The Way of Liberation

Page 55



magine that one morning you wake up, and as you open your eyes, you suddenly realize that everything is not as it used to be. And I mean everything! Not that anything looks different to the eye, but rather that what is doing the looking has somehow changed or mutated in some strange and unpredictable way. And there you are, just stepping out of bed, wondering if you are actually still fast asleep under the covers dreaming this strange dream. But you are not dreaming, and you know it. You know that you are not dreaming with a certainty unlike you have ever felt before. In fact, you realize that every moment of every day of your life up to just a few moments ago was spent in a state of unconscious sleepwalking that felt so real and so true that you had never even thought to question its validity. The consensus opinion is that once you are out of bed and walking around, you are very awake. But it simply isn’t true. How did you not notice something so obvious? But that’s not all, not by a long shot. Imagine that as you are noticing this strange change taking place within yourself, that something even more unsettling occurs to you: that there is


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