Horse country 2 2014 digital

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The View From Here... for the last time March 1, 2014

Big news for Horse Country’s future

Many of you may know from the Facebook announcement on February 24, but the time has come for me to hand over Horse Country’s reins to a new and enthusiastic team. I have had a great ride over the past 11 years but the magazine is now owned by S. G. Bennett Marketing Inc. of Winnipeg (Shawn Bennett), with Tara Reimer (Cloud Nine Ranch, Steinbach) representing the magazine for editorial and advertising. The issue you are reading is the final one that I will produce. I have a good working relationship with Shawn and Tara, and know they will do a great job with Horse Country (including the website and Facebook pages). I am looking forward to seeing the magazine redesign from Kathy Cable. The past 11 years have been a wonderful experience for me. I learned an awful lot about magazine production and horsemanship and met some great people in the course of business, many who have gone on to be close friends. I also worked with some fabulous people on a regular basis, such as Ishbel Moore, Eldeen Stark and Dennis Rietze. The people who contributed articles, photos and ideas to the magazine are too many to list – they number in their hundreds, but I thank each and every one of you in my heart. You are the ones who made Horse Country. To find out more about Shawn and Tara, please look on www. The handover will be bittersweet, I know, but I am looking forward to spending more time on the trails with my horse, and less time in the office. So let’s not say “goodbye”, it will be “au revoir”; or if you wish “Laters!”

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Our cover photo

Ramira’s Reign (barn name Reign) 12-years-old, with her week- old filly Buddha Balou in spring 2013. Reign was Manitoba-bred by Elaine Banfield and purchased by Rob Kerr of Oakbank, MB, at a few weeks old. Reign is by Dutch warmblood stallion Eastern Ruler who passed in the fall of 2013. Buddha is by the 2012-imported Hanoverian stallion Bon Balou (now standing at Dreamscape Farm in BC). She is the Canadian Warmblood futurity winning foal for the Manitoba division of 2013, and is destined for a life as a show jumper. Reign is entered with Rob Kerr in the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in the 1.20m jumpers and some open classes. She will also be seen on the MHJA circuit for the 2014 season. Photo by Linda Hazelwood

HORSE COUNTRY Publisher: L. Hazelwood Suite 203, 23-845 Dakota Street, Winnipeg, MB, R2M 5M3 Phone toll free 1-866-886-2425. Local 204-256-7467. Fax 204-257-2467. ISSN 1193-2163. Volume 26, Issue #2-2014: March 17, 2014. Published eight times a year: every six weeks, February/November. Print subscriptions: one year $29.50, two years $53.50, three years $72.50. Digital subscriptions one year $15.50, two years $26. All prices include taxes applicable to the province of delivery. Single copy print price $5.25. GST #86303-1456. For US mailed subscriptions add $18 - one year ($36 - two years) CDN, for Europe add $30 - one year ($60 - two years) CDN if airmail is required. Price includes mailing from Canada. An order form is printed at the back of the magazine. US and international subscribers can order a digital version at Canadian prices (no added mailing costs). Please go to and click on the digital subscription link. Order subscriptions from, or Suite 203, 23-845 Dakota Street, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, R2M 5M3. Phone 204-256-7467, toll-free 1-866-886-2425 or email Pay online, or by mailed cheque, Visa, Mastercard or Money Order. Publisher’s Mail Agreement #40753025. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to Suite 203, 23-845 Dakota Street, Winnipeg, MB, R2M 5M3. Email: The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and are not necessarily endorsed by the publishers. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted without the consent of the publisher, and copyright remains with Horse Country (Woodstock Media Services) unless expressly released. Horse Country assumes no responsibility for claims made in advertising copy and has the right to refuse any articles, stories, advertising copy or photos. It is the responsibility of the advertiser or author to obtain copyright releases for photographs used in advertising or supplied editorial, and to verify the authenticity of information supplied which forms the whole or part of editorial pieces. Manuscripts and pictures are welcomed; please state terms and enclose SASE for return if required. Writer’s Guidelines are posted on We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage. HORSE COUNTRY PRIVACY CODE: A subscription to Horse Country includes a free emailed newsletter which arrives no more than once every three weeks. If you do not wish to receive this e-letter, please advise in writing to the email or regular mail address above. We may occasionally make our database of addresses available to businesses which we feel have products which would be of interest to you. Please advise us if you do not wish to receive this information. Horse Country’s complete privacy code can be found at EDITOR Linda Hazelwood 1-866-886-2425 or 204-256-7467 (local) CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Ishbel Moore, ADVERTISING SALES Linda Hazelwood, OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Eldeen Stark, SUBSCRIPTIONS LAYOUT & DESIGN The Creative Crew. ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS: Ishbel Moore, Dana Johnsen, Linda Parelli, Chris Irwin. Dave Wilkins, Connie Friesen, Equine Canada, Carl Fudge, Equine Guelph.

issue #2 | 2014

On the cover Carl Fudge Sturgeon Creek Arabians receives Award of Excellence

10 The real cost of horse ownership Not just money!

Reason To Believe: Sturgeon Creek Arabians’ winner


Souris Wildlife Management Area Volunteers needed in April


The Evolution of Horsemanship Chris Irwin: Frame of Body = Frame of Mind


Roof Collapse How safe is your barn?


