Faith On Every Corner Magazine - October 2023

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“The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1)

Visit Our Website at for previous issues of our magazine.
Cover Photo by Carol LaBelle

Cover Photographer: Carol LaBelle

Carol LaBelle - Born and raised in Michigan, Carol currently resides in Plymouth, Michigan. She has been a professional photographer for 15+ years and her images are comprised of the 4 seasons of Michigan’s shorelines, interior and architecture.

More photos on page 62 and 63

Follow her on Facebook at

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Note From Karen Ruhl, Editor

Welcome to Colorful October!

There is always beauty in what God creates, but I think He really puts on a show during the spring and fall. I love fall because of the colors, smells, and cool temperatures. If you can, get out and take a drive with the family and get away from all the electronics. You will be amazed at how the stress can drop off with a nice country ride.

I would like to take a minute to thank our writers and supporters. This magazine is read in over 100 countries. Think about that—it isn’t because of anything Craig or I do to get that kind of audience. It is all about God expanding the territory for this magazine and getting it into the hands of those He wants to read it. We have over 42,000 readers (changes month by month). The numbers for readership are difficult to track because we give links for people to download and share with others and those do not get counted. Our contributors write from their hearts and are so very faithful; we love each one of them. We are also amazed at our readers and would love to hear from you. You can email us at

I love to share the front cover with other photographers. You don’t have to be a professional; I look for those who love to get a good snap! If you would like to be featured on the front cover, please let me know in an email.

If you would like to submit an article, please let us know and we will send you the guidelines. Our email is:

Love and blessings, Karen

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Note From The Editor ... page 3 Road Trippin’ With The Ruhls - pages 64-67

Quiet Time Rhymes ... by John Alexander ... pages 6-7

Why Are You Smiling? ... by Melissa Henderson... page 8-9

Listening Without Complaint ... by Peter Caligiuri ... pages 10

God Remembers Dreams ... by Peter Caligiuri ... pages 11

The Rest Of The Story ... by Dave Evans ... pages 12-13

Morning Coffee ... by Michael E. Wells ... pages 14-15

Blossoming Faith ... by Irene Surya ... page 16

Believing In Yourself With God’s Help ... Linda Castro... pages 18-19

Reformation Celebration ... by Nicole Byrum ... Pages 20-21

The Good ‘Ole Days ... by Andrea Marino ... Page 22-23

Servant’s Heart ... by Steve Carter ... Pages 24-25

Hope Even From Failure ... Doc Arnett ... Pages 26-27

Live By Faith and A Life of Faith Poem ... By Brenda McDaniel ... Pages 28-29

Believing In Yourself With God’s Help ... by Laurie Glass ... Pages 30

Finding Peace In The Pain ... by Gina Meredith ... Page 31

The View From The Passenger Seat ... by Brianna Barrett ... Pages 32-33

Greetings From Our Kenyan Brothers and Sisters In Christ ... by Yvonne Morgan ... Pages 34-35

The Miracle Fire ... by Pam McCormick ... Page 36

Be with Me Mommy ... by Karen Ruhl ... Page 37

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We Reap What we Sow ... by Craig D. Lounsbrough ... Pages 38-39

Heading North ... by Sharon Connell ... Pages 40-41

Not All You See Is Real ... by Karen Ruhl ... Page 42-43

From Pity Party to Praise Party and Communion At Church by Cindy Evans ... Pages 44-45

God Cares Admist Chaos ... by Kathleen Oden ... Pages 46-47

Give It To God ... by Karen Ruhl ... Pages 48-49

Spiriual Reset ... by Craig Ruhl ... Page 50-51

Book Reviews ... by Craig and Karen Ruhl ... Pages 52-55

Wings Of Eagles ... by Mike Buchanan ... Pages 56

Earthen Vessels nd You And Me by Michael Shoemaker ... Page 57

Traumatic Gnosticism ... By Jerry Davidson ... page 58-59

Navigating Life’s Storms: Finding Peace And Faith In Tiimes Of Adversity by Joseph Akinrinola ... Page 60-61

Photos by Carol LaBelle ... Pages 62-63

Road Trippin’ ... by Karen Ruhl with Craig Ruhl ... Pages 64-67

He Knows Your Name ... by Shara Bueler-Repka ... Pages 68-71

Thank You to our wonderful writers and readers.

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Quiet Time Rhymes


One of the best passages to put our heart at ease and remind us to live by faith is found in Matthew 6:25-33 which inspired the words of a poem, Faith Not Anxiety, that I penned earlier this year. I pray this poem and the others I’ve shared in this issue are a blessing to you.

Blessings, John

Faith Not Anxiety

Don’t let some worry taint our mood, Anxious as to what we’ll wear, Our nourishment, our drink or food. Depend on God, His love and care. Our body’s more than what we eat. We’re not defined by how we dress, Or shiny shoes upon our feet.

God’s in control, no need for stress. Consider birds, they soar and fly They do not sow, or reap or store God feeds them well, they soar on high. Consider them. God loves us more. Consider lilies how they grow. They do not toil, nor do they spin, Yet beautiful, the best in show. Have faith in God. He’s our best friend. Seek first the Lord, don’t fret or fuss, And all these things He’ll add to us.

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Faith And Love

Why do I worry or struggle or dread, Forget that the Master controls what’s ahead? Regardless of troubles that this day may bring, The Lord gives me comfort, my heart can still sing. Life’s not about treasures of silver or gold, Nor even the things I can touch or can hold, But rather my faith and the power of love. It lives in my heart, and it’s sent from above. Lord, You give me strength and in You I can trust. Without You I’m nothing, just liquid and dust. You give me purpose, Lord lead me today, I’m ready to follow, Lord show me the way. Give me the words Lord that You’d have me write, That I may help others see Your holy light.

Trials and Faith

At times when our life seems about to derail We find out if our faith can stay strong and endure, Though we know that the Lord in the end will prevail. When tested our faith can grow strong and mature. In all shapes and sizes the large and the small The troubles and trials are all part of life. No one avoids them they come to us all. No one’s immune to the troubles and strife. Walk with the Lord in the beauty of spring. See the beauty of roses, each petal, each leaf. Let the Lord fill our heart, so we learn how to sing. May our faith remain strong through life’s sorrow and grief. I pray through each struggle our faith can grow strong. May God bless us with joy, may our heart fill with song.

Choose Faith

We have a choice inside our head, To look at life with doubt and fear, Or trust the Lord with faith instead. Which message do we choose to hear? When things in life that come my way Hit suddenly and by surprise, I know I need to pause and pray, “Lord help me see life through Your eyes.” When changes force me to adjust, I look to God, read from His Word. I turn to Him, the One I trust, Cry out to Him, I know I’m heard. I pray my faith may grow, increase. Lord help my heart and soul know peace.

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Award-winning author Melissa Henderson writes inspirational messages laced with a bit of humor. With stories in books, magazines, devotionals and more, Melissa hopes to encourage readers. Melissa is the author of “Licky the Lizard” and “Grumpy the Gator”. Her passions are helping in community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon and Stephen Minister. Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and at https://

Why Are You Smiling?

A smile can change the world. Sometimes a smile turns into a giggle and then a full belly laugh. In good and bad times, a smile can be the pathway to sharing faith. What happens when life is tough and the smiles won’t come? Yes, you may be asked, “Why are you smiling?”

God has promised eternal life for those who believe in Him. He never promised that life on this earth would be easy. Yet, as believers, we find comfort in knowing His grace is enough. God will always be with us.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV)

Then, how can we find a smile when life is turned upside down because of illness, financial troubles, relationship heartaches, and other struggles? Although our hearts may be sad, and our feelings are hurt and brighter times are not in sight, we can go to the Father and seek refuge in Him.

Recently, a dear friend and I shared lunch at a local restaurant. This sweet friend always enjoys chatting with the servers and other employees. As a young man approached the table with menus in one hand and a notepad and pen in the other hand, my friend and I looked up and smiled.

With an accent that was definitely not southern, this young man greeted us with a friendly hello and a smile. After making our selections for lunch, we handed the menus back to the server. He smiled once again.

My friend asked, “Sir, where are you from?”

He answered, “Bulgaria.”

A friendly chat commenced, and the three of us smiled and listened to each other. A simple smile and conversation brought joy that day.

Read her blogs at: It’s Always A Story With The Hendersons

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Another day, I was dealing with troubling medical issues and pain in my neck and back. The discomfort was bothersome enough to take pain medicine. I had volunteered to help with a church dinner that evening. After arriving at church, I headed to the kitchen and began chopping vegetables for the meal. I noticed people entering the fellowship hall and finding their seats. The small kitchen area was becoming crowded with an abundance of volunteers. The person in charge of delegating responsibilities began asking people to help with tasks outside of the kitchen. They asked me to help distribute napkins and silverware. A woman looked at me and spoke. “I don’t know how you keep smiling. You’re always smiling. I guess you have nothing to be upset about.”

Her tone began to anger me, and then I paused.

“Yes, I enjoy volunteering and I enjoy smiling. And, yes, there are a lot of things happening that could take away my smile. But sharing smiles with others is one way to show the love of Jesus. I want to show His love in all my words and actions.”

Does this mean that I never get upset? No. I experience times of sadness, anger, frustration, and doubt. However, I am a child of God, and thinking of His love always brings a smile to my face.

I pray that we all strive to live our faith in words and actions. We may never know how we have touched the life of a stranger or someone we know personally. God knows.

Live a life for God and you will find many smiles.

In His Name, Melissa

Click on the book covers to purchase Melissa’s books.

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Life has a funny way of giving us unexpected adventures and detours, and my wife Nancy and I have had more than a few over the 50 years we have shared. We have two sons, six lively grandsons and one very special granddaughter! I love to write about nursing home ministry, as well as devotional articles, poetry and even a few songs.

Listening Without Complaint

“Then he dreamed still another dream and told it to his brothers, and said, ‘Look, I have dreamed another dream. And this time, the sun, the moon, and the eleven stars bowed down to me.’” (Genesis 37:9-10a)

If you are anything like me, you do not tell your dreams to people who have criticized and insulted you in the past. But even though his brothers had been harsh and sarcastic with him after he shared with them his first dream, he told them this second one, and this time, he even included his dad.

Now, some folks think Joseph was being proud and boastful, but the Bible actually never says that. In fact, it would have been a lot easier for him to simply remain silent. It might be fair to assume that Joseph really wanted to hear the opinions of others about these strange dreams. But instead of giving encouraging advice, even Joseph’s father became angry with him, (probably much to the delight of his brothers!) Yet in spite of all the grief he received, we hear no pushback at all from Joseph. He simply chose to trust that God had something good in store. Like Joseph, you might find yourself in stressful situations, in your relationships with others. But instead of just walking away angry or bitter, take time to breathe, and then realize that this may be the moment that gives you the best opportunity to grow spiritually. When we are willing to listen without complaint, when we are misunderstood, and we keep our ears open and our mouth closed when we are criticized, then we just might begin to hear what God has to tell us about the dreams He has put in our hearts!

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God Remembers Dreams

“Then Joseph remembered the dreams which he had dreamed about them …” (Genesis 42:9a NKJV)

God remembers the dreams that we forgot As He guides us along His path All the while He is working behind the scenes On the problems that we cannot

“Not my will dear Lord but Yours be done.” Each morning we nicely pray Yet fiercely guarding every one of our rights without surrendering even one

But to learn His holy will and His way

We must travel the road that He chose Till He wakens those dreams fast asleep in our hearts That He’s reserved for His chosen day!

