QUALITY From the Caribbean to the World: the 10th EDF-TBT Success Story

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Quality – from the Caribbean to the World



Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

Introduction After almost five years of implementation (2012-2017), it is time to communicate the achievements and success stories of the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Component of the 10th European Development Fund (EDF) Programme to a broader public. This publication:

organised division of work between the implementing

describes the institutional and thematic framework

partners and used different experiences and backgrounds

which set the conditions for the programme;

for the management of the project. This, without losing track

shows the technical facts of the TBT Component;

on an efficient and effective implementation of this complex

provides a regional overview of important elements


of the Quality Infrastructure in the Caribbean;

illustrates the results and benefits of each

But more important for the success of the TBT component

sub-component namely Standardization,

was the support provided by the various organisations from

Metrology, Accreditation, Conformity Assessment,

the Public Sector, the Private Sector and academia and the

Institutional Strengthening and Awareness, Public

dedication, interest and patience shown by individuals who

Education & Communication;

participated in the different activities throughout the years

presents the approaches that have been developed

of the project.

in the Caribbean; and

outlines the challenges towards a vision of a

New frameworks and instruments were developed as part

Quality Infrastructure that ensures sustainable

of the TBT component. There was an enormous amount of

economic development in the Region.

energy, along with a risk of failure, that contributed to the learning process. The implementing partners are aware that

Testimonials of beneficiaries and participants spread along

not all activities were implemented with the intensity they

the publication enrich and make the presentations more

would have deserved and many challenges and needs of the


Quality Infrastructure in the Caribbean still were not tackled. Nevertheless, they hope that with the resources put in their

The achievements under the TBT Component were to a high

hands, considerable and sustainable steps in the spirit of the

degree facilitated by the fact that the partners agreed in

CARIFORUM-European Union (EU) Economic Partnership

2012 on a programme management structure that assured

Agreement (EPA) have been made.

participation of each country and balanced the representation of the implementation partners – the CARICOM Regional

Finally, the three implementing partners would like to

Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ), the

thank, through this publication, CARIFORUM and the EU

Dominican Institute for Quality (INDOCAL) and the German

for the confidence they have placed in them assigning this

Metrology Institute (PTB). This structure also ensured access

challenging but rewarding endeavour.

to international knowledge and experience, facilitated a connection between the political and the technical level,

The Publication Committee Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


Introduction Statement by CARIFORUM DIRECTORATE It was with great pleasure that the CARIFORUM Directorate monitored the remarkably successful implementation of the 10th EDF Caribbean Regional Indicative Programme (CRIP) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Project. All indications from Project inception had been suggestive of a good outcome. The Directorate recalls the enthusiastic signature by the Principal Executing Agency, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) of Germany, of CARIFORUM’s proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), establishing the collaborative procedures for a smooth implementation relationship between PTB and the ultimate Project Beneficiary, CARIFORUM. The TBT Project is yet further testimony of the unique collaborative relationship that has existed between the European Union and CARIFORUM, enshrined, enriched and continually solidified by the development cooperation and regional integration principles underpinning the unique Cotonou Partnership Agreement. The CARIFORUM beneficiary states under this Project are the sixteen Caribbean States which are signatories to the Cotonou Partnership Agreement. In 2008, the EU and CARIFORUM signed an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), taking their already unique relationship to even higher heights of inter-regional cooperation. This Agreement signalled a further deepening of trade and business relations, and a more structured, expanded and diverse relationship. The EPA encompasses several chapters, and this 10th EDF CRIP EPA TBT Project was designed to assist CARIFORUM States’ capacity to respond to the challenges and opportunities of the Technical Barriers to Trade component. Essentially, the Project was designed to assist with addressing national and regional Quality Infrastructure, through the creation and consolidation of capacities in six fundamental areas of the Caribbean regional TBT regime, namely: Standardization, Metrology, Accreditation, Conformity Assessment, Awareness Building, and Institutional Strengthening. It would also ultimately 4

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

facilitate e v e r increasing t r a d e , increased international competitiveness, s u s t a i n a b l e production of goods and services, and the overall enhancement of regional economic and social development. The successful coordination and implementation of the TBT Project by PTB and its Caribbean-based Project Implementation Unit (PIU) counterparts, the Caribbean Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ), and the Dominican Institute for Quality (Instituto Dominicano para la Calidad - INDOCAL), along with a variety of collaborating Partners, has resulted in new and improved capacities in the above named areas, and has contributed to the reduction of technical barriers to trade. The Project has, therefore, placed CARIFORUM States in a better position to more viably implement and take advantage of the EPA, particularly in relation to the TBT regime. It is therefore with immense pleasure that the CARIFORUM Directorate records its deep satisfaction with the sterling quality of the work of the PIU and the collaborating partners in the successful implementation and completion on time of the 10th EDF CRIP EPA TBT Programme. Mr. Percival Marie Director General, CARIFORUM 27 February, 2017

Message of the Delegation of the European Union The European Union (EU) Delegation to Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean States, the OECS and CARICOM/ CARIFORUM is pleased to have successfully collaborated with the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) on the implementation of the Technical Barriers to Trade Programme. This EU-funded programme of €7.8 million has made a positive impact on the region through facilitation of intra and interregional trade, as well as international competitiveness, and sustainable production of goods and services within the CARIFORUM States. These contribute to the objectives of the CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) signed in 2008. Indeed, the EPA covers trade not just in goods, but also in services. It also covers other areas where rules and regulations can influence trade: competition, innovation and intellectual property, public procurement, environmental and labour standards, and technical requirements. Technical requirements define specific characteristics that a product should have, such as its size, shape, design, labelling, packaging, functionality, and performance. The specific procedures to check whether a product is in compliance with these requirements are conformity assessment procedures such as testing, inspections, and certification activities. But all this has one main objective: to address quality as well as health, safety and environmental concerns.

An envelope of €46.5 million from European Union resources has been allocated to the CARIFORUM to support the EPA implementation, out of which €7.8 million is for the TBT chapter. I am extremely pleased that through the present publication, we are not only witnessing the concrete results and impact the financial support of the EU has had on the development of technical requirements and quality infrastructures in the region; but equally important, one has to acknowledge the successful partnership between a European Union Institution - the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), a CARICOM regional organisation – the CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ), and the Dominican Republic – el Instituto Dominicano para la Calidad (INDOCAL). This is a successful demonstration of experience and expertise sharing and a capacity-building exercise between EU and CARIFORUM organisations.

The EU has consistently pushed to achieve greater harmonisation and more wide-spread use of international standards and to improve the implementation of transparency provisions as provided by the WTO Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement.

The EPA was negotiated with the objective of making it easier for people and businesses from the two regions to invest and trade with each other, and to spur development across the Caribbean by facilitating both intra-regional and inter-regional trade while supporting the process of regional integration. The TBT project definitively contributed to moving towards these objectives!

Implementing the EPA was never thought to be an easy undertaking. It is in recognition of this complexity that since the signature of the EPA, the EU has been working in close partnership with its Caribbean counterparts to put the agreement into practice.

Ambassador Daniela Tramacere Head of Delegation 27 February, 2017

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


The Economic Partnership Agreement between the CARIFORUM States, of the one Part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other Part (2008) The Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), signed in 2008 between the CARIFORUM States1 and the EU, represents a modern and comprehensive trade agreement that includes development components. It replaces the non-reciprocal duty-free market access in favour of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States and sets a new foundation for the relations between the CARIFORUM States and the EU. It forms the “basis of a mature trading relationship between the two sides, encompassing not just a Trade in Goods regime, but also Investment and Trade in Services, Trade-related Issues and Development Cooperation”. (www.caricom.org)


The CARIFORUM States are: Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago

For that purpose, the CARIFORUM-EU EPA define the following objectives :

Contributing to the reduction and eventual eradication of poverty through the establishment of a trade partnership (…);



Improving the CARIFORUM States’ capacity in trade policy and trade related issues;

Promoting regional integration, economic cooperation and good governance thus establishing and implementing an effective, predictable and transparent regulatory framework for trade and investment between the Parties and in the CARIFORUM region;

Promoting the gradual integration of the CARIFORUM States into the world economy, in accordance with their political choices and development priorities;



Supporting the conditions for increasing investment and private sector initiative and enhancing supply capacity, competitiveness and economic growth in the CARIFORUM region;

Strengthening the existing relations between the Parties on the basis of solidarity and mutual interest (...).

Cited and adapted from the Official Journal of the European Union L 289/I/3 (30.10.2008) 6

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World



In order for the EPA to unfold its promise to boost trade and

Caribbean Regional Indicative Programme (CRIP) valued at

to promote regional integration and sustainable economic

€165 million provides support to CARIFORUM. Out of that,

development in the Caribbean, economic reforms as well as

€46.5 million was assigned to the 10th EDF EPA Capacity

an increase of production and trade capacities have to be

Building Programme, which comprises seven components.

tackled. To aid in the implementation of EPA, the 10th EDF

The main objective of Component 4 - Technical Barriers

To facilitate the implementation of the CARIFORUM-EU EPA,

to Trade, which this project has been focused on, was to

an EPA Implementation Unit was set up at the Caribbean

facilitate trade in goods between Parties “while maintaining

Community (CARICOM) Secretariat. On their website, the

and increasing their capacity to protect health, safety,

EPA process can be followed (www.caricom.com/epa).

consumers and the environment, and improve their capacity to eliminate unnecessary obstacles to trade between them2” 2 Cited from the Information Paper, CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement: An Overview (July 2008) online. https://eeas.europa.eu/sites/eeas/files/epa_summary_0.pdf

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


Quality Infrastructure in the Caribbean Quality Infrastructure (QI) comprises the procedures and

Hence, the availability of these services in the Caribbean, as

services offered by private and public institutions in the areas

well as their international recognition and harmonisation are

of standards, technical regulations, metrology, accreditation

an indispensable condition to promote the EPA objectives

and conformity assessments like testing, inspection,

of strengthening regional intra-regional trade and regional

certification, as well as quality culture promotion. These

integration, inter-regional trade and sustainable economic

procedures and services are needed to assure compliance


of products and services with legal safety requirements, as well as market-driven consumers’ quality expectations.

