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La Sierra University in partnership with the Office of Education, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists


Yearly Report CognitiveGenesis - Yearly Report 2008-2009/United States

United States


CognitiveGenesis Project :

Assessing Adventist Academics

Third Yearly Report 2008-2009

Research Team Robert J. Cruise, Ph.D.

Elissa E. Kido, Ed.D.

Jerome D. Thayer, Ph.D.

CognitiveGenesis - Yearly Report 2008-2009/United States


Introduction CognitiveGenesis is a research project designed to assess academic performance in Adventist schools and provide answers to questions about the academic quality of Adventist educational programs. CognitiveGenesis is also studying various factors related to achievement, including those commonly associated with achievement and others that may be unique to Adventist education. This is the first large-scale study to assess academic achievement in Seventh-day Adventist elementary and secondary schools. This research initiative will document the academic achievement of approximately 30,000 students in nearly 1,000 schools throughout North America, using nationally-accepted measures of achievement and ability.

Research Questions The major questions that CognitiveGenesis will be answering are: 1. How are students in Adventist schools performing academically? 2. How does the academic performance of students in Adventist schools compare to that of their counterparts in public and other private schools? 3. What factors related to students, parents, teachers, and schools are associated with student achievement and abilities?

Research Design CognitiveGenesis researchers at La Sierra University, in partnership with the North American Division (all nine unions and the NAD Office of Education), will collect standardized, nationally-normed test results for all students in grades 3-9 and 11 in every Adventist school in the United States, Canada, and Bermuda (approximately 30,000 students) over a four-year period beginning in the fall of 2006. In addition, they are also using surveys for students, parents, teachers, and administrators to gather information about a wide range of possible relationships with student academic achievement and abilities.

Time Frame for Data Collection Standardized Testing Data collection of the achievement and ability scores started in the fall of the 2006-2007 school year and will continue for one more year, ending with the 2009-2010 school year. Four years of testing will provide data to allow researchers to study three years of growth in student achievement and abilities. Surveys The surveys for students, parents, teachers and administrators were administered during the same time frame as the standardized testing. The surveys will be collected only the first three years of the project starting in the fall of 2006.

Analysis Schedule The CognitiveGenesis research team generated a detailed list of specific research questions relating achievement and ability to student, parent, teacher, and school variables. Doctoral students or other researchers who want to study a topic from this research agenda can request the use of the CognitiveGenesis dataset. Currently, ten doctoral students from La Sierra University School of Education, and Andrews University School of Education have requested to use parts of the dataset for their dissertations. One student from La Sierra University has completed her dissertation using CognitiveGenesis data from years one and two. At the end of the data collection period, a final report will be written by the research team answering the questions from the research agenda.

CognitiveGenesis - Yearly Report 2008-2009/United States


Instruments Standardized Tests The standardized tests used to measure achievement in the United States and Bermuda were the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS) for grades 3-8, and the Iowa Tests of Educational Development (ITED) for grades 9 and 11. The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) was used to measure ability for all grades. All of these tests are developed by Riverside Publishing and are designed to complement each other. Students in Canada took Canadian versions of these tests (CTBS-Canadian Tests of Basic Skills, and CCAT-Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test) that were published by Thomson Nelson, a partner company with Riverside Publishing. The Canadian tests are slightly different in content areas and the content within each area, and the scores are based on a Canadian norm group. Survey Development To measure factors that were thought to be related to achievement, four surveys were developed. The process started with an extensive search of previous research to determine what student, parent, teacher, and school variables have been shown to be related to achievement. Finally, educational leaders in the church were asked to consider the resulting list of variables and suggest additions or modifications. From this list, the initial items for the four surveys were created. The surveys were then sent to educational leaders of the church to review and edit. From their suggestions the research team modified and finalized the final items for each of the surveys. To account for differences in developmental levels, two versions of the student survey were developed; one for grades 3-5 and another for grades 6-11. The initial items were submitted to master teachers in the lower grade levels who suggested revisions after testing the items with students.

Data Collection Procedures Testing Each year all unions in the North American Division have a schedule to give standardized achievement and/or ability tests. Tests published by Riverside and Thomson Nelson have been used for this purpose. To meet the needs of the CognitiveGenesis project, the tests given, the grades tested, and the dates for the testing were standardized across the division. Tests were given in the fall with the answer sheets sent directly to Riverside and/or Thomson Nelson for scoring. When the testing for all Unions was completed, a master database of all test results was sent to CognitiveGenesis for analysis. Surveys Surveys designed by the CognitiveGenesis researchers were given to each student, parent, teacher and administrator in all schools in the North American Division. Each school was responsible for administering all surveys. The surveys were mailed to CognitiveGenesis where they were scanned and processed.