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Dave recently retired from his career as an estimator for an electrical contractor, but still works part-time. He recently served as Body Care pastor for a small church and previously taught at a local Bible College for several years. God led him to found and serve in several outreach ministries—a pet therapy ministry, visiting several skilled nursing facilities and retirement homes: a prayer booth on a local street corner to allow people in the community to stop by for prayer needs, and an evangelism table, typically set up once a month at various malls or stores, which made Bibles, tracts, DVDs, and other Christian materials available free of charge to interested shoppers. Dave has a bachelor’s degree in business administration/ management. As a writer, he has had many poems and articles published in various periodicals and books. And he’s been privileged to do volunteer work for a local police department.

The Rest Of The Story

It was a radio program which featured stories with hidden facts or surprising endings. After narrating a brief story of interest, at the end of which he revealed the facts or the surprise ending; the host, Paul Harvey, concluded by saying, “And now you know the rest of the story.”

In the Bible, the rest of the story isn’t always revealed. God inspired the writers of His Holy Word to include only what is recorded. One can’t help but wonder about them, though, such as the ones John suggested at the end of His Gospel when he wrote, “And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.” (John 21:25 NKJV). Wouldn’t you love to hear those enthralling stories?

Throughout the Bible, many characters are introduced, some briefly, and others of whom only scant information is provided. How their lives intersected with some people featured more prominently, as well as their eyewitness accounts of various events, would certainly be thrilling to hear.

Prior to the conclusion of the letter to the Romans, Paul penned personal greetings to a number of people. Of some, nothing other than his greeting in the letter is recorded. A woman named Mary was one of these, and Paul simply wrote, “Greet Mary, who has worked hard for you.” (Romans 16:6 ESV). While Paul and the Romans were aware of her hard work and what it entailed, we are left to wonder about the details beyond this singular mention of her.

The husband-and-wife team of Aquila and Priscilla are certainly recognizable for their collaboration with Paul, both in ministry and in the craft of tent making; for the churches they hosted; and for furthering the education of Apollos.

But in his greeting to them, Paul mentioned something else they did—“Greet Prisca and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, who risked their necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks but all the churches of the Gentiles give thanks as well.” (Romans 16: 3, 4 ESV). Just when and how they risked their own lives for him is not known, but Paul was certainly grateful to them for doing so.

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Reference to another man, whose name means “praiseworthy,” occurs only in these greetings to people in Rome —“... Greet my beloved Epaenetus, who was the first convert to Christ in Asia.” (Romans 16:4b ESV). Epaenetus had the distinction of being the first convert in Asia but left untold are the details of his conversion and how he came to find a special place in Paul’s heart.

Paul also sent a greeting to Rufus and his mother. “Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord; also his mother, who has been a mother to me as well.” (Romans 16:13 ESV). In Mark’s Gospel, a man named Rufus is introduced as one of the sons of Simon, the Cyrenian, who was compelled to carry the cross of Jesus. It is quite possible it was the same Rufus and his mother to whom Paul sent this greeting. If so, fascinating conversations might have taken place about the father’s experience and the effects it had on him and his family.

And Paul also fondly remembered the tender motherly care and comfort Rufus’ mother demonstrated to him. Perhaps his taste buds even longed for another delicious home-cooked meal as he wrote this greeting.

All the people Paul addressed in this chapter were personally known and appreciated by him. And as Dr. Ironside noted, “All the names are of interest, and we shall be glad to meet them all ‘in that day,’ and learn more of their devotion to the Lord and their sufferings for His Name’s sake...” And to that I add, and to hear “the rest of the story” each has to tell.

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Michael E. Wells has a passion for writing letters of Christian encouragement. With poetic style and moving messages, the reader is often comforted and consoled, inspired and refreshed. Since his retirement from Federal Service in 2006, most mornings are spent penning letters of the heart. Tucked away in the foothills of Pennsylvania, his is an idyllic lifestyle in a pastoral setting. This backdrop helps to set both mood and message for his many writings. You can find his book, “Morning Coffee with Words For The Day” at Amazon. com.

Click on book to purchase from Amazon.

Editor’s Note: We were very sad to learn of the passing of Michael Well’s mother, Madge Smith Wells, on September 18, 2023. Michael has been a long-time regular contributor to Faith On Every Magazine. As he and his family take time to mourn and attend to arrangements, we have included a few of Michael’s prior writings for this month’s Morning Coffee article. Please join us in prayer for Michael and his family that they may receive the Lord’s peace and comfort.

Dust in the Wind

(September 6, 2023)

Good morning, may you enjoy a very blessed day!

A popular song in the 70’s about the futility and temporary nature of our being. It is a worldview of our earthly life. Just a brief, meaningless existence followed by oblivion. Dust in the wind is a twisted reversal of the truth. Reality is we are made up of wind in the dust.

God formed us out of the dust of the ground and blew the breath of life into us, His Spirit into our body and so, true life began. We are not temporary but eternal, destined to be somewhere forever. This life gives us choices. Choose wisely.

The Bible reminds us the body will return to dust but the spirit back to God, who gave it. It is essential to know Him here to find favor with Him there. So, truth be told, though we all grow old and eventually surrender this life to its frailty, we were never just simply... dust in the wind.

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Life is made up of moments. Pieces of a mosaic that make up the whole. Available to all but found by the few. The pace of life often obscures the view. We look but do not see, listen but do not hear. Life is about a check in your spirit that says, “Remember this, this is meaningful.” I have found growing older is much about reflection. Age brings clarity to the Big Picture.

Though the days may be long, our time is relatively short. Seventy-five trips around the sun are about it for most of us. Our temporary existence cries out for a sense of permanency. Most feel there must be more. Through oral tradition and ancient accounts, sages, scribes, and prophets have declared life does not end in the grave but continues.

They reveal life is not accidental but purposeful, not random, but by design. All we see and all we know demands an Originator, a Designer, a Creator. Over half the world’s population believes the Creator revealed Himself to a man 4000 years ago named Abraham. Today, the most followed religion believes He came in the flesh 2000 years later to reunite His creation in the man, Jesus the Christ, whom He also called His son.

A great follower of His wrote this concerning the Creator’s purpose, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” (John 3:16-17 NKJV)

And so, we see life is made up of moments, times, seasons, and eternity. Today, may you take a moment and sense the times and season you are in. May you reflect on the Big Picture and where you will place your eternity. This is the story of the greatest rescue mission in the history of mankind. Christ came to seek and to

The Best Is Yet To Come (May 2022 Issue)

As we get older, we sometimes think that our best years are behind us. For some of us, we have already lived the greater part of our lives and feel, as Jack Nicholson put it in the movie by the same title, that maybe this is “As good as it gets.” We look around at other people’s lives and somehow feel cheated; we haven’t fared as well as they.

We feel sure there must be more, yet one day seems to run into the next with no apparent change. The Apostle Paul put this in perspective when he said, “Now godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content...” (1 Timothy 6:6-8 KJV)

Our success in life is not dependent upon what we acquire but rather who has acquired us. Jesus said, “I have come to seek and to save that which is lost.” (Luke 19:10) At some point, we have all been drawn to contemplate the reality of Jesus. Now for those of us who have answered His call, even when life is at its worst and we feel despair at having already lived our good years, God whispers to our spirit and reminds us, “Hold on, the BEST is yet to come!”

Life (September 2022 issue)
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Dr. Irene Surya is an award-winning author of her book, In Solitude with God. Her poems have been published in various magazines and anthologies. She has a passion for writing for the Lord and glorifying His name through her writings. She loves and serves the Lord with her husband.

Blossoming Faith

The miniscule seed of the Word

Sown in the right soil

Sprouts into tender shoots

Developing sturdy roots by His grace.

Cherished by the early rains

Let the heart’s soil

Be fertilized by God’s amazing love

By waiting on the Lord.

Nurtured by the spiritual milk

Let your faith grow

Desiring the pure word of God

As newborn infants.

Growing more with solid truths

May you overcome the evil one

Growing as young men

Delighting daily in His Word.

Knowing the Lord as your Father

May you grow more in His Word

Let your faith blossom

To spread His knowledge everywhere. t.

Blossoming in the desert

While facing the vilest sand dunes

Let your faith stand upright

To be a source of joy to the Father.

Blooming forth with hope

Let your life be a beautiful garden

For the Spirit to walk through

To have sweet fellowship with you. Click

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on book to purchase from Amazon.
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Karen Ruhl, Photographer


As former owner and creative director of two advertising agencies, Linda has years of experience creating a public impression of a product through the media using television commercials, radio and print advertising, press releases, and marketing campaigns

Linda has been a caregiver for her son; a volunteer who travelled to Egypt and helped Sudanese refugees; a volunteer for a local food ministry, and a Creative Writing teacher for the Arts and Humanities Council of Tulsa for their Artists in the Schools program.

Believing In Yourself With God’s Help

It’s been said, “Whatever you believe about yourself, you end up becoming.” That could be negative or positive!

Years ago, I had an interest in writing because my favorite thing to do, since childhood, was reading. I would read books, newspapers, magazines, and anything else I could find. I would sometimes take a particular book that I had read and think about how I would promote it if I were doing it. The more I thought about it, the more I believed I could write advertising for it, like I saw on television. As I got older, I talked to other people about my interest in doing that and they encouraged me to apply to one of the advertising agencies since I had been winning writing contests since grade school. But there was a huge difference in writing short items for contests and doing it for a professional company.

But I believed I could do it, so I applied for the job. The problem was, they said I needed education for that position that I did not have. So, they did not hire me. I was very disappointed at failing to do the one thing I sincerely believed I could do. But I kept believing I could do it! God had given me a gift of communication in words.

At that point, I needed some income and was told frequently my writing was the answer. But I was feeling like a failure. I failed to get other employment and since I was told I could not write for the advertising agency; I took a deep breath and an enormous leap of faith and, with God’s help, I opened my own advertising agency!

I first started out writing for local companies and creating advertising for them in the local newspaper. Later, that turned into writing and directing television commercials, radio commercials and lots of “print” work as in creating real estate magazines, and even service manuals for equipment companies. Keep in mind, I didn’t have the formal education to do this. But God was helping me!

I even taught a Creative Writing class for the Artists in the Schools Program through the Arts and Humanities Council. I have never had a formal class, but I was teaching one! How? God was helping me!

Sometime later, I moved to a different city and opened a second advertising agency! How? Because God was helping me!

One interesting thing that happened was the same advertising agency that did not hire me because I lacked the education they required, ended up hiring me as a subcontractor and asked me to write advertising for some of their clients! I did these things because I believed I could. And God helped me.

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The Bible tells us that God has a plan for each of us. Jeremiah 29:11-13 (NIV) says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

Is there something you believe you can do? Has God given you a particular talent or gift that you have not fully realized in your life? What do you enjoy doing?

I’m not saying to quit your job if you are working. I’m only encouraging you to take a step out and see where God leads you. Maybe on a weekend you could sit down and write out the things you believe about yourself. Is it positive or negative? Do you think you could do something special, or do you think it would never work, so why try? Remember, “Whatever you believe about yourself, you end up becoming”.

Never be afraid of failing! Some of the most successful people in various industries failed many times before they succeeded! These are just a few examples:

Thomas Edison said this when he was creating the lightbulb: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”. He filed 1,093 patents for inventions we now use every day!

A young man had an interest in music but failed his music classes. He ended up driving a truck. He tried to sing one time and his manager told him to go back to driving a truck. After failing, and with no formal training, he tried again and became one of the most successful recording artists in the music industry! His name was Elvis Presley.

