Art Knapp Courtenay - Spring 2019 Magazine

Page 29

3/5 Pothos



Spider Plant



A collectors dream plan, pothos are booming in popularity again. It's likely because they can tolerate lower light, lower humidity and cooler temperatures than many other plants. Also one of the bet plants for removing air toxins and great in pots or hanging!


Tough, timeless and super easy (and cheap)! Perfect for a hanging basket. Add in that it's a NASA top air purifier and pet safe and you have a real winner.


4/5 3/5

ZZ Plant




Air Plant

1/5 Beautiful and tough as nails! This plant is close to indestructible, it can grow in very low light and needs water only once a month. Ideal for 'brown thumbs'.



4/5 3/5 2/5

Look ma, no roots! Air plants continue to be popular and with hundreds of varieties there is a look to match every style. Best watered 1-2 times a week by dunking in water and drying before putting back on display.



4/5 3/5 Peace Lily


Boston Fern





One of the easiest tropical plants to care for. It will thrive in low light or fluorescent office lighting, sag to indicate it needs water and revive quickly after a long drink. Peace lilies are relatively immune to insects and diseases making it a great first timers’ plant.

If you have the correct location, a Boston fern is a great addition to your space and look lovely in hanging baskets. They prefer a cooler location with high humidity and indirect light. Misting often can help to increase humidity. Make sure to water regularly, and do not allow the soil to completely dry out.

3/5 2/5 1/5


Honourable Mention



4/5 3/5 2/5

The plant that stole our heart. Cute and colourful, it's hard to just get one. The appeal is obvious and care is easy if you give them lots of light (like a lot) and don't overwater. Death by drowning is a real thing with succulents. Feel a leaf, if it's firm, don't water!

1/5 Care Level Light Level

Water Needs

Top Air Purifier

Pet Safe = YES

Pet Safe = NO

1 being easy 5 being advanced

SPRING 2019 • 29

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