Reports The testing results each year for all the schools are reported directly to the unions, conferences and schools by Riverside and Thomson Nelson. Each year CognitiveGenesis will prepare separate year-end reports for the United States and Canada. During the first three years of the project, members of the CG research team have given an oral report of NAD and specific union results to each union. CognitiveGenesis is not planning to make oral or written presentations for schools or conferences. Communication of the final results of the project will involve publications and presentations within the North American Division, as well as for the larger national and international educational community. These results will include identifying the student, parent, teacher, and school variables most closely associated with achievement and abilities. During the interim, the investigators will communicate yearly findings to Adventist educators at multiple levels for use in system-wide decision-making regarding curriculum, classroom instruction and programmatic changes.

CognitiveGenesis - Yearly Report 2008-2009/United States


Sample The intent of CognitiveGenesis is to collect data from all students in the NAD in grades 3-9 and 11. This report will describe the results for students from the United States and Bermuda. A separate report will describe the results for Canada. In preparing the test databases, CognitiveGenesis will use all tests from the United States, Bermuda, and Canada, but will maintain two separate databases for analysis: one for the US and Bermuda and one for Canada. The reasons for not combining the scores are as follows: 1. 1. There is enough of a difference in content that merging the tests together would create a problem in interpreting some of the scores. For example, the Canadian Tests of Basic Skills battery does not include a Social Studies test. Therefore, any comparisons across tests would have Canadian data included on most tests but not on the Social Studies test and the Composite score. 2. 2. The norm groups for the tests are different in two ways: The norms are based on students in different countries and the norming on the tests in the United States and Canada was done in different years. Because of this, a percentile score of 50 on a United States test represents a different level of achievement than a percentile score of 50 on the equivalent Canadian test. Equating the two scores would require the assumption that the overall achievement level in the two countries was identical and observed score differences were due to difference in content and norming procedures. 3. 3. However, if equating was still deemed to be desirable and the results for the two tests were combined, it would still not be helpful for good curricular use of the test results in either the US or Canada. Curricular use of the tests would probably include using item-specific information to identify areas of weakness. Since the tests in the two countries have different items, the item analysis would have to be done separately for each test. To be included in the test dataset used for all CognitiveGenesis analyses, students needed to complete both the achievement and ability test batteries. The most common reasons students were excluded from the dataset were: 1. one subtest was completely missing (the student could have missed school the day that subtest was given) not enough items were attempted on a subtest to get a valid score (the student started the test, but gave up early) 2. the wrong level of the test was taken (many schools gave the grade 2 form to grade 3 students which did not contain some of the subtests) 3. one of the test batteries was not given to any of the students in the school (a possible administrative decision, oversight, or misunderstanding). Many students in self-supporting schools and home schools not directly affiliated with the North American Division took tests that were included in the database sent from the test publishers to CognitiveGenesis. These schools were omitted from the database. Also, schools that were identified by the conference as being “special schools� were omitted from the database. Beginning with year three, additional checks were done to remove faulty data from the database. There were two major ways in which student records were removed. 1. Demographic information was checked for students tested in multiple years. When either the gender of the student was not the same or the grade level was not one grade level higher than the previous year, the ID number of the student each year was checked. In many cases the inconsistency was due to an incorrect ID number. If it was not able to determine the correct ID for the student, the student was removed from the database. 2. Five criteria were used to identify low achievement or ability scores that had questionable validity. In all cases it was concluded that the low scores were due to the student either deliberately trying to get a low score or a major error

CognitiveGenesis - Yearly Report 2008-2009/United States


occurred in taking the test. Four students were identified as having invalid scores. For these cases, all of the scores for the students for all years, both high scores and low scores were removed from the database. The criteria used as a basis for removing data were: a. If the composite CogAT score for any year was the lowest possible score (Standard Age Score of 50). No students met this criterion. b. If the composite CogAT score dropped more than 3.0 standard deviations in a succeeding year. No students met this criterion. c. If the composite CogAT score increased more than 3.5 standard deviations in a succeeding year. No students met this criterion. d. If the composite ITBS score was more than 3.0 standard deviations higher than the composite CogAT score. Three students met this criterion. e. If the composite ITBS score was more than 3.0 standard deviations lower than the composite CogAT score. One student met this criterion. Table 1 describes the number of students in the United States and Bermuda who took the standardized tests used in CognitiveGenesis in the fall of 2008. There were 30,955 students who took one of the achievement tests: ITBS (Iowa Tests of Basic Skills) for grades 3-8 or ITED (Iowa Tests of Educational Development) for grades 9 and 11. Of these, 29,262 had complete scores for all tests in the achievement battery. There were 30,175 students who took the ability tests (CogAT). Of these, 28,387 had complete scores for all the tests in the ability test battery. There were 28,211 students who took both the achievement and ability test batteries. Of these, 27,024 had complete scores for all tests in both the achievement and ability test batteries. After removing students from special schools and those identified as having invalid scores, 26,264 students remained for the 2008 analysis in this report. An additional analysis for the report this year is to study change in students who were tested all three years. This analysis include change from grades 3 to 5, grades 4 to 6, grades 5 to 7, grades 6 to 8, and grades 9 to 11. There were 9,521 students who were tested all three years.