A high school English teacher had written a novel and submitted it to 30 different publishers. It was rejected all 30 times. He accepted being a failure as an author and threw the manuscript in the trash. His wife got it out and encouraged him to send it one more time. He sent his manuscript for the 31st time and it got accepted and published! His books are now known around the world, and, at this time, he has sold an estimated 350 million books! All this was because his wife encouraged him to try one more time. That was Stephen King! There are many other successful and famous people who failed but tried one more time! And just think about it, you have God himself helping you!

You can do it! Don’t let failing at something keep you from trying again. If God is helping you, nothing is impossible!

God’s encouragement for you is in the Bible. He said in Joshua 1:9 (NIV), “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

You can do it!

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Nicole is a licensed marriage and family therapist with over 14 years of experience in community mental health. She is the author of Remade: Living Free a book written for women in recovery from substance abuse and unhealthy relationships.

Nicole also maintains a blog at as well as a podcast, 5 Minute Word. Both focus on topics related to faith and relationships. She lives in Northwest Ohio with her husband and two children. When she’s not writing, you can find her reading, running, or cooking.

Reformation Celebration

For many people, October is a month of excitement. A month to visit pumpkin patches, drink apple cider, watch football, and prepare for trick-or-treat. While I enjoy all of those activities, for me, October rings of an even bigger excitement—the anniversary of the Reformation!

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the castle church in Wittenberg, Germany. Little did he know that this action would spur an entire movement back to the truth of the Gospel! In the years that followed this famous church door nailing, God raised up many reformers. Men such as John Calvin, John Knox, Jan Hus, and John Wycliffe, among others. These men faithfully taught God’s word, bringing people back to the truth of salvation. They taught that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone, for the glory of God alone. These 5 “onlies” became known as the 5 Solas of the Reformation (Sola is Latin for “only”). Join me as we briefly look at each one!

Sola Gratia (Grace alone). Titus 3:5 proclaims that we are saved not by works of righteousness that we have done, but according to God’s mercy. Similarly, Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV says, “ For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.” God, in His infinite wisdom, has chosen to save us based on nothing but His grace. We cannot earn salvation with good works or good intentions! We are reconciled to Him only because of the grace He has so richly lavished on us.

Sola Fide (Faith alone). The grace of God allows us to have faith in Him and the One whom He has sent. It is by faith that we receive the gift of salvation. Such faith means we believe God’s plan for salvation and place our whole weight upon His provision. Just as Abraham was justified by faith- beacuse he believed God’s promises- so we are declared righteous by faith in the gift of God (Romans 4:16-25). As Romans 3:25 makes clear, this gift is to be received by faith.

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Solus Christus (Christ alone). While faith is the means by which we receive salvation, we must be very clear about one thing: it is not faith itself that saves, but faith in Christ that saves! He is the object of our faith and the only one in whom salvation is found. As Acts 4:12 states, “ Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” The Apostle John also made this crystal clear when he wrote, “Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” (1 John 5:12 NIV). The only object of saving faith is God’s Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord!

Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone). This beautiful sola reminds us of the final authority of Scripture. Sola Scriptura holds that all Scripture is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16) and that it contains all we need for salvation and godly living. The Reformers taught that the canon of Scripture is closed, and that God’s word is completely sufficient for His people (2 Peter 1:16-21). In sum, there is no higher authority by which we can know about God, man, and salvation than by His revealed Word!

Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God alone). Last but not least, my favorite sola! As all things exist for the glory of God, so does salvation. In this magnificent act, God demonstrates the fullness of His love, mercy, grace, and justice. He is glorified by setting His love upon His people and bringing them to Him! Ephesians 1:5-6 ESV proclaims, “He predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.” Praise God that we are His and His alone—to the glory of God alone!

I pray these solas are a refreshment to your soul as you reflect on the wonder of God’s redeeming love! Happy Reformation month!

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Nicole’s Books are available on

Andrea is mom to four great kids and Grammy to four delightful grands. Passionate about Jesus, friends, and people, Andrea loves to share all He has taught her in life. When not writing, Andrea enjoys simple things, such as music, heartwarming movies, reinventing recipes to be healthier, and cycling along one wooded road or other with the Lord.

Please visit her Facebook blog: https:// Andrea is always ready to hear thoughts from her readers. Or you can email her at: Facebook Blog: In the Way Everlasting

The Good ‘Ole Days

If you live long enough, a yearning for yesteryear is inevitable. I enjoy watching old movies and television reruns of my favorite shows. They take me back to a simpler life, seemingly better. But honestly, the good old days were not without trials and tribulations. Much as I might savor the past, I’m not so eager to go through it all again. There is no way to get around the fact of evil in the world. Why doesn’t God simply remove what is evil? And why does He do things, like giving Israel “poisoned water to drink”? (Jeremiah 8:14). This is one of many “head scratching” accounts in the Bible. Such a removal of divine protection surely grabs people’s attention.

The Israelites thought they were safe because they knew God would never allow the Temple to be destroyed. They were going to Temple, yet were still sinning, worshiping Baal and “all of those new gods” of theirs. (Jeremiah 7:9-11). The Lord told Jeremiah not to be fooled into thinking, just because the Temple is here, people would not suffer. Correction hurts, but the outcome can be a world of good. I think God allowed church buildings to be shut during the pandemic to stir His people up. Our righteousness is to surpass that of the Pharisees.

All that is happening is for us to see more clearly. What we grew up thinking is normal in the world, and for that matter, acceptable to God is not. The world is about to come crashing down; and God wants more and more people to know it. He is exposing the depths of depravity capable within the human heart that has lived apart from Him. Romans 1:18 through 32 spells it all out. While “poisonous water” can be devastating, make us feel as Job did, wishing he was never born, it is better than spending eternity in hell.

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I can get overly emotional in my longing for the perfect. There is an old song, Feelings, that came to mind one day. I had to look up the words and listen once more. Someone was no longer loved, and the expression of his heart was filled with “heavy duty” sorrow. Through teardrops, trying to forget feelings of love, this person even attempted to conjure up the feeling of never having lost love. He wished he’d never met this person to begin with, so he wouldn’t have to feel as he did. Not the easiest of lyrics to sit through. Funny, but after Feelings, the song, Alone Again, by Gilbert O’Sullivan played. I had to chuckle at the timing. This writer’s lament was of God deserting him. It feels that way in our darkest times. The objects of our love, whether person, place, or thing, slip out of our hands. But nothing lost has the power to cripple us. We hold on to way too much, the weight of which only makes our spirit sag. A believer’s journey is learning to let go and follow the Holy Spirit. Here is a respite from corruption all around. When Israel went to find rest, the Lord appeared to him from afar, assuring that He loved him with an everlasting love and would continue to extend faithful love to him. (Jeremiah 31:3). In all Job went through, he came to rest. “You have granted me life and favor; And Your care has preserved my spirit.” (Job 10:12 NKJ). Way more comforting than any old rerun are the promises of God.

Click on the book cover to purchase The Hobble by Andrea Marino

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Steve Carter lives in Tupelo, Mississippi. He is a Bible college graduate, military and hospice chaplain, and musician.

Steve may be contacted by email at:

Servants Heart

The singing talent in the small country church took me by surprise. With playing drums being my only skill, I naturally wanted to team up with their golden voices in an effort to promote the gospel of Jesus.

Unfortunately for me, I had just walked away from the music business and still thought like a professional. This mind set included the enthusiasm needed for all the inherent hard work involved in producing quality music.

Much to my surprise and dismay, I sensed no desire from this abundant talent toward any music ministry. The music itself and admiration from friends and family seemed to be their sole reason for singing. After realizing my efforts were mis-directed, I looked elsewhere for opportunities to fulfill my calling.

In those days of Church music, drums were often as welcome as the bubonic plague. Imagine what fun it was to work all day before diving into a car crowded with other group members and heading to parts unknown. Once, after a long drive, the first words we heard were, “I can tell this is going to be nothing but a bunch of junk.” And that’s while we were lugging our equipment in!

Fun, rewarding, convenient? Not even close! More on that shortly.

After getting my “calling” established, I still had to come up with a way to make a living. An education became obvious as the only way to stop my chronic job hopping. Being a poor student with low self-esteem, I believed college to be beyond my abilities. One day, during an eye check-up, I mentioned to the Doctor that I didn’t think myself smart enough to work in the medical field. The kind man quietly said, “sure you are.” His unsolicited remark perked me right up. I left his office a more relaxed and confident man, wearing glasses.

Drumming soon faded in the face of other ministries. As I matured in Christ, God opened other doors for me. Some of these had me ask if He called the right guy! God will instruct His servants to do things that don’t make much sense to anyone but Him. When that sort of thing came my way, which it has, I simply check with Him to make sure I understood my instructions. Usually I heard Him right, and after clarification, I got started.

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While bicycling through Arkansas a few years ago, I met another man who followed Gods’ instructions with no questions asked. This Godly prayer warrior passed me in his truck, just to turn around and stop ahead of me. With his kid’s noses pressed to the window glass, he said, “God asked me to stop and pray for you. Would you mind if I prayed?” Well, I was not expecting that! Of course, I gladly accepted the prayer, and this man didn’t play around! After a fervent prayer for my safety and general well-being, he hopped back in his truck and went on about his day.

During decades of serving God, I learned to accept what He asks me to do. He, in his omniscience, knows which way to point his followers. I’m not even sure how this article will turn out! He does, and that’s why I’m writing it!

Also, comfort and convenience have nothing to do with following the voice of Jesus. Any assignment from Him will probably cause discomfort and take up time. It might be nothing more than opening church doors in bad weather, while offering a welcome on Sunday morning. Or something so simple as giving encouraging words to a youngster that just might lead to a thirty-five-year career in medicine!

Early in my Christian walk, I simply could not understand why most church goers seemed to just show up for service and do nothing else. Somewhere along the way, I realized not every-one is called to do a specific job. Not only that, but it was and still is none of my business what others do!

Jesus had to remind The Apostle Peter of that fact when he wanted to know what the future held for The Apostle John. I learned from that example and personal “life lessons” that things work out much better if I do as I’m instructed and let Jesus manage everyone else!

It’s common knowledge that Jesus will not put more on us than we can deal with. Whatever he asks us to do pales compared to dragging a cross through the streets of Jerusalem. Enjoy the journey. I’ll see you along the way! Click

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Doc has been a bi-vocational, non-denominational minister and pastor since 1975. In January 2020, he retired from a forty-year career in education, including teaching and administration. He and his wife of thirty-four years, Randa, live in northeastern Kansas. Doc has an extensive publishing history that includes literary, professional, religious and consumer publications. For five years, he and William Jolliff co-published a quarterly collection of agrarian poetry, The Rolling Coulter. His collection of photographs and poems about death and dying, Tears and Prayers: Sharing Pain and Sorrow, Finding Hope and Comfort, is available on Amazon. You can find Craig’s books by clicking this link: Amazon.

Hope Even From Failure

The other day I was checking progress on my small crop of honeydew melons. I noticed one that had a good yellowish color. So, I walked over, bent down, and gave it a good thump. It had a nice, ripe sound to it. But it also had a big, discolored spot that made me suspicious about the true nature of its internal qualities. Having an Old Timer pocketknife conveniently located in my pocket, I opened it up and then opened up the melon.

It was disappointing, I’d have to admit. While pink looks mighty fine on pansies, roses, and baby girls, it’s not an enticing color for the inside of a honeydew melon. That melon’s innards didn’t smell just right, either. So, I left the halves lying on the ground.

About a week later, I walked by the garden on my way to the horse barn. “What in thunderation is that ugly black thing?!” I wondered. I wondered this because I saw an ugly black thing, circular in shape and about six-to-eight inches wide, sitting in the low grass at the edge of the garden. Then I saw the seeds and realized it was the greatly degraded carcass of the melon.

