OI 159 ing

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through written by Heloísa Eterna and Rodrigo Vilar photos by André Valentim

Works on the TransOeste project in Barra da Tijuca: making Rio de Janeiro’s West Zone more accessible

investors and builders of projects that are expanding

there, and another 35 are in the implementation

the logistical capacity of these states.

phase, representing a total investment of USD 17

Located in the Recife metropolitan area, the Port

billion. In 2011, Suape’s port operations registered

and Industrial Complex of Suape, controlled and

25% growth in tonnage transported and 33% growth

administered by the State of Pernambuco, is con-

in container handling.

solidating its position as one of the most important

This success story has encouraged the admin-

investment hubs in Brazil. The complex receives

istrators of Suape and the State of Pernambuco to

60,000 workers daily and covers an area of 13,500

implement plans to expand and upgrade the com-

hectares – geographically larger than the city of

plex’s access roads. “We are carrying out a plan to

Olinda and equivalent to the entire urban area of

keep pace with this growth in the medium and long

Recife. More than 100 companies are operating

term. One initiative is the road concession won by



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