Crowley ISD Instructional Leadership Guide

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CROWLEY ISD INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP GUIDE Providing our students with excellence in education so that all students achieve their full potential.

The Crowley ISD Instructional Leadership Guide is grounded in five essential questions: What is it we want our students to learn? A viable and aligned curriculum What will we do to ensure learning occurs? High-quality instruction How will we know if they learned it? Formative and summative assessments What will we do if they don’t? Rapid, responsive interventions What will we do if they already know it? Acceleration



TEKS AVID Workforce Standards College, Career and Military Readiness Advanced Placement Pre- AP Higher Ed. Coord. Board ELPS PD standards OnRamps Gifted and Talented


Curriculum Guides Scope and Sequence TEKS Resource Lead4ward Common Formative Assessments Balanced Literacy Framework Math Instructional Framework DMAC Bilingual Instructional Approach (Gomez & Gomez) Naviance IStation Dreambox CLI Engage for PK College Board UT OnRamps Texas Perf. Standards Technology Devices iReady


Stemscopes Math/Science resource kits Blackboard Reading A-Z Achieve3000 Comprehension Toolkit > Guided Reading Leveled Library Adopted textbooks/materials Khan Academy Florida Center for Reading Research District Endorsed Tier 1 Software

What is it we want our students to learn? CURRICULUM





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Common reading and writing processes

Students will use consistent reading and writing strategies across all disciplines.

LESSON DESIGN AND DELIVERY BACKWARDS DESIGN TEKS analysis and lesson planning to develop clear, measurable and rigorous learning targets

“TODAY” • Students can identify what they’re learning and why it is important • Clear goal for daily lesson

HIGH-YIELD INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Consistent use of a core set of research-based instructional strategies

LEARNER-CENTERED DATA MONITORING Student Data Tracking and Goal-Setting

Students know their strengths and weaknesses and can identify personal learning goals

TEACHERS - LESSON PLANNING What we want students to learn To ensure alignment to the scope & sequence utilize the TEKS Resource System: YAG, IFD, Pacing Calendar, Unit overview, TEKS Verification, Misconceptions, Academic Vocabulary and District Curriculum Guides, District frameworks

Embed WICOR standards into weekly planning, consider CTE connections, modifications/accommodations and use of technology

Attend weekly PLC meetings and plan collaboratively using the backward design process. Incorporate district tools and resources when appropriate.

Utilize the Crowley ISD lesson plan template, submit lesson plans weekly and post near entry

“Autonomy in lesson planning for all teachers only guarantees one thing: that some teachers will have the “freedom” to fail to plan effectively.”

“Every day teachers make choices about what students learn and how they learn it. Good instructional leadership is about making these choices explicit, and making teachers choose intentionally.�

Understand the backward design process and ensure teachers are utilizing the TEKS Resource System, District Curriculum Guides and district tools and resources to plan effective lessons

Ensure teachers have adequate resources to develop high quality lessons and that collaborative planning in PLCs occurs

Attend PLC meetings and provide feedback on the lesson planning process and implementation

CAMPUS ADMINISTRATORS - LESSON PLANNING What we want students to learn


Review all instructional materials for rigor and relevance

Create teacher teams to review and revise Pacing Calendars, Pacing Guides and Curriculum Guides

Create instructional frameworks for literacy and math

Provide training on the Crowley lesson design process and the lesson design template

“Planning works when it starts from assessment, not from standards. That is the roadmap to rigor.�

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Reaching Students in Poverty AVID Restorative Discipline PLCs Backwards Design Brain Based Strategies LLI Literacy and Math Frameworks Classroom Management Student Management System Vertical Alignment Team Meetings Horizontal Alignment Team Meetings Technology Integration Out of District Conferences Regional XI Campus Based PD Virtual PD

TEACHER INTERVENTION AND SUPPORT Video reflections | Coaching | Growth Plans Scripted Lessons | New Teacher Meetings Tiering to identify support | Demo teachers Newbie Network | Modeling | Classroom visits Co-teaching

OBSERVATION, MONITORING AND FEEDBACK Collaborative Learning Walks | Daily Walkthroughs Weekly Coaching | Data Reflection Process Campus Performance Reviews | Learner-centered data tracking

