Catálogo idrojet

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IDM - ldrociinamica Mecliterranea bv IRS - ldro Rental Service S.r.l., ìs born frorn the ìong sales erperiene of Idrojet and I(idextractor. in the specìal field of special cquiprnent for the rnaintenance of ireat exch.rngers, in oi1 refineries, chemical planis arrd onlv recentlv on offshore plants. Todat/ our company is able to offer vou, with all its experience, not onlv the rental of high technologv industrial all vour needs through i,t,el1 trained technicians in thìs particular

equipment, but it is also able to find out specific solutions for field.

IDM - Idrodinamica Mediterranea bv IRS - ldro Rental Services S.r,l., for all companies that require it, at request, can also train and certify vour technicians on the use of our rental equipmer-rtl

IDM - Iclrodinamica Mediterranea by IRS - lclro Rental Service S.r,l. todav can offer vou a wicle range of rental equipmerrt: the new Stud Double Pump Pigging Machine, high pressure n,ater pumps, from 150 Hp to 410 Hp and from 700 atm trl1 1500 ut^, stradclle carriers, till 20 tons of weight capacitv, for l-reat erchatrgers transportation and any other pipes transport, hyclraulic tube bundle extractors tÌll 45 tons of bundle weight capacitrr, heat exchangers internal and external pipes cleaning robots, b), the use of high pressure water jets and air compressor to complete our range of machines, Safetrr, qualitv, flexibilitr', plus the highest technologv of our equipment together with a user friendliness will permit you to c.rrry out anv single job you wisÈ in a rva_v i6at it w,ill be tÀe most efficient for 1re11. Accessories and consumable goods lvill be available onlv through a simple calll AÌl prices, erpressed in Euro, based on working dal,s of B hours ol weeks of 40 hours, lon ger rn,orking days rvill be qu otecl at your request. ,{dctitional accessories, transport charges, third partv insurance operations, daily maìntenance, fuel, lubricants, ancl anv other else will be quoted separatelv. Our mission is

to fulfill vollr reqllest ancl to do so at competitir,e prices, yollr operations are just a phone cal1. Cive us a call and things will be clone vour awavl

For further information: IDM - Idrodinamica Meditelranea bv IRS - Tch'o Rental ServÌce S.r.l. - Via Luisi Pirandello s.n. - 95040 PianoTavola(CT)-fTALY-Tel.+39/09517137725 -Fax+3910951391466 inioline: +39132918913983,


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