Five qualities of the great american trucker

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Five Qualities of the Great American Trucker There are truck-driving schools in Utah, California and all over the United States teaching people what they need to learn for a CDL license. However, just going to school does not make a driver a great trucker. No, being the best in the business requires lots of experience and innate qualities that do not come from driving school or a CDL training program. At C.R. England, we like to think we have a knack for finding the best drivers in the business. What's more, we believe our reputation backs that up. We have been in business since 1920, providing reliable logistics services to clients from coast to coast. So what do we look for in a quality driver? Here are the top five qualities we believe are most important: 1. Personal Responsibility If nothing else, the American trucker needs to have a strong sense of personal responsibility. There is no one out there on the road looking over the driver's shoulder to make sure he or she is obeying the law, driving safely, and delivering cargo undamaged and on time. Each driver has to take responsibility for him or herself. Personal responsibility is a quality that usually comes from upbringing or overcoming a life of adversity. It is not something that can be learned through a CDL training program. That's why it's so valuable to us. We look for drivers who understand personal responsibility because they practice it. Such drivers benefit the entire industry, not just C.R. England. 2. Stable Temperament Professional truck driving can be awfully challenging for someone who does not have a stable temperament. What do we mean by a stable temperament? We mean the ability to control one's emotions rather than allowing one's emotions to be in control. A person with a stable temperament is not easily stressed. He or she is someone able to roll with the punches and adapt, regardless of what the job throws at them. Drivers who are stressed to easily can find it difficult to work in adverse weather or heavy traffic. They may be easily distracted by even those most minor of problems, letting them negatively affect the way they do their jobs. These sorts of drivers may be adequate for local driving jobs that limit both time and miles, but the over-the-road trucker needs to be emotionally stable at all times. 3. Integrity We think it is safe to say that integrity is something lacking in many industries. Therefore, when we find a driver who excels in this quality, that individual is a rare find. We believe integrity is of the utmost importance for protecting the C.R. England name and the best interests of the clients we work to serve. We also believe that a man or woman lacking in integrity has very little to offer our industry. Integrity is displayed throughout every area of the trucking profession. From load pickup to transit to drop off, the driver with integrity always does his or her best to ensure the safety of their cargo and the reputation of his or her employer. That's what we look for at C.R. England.

4. Attention to Timeliness Another quality that seems to be lacking these days is inattention to timeliness. While timeliness is important for any job, it is critical in the trucking industry. Today's logistics run on such a tight schedule that companies cannot afford for deliveries to be late. We expect our drivers to honor the deadlines they work out with clients at all times. Accidents and other unplanned emergencies do happen, but these should be the rare exception rather than the general rule. 5. Customer Service Skills Lastly, CR England drivers represent us to clients whenever they are out in the field. Therefore, it is important to us that each of our drivers has impeccable customer service skills. We want them to be able to relate with our clients under any circumstances, in a way that makes the customer feel as though he or she is the most important to our business. Some aspects of good customer service can be learned in a CDL training program, but it is not likely to happen. Why? Because CDL training is focused on teaching the individual the skills necessary to operate a commercial vehicle safely and efficiently. Instructors are not trained to teach students how to deal effectively with customers. Do you have what it takes to be a great American trucker? If so, C.R. England may have an opportunity for you. We can get you hooked up with truck driving schools in Utah, California, Indiana, Texas, North Carolina, and Georgia. If you are willing to receive your training through our partner, Premier Truck Driving Schools, we will have a job waiting for you upon graduation. We pride ourselves in hiring the best drivers in the business. We are interested in speaking to you if you think you have what it takes. Sources: 1. C.R. England CDL Training Program –

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