2019 Crossover IMPACT Magazine

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Fall/Winter Edition

IMPACT Crossover Community Impact Magazine

Restoring Our Community

2019 Fall/Winter Edition



Volume 3, Number 5 2019 Fall/ Winter Edition

EDITOR Rondalyn Abode, Director of Development

ART/DESIGN Janice Connolly, MBA Director of Marketing & Design


My wife, Leah, and I were contemplating just this morning about how our boys’ friendships really reflect our life in the Hawthorne Neighborhood. Our boys are 14,11, and 9 respectively, so growing up in north Tulsa is all they have known. Their sports teams, after school programs, church, vacation bible schools, neighborhood friends, and now schools (at Crossover Prep and Hawthorne) have all been here in this community. When kids walk down our busy street or we walk into QuikTrip and my kids recognize and talk to them, it makes me wonder if they know every kid in north Tulsa! Moreover, it’s not a stretch to say that several of their friends have spent so much time with our family that my boys have gained so many additional brothers within our community. Psalm 133 says “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” My prayer is that this generation in north Tulsa dwells in much more unity than generations in the past. And that this unity doesn’t just stop here, but instead spreads across all of Tulsa. We are in desperate need of it. Our hope at Crossover is wholly in the “ministry of reconciliation” which God has given us through Christ. As you read the following articles, written by some of the amazing folks at Crossover, please join us in prayer and action that lead to establishing “peaceful” neighborhoods and a city that dwells in unity - and that God receives all the glory!

ABOUT US CROSSOVER is published two times a year: Winter and Summer. Crossover Community Impact 940 East 36th Street North Tulsa, OK 74106 (918) 856-5377 www.crossoverimpact.org info@crossoverimpact.org

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Grateful for you,

Justin Pickard Executive Director Crossover Community Impact

Crossover Prep Scholarship Prom

What’s Inside Features 4. Crossover Community Impact 6. Crossover Preparatory Academy


8. Crossover Kids Program

21 & Older Event

10. StreetLeader Program 12. Crossover Sports Association

April 18, 2020

14. Crossover Bible Church 16. Crossover Development Company

18. Crossover Health Services 20. Crossover Community Center 22. Crossover Community Impact -End of Year Campaign Cover Photo: CPA Student, Santana

Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 An Adult Prom complete with the crowning of the Prom King & Queen Visit www.crossoverprep.org for more details!

Guest Speaker, Best Selling Author, Dr. Michael Gurian

2019 Restoring Our Community Banquet

by Rondalyn Abode


ach year we have the opportunity to tell the community about the things God has done in and through Crossover Community Impact: the StreetLeader Program, the Crossover Kids Program, Crossover Health Services, Crossover Development Company, and last but not least Crossover Preparatory Academy! We call this event the “Annual Restoring Our Community” Banquet, and this year was no different. The banquet was at the Greenwood Cultural Center, and you could feel the immenseness of God’s love for our community. I think this is something we take for granted, but 2019 was truly a year to celebrate for Crossover where we were well aware of God’s grace towards us! Dr. Michael Gurian talked about the differences in the ways that male and female brains work. It was clear that the distinction was not about “right or wrong,” but instead, it was about acknowledging the differences. Crossover Prep Academy has gained the most from Dr. Gurian’s brain research, and it was because of his book, Saving Our Sons, that we added the element of “competition” to the school. This competition is so great that middle school boys are waking up early on Saturday mornings to work on math! They do not want to let their team down, and they want to advance as well because of this seemingly small change that is based on neurobiology!

2019 was truly a year to celebrate for Crossover Where we were well aware of God’s grace! -<Rondalyn ABode Our Executive Director, Justin Pickard, talked about the need to support the Crossover Kids STEAM-based After-School and Summer Enrichment Program at Hawthorne Elementary School and the closely related program, the StreetLeader Program, that hires high school students to mentor, counsel, and tutor the elementary-aged students. These programs are where we invest

Crossover Community Impact


Pictures above: 2019 Restoring Our Community Banquet the bulk of our fundraising energy in order to see these programs expand to help more students in north Tulsa develop academically. He also mentioned the great needs at Crossover Prep! The school currently has 120 6th-9th grade boys, and as a private school that does not charge tuition, we depend on the generosity of our partners to provide the resources needed to give our boys a high-quality education. The Crossover Scholarship Fund makes this task doable. Our state grants 75% tax credits to individuals and businesses that commit to give to the Crossover Scholarship Fund for two years. Justin also announced Crossover’s First Scholarship Prom! This will be a fun event to support Crossover Prep that will be highlighted by the crowning of the Scholarship Prom King and Queen. Because they believe in Crossover Prep’s mission, six candidates have agreed to compete to gain the most votes in support of our boys. Each vote raises $10 for our school, and each candidate has a goal to raise at least the amount of one scholarship ($6500). We have some great candidates, and we