Table 1 Number of Students Taking CognitiveGenesis Tests - Fall, 2008

Achievement Test ITBS/ITED

Ability Test CogAt

Achievement & Ability Test ITBS/ITED & CogAt


Partial or Complete


Partial or Complete


Partial or Complete



















2006-2008 Longitudinal































































9 & 11









3-9 & 11









CognitiveGenesis - Yearly Report 2008-2009/United States


Third Year Results/Findings The third year of data collection was completed in 2008 with data from about 30,000 students, 14,000 parents, 2,000 teachers, and 700 administrators. Together, the standardized test results and survey responses will provide the basis for establishing an accurate picture of elementary and secondary Adventist academic achievement. This report only includes the results for the United States and Bermuda and only results for the achievement and ability testing. The Canadian achievement and ability results are in a separate report. CognitiveGenesis does not plan to report survey results separately. Responses to the survey items will be studied in relationship to the achievement and ability test results and reported in separate documents after the four years of data collection. Tables 2-11 report the CognitiveGenesis achievement test results with three types of scores: NCE Score, Standard Score, and Difference from Predicted Score. NCE (National Curve Equivalent) scores range from 1-99, with a score of 50 representing the average score for the United States norm group for each grade. NCE Scores are expected to stay constant from grade to grade as a student moves through school. Standard Scores are scaled so they change from year to year. There is no simple interpretation of Standard Scores. They are used to measure change from year to year and to compare actual and predicted Standard Scores. CognitiveGenesis will not interpret Standard Scores in this report. Each student is given a predicted Standard Score, based on the student’s ability test scores. If the student’s actual Standard Score is the same as the Predicted Standard Score, the Difference from Predicted Score will equal zero. Scores above zero indicate achievement above predicted and scores below zero indicate achievement below predicted. The average Difference from Predicted Score is zero. There are 18 ITBS scores reported for grades 3-8:

Composite (all scores combined)

Total and subtest scores in:

Reading (2 subtests)

Language (4 subtests)

Mathematics (3 subtests)

Sources of Information (2 subtests)

Social Studies


There are 12 ITED scores reported for grades 9-11:

Composite (all scores combined)

Total and subtest scores in:

Reading (2 subtests)

Mathematics (2 subtests)


Revising Writing Material

Social Studies


Sources of Information.

In addition to the achievement results, Tables 9 to15 also include ability results with one score: Standard Age Score. Standard Age Scores range from 50 to 150 with a score of 100 representing the average score for the United States norm group.

CognitiveGenesis - Yearly Report 2008-2009/United States


There are 4 Standard Age Scores reported for grades 3-11:

Composite (all scores combined)




For each of the achievement and ability scores (NCE, Standard Score, Difference from Predicted Score, and Standard Age Score) the mean and standard deviation is given. In addition, the median percentile rank of the achievement or ability score is also given. The percentile ranks reported in this report were computed differently from those reported in the reports for the first two years. The only percentile ranks reported for the first two years were the percentile rank equivalent of the mean Normal Curve Equivalent Score. The percentile rank used for this report is the median percentile rank. In most cases these percentiles are identical or only slightly different. The results for Grades 3-8 combined are reported in Table 2. (Tables start on page 9.) All but one of the mean NCE scores were above the norm average of 50, most well above that mark. All but one of the mean Difference from Predicted scores were above the norm average of zero, most well above that mark. Students in grades 3-8 in Adventist schools in the United States and Bermuda achieved well above the national average and well above what would be predicted, based on their ability test scores. Tables 3-8 report separate results for each grade from grade 3 to grade 8. In a few instances the mean NCE Score was below 50 or the mean Difference from Predicted Score was below zero. The only test that was consistently below the others was Mathematics Computation. The results for Grades 9-11 combined are reported in Table 9. All of the mean NCE scores were above 50, most well above that mark. All but two of the mean Difference from Predicted scores were above zero, most well above that mark. Overall, students in grades 9 and 11 in Adventist schools in the United States and Bermuda scored well above the national average and above what would be predicted, based on their ability test scores. Tables 10 and 11 report separate results for grade 9 and grade 11. All of the mean NCE Scores were above 50. Four of the Difference from Predicted Scores were below zero. Sources of Information and Mathematics Computation for both grades were the lowest scores. Tables 12 and 13 compare achievement and ability results for years 1, 2, and 3 for grades 3-8 (ITBS & CogAT) and grades 9 and 11 (ITED & CogAT). The achievement results for the three years were very similar. There was a slight improvement in ability scores each year. In all years, students achieved both above average and above predicted based on their ability scores. The mean Difference from Predicted Scores declined over the three years due to the increase in ability while achievement remained constant. Tables 14 and 15 compare results for students continuing in Adventist schools over the three years. For students in grades 3-6 in the first year of testing (2006), their achievement scores went up slightly over the three years in all areas except for Social Studies. Overall the achievement change from year 1 to year 3 was 3 percentile points. The ability scores showed a very strong change from year 1 to year 3 of 12 percentile points. For students in grade 9 in 2006, overall achievement and ability both increased over the three years by 5 percentile points. There was a negative change from year 1 to year 3 for 5 of the achievement scores, Spelling and the 4 Mathematics scores.