Source: Valqui, A. adapted from Sanetra, C., Marban, R. (2007) “A National Quality Infrastructure – The Answer to the Global Quality Challenge”. Braunschweig


Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

The Technical Barriers to Trade Programme The “Technical Barriers to Trade” Programme is one of the


Technical Barriers to Trade Program


7,8 Mil € financed by the EU


July 2012 to March 2017

Fund Programme - “Support to the Caribbean Forum of



the ACP States in the implementation of the commitments


European Union

undertaken under the Economic Partnership Agreement”.


Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB);


CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards

seven components of the 10th European Development

and Quality (CROSQ); and Instituto Dominicano para la Calidad (INDOCAL)

The expected results and objectives were defined as the following: The expected result is to progress towards achieving a modern regional and national Quality Infrastructure (QI) according to internationally-recognised principles for international trade as defined in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Agreement and the TBT Chapter of the EPA.

The specific objective is to increase the use of services of internationally recognised Regional Quality Infrastructure (QI) Institutions in the CARIFORUM States.

The overall objective is to facilitate intra- and inter-regional trade as well as international competitiveness and sustainable production of goods and services within the CARIFORUM States for the enhancement of social and economic development

Contracts, agreements and MOU were signed among the parties involved in order to assure an efficient and effective, technicalbased




Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


The Partnership

The CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ) is a regional unit of CARICOM, set up by the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) by amendment of the Treaty which established the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). The amendment was signed on February 4, 2002. The mission of CROSQ, headquartered in Barbados, is to facilitate trade and competitiveness of CARICOM products and services for sustainable development through the implementation of Regional Quality Infrastructure. It is comprised of the National Standards Bodies of the 15 Member States of CARICOM.

The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) is the National Metrology Institute of Germany. As an internationally operating unit of a German federal authority, which works on behalf of the German government, PTB’s work is not profit-oriented and the organisation provides neutral advice. PTB supports partner countries in the development and implementation of a demand-oriented and internationally recognised Quality Infrastructure. In partner countries, PTB advises governments and ministries, promotes institutions of Quality Infrastructure and supports small and medium-sized enterprises.

The Instituto Dominicano para la Calidad (INDOCAL) or the Dominican Institute for Quality, is the national authority responsible for standardization and Legal, Industrial and Scientific Metrology in the Dominican Republic. Headquartered in Santo Domingo, INDOCAL is responsible for the organisation of development activities; the adoption, harmonisation, approval, formalisation, publication and dissemination of technical standards, with a view to facilitating trade and industrial development and serving as a basis for technical regulations. In addition, INDOCAL offers certification of products, processes and services.

Three implementing partners, one aim: To bring Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

Programme Management Structure The Programme Management Structure was established to assure an efficient and effective, technical-based and beneficiary-oriented implementation. For this purpose, it comprised three levels of management

Technical Oversight Committee (TOC)



Unit (PIU)



Groups (TIGs)


The TOC oversees the project implementation and validates the Annual Operational Plans. It gives advice to the Project Implementation Unit and supports it with general information and networking. The TOC meets regularly – twice a year – one meeting is face-to-face. The TOC reports to the Programme Steering Committee of the 10th EDF Programme. The TOC is represented by the “owners” of the project, namely the representatives from the three implementation partners, from CARIFORUM, CARICOM and the EU, from private sector from the CARICOM Region and the Dominican Republic, as well as from other components of the 10th EDF Program.

The PIU develops, coordinates and monitors the implementation of the Overall Annual Operational Plan. It develops, updates and oversees the results-based impact monitoring. The PIU reports to the Technical Oversight Committee. The PIU meets regularly in face-to-face meetings or virtually. The PIU is composed by a Project Manager from PTB; three Project Coordinators at PTB, CROSQ-Secretariat and INDOCAL; Project and Financial Assistants at PTB, CROSQ and INDOCAL; and by Technical Officers.

The activities of each component were defined, planned, implemented and monitored by a Technical Implementation Group (TIG). The TIGs report to the Program Implementation Unit. The TIGs met yearly in the frame of regular meetings of the respective technical committees. The TIGs were composed by representatives from each CARICOM country and the Dominican Republic, coordinated by the respective Technical Officer at CROSQ-Secretariat and supported by consultants of the project.



Conformity Institutional Assessment Strengthening

Awareness & Information

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


T E S T I M ON IAL The EDF -TBT Programme has enabled the Plant Pathology Diagnostic (PPD) Laboratory of the Citrus Research and Education Institute (CREI), the research arm of the Belize Citrus Growers Association (CGA) to move a step closer towards accreditation for ISO/IEC 17025, which is a world recognised international standard. Accreditation for an ISO/IEC 17025 in essence increases the quality of the services of the CREI PPD Laboratory and gives the laboratory a competitive edge. The decision to undertake this initiative falls in line with the vision of CREI which is to serve as a local, regional and international center of excellence. The







Management System (QMS) has enabled the staff to acquire a better understanding of the customer needs and how to continually improve on these services to achieve maximum customer satisfaction. Additionally, this implementation of the management system has allowed the CREI PPD Laboratory to increase its traceability for every service provided with the ultimate goal of providing accurate, reliable and timely service. In order to continually improve the services, the quality system ensures that the CREI PPD Laboratory staff is trained


Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

in all aspects of providing the service as well as ensuring that the technology used is sound and reliable. The CGA would like to thank the CROSQ for the guidance, support and resources provided to get the PPD Laboratory ready to undergo the accreditation process. Henry Anderson, CEO Citrus Growers Association, Plant Pathology Diagnostic Laboratory, Citrus Research and Education Institute - CREI

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


Cross Cutting Issues The TBT component was focused on developing and strengthening the regional and national Quality Infrastructure towards a modern, functional and internationally recognised system. Over the course of the programme it was recognised that there were a few cross-cutting aspects which came about as a result of and highlighted the interventions made in the CARIFORUM States.


Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


Making Quality the Caribbean Standard productivity and to be innovative are critical aspects

Modernisation of the Standards inventory in the Caribbean

for producers and manufacturers in order to achieve

17 CARICOM Regional Standards (CRS) were under review

competitiveness in regional and international markets.

and four were already approved by the Council for Trade

Standardisation is a crucial instrument to support these

and Economic Development (COTED). Nine Member

efforts, but weak standardisation can become a barrier

States installed a process of adoption of CARICOM

to competitiveness. Hence, the positive or negative effect

Regional Standards as national standards and adopted

of standards on competitiveness depends, among other

more than 50% of the CRS. Other Member States were on

things, on how regionally harmonised the Caribbean

their way, too.

To meet legal and market-driven requirements, to increase

standards are, how international standards are used, how process is, how good standards and technical regulations

First five CARICOM regional Standards made equivalent to INDOCAL Standards

are complemented.

CROSQ and INDOCAL signed a MoU in 2013, with the aim

up-to-date standards are, how inclusive the standardisation

of improving harmonisation between standards used


in CARICOM and the Dominican Republic. To date, five

The activities of the Standardisation component included

standards are in a process to assure equivalence between

training courses, technical assistance and participation of

standards: Labelling of Goods – General Principles

Caribbean experts in regional and international meetings.

(approved), Labelling of Goods - Pre-package Goods (approved), as well as Specification of Toilet Tissue, Fresh


Mangos and Bananas.




Development of the Regional Quality Policy Policy, the need for a broader approach was recognised.

Modernisation of the legal basis and use of standardisation in Member States

Therefore, the scope of the policy was changed from

The revision of the Standards Acts for seven Member

a Standardisation Policy to an encompassing Regional

States is in process, based on a guide developed by the

Quality Policy.

project. The project also promoted Good Regulatory

During the development of the Regional Standardisation

Practices for the development and implementation of


The Technical Management Committee’s (TMC) performance is strengthened

Technical Regulations by the use of referencing standards.


were revamped and a five-year Regional Standards

National trained

Development Priority Plan was developed. TMC was

Standards officers were trained in project management

evaluated as good or very good for 74% of its network

for standards development, in setting standardisation

performance criteria.

strategies using the ISO methodology and to participate



Quality – from the Caribbean to the World






order to assure ongoing training for standards development

Improved participation of CROSQ and INDOCAL in international organisations

officers in the future, an E-Learning tool for regional standards

The project also supported Member States to participate and

development processes and procedures was developed and

engage in the International Organisation for Standardisation


(ISO) and in the International Electrotechnical Commission

better in international standards development activities. In

(IEC) activities. All CARICOM Member States are IEC Affiliate


Country participants as opposed to a few at the start of the TBT Programme. The membership of CARICOM Member States in ISO increased by 100%.