Crossover Community Impact

look forward to this event on April 18, 2020! Essentially, the Restoring Our Community Banquet was an opportunity to celebrate the great things God has done. Each year we acknowledge how great His grace is and how little we deserve to be IMPACTED by it daily. He is indeed causing us to “seek the peace and prosperity of the city He has called us to. We have seen as it prospers, we prosper as well,” and it is a greatly humbling thing. Rondalyn Abode is passionate about bringing God the most glory, and she believes that her role as the Director of Development for CCI, is instrumental in her doing just that! She has been married to “Pastor P,” Philip Abode, for 17 years, and she has the sheer joy of watching God transform him daily. She is most inspired by her two little people, Temple and Priest, and she is learning to love the “baby dog,” Rocky. Please go to: http://crossoverimpact.org to learn more about Crossover Community Impact and the great community development work the team is doing!


We are committed to developing educated, godly young men who love north Tulsa.

Called to Teach by Katie Long

where they receive a rigorous, high-quality, Christian education that will prepare them to be all God designed them to be? These thoughts weigh on me as I contemplate the positive experience my children had on their first day, knowing this is not the case for everyone.


rom the back seat, my three-year old exclaimed, “DON’T SPIT, DON’T HIT, ASK JESUS FOR HELP IF YOU ARE SHYYYYYY!” It was her first day of school, and while SHE was ready and excited- I was not. My children, ages 3 and 2, were eagerly anticipating their first school encounter. I had been a teacher for nearly 10 years but had never experienced entrusting my child to a teacher and a school. Suddenly the worried looks I saw on parents’ faces the first days of school made perfect sense as my mind was flooded with concerns. Would my children like school? Would the school like my children? Would they learn all they need to prepare them for the next step? Will they see my child as precious and made in God’s image? Thankfully, I was able to drop my kids off to a very loving and welcoming school where they sang songs about Jesus, met new friends, and had a wonderful first day. But what if I did not have this experience? How many parents want their child to go to a school

Statistically, we see that north Tulsa has a long way to go in creating schools in which African-American boys can thrive and graduate college-ready. In 2015, all of Tulsa Public schools graduated only 22 collegeready African-American boys. This inequality cannot be ignored. Throughout the New Testament Jesus sides with the disadvantaged and marginalized. As Christ followers, we are also called to be on the side of the disadvantaged. This is why I feel called to teach at Crossover Prep. My husband Caleb and I moved to north Tulsa 4 years ago when he was called to be the Assistant Pastor at Crossover Bible Church and eventually planted Crossover’s first daughter Church, New City Fellowship. While I was always excited about his work with the church, when Philip Abode told me about the plans to start Crossover Prep, I became ecstatic! Hearing the vision for an all-boys school that would not only address the deep academic needs of north Tulsa students, but would also be Biblically-based, tuition-free, and would view each student as a person created in the image of God with the potential to change his family, community, and world, impacted me. Immediately, I knew this was the place I wanted to teach!

Crossover Community Impact


For 10 years I have reassuringly looked into the eyes of concerned parents as they have graciously trusted me with their children. Now that I know how it feels to be that parent, I am even more convinced of the great importance of a school like Crossover Prep in north Tulsa. Every parent should have the opportunity to bring their child to a school where they know they will be loved but will also be pushed to be all that God has created them to be. I am thankful for all the progress we have seen in the two short years that Crossover Prep has existed. I think of boys who started out with such difficulty and are now thriving! God is moving, and I am so thankful to have a small part in His plan to restore north Tulsa through Crossover Prep.

Throughout the New Testament Jesus sides with the disadvantaged and marginalized. As Christ followers, we are also called to be on the side of the disadvantaged.

Picture above: Katie & New City Kids planting flowers at the Edenwood Apartments

-<Katie Long

Picture above: Katie & Caleb Long with family Katie Long is a part of the dynamic team of Co-Science teachers at Crossover Prep. She is in her 10th year of teaching. She and her husband of ten years, Caleb, have three children, Merry (4), James (2), and New City Fellowship, their church plant that will celebrate its first birthday on Easter 2020. She is passionate about education, relationships, and the gospel. She is wise beyond her years, and she is easily the best kept secret of north Tulsa. If you would like to learn more about Crossover Prep Academy, please go to: http://crossoverprep.org.


Crossover Community Impact






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Crossover Scholarship Fund

These students are our future health professionals, social workers, teachers, policy makers, and military men—they are the future of our nation. We must do more. And with your help we can. If you would like to learn more about the Crossover Scholarship Fund, please go to http://crossoverscholarshipfund.org.