CognitiveGenesis - Yearly Report 2008-2009/United States


Table 2 ITBS 2008 Results Grades 3-8 Combined N = 20,809

Achievement Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Reading: Total Spelling Capitalization Punctuation Usage/Expression Language: Total Concepts & Estimation Problems & Data Interpretation Computation Mathematics: Total Social Studies Science Maps & Diagrams Reference Materials Sources of Information: Total Composite

NCE Score

Standard Score

Difference from Predicted Score


Standard Deviation

Median Percentile Rank


Standard Deviation


Standard Deviation

57.12 53.95 55.81 56.54 53.96 55.45 56.06 56.06 51.51 51.98 48.54 51.07 53.96 55.30 54.94 55.21 55.52 55.14

20.33 19.82 19.87 19.89 19.39 20.00 19.96 19.18 19.55 20.06 20.03 19.27 19.54 19.58 20.24 19.15 19.27 18.85

63 58 61 62 57 59 60 60 53 54 47 51 58 59 61 60 60 59

220.87 219.49 220.17 222.60 222.90 226.77 227.19 224.87 214.33 217.44 210.38 214.05 219.40 223.00 223.42 222.18 222.80 220.71

35.35 39.15 35.94 37.78 46.71 47.67 47.60 41.15 35.42 40.37 35.62 34.51 38.07 40.68 43.72 38.66 39.29 35.82

6.97 4.21 5.31 6.91 0.46 3.60 5.98 4.09 1.69 1.79 -2.13 0.40 3.53 5.86 3.98 4.70 4.08 3.74

19.43 22.02 18.45 23.74 29.52 29.84 27.30 21.12 15.29 20.08 21.53 14.03 22.46 21.89 23.08 20.23 17.87 14.10

Table 3 ITBS 2008 Results Grade 3 N = 2,740 Achievement Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Reading: Total Spelling Capitalization Punctuation Usage/Expression Language: Total Concepts & Estimation Problems & Data Interpretation Computation Mathematics: Total Social Studies Science Maps & Diagrams Reference Materials Sources of Information: Total Composite

NCE Score

Standard Score

Difference from Predicted Score


Standard Deviation

Median Percentile Rank


Standard Deviation


Standard Deviation

54.47 53.27 54.17 56.10 50.71 53.76 54.25 53.32 50.52 50.87 48.06 49.98 55.50 55.33 54.63 53.95 54.98 55.10

20.20 20.24 19.62 21.81 20.29 19.42 20.35 19.41 18.65 19.05 19.91 18.51 18.83 19.02 21.16 19.87 19.36 19.15

60 58 59 58 52 59 59 56 51 50 45 47 59 63 66 58 62 58

178.86 179.91 179.38 179.40 175.20 180.30 180.97 178.97 173.96 176.01 170.42 173.49 180.80 181.38 181.07 178.53 179.78 178.95

20.33 21.73 19.68 19.50 23.93 22.87 24.85 18.91 16.04 20.02 13.81 14.44 18.69 21.93 22.82 16.78 18.29 16.46

7.47 7.31 7.05 9.17 5.51 9.25 9.87 8.29 4.79 5.93 2.86 4.48 8.25 9.51 8.46 8.04 8.07 7.43

16.24 16.56 14.64 16.41 19.77 18.55 19.50 13.53 11.27 14.13 11.70 9.39 14.49 16.61 16.58 12.31 12.28 10.30

CognitiveGenesis - Yearly Report 2008-2009/United States


Table 4 ITBS 2008 Results Grade 4 N =3,414 Achievement Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Reading: Total Spelling Capitalization Punctuation Usage/Expression Language: Total Concepts & Estimation Problems & Data Interpretation Computation Mathematics: Total Social Studies Science Maps & Diagrams Reference Materials Sources of Information: Total Composite

Standard Score

NCE Score

Difference from Predicted Score


Standard Deviation

Median Percentile Rank


Standard Deviation


Standard Deviation

56.98 53.23 55.70 57.35 53.05 55.05 55.69 55.55 49.80 52.79 47.11 50.69 56.10 56.14 55.00 56.76 56.29 55.71

119.83 20.06 19.55 19.85 19.25 20.46 20.16 19.29 20.61 20.08 17.64 19.09 19.91 19.78 20.41 19.80 19.79 18.86

