CEE Salary Guide 2023

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CEE Salary Guide 2023

Czech Republic • Hungary • Poland • Slovakia

CEE Salary Guide 2023 - Czech Republic • Hungary • Poland • Slovakia Table of contents : 02. CEE Salary Guide 2023 Overview 03. Regional challenges in labour market in CEE 04. Czech Republic 14. Hungary 22. Poland 32. Slovakia Slovakia 34. SSC / BPO 35. Banking & Finance 36. Sales & Marketing 37. Engineering & Logistics 38. IT and Technology Czech Republic 06. SSC / BPO 07. Banking & Finance 08. Engineering & Logistics 09. Sales & Marketing 10. IT and Technology Hungary 16. SSC / BPO 16. Banking & Finance 17. Engineering & Logistics 18. Sales & Marketing 19. IT and Technology Poland 24. SSC / BPO 25. Banking & Finance 26. Engineering & Logistics 27. Sales & Marketing 28. IT and Technology Key Insights and Enterprise Solutions 42. Becoming an Employer of Choice 46. Financial view on 2023 labour market 48. HR trends in 2023 50. Projects realized with our Clients 56. About Us

Collected Data

The ranges of salaries presented in the CEE Salary Guide 2023 have been compiled based on data collected during recruitment projects conducted by Cpl Czech Republic, Cpl Hungary, Cpl Poland and Cpl Slovakia. All teams have thoroughly analysed the salaries currently o ered by employers to candidates for independent positions as well as the salary expectations of employees in the leading economic sectors in each of the 4 countries. The presented pay rates for selected positions are the average gross monthly salary o ered for a given position. The salary does not include any additional cash or non-cash bene ts o ered to employees by their employers. Over 150 positions were analysed and di erentiated basing on employees’ experience and rank in the organisation.

CEE Salary Guide 2023

A strong region in these uncertain times

CEE Salary Guide 2023


2022 was characterised as a candidate-driven market and a war for talent, but 2023 should be treated with more caution, due to reduced growth rate in the CEE region. 2023 will still see a tentative rise in salaries of 2-3% and not in the double-digits of last year.

The Cpl "CEE Salary Guide 2023" compares salaries across different locations, industries and areas of expertise covered by Cpl, providing an in-depth analysis of the labour market for Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. In the report, we present a comprehensive list of salary ranges encompassing 150 key positions throughout the region as well as sharing the latest market trends observed in our daily engagement with candidates and clients in these markets.

Future of Work

We encourage you to also read the article "Becoming an employer of choice" from our Future of Work Institute, which advises on how important having a People Value Proposition is, in times of uncertainty and economic instability, when employers struggle to attract new talent and retain their best talent. We also o er specific advice from our finance and human resources professionals to give you a broader perspective on the trends expected in 2023.

In our report we have also included case studies where, together with our clients, we showcase examples of successful projects completed in 2022. We believe that sharing our solutions and experiences, illustrates the variety of services that Cpl provides to its clients and candidates.

The CEE region was signi cantly impacted by the international events of 2022 - the e ects of which will continue to be felt in 2023. As the Covid-19 pandemic subsided, an unexpected war broke out in Ukraine. Despite the onset of the con ict in Ukraine, and the subsequent migration of refugees into neighbouring countries, the region as a whole has remained resilient, which reinforces the narrative for FDIs that the CEE market remains a stable and reliable place to do business in the EU.

Human capital is the key asset driving growth in high tech services within the CEE economies, hence retention of these key resources remains one of the biggest challenges facing employers in 2023, in addition to e ective recruitment of new talent. This can be achieved by bolstering remuneration packages in new and innovative ways through exible or hybrid working models, new employee assistance programs or unique bene ts.


It is clear that organizations that will succeed in attracting the best talent in 2023, are those whose leadership have “employee wellbeing” at the heart of every attraction and retention strategy. Leadership competencies such as flexibility and speed of decision-making as well as managing change in the organization will remain key to success.

I hope that the following report will inspire you to look for new ways of dealing with current and future challenges in the work environment. Please feel free to contact Cpl for detailed information, in-depth analysis, or discussion.


Regional challenges on the labour market

CEE Salary Guide 2023 3

Czech Republic

Regional challenges in the labour market - Czech Republic

And we are in 2023 - another year which, we all hope, will ow by without restrictions and lockdowns caused by the pandemic of Covid 19. Anyhow, this is how we imagined 2022 would look like as well- instead of restrictions, new challenges came into the game.

The experiences of 2022 will be felt in 2023

After the last lockdown, companies had to face the repercussions of the deeply saddening con ict that broke out in Ukraine. Czech nation did not disappointalmost everyone tried to help the best way possible, many travelled to the Ukrainian borders to help refuges with transport from the occupied lands, donated to charity or o ered accommodation. As the con ict continues, Czech and International businesses have had to cope with new and new challenges - sky rocketing of energy prices and in ation on top of increasing demand for talent, increasing salary expectations of the candidates and demand for new bene ts. The threat of recession that has been widely discussed is still hanging in the air and in 2023 everybody wants to be ready for when it comesmany companies have decided to restructure or at least change their strategies, many cost - savings solutions were implemented and some even decided to go into hiring freeze until further notice.

Unfortunately, energy crises have caused an unbearable situation for some produ ctions and forced them to lay off. In manufacturing sector, the hesitancy has been more obvious as many businesses are facing lack of components, materials, or high costs of transportation.

SSC sector still deals with lack of candidates- many moved back to their home countries and never came back. Languages that remain rare are German and Nordics.

In IT sector the situation has been developing steadily and will continue this way in 2023. High demand for tech roles has remained the key sign and candidates will still have opportunities to choose from many o ers when considering changing the role. No matter if you search for software developer or infrastructure administrator, open roles do highly exceed the number of candidates. The situation has been even more complicated due to new investors entering Czech market o ering US - comparable salaries.

Candidate`s expectations

The labour market, on the other hand has remained on the same wave as in 2021-2022 - skilled candidates are rare to nd, the unemployment rate is on the lowest numbers in history and companies that do need to hire have to re-evaluate their approach towards recruitment and talent acquisition as such. Many were trying to o er jobs to our new Ukrainian residents, unfortunately, the lack of knowledge of either Czech language or a speci c skill caused that the highly sought-after roles remained open still. There are no signs of increase of number of available candidates on the market in 2023, especially candidates with speci c or rare skill set.

CEE Salary Guide 2023

In 2023 candidates’ expectations will increase dramatically- the lack of stability has caused them to think twice before changing job and today ask for what would have been couple of months ago considered impossible. HR departments will have to evolve into marketers, as employer brand has become one of the key breaking points when attracting new candidates. They will have to acquire many new skills and learn for example not to interrogate the candidate at the interview but sell the role and promote the company.

What candidates will be looking for are the new “cutting-edge” benefits- full remote work set-up, 4 days-working week, unlimited holidays etc.

Flexible solutions for candidates

Furthermore, in 2023 the demand for new and untraditional bene ts will appear. 25 days of holidays and meal vouchers will be merely seen as standard, and nobody even mentions them when speaking about bene ts these days. What candidates will be looking for are the new “cutting-edge” benefits- full remote work set-up, 4 days-working week, unlimited holidays etc.

The struggle to get employees back to the o ce since 2022 continues in many cities, but many companies will have to accept that this is a lost battle. People have gotten accustomed to the new set up and there is no going back. In some sectors, attempting to nd new sta without remote work option or as a full-time employee has become an impossible endeavour. For example, the increase in demand of IT-skilled professionals has doubled in Q2 and Q3 of 2022.

In 2023 we expect that more and more investors will entering Czech market offering conditions that are comparable to the Western countries of EU or US and thus putting Czech businesses even under more pressure To meet all these challenges in 2023, including budget restrictions and still trying to increase productivity and meet sales targets, clients will start to seek various flexible solutions such as temporary employment, RPO or BPO, redefined their hiring models and talent acquisition strategies and open their doors to contractors.

Most in demand

The most difficult positions to obtain in IT:

• DevOps

• Java

• .NET

• Software architects

TOP 3 most in-demand languages in the SSC sector:

• German

• Nordics

• French

The most desirable roles in Sales and Marketing:

• Sales/key account managers for various products

• On-line marketing specialist

• Marketing manager

CEE Salary Guide 2023
CEE Salary Guide 2023 5


Customer Service

Junior Customer Service Representative

Customer Service Representative

All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.


Language group I 31000 33000 38000

Language group II 32000 35000 40000

Language group III 34000 37000 42000

Language group IV 37000 40000 46000

Language group I 33000 35000 40000

Language group II 34000 37000 42000

Language group III 37000 40000 45000

Language group IV 40000 43000 47000

Senior Customer Service Representative

Language group I 37000 40000 45000

Language group II 39000 45000 48000

Language group III 42000 47000 52000

Language group IV 45000 50000 58000

Customer Service Team Leader (depending on language knowledge) 45000 60000 80000

Customer Service Manager 60000 80000 100000



Junior Reporting Specialist 40000 45000 50000 Senior Reporting Specialist 50000 65000 75000

Reporting Specialist with VBA 45000 60000 70000


Junior Ap/Ar Accountant*

Ap/Ar Accountant*

Senior AR/AP Accountant*


Language group I 31000 33000 38000

Language group II 32000 35000 40000

Language group III 34000 37000 42000

Language group IV 37000 40000 46000

Language group I 33000 35000 40000

Language group II 34000 37000 42000

Language group III 37000 40000 45000

Language group IV 40000 43000 47000

Language group I 37000 40000 45000

Language group II 39000 45000 48000

Language group III 42000 47000 52000

Language group IV 45000 50000 58000

AP/AR Team Leader 50000 60000 80000

AP/AR Manager 60000 80000 100000

Czech Republic

SSC/BPO (continued)

GL Accountant MIN CZK

Junior GL Accountant 40000 45000 50000

GL Accountant 45000 53000 65000

Senior GL Accountant 50000 65000 80000

GL Team Leader 60000 75000 90000

Banking & Finance

Corporate Finance MIN CZK AVG CZK MAX CZK

Cash Allocation Specialist 35000 47000 55000

Senior Cash Allocation Specialist 42000 52000 58000

Tax Accountant/Analyst 45000 55000 65000

Senior Tax/VAT Analyst 52000 75000 120000

Controller 50000 70000 80000

Senior Controller 60000 85000 110000

FP&A Manager 75000 100000 140000

Financial Manager 80000 120000 170000

Accounting Manager 80000 110000 150000

CFO/Financial Director 110000 140000 200000 Controlling Manager 90000 120000 150000


AP/AR Accountant* (ASSOCIATE) 32000 35000 40000

AP/AR Accountant* 34000 40000 47000

Senior AP/AR Accountant* 38000 47000 55000

AP/AR Team Leader 50000 60000 80000

AP/AR Manager 60000 80000 100000

Junior GL Accountant 40000 45000 50000

GL Accountant 45000 53000 65000

Senior GL Accountant 50000 65000 80000

GL Team Leader 60000 75000 90000

Junior Billing Specialist 33000 37000 40000

Billing Specialist 34000 40000 47000

Senior Billing Specialist 38000 47000 52000

Junior Fixed Assets Specialist 38000 43000 48000

Fixed Assets Specialist 43000 51000 60000

Senior Fixed Assets Specialist 48000 63000 70000

Salary Guide 2023 CEE Salary Guide 2023
All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.