Crossover Kids Our After-School and Summer Enrichment STEAM-based Program at Hawthorne Elementary School.

Pictures above: (Left) Crossover Kids reveal the Lego Model they built during their summer program. (Right) Elizabeth and Avarice Holman

Living a Life of Truth!

by Elizabeth Holman


first heard of Crossover in 2017, when my husband and I attended Kids Across America, an urban youth sports camp in Missouri. We were there with his job and while retreating in the camp’s library we met Jeremy, Crossover’s StreetLeader Coordinator. I don’t remember how we started talking, but I do recall Jeremy excitedly telling us about Crossover! A year and a half later, Philip Abode approached my husband to ask if I would be interested in being the Crossover Kids Director. Crossover wanted to make a few changes to the After-School Program, and Philip and Justin believed I would be a good fit. My husband smiled, and politely told him “I don’t think so, but I will ask her.” When he told me about this conversation, I was surprised that he assumed that I would not want to even consider the job. I was happy with my job and wasn’t looking for a change, but I emailed Philip and set up a time to discuss the job, nonetheless. I learned that Philip initially considered my husband, Avarice, for the position but thought I could be a good fit too. That still makes

me laugh to this day! I thanked him for his time but did not feel I should apply. As I got up to leave his office, he told me to keep it on my prayer radar. So, I did. Several months later, I decided to apply and interview for the position, but upon receiving the job offer, I still had no idea what to do. For 3 weeks, I prayed,

Crossover Community Impact


Pictures above: Elizabeth with College Interns (Left), Elizabeth Holman (Right) and God used a little tub of Play-Doh (random, I know) to help me come to a decision. The container has the word, “Risk” handwritten on it. I remember thinking this job would be risky. This was a leadership position that I did not believe I was prepared for. What if I did not have what it takes to be a good leader? What if I mess up? What if I end up hating the job? I finally decided to say “Yes!” even though I was terrified.

Crossover is a community that is doing everything we can to be the Church in a hurting and broken world. We recognize that God is the one who can truly restore a community, but He has called the Church to do so in practical ways. I am honored to have a role in these efforts. Before starting at Crossover, I watched a Chronicles of Narnia movie. There is a quote from the movie that gave me the courage I needed to accept this position. Prince Caspian was young, like me, and was about to enter a position of leadership. He said to Aslan, “I do not think I am ready,” to which Aslan responds, “It’s for that very reason you are.”

Crossover is a community that is doing everything we can to be the church in a broken world.

In these 5 short months of being part of the Crossover family, my life has already been impacted. The biggest change has been my personal development as a leader. Through accepting this role, I have felt my need for God more than ever before. It has caused me to seek Him deeper, ask Him for help more often, and have a sweet dependence upon Him. My supervisor, Chasten Hendricks, has been instrumental in my leadership development as well. He has modeled godly leadership to me in a way that I have not seen. Lastly, this job has served as an ever-present reminder that the next generation needs godly leaders and mentors to love, support, and believe in them.

God has taught me that it is not those who are dependent on themselves that do big things. It is those who believe God is big enough to do those things through them. Another way of saying this is, “God does the heavy lifting”, as Pastor Philip often says. I have been learning what it means to take that to heart and live a life unto Him believing that truth. Even when it seems scary.

-Elizabeth H.

Elizabeth Holman serves as the Crossover Kids and StreetLeader Director. She is married to Avarice Holman, Jr. and recently celebrated her 5th wedding anniversary. She is originally from New York but enjoys the sunsets of the Midwest. She loves chocolate, trying new recipes, and likes to pretend to be a professional runner. Elizabeth craves to see God’s hand at work daily in her life and in the lives of the people around her. She is growing to be a leader who loves people while making a huge IMPACT in their lives. To learn more about our STEAM-based After-School and Summer Day Camp at Hawthorne Elementary School, please go to: http://crossoverimpact.org/crossover-kids/.


Crossover Community Impact

StreetLeaders StreetLeaders work as counselors, tutors and mentors for our elementary age students within the Crossover Kids program.

Pictures above: Takia in action with Crossover Kids

Crossover Community Impact


Serving Within My Community by Takia Jones


was first introduced to Crossover about five years ago, while I was a sophomore at McLain High School. Ms. Solomon, the current principal at Hawthorne Elementary School, is the one who introduced me to Crossover. She is a family friend, and she told me about the StreetLeader and Crossover Kids Programs. She mentioned that they needed more high school students to work in the STEMbased After-School program, so I contacted Crossover for an interview. Shortly thereafter, I was accepted into the StreetLeader program! I loved working for Crossover as a high school student because they made sure I was on top of my grades. The Crossover staff also made sure that I was signed up for the ACT exam while providing me with the proper ACT prep. The staff helped me transition to Rogers High School since it has a college attendance component. We went on leadership trips, received on-thejob training, and were consistently mentored by the staff and volunteers, who would also tutor us if we ever needed academic support. If I were to describe Crossover, I would tell someone that within Crossover you will meet some of the most loving people that really care about you. Crossover does everything in their power to make sure that you have what you need to be successful in school and in life. I have watched as Crossover has tried to serve the community firsthand in numerous ways. One example that stands out is the way the intern house project started. The Crossover staff learned that some of the college students wanted to move out and be on their own but needed the means and support to do so. Less than a year later, a male intern house was