In stark contrast to the shrunken, leathery, moldy looking mass of the pulp and rind, the seeds were bright and golden looking, standing up in neat formation above the shrunken remains. Even though the fruit itself was ruined and repulsive, it had produced what appeared to be perfectly formed, healthy seeds.

Sometimes, in the efforts and intentions of our lives, things don’t turn out the way we’d hoped. What we’d purposed falls far short of what we accomplish. Maybe it’s a simple arts or crafts project; maybe it was a key life goal. Maybe it’s a school paper or what we’d hoped would be a beautiful landscape project. Maybe, it’s a marriage or a job or a trip or a career. For whatever reasons and by whatever means, it’s failed. Instead of the awesome result we’d fully intended, it’s really turned into quite the mess.

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But sometimes, if we take a closer look or a different perspective, we’ll realize that there is still good there. Even what at first seems repulsive can actually hold promise. It’s not as pretty as we wanted, but we gained experience and insight and wisdom. Cultivated character, strengthened stamina, developed determination.

In the process, we made new friends, met new people, or strengthened other relationships. We helped someone else to better results along the way to our own particular failure, so it wasn’t a complete failure, really. We may have a bit of a mess on our hands, but there’s still good there, too.

We loved, we helped, we learned, we contributed. Even in the thing that fell short, that didn’t work out, that didn’t end up how we wanted, we still participated as fellow travelers and mutual contributors. As pilgrims and sojourners, we traveled a few miles together and saw new scenes. We walked in sympathy, struggled together, gained empathy, offered a hand. In other words, even in that which didn’t land us at our desired destination, we sowed some good seeds.

In might look like quite the mess now and certainly is not as pleasant in appearance or flavor as a plateful of sweet, juicy, refreshing melon. But give the seeds a chance. There’s still good to be had, even from our failures.

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Melon Seeds

Brenda McDaniel is the author of My Angel My Hero with two more books soon to be published. She is from Roanoke, VA. She holds a B.S in Psychology and M.A. in Counseling. She has enjoyed writing poetry and short stories, even as a small child. Brenda says she is now living her dream come true!

Live By Faith

In this sinful, hurtful world, you can’t be happy, content, or at peace, without faith. But faith in God or the Lord will give you strength and courage. Also, have faith in yourselves and others. That faith will give you a better tomorrow and today, because the Lord strengthens you in all things or circumstances. Our journey in this world won’t be over until our Lord comes back to take us away to be with him, always and forever, in his Heavenly Kingdom!

But, while we’re here in this hurtful world, we must find our life’s calling, to make a difference, in order to help others, whether it is through preaching, nursing, counseling, social services, writing, Red Cross, teaching, scientific discoveries, etc., to better humankind. My mother, Olga, was an excellent example of what love, caring, and devotion to her family and others can mean and how it helped change the world. Through her devotion to Jesus Christ, she transformed into a better person, a loving mother, and wife. She consistently extended a helping hand to those in physical, mental, or emotional distress. She extended her kindness to those who were lost and hurt, treating them with dignity and love, always! Throughout the years, she spent most of her life working as a Nurse or Licensed Practical Nurse in at least three different hospitals. She worked with her Aunt Hattie, a Registered Nurse, while she was alive. And the two devoted their lives to loving and truly caring for others. My Mother grew up idolizing her aunt Hattie, always wanting to follow in her footsteps. And they both tried their very best to make this world a much better place. And now Olga’s grandchild, Casey, is also following in her footsteps, and is becoming an RN, soon. She will graduate in the next couple of months. Her other grandchild, Lauren, is also working in Social Services to make a difference in our world, too!

So, you see, a life or legacy of loving the Lord can change lives every day! That legacy can transform children’s and people’s lives, for centuries and generations, to come. First, though, you must change your own life and future by having faith in God! Without faith, life is just a waste, but with faith, all things are possible! Turn your life around today, reach out to the one who died on the Cross for you. So, that you too might live. A life worth living!

God bless!

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

(Hebrews 11:1 KJV)

“For with God nothing shall be impossible.”

(Luke 1:37 KJV)

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A Life Of Faith

To live a Life of FAITH! There, is no more hate! It’s a Life of LOVE!

Sent from Heaven’s DOVE! Yes, there will be pain! But, look what you gain!!

No, longer carrying sin’s stain!

And, your strength won’t wain! Washed clean of your sins, by Christ’s Blood! And, his Love will flood, Your soul, mind and heart, From the very start!!

So, Live by FAITH and LOVE!!

Sent from HEAVEN’S DOVE!!!

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Laurie Glass has a heart for encouraging others through her writing. She has had many poems and articles published in both print and online publications. Laurie is a contributing writer for Chronic Joy, a ministry for those affected by chronic illness and other health issues. In addition, she won the Open Medicine Foundation poetry contest in 2019.

Look for Laurie’s books on

From Fear To Faith

I cannot see what is ahead, feel frozen, paralyzed with fear. How will I know which way to go? As doubts and questions overwhelm, I feel the future is not clear.

I’m shaking, can’t see through the fog, afraid I won’t know where to turn. My vision dim outside of Him. I know He’s leading me and yet of faith, I have so much to learn.

I won’t give up, I try again, attempt to peer through blinding haze, but still can’t see in front of me. Confusion reigns, fear won’t let go. I feel I’m wand’ring through a maze.

It’s getting darker all the time, I’m squinting, yet it’s still unclear. It’s been enough, and I give up. I nestle in God’s lap instead. Find comfort knowing He is near.

His presence reassures my soul, my eyes are closed, fear melts away. No need to dread what is ahead. With peace like this, don’t need to know, have faith that He will lead the way.

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Gina Meredith is a mom and grandma who lives in the Dallas, Texas area, where she enjoys cooking and spending time with her family. She loves to write about Jesus and encourage others. Gina shares her journey on her website: https://ginabartonsewell.

Finding Peace in the Pain

Some days are harder than others. I guess that is true for everybody, but when you have chronic pain, many days are absolutely unbearable.

Today is one of those days. This past week I have been suffering more than usual. You just get so tired of being tired and pain every day works on a person mentally. And no one understands, which can be very frustrating.

I have had fibromyalgia, myalgic encephalomyelitis, which is basically chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as debilitating migraines since I was involved in a car accident many years ago. I have literally been in pain, at least to some degree, ever since.

The Lord has blessed me in so many ways that I try not to complain too much, but it is very upsetting. I try very hard to hold on to Jesus on the worst days and praise Him on the best.

I refuse to let my chronic pain dim the light of the Lord that shines through me.

One of my favorite scriptures that offers such hope in times of struggle is Roman’s 8:18 (NIV), “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us.”

“But as for me, afflicted and in pain, may your salvation, God, protect me. I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.” (Psalm 69:29-30 NIV)

“Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. Make level paths for your feet, so that they lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.” (Hebrews 12:12-13 NIV)

Editor’s Note: Many of us, contributors and readers alike, experience pain on many levels. May it be acute or chronic, pain hurts and makes functioning in life difficult—at best. We Christians have the promise of a life after this, which contains no pain. Please join us in praying for those presently afflicted and for those who have yet to find salvation through our Lord, Jesus Christ.

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Brianna is a Carolina girl that loves Jesus and her family. She enjoys watching the sunrise, photography, reading, writing, and paddleboarding. According to her teenage son, she’s a master chef in the kitchen, making gluten-free cuisine from around the world. Her writing has appeared in numerous publications, including Faith On Every Corner, Magazine, The Christian Journal, Our Story Magazine, and Broken But Priceless Magazine, where she writes the “From A Homemaker’s Heart” column. Check out her latest works at and connect with her on Instagram @briannagrams or Facebook at briannagrams1.

The My View From The Passenger Seat

“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways”

(Psalm 91:11 NIV)

We were on the way to the DMV to take the test for his learner’s permit. He had been studying and reading the book. I was super nervous—“what ifs” filled my mind. We arrived well before our appointment time, so we waited outside until we could go in. The associate came out and informed the line, “The computers are down. I can’t take a payment and you can’t take a test. You are welcome to stay or come back.” He said this as dryly as you can imagine!

My son had that look, that look of “Are you kidding me?!”

“Son, deep breath, we aren’t leaving. We are going to wait this out. We will pray about it.” I assured him we were there for the long haul.

At this moment, we had a choice to make—we could react humanly or heavenly. On that day, we decided to go with Heavenly. We started praying, “God, we know you are in control. We know things happen for a reason. We are praying this gets rectified if it is Your will. Grant us patience and wisdom as we wait.”

The people in front of us in line had been talking about Jesus. I found that comforting, as we had this delay. They were discussing the different translations of the Bible and the meanings behind them.

The DMV associate came out and took my son back. He informed me he could do part of it and then hopefully the testing system would be back up. By the time he was done with the paperwork part, the testing system was working. Thank you, Jesus!

While he was testing, the lady beside me asked me what we were in for. She said, “I’m praying for him. The devil is just trying to mess with his joy today.” I thanked this stranger for her prayers for him. My son walked back out with his paper, and he had passed, but the payment system was still down. So, we continued to wait. Thank you, Jesus!

While we waited, we started praying for each person there. Some looked stressed, annoyed, hurt, and scared. While we waited, we prayed.

In a few minutes, the system was back up, and we were off with a new driver. As we walked out, I handed him the keys and asked him if he was ready for this.

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My view is no longer from the driver’s seat, but from the passenger seat.

Do you know how unnerving it can be when we aren’t in control?

Gosh, God must feel like this all the time with me. I am constantly grabbing the wheel of my life and steering here and there, not braking when I should and speeding just trying to get to the next thing. God’s the driving force in my life when I allow Him to be, and I’m guilty of not always allowing Him that opportunity. Trying to fix things in my favor or taking the easier way out. God, forgive me for the times that I’ve done those things. I truly want you to take the wheel of my life and drive.

As I have become a better side seat driver, I’ve noticed that I have become more obedient to Christ. Not trying to take the wheel but giving Him control and trusting that He has whatever it is. God created the world, He created all the things in it, and He doesn’t need me “trying to fix/manipulate” my life. He is in control. It’s time for me to sit back and enjoy the ride while He drives.

By the way, there are no brakes on the passenger side, no matter how hard you press the floorboard.

Lord, forgive me for trying to take the wheel of my life. Lord, help me to trust in You and only in You. Help my head understand what my heart knows. You are good. Thank You, Lord, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

1. What areas of your life do you need to let go of allowing God to work?

2. Are you a backseat/side-seat driver?

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Turning Mountains into Molehills (2017)

Greetings From Our Kenyan Brothers and Sisters In Christ

During August, I had the privilege to spend time at a church in the Nairobi suburbs. Our team spoke at the conference organized by the church. The depths of their faith inspired me, and I hope it will inspire you, too.

I can sum the situation for many in Kenya up in one word: hopeless. The unemployment rate for those under 30 years of age is over 15% and countless people earning less than $2,000 per year. Poverty surrounds the church, and many of the parishioners struggle to feed.

The Conference

The message from the conference focused on these verses: 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 (NIV): We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.

They worshipped with joyful hearts; they cried out to God in prayer, and they danced with hearts full of hope despite their troubles. Over four hundred people gathered for the two-day conference to proclaim their faith in God. Some even slept on the floor of the church between the days because they could not afford to stay anywhere else, and they did not want to miss it. Would my faith remain as strong as theirs if I experienced similar circumstances?

Why did we go? We went at the invitation of the pastor to share our hope with the church. As the Holy Spirit comforts us, we can comfort others. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NLT); “All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we can provide them with the same comfort that God has given us.”