Banking & Finance (continued)

Financial Services

Junior Fund Accountant 35000 37000 38000

Fund Accountant 38000 40000 45000

Senior Fund Accountant 45000 50000 53000

Junior Data Analyst 38000 42000 45000 Data Analyst 45000 48000 55000

Senior Data Analyst 50000 60000 70000

Junior Financial Analyst 38000 42000 45000 Financial Analyst 45000 48000 55000

Senior Financial Analyst 55000 65000 75000

Junior Business Analyst 40000 45000 50000 Business Analyst 55000 50000 65000

Senior Business Analyst 70000 90000 120000

Junior Project Manager 40000 45000 50000

Senior Project Manager 60000 90000 120000

Compliance Officer 45000 60000 85000

Credit Risk Analyst 45000 65000 80000

Quantitative Risk Specialist / Analyst 45000 55000 65000 Project Manager 50000 60000 80000 Engineering

Project Manager 45000 70000 90000 Technical Manager 70000 95000 110000 Maintenance Manager 60000 80000 95000

Quality Manager 80000 100000 140000 Lean Manager 80000 100000 140000

Manufacturing Shift Leader 33000 45000 50000

Maintenance Engineer 40000 50000 65000 Mechanical Engineer 40000 50000 65000

Czech Republic All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.
& Logistic
Processing Specialist
Logistics Planner 45000 50000 55000 Sourcing Specialist 50000 65000 80000 Master Data/ Document
30000 40000 45000 Manufacturing
Plant Manager 120000 150000 220000 Production Manager 65000 100000 150000


Salary Guide 2023 CEE Salary Guide 2023 All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.
& Logistic (continued) Manufacturing & Engineering (continued)
Automation Engineer 50000 65000 80000 Electrical Engineer 50000 65000 80000 Production Engineer 40000 55000 65000 Process Engineer 50000 55000 70000 Production Planner 35000 45000 50000 Quality Engineer 45000 50000 70000 Lean Engineer 50000 55000 80000 Design Engineer 40000 50000 75000
Sales & Marketing Sales & Marketing MIN CZK AVG CZK MAX CZK Sales Representative 30000
80000 Inside Sales Representative 30000
(Key) Account Manager 40000
Development Manager
Sales Director
Logistic & Purchasing
Supply Chain
80000 110000 150000 Logistics Manager 80000 110000 150000 Warehouse Manager 45000 55000 60000 Transport Manager 50000 60000 80000 Purchasing Manager 80000 90000 120000 Logistics Specialist 40000 50000 60000 Transport Coordinator 40000 45000 55000 Supply Planner 40000 45000 55000 Strategic Buyer 60000 75000 90000 Senior Buyer 50000 55000 65000 Junior Buyer 40000 45000 50000 Buyer 40000 45000 60000
50000 65000
65000 100000 Business
50000 85000 120000
90000 140000 200000 Sales
70000 120000 160000 Brand Manager 50000 70000 100000 Commercial Director 90000 110000 160000 Vendor Marketing 40000 55000 80000 Business Unit
90000 110000 160000

Sales & Marketing (continued)


All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.


Social Media Manager 60000 80000 120000 SEM Specialist 40000 50000 65000

Digital Marketing Manager 60000 90000 130000

Head of Marketing 90000 110000 160000 Account Manager (marketing) 40000 65000 90000

Field Application Engineer 50000 70000 100000

PPC Specialist 40000 60000 80000 E-commerce Manager 60000 80000 110000 SEO Specialist 40000 50000 70000

Marketing Specialist 40000 50000 70000 Marketing Director 90000 110000 160000

Trade Marketing Manager 60000 90000 110000

Product Manager 45000 65000 95000 Copywriter 35000 45000 60000 Category Specialist 45000 75000 90000 Marketing Analyst 40000 55000 70000

IT and Technology

Software Development


Junior Software Developer C/C++ 45000 50000 60000 Software Developer C/C++ 80000 90000 100000 Senior Software Developer C/C++ 100000 110000 120000

Junior Software Developer Java 45000 55000 65000 Software Developer Java 80000 90000 100000 Senior Software Developer Java 110000 120000 140 000

Junior .NET Developer 45 000 50000 60 000

.NET Developer 80000 85000 95000 Senior .NET Developer 100 000 120000 140000

Junior Python Developer 45000 47000 50000 Python Developer 75000 80000 95000

Senior Python Developer 90000 95000 110000

Junior PHP Developer 45000 47000 50000 PHP Developer 60000 70000 75000 Senior PHP Developer 80000 85000 95000

Junior Ruby on Rails Developer 55000 60000 65000 Ruby on Rails Developer 65000 75000 85000

Czech Republic

All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.

IT and Technology (continued)

Software Development (continued)


Senior Ruby on Rails Developer 90000 95000 100000

Junior Front-end Developer 55000 60000 70000

Front-end Developer 80000 90000 100000

Senior Front-end Developer 100000 115000 140000 Mobile Developer (iOS / Android) 85000 100000 130000

Solution Architect 100000 130000 150000

Team Leader Software Developer 100000 120000 140000

Software Developer Manager 100000 130000 150000

Junior Business Intelligence Developer 50000 55000 60000

Business Intelligence Developer 65000 70000 80000

Senior Business Intelligence Developer 85000 90000 110000 Test Engineer 60000 70000 80000

Automation Test Engineer 80000 90000 120000 Test Manager 90000 100000 120000

System Analyst 75000 80000 90000

Data Scientist 90000 100000 130000

Junior DevOps Engineer 80000 90000 100000

DevOps Engineer 120000 130000 170000

Senior DevOps Engineer 140000 150000 250000

Cloud Engineer 100000 110000 120000

Full-stack Developer 120000 130000 150000

IT Project Manager 90000 110000 130000

Salary Guide 2023 CEE Salary Guide 2023

IT and Technology (continued)

IT Technical Support

1st Line Technical Support

Customer Service Representative

All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.


Language group I 38000 40000 45000

Language group II, III 45000 47000 50000

Language group IV 50000 53000 55000

Language group I 50000 53000 55000

Language group II, III 55000 57000 60000

Language group IV 60000 63000 65000

Senior Customer Service Representative

Language group I 65000 70000 75000

Language group II, III 75000 78000 80000

Language group IV 80000 83000 85000

Oracle Administrator 75000 80000 90000

IT Service Desk Team Leader 50000 60000 70000

IT Service Desk Process Manager 55000 60000 75000

Network Engineer 70000 80000 90000

Windows Administrator 60 000 70000 90000

Linux / Unix Administrator 55000 75000 100000

Security Engineer 65000 80000 90000

Security Manager 80000 90000 100000

Security Application Engineer 60000 70000 85000

SOC Analyst 70000 80000 100000

Applications Engineer 65000 80000 90000

Identity and Access Management Engineer 50000 60000 70000

MSSQL Database Administrator 60000 70000 80000

DBA Developer 70000 80000 90000

Currency: CZK

The language group explanation:

I – only English

II – English + Italian/Spanish

III – English + German/French

IV – English + Dutch/all Scandinavian languages

CEE Salary Guide 2023 13

Regional challenges in the labour

We managed to fully overcome the challenges caused by the epidemic, and by spring 2022 the di erence was already being felt. Demands that had previously been frozen are now back. After the epidemic and the di cult recovery period, our partners came knocking on our door with new demands. As a result, our competent candidates now had a wider range of opportunities to choose from, not only in IT but also in Corporate Finance, SSC and Engineering.

However, Hungary is not alone with its di culties, with new threats emerging that a ect both the salary needs of workers and the opportunities o ered by companies. One such di culty has been the rising rate of in ation throughout the year, which has persisted until the end of the year. Measures taken by the Hungarian government to mitigate this lasted until the end of the year in the form of various price caps that had no lasting e ects. We expect that the high energy prices and the overall signi cantly increased cost of living will positively correlate with the wage demands of candidates in 2023.

Changing in job trends

Last year, it was already apparent that our SSC partners were beginning to see Hungary as a strategic location for support functions. The demand for not only Customer Support functions, but also for Finance, Engineering, and HR searches is increasing. Some of the jobs have been migrated from other countries due to the favorable conditions in Hungary. (e.g. corporate tax; a wide range of languages are available). Another part of them is a group of newly created positions. This way not only new projects but also new centers are formed in Hungary.


Salary expectations equal living cost

Candidate-determined salary demands are growing faster than usual, thanks to a loss of faith in the stability of the cost of living. In addition to their salary requirements, employees are also specifying the amount they consider important as part of their benefits package to keep up with inflation. If this continues to be the case in the future, employers will need to consider developing a pay-strategy that can keep up with the increasing demands at each experience level in order to retain candidates. Some of our partners already have initiatives in place to accomplish this, while others look at non-wage supplements.

Resilient employers - Increasing salary with evolving compensation package

In 2022, a quarter of the companies implemented a wage increase of between 5 and 9 %, most often we can nd an increase of between 10 and 36 % among Hungarian companies - this year 39 % of them implemented a general salary increase of this proportion. A universal wage increase of more than 14 % was implemented by 29 % of employers. In addition to the revised wage structure, several players in the Hungarian labor market, together with our own partners, have come up with unique reward packages.