Letters to Horse Country


On the Bookshelf - Suffering in Silence: Jochen Schleese - The Horse Lover: H. Alan Day

In every issue


Breed Profile: Mangalarga Marchador

33 Out & About


Helping Hooves 2014 Pam and Sandy’s big adventure


Way more than grooming Creating a bond with your horse


How’s your hay? At the end of winter, stocks are short


Big Ben Awarded the Hickstead Trophy


The Last Words Friends and the future

14 The inside of a horse A learning experience

The Round Up 24 33

Manitoba Horse Council Around and About

41 Connections/Classifieds 42 What’s Happening? 45 Subscription Form

Issue #3-2014 is published week commencing April 28, 2014 Deadlines: Business advertisers: space closes March 31; Material closing April 7. Horses for Sale and Classified line adverts: deadline April 7. Web adverts uploaded weekly. S G Bennett Marketing 204-895-2222 Advertising and Editorial: Tara Reimer,

Passages 38

FIND US ON FACEBOOK: Horse Country Horse Country Classified

Dr. Byrnne Rothwell, DVM Check for Breaking News!

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Photo Credit: Shereen Jerrett

Carl Fudge Sturgeon Creek Arabians

Carl Fudge and Terre O’Brennan, current Chair Endurance Canada

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Endurance Canada’s Award of Excellence

At the recent Equine Canada Annual Convention in Winnipeg, Endurance Canada presented Carl Fudge with their new Award of Excellence, in recognition of his achievements, positive influence and his “Exceptional Contribution to the Sport of Endurance”. As of January 2014, Sturgeon Creek Arabians (SCA) horses have completed over 25,000 miles in Endurance competitions. This involved almost 600 Endurance races, with an 87 percent completion rate, 35 percent top tens including nearly 100 first and second place finishes, and 30 “Best Condition” Awards. Fudge is the genius and force behind the SCA breeding program, formed when he purchased a share in a young Arabian stallion called Pyatigorsk who carried exceptional racing bloodlines. Fudge believes that SCA’s success is entirely due to this stallion. Fudge’s breeding philosophy is based on years of research and places a large emphasis on specific dam lines. SCA has been consistent in breeding good, structurally sound, well-built horses with great minds and attitudes.

The starting post

As a young boy, Carl frequented Manitoba’s race track and loved watching horses gallop. At one point, he considered claiming a Thoroughbred, but a friend suggested he purchase a share in Pyatigorsk. Pyatigorsk looked like a racing Thoroughbred to Carl. He became a member of the Pyatigorsk Syndicate – and the journey began. In 1984, he asked Marilyn and Helios Hernandez if they were interested in buying a weanling filly, the very special Moment Of Mine, to breed to Pyatigorsk. With the mantra “dream big; start with the best”, Sturgeon Creek Arabians was born. Pyatigorsk came from exceptional racing bloodlines, and with their passion for racing, SCA started sending their horses into race training in the US. When a Pyatigorsk son won a Stakes race in California and was purchased by the United Arab Emirates, SCA also sold a Pyatigorsk x Moment Of Mine filly to the Sheikhs. Although SCA horses won at Los Alamitos in Los Angeles and at Delaware Park, it was felt their overall results were disappointing.

Reason To Believe at the 2008 Eastern Sierra Classic endurance ride in California. He was named 2006 US National Champion 100 Mile Endurance horse by the Arabian Horse Association and was ridden by his owner, Dr. Cheryl Dell, DVM.

SCA had sent Mistansza, a *Sekstans x Moment Of Mine filly, to the race track in Los Angeles. Their trainer suggested they sell Mistansza to a girl looking for an Endurance horse. They agreed and, through her, sold about two dozen horses into the Endurance market in California. It became clear that the horses were doing very well in Endurance, and SCA began to focus primarily on that market. But, whether it’s 5 furlongs or 50 miles, ‘racing is racing’ and the SCA breeding philosophy remained the same. The first three horses involved in the sport did very well: Mistansza completed the Tevis the year after she was sold; SCA Dartagnan (*El Kasaka x *Dolly) won multiple IAHA Regional Endurance Championships; Seek The Moment (*Sekstans x Moment Of Mine) came either 1st or 2nd in 9


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The turning point

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of his first 11 races in California against fields averaging over 50 horses, and he won the IAHA Region 1 Endurance Championship.