61 59 60 62 57 59 59 59 50 56 49 51 62 61 61 65 59 59

197.77 196.75 197.26 199.41 197.20 201.52 202.07 200.06 189.42 195.67 185.74 190.27 198.61 200.63 198.61 199.20 198.92 197.62

21.85 25.74 22.30 23.21 30.46 31.18 30.82 24.41 20.25 25.25 15.08 17.68 23.49 26.67 28.10 22.55 23.34 20.26

7.77 5.64 6.43 8.83 3.73 6.53 6.19 6.15 2.87 5.33 -1.88 2.04 6.69 7.64 6.78 9.73 8.06 6.12

17.03 19.00 16.01 19.76 24.81 23.70 22.85 16.79 13.31 16.79 13.22 10.86 18.08 19.28 19.64 16.27 15.02 11.84

Table 5 ITBS 2008 Results Grade 5 N = 3,527 Achievement Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Reading: Total Spelling Capitalization Punctuation Usage/Expression Language: Total Concepts & Estimation Problems & Data Interpretation Computation Mathematics: Total Social Studies Science Maps & Diagrams Reference Materials Sources of Information: Total Composite

NCE Score

Standard Score

Difference from Predicted Score


Standard Deviation

Median Percentile Rank


Standard Deviation


Standard Deviation

57.45 54.11 56.09 57.66 55.94 56.58 55.38 57.03 50.29 51.17 45.74 49.35 54.08 54.40 52.75 53.60 53.21 54.34

20.88 19.89 20.38 19.81 19.40 20.32 20.45 19.28 19.29 20.73 19.79 19.38 19.56 20.19 19.70 19.03 18.85 18.80

64 58 60 64 63 62 59 62 50 50 40 47 59 58 56 60 57 58

212.97 212.35 212.67 216.84 218.44 220.86 218.01 218.54 204.71 208.70 199.07 204.15 211.88 214.03 212.08 211.56 211.81 212.18

24.67 29.57 25.39 27.42 36.85 37.24 36.71 29.68 22.22 29.91 20.48 21.04 27.58 30.80 31.45 25.27 25.99 23.58

7.96 5.10 6.37 7.30 2.57 3.50 3.67 4.10 1.48 0.92 -3.92 -0.67 2.94 5.69 1.21 4.49 2.57 3.40

19.54 21.42 18.16 23.34 28.98 29.41 26.40 20.58 14.99 19.60 17.99 13.29 21.60 21.17 21.56 18.46 16.49 13.73

CognitiveGenesis - Yearly Report 2008-2009/United States


Table 6 ITBS 2008 Results Grade 6 N = 3,585 Achievement Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Reading: Total Spelling Capitalization Punctuation Usage/Expression Language: Total Concepts & Estimation Problems & Data Interpretation Computation Mathematics: Total Social Studies Science Maps & Diagrams Reference Materials Sources of Information: Total Composite

Standard Score

NCE Score

Difference from Predicted Score


Standard Deviation

Median Percentile Rank


Standard Deviation


Standard Deviation

56.58 53.03 54.91 54.34 52.51 53.68 54.79 54.49 49.50 49.30 47.91 49.13 50.51 52.52 52.96 53.01 53.52 52.74

20.19 19.75 19.72 19.18 19.07 20.87 20.59 18.99 19.55 20.05 20.10 19.34 19.80 20.27 19.88 19.91 19.53 18.99

61 56 57 60 53 55 56 57 47 48 49 48 53 55 53 53 56 55

226.68 223.97 225.34 226.78 226.92 229.94 231.79 228.85 217.80 219.61 215.91 217.77 221.30 225.23 227.32 225.90 226.61 224.19

25.61 32.34 27.30 29.63 39.63 42.39 42.06 33.11 25.52 32.67 25.04 24.45 31.56 34.55 36.20 31.27 31.11 27.00

6.14 3.37 4.44 5.34 -3.35 0.35 4.42 1.57 -0.15 -0.41 -3.66 -1.45 1.76 6.02 3.12 3.63 3.15 2.44

19.51 22.50 18.66 25.31 31.59 31.94 28.46 22.19 16.11 20.92 21.03 14.71 23.25 23.12 23.45 22.12 18.71 14.68

Table 7 ITBS 2008 Results Grade7 N = 3,712 Achievement Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Reading: Total Spelling Capitalization Punctuation Usage/Expression Language: Total Concepts & Estimation Problems & Data Interpretation Computation Mathematics: Total Social Studies Science Maps & Diagrams Reference Materials Sources of Information: Total Composite

Standard Score

NCE Score


Standard Deviation

Median Percentile Rank


57.84 54.84 56.65 56.35 53.42 56.03 57.10 56.60 53.61 53.06 50.93 52.91 53.39 56.87 56.97 56.94 57.40 56.10

20.92 19.65 20.27 19.47 19.41 19.50 19.30 19.14 18.49 20.38 20.46 19.34 19.76 19.91 20.68 18.55 19.42 19.19