Picture above: Takia with friends from CBC’s VIBE program

opened and one of the male college staff moved in with his mentor, Demarco, who runs the house. Demarco provided support through Bible studies, helping him attend church regularly, and helping him with academics. Demarco was able to continue the mentoring relationship that started when this young man was a high school student and StreetLeader into his transition into early adulthood. This stands out to me because in any other job this young man would have been expected to figure things out on his own and to navigate this process by himself. However, at Crossover when the staff hears about a need, they seek to find the best way to help you and those in the community to meet that need. Presently, a girls’ intern house is being built with a similar mentoring program for young women too! I am currently a part of the college staff at Crossover, and I enjoy it because I have the opportunity to share my own experiences with the StreetLeaders. The high school students look up to all the college staff, and they often ask about our experiences when we were in high school. Though it was not long ago, I like to tell them about the choices I made and how I could have done things better. Continuing

Crossover Community Impact

to serve as a mentor in this program where I was mentored has been such an encouragement to me. I believe this is the role I now play in making an impact in north Tulsa; my community.

crossover does everything in their power to make sure that you have everything you need to be successful in school and in life. -<takia J. Takia Jones is a life-long north Tulsan and graduate of Will Rogers High School who works as the 4th grade Lead Teacher in the Crossover Kids After-School program. Takia is a valuable team player and can be trusted with any task. Her strong work ethic has resulted in her recently becoming a full-time Pre-K Teacher’s Assistant at Hawthorne Elementary School where she has served for the past 5 years as a StreetLeader and College Intern. If you would like to learn more about the StreetLeader program, please go to: http://crossoverimpact.org/youth-jobs/.



We are committed to producing athletes that excel both on and off the field.

Flex Football

Pictures above: 2019 3rd & 4th Grade Flex Football Team

by Hope George


am a boy mom. There is no other way to describe it. My husband and I have 5 sons to be exact. Our oldest Jaden loves to write, our second son Charlee loves sports and building or creating things independently, our third Cobee has loved dinosaurs for 4 years now, our fourth, Kynee, is a very calm kid, and last but not least is LaVon who loves to torture his older brothers, and I love every bit of it! So, you can only imagine the things that arise in our home: fun! My husband, Lamont, is the Head Basketball Coach for Crossover Prep Academy, where he is also an Academic Coach. We’ve been with Crossover for 2 years and being a part of Crossover makes us happy to

be included and accepted. We have been through so much as a family, and Crossover doesn’t judge us or make us feel like we or our contributions are not important. Not only that, but Crossover gives us the opportunity to be engaged in sports or activities that we would not have a chance to be involved in otherwise. My son, Charlee, has always wanted to play football, but I was nervous about the idea of tackle football because he is so young. I learned from a close friend that Crossover Sports Association was going to entertain being a part of the Flex Football League that was starting in Tulsa. When I told Charlee, he was super excited, and he was the one

Crossover Community Impact


SPORTS Pictures above: 2019 1st & 2nd Grade Flex Football Team

Flex Football allows the kids to learn the fundamentals of football without the danger of physical harm. -Hope G. to ensure that we were ready for Flex Football and the first practice even. Turns out he’s actually really good at this sport! Flex football is a game changer. We can allow our children to experience fun, friends and be “all boy” without concern of the possibility of severe sports injuries namely head injuries. Charlee reminds me that with Flex Football “they (parents) need to know their kids will be safe.” I’m so thankful Crossover has created this developmental opportunity for our growing athletes! Flex Football


Crossover Community Impact

allows the kids to learn the fundamentals of football without the danger of physical harm. I don’t know who enjoys Flex Football more, the parents or the kids! When the boys won their first game, we were all so excited! To win 7-0 was absolutely incredible for us to witness, and we celebrated greatly in the stands! The boys have built such a strong team that they want to be together beyond this year, and it would be great if they stayed together all the way through 12th grade as students of Crossover Prep! Hope George is married to LaMont George, and they have 5 amazing boys aged 16, 8, 6, 2, and 1. Hope works at New City Fellowship with the smallest of members, the children! She longs to see God glorified and quickly responds to His truth most often through serving others well. She was introduced to Crossover Sports Association through Flex Football. To learn more about Crossover Sports Association, please go to: http://www.crossoverlions.org.