But something amazing happened. Through their example, I saw how our difficulties may feel heavy, but their weight has a purpose. We can use them to drive us into deeper intimacy with God, strengthening us and anchoring us to the steady hope of his love. Romans 5:3-5 (NLT); “We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.”

A trip like this is life changing. I received more than I gave as I watched our Lord at work in the lives of His people. We did also enjoy a few days of seeing God’s creation, and I’ve included a few of those photos as well.

Thank you and God Bless,

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Top row: Choir Singing / Conference Meal / Elephant / Feeding at Conference

Second Row: Lion / Road To Church / Singing Together

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Pam McCormick is a writer and retired from teaching in the public school and community college setting. Pam had a story, “The End,” published in Isothermal’s magazine, The Mentor, in December, 2014. Pam was also published in December 2016 in collaboration with eight other authors to write a devotional book, Ancient Stones Timeless Encouragement. Pam is a member of the Encouragers’ Christian Writers’ Group that meets monthly. In her free time, she enjoys hiking and tent camping with her husband, watching old time westerns, doing crossword puzzles and spending time with her daughter in Maryland and her son, his wife and granddaughters, in Fuquay-Varina.

You can contact her at

The Miracle Fire

My husband, George, and I had gone camping. We are tent campers; we also put up a tarp just in case rain happens. There was not a cloud in the sky, or so I thought.

Because of the chilly temperatures, I built a fire in the pit by stacking wood, milk cartons, toilet paper rolls with dryer lint in them, and a store-bought fire starter to ensure a decent fire—a blazing fire.

The heavens opened, and a sudden rain poured all over us. The rain drenched the campfire I had just made, and it ruined my efforts completely.

My thoughts were, I would have to make a brand-new fire. As I walked towards the pit, I noticed the logs had been soaked and there was four inches of water around them. However, I spotted a spark in the area. The spark became a flame, and the campfire that was not supposed to light did.

Amazing God! I started thinking about what God might be saying to me. In my spirit, I heard, “Never give up.”

When I rely on my own senses, I’m not relying on what is possible in the seemingly impossible moment.

Lesson learned: As long as there’s a spark, there’s a possibility of a flame.

Epilogue: George and I enjoyed the evening sitting beside our campfire.

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Be With Me Mommy

Will you read to me tonight, mommy?

Please read me my new book.

Can you tell me about the pictures, mommy? Can you come and take a look?

What is this word, mommy. I don’t know how to read, I know some letters, it is spelled B-E-L-I-E-V-E.

I know you get tired, mommy, taking care of us all day. Please show me how I can help you, and then let’s play.

Will you sing with me, mommy, and dance around the room?

I don’t know all of the words, but I will learn them really soon.

Have you seen the flowers, mommy? They are so pretty and bright. Can we practice learning colors, when we look at them tonight?

What can I do to help, mommy, I know I’m only two. But I would do anything to spend more time with you.

Karen Ruhl is an author of children’s books and is currently working on a Christian devotional book due to be released soon. She is the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Faith On EveryCorner Magazine, a Writing Coach, and Social Media Marketer. You can reach Karen by email at

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Craig’s background includes over thirty years of experience as a counselor in a variety of treatment settings, including psychiatric hospitals, schools for the blind, organizations for the physically handicapped, churches, and outpatient settings. He also possesses ten years of experience in pastoral ministry. Craig spent two years broadcasting on Christian radio and has published both nationally and internationally.

To date, he has published six books and has had many other works published in a wide variety of magazines. Craig founded an outpatient practice that provides counseling, coaching, and consulting services to individuals, marriages, families, various businesses, and church and ministry organizations. Craig may be reached at: craiglpc4@

We Reap What We Sow

We reap what we sow. In other words, what we do is never free of an outcome that will be shaped by what we do. The “cause-and-effect” of life is such that what we do will always cause an outcome that is fashioned directly by what we do. Despite the fact that we often think (or would prefer to think) that what we do is somehow isolated to the action or the choice itself, by doing something we have, in fact, set the stage for a future outcome that will reflect whatever the action or choice was that we made. We reap what we sow. And that is an immovable reality.

The Consequences of Our Sowing

And if we look around us, what we see today will tell us, quite clearly, the stuff that we sowed yesterday. The events of today grew out of the choices of yesterday. We can complain about the world today. We can bemoan our lot in life, or we can find ourselves becoming deeply hopeless and darkly dismayed about the state of our culture. We can grieve deeply over tragedies that seem to befall us at every turn and that leave us drowning in an agony so consuming that we don’t have time to heal before the next one befalls us. We can be utterly stunned at the nature of events and the course of the culture, having believed that such things were leagues beyond the scope of reality… but here they are. The headlines are strewn with news so dark that it sometimes seems nearly apocalyptic and we sit teetering on some abyss that our choices delivered us to. But does not our surprise reveal our ignorance, because the fact of the matter is, we reap what we sow.

The Price of Denial

Have we been so oblivious as to somehow think that this would not be the case? And are we so adamant about wanting to preserve our so-called ‘rights’ to engage in whatever destructive behavior that we choose to engage in that we altogether deny the cause-and-effect of those choices? Will we pretend that we are somehow above such an immovable reality. Will we delude ourselves with the belief that we have license do whatever we want, and that we somehow have obtained the power to grant ourselves a free pass from the consequences of doing what we want? Are we foolish enough to believe that we can indulge in the most rogue and base passions imaginable, and do so in some sort of perfect isolation?

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The Games That We Play

Or do we actually accept the fact that we will reap what we sow, but that in time what we reap will somehow magically become better, despite the fact that it was, and will continue to be sown from the same exact stuff from which we’ve reaped the bad stuff? Or have we been sufficiently fooled by those who would declare that what we’ve reaped was actually that of others who have liberally sown our cherished and rather admirable efforts with toxic seeds designed to undermine our efforts, and it is their seeds which we have reaped? Let’s not be fooled, for we’ve been fooled for far too long already. We reap what we sow.

Changing the Seeds

And so maybe we should look at what we’re sowing. Honestly. Frankly. With great pause and even greater thought. And maybe we should think about what the things that we’re sowing are going to result in. And maybe we need to refuse to live in denial of that painful and frequently disappointing reality. Maybe we should understand that while we might like to believe that we will reap something good from compromised seeds, that that is not the case, nor will it ever be, despite how much sowing we might do. And maybe, just maybe, we should start sowing something different. Something very different. Something radically different. Maybe it’s time for a change of seeds, a real change, an honest change. Maybe it’s time to sow something better because we cannot afford to continue to reap things that are this bad.

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:7-9)

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Please subscribe to my monthly newsletter, Novel Thoughts, written for writers and readers. A Variety of articles for everyone. Subscription form is found on my website on the Novel Thoughts page.

Headed North

After this horrible summer in Houston, we are heading north. We plan to move to Minnesota this spring and forget the blistering heat of Texas summers. Seems drastic, doesn’t it? But not really so. My husband and I are both originally from the north. Arnie is from the plains state of Nebraska with its cold winter winds. I was born in Wisconsin and lived most of my life in the Chicago area with its wind and blizzards or other cold parts of the country. The first winter in Minnesota may take some getting used to, but we will acclimate after that.

Heading north is a good way to move. Not just for someone who can’t stand the heat any longer, but in your spiritual life as well. Think of the things that are in the north. Heaven, the Throne of Grace, God, and many, many loved ones who’ve gone on before.

“For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.” (Psalm 75:6)

That leaves one direction.

I’ve called Minnesota “God’s country” for some time. I know other places claim to be that, but when I think about the summers of my youth spent in the upper area of central Minnesota with its birch trees, lakes, rivers, creeks, ponds, woods, and wildlife, I can’t think of many other places that match. The picture under the title of this article is of my favorite lake, Spirit Lake, on the edge of Menahga, the town to which we plan to move. Is there any wonder I’ve written it into my latest story, Trust Never After? I spent a lot of time walking around the edge of this beautiful lake and swimming in it.

The world says, “Go west, young man.”

In general, west was a good direction to head. It was for the settlers in America when they discovered new lands. Not so good for the Native Americans who already occupied those lands and were relocated, mostly against their will.

For Abram (later renamed Abraham), west was a good direction and directed by God. He obeyed God, and the Hebrews eventually wound up in Egypt. That turned out not to be so good, as they became slaves to the Egyptians and wound up being rescued by God.

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Christianity spread west from Israel to Rome in the first century, and then west to the British Isles in the fourth century. The Good News spread all the way west to America. West is a good direction. But north is still better.

When we take our final trip on this earth, our final destination will be north. At least it will be for those of us who have accepted God’s Perfect Gift of Salvation. We will ascend into heaven to meet our Lord Jesus. So, for Arnie, our dog Susie, and me, heading north this next spring will be more like a practice run.

We have family in Minnesota awaiting our arrival. My goal is to make sure every one of them takes that final trip north to heaven. Yes, I’ll still be writing and painting, but I’ll also make sure I spend enough time in Menahga and thereabouts presenting the Gospel to the lost, whether or not they be family.

My prayer is that all of you will keep us in your prayers for a smooth transition to our new home in the north, which has yet to be found. Lots to do until then. At our ages, it’s a big step, but we know our Lord has laid this on our hearts, and we are ready to go.

We’ll be changing our y’alls for some yahs, shoors, and maybe an occasional betcha. Can’t wait.

Following are more pictures taken of the Menahga area on my recent promotional trip for Trust Never After.

Note: Scripture is from the 1611 King James Authorized Version

Top row:

Spirit Lake - Birch Trees - Blueberry River - Crow Wing River - My cousins beef cattle

Second Row: Where my family farm once stood

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Karen has a background in broadcasting, television and radio, and as a writer for several newspapers. She started her own marketing agency and enjoys working with her husband, Craig.

She is an author, photographer, graphic artist, and writer.

Not All That You See Is Real

As wonderful as the internet is, it also brings many troubling things into our houses daily. Craig and I work online many hours each day. During that time, we are marketing our clients and our own business. We have conversations through messenger throughout the day. We have learned and are still learning how to be discerning with what we see and hear.

On more than one occasion, I have had friends tell me they feel bad because they don’t measure up to their internet friends. They see all of the beautiful photos of loving families; they see what they think are perfect families. I see the posts too and I am so happy when I see that my family and friends post these wonderful photos. What we don’t see is what is happening in their homes away from the camera.

We get prayer requests daily. Gut wrenching prayers, for everything from losing a loved one, to marriages breaking up, children who are sick, loss of jobs, family member on drugs, incarcerations, to family members with terminal illnesses. While we pray, we know that some of these will not be resolved in the time we want or in the way we want them to. Yet, when you see some of the posts online from these families, you will see happy faces, fun activities, and yes, praise for our Father in Heaven.

Craig and I were talking the other day about how our lives have changed since the internet was made available to all of us. People do not socialize in person as much as they did when we were younger.

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Not any of us get through life without having challenges. Major thought-provoking, challenging challenges. I put a post up the other day that was a billboard with a saying about Christ being the only way. Most people hit the love or like button. My nephew, however, challenged it and said it wasn’t true. I answered with a short answer but knew this wasn’t the time to challenge him - we as Christians need to have discernment so we don’t push someone further away from Christ.

Craig and I share posts and most of them show things we have done, road trips, photos of our grandson, and happy times. At this time, we are in the midst of what many would consider worrisome, both with health, and major family issues. Having a 21-month old full-time has cer tainly added a new dimension to our lives. While we try to keep everything very real, we also love to post the fun times and share the everyday blessings.