The Beginning

While Carl loved watching horses gallop, he had no handson experience with them until he was in his mid-30s. After SCA purchased Moment Of Mine, Carl read every book on breeding theories and horse care he could find. Fortunately, the breeder of Pyatigorsk and Moment Of Mine, Dr. George Allen of Willomar Arabians, was most generous with his advice and expertise. After attending one of his breeding seminars and buying Dr. Allen’s book: “To Breed An Arabian Horse”, Carl consumed this book, then read all the books found in its bibliography, and then the books listed in the bibliographies of those books. Eventually, he developed a reading list that was six type-written pages long! Thanks to Dr. Allen’s book, Carl found two small publications written by H.D.C. Hampton in New Zealand. These rare books, published in the early 1950s which he purchased from a bookseller in London, England, significantly influenced SCA breeding philosophy. Carl was also fortunate to receive a number of books from the library of Dr. Allen, authored by Bruce Lowe, Federico Tesio and others. He didn’t want to read someone’s interpretation of these Masters; he wanted to read their own words for himself. One of Carl’s greatest assets was in recognizing just how little he knew, and to be willing to learn and to seek out those who did know and who were willing to teach him.

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Development of the gene pool

What became obvious to Carl from reading the books written by these breeding theorists, was that virtually all placed more emphasis on the dam than the sire. All of SCA mares trace their female tail line to mares that have won Stakes or other races. SCA stallions are from sire lines that nicked well with those families in Russia or Poland. When the opportunity arose to stand Pyatigorsk at stud at the farm, Carl studied the pedigrees of all the mares that he had been bred to (about 250) and determined which of those mares had produced the very best. Then, SCA acquired as many of those mares as possible. The breeding program was designed to maximize the genetics of Pyatigorsk. Mares from the Mlecha dam line were most prevalent on that list, and today Mlecha horses are the largest group in the SCA herd. Interestingly, the great Italian

The statistics

Starting with the first foal crop in 1988, Sturgeon Creek Arabians has bred 111 horses. Of those, 27 have competed in Endurance in the US and Canada: 1 US National Champion 2 selected for World Championships; 2 Tevis Cup finishes; 6 Regional Championships; 5 Reserve Regional Championships; 2 AERC Decade Team members. Out of 596 total competitions, there have been 206 Top Ten finishes (35%), 55 wins, 38 seconds and 30 Best Condition awards. There has been a remarkable 87% completion rate, covering 25,000 miles in competition – beyond the distance around the world! Five horses have over 2,000 miles in competition and four others have between 1,400 and 2,000 miles.

Thoroughbred breeder, Frederico Tesio, whose horses won 22 of 40 Italian Derbys and produced Nearco, grandsire of Northern Dancer, primarily used only three main dam lines. The SCA breeding program became very refined and focused. Their produce has remained consistent; there may be some that are ‘prettier’ than others, but they are good, structurally sound, well-built horses with great minds and attitudes. Pyatigorsk appears in either the 1st or 2nd generation of 21 of the 27 endurance horses. Pyatigorsk was linebred to *Pietuszok (Priboj x Taktika), a known source of racing blood in Poland. When planning their matings, SCA tries to maximize the number of infusions of Priboj and Taktika. Currently, Priboj x Taktika appear as many as eight times in the pedigrees of SCA offspring. Priboj won six of his eight races, including the Russian Derby, and produced about 200 offspring in Russia, the ones out of Taktika being the very best. Their son, Topol, won the Russian Triple Crown of Racing and their daughters Ptashka, Platina and *Potencja were all Stakes winners. Another son, *Pietuszok, did not race in Russia, but was sold to Poland in order to restart the Koheilan Adjuze sire

Mistansza climbing Cougar Rock, part of the Tevis Cup ride in California. Ridden by her owner, Charlene Lewis.

United Arab Emirates. Imagine That Ma carries the blood of two *Pietuszok daughters, Wilma and *Orla; both of these mares were excellent racehorses. SCA is extremely pleased with their Imagine That Ma offspring.

And the journey continues

Carl has been the creative, driving force behind the breeding program of SCA. He is as passionate about the horses today as he was at the beginning of this amazing journey. SCA has just agreed to buy another stallion and two mares, basically an extension of their breeding program. Carl said, “As much as we have done to date, I am very excited about the genetic potential of the horses we now have to breed with!” At a recent competition in California there were three horses bred by SCA. SCA follows each of their horses entered in Endurance competitions, relishing each completion; Carl recites in detail their histories and pedigrees. The SCA Facebook page has a large, and