Restoring our community by making disciples while loving and serving our neighbors.

Crossover Bible Church by Tyler Whitaker


y wife, Erin, and I first heard about Crossover Bible Church (CBC) in 2010 through several friends who were living in the community. We were attending a different church at that time and our church small group started volunteering for community events that Crossover organized. These experiences were part of our early exposure to the idea of Christian Community Development, in addition to reading books by Dr. John Perkins regarding the 3 R’s model (relocation, reconciliation, and redistribution). Throughout medical school our heart for this model of ministry continued to grow, and when we knew we would be in Tulsa for residency, Erin and I sensed God leading us to relocate to north Tulsa. We continued to attend our previous church initially, but we soon realized our need to partner with those who were doing a similar work and learn from their years of experience, so we joined the CBC family in 2014. Crossover Bible Church is a diverse family made up of incredible people who love Jesus and want to see His kingdom manifest fully in this part of our city. We do this through growing our personal relationship with Jesus first, and then investing in our relationships with each other and our neighbors next. This allows us to serve our community, and the church’s partnership with Crossover Communi-

ty Impact gives us many avenues to love and serve our neighbors. Being a part of CBC has given my family several meaningful ways to make an impact in the community. One of the most special opportunities for me has been volunteering at Crossover Health Services. It’s incredible to be able to love our neighbors alongside the awesome team at the clinic! We have been greatly impacted through the love and support experienced through the community of believers at the church. There really is something special about being a part of a diverse church family. Erin and I have learned so much from our brothers and sisters of different ages and backgrounds. I really love God‘s vision for His church to be this collection of many different cultures and peoples bringing their best to serve Him and His kingdom. There is a great collective strength when we embrace diversity and offer the gifts God has given each of us to benefit the whole body. Although we are a relatively small church family, it has been amazing to see what God has done through our efforts. As Pastor Philip often says, “God does the heavy lifting,” and we have seen Him do this continuously! With three kids under the age of five, it seems my primary role as

Crossover Community Impact


Pictures above: (Left) Tyler with his family (Right) Crossover Bible Church service

Crossover Bible Church is a diverse family made up of incredible people who love Jesus and want to see his kingdom manifest fully in this part of our city. -Tyler Whitaker an elder of the church right now is to be the best husband and father I can be. I think our discipleship efforts really have to start at home and then extend outward. Beyond that I am blessed to be a part of a small “huddle” of guys who study the Bible and pray together to sharpen each other. Additionally, I’ve been part of leading a missional team that has focused on serving our neighborhood. I think my most treasured experience to date has been my relationship with my neighbor Fred. Over the seven years that we’ve lived at our current house, Fred has been a great friend and ally. He’s taught me a lot about the history of our neighborhood and has helped me realize the importance of keeping ministry grounded in relationship. I look forward with hope to Crossover’s bright future in our community and more relationships like this being built.


Crossover Community Impact

Picture above: Dr. Tyler Whitaker at Crossover Health Services

Tyler Whitaker is the newest Elder at Crossover Bible Church. He and his wife, Erin, have always served the church and the community well even before they were members of CBC. They have three small children, Kingston (5), Quinn (2), and Ivery (1 month old). As a missions-minded physician, he is a graduate of the In His Image Residency Program, and he has made a great impact on the Crossover Health Services Staff through his volunteer work there. As a student of Christian Community Development, he has partnered to lead the Crossover U “Reconciliation Class.” At Crossover Bible Church, he has also made great strides in discipleship through huddles, missional team leadership, and hall monitoring for the Children’s Ministry among other things! To learn more about CBC’s “gather, go, grow, gospel works” model, please go to: http://crossoverbible.org.

Revitalizing our community through economic and housing development.

by Will Carr


ith my background including drugs, fighting, jail, and living life on my own terms, it’s only by the grace of God that I did not go to prison. The Apostle Paul described himself in 1 Tim 1:15-16 as the “chief of sinners,” and I share that same sentiment. Christ saved me and is using me to help others who are or were where I’ve been to know the loving forgiveness of Christ Jesus. 10 years ago, I became a Christian. At that time, I was living on the streets with nothing; no vehicle, no driver’s license, no bank account, no home. When I say I had nothing; I mean nothing. But in the 10 years since I met Jesus, he has given me more than I could have ever wanted. By far, the best gift He gave me is the assurance of salvation. He has also given me my best friend and wife of 6 years, Chelsea. We were actually visiting Justin and Leah, Chelsea’s sister, when my O.C.D. kicked in and I needed a project. In their garage was a beautiful new front door, they planned to put up “someday”. Because I have been in construction for 30 years, before they knew it the old door was out and the new door was installed and trimmed out. When Justin saw this, he said, “We need you here in Tulsa for CDC.” Honestly, I blew it off at first. I had