63 60 62 60 56 62 63 61 57 54 56 54 55 63 60 62 61 60

241.19 239.25 240.19 242.81 241.85 249.39 249.78 245.96 235.95 238.47 232.40 235.61 238.41 245.68 247.13 245.55 246.34 242.04

CognitiveGenesis - Yearly Report 2008-2009/United States

Standard Deviation 28.77 35.07 30.11 32.15 43.42 45.38 44.36 36.32 26.86 37.10 29.93 27.21 35.40 37.17 40.83 33.32 34.39 30.00

Difference from Predicted Score


Standard Deviation

6.25 2.82 4.23 5.58 -3.81 2.07 5.11 2.10 1.64 0.77 -1.37 0.37 1.41 4.41 4.22 2.67 3.05 2.44

21.61 23.67 20.09 26.29 32.45 33.39 30.14 23.53 16.19 21.91 25.42 15.42 25.08 24.06 26.37 22.37 20.04 15.58 11

Table 8 ITBS 2008 Results Grade 8 N = 3,831 Achievement Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Reading: Total Spelling Capitalization Punctuation Usage/Expression Language: Total Concepts & Estimation Problems & Data Interpretation Computation Mathematics: Total Social Studies Science Maps & Diagrams Reference Materials Sources of Information: Total Composite

Standard Score

NCE Score

Difference from Predicted Score


Standard Deviation

Median Percentile Rank


Standard Deviation


Standard Deviation

58.62 54.95 56.84 57.32 57.15 57.05 58.49 58.54 54.69 54.26 51.00 53.80 54.62 56.44 57.00 56.60 57.38 56.71

19.69 19.39 19.49 19.44 18.49 19.10 18.74 18.67 19.88 19.43 21.28 19.27 18.76 17.89 19.41 17.59 18.30 17.92

67 61 63 62 60 59 66 64 59 55 53 57 59 62 61 60 63 63

253.65 251.29 252.46 255.97 261.92 263.04 264.89 261.45 250.06 252.13 244.83 249.01 252.24 256.88 259.61 257.53 258.59 255.09

28.12 37.22 30.99 33.38 44.17 46.77 45.98 37.69 30.94 38.54 35.03 30.02 36.76 35.72 41.66 33.99 34.84 30.32

6.46 2.05 3.93 6.00 -0.27 1.55 7.43 3.52 0.37 -0.47 -3.60 -1.23 1.59 3.07 1.40 1.00 0.93 1.75

20.99 25.69 20.97 27.18 33.42 34.83 31.80 25.06 17.44 23.10 30.01 16.87 26.81 24.04 26.51 23.95 20.49 15.70

Table 9 ITED 2008 Results Grades 9& 11 Combined N = 2,649

Achievement Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Reading: Total Spelling Revising Writing Material Concepts & Problems Computation Mathematics: Total Social Studies Science Sources of Information Composite

NCE Score

Standard Score

Difference from Predicted Score


Standard Deviation

Median Percentile Rank


Standard Deviation


Standard Deviation

59.27 59.10 60.01 58.80 59.41 58.29 55.37 57.89 57.85 59.57 52.93 58.40

19.81 18.71 19.09 19.84 17.96 19.34 19.30 19.00 17.91 19.02 15.74 17.18

66 66 68 67 67 65 57 64 64 68 55 65

273.91 279.57 276.72 277.69 282.03 276.41 271.27 274.70 277.74 281.91 268.13 276.88

32.22 40.97 34.53 36.91 39.29 36.55 37.28 33.87 40.08 41.89 35.34 33.10

4.84 6.74 5.70 5.40 6.10 2.84 -1.85 1.21 3.26 7.94 -6.25 2.77

24.42 29.21 23.93 31.75 27.93 22.17 27.73 19.50 27.69 27.74 26.36 18.58

CognitiveGenesis - Yearly Report 2008-2009/United States


Table 10 ITED/CogAT 2008 Results Grade 9 N = 2,806 Achievement Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Reading: Total Spelling Revising Writing Material Concepts & Problems Computation Mathematics: Total Social Studies Science Sources of Information Composite

NCE Score

Standard Score

Difference from Predicted Score


Standard Deviation

Median Percentile Rank


Standard Deviation


Standard Deviation

59.51 58.10 59.17 59.73 59.17 58.09 55.49 58.01 56.80 58.13 50.71 57.21

19.02 18.71 18.63 20.21 18.29 19.18 20.27 19.29 17.69 18.64 15.88 17.22

63 62 65 67 66 65 59 65 61 66 51 63

265.76 268.60 267.16 271.07 273.43 267.83 263.56 266.41 267.09 270.83 255.22 266.69