CEE Salary Guide 2023
CEE Salary Guide 2023

One of our partners o ers a standard salary increase for all new employees in their first year, on top of a joining bonus. In addition, another company in our portfolio o ers its employees a Cafeteria allowance of several million HUF per year (from which employees can cover the cost of a company car, claim a petrol card, but also keep the amount as an extra bene t in accordance with Hungarian law).

Of course, private health insurance is always included. Most companies also o er a discount on the price of their products for their employees. An attractive office environment also became a selling pointnewly built and fully equipped (gym, restaurant, bar) company headquarters combined with the hybrid working model have proved to be attractive to employees in Hungary.

The gap between expectations and reality

The above solutions might be viable in the changing Hungarian market, and potentially can help reset the balance between what companies demand and what the market o ers. Constant discussion with our partners became even more important in order to get an aligned picture of what a given salary can buy in the ever-evolving market. We believe that setting correct expectations and always assisting our partners with up-to-date information is a good strategy, and increases the e ciency of the work of both parties.

Especially in larger companies, it is known that internal recruitment is often overloaded, there is no time to explore the labor market conditions, and for this reason, the company miscalculates the salary range and expects an experience level accordingly. In the summer of 2022, companies somewhat scaled back the intensity of their recruitment, but there is still no noticeable change in the labor market. In Hungary, therefore, the need for external recruitment consultancy is greater than ever. In such a di cult situation, properly structured headhunting can identify and locate the bottleneck in the labor market where the top of the pay band meets the minimum experience level expected. Help is not lost even when the candidate pool is completely nite - this is when we can shape our partners' vision with well-supported arguments.

Stagnant labor market

Now in 2023, we only detect a moderate slowdown in our labor market, as the major players (among our partners) have been able to keep up with the market changes in Hungary (in ation) by raising their wage bands. It is yet unclear whether companies' o ers (both large and small companies) can meet candidates' expectations long-term, and sustain that throughout 2023.

CEE Salary Guide 2023
Most in-demad roles in Corporate Finance: • Group FP&A Analyst • Group FP&A Junior Manager • Financial Controlling – Senior Analyst • Financial Controlling – Junior Manager • Treasury Analyst TOP 5 most in-demand languages in the SSC Sector: • German • French • Dutch • Italian • Swedish The most desirable positions in SSC: • Service Desk Agents (IT Support) • Customer Support Representatives (Order Management) • AP Accountant • AR Accountant The most desirable roles in IT: • Fullstack developer • Backend developer • Database developer • Technical support Most in-demand programming languages: • Java • Phython • Javascript, • C++/C# • SQL (Database) • PHP • HTML
demand CEE Salary Guide 2023 15
Most in
Hungary All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for
employment contract.
Service MIN HUF AVG HUF MAX HUF Customer Service Representative
Customer Service Supervisor Customer Service Team Leader (depending on language knowledge)
Customer Service Manager
Reporting MIN HUF AVG HUF MAX HUF Senior Reporting Specialist 600,000
Reporting Specialist with VBA 550,000
Accounting MIN HUF AVG HUF MAX HUF Ap/Ar Accountant* Language group I 500,000
Language group II
Language group III
Language group IV
GL Accountant Junior GL Accountant 500,000
GL Accountant
Senior GL Accountant
GL Team Leader
Banking & Finance Corporate Finance MIN HUF AVG HUF MAX HUF Tax Accountant/Analyst 660,000
Senior Tax/VAT Analyst 780,000
Controller 840,000
FP&A Manager 1,425,000
Controlling Manager 1,400,000
a given
SSC/BPO Customer
I 500,000 550,000 600,000 Language group II 550,000 600,000 650,000 Language group III 600,000 650,000 700,000 Language group IV 650,000 715,000 780,000
700,000 800,000 900,000
900,000 1,200,000 1,500,000
725,000 850,000
700,000 850,000
575,000 650,000
600,000 650,000 700,000
650,000 700,000 750,000
700,000 750,000 800,000
575,000 650,000
600,000 700,000 800,000
800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000
800,000 1,100,000 1,400,000
714,000 768,000
870,000 960,000
1,040,000 1,350,000
1,773,750 2,160,000
1,725,000 1,950,000

All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.

Banking & Finance (continued)


AP/AR Team Leader 720,000 870,000 1,020,000

AP/AR Manager 1,020,000 1,230,000 1,320,000

GL Accountant 700,000 813,750 1,020,000

GL Team Leader 900,000 948,750 1,260,000

Billing Specialist 540,000 600,000 660,000

Fixed Assets Specialist 576,000 678,000 780,000


Fund Accountant 660,000 780,000 900,000

Data Analyst 600,000 690,000 780,000 Financial Analyst 660,000 780,000 1,125,000 Business Analyst 780,000 900,000 1,190,000

Engineering & Logistic

Logistics Planner 480,000 600,000 720,000 Sourcing Specialist 480,000 600,000 720,000

Plant Manager 2,200,000 2,900,000 3,600,000 Production Manager 1,560,000 1,800,000 2,040,000

Project Manager 960,000 1,200,000 1,440,000

Maintenance Manager 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,500,000 Quality Manager 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,500,000 Lean Manager 1,200,000 1,550,000 1,900,000

Mechanical Engineer 650,000 775,000 900,000 Production Engineer 780,000 840,000 900,000 Process Engineer 600,000 750,000 900,000

Production Planner 540,000 582,000 624,000 Quality Engineer 700,000 830,000 960,000

Salary Guide 2023 CEE Salary Guide 2023
Engineering & Logistic MIN HUF AVG HUF MAX HUF
Manufacturing & Engineering MIN HUF AVG HUF MAX HUF

Engineering & Logistic (continued)

Logistic & Purchasing

Supply Chain Manager

All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.


1,080,000 1,320,000 1,560,000

Logistics Manager 1,080,000 1,320,000 1,560,000 Warehouse Manager 1,020,000 1,110,000 1,200,000

Purchasing Manager 1,080,000 1,320,000 1,560,000

Fleet Manager 1,080,000 1,320,000 1,560,000

Logistics specialist 540,000 690,000 840,000

Fleet specialist 480,000 540,000 600,000

Transport Coordinator 456,000 486,000 516,000 Demand Planner 600,000 720,000 840,000

Supply Planner 600,000 720,000 840,000 Strategic Buyer 660,000 780,000 900,000 Buyer 540,000 630,000 720,000

Sales & Marketing

Sales & Marketing


Sales Representative 500,000 650,000 800,000 (Key) Account Manager 650,000 975,000 1,300,000

Business Development Manager 1,100,000 1,450,000 1,800,000

Sales Director 1,500,000 1,950,000 2,400,000 Sales Manager 1,300,000 1,550,000 1,800,000



Digital Marketing Manager 900,000 1,100,000 1,300,000 Head of Marketing 1,100,000 1,450,000 1,800,000

Account Manager (marketing) 750,000 875,000 1,000,000


All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.

IT and Technology

Software Development MIN HUF AVG HUF MAX HUF

Software Developer C/C++ 840,000 1,080,000 1,320,000

Senior Software Developer C/C++ 1,170,000 1,430,000 1,690,000

Junior Software Developer Java 715,000 780,000 845,000

Software Developer Java 845,000 1,072,500 1,300,000

Senior Software Developer Java 1,300,000 1,560,000 1,820,000

Junior .NET Developer 650,000 715,000 780,000

.NET Developer 780,000 910,000 1,235,000

Senior .NET Developer 1,170,000 1,430,000 1,690,000

Junior Python Developer 650,000 780,000 975,000

Python Developer 780,000 975,000 1,170,000

Senior Python Developer 1,170,000 1,430,000 1,690,000

Junior PHP Developer 650,000 715,000 780,000

PHP Developer 780,000 975,000 1,170,000

Senior PHP Developer 1,170,000 1,430,000 1,690,000

Ruby on Rails Developer 715,000 910,000 1,105,000

Senior Ruby on Rails Developer 1,300,000 1,690,000 2,080,000

Junior Front-end Developer 650,000 780,000 910,000

Front-end Developer 1,040,000 1,170,000 1,300,000

Senior Front-end Developer 1,300,000 1,560,000 1,690,000

Mobile Developer (iOS / Android) 1,040,000 1,300,000 1,560,000

Solution Architect 1,235,000 1,462,500 1,690,000

Team Leader Software Developer 1,560,000 1,755,000 1,950,000

Software Developer Manager 1,560,000 1,755,000 1,950,000

Junior Business Intelligence Developer 650,000 747,500 845,000

Business Intelligence Developer 975,000 1,072,500 1,170,000

Senior Business Intelligence Developer 1,300,000 1,430,000 1,560,000

Test Engineer 910,000 1,007,500 1,105,000

Automation Test Engineer 975,000 1,072,500 1,170,000

System Analyst 780,000 942,500 1,105,000

Data Scientist 780,000 845,000 910,000

Junior DevOps Engineer 650,000 715,000 780,000

DevOps Engineer 910,000 1,105,000 1,300,000

Senior DevOps Engineer 1,300,000 1,560,000 1,820,000

Salary Guide 2023 CEE Salary Guide 2023

IT Technical Support

1st Line Technical Support

All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.


Language group I 500,000 550,000 600,000

Language group II, III 550,000 600,000 650,000

Language group IV 600,000 700,000 780,000

Oracle Administrator 700,000 850,000 1,100,000

IT Service Desk Team Leader 800,000 950,000 1,300,000

Network Engineer 750,000 1,000,000 1,200,000

Windows Administrator 700,000 900,000 1,100,000

Linux / Unix Administrator 750,000 1,000,000 1,400,000

Security Engineer 1,000,000 1,100,000 1,300,000

Security Manager 1,300,000 1,600,000 2,000,000

Security Application Engineer 750,000 950,000 1,100,000 SOC Analyst 9,500,000 1,000,000 1,400,000

Applications Engineer 800,000 1,000,000 1,300,000

Identity and Access Management Engineer 800,000 1,000,000 1,400,000

MSSQL Database Administrator 650,000 800,000 1,000,000

DBA Developer 700,000 900,000 1,100,000

Currency: HUF

The language group explanation:

I – only English

II – English + Italian/Spanish

III – English + German/French

IV – English + Dutch/all Scandinavian languages

CEE Salary Guide 2023 21

Regional challenges in the labour market - Poland

The impending economic slowdown will certainly not bypass the Polish labour market. Companies devoted the last quarter of last year to reviewing the pro tability of production and services. Layo s already have been announced or are planned, mainly by large companies, and rms in the manufacturing and construction industry. Businesses with specialized employees are deciding to stunt the wage growth rather than reduce employment. These measures are due to rising in ation and the e ects of energy policies in the country.