So, the next time you start to think that everyone around you has that perfect life, remember that no one does. We each have challenges and we all need to rely on God to get us through them.

“No temptation (or trials) has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”

(1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV)

As I was ready to wrap up this article, I remembered a verse my neighbor, Carolyn, in California used to say to me. She was a wise and loving woman and I miss her to this day.

This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it

(Psalm 118:24 NKJV)

Let us all cut down our computer time and spend time with family and friends. That is real - the love we share with all of them.

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Cindy J. Evans is a published poet, living in the sunny South. When she's not writing poetry, you can find her serving at the local faithbased hospice. She enjoys date nights with her husband, Mark, lighthouses, Ferris wheels and grand openings!

Communion at Church

Oh, Lord, I sit while the bread is passed. I feel the tears rising up in my eyes. I could never earn such a sacrifice, could never even try. The mercy is so magnificent, a grace that I can’t comprehend... the body that was broken for me from the One that calls me friend.

I examine myself, how humbling, and know I’ve missed the mark and I know that I will still sin... and sometimes walk in dark. Yet, this bread is mine to eat for You won’t give up on me. I eat it now so very gratefully, thankful I’m forgiven and free.

Before I take this divine drink, my sins I will confess... With this sweet cup of Your love, my life You truly blessed! What a privilege and a gift to partake of the perfect Lamb! Lord, help me live in great gratitude to You, Holy and Great I Am!

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From Pity Party to Praise Party!

I had been down, in the dark, but God brought His light! I had been in the wrong but Jesus’ blood made me right!

I was feeling blue and broken but God brought His healing touch! The enemy had come to steal but Jesus has restored much!

I was having a pity party and not helping anyone but now I’m having a praise party and hope everyone can come..!

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Karen Ruhl, Photographer

Dr. Kathleen B. Oden is an author, missionary, and Bible teacher. She has been the Administrator of God’s House of Refuge Church & School of Evangelism, for 25 years. Dr. Oden attained a Doctorate degree in Christian Theology in 2000. After a bad fall in 2014, she realized that she had to start eating healthy, in order to fully recover. She became a Certified Health Minister and a Certified Essential Oil Coach. She loves ministering to people and God gave her a health ministry called, Create AnewU Health Ministry. Her health ministry has opened the door for her to share what the WORD OF GOD has to say about eating healthy. Dr. Oden has published over 20 books through and several of them are about health and wellness.

God Cares Admist Chaos

God cares deeply about each and every one of us. His love for humanity is boundless, extending to every corner of the earth. In times of joy and sorrow, triumph and struggle, God is present, walking alongside us and offering comfort and guidance. God’s care is evident in every intricate detail of creation and man. Every sunrise, every blooming flower, and every gentle breeze serves as a reminder of His loving care for mankind.

His constant presence and unwavering faithfulness exemplify God’s care. He never leaves us or forsakes us, even in the darkest of times. His promises reassure us we are never alone and that He is with us, strengthening and upholding us. We can approach Him with our hopes, fears, and prayers, confident that He hears us and is actively involved in our lives.

In the Scriptures, we see countless examples of how God cares for His people. God manifests His care for His people through His acts of deliverance, compassion, and provision. For instance, He led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and Jesus healed the sick and comforted the brokenhearted.

Through Jesus Christ, God showed His ultimate care for humanity. He willingly sent His only son to earth and sacrificed Him. And the Son of God willingly went to the cross, bearing our sins and offering us forgiveness and reconciliation with the True and Living God. This act of love and selflessness showcases the magnitude of how much God cares for us and His desire to restore and maintain a relationship with Him.

Natural disasters and suffering can create doubt, causing people to say, “Where is God and why is He allowing this to happen?” These events may even cause pain and hardship, but they do not negate the fact that we have His unconditional love because God cares for us no matter what is going on in our life or in the world.

“The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.”

(Psalm 34:18 KJV)

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Human understanding is limited, and we might not always comprehend why certain events occur. But we can trust and have faith in God’s ultimate plan, even in the face of chaos. Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV) states, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Let us rest in the assurance of God’s unfailing care, believing that we are the apple of His eye, which means we are the most precious thing that He owns. God loves, cherishes, and holds us in His hands, and nothing can ever pluck us out! May His care inspire us to show compassion and care to others, reflecting His goodness and grace in the world. God cares about our fulfillment in Him, our souls, spiritual growth, our joy, and our peace. He longs for us to experience an abundant life and have good health.

Therefore, it is imperative that we also care about our health. Putting our health on the back burner as something that we will deal with later (if we have time) is no way to treat or care for God’s most precious thing, YOU! Let’s do our part and respect the fact that we are His most precious thing and live a healthy life because, God Cares, Amidst Chaos!


The Power of Care Smoothie represents finding God’s care amidst chaos by nourishing our bodies with wholesome ingredients. Just as the ingredients blend together harmoniously in a smoothie, we can find comfort and strength through our Christian faith, relying on God’s care to sustain us even in turbulent times.


- 1 cup almond milk (or your fav dairy-free alternative)

- 1 ripe banana

- 1/2 cup frozen berries (like strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries)

- 1 tablespoon almond butter

- 1 tablespoon honey (or preferred sweetener)

- A handful of spinach leaves

- Optional: 1 scoop of protein powder (vanilla or plant-based)


1. In a blender, combine the almond milk, ripe banana, frozen berries, almond butter, honey, spinach leaves, and optional protein powder.

2. Blend until smooth and creamy, adjusting the consistency by adding more almond milk if needed.

3. Pour into a glass and garnish with a fresh berry or a sprinkle of chia seeds if desired.

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Karen has a background in broadcasting, television and radio, and as a writer for several newspapers. She started her own marketing agency and enjoys working with her husband, Craig.

She is an author, photographer, graphic artist, and writer.

Give It To God.

I often wonder where the sayings that we use often come from in the Bible. And are they actually in the Bible? The saying “Give it to God” makes total sense to me. Why carry around burdens when He has told us to give them to Him.

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.”

(Psalm 55:22 ESV)

It is clear that God wants us to give Him our burdens and cares. Why is it we are so set on holding on to them? Are we weak? Are we afraid? Are we trying to control something that only God can control? We need to trust God with our burdens. If we hold on to our burdens, we are trusting in ourselves to be able to handle them. I think we all know that usually doesn’t end up very well.

I don’t know about you, but when I try to carry my burdens, I can get very worried. Have you ever had times when everything was overwhelming? What did you do?

Philippians 4:6 tells us: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”

Can you imagine how wonderful life would be if we didn’t have any worries or concerns? Our family, work, friends, and everything else would be perfect. Life would be awesome, but that isn’t reality. Paul tells us to turn our worries into prayers. This is what I try to practice regularly. As soon as something comes up, I try to take it to prayer. I still have to work on this and will, I mean, why do we want to hang on to worry and stress??

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I will share something that I experienced many years ago. I was a single mom, and it wasn’t easy. My once wonderful career in broadcasting had come to an end. I had a small marketing agency and a handful of clients. The difference in income was drastic. I worried many nights, wondering if I would be able to take care of my son in the way he deserved to be taken care of. The stress was rapidly building up. I wondered what I should do; I knew I had to take action.

I had a good friend that led a Bible study I was in. I was feeling so anxious and called her to ask what I should do. She told me she would be over in 30 minutes. Carla came and let me talk. She listened. She didn’t judge; she didn’t try to offer advice. After I told her my worries, she first asked if she could pray with me. It was one of the sweetest prayers I have ever heard and touched me in a way that was life altering. She then opened her Bible and had a sheet that she handed me. She said, here are five verses for you to read every evening. When she left, she gave me a big hug and said, “God is with you, give your cares to Him.” I dropped to my knees that night and had a long talk and cry with my Father in Heaven. My life turned around that night as I gave my worries and concerns to Him.

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

(Philippians 4:1-9 NKJV)

It is up to us to take action to make changes in our lives. Giving my cares to God was life changing. I didn’t wake up to find everything I needed in front of me. I woke up knowing that everything was going to be ok because God was for me.

So, my family in Christ, give it to God! He knows where you came from, what you are doing now, and what your future looks like. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart.

Love and blessings, Karen

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Craig Ruhl is the Managing Editor for Faith On Every Corner, LLC. He writes for and edits the monthly magazine Faith On Every Corner. Craig coaches and consults with writers and authors on writing, editing, proofreading, and publishing.

His favorite pastime is taking road trips with his wife, Karen, and grandson, Damien. Craig’s hobbies are reading, writing, and using his collection of vintage fountain and dip pens. He and his family live in the foothills of the North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains.

Spiritual Reset

As we age, the accumulations of a lifetime sometimes become a heavier weight than we can seem to bear. I am not talking about material possessions, although physical clutter can certainly become challenging and unwieldy. Today, I am considering the mental weight and weariness that add up over a lifetime; what we often refer to as “baggage”. Wouldn’t it be great if, when we reach a certain point, we could push a button and do a “reset”? Like on your computer or cell phone—choosing the option of performing a full factory reset. Can we, as humans, do that?

I wondered about this and what the Bible had to say about it. As a born-again Christian, I am promised a new beginning in Jesus Christ. The Bible verse that supports this tells us, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV) What a marvelous gift God gave us with just this one promise. A spiritual reset is available, and yet, it doesn’t stop there!

When we are born again in Jesus Christ, we also receive another gift promised by Jesus himself. Jesus told his disciples that after he had left them, he would send to them a helper. John 14:16-17 (NKJV) tells us, “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever—the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.”

So, we not only can we become new creations, but we also have a Helper who indwells us to guide, advise, and comfort us. That’s pretty cool. But does being a Christian and having the Holy Spirit mean that we no longer have the problems, stress, and turmoil that were present before our “reset”? No. But the way we deal with those issues changes. Now, we can place the issues that weigh us down at His feet and let go. Remember the popular saying: “Let go and let God”? That is exactly what we should do. Is it easy? Not at all. It takes practice and patience, and that is where the Holy Spirit helps us.

Prayer is an essential part of any spiritual renewal. It is through prayer that we communicate with God. In John 17, we are told that Jesus Christ has prayed for his followers—us. He stands before the Father as our advocate. John 2:1 (ESV) tells us, “My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” That is heady stuff.

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We know that most of our troubles result from sin, some even generational. Amid our troubles and sin temptation, our Savior is pleading our case with God. We don’t need to shoulder the burden alone any longer. What a relief! In heavenly courts, Satan works overtime to convict us of our sin, but Jesus Christ holds up his hand and pleads that we are His and He has already paid the penalty for our sin. Case dismissed. As long as we let go of our burdens and worries, we have been granted a “reset”. Of course, the challenge can be not taking up those worries and burdens again and again. Humans seem to be wired with a control impulse, but it is in our best interest to trust the Lord and the Holy Spirit to guide us.

When we become born-again Christians, we agree to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. We don’t make that decision lightly because it carries considerable weight. In Matthew 11:28-30, we are told, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Please do not misinterpret this verse. It does not promise us a life without trials, tribulations, sickness, and death. It offers rest for our souls. Taking on Christ’s yoke gives us the rest and strength to endure what the world throws at us. Following Christ comes with at an expense. Jesus tells us there will be tough times. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NKJV). To learn more about what we, as Christians, can expect as far as troubles, I recommend spending some time in Matthew, Chapter 16, where Jesus instructs his disciples on what they can expect as his followers, after He has left them. He also talks more about the Holy Spirit, the Helper, that He will send to them. His message applies to us followers as well.