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line in that country. During WW II, the Russians evacuated Priboj’s sire, along with 200 other Arabians, moving them from Poland to Russia. In view of this, the Polish breeders chose to use *Pietuszok for breeding purposes only. When *Pietuszok was dying, at age 18, they allowed Dr. Allen to purchase him, and Pyatigorsk, one of the top Arabian sires of all-time in Canada came to be. Carl believes that SCA’s success is entirely due to this stallion. Everything Carl did was because of him. He says, “The mares I bought were all ones that I knew had nicked with him.” Today, SCA’s senior stallion is Philosophy, out of a Pyatigorsk daughter. (Philosophy’s full sister, Spirited Music, completed the gruelling 100-mile Tevis Cup.) Philosophy was sired by the *Salon son, Pistaschio, who set a track record. Pistaschio’s dam, *Panntera, was a granddaughter of Platina. SCA also has a young stallion, Vested Legacy, whose paternal great granddam, *Pustinia, was a daughter of Ptashka. *Pustinia held a track record in Russia. Also, SCA is co-owner of the stallion Imagine That Ma, a former race winner in Texas, who stands in New Mexico. He is a son of Monarch AH, who was US National Champion Race Horse before being sold to the

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growing, following of ‘friends’ from around the world. Carl has such a wealth of knowledge that he is enthusiastically willing to share; he continues to inspire. People still talk about his excellent clinic on conformation given a few years ago at a FEI Endurance event in British Columbia. Today Carl chairs the Breeds and Industry Subcommittee of Endurance Canada, imparting his wisdom and his vision relating to this aspect of the sport, encouraging other breeders to ‘dream the dream’. The Committee’s mandate is to develop a program to recognize Canadian breeders of Endurance horses.


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Life has not always been kind and straightforward for Carl. He was in a terrible, life-threatening, accident 25 years ago but, with the same grit and determination with which he faces all else in his life, he met the struggles head on, repeating over and over again: “If I take care of my horses, my horses will take care of me.” Ever so slowly he regained his stamina and, while the brain injury still brings many challenges, Carl has created a world in which he can operate and excel. He has a wonderful partner,

family and friends who nurture and support him. And he has taught us all so much – about perseverance, passion and perfection. At the Equine Canada awards ceremony he said, “This great honour that Endurance Canada has bestowed upon me is absolutely incredible and very humbling. It really does look like my horses have taken care of me! I have been truly blessed in my life and this is just more evidence of that.” He added, “My dream has been shared by my family and my dear friends, Marilyn and Helios Hernandez, who have been my partners since the beginning nearly thirty years ago. They have stuck by me through thick and through thin. They are special people, as is Dr. George Allen, my friend and mentor. Whenever I have needed his advice and counsel, George has been just a phone call away.” It has truly been an incredible ride for the SCA team, as their horses start on their second journey around the world. c Sturgeon Creek Arabians

SOURIS BEND WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREA NEEDS YOUR HELP Souris Bend Wildlife Management area is an area about 5 miles wide and 12 miles long along the Souris River. The topography is very rugged with steep shale hills rising from the river. It is heavily forested with oaks and poplar and the trails need maintenance. Souris Bend is open to the public at no charge, and all the work on the trails has been done by volunteers. Local endurance rider Myna Cryderman received a grant from the provincial government in the early 1990’s to develop and mark the equestrian trails, which were originally lightly used for endurance and competitive trail rides with limited recreational riding. Over the years the word has spread as to what a beautiful area this is and it is now more popular than ever. The scenery is spectacular. The trails now need clearing again and Myna has organized weekends throughout April 2014 to do this. She is looking for support, by either by donations to the trail mowing (which is $75 per hour), by people joining one of the trail clearing work parties on the weekends – or both. Just from Facebook buzz, $900 has already been raised towards the rental of the bush mower, bobcat and their driver. There are three separate trail head locations: at the north end, in the middle down in a valley and at the south end near the road. The south camp is the best bet if there has been a lot of rain since the two miles of roads into the other camps don’t have much gravel on them. There are three

Help out any weekend in April email Myna Cryderman or follow on Facebook trails. The first is the red trail, which travels from middle camp to the north and crosses the river four times in 13 miles. If the river is too high there are alternate ways to travel while staying on one side of the river, which goes by the historic site of Gregory’s Mill. This old grist mill was run by river water channelled down a ditch beside the river. It was dug using horses about 100 years ago. The ditch and the old foundation of the mill are still visible and form part of the trail. The second loop is the blue loop which leaves camp the same way as the red and climbs the opposite bank of the river on a very steep climb. The view on the way up is breathtaking. There is an alternate easier route up the hill for the faint of heart. A breast collar for your horse is a must. This loop travels along the edge of the valley south for three miles with frequent views out across the valley. The river is crossed at Lang’s Crossing, a ford used since early pioneer days. The trail then heads back down a steep hill to middle camp in Crompton’s Valley. The last loop is the purple loop. It climbs up out of the valley at middle camp on a trail called Spring Hill since there is a flowing spring half way up that attracts lots of wildlife. This trail loops out to the gravel road then returns to go down another steep hill back to camp. There is a total of 25 miles of trail. Equestrian camping is welcome and there is no charge but there is no maintenance so please pack out everything you brought in, and scatter your manure. There is no water so bring your own although the horses can drink from the river. You can support the Souris Bend Trail Clearing Project by sending donations to Myna Cryderman, Box 657, Boissevain, MB R0K 0E0. Donations can also be etransferred to Follow Myna’s Facebook page for more information as the dates get closer. c Souris Bend is located about 25 miles south of Brandon, MB, between Highways #2 and #23 on Provincial Road 346 between the towns of Nesbitt on #2 and Margaret on #23.

