Live Audit of Creative Dundee

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Live Audit - February 2017 Feedback At Make/Share (8th Feb) and Pecha Kucha Night (28th Feb), we asked attendees for feedback on what Creative Dundee currently offers, what we can improve in future, and what support would make people stay and thrive in Dundee. 100 people took part in this Live Audit. This report is a summary of all feedback received and we will be taking this onboard in our future plans, we hope you also find it useful. Huge thanks to everyone who shared their insights and special thanks to Perrine Mercenier, Intern from University of Liège for leading this project. Find out more about Creative Dundee here: 1

Pre-Live Audit – Feedback received during Pecha Kucha Night ticket booking

Which Creative Dundee’s events do you attend or tools do you use?


Pre-Live Audit – Summary of feedback received during Pecha Kucha Night ticket booking

How Creative Dundee impacts what you do? Inspiration – Motivation – Local awareness – Connections – Community • Inspires me to shout about the growing creative scene in Dundee and the good that it is doing for the city. • Adds value to my life. • Keeps me motivated creatively and up to date with events in Dundee. • Makes me feel part of something. Helps stop the loneliness of the sole trader. • Keeps me connected to the energy of the Dundee creative community, which directly underpins my sense of creative purpose and helps to maintain my momentum. Thank you! • Creative Dundee inspires me to shout about the growing creative scene in Dundee and the good that it is doing for the city. • It makes me feel part of something. Helps stop the loneliness of the sole trader. • Creative Dundee have shown me the generosity and forward-thinking attitude that Dundee's creative community has to offer and given me opportunities that have, not only expanded my career prospects but, helped me to work within the community to make a positive impact. • The whole thing is awesome - so inspiring! :) • My go to place to connect with the creative community and find out what's going on in the sector. • Fantastic information, networking and new ways to work together. • It makes me feel more connected. • Great source of news in Dundee. • It inspires me to create and broadens my knowledge of what other practitioners are creating.

“ You’re the glue and oil behind everything creative happening in Dundee! “ 3

Why do you attend our events or use our tools? To increase my local awareness of Dundee creative's scene


To be part of something bigger/ of a community


To get inspiration/ develop skills and capacity


To make more industry contacts in the city/ find collaborators


To meet likeminded people/ get peer support To grow confidence in developing/growing my practice in the city To access/ be signposted to resources and support To get visibility/exposure for my work

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Are there other reasons? Fun – Community - Connections – Inspiration – Curiosity – Learning • To hear about all the cool and interesting stuff people are doing! • To hear of other people experiences with life and how far they have came • To "grow" my mind • To hear stories from interesting people • It reminds me our little world is huge! • Enjoy the "buzz", the connections, the variety, other people's creativity • Because they are fun! • Catching up with friends • To hear and see the unexpected • Local awareness (what's happening in Dundee?) • To meet and learn of the talented creative people/teams who could be living next door but you are unaware of! • Keep updated with what's going on in Dundee • Connections/Community • To meet new people • To be involved in the creative community • To become more community engaged designer and meet/be around like-minded people • To feel connected • To keep myself connected 5 • Asking for help from people to follow-up with later

What should Creative Dundee focus on in future?

Promote Dundee as a creative and digital hub and a Unesco City of Design, nationally and‌


Enable cross-sector collaborations through events


Support creatives in developing solutions for use of spaces in the city


Support emerging creative practitioners


Connect students and academic institutions with the local creative sector


Promote creative employment opportunities Develop city’s cultural tourism opportunities Support peer learning across the cultural sector

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Is there anything else? New connections – New collaborations – New events – Skills development for creatives – Available spaces • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Connecting to "hard to reach" local people. Peer sharing. Make diverse out-of-town-center community involvement. To those living around the outskirts of Dundee and primary schools, start them early! Reaching out to all Dundee students beyond DJCAD. Creating a link with creative studies at DJCAD. Cross-discipline creative practices (i.e. Computing and online security in a creative capacity). The wider community, not just creatives. Creatives living in areas of social deprivation. growing and introducing new people to Dundee. Push interdisciplinary work and facilitate collaboration. Celebrate Dundee's diversity. Organise a barcamp for Dundee and conference to see what happens Allow the incredible creative people of Dundee run their own events Skill sharing workshops, teaching stuff. Helping develop the teaching of facilitation skills. 7

What could Creative Dundee do better to help you?

Create new connections and collaborations – Organise more events - Showcase outside Dundee - Develop other support • • • • • • • • • • • •

Engage with DJCAD more. Connect more with big businesses. Reach more marginalised groups through events. Help keep local talent, LOCAL. Networking events. More social/networking events. More frequent events. Showcase Dundee's creative work elsewhere. Real life workshops: tax, business admin, loans, etc. Help me be aware and support creative community. Funded training sessions. Offer internships.


Dundee in 5 years time, what would make you stay?

Creative jobs opportunity and safety – Collaborations – Creative community – Things happening • More collaborative opportunities. • Broader cross-discipline collaborations. • A legacy that the V&A and UNESCO continue to pull jobs, culture and people to Dundee. • Creative jobs and opportunities. • Job security. • Greater variety of creative jobs. • Fulfilling creative work. • Cyber security jobs. • A job that allows me to engage through design (not just game design). • Seeing all the ideas, positivity and plans come to fruition. • Potential for things to happen. • A wider creative community. • A cohesive community. • A vibrant creative community.


Creative Dundee in 3 words ?


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