IT – an industry immune to crisis and change?

Certainly, the IT sector will continue to be on a rising wave. First and foremost, because of the large talent gap, which I have the impression, has become even worse after an intense 2022. As soon as one organisation was unable to secure a new project for a particular specialist or even an entire team, there was immediately another company quickly absorbing those experts. An additional in uence on the situation has the high recognition of the experience and competences of IT experts in Poland, coming from all over the world. The experience of working remotely during the pandemic has shown that it is possible to work from anywhere in the world, which combined with the high openness to B2B contracts, makes it much easier for foreign companies to reach out to our specialists. In 2023 we anticipate further interest in experts from the areas: DevOps, Cloud, Blockchain, AI or ML.

SSC/BPO – the biggest beneficiary of the crisis?

The shared service centre industry will also continue to grow. After all, it is the economic considerations within organisations that determine the transfer of services to the broader SSC/BPO/ITO sectors. Companies looking to save money will opt to outsourcing services. However, even in this care, it is worth bearing in mind the remote work o ers coming from outside the country. In this case, an employment contract is nevertheless the preferred form of employment, which is crucial when choosing an employer. Accounting and nance experts, as well as high-level sales and business development managers will be in constant demand (although in this case, essential will be the industry and its resilience to the economic situation in the country).

CEE Salary Guide 2023

The future is diversity

One of the challenges in the Polish market will be the Diversity & Inclusion e orts of the companies. In order to be an inclusive organisation, transparent and engaging processes are needed, so that employees have equal opportunities for career development, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, views, social status, type of disability and any other dimensions of diversity. Already at the recruitment process stage, companies will focus on the skills and experience of candidates as the sole criterium for the selection of candidates, rejecting other elements previously used for that purpose. Such move will signi cantly expand the candidate pool and bring diversity into the organisation. This variety of ideas and individual human qualities will drive companies’ operations and guarantee their further development. The Polish market invariably remains attractive to new investors, as the competence of our sta is widely appreciated. We therefore expect further investments in 2023, but mainly in the SSC/BPO/ITO sectors due to cost optimisation of further processes in organisations. Poland’s competitive advantage will de nitely be sta of specialists our market o ers.

The working model will matter

It is di cult to generally estimate whether 2023 will be the year of the employee or the employer. It will certainly be a diverse year. To a large extent, the situation will depend on the industry, its ability to withstand the economic situation in the country, but also on the organisations’ preparation for the coming economic crisis and their plan to get through it as smoothly as possible. Hybrid working will continue to prevail for o ce work, which seems a prefect compromise between the expectations of employees and the capabilities of the employees. The choice of the work model will be in uenced in no small part by the location of the o ce and the commuting time of the given employee. People living in remote districts or even suburbs will de nitely prefer remote working due to the commuting costs. Whereas those living in a convenient location will appreciate the energy, water or even co ee savings made from working from an o ce. Therefore, companies with a exible approach in this area, that is, those that o er a choice – hybrid or remote working, will have an advantage in sectors where we will continue to have a market for the employees.

Most in demand

TOP 4 most in-demand languages in SSC/BPO sector:

• French

• German

• Spanish

• Italian

The most desirable roles in IT:

• Software Developers

• Security Engineers

• AI/ML / IoT / Blockchain Engineers

• DevOps / SysOps / Cloud Engineers

The most desirable roles in Corporate Finance:

• GL Accountant

• Finance Controller

• Business Transformation Manager

• AP / AR Accountant with foreign languages

What IT candidates are looking for:

• Flexibility on work from home model (remote/hybrid)

• Competitive salary adapted to the rapidly changing market

• Opportunity to choose form of contract (permanent, B2B)

• Smooth recruitment processes (up to 2 meetings)

• Upskilling and training support

Salary Guide 2023 CEE Salary Guide 2023 23






Language group I 4200 4600 5000

Language group II 5400 5950 6500

Language group III 5800 6400 7000

Language group IV 6800 7300 7800

Language group I 4800 5650 6500

Language group II 6000 6750 7500

Language group III 7000 7500 8000 Language group IV 7800 8400 9000

Language group I 6500 7250 8000

Language group II 7000 7750 8500

Language group III 8300 9300 10300

Language group IV 8800 10050 11300 Customer




Language group I 4200 4600 5000

Language group II 5400 5950 6500

Language group III 5800 6400 7000

Language group IV 7000 7500 8000 Ap/Ar


Language group I 5500 6250 7000

Language group II 6000 6750 7500

Language group III 7000 7500 8000

Language group IV 7500 8250 9000

Language group I 6500 7750 9000

Language group II 7500 8500 9500

Language group III 8500 9500 10500

Language group IV 9500 10750 12000

salary offered
Poland All
are the average gross monthly basic
for a given employment contract.
Service MIN
Customer Service Representative
Service Representative
Customer Service Representative
Service Supervisor
Service Team Leader (depending on language knowledge)
11000 12000 13000 Customer Service Manager 14000 15750 17500 Reporting
Reporting Specialist
Reporting Specialist
Reporting Specialist with VBA
5200 5850 6500 Senior
6700 7850 9000
7700 8350 9000 Accounting
Ap/Ar Accountant* (ASSOCIATE)
AR/AP Accountant*
AP/AR Team Leader 10000 12500 15000 AP/AR Manager 15000 17000 19000

All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.

SSC/BPO (continued)

GL Accountant


Junior GL Accountant 6000 6750 7500

GL Accountant 7500 8500 9500

Senior GL Accountant 9500 10750 12000

GL Team Leader 12000 14500 17000

Banking & Finance

Corporate Finance


Cash Allocation Specialist 5500 6000 6500

Senior Cash Allocation Specialist 6500 7750 9000

Tax Accountant/Analyst 7000 8000 9000

Senior Tax/VAT Analyst 9000 10500 12000

Controller 8000 9000 10000

Senior Controller 10000 13000 16000

FP&A Manager 17000 19500 22000

Controlling Manager 18000 21500 25000


Junior Ap/Ar Accountant* (ASSOCIATE) 4200 4600 5000

Ap/Ar Accountant* 5500 6250 7000

Senior AR/AP Accountant* 6500 7750 9000

AP/AR Team Leader 10000 12500 15000

AP/AR Manager 15000 17000 19000

Junior GL Accountant 6000 6750 7500

GL Accountant 7500 8500 9500

Senior GL Accountant 9500 10750 12000

GL Team Leader 12000 14500 17000

Junior Billing Specialist 4200 4850 5500

Billing Specialist 5500 6500 7500

Senior Billing Specialist 7500 8000 8500

Junior Fixed Assets Specialist 5000 5500 6000

Fixed Assets Specialist 6000 7000 8000

Senior Fixed Assets Specialist 8000 9000 10000

The language group explanation:

I – only English

II – English + Italian/Spanish

III – English + German/French

IV – English + Dutch/all Scandinavian languages

Salary Guide 2023 CEE Salary Guide 2023

Banking & Finance (continued)

Financial Services MIN

Junior Fund Accountant 4700 5350 6000

Fund Accountant 6300 6900 7500

Senior Fund Accountant 7500 9250 11000

Junior Data Analyst 6000 8000 10000 Data Analyst 11000 13500 16000

Senior Data Analyst 16000 18000 20000

Junior Financial Analyst 6000 7000 8000 Financial Analyst 9000 11500 14000 Senior Financial Analyst 14000 16000 18000

Junior Business Analyst 6000 7500 9000 Business Analyst 9000 11500 14000

Senior Business Analyst 14000 16000 18000

Junior Project Manager 7000 8250 9500

Project Manager 10000 12000 14000

Senior Project Manager 14000 16500 19000

Compliance Officer 7500 8750 10000

Credit Risk Analyst 11000 14000 17000

Quantitative Risk Specialist / Analyst 9000 15500 22000

Poland All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.
& Logistic Engineering & Logistic
Data/ Document Processing Specialist
Manufacturing & Engineering MIN PLN AVG PLN MAX PLN
7800 9900 12000 Contract
6500 8500 10500 Sourcing
6000 6750 7500 Master
6000 7500 9000
Plant Manager 20000 35000 50000 Production Manager 13000 21500 30000 Project Manager 12000 17500 23000 Technical Manager 10000 13000 16000 Maintenance Manager 11000 15500 20000 Quality Manager 13000 19000 25000 Lean Manager 13000 19000 25000 Manufacturing Shift Leader 8500 11000 13500 Maintenance Engineer 7500 9250 11000

Engineering & Logistic (continued)

Manufacturing & Engineering (continued)

Mechanical Engineer 7000 9500 12000

Automation Engineer 8000 10000 12000

Electrical Engineer 7000 9000 11000

Production Engineer 6500 8500 10500 Process Engineer 7500 9750 12000 Production Planner 7500 10000 12500 Quality Engineer 8000 11000 14000 Lean Engineer 7500 10500 13500 Design Engineer 8000 10000 12000

Logistic & Purchasing

Supply Chain Manager 12000 16000 20000

Logistics Manager 12000 16000 20000 Warehouse Manager 10000 13000 16000 Transport Manager 10000 13000 16000 Purchasing Manager 12000 17000 22000

Fleet Manager 9000 12000 15000

Logistics specialist 7000 9000 11000 Fleet specialist 5500 7250 9000 Transport Coordinator 6000 8000 10000 Demand Planner 9000 11500 14000 Supply Planner 8000 10500 13000 Strategic Buyer 11000 14000 17000 Senior Buyer 9000 12000 15000

Junior Buyer 6000 7500 9000 Buyer 8000 10000 12000

Sales & Marketing

Sales & Marketing

Sales Representative 5500 6500 7500

Inside Sales Representative 5700 6750 7800

(Key) Account Manager 10000 14000 18000

Business Development Manager 13000 15500 18000 Sales Director 20000 26500 33000 Sales Manager 15000 18000 21000

Salary Guide 2023 CEE Salary Guide 2023
All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.