Improved participation of CROSQ and INDOCAL in international organisations The participation of NSBs in the CROSQ Technical Management Committee increased by 50%. Furthermore, the General Assembly of the Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT) was hosted in Saint Lucia in 2013. All CARICOM Member States, with the exception of Montserrat, are now members of COPANT. They actively participated in working groups established by COPANT for the implementation of the COPANT Strategic Plan.


Standardisation in the Caribbean more aligned to international Good Standardisation Practices

Increased harmonisation of standards and standardisation processes in the Caribbean

Improved participation of the private sector in Caribbean standardisation processes

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


T E S T I M ON IAL As the Guyana representative for the National Accreditation Focal Point (NAFP), I have always taken pride in promoting the benefits of Accreditation to the laboratories within Guyana. It took hard work and dedication operating within our jurisdiction which can have its additional challenges, in executing the role of the NAFP to make laboratories in a resource-limited economy buy in to the idea of being accredited; which was a dream a few years ago. It took due diligence and enthusiasm to continuously encourage laboratories by providing technical assistance to help them on their journey to accreditation. I believe that the CROSQ Secretariat really made it happen

was the first standards body to launch its National Quality

when the concept of the CCA was conceptualised and

Awards Programme under the project in October 2016, which

tested. With an already established foundation in Guyana,

will promote the use of standards among local businesses.

the CCA had allowed the Eureka Medical Laboratories Inc.


to become accredited. This laboratory benefitted from

strengthened through the development of CARICOM

the valuable technical support received through the CCA

Standards to facilitate the harmonisation of regional

Scheme which complimented the efforts of the NAFP and

trade, the Regional Standardisation Priority Plan and the

made accreditation a reality for the second time in Guyana.

Regional Quality Policy, which were all developed under this

We can boast as having the first laboratory accredited under


the CCA Scheme – ‘What an amazing and gratifying feeling!’ I

As the NAFP, the 10th EDF-TBT Project has provided

was elated and it was a well-deserved milestone. Without the


CCA, accreditation would not have been possible in such a

CARIFORUM members to utilise resources within the

short space of time.

CARIFORUM at affordable rates. We have access to the

Training on the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 15189

affordable accreditation services and technical experts, and

and ISO/IEC 17020 standards as well as training of assessors

this type of access was made possible by way of teamwork,

and the opportunity to observe and conduct assessments

coordination and commitment of all Member States with the

were valuable capacity building opportunities for the GNBS

support of the CROSQ Team.








to provide the necessary support to conformity assessment bodies in Guyana. The formation of the CANCAB committee has also provided an opportunity for networking among regional conformity assessment bodies in building the NQI. We would have received metrology equipment to strengthen our capabilities to perform temperature calibration and specialised equipment to support the marketing and communication services of the GNBS. Noting that the GNBS 18

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


Candelle Walcott-Bostwick, Executive Director (former NAFP representative) Guyana National Bureau of Standards - GNBS



T E S T I M ON IAL Through the various trainings, workshops and other standards-related activities under the 10th EDF-CRIPEPA-TBT Programme, the Grenada Bureau of Standards’ Standardisation Division has commenced the upgrade and modernisation of its operations. For the first time in its 28 years of existence, the Grenada Bureau of Standards’ Standardisation Division was able to accomplish the following: 1. Develop and implement a three-year Strategic Standards Development Plan 2015-2017 using the ISO model; 2. Conduct an in-country workshop on ‘Good Standardisation Practices’ for 39 Technical Committee Members under the ‘Standards Awareness’ component of the 10th EDF Programme. This workshop was facilitated by CROSQ’s Technical Officer, Mr. Fulgence St. Prix. Participation in ISO Workshop on Good Standardisation Practices; Project Management for Standards Development and COPANT Internship Programme has led to the revision and implementation of administrative procedures and documentation within the division. The following are a few of the positive changes: 1. Chairman’s signature is now affixed to completed draft standard; 2. Workshop for technical committee members for new work programme; 3. Revision of TOR for Technical committee members and Chairman; 4. Implementation of Code of Conduct for Technical committee members; 5. Formation of two mirror committees for international standards.

Additionally, CROSQ’s request for ‘Standards Activity Reports’ has helped the department to keep in check towards meeting the WTO/TBT requirement for the preparation and notification of ‘Standards Development Programme’ every six months. Continuous requests by CROSQ for comments to and voting on regional standards has led to a widening of the pool of experts (especially from the private sector) in standards development in Grenada and increased awareness of standards and its importance to trade, safety and everyday living. Finally, the formal and informal standards networks created have greatly assisted the division in information sharing.

Lena Belgrave, Head of the Standardisation Division Grenada Bureau of Standards - GDBS

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


Assuring Comparable Measurements in the Caribbean agencies and consumers rely on accurate and consistent

Two Caribbean Reference Laboratories (CaRLs) for metrology established



The CaRLs model was created to assure the availability

production processes, productivity, exchange of goods,

and affordability of internationally-recognised traceable

testing and inspections). Conditions for achieving accuracy

measurements in the respective measurands within the

and consistency in measurements are technical competence

Caribbean. After the CaRL for Mass, two important new

and the traceability of measurements. Establishing the

CaRLs for Volume and Temperature were supported and

needed competence and traceability at the National

then recognised as CaRLs by the Council of CROSQ.

Producers, manufacturers, traders, exporters, regulatory that




Metrology Institutes in the Caribbean is very costly, internationally-recognised calibration services is a necessity

Development of Sustainable Calibration Services at National Metrology Institutes

in the Caribbean.

All National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) developed

therefore a well-designed national and regional offer of

their metrological capability in the most demanded


measurands in their country, based on demand surveys

The capacity-building activities of the Metrology

conducted in 2012. The quantities of focus for support

component such as workshops, internships and

were mass, temperature, volume, pressure and torque,

participation in regional and international meetings

where equipment and training was provided to all NMIs.

were complemented by technical assistance; the supply of Metrology equipment and inter-laboratory

Three Inter-Laboratory Comparisons Conducted

comparisons; participation of Caribbean experts in

The technical competences developed were then

regional and international meetings, and the forging of

demonstrated by the implementation of a regional inter-

new relationships with key stakeholders.

laboratory comparison in volume with eight Caribbean countries participating, a regional inter-laboratory


comparison in mass with four Caribbean countries participating and a bilateral inter-laboratory comparison in volume between the Bureau of Standards Jamaica and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA.

CARIMET is strengthened CARIMET’s Strategic Plan 2016 – 2020 was developed. This was the second Strategic Plan and the first with dedicated funds to support its implementation. Challenging for CARIMET was the low growth of its network capacity, which members evaluated as only improving by 9% between 2013 and 2016, whereas the target was a 40% improvement.



Metrologists and Metrology users trained Through metrology training courses metrologists, but also metrology users, received training. For example, more than 100 technicians from CARIFORUM States received training courses during the Metrology Symposium held in Dominican Republic as part of the General Assembly of the Inter-American Metrology System (SIM).


Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

Pool of measurement experts in mass and temperature developed

Integration of Caribbean National Metrology Institutes is deepened

To assure sustainable capacity-building in metrology, a

CARIMET Members actively participated in the activities of

five-module capacity-building programme was developed

the Inter-American Metrology System (SIM), including the

called “CARIMET Capacity-Building Programme in Mass and

annual General Assemblies, semi-annual Quality Systems

Temperature Metrology”. Through this programme, a group

Task Force (QSTF) meetings and SIM training activities. In

of 10 measurement experts would be trained to be used

2015, the General Assembly of SIM was capably hosted by

to train the other NMIs as they developed capacity. All four

CARIMET in the Dominican Republic, with broad Caribbean

technical modules of the programme to prepare the NMIs

participation. Furthermore, Competent Caribbean NMIs

for international recognition were completed. The fifth

also offered training and internships to metrologists from

module, which seeks to develop leadership and facilitating

less developed Caribbean NMIs.

adult learners’ skills, will be implemented after the project.

Education sector gained as an ally for creating metrology competence and knowledge.


being trained in Mass and Volume metrology and in the

CARIMET Members engaged in the Inter-American Metrology System (SIM)

development of metrology courses to be introduced

CARIMET members actively participated in the activities of

into the curriculum of natural science and engineering

the Inter-American Metrology System (SIM), including the

programmes. Additionally, cooperation was established

annual General Assemblies, semi-annual Quality Systems

with the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) to revise the

Task Force (QSTF) meetings and SIM training activities. In

regional Physics syllabus and examinations for secondary

2015, the General Assembly of SIM was capably hosted by


CARIMET in the Dominican Republic, with broad Caribbean

Cooperation with universities resulted in 30 lecturers

participation. Furthermore, competent Caribbean NMIs also offered training and internships to metrologists from less developed Caribbean NMIs.


Improved internationallyrecognised calibration services for national measurement standards

Improved services for mass, temperature, volume, pressure and torque calibration

Metrology courses offered by Caribbean Universities in their regular programmes

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


Enhancing Confidence Products and Services Certificates, as well as testing and inspection reports that accompany and create confidence in Caribbean products and services on their way to regional and international markets, must be emitted by a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) that has an internationally-recognised accreditation. Until 2013, Caribbean CABs had to approach National Accreditation Bodies outside the Caribbean to get an internationally-recognised



especially in the smaller economies, it continues to be hard for CABs to get the right information and to understand the quality requirements that international markets are



Points (NAFPs) were signed. In July 2014, a MOU between the CROSQ Secretariat and the National Accreditation Body in the Dominican Republic, ODAC, was signed.