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The Real Cost of Horse Ownership It is often said that if you ask a question of ten horse owners, you will get ten different answers. However, one thing we can all agree on is that horses aren’t cheap! Affording the initial purchase cost is the least of expenses. Calculating the maintenance over a horse’s lifetime is a more realistic look at a long-term budgeting plan. How much does horse ownership really cost? The short answer is that it depends. There are many variables that come into play when calculating the cost of horse ownership. Ishbel Moore, Horse Country’s Contributing Editor and Bliss, her 21-year-old Arabian mare, at a Horse Agility event in 2013.

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Buying a Horse


“How much does a horse cost?” is a frequently asked question, and like many things in the horse world, the answer is highly variable. Horses can cost anywhere from free to millions of dollars! Realistically, one can expect to spend a few thousand dollars to find an appropriate mount, though this price will depend on the market, the type of horse, intended use and your location. The price of the horse is not the only expense you will encounter when horse shopping. Before buying a horse, it is recommended that you have a trusted veterinarian conduct a pre-purchase exam. After the examination, the vet will give you an opinion on the horse’s strengths and weaknesses and discuss any potential problems. This exam will cost anywhere from a few hundred to two thousand dollars, depending on the extensiveness of tests your vet performs and whether you decide to take X-rays. Remember that you will also have to buy all the necessary supplies for your horse: grooming equipment,

tack, blankets (if needed) and medical supplies. The cost of these individual items may seem small, but they quickly add up!

Routine Costs Your horse has routine care needs. If you are boarding at a stable, the monthly bill can range from $200 to $3000, depending on the services provided. Usually, board includes: food, water, shelter and basic care - however, you may need to provide extra feed and supplements (including salt), or pay for additional services such as blanketing. Keeping your horse at home can be less expensive than boarding, but you will have to pay to maintain the property and provide your horse with feed, water and daily care. Other essentials include routine hoof care by a reputable farrier or trimmer, approximately every six weeks. A continued on page 12


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vaccination schedule should be discussed with your veterinarian for annual core vaccines and others which will depend on your horse’s individual needs and infection control measures recommended for your area. Your horse may require medication or supplements.

Unexpected Costs As a horse owner, you must expect unexpected costs. Your horse does not know when the next pay day is, or whether you’re planning your next vacation. The horse may need immediate veterinarian care, board might increase or the price of hay may suddenly skyrocket. The average horse owner should have a plan to deal with unexpected costs. Common health problems, such as colic, can leave you with thousands of dollars in vet bills. Even relatively minor health problems can become costly. The price of vet visits, medical supplies and care quickly add up. It is important to always have a plan to deal with unforeseen costs. You might consider creating a horse specific savings account, or purchasing equine insurance.

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Human Costs


While it is entirely possible to pay only horse-related expenses; if you intend to ride or drive your horse, there will be costs to the human, too. Appropriate clothing is a must to stay safe around the barn. You will need a helmet, gloves, breeches or jeans and a boot or shoe with a low wedge heel. While you don’t need to buy expensive items, safety is a must. You will likely require lessons to learn how to properly ride and/or drive and handle your horse. Expect to pay anywhere from $30 to $100 dollars a lesson. If you are planning on showing your horse, be prepared to get out your cheque book. At the introductory levels, a schooling show will cost about $200 when you add up trailer, coaching, office and class fees. Show fees increase as one moves up through the levels.

More than Money Horses take a toll on more than just your wallet; you will need to invest emotional and physical resources, as well as your time. Driving to the barn, grooming and working your horse can require upwards of two hours each time.

For most horse owners this is a three to six day a week commitment. Are you capable of staying up all night with a sick horse, or are you willing to pay somebody else to take on that responsibility? If you get injured by your horse, can you afford to take time off work to heal? Could you handle choosing between an expensive surgery or euthanasia if the situation arises? Horse owners often have to make tough decisions that impact more than their bank account.