Sales & Marketing (continued)

Sales & Marketing (continued)

All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.


Brand Manager 10000 13500 17000

Commercial director 20000 25500 31000



Social Media Manager 10000 13500 17000

SEM Specialist 8000 10000 12000

Digital Marketing Manager 13000 15500 18000

Head of Marketing 13500 21750 30000

Account Manager (marketing) 7000 9500 12000

Field Application Engineer 6000 7000 8000 E-commerce Manager 13000 17000 21000

SEO Specialist 8000 10000 12000 Marketing Specialist 6500 8000 9500 Marketing Director 13500 21750 30000

Product Manager 9000 12000 15000

IT and Technology

Software Development


IT Director 35000 40000 45000

Software Development Manager 30000 32500 35000

Team Lead Software Developer 24000 27000 30000

Junior Software Developer C/C++ 8500 10250 12000

Software Developer C/C++ 12000 15000 18000

Senior Software Developer C/C++ 18000 21000 24000

Junior Software Developer Java 9500 11750 14000

Software Developer Java 14000 18000 22000

Senior Software Developer Java 22000 26000 30000

Junior .NET Developer 8000 10000 12000

.NET Developer 12000 15000 18000

Senior .NET Developer 18000 21500 25000

Junior Python Developer 9000 11250 13500

Python Developer 13500 17750 22000

Senior Python Developer 22000 25000 28000

Junior PHP Developer 7000 9000 11000

PHP Developer 11000 14000 17000

Senior PHP Developer 17000 19500 22000


All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.

IT and Technology (continued)

Software Development (continued)


Junior Ruby on Rails Developer 8000 11000 14000

Ruby on Rails Developer 14000 18000 22000

Senior Ruby on Rails Developer 22000 25000 28000

Junior Angular Developer 8000 10500 13000

Angular Developer 13000 16500 20000

Senior Angular Developer 20000 23500 27000

Junior React Developer 8000 11500 15000

React Developer 15000 17500 20000

Senior React Developer 20000 24000 28000

Junior Node.js Developer 9000 12500 16000

Node.js Developer 16000 19000 22000

Senior Node.js Developer 22000 25500 29000

Mobile Developer (iOS / Android)* 15000 19000 23000

Junior Manual Tester 6000 7000 8000

Manual Tester 8000 10000 12000

Senior Manual Tester 12000 14000 16000

Junior Automation Test Engineer 11000 12000 13000

Automation Test Engineer 13000 14500 16000

Senior Automation Test Engineer 16000 19000 22000

Test Manager 19000 22500 26000

Software Architect 23000 28000 33000

System Analyst 14000 17000 20000

Business Analyst 13000 16000 19000

IT Project Manager 14000 17500 21000

IT Product Owner 19000 21000 23000

Scrum Master 16000 20000 24000

UX/UI Designer 13000 16000 19000

Experience in IT: junior: 1-2 years; regular: 3-5 years; senior: 6+ years *2-6 years of experience

IT Security

Identity and Access Management Engineer


17000 22500 28000

SOC Analyst 12500 16250 20000

Security Application Engineer 15000 19000 23000

Security Engineer 15000 19000 23000 Security Manager 23000 28000 33000

Salary Guide 2023 CEE Salary Guide 2023


Poland All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.
Technical Support MIN PLN AVG PLN MAX PLN
Line Technical Support
Language group I 5000 6250 7500
Language group II, III 8000 9500 11000 Language group IV 10000 11500 13000
2nd Line Technical Support Language group I 7500 9750 12000 Language group II, III 11000 12500 14000 Language group IV 13000 14500 16000
Service Desk Team Leader 14000
IT Service Desk Manager 18000
Administration MIN PLN AVG PLN MAX PLN Network Administrator 16000 19000 22000 Windows Administrator 15000 17500
Linux / Unix Administrator 15000
Applications Administrator 12500
Business Intelligence MIN PLN AVG PLN MAX PLN Junior Business Intelligence Developer 10000 11250 12500 Business Intelligence Developer 12500 15000 17500 Senior Business Intelligence Developer 17500 20750 24000 Big Data Engineer 22000 27500 33000 Data Scientist 17000 21000 25000 RPA Developer 14000 17500 21000 Database MIN PLN AVG PLN MAX PLN Oracle Administrator 16000 18500 21000 MSSQL Database Administrator 16000 19000 22000 Database Developer 15000 17500
Cloud Computing MIN PLN AVG PLN MAX PLN Junior DevOps Engineer 12500 14250 16000 DevOps Engineer 16000 20000 24000 Senior DevOps Engineer 24000 28500 33000 Cloud Engineer 18000 24000
Cloud Architect 28000 32000
3rd Line Technical Support Language group I 12000 15000 18000 Language group II, III 14000 16000 18000 Language group IV 16000 17500 19000 IT
16000 18000
21500 25000
17500 20000
17250 22000
CEE Salary Guide 2023 31


Regional challenges in the labour market - Slovakia

Market response to the challenges in 2022

The market in 2022 was heavily in uenced by the war in Ukraine, high in ation, and energy prices. This caused a lot of uncertainty and fears among candidates and employers. We expect this uncertainty to continue in 2023, further underlined with awaited high in ation. Despite that, the unemployment rate in Slovakia was continuously decreasing, reaching 6.1% in September 2022, compared to the unemployment rate of 7.1% in September 2021. The unemployment rate is expected to get under 6% in 2023.

During 2022, 115 000 jobs were advertised overall, while almost 40% of them were in the Bratislava region, followed by Trnava, Nitra and Trenčín. Almost 40% of all open jobs required secondary education.

Overall, number of foreign workers in Slovakia was gradually increasing, reaching 83 000 in September 2022. Most of them were from Ukraine (31 000), followed by employees from Romania, Czech Republic, and Hungary. On the other hand, the trend in the Shared Service Centres was the opposite. The number of foreign employees decreased to 9% compared to 11% working in Shared Service Centres in 2021. We expect that Shared Service Centres will have to compete for the talent also in 2023, especially in the field of IT, finance, and multilingual specialist jobs.

experienced workforce. Therefore, we think the cooperation with a strong partner, like Cpl, will be even more important than ever before. The added value in helping to nd the right talent is enormous. Nowadays, it is not sufficient anymore for the companies to post a job and wait for CVs. Candidates need to be motivated to change jobs - they need a lot of details before they even consider it. As we know our clients very well, we can explain what their vision, company culture, and working teams are like. We can tell them much more about the role and the working environment than they can nd on the company webpage or in the job description. We listen to them and discuss their individual situation and potential reasons for leaving. From our experience, what works most for candidates to consider changing jobs is to understand what challenges there are for them in the new role, what they can learn and what impact they will have.

Apart from that, other frequent reasons for leaving a job in 2023 will be salary, not feeling recognized or appreciated, unrealistic expectations regarding performance, bad relationships, lack of work-life balance, and incompetent management.

In 2023 the sectors with the highest demand for candidates with the university education will be IT, finance & accounting, management, and administration. Most needed positions in these sectors will be Software Developers, IT Analysts, Finance Analysts & Accountants, and administrative workers.

CEE Salary Guide 2023

When it comes to exibility, it will remain one of the most important factors for candidates when considering a job change. Working from home, flexible working hours, and work-life balance will be the standard they will expect from their future employers.

We can see that many companies are o ering similar bene ts. The challenge for employers in 2023 will be how to di erentiate themselves from their competitors. Some companies are already trying to implement non-standard benefits such as unlimited vacation, a 4-day week, or fully remote work.

Winning the talent

During 2022, we were experiencing an increasing trend in the number of rejected o ers. Many employers now realize how di cult it is to nd experienced candidates and therefore they value their employees more, especially the senior ones. They are more open to satisfy their needs and create the environment where they feel happy and recognized. In 2023, winning the talent will be one of the biggest challenges for all employers.

To win the best talent, we recommended our clients to improve their hiring process. The more efficient and quicker the process is, the bigger chance to win the talent. Communication with candidates and their treatment during the hiring process is very important, too.

During 2022, Cpl was working as a trusted partner with many companies from multiple sectors. We saw what our clients struggled with and what their challenges were. We were happy to face and overcome these challenges together with them and we are looking forward to the cooperation in 2023.

Most in demand

Most in-demand programming languages:

• Phyton

The most desirable roles in IT:

• Developers

• Security Engineers

• System Administrators

• DevOps Engineers

The most desirable benefits in IT:

• Remote working setup

• Freelance option of cooperation

• Flexible working hours

• State of the art technologies

• Career growth

The most desirable roles in Corporate Finance:

• BI Data Analyst

• Finance Controller

• GL Accountant preferably with IFRS or US GAAP

• Financial Market and Investment portfolio Specialist

• Finance roles with German and French language

• C#
• Javascript
• Java
CEE Salary Guide 2023 CEE Salary Guide 2023 33


Customer Service

Junior Customer Service Representative

Language group I 1000 1100 1200

Language group II 1100 1200 1300

Language group III 1150 1275 1400

Language group IV 1250 1375 1500

Customer Service Representative

Language group I 1100 1200 1300

Language group II 1200 1300 1400

Language group III 1250 1375 1500

Language group IV 1300 1450 1600

Senior Customer Service Representative

Language group I 1200 1300 1400

Language group II 1300 1400 1500 Language group III 1350 1475 1600

Language group IV 1400 1550 1700



Language group I 1100 1200 1300

Language group II 1200 1300 1400

Language group III 1250 1375 1500

Language group IV 1300 1450 1600

Language group I 1300 1400 1500

Language group II 1400 1450 1500

Language group III 1400 1500 1600

Language group IV 1500 1600 1700

Language group I 1500 1600 1700

Language group II 1550 1675 1800

Language group III 1600 1700 1800

Language group IV 1600 1800 2000

AP/AR Team Leader 1700 2100 2500

AP/AR Manager 2000 2500 3000

All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.
Service Supervisor
Customer Service Team Leader (depending on language knowledge) 1500 1850 2200 Customer Service Manager 1800 2300 2800
Junior Reporting Specialist 1300 1400 1500 Senior Reporting Specialist 1500 1850 2200 Senior Reporting Specialist (VBA, Power BI) 2200 2850 3500
Ap/Ar Accountant* (ASSOCIATE)
Ap/Ar Accountant*
Senior AR/AP Accountant*

All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.

