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Tools To Address Complex Challenges In Urban Communities

Co-creating urban spaces has a key role in transformation towards better futures and unleashing inclusive, sustainable and thriving urban areas. T-Factor is an EU-funded initiative aimed at creating new knowledge, tools, and capabilities to develop the transformative potential of meanwhile spaces in urban regeneration.

By meanwhile spaces, the project refers to temporary spaces acting as prototypes of future neighbourhoods and areas during an urban regeneration project.

The project involves 25 partners including universities, experts, and local communities and runs in six pilot cities including Amsterdam, Bilbao, Kaunas, London, Lisbon, and Milan.

As a project’s partner, the Service Design lab is involved in developing a methodological toolbox to address and solve urban challenges among the participating pilots. Such challenges include social inclusion, sustainability, community building and connecting the needs of human and other spacious. The service design lab is also involved in creating new knowledge to enabling policymaking, regulatory, governance and funding opportunities.


June 2020 – May 2024


Politechnico di Milano (Italy), University of the arts, London (UK), LAMA (Italy), LAND (Italy), Friche la Belle de Mai (France), Kaunas university of technology (Lithuania), Universidad Nova de Lisboa (Portugal), TU Dortmund (Germany), City of Lodz (Poland), London Borough of Camden (UK), Tongji university (China).


Total granted to the consortium: 7.998.425 euro, funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020.


Hadas Zohar, email: hzo@create.aau.dk

WEB: https://www.t-factor.eu/

We see our role as helping communities to imagine and define what could be a better future for them and using our expertise in design to provide them with tools to get there. When it gets to decision making in the urban context, we hope to see more voices brought to the table, to lead towards a more just and sustainable future.

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