The Bottom Line As you can see, the cost of horse ownership has a number of variables. Remember that while you don’t need to buy the trendiest, most expensive products or services, you do have a responsibility to provide your horse with a safe and healthy environment. What works for one horse and owner may not work for another, and the rules of horse ownership are not set in stone. Working with horses can be very rewarding building athleticism, co-ordination, dedication, and many life skills - but before deciding your level of involvement, it is important to plan a realistic long-term budget for time and finances. c To learn more about the cost of horse ownership, please take a look at Equine Guelph’s ‘Cost of Horse Ownership’ chart, which will outline necessary purchases and their average cost. You can also view their ‘The Real Cost of Horse Ownership” video, where real horse owners’ talk about their experiences. Sign up for their free e-newsletter at which will deliver monthly welfare tips throughout 2014 and announce tools to aid all horse owners in carrying out their ‘Full-Circle-Responsibility’ to our beloved horses. Visit Equine Guelph’s Welfare Education page for more information


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The inside of a horse - a learning experience

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Text and photos by Linda Hazelwood.


Horsepeople are known to be a unique breed. We joke of a horse, and lots comment especially about the withers. about how we can sit at the dinner table and talk about Many don’t know it is a group of separate bones and the worms, horse poop and pee, and a host of other topics that spinal cord is not along the topline of the horse.” turn other diners green – and not with envy. The mare used in the dissection had a chequered history. So, along those lines, why were six or seven people ”Legs” was once a broodmare at a PMU facility in southern standing in a cold and Manitoba, then was sold to windy field at Hi Point a barn to be used in their Pe r f o r m a n c e H o r s e s , lesson program. She went Dacotah, MB, last for training but still didn’t September? fit into their program, so What else, they were they decided to advertise attending a horse autopsy! her for sale. While not a true autopsy As part of the sale such as you would see process the owners did at a medical college, some research into her nevertheless, all elements breeding and discovered of the inside of a horse were she was HYPP*, N/H. When investigated. The incredible colours of the horse’s digestive system. learning about this disease The occasion was the owners discovered the organized by Connie Friesen, a 2004 graduate of Olds danger she could possibly be to herself or others and College Equine Science program majoring in Equine decided they couldn’t sell her. If she did have an episode Business Management. This program included courses with her new owners, they felt they could be held liable in management and all aspects of equine health. Over the for the outcome. years since college, Connie has furthered her education Connie had at one time mentioned to the owners that she in massage and body re-alignment methods focusing on had very sick horses donated so she could do a dissection rehabilitation and therapy. and learn from them. The Connie explained why owners decided to offer she wanted to dissect a Legs to Connie, who said, horse. “I want to learn “I am so grateful for their more about how the horse donation. They felt at peace works, how things are knowing that despite the put together and their sad circumstances, Legs relation to other parts of would be able to help, the body.” The purpose of and teach horsepeople in that day’s activity was to other ways than as a lesson supply Connie’s anatomy horse. Her story will live cupboard with clean on in the dissection, and bones to help her clients the bones that will be used The spleen. Normally purple and grey in life, it is black here because of understand the anatomy to teach hundreds of horse the drugs given to euthanize the horse. The spleen acts primarily as a of a horse. She said, “Most enthusiasts in the future.” blood filter. It is possible to remove the spleen without jeopardizing life. The spleen plays important roles in regard to red blood cells and the horse people don’t know Some of the attendees immune system, removing old red blood cells and holding a reserve of much about the structure blood, which can be valuable in case of hemorrhagic shock. were interested because

Connie Friesen (Connie’s Equine Services) is currently studying under Jim Masterson, who teaches a unique method of bodywork that recognizes and then follows the visual responses of the horse to touch, to find and release accumulated muscle and structural stress in key junctions of the horse’s body that most affect performance. Connie is also a Certified Level 1 Thermographer, certified by the Infraspection Institute, and a Certified Equine Thermographer, through EquineIR, and joining the United Infrared Inc. network of thermographers. Within the next year Connie plans to be working and studying with Dr. Joanna Robson of Inspiritus Equine Inc. and joining the HIPPOH Foundation. Contact Connie at 204-332-1333 Many other photos were taken by Linda Hazelwood but were considered too graphic for a family magazine. If you would like to see them, please call Linda at 204-256-7467 or email


Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP) is an inherited disease of the muscle which is caused by a genetic defect. In the muscle of affected horses, a point mutation exists in the sodium channel gene and is passed on to offspring. Homozygous horses are affected more severely than heterozygous horses. Under ideal management practices, the defective gene does not appear to have adverse effects, but stress and/or increased potassium in the serum can trigger clinical signs of muscle dysfunction. Why some horses manifest severe signs of the disease and other exhibit little or no signs is unknown and currently under investigation. Unfortunately, a horse carrying the defective gene but showing minimal signs has the same chance of passing the gene to future generations as does the affected horse with severe signs. HYPP is characterized by sporadic attacks of muscle tremors (shaking or trembling), weakness and/or collapse. Attacks can also be accompanied by loud breathing noises resulting from paralysis of the muscles of the upper airway. Occasionally, sudden death can occur following a severe paralytic attack, presumably from heart failure or respiratory muscle paralysis. With files from UC Davis.