COLLABORATIVE PLANNING Grade Level Campus-based PLC Meetings District-wide PLCs | Long Range Planning Sessions Data Reflection Meetings | Team Meetings Instructional Planning Meetings | Content Planning Meetings

What will we do to ensure learning occurs? INSTRUCTION

TEACHERS - INSTRUCTION Ensure students learn • Follow the Crowley ISD Instructional frameworks for All Core Content Areas • Follow the Common Instructional Framework for Advanced Academics • Attend and participate in campus and district PLC meetings weekly • Complete all requirements of coaching plans and/or growth plans • Attend Professional Development to increase teacher capacity • Implement strategies shared in PD offerings • Implement effective classroom management strategies • Implement learner-centered data tracking

“Great leaders maintain strong staff cultures by remaining continually on the lookout for warning signs. They look for signs of stress before those signs become larger problems.”

“It’s not the decision you make that matters, but how you message your response.”

Professional Development

Teacher Intervention and Support

Observation, Monitoring and Feedback

Collaborative Planning

Attend and participate in Principal PLCs

Identify teachers to model effective lessons

Review lesson plans weekly and provide feedback

Attend PLC meetings and actively participate

Participate in article reviews and book studies

Recommend individualized PD to central staff for teachers in need of support

Each administrator conduct 15 walkthroughs (3-5 min) per week with feedback

Develop agenda for PLC meetings with Campus Leadership Team

Develop growth plans for teachers in need of support

Complete teacher observations according to the district observation calendar

Develop campus goal trees

Be prepared and participate in Campus Performance Reviews

Develop campus improvement plans

Monitor learner-centered data tracking


DISTRICT ADMINISTRATORS - INSTRUCTION Ensure students learn • Attend and participate in Principal PLCs • Lead and participate in article reviews and book studies • Review walkthrough data and provide feedback • Maintain video library of model lessons • Provide support to new teachers • Monitor PLC meetings • Complete PLC monitoring protocol for each PLC attended • Conduct classroom walkthroughs • Provide instructional content support • Review and provide feedback on campus goal trees and CIPs

“Set the vision. Get the right people on the bus. Put a stake in the ground. Keep your ear to the rail. Lather, rinse, repeat.”

Unit Assessments


Performance Based Assessments



End of Course

Advanced Placement


Exit Tickets



Benchmarks Common Formative Assessments

BAS iReady LLI DreamBox

Weekly Check-ups Industry-Based Certifications

“Building a strong, data-driven foundation is one of the “super-levers” for schools seeking dramatic transformation.”

How will we know if they learn it? ASSESSMENTS

TEACHERS - ASSESSMENTS How will we know they learn it? • Administer universal screeners according to the district assessment calendar • Administer diagnostic assessments according to the district assessment calendar • Participate in the creation of campus benchmarks and common, formative assessments (CFAs) • Administer campus benchmarks and CFAs according to the district assessment calendar • Complete the Data Reflection Guide for each CFA • Complete the Teacher Action Plan for each benchmark • Progress monitor targeted skills and display via assessment walls • Display data on classroom assessment wall

“Assessments: Define the roadmap for rigor.”

“Analysis: Determine where students are struggling and why. Action: Implement new teaching plans to respond to this analysis.”

• Monitor the administration of all campus assessments • Meet with teachers to discuss the data reflection guides and action plans • Meet with the Campus Leadership Team to review data • Complete the campus data reflection for each CFA • Develop campus action plans based on benchmark data • Develop an SSI Intervention plan when applicable • Maintain data walls with current CFA data • Recommend teachers to serve on the district assessment committee • Meet individually with central staff to discuss campus action plans

CAMPUS ADMINISTRATORS - ASSESSMENTS How will we know they learn it?

DISTRICT ADMINISTRATORS - ASSESSMENTS How will we know they learn it? • Formulate teacher teams to create CFAs • Monitor the administration of all district assessments • Review and provide feedback on campus action and intervention plans • Complete district data reflection for each CFA and benchmark • Create a district action plan based on CFA and benchmark data • Display data on district data walls

Systems: Create systems and procedures to ensure continual data-driven improvement.”


BAS/SEL Leveled Literacy Instruction iReady Learning A-Z iStation Soluciones


Dreambox Tutorials Specialized Classes (math labs, reading labs) Response to Intervention (RtI) campus support Achieve3000 Khan Academy Gateway Math (ESTAR/MSTAR) Saturday Bootcamps Summer Programs

“By receiving weekly observations and feedback, a teacher develops as much in one year as most teachers do in twenty.”