Picture above: Will Carr

Christ Saved me and is using me to help others. -<Will C. just started my own company and was a fireman for our little town, and Chelsea had a wonderful job. We had a house on 7 beautiful acres, and we had no plans to move at all. I am not the “city type.” Growing up in the projects of Alabama with my

mom, caused me to never want to live in a neighborhood again. I was country through and through, but the Lord had different plans. He kept bringing thoughts of this ministry in Tulsa. We prayed and had our church family pray, but we decided to stay in Texas. We were comfortable; we had a tight knit church family that we were serving with and could not leave. Again, the Lord kept calling us as individuals and as a couple to Tulsa. We laid all our expectations of life aside and honestly asked Jesus what He wanted for our lives, our marriage, and even our zip code. We both felt His answer heavy on our lives and we started packing – before we even had a house in Tulsa! It has truly been a blessing to be a part of the Crossover family. The Lord has impressed His message on me and wants every man I work with to know the peace and love of the Lord. I am honored to come alongside men and teach them about the craftsmanship of construction… Like the craftmanship of our Savior when He took a big old life of nothing and gave me a mission, a purpose, and an eternal future. I thank the Lord for His saving grace and for ALL who help and support this ministry. It is truly an honor to be a part of what Jesus is doing in and through Crossover.

Will Carr is the Site Manager for Crossover Development Company (CDC), and he and his wife, Chelsea, recently moved to north Tulsa from Texas. He grew up between the states of Alabama and Texas, where he spent time with his mom in Alabama and time with his dad in East Texas. More than anything, he longs to show others the great grace he has received, and he has become actively involved with the Kairos Prison ministry as a result. He is able to use his passion for construction and his Savior to make an impact in north Tulsa. To learn more about Crossover Development Company and its revitalizing work, please go to: http://crossoverimpact.org.

Pictures above: Phase 1 of a current renovation through Crossover Development Company

Pictures above: Phase 2 of a current renovation through Crossover Development Company

Pictures above: Phase 3 of a current renovation through Crossover Development Company


Crossover Community Impact

Working for Crossover has truly been a blessing for me because I’ve been able to give love and show people that we are all the same... -Tila d.

We are committed to living out Christ’s compassion, dignity and healing in our community through Healthcare.

Crossover Health Services by Tila Davis


y journey with Crossover began about 2 years before I started working at Crossover Health Services (we call it, “the clinic”). I was introduced to Crossover when my boys, Braalon and Camdon, attended Hawthorne Elementary, as Crossover Sports Association was advertising football signups. The year was 2014, Braalon was in the 3rd grade and Camdon was in 1st grade, so I asked both boys if they would like to play. Camdon was not into it at all. But Braalon said he would give it a try. Braalon played football for Crossover from 3rd to 5th grade. Camdon tried a little football, a little basketball and a little baseball. Shortly after Braalon started football, we signed up for the Crossover Kids After-School Program, and the rest is history! At every turn I have been blessed to meet the most amazing God-fearing people. This welcoming feels like a reunion with family I hadn’t seen in years! What a blessing it is to be involved in such a strong organization. I really don’t think of Crossover as an “organization,” I’d rather say Crossover is a “strong family.” Whenever someone asks me, “What is Crossover?” I actually become excited on the inside, like a kid in the candy store! It is so uplifting to describe Crossover and our plan to help bring change to the north side. My response is, “ I work for Crossover Health Services; we’ll

take care of newborn babies up to someone who is 100+ years old. You should come check us out sometime. If not there, we have a church, we have an after-school program for the youth to high schoolers.” People always respond with “Wow!” Then I proceed, “We also have a homeowner’s program, we’re rebuilding the Hawthorne neighborhood. We have an all-boys school for middle to high school students, and we’re planning to build a community center where the school will meet. And then we are going to start an all-girls school.” By this time, they are ready to walk off, but because they’re so intrigued, they wait.

Crossover Community Impact


Pictures above: Tila Davis at Crossover Health Services with friends and her sons Camdon and Braalon (Right) You can see they need to go somewhere, but they stay because they want to hear more. I’ll just tell them at that time, “Stop by the clinic sometime, so that I can finish telling you everything we’re doing!”