Accreditation Database is established The accreditation database was being modernised to make it web-based and easily searchable. It is scheduled to be online in 2017 and will provide information to producers, CABs, NAFPs and other stakeholders as to the location and scope of the labs that have been accredited; the NAFPs contact details, as well as the recognised NABs in the region and their scope of accreditation.

expecting from CAB’s services.

Inputs The activities of the Accreditation component such as training courses, technical assistance and participation of Caribbean experts in regional and international meetings were complemented by several information and awareness events.

Results OPERATIONALISING THE CARIBBEAN COOPERATION FOR ACCREDITATION (CCA) CCA is established A Strategic Plan of the Caribbean Cooperation for Accreditation 2015-2019 was developed and implemented to strengthen governance and operational effectiveness. The performance of CCA as a network was evaluated as “Good” to “Very Good” by 85% of users.

Cooperation between institutionalised




MOUs between the CROSQ Secretariat and the National Accreditation Bodies (NABs), as well as between the CROSQ Secretariat and the National Accreditation Focal


Quality – from the Caribbean to the World



First international recognised accreditation services in the Caribbean The Jamaica National Agency for Accreditation (JANAAC) achieved international recognition for testing laboratories through ILAC and IAAC in 2013. It expanded its internationally-recognised scope in 2016 to accreditation of medical laboratories. With the recognition of JANAAC, testing and medical laboratories now have the option to get internationally-recognised competitive costs within the region.



Further National Accreditation Bodies are strengthened The capacity of the Trinidad and Tobago Laboratory Accreditation Service (TTLABS) was strengthened and started operating regionally. The Organismo Dominicano de Acreditación (ODAC) was established and started operations. It is in the process of implementing its first accreditations. As a joint effort, the Caribbean NABs harmonised their accreditation procedures and rules.

DEEPENING THE INTEGRATION OF CARIBBEAN NATIONAL ACCREDITATION BODIES (NABS) Caribbean NABs and NAFPs engaged in the InterAmerican Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC)


In 2013, the General Assembly of the Inter-American

NAFPs are established or re-established in all Member States

Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC) was held in Port-of-

The NAFP concept was adapted to Caribbean reality.

Spain, Trinidad, and in 2015, in Santo Domingo, Dominican

NAFPs were trained to develop basic services, especially

Republic, which facilitated greater participation of


Caribbean NABs and NAFPs. The three Caribbean NABs are

supported the process towards accreditation of Conformity

now fully integrated into IAAC. This integration allowed

Assessment Bodies in their countries.





the Caribbean NABs to make use of the capacity building activities offered by IAAC and its Members.

NAFPs offer a Stepwise Improvement Programme (SIP) for laboratories Stepwise Improvement Programme tools for both testing laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025) and medical laboratories (ISO 15189) were developed and NAFPs trained to apply it. With these tools, NAFPs were able to assess the laboratories and guide them in closing gaps and improving processes and practices to fully meet the requirements of the standard(s).


Improved accessibility of accreditation services in the Caribbean region

Increased number of accreditations provided by a Caribbean National Accreditation Body

Increased utilisation of internationally recognised accreditation services from JANAAC in Jamaica

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


T E S T I M ON IAL The Jamaica National Agency for Accreditation (JANAAC) enjoys mutually-beneficial relations with the CROSQ and Caribbean Cooperation for Accreditation (CCA) Scheme. In this regard, JANAAC has been able to benefit from accreditation training and capacity-building, as well as public relations and related national promotional supports. These efforts, which have been assisted greatly by funding support through the TBT component of the 10th EDF Programme, have helped to facilitate greater coordination for laboratory accreditation in the region. To be sure, by leveraging and strengthening capacity, while increasing public awareness of the importance of internationally-recognised, accredited conformity assessment bodies (CABs) to bolstering the international competitiveness of the region, collaboration between JANAAC and CROSQ/CCA is also enabling more and more CABs, who are not accredited, to acquire the requisite human and physical assets and systems to become internationally accredited by JANAAC. In line with its strategic objective to provide expert, competent, and customer-centric services, JANAAC has been particularly pleased with the support given by CROSQ/CCA through the 10th EDF-TBT Programme to increase visibility among the national and regional stakeholders, including potential clients and the general public about the importance of accreditation to enhance customer confidence and trade facilitation; and build technical competence and international presence, through the agency’s World Accreditation Day 2016 Week of Activities.


Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

Celebrated under the theme Accreditation: A Global Tool to Support Public Policy, JANAAC’s World Accreditation Week 2016 enabled the Agency to bring national attention to the importance of accreditation as a tool of Government policy to deliver better regulation, environmental protection, public safety, fraud prevention, fair and efficient markets and public trust. The JANAAC team was also exposed to training in new standards, including ISO/IEC 17065, and ISO/IEC 17020 in the Dominican Republic. Sharonmae Shirley, CEO Jamaica National Agency for Accreditation - JANAAC

T E S T I M ON IAL Over the course of the five years of implementation of the EUsponsored 10th EDF-CRIP-EPA-TBT Project, favourable results were achieved by INDOCAL in the areas of standardisation, metrology and conformity assessment. The harmonisation and recognition of equivalence of standards greatly help to reduce trade barriers between other Caribbean countries and our country. This process was initiated with the rum, product labelling, mangoes, bananas and toilet paper standards and the review process is still ongoing. The metrology area had a large investment in high metrology level equipment and building-capacity. An electric power measurement standard with the country’s highest accuracy was acquired. INDOCAL now offers calibration capacity that prevents customers from sending their measurement standards abroad to be calibrated, to the whole energy sector. The area of thermometry was strengthened with the acquisition of an automatic water distiller and a temperature chamber device. The latter allows stable test conditions for pattern approvals of thermometers, which is an essential requirement in our country’s regulations. In the area of conformity assessment, the project supported the accreditation process that culminated with the accreditation of our certification services granted by the well-recognised Mexican Accreditation Entity (EMA). The accreditation based on the ISO / IEC 17065: 2012 provides confidence in our

products, processes and service certifications as an impartial and competent third-party demonstration of the fulfillment of the specified requirements. We want to highlight the value of these achievements and the commitment of the country to quality and trade. We need to continue working on standards harmonisation and through this be able to position ourselves to integrate and to compete in the markets. Manuel Guerrero, Director General Instituto Dominicano para la Calidad - INDOCAL

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


Strengthening Caribbean Assessment Capacities


by consumers. Conformity assessment, primarily through

The concept for the Caribbean Network of Conformity Assessment Bodies (CANCAB) is developed and CANCAB starts its operations

the actions of inspection, testing and certification, is the

CANCAB is a new CROSQ Special Committee that

process used in international markets and more and more

congregates CABs from the Caribbean and is based on

in the regional markets to demonstrate these requirements

Private and Public Sector participation. The CANCAB

are met. The lack of Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs)

Strategic Plan 2016-2018 was developed and is currently

with internationally-recognised technical competence is

being implemented. Three Member States have already

a challenge for Caribbean producers, manufacturers and

established National Conformity Assessment Committees.


After only one year of existence, CANCAB was evaluated

Products and services have certain requirements they must meet in order to get in to the marketplace to be purchased

as good or very good for 70% of its network performance



The activities of the Conformity Assessment component,

information and awareness events, a newly developed

The concept for a Technical Barriers to Trade, Information Management Systems and Enquire Points (TIE) Committee is developed and starts its operations

capacity-building programme towards accreditation

The regional Technical Barriers to Trade, Information

and purchasing of equipment for conformity assessment



Committee was formulated in cooperation and through

such as training courses, technical assistance and participation of Caribbean experts in regional and international meetings, were complemented by several






the 10th EDF Programme collaboration with the ACP-EU


TBT Programme. The TIE Committee serves as a regional peer support system addressing the four main levels of Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and TBT-related issues:

The concept for a regional certification scheme is developed

national matters, intra-CARICOM matters, extra-regional bilateral matters and extra-regional multilateral matters.

Based on a Caribbean-wide consultancy of needs to the Public and Private Sectors, a Regional Certification Scheme was initiated and is under development.




Different interests, needs and expectations increased Regional Certification Scheme will be pilot-tested with

Concept of the Capacity-Building Programme is developed

one Caribbean product in a second phase.

Based on a demand survey, a specialised capacity-

the complexity of this consensus process. The proposed

building programme was designed, including a stringent


Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

selection process that supported trainings, consultancies,

construction sector (as of January 2016). Four testing laboratories

attachments, equipment purchasing and accreditation fees. Six

and one inspection body submitted applications to JANAAC for

CABs from six countries were supported in their effort towards

Accreditation. Cooperation with the 10th EDF-SPS Measures

international accreditation through this specialised capacity-

Programme was established and three SPS laboratories are also

building programme.

on a similar path to accreditation in the Caribbean.

