Page 7

Text /Ching Ching | Design illustration / Katy Hung

目標只有一個, 只要綠燈一亮, 我就要衝、衝、 衝! I only have one goal! Once the green light is on, I will run like the wind!


哎呀!!!! Ouch !!!!

為左達到目的,二億個士 兵開始一場極漫長

kick跌你!! I’ll trip you over...


The competition started, and the 200 million soldiers all strived to get to the destination

嘩!龍捲風呀! Oh no! Tornado!

得左喇!我跑贏左, 好快就會入到去!

我放棄喇! I give up!

I made it! I will get there soon!

Final 200

Feature Story ︳06

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