SSC/BPO (continued)

GL Accountant


Junior GL Accountant 1400 1500 1600

GL Accountant 1500 1650 1800

Senior GL Accountant 1600 1900 2200

GL Team Leader 1900 2200 2500

Banking & Finance

Corporate Finance


Cash Allocation Specialist 1100 1300 1500

Senior Cash Allocation Specialist 1400 1600 1800

Tax Accountant/Analyst 1500 1850 2200

Senior Tax/VAT Analyst 2000 2500 3000

Controller 1800 2000 2200

Senior Controller 2000 2400 2800

FP&A Manager 2500 3000 3500

Controlling Manager 2600 3200 3800



Junior Ap/Ar Accountant* (ASSOCIATE) 1000 1175 1350

Ap/Ar Accountant* 1300 1450 1600

Senior AR/AP Accountant* 1500 1750 2000

AP/AR Team Leader 1800 2100 2400

AP/AR Manager 2000 2400 2800

Junior GL Accountant 1000 1175 1350

GL Accountant 1300 1450 1600

Senior GL Accountant 1500 1750 2000

GL Team Leader 1600 1900 2200

Junior Billing Specialist 1000 1175 1350

Billing Specialist 1300 1450 1600

Senior Billing Specialist 1500 1750 2000

Junior Fixed Assets Specialist 1300 1400 1500

Fixed Assets Specialist 1600 1900 2200

Senior Fixed Assets Specialist 1800 2300 2800

Salary Guide 2023 CEE Salary Guide 2023

Banking & Finance (continued)

Financial Services

All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.


Junior Fund Accountant 1300 1400 1500 Fund Accountant 1600 1900 2200

Senior Fund Accountant 1800 2300 2800

Junior Data Analyst 1300 1450 1600 Data Analyst 1600 1900 2200

Senior Data Analyst 2000 2500 3000

Junior Financial Analyst 1300 1450 1600 Financial Analyst 1600 1900 2200

Senior Financial Analyst 2000 2500 3000

Junior Business Analyst 1300 1450 1600 Business Analyst 1600 1900 2200

Senior Business Analyst 2000 2500 3000

Junior Project Manager 1500 1750 2000 Senior Project Manager 2000 2500 3000

Compliance Officer 2500 3250 4000

Credit Risk Analyst 2000 2500 3000 Quantitative Risk Specialist / Analyst 2000 2500 3000

Sales & Marketing

Sales & Marketing


Sales Representative 1000 1350 1700

Inside Sales Representative 1100 1450 1800

(Key) Account Manager 1500 1900 2300

Business Development Manager 1600 2050 2500 Sales Director 1750 2525 3300

Sales Manager 1300 2100 2900 Brand Manager 2200 2850 3500



Social Media Manager 1600 2050 2500

Digital Marketing Manager 1800 2400 3000

Head of Marketing 2200 2700 3200

Account Manager (marketing) 1500 1750 2000

E-commerce Manager 2000 2400 2800 Marketing Specialist 1300 1550 1800


Sales & Marketing (Continued)

Marketing (Continued)


Marketing Director 2800 3650 4500 Brand Manager 2200 2850 3500 Copywriter 1300 1550 1800

Category Specialist 1500 1850 2200 Marketing analyst (Power BI, VBA) 2200 2850 3500


Engineering & Logistic


Logistics Planner 1400 1850 2300

Contract Specialist 1700 2375 3050 Sourcing Specialist 1400 1850 2300

Master Data/ Document Processing Specialist 1300 1550 1800

Manufacturing & Engineering


Plant Manager 2500 3500 4500

Production Manager 2300 3250 4200 Project Manager 2000 2800 3600 Technical Manager 2600 3550 4500 Maintenance Manager 2200 3000 3800 Quality Manager 2500 3100 3700 Lean Manager 2000 2800 3600 Manufacturing Shift Leader 1500 2050 2600

Maintenance Engineer 1500 1950 2400 Mechanical Engineer 2000 2700 3400 Automation Engineer 2400 2950 3500 Electrical Engineer 2200 3400 4600

Production Engineer 1800 2500 3200 Process Engineer 1750 2425 3100

Production Planner 1400 1900 2400 Quality Engineer 1750 2400 3050 Lean Engineer 1400 1800 2200 Design Engineer 2050 3175 4300

Salary Guide 2023 CEE Salary Guide 2023
All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.

Engineering (Continued)

Logistic & Purchasing

All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.


Supply Chain Manager 2200 3100 4000

Logistics Manager 1800 2650 3500 Warehouse Manager 1700 2400 3100

Transportation Manager 2100 2925 3750 Purchasing Manager 2600 3550 4500 Fleet Manager 1950 2725 3500

Logistics specialist 1300 1675 2050 Fleet specialist 1400 1900 2400 Transport Coordinator 1400 1900 2400

Demand Planner 1600 2150 2700 Supply Chain Planner 1300 1800 2300 Strategic Buyer 1650 2225 2800

Senior Buyer 1700 2300 2900 Junior Buyer 1300 1500 1700

IT and Technology

Software Development


Junior Software Developer C/C++ 1600 1800 2000 Software Developer C/C++ 2000 2750 3500

Senior Software Developer C/C++ 2500 3250 4000

Junior Software Developer Java 1800 2050 2300 Software Developer Java 2300 2900 3500

Senior Software Developer Java 3000 4500 6000

Junior .NET Developer 1500 1750 2000 .NET Developer 2000 2500 3000 Senior .NET Developer 2800 3300 3800

Junior Python Developer 1500 1750 2000 Python Developer 2000 2500 3000

Senior Python Developer 2600 3050 3500

Junior PHP Developer 1600 1850 2100 PHP Developer 2200 2600 3000

Senior PHP Developer 2800 3150 3500

Junior Ruby on Rails Developer 2000 2250 2500 Ruby on Rails Developer 2500 2750 3000

Senior Ruby on Rails Developer 3000 3250 3500


IT and Technology (continued)

Software Development (continued)

Junior Front-end Developer 1500 1700 1900

Front-end Developer 1800 2200 2600 Senior Front-end Developer 2500 2700 2900

Full-stack Developer 2000 3500 5000 Mobile Developer (iOS / Android) 2500 3500 4500 Cloud Engineer 2100 3300 4500

Solution Architect 2850 3825 4800

Team Leader Software Developer 2500 3000 3500 Software Developer Manager 2700 3600 4500

Test Engineer 1800 2550 3300 Automation Test Engineer 2000 2750 3500 Test Manager 2300 3250 4200

Junior Business Intelligence Developer 1700 1850 2000 Business Intelligence Developer 1900 2200 2500 Senior Business Intelligence Developer 2500 2950 3400 System Analyst 2000 2750 3500 Data Scientist 2500 3450 4400

Junior DevOps Engineer 1800 2050 2300 DevOps Engineer 2200 2600 3000 Senior DevOps Engineer 3000 4000 5000

IT Project Manager 2200 3350 4500

Experience in IT: junior: 0-2 years; regular: 3-5 years; senior: 6+ years

IT Service Desk Team Leader 2000 2450 2900

IT Service Desk Process Manager 2200 2850 3500

Applications Engineer 2000 2750 3500

Identity and Access Management Engineer 1700 2300 2900

Cyber Security MIN EUR AVG EUR MAX EUR Security Engineer 2500 3650 4800 Security Manager 2800 3900 5000 Security Application Engineer 2300 2900 3500

SOC Analyst 2000 2600 3200

Salary Guide 2023 CEE Salary Guide 2023
All salaries are the average gross monthly basic salary offered for a given employment contract.
Technical Support
Line Technical Support
1300 1500 1700 2nd Line Technical
1700 1950 2200 3rd Line Technical Support 2200 2500 2800

III – English + German/French

Currency: EUR The language group explanation:
I – only English
II – English + Italian/Spanish
basic salary offered
employment contract.
IV – English + Dutch/all Scandinavian languages All
are the average gross monthly
for a given
System Administration MIN EUR AVG EUR MAX EUR
Engineer 2000
Database Administrator 2000
Developer 1950 2725 3500 40
IT and Technology (continued) Network &
2750 3500 Oracle Administrator 2400 3300 4200 Windows Administrator 2000 2800 3600 Linux / Unix Administrator 1900 2700 3500 MSSQL
2825 3650 Database development

Key Insights and Enterprise Solutions

CEE Salary Guide 2023 41

Becoming an Employer of Choice

This year we are amid an ultra-competitive and globalised talent market. The great resignation, the great reset and quiet quitting were phrases commonly heard over the last year. More recently now we are hearing about “career cushioning”. Which sees workers reskilling and upskilling on their own time, while window shopping for new positions in case they become a victim of layo s.

Eurostat (2020) highlights a signi cant growing percentage of companies across all countries in Europe reporting hard to ll vacancy challenges. Many are choosing alternative work paths with an average of between 20-25% expected to work in some form of freelancing capacity over the next 5 years.

Organisations Face Conflicting Challenges

Organisations face con icting challenges in this hyper-competitive talent market. From our extensive research of multiple organisations across sectors, we are seeing:

• An overwhelming candidate shortage, especially of experienced / skilled candidates and in particular in IT sector;

• Increasing salary demands and a further demand for remote work from candidates means organisations need to rethink their value proposition. In countries like Hungary, saw a wage increase of 5 - 9%;

• Economic instability due to high in ation and the war in Ukraine mean candidates are not motivated to change jobs if they are secure

• In countries like Czech Republic many of the new bene ts being introduced by international companies or start-ups cannot be matched by other of the markets forcing other markets to rethink their value proposition.

Introducing the People Value Proposition

It is essential that organisations get serious about de ning holistically the value they are providing to current and future employees to become an employer of choice. This should highlight what makes them unique and communicate this e ectively to the talent market. This means fully designing and deploying a People Value Proposition (PVP). A PVP is a total design of the value that people receive when they join and stay in a business. It is the essence, the experiences, the culture, and the story of an organisation all rolled into one.

