1 minute read

Biggest challenge is to keep the inner egg surface clean

- in order to keep it clean, new technology is required

→ Water quality extremely important for gill health

→ The fouling may harbour strains with unwanted microbes

Functionality and anchoring


The unique water flow enables the system to draw inlet water segregated from where the outlet water is released. The inlets are located in the bottom of Egget®. The water enters by the use of two main pumps that draw water in from 17-38 meters deep, depending on the size of the unit. The water is set in a circular movement by circulation devises and eventually exits the tank at the top, 3-6 meters below the water surface. The water quality and flow-rate can be controlled, ensuring steady oxygen levels and sufficient evacuation of carbon dioxide.

The bottom entry significantly reduces the entry of sea lice larvae in to the unit since it’s natural habitat predominantly is in the top water layers. The water inlet and outlet is double-secured thus making escapes impossible.

Feed is either supplied from an on-unit feed storage or through a barge-based regular automatic feeders as used on sites today. The feed distributors supplier is the customer’s choice.

The system enables good feeding and waste control.