28.33 37.69 31.13 35.55 38.37 34.13 36.67 31.97 37.21 38.36 32.07 30.58

5.31 5.01 5.22 8.44 7.13 2.67 -1.70 1.05 2.15 4.86 -9.77 1.59

21.87 27.13 21.94 30.10 26.40 21.28 27.88 18.99 25.98 25.09 25.41 17.25

Table 11 ITED/CogAT 2008 Results Grade 11 N = 2,649 NCE Score

Achievement Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Reading: Total Spelling Revising Writing Material Concepts & Problems Computation Mathematics: Total Social Studies Science Sources of Information Composite

Standard Score

Difference from Predicted Score


Standard Deviation

Median Percentile Rank


Standard Deviation


Standard Deviation

59.02 60.16 60.89 57.81 59.66 58.50 55.23 57.77 58.96 61.10 55.28 59.67

20.58 18.66 19.53 19.40 17.60 19.50 18.23 18.68 18.08 19.30 15.25 17.05

66 68 70 64 67 66 57 63 67 72 59 67

282.53 291.18 286.86 284.71 291.14 285.50 279.44 283.49 289.02 293.65 281.81 287.66

33.82 41.12 35.07 37.04 38.19 36.84 36.18 33.61 39.93 42.28 33.45 32.25

4.34 8.58 6.22 2.19 5.01 3.02 -2.01 1.38 4.43 11.20 -2.53 4.02

26.85 31.16 25.87 33.10 29.44 23.07 27.57 20.04 29.36 29.96 26.85 19.82

CognitiveGenesis - Yearly Report 2008-2009/United States


Table 12

ITBS/CogAT 2006-2008 Results Grade 3-8 All Students N’s = 21,817 (2006) 21,587 (2007) 20,809 (2008) Achievement Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Reading: Total Spelling Capitalization Punctuation Usage/Expression Language: Total Concepts & Estimation Problems & Data Interpretation Computation Mathematics: Total Social Studies Science Maps & Diagrams Reference Materials Sources of Information: Total Composite

NCE Score Mean

Standard Score Mean

Difference from Predicted Score Mean










57.11 54.27 55.98 56.01 53.62 54.64 56.19 55.64 51.68 52.54 48.99 51.51 54.10 55.22 55.33 55.37 55.84 55.21

56.94 53.92 55.71 56.03 53.52 55.03 55.87 55.62 51.47 52.14 48.53 51.10 53.83 55.06 55.07 55.21 55.61 55.00

57.12 53.95 55.81 56.54 53.96 55.45 56.06 56.06 51.51 51.98 48.54 51.07 53.96 55.30 54.94 55.21 55.52 55.14

221.63 220.76 221.19 222.73 223.20 226.45 228.35 225.19 215.14 219.03 211.57 215.25 220.34 223.65 224.85 223.24 224.05 221.61

220.95 219.74 220.35 222.26 222.47 226.49 227.14 224.59 214.55 217.96 210.63 214.38 219.43 222.81 223.94 222.44 223.20 220.79

220.87 219.49 220.17 222.60 222.90 226.77 227.19 224.87 214.33 217.44 210.38 214.05 219.40 223.00 223.42 222.18 222.80 220.71

8.63 7.16 7.60 7.99 2.49 5.22 9.31 6.10 3.87 5.33 -0.09 2.99 6.08 8.30 7.40 7.29 7.09 6.21

7.36 5.06 5.93 6.92 0.71 4.06 6.71 4.45 2.38 3.00 -1.60 1.21 4.15 6.28 5.21 5.48 5.10 4.37

6.97 4.21 5.31 6.91 0.46 3.60 5.98 4.09 1.69 1.79 -2.13 0.40 3.53 5.86 3.98 4.70 4.08 3.74

Standard Age Score Mean

Ability Verbal Quantitative Nonverbal Composite




101.30 99.97 101.63 100.95

101.88 99.98 102.95 101.65

102.13 100.23 103.70 102.12

Table 13

ITED/CogAT 2006-2008 Results Grade9 & 11 All Students N’s = 5,784 (2006) 5,783 (2007) 5,455 (2008) Achievement Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Reading: Total Spelling Revising Writing Material Concepts & Problems Computation Mathematics: Total Social Studies Science Sources of Information Composite

NCE Score Mean

Standard Score Mean

Difference from Predicted Score Mean










59.16 59.10 59.95 58.42 59.36 57.68 54.73 57.27 57.84 59.01 53.55 58.29

58.92 58.84 59.67 58.52 59.30 57.57 55.06 57.28 57.61 59.42 53.43 58.23

59.27 59.10 60.01 58.80 59.41 58.29 55.37 57.89 57.85 59.57 52.93 58.40

273.27 279.01 276.13 276.47 281.30 274.80 269.49 273.03 277.06 280.23 268.89 276.11

273.14 278.73 275.93 276.90 281.38 274.87 270.57 273.44 276.91 281.36 268.91 276.32

273.91 279.57 276.72 277.69 282.03 276.41 271.27 274.70 277.74 281.91 268.13 276.88