What will we do if they don’t learn it? INTERVENTIONS

TEACHERS - INTERVENTIONS What to do if they don’t learn it

Identify students who require intervention on the data reflection guide Develop an action plan for individual students and be knowledgeable of available district and campus intervention resources Participate in campus PLCs to identify areas of opportunities for grade levels, subjects and teachers Monitor individual student progress via classroom assessment wall Refer students to the campus RtI committee Monitor the effectiveness of interventions

“The primary purpose of observation should not be to judge the quality of teachers, but to find the most effective ways to coach them to improve student learning”

“Teachers are like tennis players: they develop most quickly when they receive frequent feedback and opportunities to practice”

Create time for interventions during and outside of the school day Submit campus action plan to central staff after each assessment

Monitor progress of students who are receiving interventions and request PD for interventions and/or areas of opportunities Ensure RtI meetings are occurring and following district protocol Ensure that parents are informed about intervention needs and student’s progress

CAMPUS ADMINISTRATORS - INTERVENTIONS What to do if they don’t learn it

DISTRICT ADMINISTRATORS - INTERVENTIONS What to do if they don’t learn it • Be knowledgeable of the areas of opportunities for campuses • Review campus action plans and provide feedback • Compile and maintain a list of district intervention resources • Monitor classroom instruction • Monitor usage of software intervention programs districtwide • Plan and provide PD for intervention • Develop, train and monitor the RtI process • Develop, coordinate and support summer learning experiences • Support extended learning opportunities (finances, resources, ideas) • Provide “watch lists” to administrators on students who may need intervention in achievement and/or social-emotional learning

“Action steps should be measurable, observable, bite-sized, data and goal driven.”

“Practicing and planning ahead go hand in hand: practice the skill and then adjust upcoming lessons.”

Advanced Placement

Pre-AP (Grade 6 and up)

Gifted and Talented Program (K-6)

UT OnRamps

Project Lead the Way

What will we do if they already know it? ACCELERATION

TEACHERS - ACCELERATION What to do if they already know it • Understand the characteristics of gifted learners • Identify students with gifted characteristics and recommend for placement • Attend required Professional Development (Maintain required GT hours, AP summer institute every other year, UT Austin) • Provide AP test preparation sessions for students • Follow the common instructional framework for Advanced Academics • Ensure 100% of students register for AP exams • Administer APQT assessments • Participate in external subject specific networks via College Board • Maintain a classroom culture based on a growth mindset and grit • Crowley ISD Advanced Academics Information

• Ensure GATE students are identified and receiving effective instruction • Ensure a College Board teacher is teaching Pre-AP/AP courses • Monitor formative assessment data • Monitor classrooms to ensure the Common Instructional Framework for Pre-AP/AP is being followed • Ensure AP teachers are following the College Board curriculum • Ensure UT OnRamps teachers are following the OnRamps curriculum • Monitor the number of students who are registered for AP exams • Ensure all students have access to PSAT and TSI • Monitor percentage of students taking the SAT and ACT • Disaggregate data from the PSAT, TSI, SAT, and ACT and use the date for instructional decision-making • Create and support a campus college going culture using AVID best practices • Allocate budget for AP teachers for TCU FAll Update and Spring Seminar • Monitor accessibility and equitable practices for all students for Advanced Academics courses • Ensure that at-risk and underserved populations have support of AVID for success in Advanced Academic courses

CAMPUS ADMINISTRATORS - ACCELERATION What to do if they already know it

DISTRICT ADMINISTRATORS - ACCELERATION What to do if they already know it

• Monitor and refine GATE program design and delivery • Provide financial support for AVID, UT OnRamps, TCC Dual Credit and AP College Board Professional Development • Provide student financial support for AP testing, CTE industry certification exams and dual credit scholarships • Provide professional development support for AP, UT OnRamps, Project Lead the Way and AVID • Monitor formative and summative data • Monitor campus action plans for advanced academics • Provide campus administrators with “watch lists” of students identifiedas G/T to ensure proper scheduling • Provide a district wide college night • Provide support with AVID implementation • Conduct program reviews for Advanced Academic programming • Monitor enrollment data to ensure equity and accessibility • Monitor qualitative data for program quality


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