1 minute read

Peer support

Our range of Peer Support Groups helps connect individuals with others, who have experiences of low wellbeing, personality disorder and hearing voices, to form supportive bonds with people who understand first-hand what they are feeling. Nik Smith talks about his experience with our peer support and how this has impacted his life positively.

“It was refreshing to know that I’m not alone with the issues I’m trying to deal with. There are things we could speak about where we all understand each other, and I don’t have to worry about any judgment. It enabled me to look at why I get so angry, breaking everything down - like having a meal - you couldn’t eat a whole plate in one go. Trying to deal with it all at once makes me uptight, flustered and frustrated: this has given me the tools to break it down and to realise I can do that. I’ve been able to start to repair quite a few bridges with family. My life has been like a roller coaster for many years, and it’s like having a crash mat - it doesn’t matter what happens, you’ve got people there with open arms that will help that landing. You know even if you’re still going to land on your behind a little bit – it won’t be the full force. I had a lot of reservations before I came. My only regret is I didn’t do it sooner in life.”