8.18 11.36 9.68 8.03 10.76 6.20 0.94 4.36 8.03 11.69 -0.57 7.10

6.09 8.51 7.21 6.56 8.18 3.76 -0.27 2.35 5.16 10.05 -2.98 4.76

4.84 6.74 5.70 5.40 6.10 2.84 -1.85 1.21 3.26 7.94 -6.25 2.77

Standard Age Score Mean

Ability Verbal Quantitative Nonverbal Composite




102.79 103.18 103.86 103.65

103.47 103.96 105.30 104.70

104.09 104.55 107.18 105.80

CognitiveGenesis - Yearly Report 2008-2009/United States


Table 14

ITBS/CogAT 2006-2008 Results Continuing Students (Grade 3-6 in 2006) N = 7,008 Achievement Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Reading: Total Spelling Capitalization Punctuation Usage/Expression Language: Total Concepts & Estimation Problems & Data Interpretation Computation Mathematics: Total Social Studies Science Maps & Diagrams Reference Materials Sources of Information: Total Composite



Median NPR

Mean NCE

Median NPR

Mean NCE

Median NPR






58.84 56.35 58.08 57.79 55.52 56.37 58.22 57.62 53.17 54.24 49.83 53.11 56.86 57.17 57.15 56.95 57.70 57.54

67 63 64 63 59 59 64 63 56 56 51 56 62 65 64 63 64 63

60.22 56.96 59.10 58.38 57.15 58.70 59.30 59.44 54.07 55.10 50.39 53.95 56.64 58.19 58.06 58.18 58.72 58.36

68 65 67 64 63 66 66 66 59 59 52 57 61 66 66 64 65 65

61.11 57.45 59.63 59.12 58.69 59.59 60.22 60.68 55.38 55.68 51.72 54.99 56.56 58.65 58.59 58.40 59.13 58.97

70 65 67 66 66 66 67 68 61 59 55 59 61 66 66 64 65 66

2.27 1.10 1.55 1.33 3.17 3.22 2.00 3.06 2.21 1.44 1.89 1.88 -0.30 1.48 1.44 1.45 1.43 1.43

3 2 3 3 7 7 3 5 5 3 4 3 -1 1 2 1 1 3

209.49 209.91 209.70 210.30 211.59 214.02 216.66 213.14 202.41 207.03 198.05 202.49 209.63 211.76 212.52 209.82 211.17 209.65

225.87 225.39 225.63 226.80 230.41 234.78 234.99 231.75 218.35 223.57 213.62 218.51 224.80 229.10 230.19 227.85 229.03 226.47

240.51 239.44 239.97 242.11 248.24 251.46 251.71 248.38 233.98 238.43 229.09 233.83 239.05 244.15 245.80 243.19 244.50 241.65

Mean SAS

Verbal Quantitative Nonverbal Composite

Standard Score Mean

Mean NCE




2-Year Change



2-Year Change

Median NPR

Mean SAS

Median NPR

Mean SAS

Median NPR



57 50 57 55

105.28 103.12 105.94 105.02

62 57 65 62

106.05 104.56 107.72 106.68

65 60 69 67

2.99 3.61 4.54 4.35

8 10 12 12

2-Year Change

Standard Score Mean

103.06 100.95 103.18 102.33

Table 15

ITED/CogAT 2006-2008 Results Continuing Students (Grade 9 in 2006) N = 1,713 Achievement Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Reading: Total Spelling Revising Writing Material Concepts & Problems Computation Mathematics: Total Social Studies Science Sources of Information Composite



Mean NCE

Median NPR

Mean NCE

Median NPR

61.15 60.47 61.34 61.96 62.10 60.00 57.52 60.18 58.87 59.64 53.50 59.70

67 68 69 72 72 69 64 67 64 68 55 66

62.37 62.62 63.95 60.10 62.04 59.94 55.30 58.82 61.33 63.93 57.59 62.23

73 73 74 64 70 66 57 64 70 74 63 71



Ability Verbal Quantitative Nonverbal Composite


1.22 2.15 2.61 -1.86 -0.06 -0.06 -2.22 -1.36 2.46 4.29 4.09 2.53



6 5 5 -8 -2 -3 -7 -3 6 6 8 5

268.30 273.57 270.90 275.10 279.72 271.34 267.28 269.98 271.49 274.06 260.87 271.18

288.15 296.70 292.41 289.11 296.48 288.25 279.71 285.41 294.39 299.80 286.94 292.57

2-Year Change

Mean SAS

Median NPR

Mean SAS

Median NPR

103.94 104.67 105.04 105.31

57 60 60 60

106.81 105.28 108.24 107.17

65 62 67 65

CognitiveGenesis - Yearly Report 2008-2009/United States



2.87 0.61 3.20 1.86


8 2 7 5


CognitiveGenesis La Sierra University 4500 Riverwalk Parkway Riverside, CA 92515 p. 951.785.2997

CognitiveGenesis - Yearly Report 2008-2009/United States


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