Crack the Spine - Issue 43

Page 23

Mike Berger Little Black Holes Voracious! They gobble up everything in sight. They are invisible to the naked eye. They are out there but little black holes can't be seen. This variety is miniscule; the tiniest of a tiny sub atomic events. At last science has discovered a answer to a variety of of perplexing problems. Little black holes answers the questions, where are my car keys or I took the sox from the dryer and one of them is gone. Where did they go? We now understand what happened to Johnny’s homework that never made it to school. When these problems arise, you can stop looking. They are gone forever; little black holes ate them for lunch.

Mike Berger is an MFA, PhD. He writes poetry and short stories full time. He has been writing poetry for less than four years. His work appear in seventy-one journals. He has published two books of short stories and eight poetry chapbooks .The winner of several poetry contests, he has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. He is a member of The Academy of American Poets.

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