Punk. It’s just great for waking up to. You feel more energized after you listen to it. What is a great song to relax and do homework to? Anything by Pavement, they’re the first indie rock band. It’s pretty chill and calm and it doesn’t distract you from your work. What song gets you pumped up? I can’t remember the name, but it’s a song from the band Death From Above 1979. I like it because it’s loud and has a fast tempo. What is the best song to hear while in the car? “Summer Haze” by Shapeshifter. It’s got a lot of different instruments playing at once, and it’s like driving with no destination when you listen to it. What is the most recent song you’ve listened to? “F**k Tha Police” by NWA. It’s got a really nice beat, and it’s just kind of fun to listen to. What is the song that would play at the end of your day to wrap everything up? Probably “Fin” by Pavement because it’s just a great song, and it has an amazing outro. What is your current favorite song? “Stand By, Sir” by Signal Hill. It’s really chill, with a nice vibe, and there’s a lot of cool riffs going on in the background. What do you like to fall asleep to? I like listening to piano pieces while I fall asleep if they’re mellow because I enjoy the soothing sound, and I like how delicate the piano can make a song sound. What is the perfect song to listen to on a date? “Stunning Clarity” by Signal Hill. It’s somewhat emotional and if it’s playing in the background, you feel happy and somewhat carefree. What is your favorite song to dance to? “Collar Bone” by Fujiya & Miyagi. This band always has a really good bass line and beat. Also, the singer has this great ability to make beats and cool noises with his body and mouth. What song do you listen to to get your spirits up? Basically anything by Daft Punk. Some of their songs are sad, but most of them are happy, feel-good songs, which always make me feel a little happier when I hear them. What would the “theme song” to your life be? Probably “Grounded” by Pavement. It’s a good song that has just the right balance of happiness and sadness with the music and lyrics that seems to sum up my life.

photo by Sky Smith



Iowans go bowling Iowa and ISU end football seasons with bowl victories Joe Eken Staff Writer It is customary for birds to fly south during the winter to escape the colder temperatures, but this year the feathered flocks were followed by throngs of Iowa college football fans. Supporters of both Iowa and Iowa State flew to Florida and Arizona by the thousands to cheer on their teams as they participated in the bowl mania that annually sweeps through the nation during the holidays. For Hawk fans, the season had been a roller coaster ride of last second victories and heartbreaking losses, all of which culminated in 10 wins and a berth in the Orange Bowl against the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets. The key match up between the two teams pitted Iowa’s stingy defense ranked tenth in the country - against the vaunted triple option attack of Georgia Tech. Iowa’s defense dominated the contest from the start. The Hawks jumped out to a 14-0

first half lead before the Yellow Jackets ran an interception back for a touchdown to keep the game close at 14-7. Tech managed to get within three early in the fourth quarter, but a late 32 yard touchdown run by Brandon Wegher sealed a 24-14 victory for the Hawkeyes. Iowa held Georgia Tech to 155 yards of total offense capping off an 11-2 season and finishing ranked seventh in the polls. The Iowa State Cyclones had a memorable season as well. Under first year coach Paul Rhoads, the Cyclones battled through their schedule to come out 6-6 and earn a place in the Insight Bowl against Minnesota. After a slow start, the Cyclones responded to a Golden Gopher field goal with two touchdowns, the second coming on a 38 yard pass just before the half. Minnesota came back in the second half, cutting the deficit to 14-13 before a late fumble recovery by Iowa State secured a victory. The jubilant sea of Cyclone faithfuls cheered on their first bowl victory since the 2004 Independence Bowl, and Iowa State ended the season at 7-6, a huge turnaround from last season’s 2-10 run. For both Iowa teams the college football season ended in success, and the fans received a little extra present during the holidays.

Warrior Spotlight: Tasha Roundtree 1. How long have you been playing basketball? I started playing basketball in third grade. 2. What is your favorite thing about playing for Wash? How hard my teammates work. 3. How do you prepare for a big game? I listen to music. 4. What do you like to eat before a game? I like to eat Subway. 5. Who is your favorite professional sports team? The Chicago Bulls. 6. Who is your favorite college sports team? The Kansas Jayhawks. 7. What is your favorite pump-up song? “I Get it In.” 8. Who is your favorite professional athlete? Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls. 9.What is your favorite sports movie? “Coach Carter.” 10. Do you play any other sports? I play basketball

Tashsa Roundtree ‘12

Photo courtesy of: sportretort.files.wordpress.com

Iowa running back Brandon Wegher secures a victory for Iowa with a 32-yard touchdown pass from Ricky Stanzi.