Without a fully designed PVP how can organisations possibly portray their employer brand to the market in the right way? How can they truly resonate with the people that would thrive in the business? How can they keep people engaged through times of turbulence?

A fully developed PVP and supporting engagement initiatives has multiple and wide-reaching positive consequences for your business including:

• Attracting the best people & broadening the pool

• Decreasing time to hire

• Boosting employee’s morale

• Increasing retention

• Reducing cost of hiring

• Enhancing employee and customer satisfaction

• Enabling people and HR management to have greater strategic impact

• Consistency of communications internally and externally

CEE Salary Guide 2023 42

Through our research we have identi ed 20 key elements (shown in diagram 1) that are important to consider in assessing and the designing a comprehensive PVP. These elements cover everything from the obvious Remuneration, Bene ts and Perks to the not so obvious like Social Capital, Innovation and Technology and Leadership Behaviours.

Diagram 1: The FOWI PVP Elements

Diagram 1 highlights an example of a PVP assessment conducted for a client across the 20 key elements as a basis to create an overall PVP program and associated initiatives. This plot highlights the level of maturity and excellence across each key PVP areas.

We use this plot to assess the ‘Essence’ step of a comprehensive PVP programme as part of our simple 5 step process (Diagram 2). This further involves developing an overreaching and agreed PVP, creating a new story for the overall employer proposition, a set of new employee experience initiatives and developing a unique set of themes that were utilised as a mechanism for meaningful internal employee engagement. Following this we activated several unique in market social and multi-media campaigns.

CEE Salary Guide 2023

Diagram 2: FOWI 5 Step PVP Process

This approach helps provide a meaningful impact on the overall business performance such as a broadening of the talent pool, creating a higher talent market engagement and strategic alignment internally in the business with an agreed set of employee proposition initiatives to drive greater employee engagement. Becoming an employer of choice is much broader than simply increases in salary and bene ts. There are many things that make an organisation unique and this process is designed to help hone in on their unique voice and amplify it to attract skilled talent.

Any modern organisation striving to become the employer of choice, to nd the best talent to power their scaling and growth goals should seriously consider the development of a People Value Proposition. It is key to di erentiating an organisation in a competitive talent landscape and acts as the basis for a meaningful and purposefully designed employee experience that attracts, retains, and excites current and future talent in equal measure.

About the Future of Work Institute PVP services

At Cpl’s Future of Work Institute, we are helping organisations to become talent destinations through a total approach to designing and deploying People Value Propositions, key engagement initiatives and communication strategies. Because of our unique co-creation approach not only can we help you design your PVP to the needs of the employees and organisation, but we can also create data driven marketing campaigns and content to drive interest and attraction of your future employees.

Our o ering is unique in the market as not only are we experts in people strategy, proposition development, employer brand and engagement, but we are part of Cpl and Outsourcing Inc who everyday are living with the realities of nding the best people possible for our clients. These deep real-world experiences give substance to our style and have helped us create strategies that work.

Our PVP services include:

• People Value Proposition Assessment - Using our PVP model we can conduct a deep dive assessment of your existing people value proposition using our PVP model through cross-functional workshops, social footprint analysis, and online surveys.

• People Value Proposition Strategy DevelopmentUsing our co—creation processes we can develop an Ideal People Value Proposition based on 1, 3 or 5 year horizons and deploy key initiatives to generate quick wins and long term impact against KPI’s.

• Employer Brand Development/EnhancementRegardless of where you are on your journey, we can enhance your existing employer brand and communications strategies or fully develop them from scratch. This includes everything from brand essence, key themes, stories, visuals, and everything in between.

• Recruitment Marketing & Audience EngagementWe can fully design and deploy data driven localised recruitment marketing and audience engagement campaigns across multiple platforms and mediums.


1. Future of Work World (2021) Future of Work Institute Whitepaper

2. Eurostat (2020)

Becoming an Employer of Choice
CEE Salary Guide 2023 45

Financial view on 2023 labour market

In 2023 global economic activity will experience a broad - based and sharper - than expected - slowdown in the CEE region, with in ation higher than seen in several decades. The economic crisis that started in 2022 - re ected in the rising cost of living, tightening nancial conditions in most regions, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the lingering COVID-19 pandemic - all weigh heavily on the outlook for the whole of 2023. Global growth is forecasted to slow from 6.0 percent in 2021 to 3.2 percent in 2022 and 2.7 percent in 2023. It will cause businesses will struggle nancially for some time.

Quality instead of quantity

Businesses today must implement cost-e ective hiring strategies. Leaders will have to gure out how their processes must change and what skills they need. Solving this factor right quickly is critical to surviving post-pandemic recruitment. It is very important to find quality in recruitment processes instead of quantity. Here, paraxially, companies should focus on outsourcing services - to entrust recruitment into the hands of professionals who will help us in the well-needed talents for the organization. Thanks to this, they will avoid the costs of unsuccessful recruitment processes and maintaining additional jobs within the organization.

The recruitment battle for the greatest talent is already intense and in 2023 it is likely to escalate as investment into senior, experienced employees could show crucial to improve company’s performance within current tough nancial times. Looking at the current situation on labour market companies must realize that their best investment is investing into overall employee’s satisfaction. All this to limit employee turnover and keep talents within the organization for as long as possible.

Good planning is key in 2023

All departments in company should work in synergy and forecast budget realistically. Important to understand incoming projects, take into consideration all risk factors, plan into turnover forecast. If we plan well, at least 90% of projects we should provide our organization with relative financial stability in these uncertain times.

In current market situation every mistake - such asoversta ng, cash- ow issue, unnecessary spending, attrition of key employees - can be crucial in company's performance. In 2023 it will be very important for each company to fully prepare for hiring in the future. It is a must to have a proper recruitment plan followed by lining up the best talent to fill future roles.

In hard economic times there are two primary reasons why businesses fail: lack of proper planning and problems with leadership.

CEE Salary Guide 2023 46

Nowadays every company

1. Stick to a Budget

to concentrate on 4 main areas:

An important step to consider when trying to get ahead nancially is budgeting. To have realistic budget is very important but to stick with it is something very crucial in these uncertain times. You will never get ahead if you spend more than you earn. Little cost-cutting e ort in number of areas can result in saving. And always to have ‘’Plan B’’ is huge advantage, in case the things are not going as we planned.

2. Invest wisely and spread your business focus

Key here is to have more than 1 turnover ow. It is highly risky to be depended on one customer or one speci c area of income. Diversify your customer base to eliminate risk. Keep doing your best for the top clients, but vital is to explore ideas for broadening customer base, which could be also in di erent sectors of your main business. All of this must be aligned with e ective credit control in order to avoid cash- ow issues.

3. Expand your offerings

Expand your services o ers. Can you build on your existing expertise to o er new products or services? If so, this is another tack for engaging new customers, possibly including those from new markets, and for expanding your relationships with existing clients. You might achieve this on your own or by working in partnership with another business. Look for opportunity in any unmet needs in the market.

4. Stable staff in unstable times

Do not waste time on unsuccessful recruitment of employees. It is much cheaper to trust specialists who will help recruit the best talents for your company as Cpl. Thanks to this, you will avoid the costs of unsuccessful recruitment processes. Maintaining permanent sta , with the lowest possible employee turnover, will not only ensure savings but also the stability of the company's operation.

CEE Salary Guide 2023 47

HR trends in 2023

The region of Central and Eastern Europe has been strongly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and in recent months also galloping inflation. Each country deals with this in its own way, but in general there are several trends.

Remote & Flexible working

2022 has been a “back to the o ce year” for many. However, research suggests that employees with the possibility of remote work are 20% more satisfied than those who do not have this option. Employers that cancelled remote work after the end of the pandemic measures often caused their people a great level of frustration. Those who still allow hybrid or fully remote work models can have a signi cant advantage in the labour market in the competition for skilled talents. Also, the number of employees expecting flexible working hours doubled in the last year. Whereas allowing employees to work from anywhere in the world can be legally questionable, giving them more freedom to manage their own work schedule and focus on their productivity and results seems a win-win for both sides.

2023 will be marked by savings and legal changes

High energy prices are re ected not only in high in ation and cost of living increase but also in employers' costs, so it is not surprising that companies are looking for ways to economize. From decreasing temperature in the workplace to replacing business travel with videoconferences, energy-saving measures are being put in place across all business sectors. In 2023 substantial number of companies are planning suspension of employment or layoffs as part of cost-cutting, affecting mostly blue-collar positions. Logically, in di cult times, some employers decide to outsource services. Temporary job placement providers, such as Cpl, can o er exible solutions to companies in uncertain times by sourcing and hiring professionals on a xed - term basis according to

clients' needs. On the other hand, employers are also recognizing their workers' increased cost of living and applying countermeasures such as reimbursing the energy bills of those working from home. Many countries in CEE region will introduce an amendment to the Labour Code from 2023, strictly defining the rules of remote work, or the possibility of reimbursement for e.g., energy or Internet while working from home. Such a solution will further change the working models we have known so far.

4-day work week is coming

From 2015 to 2019, two large-scale trials of shorter working hours in which workers moved from a 40-hour to a 35- or 36-hour week without reduced pay took place in Iceland. The view of the employees themselves was unequivocal – an overall increase in well-being, lower risk of burnout and a decrease in stress level as well as more quality time spent with friends and family. Employers reported that productivity remained the same or even increased. Based on the successful project, 86% of Icelanders currently have or can have a shorter working week. Another country presently nishing a large-scale 4-day work-week trial is Great Britain. First companies considering such changes are also appearing in Central and Eastern Europe, yet many employers are still sceptical. Questions arise about maintaining the same level of productivity or additional administrative burden. Experience from Iceland shows that changes in the organization of work are necessary to be successful, such as cutting time spent in meetings. A couple of years back, many employers had doubts about the e ectiveness of remote work, and the necessity during pandemics showed them it could work very well. It may take time to adopt another radical change, but in 2023 we will surely see the rst pioneers among companies in the CEE region paving the way for others. Companies should pay attention to that, especially if they want to remain competitive in the labour market.