Our spiritual “reset” changes our world view instantly, but worldly influences will cloud our vision and distract us if we let them. We need a constant renewal of our faith to stand strong and finish well. Investing quality time in reading our Bible for understanding and renewal is an essential habit to develop. Being part of a solid, Bible-based and teaching church body is also important. We Christians need the support and help of other Christians. Remember, prayer is our communication channel with the Lord, and it is vital to remain centered on the Lord and resist worldly influences.

In Romans, Chapter 6, Paul instructs us that just as Jesus has overcome death and has risen, we, as His followers, have had our old sinful lives crucified so that sin no longer holds us captive. We are dead to the power of sin. It still exists, but we are no longer under its power. We are now alive to God through Jesus Christ. Now that is a wonderful “reset”!

Oh, if you haven’t yet accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, please let me know and I’ll help you along that path and get you a “reset”, too!

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Bookshelf Reviews

Cover Reveal - both books coming very soon!

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Bookshelf Reviews

Theo’s Sweet Idea

This is the second Theo book and is such a fun book to read to your kids.

Theo’s mother is preparing a birthday party for his sister. Theo decided to go outside and play. While talking to his friend Raj, Theo has a bright idea and encourages his friend to join in on the fun. Raj hestitates but decides to go along! Theo and Raj have several learning experiences on their adventure and had a day they won’t forget.

I had fun working with Melody on this book and highly recommend it for your kids and for a great gift idea for birthdays or Christmas! Order today and don’t forget to leave a review on Amazon!

While you are ordering, you might want to pick up Melody’s frist book too!

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Simple Effective Prayer—Manual A Model for Inner Healing

The Simple Effective Prayer (SEP) Manual is a workbook that helps the reader understand and master the fundamental methods of SEP as used in the healing process. It teaches how to partner, through simplified prayer, with the Holy Spirit, to bless others. After completing the book, the reader will also grow more comfortable in praying for others.

I like how the manual explains in simple terms the key concepts and principals involved with praying effectively with and for others. The workbook is interactive with ample space for notes and responses in the Questions to Ponder sections of each chapter. Besides the main workbook, the authors have provided a series of appendixes containing sample prayers, worksheets, forms, and prayer guides. This is a well written and thought-provoking manual that is well worth working through again and again.

My first exposure to Simple Effective Prayer was from reading The Awakening, a novella written by Press Barnhill and The Battle, a full-length novel. Gena Barnhill has written Freedom from Brokenness which deals with how prayer led by the Holy Spirit helps in the heart healing process. The Simple Effective Prayer Manual is a perfect companion book and a standalone resource.

We recommend this workbook to our readers and have placed a copy on the Faith On Every Corner Bookshelf.

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Bookshelf Reviews

Better Than Before

It is hard to say you enjoyed reading a book about someone’s tragedy, even when it ends well, but I did this one. Better Than Before is a well written personal testimony of a family plunged into the darkness of pain, suffering, and uncertainty. The author recounts her memories of her family’s traumatic journey after her husband’s devastating motorcycle accident. Multiple surgeries, long recovery periods, and emotional upheaval stained her marriage with life-changing ripple effects throughout an extended family. This book is certain to be a comfort and aid to others who may experience similar situations. It provides a testimony to the strength and courage humans often draw on under dire conditions. Of particular importance is the encouragement the book provides for victims of severe spinal injury and paralysis and their caregivers. The author tells how she dealt with many tests of faith and health during her journey, including multiple hospitals, nursing facilities, and household moves. Better Than Before is inspirational.

We recommend Better Than Before to our readers and have placed a copy on the Faith On Every Corner Bookshelf.

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Wings Of Eagles

I thought this month I would share something directly from the book I finished earlier this year. I asked my wife, Darlene (who was amazing in many ways with the book) to pick out one of the devotions, and it follows below. The photo is from the Sedona, AZ area. This is one of 32 devotions in the book. Each of the devotions is intended to shift the reader’s vision from the troubles they may be going through to Jesus, who can help us get a different perspective on everything. Craig and Karen Ruhl also played huge parts in making sure the work was finished. We all hope you are blessed by this month’s article and the book if the Lord leads you to purchase and read it. Blessings and peace, Mike.

Mike Buchanan is an author andfreelance writer. His love for writing and poetry, along with his passionto be of help to cancer patients, inspired him to author the book “Mountains ofHope: Surrounding the Valley of Cancer.” This inspirational book provides dailydoses of encouragement for those challenged by the disease. He recentlypublished his most recent book, Feeling Down? Look Up!! Mike is also a featuredcontributing writer for several Christian magazines. Mike and his wife,Darlene, live in Buckeye, Arizona.

“But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.”

(Isaiah 40:31)

As we go through this book, one theme is the discouragement of timing. Our timing doesn’t match God’s timing. When that happens, it becomes tiring. We can become weak. We need a source of strength. Our old friend, Isaiah, has a familiar if unpopular idea: waiting. However, Isaiah does say to wait on the Lord, not to rely on our own resources.

Isaiah says that if we will wait on the Lord, our tired bodies are reinvigorated. We don’t need an energy drink to pep us up; God Almighty Himself will give us wings as eagles. We will run like Olympic athletes and do even better than they do. Yet we must be willing to depend on the Lord.

Centuries later, Jesus Himself would offer similar advice, “Learn from me... and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29). So, as you are waiting for what God is doing, take time to look to Jesus, and seek His Wisdom. His Teachings will restore you. God’s Power will give you the grace and courage for what He is calling you do.

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Michael Shoemaker is a poet, writer, and photographer. His writing has appeared in Ancient Paths Literary Journal, the Christian Courier, The Compass Literary Magazine, and elsewhere. He lives in Magna, Utah with his wife and son where he enjoys looking out on the Great Salt Lake every day. He is looking forward to two of his poems being published in the Poetry Pacific Anthology in 2024.

You and Me

For me, to open the car door for you. For you, to wear flowers in your hair. For me, to wash my car before our date. For you, to make me a picnic lunch. For me, to feel special you made it for me. For you, to blush when I thanked you for making it. For me, to send you a love note. For you, to call me on the phone and your crazy parrot to make a dog whistle because it recognized my voice.

For me, to dream of taking care of you someday.

For you, to rest your head on my shoulder while dreaming. For me, to protect your life even before my own. For us, to sacrifice our lives in happiness and love together.

Earthen Vessels

Earthen vessels are we containing the excellency of His power not of us.

Smooth, not cracked or broken no outward appearance that anyone should desire these vessels of faith in Jesus Christ. The enemies of our souls raise us high and cast us down to crash on the floor, laughing - giddy for our annihilation. And yet, we roll intact along the floor smooth, not cracked or broken to tears of evil designs frustrated. What is the mystery of our protection? Tempered in daily afflictions as hot as King Nebuchadnezzar’s fire for our brothers Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego we are defended and delivered by the Great God of Israel and Him alone we will serve, smooth, not cracked or broken.

(2 Corinthians 4: 6-7 KJV)

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Jerry Davidson is a writer, author, and songwriter. He lives in central Arkansas with his wife and daughter. His topics include theology, politics, culture, philosophy, and fiction.

Traumatic Gnosticism

Trauma makes you blind, not special.

Most of us have had more than one conversation shut down where someone takes offense to a statement we made and says, “Well, you don’t know what it’s like to have/be (fill in the blank).” Many people today have experienced trauma. According to the National Council for Mental Wellbeing (NCMW), 70% of adults in the U.S have experienced some sort of traumatic event in their lives. Though the NCMW is a very anti-Christian and corrupt institution, that is a very high number, if true. I don’t believe this number is true, but for the sake of argument, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt.

We live in a culture that glorifies victims and views them as having a gnosis (special knowledge). People who have trauma seem to think themselves fit to shut down conversation when they are made uncomfortable. The opposite is true.

The NCMW lays out in the link above what counts as a source of trauma. Interestingly, every single one of these have existed for all of human history, and there are many individuals throughout history who have experienced one or more of each category yet have been exemplary people (ex: Moses, Joseph, Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, John Bunyan, etc.).

Trauma makes you blind, not special. To back this assertion, we first must ask: from where do we get a correct view of the world and how to live? I’ve heard several people introduce their worldview with this statement: “There is a God, and you are not Him.” This answer grounds you, making you realize that you did not and cannot make the rules. From here, we can assert that we need to find out what God said about how to live in this world and the rules He made. God’s first act after creation was to form a relationship with man. His first rule was to not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He said that “in the day you shall eat of it, you shall surely die.” They disobeyed, and the trauma of the knowledge of sin cursed all of mankind. What followed was a curse, but also a promise of salvation. The knowledge that mankind received after disobeying inflicted trauma on their very souls and ultimately led to their physical deaths.

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The next law we receive from God is the 1st of His 10 Commandments, which summarily commands that “you shall have no other gods before Me.” The commandment ends with this statement: “... for I, Yahweh your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing lovingkindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.” Here, God promises punishment on those who hate Him while promising lovingkindness to those who love Him and obey His laws. Furthermore, the promise God gives for the end of this life to those who love and obey Him is the removal of our original trauma, knowledge of evil (Revelation 22:3 - “And there will no longer be any curse.”). In the meantime, God’s solution to the trauma of sin is His law and His grace, which we must obey and accept by faith. The trauma of sin makes us blind to the reality God made and disqualifies us from being able to live peaceably with God.

If you’re still tracking with me, then from this overview of Scripture, I believe we can logically surmise that sin inflicts trauma on us. Trauma is a result of sin, and someone lost in sin is blind. A porn addict doesn’t see what their addiction is doing to their mind and soul. An abusive parent doesn’t care how their actions will affect their child for the rest of that child’s life, and that child will not understand how their parent’s abuse will affect their view of the world, relationships, and family for the rest of their lives. Similarly, a veteran with severe PTSD may see intruders where there are none or hear shots and explosions where none are occurring. The trauma has made him blind to reality.

Trauma makes you blind, not special. Trauma doesn’t grant you a better vision of what society should be like. It actually makes you more likely to believe that reality needs to change. A veteran seeing a faux intruder may attack them and hurt himself or others. An adult who was abused as a child may see a loving family member holding their baby and think they are going to hurt them.

Trauma puts your mind in a looking glass and distorts reality. Trauma requires discipline and instruction. Trauma disqualifies you from leading yourself and others until it is resolved, and then only in certain areas because it has a way of showing up in new areas of life you didn’t expect. Trauma does not translate to knowing how to live and lead better. The only thing trauma gives you is a special bond with those who have gone through something similar.

In Proverbs, God lays out four categories of things we should pursue to live healthy, successful, and godly lives: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and insight. Notice this list does not include experience. Insight is the closest, but insight does not come from experience alone. It comes from evaluated experience. Only when someone has processed and analyzed a good or bad experience does it become valuable.

Having faith in God sets you free to think honestly, critically, and to live healthily. Those with trauma need care, but those who have faith in God and grow up in a healthy home will have a better grasp on reality than those who don’t. If you count yourself among the traumatized, recognize your blindness and look to those who live healthily. Submit yourself to the disciplines they practice and listen when they speak about your trauma and their faith. As God gave the law to discipline us, so the life of a godly person should be to you. Your mind and heart will scream and cry in rebellion, but you will be healthier for having followed.

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You can find Joseph on Facebook at groups/2228667160717043

Navigating Life’s Storms: Finding Peace and Faith in Times of Adversity

Life has a manner of throwing surprising demanding situations our way. Whether it is a personal crisis, a worldwide pandemic, or daily challenges, adversity is a widespread human experience. For Christians, locating peace and faith amid life’s storms is not only a choice—it is an essential factor in our journey towards eternity.

In this article, we shall discover how Christians can depend on their faith to find comfort and power for the duration of hard times, drawing encouragement from real-life examples and Biblical references.