CABs are achieving accreditation


INDOCAL has already achieved internationally-recognised accreditation in the area of cement product certification for the


Increased number of accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies in the Caribbean

Increased request for certification from Caribbean manufacturers, producers and exporters

Specialised capacitybuilding programme for CABs is accessible in the Caribbean

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


T E S T I M ON IAL With support from CROSQ and the 10th EDF-TBT Programme, I was a recipient of temperature metrology internships in Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica and Peru. As a result of the internship programme, I am now able to verify and calibrate temperature instruments like LIG, Digital Thermometers, which before I could not perform since I was mainly working in the field of mass metrology. This training programme in thermometry came at the right time because the BHN [National Standards Bureau – Haiti] was planning to provide a new service to our potential customers in this field, since the surveys we have carried out in the past have shown that industries in Haiti greatly need this

activities well in advance to facilitate better preparation

type of service. At the national level there is now a qualified

and planning in order to fully take advantage of these

technician for issues related to temperature metrology and


my capacity is now enhanced to also train other technicians in this area. Another significant benefit of the programme is the network

Junior Doran, Head of Metrology

established with metrologists from other regional NMIs.

Bureau HaĂŻtien de Normalisation - BHN

I believe that this programme should be expanded and continued in the future with improved effort to schedule


Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

Creating Quality Culture in the Caribbean Quality Infrastructure capacities and services alone will not

and better education strategies at national and regional

be sufficient to spur competitiveness of Caribbean products

levels, as well as the physical branding of CROSQ within.

and services; neither for assuring quality and safety of

The network was rated as good or very good for 78.6%

products and services offered to Caribbean consumers. Only

per cent of it network performance criteria.

informed, knowledgeable and quality conscious producers, manufacturers, service providers, regulators and consumers will be able to transform the Caribbean towards a more



Quality Culture-based economy and society.


CROSQ network boosts ICT capacity to enhance interconnectivity amongst NSBs

The activities of the Awareness, Public Education and

Each NSB benefitted from ICT enhancements with the

Communication component, such as participation in

addition of technology and software, as well as training

an international content marketing workshop, technical

in the use of the same, which contributed significantly

assistance, and joint National Standards Bodies sharing

to the capacity to share information and communicate

of information, were complemented by information and

directly with each other and stakeholders.

awareness events, media product development and purchasing of ICT equipment. This equipment included

QI Databases

computers, servers, video conferencing systems, as well

Metrology, Conformity Assessment Testing Labs and

as software.

QI Professionals were the three areas where databases of services available across the region were developed


for easier access by the public. Implementation of the system capability was also envisaged to be extended and enhanced in due course.

DEVELOPING MEDIA AND AWARENESS TOOLS Develop a Knowledge Management Plan Together the MIKE Committee was able to devise methods

Online presence for National Standards Bodies

to allow organisations to retain and share knowledge and

Getting each NSB online and communicating with their

information, and communicate better by utilising guiding

stakeholders was a key objective of the project that

principles for information management. There were also

included development of websites, establishment of

attempts to broaden the capacity of the group by co-

social media presence, as well as continuous training in

opting additional external expertise in some areas.

the management, use and engagement utilising these various media.

Branding CROSQ Network Over the course of the project the MIKE Committee functioned as a better integrated unit, which led to increased networking across social media platforms Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


3 Videos for Regional Quality Infrastructure awareness

within this component, resulting in several coordinated

Quality infrastructure still being a relatively technical area

public and highlight national and regional QI development.

attempts across countries to share information, sensitise

to explain, the Awareness and Information component understood and to do so via a series of three videos for

Quality Award programs in two countries; support for programs in two others

regional distribution and consumption by the general

One of the big successes of the project saw the launching

public, industry and government leaders.

of two National Quality Awards programmes in Guyana

sought to break down the pillars of QI in ways more easily

and Antigua and Barbuda over the life of the project,

Caribbean campaigns aligned to the World Standards, Accreditation and Metrology Days

with support provided to two others, including one in

A vigorous social media campaign, to complement ongoing

public education and information about the importance of

national initiatives for world observances, were devised

quality in goods and services, particularly for export.

the Dominican Republic, and Jamaica, to further enhance


Users more aware of QI, its services and importance


Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

CROSQ network is strengthened through improved virtual meeting capabilities

Increased IT capacity to allow greater networking within Technical Committees

T E S T I M ON IAL The 10th EDF-TBT Programme has opened many doors as it relates to awareness and information for all of the regional NSBs. The MIKE Committee sought to accomplish quite a bit during this programme, and was in my opinion, successful in achieving set goals. Exercises such as that of assisting NSBs in the development of marketing strategies, provided much needed direction for structured and targeted marketing and awareness building. Shared ideas, best practices and implementation experience, served as a testimonial type of training which can and will be used by NSBs new to the process. Working primarily on the information technology areas

challenging at times, afforded member to receive training

of the project, I have to admit that first, hearing about the

in areas like; content marketing, proper utilisation of social

knowledge management system and then having a part

media platforms, basic video production and training in the

to play in its implantation was exciting; not only to see a

use of communication platforms like Bitrix24, to name a few.

successful implementation, but also, to realise that this

I am positive that the project review will determine that the

system will essentially revolutionise the way in which NSBs

MIKE has played a vital role in the 10th EDF-TBT by way of its

share and acquire information.

hard work to achieve successful implementation.

Part of this KMS was ensuring the NSBs established an online presence, another exciting endeavour. Though proving to be a bit challenging as it pertained to getting relevant content

Kyle Marshall, Information Officer

in a timely manner, the Technology and Information Working

The Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards – SLBS

Group (TIWG) was still very successful in ensuring that NSBs with no online presence, ended or will end the project with either a website or social media platform with which to work. Being part of the MIKE on this project, while being

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


CROSQ and INDOCAL: Fit for the Future The role of Standards, Technical Regulations, Metrology,

achieved the certification of their Quality Management

Accreditation and Conformity Assessment for trade, regional

System. Two more NSBs are on their way to achieving

integration and sustainable economic development is

certification in the near future – namely Antigua and

growing, and present new challenges for the National

Barbuda and Saint Lucia.

Bureaux of Standard. On the other hand, the resources of for Caribbean countries to rely on efficient and effective

Strategic Plans for 4 NSBs developed and at implementation

National Bureaux of Standards and also on regional

NSBs from Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Dominican

cooperation and frameworks to be better prepared for the

Republic and Saint Lucia developed their strategic


plans, which have helped to streamline their operations

Caribbean countries remain limited. Hence, there is the need

and forecast human, technical and financial resources

Inputs The

required to achieve their mandate.






assistance and participation of Caribbean experts in

CROSQ Secretariat implements ISO Standard “Quality Management System”

regional and international meetings for the NSBs, as well

The CROSQ Secretariat is also implementing the ISO

as the CROSQ Secretariat and INDOCAL.

9001 Standard “Quality Management System”. Several







instruments were already developed to enhance the


operational efficiency of the organisation, such as an Operations Manual and Project Management Manual and Toolkit. Furthermore, the skills of the CROSQ Secretariat staff were improved in the area of Project Management.

Launching of the Bahamas Bureau of Standards and Quality BBSQ

Due to improved technical capacity, CROSQ’s Secretariat is now an observer on the WTO-TBT Committee.

On July 8 2016, the Bahamas Bureau of Standards and Quality was officially launched. This represented a big


achievement within the CROSQ network as it signified functional cooperation and support through the CROSQ

CROSQ and INDOCAL working successfully close together


CROSQ and INDOCAL collaborated to jointly implement

the culmination of years of hard work and is a result of

different activities, e.g. the successful hosting of three


4 NSBs certified to ISO 9001 Standard “Quality Management System”

International Quality Symposia in Dominican Republic

NSBs are implementing the ISO 9001 Standard to improve

Symposia events have seen the participation of around

the efficiency of their management system and foster

400 participants, including private, education and

better their customer orientation. The NSBs of Belize,

public sector. Speakers and participants came from the

Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Suriname have already

Caribbean and outside the Caribbean. Furthermore, they

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

and training activities in metrology. The almost annual

contributed to harmonisation of conditions in markets between

internationally-recognised QI services. But the establishment of

CARICOM and Dominican Republic.

a functional QI is a big challenge, especially for small economies. The regional frameworks for standardisation, metrology,

Developing Regional Frameworks

accreditation, conformity assessment and Awareness &

The need for strong regional frameworks in the Caribbean for

Information were operationalised and strengthened in the last

each QI component becomes evident. Any enterprise that wants

five years.

to participate in regional and international trade, need to access


NSBs are today more efficient, stakeholderdriven and customeroriented

CROSQ increasingly is a cooperation partner in and outside the Caribbean

The partnership and cooperation between CROSQ and INDOCAL are strengthened

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


T E S T I MON IAL The Dominica Bureau of Standards (DBOS) would like to thank the CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ) and the partners of the 10th EDF-TBT Programme, for the opportunity to participate in its trainings and activities over the past years. The Project has benefited Dominica and the region tremendously both in terms of knowledge, capacity-building and institutional strengthening. Dominica benefited from a range of equipment that has increased and strengthened the Bureau’s capacity in providing

management, evaluation and monitoring.

metrological services to industries, enhanced its internal and external communication and networking and improved

The information and knowledge gained including the

capacity in planning, development and implementation of

increased institutional strengthening will serve the Dominica

its national standards development programme.

Bureau of Standards well in its continued effort to improve the national standards development programme.