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they came from a medical background. Sandra del Marco said, “It was very interesting to see the muscular system and how it all worked together.” Arlene Erickson commented, “I guess my nursing background has something to do with my interest in the dissection. I have always been interested in the human body per se, and saw an autopsy during my training days. That was my choice to attend as it was not a part of our regular “must do “assignments. I found the autopsy fascinating. I thought that I would find the dissection a fascinating learning experience as well, which I did. Thank you for all your expert teaching and willingness to let us have this amazing experience and the ability to see and learn from it was awesome!” She added, “I think some of my friends, except my nursing buddies, wonder what I get out of seeing things like this but for me it was an opportunity to learn how much alike the human body and an animal’s really is. My two daughters found it most interesting and would like to see more.” Someone who brought skills of a particular nature was Michele Czebotarenku, now a barefoot trimmer, but who in a previous career was taught how to butcher an animal into the different cuts of meat. This may offend some purists, but yes, horses get butchered just like cows, lambs, pigs and bison. Michele’s expertise in identifying body parts brought a new dimension to the experience. Between the group many body parts were identified but all agreed that “for the next one we need a vet!” After the day’s work was finished, Legs was buried so the earth could do it’s work. A few respectful words were said to thank her for her participation in the project. c


by Chris Irwin

Frame of Body = Frame of Mind Let’s begin with a quick review. As I mentioned in my last column, the language of horses is body language. I can never emphasize enough that it’s not just what we do with a horse that is important but HOW we use our bodies when we are with our horses. That needs to be kept first and foremost in mind because how relaxing and enjoyable the training is for any breed of horse of any age, or, conversely, how stressful the experience is for the horse depends entirely on HOW the trainer behaves. This is not a matter of perception or beliefs in specific techniques or about English or Western preferences in riding. It is not about recreational or show horses. ALL horses are physiologically hard wired in the bio-chemistry of their central nervous system so that their body, mind and spirit work together as one. The frame of the body

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In this first photo we see my good friend, Walter, riding his young Arabian mare, “Flip”. In this photo Flip is clearly distressed. Her back is hollowed out and her eyes have a worried expression while her focus is out in the distance instead of into the turn that Walter is asking for. Her tail is also swishing in annoyance as I have asked Walter to ride like so many people do; with braced legs pushed away from the horse, a stiff seat while leaning back in the saddle and with slack reins. Obviously the mare does NOT like how she is being ridden. This awkward frame of body is stressing her mind.

of the horse is also the frame of the mind. So, the truest definition of training the horse should literally mean that we use our body language to shape/sculpt our horses into a frame of body that corresponds to their feeling good in the mind. Now, having reviewed all of the above, these are just words that I have said so many times before in one context or another. Let’s look at four different photos that illustrate very clearly how “frame of body = frame of mind”. In these images we can see how, with knowledge and awareness, we can use our body language to help our horses be the best that they can be – or, just the opposite, how with lack of awareness we can inadvertently be stressing and alienating our horses when we do not know what we do not know about our own body language.



In the second photo we now see that Walter has taken up contact with the reins and that Flip is no longer inverted. And since her back is lifted and rounded she is no longer feeling the distress of a hollowed or inverted spine so her tail is visibly curled and relaxed. However, Flip is “behind the bit” and if we look closely we see that Walter is not using his contact to block what he does not want but he is using his left hand to gently PULL what he does want - a turn left. However, his centre, his seat and navel, are still pointed straight ahead instead of into the turn. Therefore, Walter is saying “go straight” with his seat while his left hand is pulling Flip into a left turn. His lovely mare is therefore “going behind his hand”, like a turtle pulling its head back into its shell, in an attempt to avoid being pulled by the hand into one direction while being pushed from the seat in another.




Now we see a lovely frame of body = a wonderful frame of mind. Now Walter has let his legs relax completely and, in fact, is using his right “inside” leg to bend Flip’s barrel in order to balance her entire body on the arc of the turn to the right he is asking for. He is also using his left “outside” leg to turn the outside of her bending body into the right turn. Walter is now aligned with his centre (look at his belt buckle) perfectly straight with Flip’s spine so that they are both on the same track of the right turn. When we see how soft the reins are we know that the shape of Flip’s body is coming from Walter’s seat and legs instead of his hands. Now his right hand is no longer pulling right but instead merely blocking any unwanted left turns while the body is bending and sent to the right. As Walter truly rides Flip “from front to back” and from “inside to out” with his body language - instead of pulling on Flip’s face - we now see that his mare is relaxed and focused on the task at hand. Great riding Walter!