Photo courtesy of: rivals.yahoo.com

Iowa State running back Alexander Robinson maneuvers his way through Minnesota defenders.

Warrior basketball in full swing Ian Fisher Staff Writer The Warrior women’s basketball team started off the new year with three straight victories against Dubuque Wahlert, Iowa City High, and Dubuque Hempstead, averaging a victory margin of 18 points. On Jan. 15, the team suffered a tough loss to top-ranked Kennedy, moving their record to 8-4. After dealing with various complications such as injury and infractions, the men’s team now has a more solid line-up and is looking to improve their record. Josh Ogelsby, ’11, is making an impact, averaging 19 point per game. After going 1-1 against two Dubuque teams at the start of January, the men posted a huge victory over cross-town rival Kennedy, winning 43-42. The women will play their first regional game on Feb. 17. State begins Mar. 3. The men’s first substate game is Feb. 22, with state beginning Mar. 10. Photo by Lauren Hoth “We hope to go to state this year,” said player Ryan Cain, ‘12, dribbles to the hoop Ashley Piper, ’11, adding they will face tough in the Warrior men’s victory against competition from in-town rivals Kennedy and Kennedy on Jan. 15. Linn-Mar.

Swimmers stroke to the season’s end

Women’s Basketball

Jill Broghammer Staff Writer

recreationally. 11. Does the Washington basketball team have any traditions? We clap before practice ends. 12. What are your hopes for this season? That we will win at least one big game. 13. How do you keep from getting nervous before a game? I talk a lot with my team. 14. What has been your hardest practice ever? When we came back from break. 15. What is your favorite practice drill? Three-on-two.

The month of January is a tough month for the men’s swim team. The athletes are coming out of a notoriously challenging two weeks of Christmas break training. Nonetheless, the men won their first home dual meet against Dubuque Senior, placed first at their home junior varsity swim meet, and placed second at the Jim Voss Invite. “This time of year is always Photo by Lauren Hoth tough for the men’s swim team Swimmer Josh Kehoe, ’11, makes his way across the lane at since they have been training a recent Warrior men’s swimming practice. really hard and are coming out of Christmas break and pool. The Warrior men’s swim team also hopes back into school,” said Megan to put their twenty-eighth state title on the Smith, the assistant men’s coach. Washington pool wall later this season. Returning varsity team member Banning “I’m really looking forward to the end of the Young, ’10, hopes that the team will continue season this year. I think we have a strong team the Warrior winning streak at Districts this year, this year and Coach [Chris Cruise] always pulls securing their 47th consecutive victory. The through for us with taper when we need to race,” Warriors will be put to the test on Feb. 6, when said Young. they host the district meet in the Washington





History’s Greatest Sports Moments (...according to your teachers) Ian Fischer Staff Writer

Rick Williams watched the all-black team from University of Texas at El Paso (then Texas Western College) beat the all-white squad from the University of Kentucky in the 1966 NCAA Championship game. Not realizing the The turn of the decade provides a moment to reflect significance of the game as a child, Williams recalls on on the past. The most amazing sports moments often how the gates were opened for African Americans by the range from displays of amazing talent to those with historic ramifications. Five Washington faculty members Texas Western victory. At the time, Williams was heavily involved in baseball, but the victory inspired him to play offer their favorite sports moment of all time. college basketball. The historic game is portrayed in the The year was 1973, and Bill Walton was a force to be popular Disney movie Glory Road. reckoned. It was the men’s college basketball national Three seconds were left on the score board; the game title game, John Wooden’s UCLA versus Memphis State. was down to the wire, on a cold, rainy, October day. Bill Walton had forty-four points, going twenty-one for Brenda Carter had been there since six o’clock in the twenty-two, as chemistry teacher Gary Rieck sat and morning tailgating for a two o’clock game. The Unigazed in awe. versity of Iowa football team’s record was 5-0 and they “That guy [Walton] could simply not miss,” said were ranked number one in the nation in 1985. Iowa Rieck. UCLA won the game 87-66 and added another was losing 10-9 to a number two ranked University of championship to their previous 1972 title. Michigan, as Iowa’s Rob Houghtlin started his approach Rieck wishes for a copy of that game just to marvel to the twenty-six yard field goal. over it because, “everything after that game [in college “Before the kick, you could hear a pen drop in the basketball] has gone downhill.” stadium,” said Carter. As a young middle-school student, associate principal The ball soared through the uprights and the stadium erupted. Battling sickness in game five of the 1998 NBA finals, Michael Jordan from the Chicago Bulls “almost rolled Utah for 40 points”. “Michael Jordan revolutionized the game because he outthought the other players,” said American History teacher, Eric Thompson. This moment is special because Jordan, a sick, thirty-five year old (which is vintage in the NBA), was “kicking the crap out of ” Utah, according to Thompson. “What young people have in youth and vitality, older people have in wisdom and experience,” said Thompson. The Bulls ended up losing Game 5 by two points, but won the title in Game 6 with Jordan’s famous last second Graphic by Alexandra Bergman jump shot that put the Bulls ahead by one.