The training workshops Setting National Standardisation Strategies and the Project Management were extremely


beneficial. These courses provided a systematic approach in

Mara Abraham, Programme Manager - National Standards

determining and setting priorities as it relates to standards


development as well as the tools for effective project

Dominica Bureau of Standards - DBOS

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

T E S T I M ON IAL There is a popular saying, “the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step”. That describes the process of development for the Bahamas Bureau of Standards and Quality. Step-by-step we have progressed and now we have reached the point where we can begin to impact our community positively as we seek to introduce quality standards across the various sectors of the Bahamian economy. The four fundamental pillars that will facilitate this new process of conducting business in our country, Standards, Metrology, Accreditation and Conformity Assessment, together create what we refer to as the National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) systems. As team leader of the BBSQ, I am so proud of the quality of personnel we have engaged to develop and bring to fruition this much needed agency. This team of qualified personnel will ensure that every Unit of the Bureau is developed to achieve its objectives and by extension the overall vision and mission of the BBSQ as outlined in our Strategic Plan. We are so fortunate to have benefitted from the support provided by CROSQ through the EU Funded 10th EDFTBT Programme towards the development of the BBSQ Strategic Plan (2016-2018), and also internships and training

interventions in standards development and legal metrology. The establishment and full operation of the BBSQ in July 2015 created a catalyst for economic expansion through an improved national business environment that embraces a National Quality Infrastructure based on international standards. Renae Ferguson-Bufford, Director The Bahamas Bureau of Standards and Quality - BBSQ

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


T E S T I M ON IAL At the Belize Bureau of Standards (BBS), I serve in the capacity of both a Consumer Protection Officer and an Education Officer. Prior to being nominated as a representative on the Marketing Information Knowledge and Education (MIKE) Committee in 2012, my involvement in the field of Quality Infrastructure (QI) was minimal. I was more involved in the promotion of Consumer Protection and consumer rights. Thus, my eagerness to expand my knowledge in the different areas of QI and learn new techniques to expand our education and awareness efforts in promoting the Bureau of Standards in Belize. As a member of MIKE, I have benefited from trainings ranging from communicating with the media, marketing plan development, movie/video making production, content development and, of course, technical assistance from the technical officers whenever the need arose. These trainings have contributed to my involvement in coordinating activities to increase awareness of QI and improve the public and stakeholders’ perception of the Bureau. Through the 10th EDF-TBT, our Bureau has significantly benefited from funding for activities relating to the promotion of QI in Belize, particularly the observance of World Standards Day and World Accreditation Day; workshops on accreditation and good standardisation practices, to say the least. At BBS, we have also benefited from funding for the redevelopment of our website, procurement of equipment to be used as a part of the Bureau’s awareness initiatives and technical assistance in the development of a draft Marketing


Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

and Communications Plan. As we think of more innovative ways to interact with our stakeholders, we have recognised a shift in the outlook of people’s view and knowledge of BBS. Persons are more aware of the Bureau as the entity responsible for the development of quality infrastructure with more and more entities engaging the Bureau with their interest for the development of standards; and to have their organisations accredited to a particular international standard. This goes to show BBS’s commitment to being relevant to our stakeholders and recognising that one person or business, one interaction, can make or shape BBS’s image. Samantha Banner, Consumer Protection Officer and Education Officer Belize Bureau of Standards - BBS

Learnt and Developed in the Caribbean; Shared with the World

After years of project implementation, open exchanges of experiences and knowledge from worldwide partners, learning by way of trial and error and evolving through innovative solutions, interesting and valuable approaches have been developed in the Caribbean that were thought worthwhile to share with the World. Whilst some of these tools and techniques were the Caribbean’s adaptation of existing methodologies, others were totally new to the world! Here we take a look at and share some of these Caribbean best practices in order to contribute to the continuous development of the international Quality Infrastructure.

accreditation services in an increasing number of Caribbean countries on a highly-accessible and affordable basis. The NABs involved are: the Jamaica National Agency for Accreditation (JANAAC), the Trinidad and Tobago Laboratory Accreditation Service (TTLABS) and the Organismo Dominicano de Acreditación (ODAC) in the Dominican Republic. JANAAC is already providing internationally- recognised services for calibration and analytical testing laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025), as well as medical testing laboratories (ISO 15189).

Caribbean Cooperation for Accreditation Scheme Based on the mutual cooperation and collaboration amongst CARIFORUM States, the regional Accreditation Bodies (ABs) and the CROSQ, with support through the 10th EDF-TBT programme, the CCA Scheme was operationalised. The CCA is a cooperative network of accreditation-focussed and support entities. The primary aim of the CCA is to promote accreditation of CABs and to facilitate the accessibility to internationally-recognised accreditation services, all in the Caribbean. Through clear division of tasks and responsibilities,

Considering the fact that not all Caribbean countries can or will have their own NAB, the CCA opted for the establishment of National Accreditation Focal Points (NAFPs) in each country.

the CCA has been expanding the accreditation culture in the Caribbean, and its designated ABs have been providing

The NAFPs serve as a contact office in each country for the designated ABs. They also serve as a national contact office Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


for promotion of accreditation programmes, education and support infrastructure for Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) who would like to progress towards accreditation. Essentially therefore, the NAFPs are independent accreditation professionals, lodged in the respective Bureaux of Standards, who link national demand needs to regional supply services. CROSQ is the knowledge service centre that links the regional complex system of CABs, NAFPs, and NABs together in a costeffective network of information and awareness programmes, development training and resource mobilisation initiatives aimed at structurally and systematically bringing users of accreditation services together with providers of such services, regardless of borders. Whilst the NAFP concept was first developed in other regions, like in Asia, the continuous and progressive nature of the frequent monitoring and evaluation interactions by CROSQ of the actors involved, is quite unique in the Caribbean.

this tool is to provide explicit guidance to appraise and motivate improvements. The achievement of each step towards readiness for accreditation is logged, so that the progress of CABs can be easily directed, monitored and controlled. The Capacity-Building Programme itself, is steered by CROSQ’s experts and includes a comprehensive package of supporting measures, starting with a self-assessment against a customised SIP template built from an international standard, followed by a verification site visit with a value-added audit by CROSQ experts. A Project Implementation Plan (PIP) is then developed by the client CAB and it comprises the identified gaps, the activities proposed to close the gaps, the respective Gantt Chart timeframes and the budget for a consultant, training and equipment. This PIP is reviewed by CROSQ experts, and in the case of the 10th EDF-TBT programme, training and coachingbased consultancies were implemented and funds allocated to implement the individual plans by both CROSQ and the client CAB. The first CABs participating in this programme already achieved accreditation and comprised an analytical and medical laboratory, and an inspection and a product certification body. Participating CABs report monthly to CROSQ-Secretariat.

Caribbean Network of Conformity Assessment Bodies The CABs in the Caribbean are very dispersed, and there was no platform or network existing that brought them together for

Comprehensive Capacity Building Programmes for Conformity Assessment Bodies The capacity-building of Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) is recognised as an urgent need in almost all economic sectors of the Caribbean region. Supporting the capacity-building initiatives however, is a very challenging task because of the specialised and diversified knowledge needed. Donors and other promoters of such services need instruments to effectively support a broad capacity-building programme. Through the 10th EDF programme two interlinked tools have now been developed and adapted to the Caribbean reality. The Stepwise Improvement Programme (SIP) is one such tool that can be implemented by trained NAFPs to assess and guide laboratories, inspection and product certification bodies to close gaps and improve their processes and practices to fully meet the requirements of the international standards. The focus of 38

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formal growth and development through sharing experiences, lobbying for industry development and mobilisation of investment resources. It became evident that a number of CABs in the Caribbean needed quality improvements and that their services were not internationally recognized.

Initiatives to improve the competence of Caribbean CABs are challenged by the diversity and scope of services of these CABs. As a strategic response, CROSQ established the CANCAB. It was established as a regional Special Committee, with Private Sector participation since many CABs are run by the Private Sector. Some Member States have already established supportive National Conformity Assessment Committees which further facilitate the formal organisation of the CABs for networking, dialogue and consensus building. CANCAB stands out because of its three-year Strategic Plan which is currently under implementation, and its standing Private Sector participation. The main action lines of the strategic plan as led by CROSQ are: Capacity Development and Resource Mobilisation (Supply Push); Awareness and Communication (Demand Pull); Elaboration and Harmonisation of Conformity Assessment Systems and Procedures (Products, Services and Personnel) and Institutional Networking and Advancement (Organisation).

envisioned that as the Committee evolves in the long term, a more centralised approach for a regional system and focal point on TBT matters may come into fruition. The Committee is not intended to provide formal dispute resolution relating to specific trade concerns but rather to function as a forum to advance best practices, regional coordinated responses and discuss technical issues concerning TBT- related matters, namely, standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures within the region. The Committee serves as an advisory body to the CROSQ Secretariat and the CROSQ Council.

Caribbean Reference Laboratories The Caribbean Reference Laboratories (CaRLs) are in essence fortified national laboratories that provide internationallyrecognised traceability, training and metrological knowledge to other National Metrology Institutes of the region. The concept foresees that any National Metrology Institute can request for one of its laboratories to be recognised by the region as a CaRL in a designated area of calibration. The only condition is that the laboratory demonstrates the highest metrology level competence in the region and that this competence is sustainable and underpinned by international recognition. Further, it must operate under a Memorandum of Understanding with other Member States in the region, where in exchange for project resources to develop its capacities and capabilities, it provides reciprocity in terms of favourable access, affordability and maintenance of a high level of quality services.

