Ed Begley, Jr.'s Guide to Sustainable Living

Page 9

Before you get too concerned about the money

without it. This infrared gun is a ­heat-­sensing camera, basically. It will tell you where your

you’ll spend with this audit, think of it as an in-

home is losing heat in the wintertime and

vestment, rather than a cost. If your electricity

where it’s letting in heat in the summer.

and gas bills combined come to more than $100

The prices for these services range from

each month, having a professional perform an

$100 or $200 for a basic audit to $1,500 or

energy audit will pay for itself in a very short

more, depending on the size of your house

time—maybe even within the first year. Remember all the benefits this audit will

and the size of your property. Naturally,

property and do a detailed evaluation. • They look at your overall carbon footprint. • And then they play “what if ” using sophisticated computer models, so they can tell how much of a difference

give you—beyond the financial. You may be

it will make in your house—on your

­quarter-­acre of land will cost a lot less than

able to improve your health and the health of

energy bills—if you make a particular

an audit of a 6,000-­square-­foot home on fifteen

your family by performing a green audit. If you


landscaped acres.

were able to reduce allergies and reduce other health issues, how much would that be worth to you? It’s invaluable, isn’t it?

price. And speaking of analysis, some compa-

They also bring in ­high-­tech equipment to detect leaks or to find places where the insu-

nies will give you your audit results and also

lation may have settled in your walls, if the

take the next step: analyzing what various

indicators point to that type of a problem, and

changes will cost and how much money you’ll

finally they provide a useful report to you.

Low Impact Living’s Approach

save as a result. This cost/benefit analysis is incredibly valuable, since it basically provides a road map for you to follow as you make the

The Questionnaire Before the people at Low Impact Living

types of changes that will help you conserve

So what do you get when you pay a green home

perform an audit, they have the homeowner

field, and different companies within this field

energy and water and make your home even

auditor to work for you? If you’ve been watching

fill out a questionnaire and provide his or her

do things differently. Some will mostly look at

more efficient.

my TV show, Living with Ed, you’ve seen Jason

utility bills. “The utility bills are really criti-

Performing green home audits is a pretty new

Pelletier and Jessica Jensen, the folks from Low

cal,” says Jason. “By looking at all the bills over

Impact Living, in action.When Low Impact Liv-

the course of a year, you can really understand

blower door testers—to figure out how well your

Finding a Company to Perform an Audit

ing performs an audit, the team members leave

what the drivers of energy or water use are.

home is sealed and insulated. Some will look at

It’s not difficult to find a company that per-

no part of your home unexamined:

Is it irrigation? Is it heating? Is it cooling? Is

your appliances and your lighting, both indoors

forms green audits or energy audits (you can

and out. Some will look at your water usage and

do a Google search).

your heating and cooling systems. Some will bring out some fancy equipment—duct testers,

your carbon footprint as a whole.

it lighting? • They look at energy and water and

Low Impact Living, which is based in the

utilities and recycling.

“So before we even go into somebody’s home, from the questionnaire we’ve done and look-

Los Angeles area, has associates all around

• They look at indoor air quality.

ing at the utility bills, we have some sense for

make sure these folks have, and that’s an

the country, and if you visit their website (see

• They look at your behavior and how it

where we need to really focus our time. That

infrared gun that can measure heat. If your

Resources, page 340), you can search for repu-

home auditor ­doesn’t have an infrared gun, tell

table, highly skilled individuals in the energy

them thanks, but the audit isn’t worth a penny

audit realm near you.

There’s one specific tool that you want to


• They go through your home and your

an audit of a 1,200-­square-­foot home on a

The extent of the analysis also affects the

Duct-­pressure testing can show if there are any leaky ducts in your home.

• They look over your utility bills.

affects the overall picture at your home. • They even look at your transportation habits.


being said, we don’t ignore any part of the home, but this information gives us a way to prioritize what we’re doing.”

the green home audit www.ClarksonPotter.com


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