Wrestlers persist amidst unusual season Joe Eken Staff Writer Wrestling is one of the oldest sports known to mankind, and the Washington wrestling team is happy to carry on this tradition. The 2009-2010 varsity squad is about halfway through the season and has posted a 2-1 record in the Mississippi Valley Conference and a 3-6 record in dual meets. “Others kind of had low expectations for us coming into the season with the loss of Brandon Burrell, but a lot of guys have stepped up for us,” said Zachary Pilcher, ’10. Burrell, who placed first in the heavyweight division at state last year, graduated in

2009. The team has certainly experienced some ups and downs. The wrestlers recently picked up a huge win against Xavier. Two days before their victory, they had lost to the same Saints team, going winless in all their matches. This joy was dampened with the news of undefeated senior Will Hart stepping down from the team. “We keep practicing hard every day, and try to talk to him about it. He’s our best wrestler and we know he’s a hard worker,” said Pilcher. Whatever the case, the team will press on and continue to battle through the rest of the season.

A different sort of preparation Abby Varn Staff Writer

Warrior soccer players are getting a head start to their season by participating in an indoor soccer league. The players hope to brush up on skills and build deeper team bonds. “Playing through the winter helps us stay focused on soccer and get to know each other even better, so by the time outdoor season comes we feel more prepared,” said Tayler Hines, ’10. Indoor soccer proves different than outdoor in a few ways. The Warrior women who participate don’t have regular practice together. -Tayler Hines, ’10 They meet to play

“Playing through the winter helps us stay focused on soccer and get to know each other even better.”

games at the Sportzone in Hiawatha. “Wash indoor soccer is really laid back. We don’t practice,” said Morgan Bjornson, ’11. The league is broken up into two sections. The first has ended, and the second began Jan. 16. It will run through early March. The girls will then pick up with their outdoor season. In addition to a lack of regular practices, there are other differences between an indoor and outdoor soccer game. “It’s a lot different than outdoor. There are only six players on the field, constant movement, unlimited subbing and you can sub at any time. There’s no offside rule, and the keeper cannot punt ball, just to name a few differences,” said Tori Carson, ’12. Aside from keeping a focus on playing and gaining extra practice, the indoor season allows the players to stay physically fit, making the transition to outdoor season much easier. “I play indoor soccer because its fun and good excercise during the winter,” says Bjornsen. Whatever their motive, the girls are looking forward to the outdoor season and trust the extra work will pay off.

Math teacher Matt Miller focuses on the great feats accomplished by Tiger Woods prior to Woods’ recent disappointing behavior. In 1997, Tiger Woods “brought golf into the mainstream,” said Miller, by winning the Masters, the most prestigious professional golf tournament. After his victory, Woods broke from being a great amateur, to “fulfilling his destiny”. Ever since then, viewership of professional golf has nearly doubled when Woods competes in the tournament. “Almost every shot of Tiger’s you say, ‘I could not do that,’ except Jack Shey.”