Technical Barriers to Trade, Information Management Systems and Enquiry Points Committee Through the 10th EDF Programme collaboration with the ACP – European Union (EU) Technical Barriers to Trade Programme, the regional TBT, Information Management Systems and Enquiry Points (TIE) Committee was formulated. The TIE Committee serves as a regional peer support system, addressing the four main levels of Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and TBT-related issues: national matters, intra-CARICOM matters, extra-regional bilateral matters and extra-regional multilateral matters. This is done inter alia through supporting national systems, processes and institutions such as the National TBT Enquiry Points, utilising a decentralised approach. It is Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


The concept was born in 2007 in the Caribbean, but it was only with the 10th EDF-TBT that it was possible to consolidate the first CaRL for mass and develop the two new ones for temperature and volume in a sustainable way. The following, illustrates: • • •

CaRL – Mass: This CaRL is hosted by the Bureau of Standards Jamaica and offers internationallyrecognised calibration of masses in the range from 1 mg to 20 kg; CaRL – Temperature: this CaRL is hosted by the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards and offers internationally-recognised calibration of platinum resistance thermometers within the range -40°C to 250°C; CaRL – Volume: this CaRL is hosted by the Bureau of Standards Jamaica and offers internationallyrecognised calibration of volumetric measures of capacity five and 20 litres.

In addition, important emerging and non-traditional areas, e.g. health and energy were included as priority focal points, often overlooked by singular Member States. Further, resources

required for needs assessment, studies, development modalities etc., or their results can now more easily be shared and used by different National Bureaux of Standards.

Regional Quality Policy

Regional Standards Development Priority Plan The Regional Standards Development Priority Plan (RSDPP) is a regional coordinated and agreed plan, based on 12 National Standardisation Development Plans. These National Plans were analysed inter alia, to identify areas of convergence and divergence. On the latter, a negotiation process started in order to achieve a regional consensus on standardisation initiatives to be regionally prioritised over the next five years. The RSDPP contributes to a better direction and harmonisation in the standardisation work in the Caribbean and allows an improved sharing of earned experience and scarce resources. The regional plan aims to balance the standards development needs and priorities of CROSQ Member States with regional interests. 40

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

The Regional Quality Policy for CARICOM and the Dominican Republic and the participatory process to develop it, creates a common and shared definition and understanding of Quality in the Caribbean. It explains and simplifies the science for uptake by decision makers in the Public and Private Sectors, as well as individuals and organisations within civil society. The objective is to help to promote a culture of quality or continuous improvement in the region for a higher level of productivity, innovation, competitiveness and consumer health and environmental protection. Furthermore, it creates an understanding of the contribution of quality to the regional sustainable socio-economic development, as well as of the resources and efforts needed to achieve a next level of Quality Consciousness in the Caribbean. Interestingly, it was initially planned to develop a Regional Standards Policy; then, following the systemic approach, the objective of the policy was widened to the whole QI, aiming to develop a Regional Quality Infrastructure Policy. After stakeholder consultations and a thorough analysis and discussion, however, it was recognised, that a Regional Quality Policy was more needed for the unifying orientation of all stakeholders and advancing a quality culture in the Caribbean. It includes now Market and State-driven considerations and

commitments, as well as those factors necessary to develop the enabling environment and to strengthen the technical competence and networks.

The success of the Regional Quality Policy will depend on how deep and broad the buy-in of stakeholders will be and how effective the monitoring of the implementation will be organised and in this regard, Member States are being encouraged to cascade the principles and commitments of the Regional Quality Policy into National Quality Policies for action.

Awareness and Information – The 5th Pillar of QI Through the experience with developing QI in the Caribbean, it was realised that beyond the technical aspects, the level of information, knowledge, awareness, rules, customs and habits towards quality, determined the preparedness of the QI to offer competent services and to further develop their capacities and competences. This fact made it essential to consider a fifth and cross-cutting pillar in the concept and definition of Quality Infrastructure, alongside the four known main pillars of the QI, namely the technical areas of Standardisation, Accreditation, Metrology and Conformity Assessment.

The fifth pillar of QI incorporates the people as well as the cultural and socio-economic aspects and factors surrounding QI. Information provision, awareness-raising, education and marketing of quality services are the main activities under this pillar. It is about encouraging people to use quality improvement principles and practices from the natural, social and managerial sciences to do something better today than they did yesterday. It is where the utility value of QI, that is, Quality, hits the road. CROSQ created a specialised Marketing, Information, Knowledge and Education (MIKE) Committee, comprising members of each of the 15 Member States, plus the Dominican Republic in the case of the 10th EDF-TBT, to promote Quality Culture in the Caribbean. 

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


Th e Proj e c t I m p l e m ent at i o n U n i t Tes t i m o n i als In every successful project, there is a team behind the scene that assures an effective and efficient implementation. The PIU members have been asked to describe shortly what the project and the project experience meant to them. Here are their testimonials:

“The implementation of the TBT Programme between partners located in three different countries has been a big challenge from the very beginning. The great achievements we made were only possible through a joint effort by everybody who was part of our team!” Carl Felix Wolff, Project Manager, PTB

“The 10th EDF TBT Programme pulled together an exceptional multidisciplinary and culturally diverse team that possessed the optimum blend of technical expertise, commitment and professional competencies. The profile of CROSQ has been elevated and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this rewarding experience.” Karlene Russel, Project Coordinator, CROSQ

“The complexity of this project was overwhelming at the beginning, but together with great colleagues, partners and friends from all over the Caribbean and the World, it became an easy path full of teamwork, joy, passion and success. A great experience –strengthening my wish to continue working in this environment.” Sabine Greiner, Project Coordinator, PTB


Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


Th e Proj e c t I m p l e m ent at i o n Un i t Tes t i m o n i als

“The most important achievement during the implementation of this project has been the establishment of strong synergy for the technical cooperation between the Dominican Republic and the CARICOM Member States. Undoubtedly, it has been one of the great achievements of the project and it will be sustainable over time. I am very proud to be part of this great goal, as Dominican and as professional.” Claribel Lopez, Project Coordinator, INDOCAL

“The 10th EDF TBT Programme – Standards component was very special for me. The relationships built as a result of the various activities held under the project coupled with the capacity-building within the standards developments was extremely gratifying for me. Of particular mention are the deliverables the development of a 5-year Regional Standards Development Priority Plan and of a Regional Quality Policy.” Fulgence St. Prix, Technical Officer Standards, CROSQ

“Working on the 10th EDF TBT Programme provided me with valuable knowledge and experience about working within EU guidelines. It also gave me the opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the NMIs which in turn gave me great joy to see them increase their metrology capabilities.” David Tomlinson, Technical Officer Metrology, CROSQ


Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


The Proj e c t I m p l e m ent at i o n Un i t Tes t i m o n i als

“Working with the CCA inclusive of the NAFPs, NABs, CABs and other stakeholders to achieve the objectives of the portfolio under the 10th EDF TBT Programme was both humbling and rewarding. Today, CABs across the region are achieving competence, reliability and efficiency at a greater pace than before. “ Stephen Farquharson, Technical Officer Accreditation, CROSQ

“Being a part of the 10th EDF TBT Programme was a rewarding time as it provided a great opportunity to contribute towards advancing regional cooperation and development. This experience helped me to grow as an individual and particularly as a quality professional; I am truly grateful for this.” Trumel Redmond, Technical Officer Conformity Assessment, CROSQ

“Teamwork was a very important watchword for this 10th EDF TBT Programme. It involved working together with colleagues from various agencies and pulling on the resources in 16 countries to spread awareness about the successes of interventions in various QI areas. It was an enlightening and professionally rewarding experience for me.” Latoya Burnham, Technical Officer – Communication and Information, CROSQ


Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


Th e Proj e c t I m p l e m ent at i o n U n i t Tes t i mo n i als

“As a platform for QI within CARIFORUM, the 10th EDF TBT Programme initiated a paradigm shift within CARIFORUM towards embracing ‘Quality’ as a cornerstone of daily life. The Project had a number of successes, yet I believe the primary success was the further deepening of regional integration within the Caribbean.” Sanya Alleyne, Legal Officer, CROSQ

“The project played an essential role in strengthening QI knowledge, QI communities, and QI organisations, the most essential pillar to the export in the Caribbean. The project reaffirmed the importance of teamwork, effective planning and execution. More crucially, it underlined the significant role quality plays in social and economic development.” Dwayne Clarke, IT Assistant, CROSQ

“The 10th EDF TBT Programme had strengthened my awareness of the regional and international technical barriers to trade as well as demonstrated the importance of developing a strong regional quality infrastructure. Moreover, the project has given me the opportunity to add to the economic development of the region.” Tonya Cummins, Accounting Assistant, CROSQ


Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


Th e Proj e c t I m p l e m ent at i o n U n i t Tes t i mo n i als

“In spite of long existing relationships, all organizations, institutes and persons involved in this unique project have grown even closer together. This project gave me the opportunity to get in touch with a new area of responsibility and to broaden both my professional and personal horizons.” Diana Kleinschmidt, Project and Accounting Assistant, PTB

SPECI A L THA N K S Some special thanks are due to the heads at CROSQ Secretariat, INDOCAL and PTB, to the main consultants, former PIU members, as well as supporting staff, who have contributed to the success of this project over its life-cycle:

Winston Bennett, CEO, CROSQ Russell Franklyn, Officer-in-Charge, CROSQ Deryck Omar, CEO, CROSQ Manuel Guerrero, Director General, INDOCAL Alexis Valqui, Head of Working Group, PTB Ulf Hillner, Head of Working Group, PTB Mohan Nandwani, Finance Manager, CROSQ Kellianne Williams, Accounting Assistant, CROSQ Gail Forde, Project Assistant, CROSQ Leomary Alcantara, Project Assistant, INDOCAL Cora Stumpe, Project Assistant, PTB Anastasija Diener, Accounting Assistant, PTB


Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

Ulrich Diekmann, Consultant, PTB Christian Keil, Consultant, PTB Anett Matbadal, Consultant, PTB Ramón Madriñán, Consultant, PTB Pat Paladino, Consultant, PTB Heather Wilson, Office & Operations Assistant, CROSQ Euleen Alleyne, Administrative Assistant, CROSQ Maureen Carrington, Facilities & Office Assistant, CROSQ Denver Rowe, Driver, CROSQ

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


Caribbean Competitiveness Built on Quality, Now and Beyond During project implementation (2012-2017), good progress towards a modern Quality Infrastructure according to internationally-recognised principles has been made. This progress has included the development and operationalisation of Regional frameworks for standardisation, metrology, conformity assessment and accreditation, which have performed well despite some remaining challenges. Important steps towards harmonised standards and procedures have also been made, and country capacities in the National Bureau of Standards have been expanded and strengthened covering more their needs. Over the project’s lifetime many concepts were developed and implemented to improve the competence of public and private CABs, and for the first time internationallyrecognised accreditation services are offered in the Caribbean! With these quality interventions, the Caribbean has seen a business sector comprising producers, service providers, traders and consumers, who are now more aware of the importance and the functioning of the quality world and who have started to use more of these quality services to improve their operations and product offerings. Countries have become more aware of the potential that a functional Quality Infrastructure signifies for sustainable development and of the joint efforts that should be made in order to further develop the quality system and also to make better use of it in the Caribbean. There has also been a marked improvement in the relations between CROSQ and INDOCAL, observed through a strengthening of their cooperation – evidence that investment in such collaboration can pay off. Despite these positive developments, the critical challenges that characterised the region remain evident. Additionally, the world is developing towards a situation where the competitiveness will be decided between those countries that are able to meet higher and higher standards.

The EPA will be able to unfold its promise to boost trade and to promote regional integration and sustainable economic development, if the Caribbean not only maintains and expands its quality services capacities for the demands of today, but are also prepared to further develop its systems at the same path as the world develops. In the next years, the regional frameworks need to be consolidated and fine-tuned, and a focus on strengthening national capacities of the National Bureau of Standards and CABs using the regional frameworks, need to be set. Quality Culture and the utilisation of quality services by the private sector, the Public Sector and the academia need to be further promoted. A premise for that is to develop a differentiated approach that consider on the one side, different user demands, resources, absorption capacities and development stages and on the other, the need to comply with international standards. The recognition needs to be strengthened that QI is not only a tool to facilitate trade and to promote regional integration, but to improve efficiency and effectiveness of consumer, health and environmental protection, as well as energy efficiency promoting policies. The Caribbean Regional Quality Policy – developed with the support of the TBT Programme - provides a vision through to 2030 and a guide as to how to apply the “Quality Infrastructure in the support of the sustainable development of CARICOM and the Dominican Republic by nurturing a culture of quality consciousness that promotes higher level of productivity, innovation, export competitiveness and consumer, health and environmental protection through improved quality of products and the services and the development of an internationally recognised demandoriented Quality Infrastructure”. (Regional Quality Policy – CARICOM & the Dominican Republic, to be published). The Caribbean as a collective has made great strides, but there is further yet to go!

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


Acro nyms


ACP States

African, Caribbean and Pacific Group


Jamaica National Accreditation Agency

of States


Marketing, Information, Knowledge


International Bureau for Weights

Management and Education Committee

and Measures


Memorandum of Understanding


Conformity Assessment Body


National Accreditation Body


Caribbean Network of Conformity


National Accreditation Focal Point

Assessment Bodies


National Metrology Institute


Caribbean Community


National Bureau of Standards


Caribbean Forum, a subgroup of the


Organismo Dominicano de Acreditación,

ACP States

NAB from Dominican Republic


Regional arm of SIM and Technical


Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States

Committee of CROSQ


International Organization of


Caribbean Reference Laboratory

Legal Metrology


Caribbean Cooperation for Accreditation


Project Implementation Plan


Caribbean Metrology Network


Project Implementation Unit


Pan American Standards Commission


Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt,


Council for Trade and Economic

the German NMI



Quality Infrastructure


Caribbean Regional Indicative Programme


Regional Standards Development Priority


CARICOM Regional Organisation


for Standards and Quality


Inter-American Metrology System


CARICOM Regional Standards


Stepwise Improvement Programme


European Development Fund


Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary Measures


Economic Partnership Agreement


Technical Barriers to Trade


European Union


Technical Barriers to Trade, Information


Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation

Management Systems and Enquiry Points


International Accreditation Forum



Information and Communications


Technical Implementation Group



Technical Management Committee


International Electrotechnical


Technical Oversight Committee



Trinidad & Tobago Laboratory


International Laboratory Accreditation

Accreditation Service



World Trade Organisation


Instituto Dominicano para la Calidad,

Quality Institute from Dominican Republic


International Organization

for Standardization

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

National Standards Bureaux in the Region Antigua and Barbuda Bureau of Standards

Grenada Bureau of Standards

Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards

Old Parham Rd P.O. Box 1550 St. John’s Antigua & Barbuda T: 268-562-4011 / F: 268-562-0094 Website: www.abbs.gov.ag

P.O. Box 2036 Queen’s Park St. George’s Grenada T: 473-440-5886/6783 / F: 473-440-5554 http://www.gdbs.gd

Bisee Industrial Estate CP 5412 Castries St. Lucia T: 758-453-0049 / F: 758-452-3561 Website: www.slbs.org.lc

Bahamas Bureau of Standards

Guyana National Bureau of Standards

Ministry of Financial Services Source River Centre 1000 Bacardi Road P.O. Box N-4843 Nassau NP The Bahamas T: 242-362-1748 - 55/ F: 242- 362-9172 Website: www.bbsqbahamas.com

Flat 15 Exhibition Complex Sophia Georgetown Guyana T: 592-219-0062/0064/0066 / F: 592-2190070 Website: www.gnbsgy.org

St. Vincent and The Grenadines Bureau of Standards

Barbados National Standards Institution Culloden Road St. Michael Barbados T: 246-426-3870 / F: 246-436-1495

Belize Bureau of Standards Power Lane Ministry of Works Compound P.O. Box 430 Belmopan Belize C.A T: 501-822-0446/47 / F: 501-822-2571 Website: www.bbs.gov.bz

Dominica Bureau of Standards P.O. Box 1015 9 Great Marlborough Street Roseau Dominica T: 767-448-1685/440-0052 / F: 767-449-9217 Website: www.dominicastandards.org

Campden Park Industrial Estate P.O. Box 1506 Kingstown VC 0100 St. Vincent & the Grenadines Website: www.svgbs.gov.vc

Bureau Haïtien de Normalisation

Suriname Standards Bureau

Ministère du Commerce et de l’Industrie Port-au-Prince Haiti T: 509-2228-9491/2230-5804/4890-0147 / F: 509-223-8402/223-5950

Leysweg No. 10, Uitvlugt Paramaribo Suriname T: 597-499928/9 / F: 597-499926 Website: www.ssb.sr

Bureau of Standards Jamaica

Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards

6 Winchester Road, Kingston 10 Jamaica T: 876-926-3140-5 / F: 876-929-4736 Website: www.bsj.org.jm

1-2 Century Drive Trincity Industrial Estate Macoya, Tunapuna Trinidad & Tobago T: 868-662-8827 / F: 868-663-4335 http://www.ttbs.org.tt

Minister/Trade Economist Ministry of Agriculture, Trade. Land, Housing and the Environment P.O. Box 272 Brades Montserrat MSR 1110 T: 664-492-1887

St. Kitts and Nevis Bureau of Standards

Instituto Dominicano para la Calidad (INDOCAL) c/ Oloff Palmer esq. Nuñez de Cáceres, San Gerónimo, Santo Domingo, R.D. T: 809-686-2210 Ext. 310 Email: servicioalcliente@indocal.gob.do http://www.indocal.gob.do

Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Affairs Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis T: 869-465-5279 / F: 869-465-3852

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World



Author and Contributors: Alexis Valqui, along with Fulgence St. Prix, David Tomlinson, Trumel Redmond, Stephen Farquharson, Karlene Russell, Claribel Lopez, Sabine Greiner, and Latoya Burnham.

Editor: Lisa Legall-Belgrave

Sub-editors: CROSQ, PTB and INDOCAL

Design & Layout: Selwyn Cambridge

Photograph Credits: Photos supplied by the CARIFORUM, COPANT, CROSQ Secretariat, the European Union Delegation to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, INDOCAL, NSBs, PTB, and respective testimonial contributors.

Publication Committee: Latoya Burnham, Sabine Greiner, Claribel Lopez, Karlene Russel, Alexis Valqui

Date of Edition: August 2017

Printed: PTB


Quality – from the Caribbean to the World

Quality – from the Caribbean to the World


This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of CROSQ, INDOCAL and PTB and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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