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Here for a Good Time (07/23/2011) Choreographed by Moses Bourassa.Jr. and Barbara Frechette 32 Count,2 Wall Beginners/Intermediate Line Dance Music Here for a Good Time by George Strait Standard Monterey Turns

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

Point right to side,½ CW turn on left (weight on R) Point left to side ,Step left next to right Point right to side,½ CW Pivot turn on left (weight on R) Point left to side,Step left next to right

Side Shuffles,Cross Rocks,Recover

1&2 Shuffle to right side … right,left,right 3-4 cross left behind right,recover on right 5&6 shuffle to left side … left,right,left 7-8 cross right behind left,recover on left Forward Step,½ CCW Turn,Forward Shuffle,Forward Step,CW Turn,Cross Side Shuffle

1-2 step forward on right,step left making ½ CCW Turn 3&4 Forward shuffle … right,left ,right 5-6 step forward on left,step right making ¼ Cw Turn 7&8 Cross left over right,step right to side,cross left over right Side Rock,Recover,Side-Behind-Cross,¼ CW Back Turn,½ CW Turn,Hip Bumps

1-2 rock right to side,recover on left 3& step right behind left,step left to side 4 cross right in front of left 5 step back on left making ¼CW Turn 6 step forward on right making ½ CW Turn 7-8 Step forward on left(weighted) bump hips twice End of Dance

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