More Notable Sports Moments in U.S. History 1936: Jesse Owens wins four gold medals at the 1936 Olympics. 1962: Wilt Chamberlain scores 100 points in a single basketball game. 1980: U.S. hockey team defeats the Soviet Union in the Winter Olympics. 1998: Mark McGwire breaks Sammy Sosa’s home-run record with 70 homers. 2008: Jason Lezak anchors the U.S. 4x100 meter freestyle relay to victory, securing Michael Phelps’ record-breaking gold medal count at the Summer Olympics.

Upcoming Warrior Athletic Events January 26

Men’s Swimming vs. Jefferson 6 P.M. at Jefferson Men’s Basketball vs. Dubuque Senior 6 P.M. at Washington Women’s Basketball vs. Dubuque Senior 6 P.M. at Dubuque Senior Wrestling vs. Cedar Falls 6:15 P.M. at Washington

January 28

Wrestling vs. Prairie 6:15 P.M. at Prairie

January 29

Bowling vs. Jefferson 3:45 P.M. at Lancer Lanes Men’s Basketball vs. Iowa City High 6 P.M. at Iowa City High Women’s Basketball vs. Iowa City High 6 P.M. at Washington

Sports Warrior Numbers 1

Margin of victory by the Washington men’s basketball team in their game against Kennedy. Junior Wes Washpun secured the 43-42 victory by swishing two free throws with 24 seconds left.


First-place finishes by Warrior swimmers in their meet against Kennedy on Jan. 19. The men won all their relays and all but two individual events, beating the Cougars 112-58.


Game and series score by Caroline Thome, ’10, in the Warrior’s bowling match against Dubuque Wahlert on Jan. 19.Thome’s score was 20 pins above her average from state in 2009, and she placed second overall.

Winter running club not for the weak-hearted Kitty McGurk Staff Writer The ground is icy, the air feels like nails hitting your skin and all you want to do is go curl up in a ball. This is when the Washington Winter Miles group heads out into the cold for a run. While the average teenager goes to their indoor extracurricular activities or just heads home to rest after a long day, these brave souls willingly face the belowzero wind chills. The club starts about a week break after cross country and ends once track season begins. These maniacal students are assisted by equally maniacal coaches. Lisa Nicol and Joe Taylor help with the girls, and Willis Harte helps with the boys. The club runs about three to five miles on most days after school, unless it’s icy or cold enough that running becomes dangerous. While they run, the athletes keep warm by layering up everywhere possible. Although the majority of these runners

want to stay in shape and prepare for the upcoming track season, some truly just enjoy running. For those going out for track in the spring, Winter Miles and cross country training can give them the edge on the competition. Not only are these deranged humans rewarded with freezing sweat dripping off their body at the end of practice, they also receive hot chocolate. While the reward of hot chocolate may help them dream of being warm, it can’t protect them from the dangers winter conditions bring. Even with ample coordination, running on slick ice is still a tricky task. “Umm, yes, I will admit to slipping on the ice a few times,� said Matt Wittman ’13. Many may think that it is simple to participate in a running club. However, if you intend to join, you must meet many qualifications. Firstly, you must be clinically insane. Secondly, you must own multiple pairs of wind breaking pants, in various colors, of course. And thirdly, you must enjoy the feeling of death.


At home on the ice A faithful figure skater finds time for her sport Jill Broghammer Staff Writer

Johnson has learned to balance her athletic and academic schedule by finishing her homework during free time at school or right away after school. This way she has more time for practice and some time to relax. Johnson has spent most of her life perfecting her ice skating and the time has paid off.

Nicole Johnson, ’11, has been shredding ice since she was six years old. Unlike other athletes at Washington, Johnson cannot participate through the school in her sport. She skates at the national level and spends most of her day ice skating or training in the gym. Johnson has spent the last 12 years waking up at 5:00 A.M. to go to practice for two-and-a-half hours of straight ice skating, followed by a full day of school. She does several different types of training including ice skating, lifting, stretching and running. “I ice skate six days a week while also going to the gym three times a week and attending dance two times a week,� said Johnson. Johnson has traveled around the country competing with other elite ice skaters. One highlight of her career so far has been beating a national competitor. “I was really proud of myself and really excited when I beat the girl who went to nationals this year. It was one of my most memorable and proudest moments in ice skating,� said Johnson.

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Runners in the Winter Miles club relish their last moments of warmth before heading into the freezing climate.


Photo courtesy of Nicole Johnson

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