CEE Salary Guide 2023


A higher focus on sustainability will be more and more present. Corporate Sustainability Reporting “ESG” is not mandatory for all EU countries yet. Still, some, including those in the CEE region, will soon adapt it for all large and some middle-sized and small companies, so it´s high time to prepare. So what is ESG? In short, it is a report of the company´s progress in terms of KPIs relating to the environment, social issues and corporate governance. Potential candidates are more likely to base their future employer´s selection decision among other factors also on environmental and social justice, especially with Generation Z becoming a signi cant workforce in the upcoming years. Focus on sustainability and emphasizing it in employer branding campaigns may be one of the key factors when attracting new talents.

CEE Salary Guide 2023
HR trends for 2023 in CEE: • Remote & Flexible working • 4- day working week • Suspension of employment or layo s • New Labour Code regulations • Sustainability

Projects realized with our Clients

CEE Salary Guide 2023 50

Work With Us. Work The Future.

Our customised & human-centred solutions are constantly evolving to the needs of you, our clients –for now, and for the future.


Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Warsaw mikolaj.jaskiewicz@cpljobs.pl

DB Schenker Technology Center Warsaw is a center delivering digital solutions for DB Schenker, a global logistic provider with 75,000 employees and countless customers around the world. In their work, they deal with topics that already shape the future of the logistics industry and elevate lives.

Cpl approach

The challenge set by

DB Schenker Technology Center

DB Schenker Technology Center Warsaw planned to build a new team of IT experts for their new projecta critical application that manages land transport across Europe. It is a key and complex program for handling logistics processes, without which no truck would move, and no invoice would be issued. It's been developed to increase e ciency and productivity and simplify processes for DB Schenker and their customers. The need to ensure business stability, with increasing demand and, simultaneously, an endless number of the Talent Acquisition Team members, prompted the management to launch a tender in which Cpl was selected as the preferred supplier. The tender concerned building a team based on RPO services for 4 months.

Before the project o cially began, Cpl conducted a series of meetings with DB Schenker Technology Center Warsaw's representatives to thoroughly understand the needs and prepare proposals for supporting actions within the RPO service. Our previous cooperation and understanding of the client's employment structure and organizational culture allowed us to quickly identify the characteristics of the desired candidate for the recruited position. Then, Cpl experts adapted the service to the individual needs of DB Schenker Technology Center Warsaw, selecting the appropriate sourcing strategy for the planned recruitment process. Already at this stage, in coordination with the client, Cpl has introduced a dedicated Project Coordinator and proposed a project team to carry out the task – all based on the requirements and standards in force at DB Schenker. The most important stage of the process was the so-called "kick-o " with the client's Hiring Managers Team, for whom this cooperation model was a new experience. This meeting was not only a presentation and a way of getting to know each other. Above all, it was an opportunity to set the principles and standards of collaborative working. From that moment, two Cpl's recruiters were equal members of the client's Talent Acquisition Team. In practice, it meant direct contact with decision-makers, presenting candidates, arranging meetings, collecting feedback, and discussing o ers. Dedicated Cpl consultants were acting as temporary DB Schenker Technology Center’s employees. This reduced hiring time and signi cantly improved communication and KPI/SLA performance. Moreover, the Cpl project team was then supported with an ongoing talent pipeline from other Cpl teams. It's an incredibly demanding role since the coordinator often took part in di cult meetings, during which they had to demonstrate assertiveness while remaining open to the other side's arguments.

Case Study | CEE Salary Guide 2023

As part of the RPO services, in collaboration with Hiring Managers on the client's side, Cpl managed every step of the recruitment process and took responsibility for the results. Additionally, Cpl took full accountability for verifying the candidate's credibility and quali cations as well as o cially accepting the o er and remained in constant contact with the candidate.

The Cpl marketing team was delivering employer branding and recruitment marketing services to our internal team to boost the e ectiveness of sourcing e orts while simultaneously providing exceptional candidate experience. An example of this type of activity was the creation of branded marketing assets –to share the mission and boost the interest among potential candidates, Cpl prepared sets of various guides about the job at DB Schenker company to build interest and a transparent vision of the future employer.

Cpl provided dedicated campaigns on social media to attract candidates and launched a landing page describing DB Schenker's culture, career opportunities, and current job o ers. Over 4218 external candidates were emailed directly while dedicated consultants were equipped with additional branded marketing assets, speci c email signatures with links to the dedicated landing page. All these initiatives were put in place to support and enhance sourcing e orts.

The results:

The partnership cooperation between DB Schenker and the Cpl team resulted in the total success of this project. smaczki

95% accepted to meeting / CV ratio 1/3 candidates got an o er

o er acceptance ratio 80% effective time pipeline

“We treated the cooperation with the RPO team as an experiment and are happy to say it was successful. It shortened the recruitment time and influenced the overall partner's satisfaction by delivering the required employees. Working with the Cpl Team was a pleasure and allowed everyone to learn from each other. The flexible, agile approach and frequent communication allowed us to adjust quickly and fix potential issues before they became problematic. The proper onboarding of Cpl's Recruiters to our company culture, team, and projects gave them a better understanding of STC Warsaw and the STAR Team. “

Case Study | CEE Salary Guide 2023
- Marika Marcinkowska, HR Manager, Schenker Technology Center (Warsaw)
z result

Permanent recruitment

About CloudTalk

CloudTalk is a start-up company founded in 2018, o ering cloud call centre software-as-a-service. Their solution is loved by customer support and sales teams all over the world. With the o ces in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Spain, and the USA, they employ people of 11 di erent nationalities.

Client’s Challenge

Cpl started to cooperate with CloudTalk in April 2021. A that time, CloudTalk was growing its software development teams rapidly and was planning to hire 30+ Software Developers within 3-6 months. They were still in the process of building an internal recruitment team and thus needed help from an external provider. The most required positions were Backend Developers (node.js, PHP), Frontend Developers (Angular), Full Stack Developers, Golang Developers, DevOps Engineers, Mobile App Developers (React Native) and QA Automation Testers. The challenge was to identify the right talent and persuade them to join CloudTalk on the competitive market, where Software Developers were the most in-demand roles, and candidates could choose from plenty of opportunities.

Cpl approach


To provide adequate support to CloudTalk, Cpl decided to allocate specialized IT Recruitment Consultants from Slovak, Czech and German branches. Consultants were contacting passive candidates mainly on the Slovak and Czech market, but later extended their search to other markets as well, especially in the eastern and southern Europe. Cpl promoted CloudTalk as an attractive employer during conversations with candidates, by sharing the PR materials with them and posting on LinkedIn and Cpl website. Cpl regularly discussed the quality of the hiring process with internal Recruiters, provided feedback from the market and gave recommendations for improvement.

Keys to success

Cpl Consultants interviewed all candidates thoroughly, evaluated their skills & experience based on CloudTalk’s requirements and presented them with their full CVs and assessment reports. Cpl appointed 1 main contact person / Key Account Manager, who coordinated all the communication between CloudTalk and internal Cpl teams. There was a regular interaction between both parties regarding feedback on candidates’ CVs, interview outcomes and o ers.

The project was also successful thanks to the exibility and e cient recruitment process on the CloudTalk’s side. Based on candidate’s preferences, CloudTalk o ered either full-time or freelance contract and accepted fully remote work, which is not only attractive for Software Developers, but also expected. Moreover, they were open to di erent levels of seniority from juniors to senior experts to balance their teams. Recruiters from CloudTalk provided prompt feedback on presented candidates usually within 24-48 hours, scheduled interviews with candidates quickly, and made decisions after interviews with the Hiring Managers within few days. The whole recruitment process took from 2 to 4 weeks.

Case Study | CEE Salary Guide 2023

We believe that recruitment teams both in CloudTalk and Cpl created together a positive candidate experience thanks to their speed, expertise, and treatment of candidates during the entire process.

Thanks to this cooperation, Cpl and CloudTalk have built a strong and trustworthy partnership, which resulted in a successful project.





“At CloudTalk we initially started cooperating with multiple agencies at the same time to support our rapid growth, including the Cpl. We wanted to do a trial period with the agencies to find the best fit. It's safe to say that over the course of a few months, Cpl have become our partner in IT recruitment. They quickly understood our needs and the company culture and managed to consistently deliver great quality candidates. Cpl is our first choice whenever we need support growing our IT team”

Case Study | CEE Salary Guide 2023
- Klaudia Nemčická, VP People The bottom line candidates successfully hired of presented candidates invited for interviews
of candidates presented to CloudTalk candidates contacted by Cpl

About Us

Cpl is a global provider of talent solutions including specialist recruitment, managed services, business process outsourcing, and strategic talent advisory services. We employ over 14,000 people who support our 4,000 clients globally. We have 50 office locations operating in 13 countries worldwide. Headquartered in Dublin, Cpl is a wholly owned subsidiary of OUTSOURCING Inc. (‘OSI’), a Tokyo headquartered publicly listed company. OSI employs over 131,500 people worldwide and operates in 38 countries across 6 continents. Through OSI, Cpl has a network of 250 sister companies, enabling an even broader service delivery capability for our clients.

Cpl in CEE

Cpl Czech Republic has been present in the Czech market since 2002, currently in 2 locations: Prague and Brno.

Cpl Hungary has been present in the Hungarian market since 2009, with an office in Budapest.

Cpl Poland has been present in the Polish market since 2006, currently in 3 locations: Warsaw, Wroclaw and Poznan.

Cpl Slovakia has been present in the Slovak market since 2004, with an office in Bratislava.


We recruit in a wide range of industries and functions:

• Information Technology

• Shared Service/Business Process Outsourcing

• Engineering & Logistics

• Sales & Marketing

• Corporate nance

For over 30 years, we have been providing consistent strategies for acquiring talents, exibly tailored to the structure and organisational culture of the client’s company.

Thanks to our extensive network of o ces, we have access to a broad base of candidates, o ering the best specialists in the market.

We always work on the basis of the highest ethical and business standards, providing our clients with innovative solutions supporting the development of their business.

Our knowledge comes from many years of experience in the recruitment market, in various business areas.

We are characterised by fast work dynamics, often in unpredictable and di cult business realities.

We o er support at every stage of the recruitment process and at various stages of client company development.

CEE Salary Guide 2023

CEE Salary Guide 2023

PUBLISHER: Cpl CEE, 2023 Cpl. All rights reserved.


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