Crossover is a family that will help you grow spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Working for Crossover has truly been a blessing for me because I’ve been able to give love and show people that we are all the same; we are all greatly valued as a diamond in the Lord’s eye. I am able to show support or inspire someone to hold their head up and encourage them to remember that everyone has a place in this world for a reason. But to have the opportunity to do it daily with people I grew up with, with those who have helped raise me, an old co-worker even, is a God-send. I feel like the Lord led me right to Crossover. Being a part of Crossover has impacted more than just my life! Crossover has given me a different outlook and has allowed me to open my heart to helping others. My mindset has changed now that I am a part of Crossover. Whenever you see me, my hope is that you will see me as a positive energetic advocate for Crossover Community Impact!

Picture above: Tila Davis Tila Davis has been a Medical Assistant with Crossover Health Services (CHS) for 3 years, but she has worked in the medical field for 7 years. She and her partner, Dino Alexander, have 2 growing young men, Braalon (13) and Camdon (10). Tila loves people in a way that is rivaled by none. Her love for the people that are within CHS is evident and life-changing. To learn more about Crossover Health Services and its work to eradicate health disparities, go to: http:// crossoverhealthservices.org.


Crossover Community Impact

COMMUNITY CENTER by Janet Hendricks


tudents learning, teachers teaching, free-weights droping, sneakers squeaking, children playing, people gathering, preachers preaching, and followers of Jesus worshiping all under one roof from Sunday through Saturday. Some may read this description and question where such a wide variety of activities will take place in one building. However, with the Lord’s favor, the Crossover Community Center will faithfully facilitate all these things and more. It’s amazing how the Lord can turn a thought into a dream and a vision into reality. I can vividly recall participating in Vision Meetings after several Sunday services. During those meetings, Pastor Philip presented the idea of Crossover Bible Church having a permanent home within a community center on 36th Street North. As the details further unfolded, Chasten (my husband) and I were bought in and the rest is history. We initially came to Crossover in 2010. Chasten was a sixthgrade teacher at Gilcrease Middle School and I was an Intern at the North Mabee Boys & Girls Club, the very place Crossover Bible Church has met for the last 13 years. Though we invested much of our time within north Tulsa, we felt a tugging to find a place to worship within the same community. During a quick Google search, Chasten found the website for Crossover Bible Church. After listening to a couple of sermons from Pastor Philip, an initial visit to the church turned into church membership. When we came to Crossover, I had dreamt of running a community center since I was a high schooler in Texas. I was on the verge of completing a bachelor’s degree from Oral Roberts University in Recreation Management because of this dream for community transformation. I was an Intern at the North Mabee Boys’ and Girls’ Club in order to complete my graduation requirements. I am still amazed that God created this space specifically for me to use my passions, skills, education, and experience to not only glorify Him but to also help bring about tangible change in my community. Our introduction to Crossover nine years ago has ultimately changed our lives for the better and is doing the same for many

people in our community. I am fully convinced that Crossover Community Impact (CCI) is the best kept secret in north Tulsa. There are not many churches that witness the needs of a community and create an entire non-profit organization to serve the community. CCI literally has the ability to impact people of all ages-- from Crossover Health Services to Crossover Preparatory Academy, from Crossover Sports Association to the Crossover Development Company, from the Street Leader Program to Crossover Kids-- there is an entity that has the ability to reach everyone. I currently have the unique privilege of working with Crossover Preparatory Academy as an Academic Coach. I intentionally encourage, coach, assist, correct and pray for a group of 7th and 9th grade young men. I have seen an enormous amount of growth within some of my ninth-grade students over the last year. For this I am grateful! If the Lord says the same, I will transition to become Crossover Community Impact’s Chief Operating Officer and the Director of the Crossover Community Center. This is a role I have prayed about and have seen God prepare me for over the course of 15 years. I have seen the Lord turn my thought into a dream, a vision, and now a reality. For this I am humbled!

Picture above: Janet Hendricks with CPA student

Janet Hendricks serves as an Academic Coach at Crossover Preparatory Academy. She has a degree in Recreation Administration and an MBA. During her studies, she worked to gain the experience needed to become a successful director of an inner-city community center. Janet and her wonderful husband, Chasten, have been married for eight years and are the proud parents of their beautiful daughter, Janai Victoria (age 4). Their sole desire is to glorify God and spread His fame wherever He leads, in every season of life.


To learn more about the Crossover Community Center and all of the amenities it willCrossover add to the community, Community Impactplease go to: http://crossoverimpact.org.