The Foundation of Faith

At the heart of navigating storms as a Christian is a solid foundation of Christ. According to Hebrews 11:1, faith is not passive but actively trusting God against all odds. It means having confidence in a better tomorrow when the world is falling apart. This unwavering belief in God’s love and His plan for our lives turns into our anchor when life gets tough.

Consider the story of Job, a person who faced unimaginable adversity. He lost his wealth, health, and all his children. To worsen the case, the wife who should remain his consolation wished him dead rather than trusting God. Yet Job remained faithful to God. His story illustrates the strength of trusting in God’s promises even when occasions seem bleak.

I once had a dose of multiple storms of life. Then, my landlord evicted me for no reason. A landlord duped me, and I lost the land I bought to land grabbers. Later, I lost my daughter after six months in the hospital. I remember encouraging my wife to take heart while living for work the day the girl died. It was a great trial of faith for me. However, my confidence in God saw me through.

Trusting in God’s Promises

During adversity, Christians could look to the larger plans of God for them. Jeremiah 29:11, Psalms 34:1922, Proverbs 24: 16-18, and Isaiah 41:10 are a few verses that reassure Christians that God has a purpose even in the most tough situations. Trusting in those promises offers the needed comfort and strength.

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Prayer as a Source of Strength

The apostle Paul confronted several trials and tribulations throughout his ministry. In his letters, he frequently expressed his reliance on prayer. Despite adversity, his unwavering faith and dedication to prayer empowered him to weather the storms of life and fulfill his ministry.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV). This passage underscores the significance of prayer in finding peace through adversity. By praying, Christians can find solace that God is with them in their struggles.

Community and Support

The early Christian community, as depicted in Acts 2:42-47, gives an effective instance of believers supporting each other during hard times. They shared their possessions, prayed together, and found strength and comfort in their unity. “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

(Galatians 6:2 NIV). Being a part of a supportive Christian community can offer solace and power during the challenges of life. In times of adversity, reaching out to fellow believers for encouragement and aid can be a source of fantastic consolation.

Christians cope with tough times by having faith, praying, trusting God, and seeking help from fellow believers..

Amid life’s trials, do not forget the words of Jesus in John 16:33 (NIV) “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” These ideas and biblical examples can help Christians conquer life’s challenges with peace and comfort..

As you face your demanding situations, seek comfort in God’s words, strength through prayer, and help from your Christian network. Together, we will navigate the storms of life.

Joseph Akinrinola lives in Lagos, Nigeria, with his wife and four adorable children. He served with the Gospel Faith Mission International for over three decades. Besides, he is a Sunday school coach, an author, a blogger, and a freelance. He has served in Sunday school for over three decades. His friends and students call him

“Mr. Sunday school”. Joseph has published five books with two classics titled “Effective Sunday School Management Made Simple” and “Effective Sunday School Teacher.”

While with the Gospel Faith Mission International, he was a regional coordinator. He oversees the activities of the Sunday school in over a hundred and twenty churches. Then, he sat on the extended board of his Sunday school writing the weekly and daily devotionals read by over 2 million readers globally. Currently, he is the pastor of a new church, the Levites Chapel International, Lagos, Nigeria.

His passion is to reach young people with the Bible truth about relationships, Christian lifestyle, and personal development. This informs the creation of his blog, In addition, he writes for online and international magazines. He is a member of Amnesty International.

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More From Cover Photographer: Carol LaBelle

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Copyright: LaBelle Photography

Copyright: LaBelle Photography

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September was a good month for us to take drives. Our little co-pilot, Grand Damien has been enjoying the sights too.

I love shooting anything and everything, but while in the country, we love to look for rusty gold. This truck was sitting outside of this building rusting away. What a beauty.

Many times we are on old country roads, we made a wrong turn and ended up on a gravel street going straight up a mountainside. There was a very nice lady sitting outside on her porch next to the building below on the right. She told us how to get back down the mountain and said the building used to be the only store around for miles. I love that you can still see the Coca Cola sign over the door.

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We love driving through farm country. There is always something to see, and the roads aren’t as busy so when I say, “stop, stop,” Craig can usually pull over and let me get the shots I want. I don’t think I can live in the country, we did when I was a kid, but I need people and activities around me. However, look at the beauty surrounding the countryside.

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I love the old buildings and rusty gold trucks!

I have mentioned this before, we can take drives and be in Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, and of course many places in North Carolina within hours. Our average road trip is about six to seven hours with stops for food and leg stretching.

More rusty gold along with the most beautiful stone house. I don’t think anyone was living in this house anymore but it was mell maintained. I can imagine curling up with a book by a nice big fireplace!

The house on the left is still standing but look at how the wood has warped.

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We rarely follow directions unless we are going to a specific place. We took a left turn to see if we could follow the creek and found these treasures. I can just imagine the little church filled to capacity with children playing outside on the playground next to the creek. I can also imagine many baptisms in this water.

The little house with the cross on the post had a slot - perhaps for donations, not sure. The grounds of this church are well maintained and is a lovely setting to sit and pray.

Craig and I hope that you and your family will get out and take road trips together. Sing and talk, take a picnic lunch and take tons of photos. God has created amazing places for us to see. If you take a road trip, we would love to hear from you. Drop us a line at

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Shara Bueler-Repka is enjoying life as a singer/songwriter/recording artist, freelance writer, and award-winning author. She and her husband, Bruce, live in their living quarters horse trailer and call “home” wherever their rig is parked. Their mail-base, however, is Hallettsville, Texas. She loves sharing God’s Word through music with her husband, riding their horses (aka The Boys) in the backcountry, and writing about God’s grace in their various adventures on the trail less traveled.

He Knows Your Name

Our prayer group decided to meet at the mall. I don’t like the mall. I don’t like the city. I’m a country gal who likes Corral No.9, not the Chanel stuff. However, God needed me out of my comfort zone, and it didn’t matter how I felt. My heart raced as I faced possible rejection, but I bounced up to various people, grinning and blurting: “Hi, this is probably gonna sound really weird, but we’re walking around the mall today, praying for people. Do you need prayer for anything?”

This may not have been the ideal way to approach people, but hey, you have to start somewhere. I noticed a woman strolling along with her daughter and a grandmother, who sat in a motorized cart. I barely said “hi” and grandma found another gear in her ride. The granddaughter bolted after her.

“Man, she’s outta here!” I laughed as the duo became a speck on the horizon.

“Yeah, she likes to go,” the mother grinned. We introduced ourselves. Her name was Dana. She didn’t need specific prayer for anything, so I offered to pray for God’s blessings for her. “Sure,” she eagerly nodded. And then a crazy thing happened. I began to pray, but got a bit tongue-tied and accidentally started with her name instead of “Lord”: “Dana, ah Dana, Lord, I just lift up ah Dana… I flushed in embarrassment, but Dana gasped, “Whoa!” Stopping, I looked at her.

“That’s my real name!” Dana exclaimed.


“Yeah,” she said, wide-eyed. “My real name is Adana.” She shook her head. “That’s creepy.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, that is creepy. But that’s God. God knows your name.” Still in awe of my “mistake” being used for a divine intervention, I prayed: “Lord, you knew Adana before she was born. You have a plan and a purpose for her life. Please make Yourself real to her and she sees how much You love and adore her. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

“Thank you,” she smiled.

Encouraged, I searched for my next prospect!

A guy in his 20s zipped by our group. He sported a weird-looking, black pointy tattoo across his left temple. I sensed that the Holy Spirit had him in His sights. But he was on the move and promptly disappeared through the crowd before we could approach him.

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We wandered toward the escalator. Suddenly, an energetic dude flew up the steps and addressed our group. “Hey! They must have fixed this escalator!” he exclaimed as he turned, thrusting out his hands in a gesture toward the redeemed machinery.

And as he turned, I saw it—the weird, pointy tattoo blazing across his temple. When he shot off in a different direction, I was hot on his heels, not wanting to miss this second chance.

“Hey!” I called out to him. He spun around and faced me. I used my tried and true “this is probably going to sound weird” mall-approach. He didn’t move, just eyed me curiously.

My husband, Bruce, walked up, and we all introduced ourselves. Then Bruce inquired again if he needed prayer for anything. “No,” Hunter answered.

“We could pray for God’s blessings for you,” Bruce offered.

“Sure!” he responded.

“Can I put my hand on your shoulder?” Bruce asked respectfully.

“Yeah,” he said. When Bruce finished praying, Hunter gasped, “Whoa!” And stepped back.

“Did you feel something?” Bruce asked.

“Yeah,” he replied as he tapped his hand over his heart. “Yeah. Whoa. That was…whoa!” He shook his head, looking around.

Still awestruck, he briefly told us his background. He’d grown up in the church but left when he was 13 and never went back.

Bruce shared the Gospel with him: Jesus’ love for him and everyone and His choice to die for our sins; the miracle of Him being raised from the dead to reconcile us to God; coming to Him in repentance and being water baptized for the remission of sins; and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. It was quick, concise, and Hunter was all ears.

He had never heard the Gospel. After Bruce and I shared our testimonies of walking away from religion and embracing a relationship with Jesus Christ, we group-hugged and parted ways. We’d only taken a few steps when we noticed a woman sitting alone on a bench.

(continued on Page 70)

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He Knows Your Name (Continued

“Hi!” I hailed as I approached. And blurted out my mall-spiel. Her suspicious expression changed to disbelief.

“I can’t believe you came up to me today,” she stated as she stared at me. “I could use some prayers.”

“I’m Shara,” I said. “Anything specific?”

“I’m Nikki.” And then the boiling torrent of her bitterness and pain spewed out like an erupting volcano.

“I’m going through a divorce,” she declared, “and I’m really bitter.”

No divorce is pleasant, but hers had an extraordinarily cruel twist. She gave me enough details to send me into a silent prayer for God’s wisdom.

Two things the Lord impressed on me: to share my testimony of needing God’s help in forgiving my ex-husband; and that this woman had to choose to lean on Him, big time. As we prayed together, her burden became a little lighter. I was confident that in His mercy, God would direct others to help her along her journey.

I thank God for the courage to step out of my comfort zone and obey His guidance to reach out to those who needed His touch that day. Who knew that three weeks later our country would suffer under the demonically driven lockdowns because of Covid-19?

God arranged the exact timing and place for these and others to receive the blessing of His power and love.

“O LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up;

“You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways.” (Psalm 139:1-3 NKJV)

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Lake Tahoe and Eagle Falls Trip by Shara Bueler-Repka

Faith On Every Corner Publishing

We have read over 120 books and offered our reviews in issues of Faith On Every Corner. On this journey, we have met many wonderful writers who have experienced the trials and pitfalls of becoming published authors. We first learned of a woman who wrote a beautiful book, only to be taken advantage of by an unscrupulous publisher. She and her husband lost thousands of dollars they could ill afford to lose. We helped her republish her book while she kept all rights to her work. Since then, we have found that there are many writers who shared her terrible experiences.

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Karen Ruhl, Photographer

Photography: Karen Ruhl (unless otherwise credited)

Staff Writers: Craig Ruhl Karen Ruhl

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Chief: Karen Ruhl Managing Editor Craig Ruhl

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The Information contained in the published works of Faith On Every Corner has been received from sources we believe to be reliable. However, neither Faith On Every Corner nor its authors, writers, editors, or publishers can guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information published. Faith On Every Corner, its authors, editors, and publishers are not responsible for any errors or omissions in our published works. The opinions and theology expressed by contributing writers are their own and not necessarily that of Faith On Every Corner, LLC., its owners or staff.

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