[Uncensored Downloadable] Creators Unite Magazine Issue 07 THE ART ISSUE

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Tin-Tin: Talking about someone who makes you dream and also brings an incredibly dramatic dimension in his work, Decouflé is definitely a great example... What he does is so beautiful! Yesterday I had tears in my eyes during the show... Creators Unite: His work is truly powerful. How did the decision to collaborate start? Tin-Tin: I went to see Decouflé’s Short Pieces at Le Palais de Chaillot and I suddenly thought “Damn it! That’s it!” Creators Unite: It’s true that there is a merger when we see Philippe Decouflé’s work, he covers a wide range of areas artistically. Your work and his are body arts but also spiritual arts. Tin-Tin: Here, you see, here is Philippe, he is right behind... When I asked him, he was so excited; he was wild about the idea... Here we go! Showtime! We take our leave of Tin-Tin who invites us to visit his parlour to continue our discussion. We thank him and, like him, get in front of the stage to enjoy the duo My Girl, an excerpt of the Ballet Octopus interpreted by the dancers Alice Roland and Sean Patrick Mombruno of Philippe Decouflé’s company DCA (According to him, “D” stands for diversity, “C” for camaraderie, and “A” for agility, Ed)…

Creators Unite 07 Art Issue


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