Crossover Community Center


Crossover Community Impact

EOY Campaign 2

019 was a momentous year for Crossover Community Impact for a number of reasons. I often think of the number 7 as the number of completion, and I feel like God brought about the end of some things and ushered in the beginning of some new things! A large number of us went to the Christian Community Development Association Conference this year in Dallas, Texas, and the verse that was repeated along with the theme of “Moving Forward,” was Isaiah 43:19 that says, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” In a lot of ways, I feel like God did a new thing in and through Crossover this year, and I am excited to tell you all about it! Crossover Community Impact became more intentional as the “IMPACT Kids” Program became the “Crossover Kids” Program. I saw the Student Ministry Director, the Crossover Kids Director, the StreetLeader Coordinator, and the College Staff work hard together to bring about the best outcomes not only for the high school students, but also for the elementary-age students at Hawthorne Elementary. I saw Crossover Health Services build out its programming to focus on wellness and health by adding a Dietician, more medical assistants, and our Spiritual Care Director completed her master’s degree and became a LMFT-C (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist) in order to help more people in the community. As a result, the clinic now has over 5,000 patients! Crossover Development Company completed 2 homes and constructed a duplex that will be the home of our Girls’ Intern Program! Our new foreman, Will Carr, has leveraged his love for construction and his love for the Lord to revitalize the community physically through home repairs, renovations, and revitalizations! Crossover Prep more than doubled in size. In its 3rd year, it has 120 6th-9th grade boys who are restoring our community by partnering with the school to become educated, godly young men who love north Tulsa. And in a little over 18 months, we have raised more than half of the funds needed for the Crossover Community Center, which will house Crossover Prep and all of the sports offerings of the Crossover Sports Association! For the first time, we have partnered with a number of foundations in the community that long to see north Tulsa restored, which has allowed us to expand our development work in our community. As you can imagine though, there is still work to be done. We would love it if you would partner with us in this great work of community transformation and development. We are raising $150,000. All of your financial support moves this work forward! Please join us to help others see the beauty of grace in their lives and the lives of those around them in north Tulsa and beyond. Blessings,

Rondalyn Abode Director of Development www.crossoverimpact.org

Thank You 2019 Corporate/Foundation Sponsors and Community Center Partners

Corporate/Foundation Sponsors 1st American Title Insurance Ally Financial Ameriprise Financial, Inc. Ascension St. John Associated Mortgage Corporation AT&T Your Cause: Corporate Employee Giving Bank of America Bank of Oklahoma Bill Knight Ford / Knight Automotive Group LLC Blue Sky Bank Charity Golf International Christian Chapel Coldwell Banker Collinsville Collision Center Cox Cable Cox Radio Group/ KRMG CrossFirst Bank Cyclonic Valve Cyntergy AEC, LLC Dabs, LLC Don Thornton Dr. Wesley N. Black DDS, PC Eide Bailly Elpis Foundation Executives Title & Escrow Fairway Mortgage Faith Bible Church First Bank of Owasso First Evangelical Free Church of Franklin County

Fowler Ford Fowler Toyota GableGotwals George Kaiser Family Foundation Gibbs Christian Education Foundation Greater Tulsa Association of Realtors Griffin Radio / The Drive 92.9 KBEZ Grigsby’s Carpet Showroom, Inc. Hall Estil Attorneys at Law Harris Harper Family Foundation Healthwise Chiropractic Hille Foundation Homeowners Insurance Agency, Inc. Hourglass Collision Repair iHeart Media Industrial Piping Solutions Jackie Cooper Imports Jackson S Burial Association JD Young Jim Norton Chevrolet Jim Norton Toyota KJRH/NBC KOTV/CBS LaBrake Services, Inc. DBA Housemaster Network for Good OKR Osteopathic Founders Foundation Parish of St. Bernard of Clairvaux Paul C Rosburg Insurance Agency

Pinkston’s Turf Presbyterian Church in America Foundation QuikTrip Corporation Fund Raymond James RBR Partnership Real Estate Insurance Solutions Regent Bank Robinson Foundation RWJF Special Contributions Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation Safari Joe’s H20 Shaw Homes Oklahoma Smith Brothers Abstract & Title Target Corporation Employee Giving The Sheppard Foundation For Hope TTCU Federal Credit Union Tulsa Auto Dealers Association Tulsa Group 1 Dealers Your Cause: New York Life

Crossover Community Center Partners Ed and Sylvia Taylor George Kaiser Family Foundation Gibbs Christian Education Foundation Helmerich Trust J. E. and L. E. Mabee Foundation John and Rebecca Abraham Kathleen S. Craft Foundation Kent and Leah Farish Mervin Bovaird Foundation

Morningcrest Family Foundation ONEOK Foundation Philip and Rondalyn Abode Richard and Michelle Barnett Sam and Barbara Rader Tracie Chandler Trust

Also, a special thank you to those who personally made an IMPACT through your donations, time and resources! We couldn’t do this without you! Happy New Year!


Crossover Community Impact

Our Vision for 36th S. North

Our Dream for the Future... When you invest in the vision, you do more than touch individual lives... every contribution ripples outward to create “social return” —the positive impact on north Tulsa and the entire Tulsa community. For more information: (918) 856-5377 x106 www.crossoverimpact.org

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