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Our final photo is Chris riding his 3-year-old Friesian x Hanoverian mare, “Ekwa”. This is only Ekwa’s 7th ride of her young life and she is being ridden alone, without the company of other horses, on her first trail ride into nature. Look how relaxed and focused she is while being ridden away from the other horses and into the wilderness. Although she is so young and inexperienced we see a profound level of calm and relaxation in Ekwa because during her few rides Chris has only ridden her with his body aligned properly with Ekwa’s and has never used the reins to pull on her mouth. Ekwa has only experienced being ridden in a comfortable frame of body and therefore she maintains a comfortable frame of mind. Proof positive that with horses, it’s not how much you do something - it’s how well you do it. And it’s not “where you go” with horses but “how well you go”. c


Roof Collapse: How Safe is your Barn? The winter of 2013/2014 has seen brutal loads of snow dumped across the prairies, and locally to Horse Country, an arena roof collapsed due to snow load. The following article ran in Horse Country a few years ago, and we thought it would be timely to publish again.

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On February 9, 2009, the roof of a 24 x 37 metre (80 X 120 foot) metal-clad wood vegetable storage shed, at Mayfair Farm in Portage la Prairie, collapsed killing one of the owners and injuring three workers. One worker said he was taking his coffee break when the roof suddenly began to heave and fall in. “I saw a wave of rippling metal coming across the ceiling,” he told reporters. Investigators say the collapse followed hours of freezing rain. The cause has not been made public, however, officials speculate it was likely due to


By Dave Wilkins

inadequate truss support or bracing for the snow and ice load. The death sparked cries for building codes for Manitoba farm buildings. Saskatchewan farm buildings must meet the National Farm Building Code of Canada, a sub code under the National Building Code of Canada (NBC). Manitoba officials are currently looking at implementing the NBC codes for farm buildings, which are currently exempt from all building codes. Building codes prescribe minimum roof design snow loads which are based on a probability of occurrence. On rare occasions, these prescribed loads can be exceeded. More commonly, poor building practices can result in compromises to the overall strength of a roof system. “Keep in mind that that loads increase greatly as the rafter span increases,” says Dennis Hodgkinson, President of DGH Engineering in St. Andrews, MB. “A rafter span

continued on page 20

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of 9 to 12 metres (30 to 40 feet) can sometimes be more forgiving. For unregulated farm buildings involving spans of 18 to 22 metres (60 to 72 feet), you should have an engineered structural plan drawn up and an engineering construction review done by of the completed work. Whenever you have spans over 22 metres, you absolutely shouldn’t build without an engineered plan, and you should have an engineering review of truss erection and bracing as the work progresses,” he stresses. An engineered structural plan and construction review will typically cost about 2 to 3% of the building capital cost.

DGH is a multi-disciplinary company that provides building design services for the agricultural, commercial and industrial marketplace across Western Canada. If you have any uncertainty about the structural safety of an existing building, it’s a good idea to call in an engineer. Hodgkinson says engineers will typically charge about $600 to $1,000 (Ed: 2009 price) to conduct a roof inspection Hodgkinson has seen several failed roofs involving horse buildings. The number one cause is improper truss bracing. “Roof problems are not uncommon for large rafter spans with wood truss rafters,” he says. His company has done a lot of work stabilizing roof systems. The key, he adds, to avoiding roof problems is to start with engineered trusses. Truss manufacturers will supply a plan or drawing that spells out the roof load carrying capacity. In addition, a package of information is sent to the construction site that gives detailed instructions concerning the erection, bracing and anchorage of the trusses and roof system.


continued from page 19

“You need to tell the truss manufacturer the exact location of the building, and the type of construction and use of the building. Also, describe the local site conditions, such as whether the building is in the open or surrounded by trees, and especially whether or not it will be adjacent or connected to another building. Buildings with adjacent roofs taller than the one planned can greatly increase the snow load due to drifting,” Hodgkinson says. He notes that many people frequently miss or misunderstand the truss manufacturer’s instruction notes about bracing. “Wood trusses are strong if you keep them straight and plumb. If they get out of alignment, their strength or ability to withstand loads decreases,” he says. Bracing is needed to keep all critical elements of the trusses straight and plumb. Study the truss manufacturer’s drawing and read all the notes carefully. If you have any questions, call the manufacturer or an engineer, he emphasizes.

How to Remove Snow

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Hodgkinson says if you have reason to believe the


strength of your roof is compromised, anything you can do to keep snow accumulations under control is a good move. However, be very careful removing snow from a roof. Here are some points to keep in mind: • Consider the loading effects of any equipment or activities to be used in the snow removal process. • Be aware that a weak roof with a heavy snow cover might collapse with you on it. • Ensure that the removal process does not result in increased snow load on other areas of the roof during the work. • If the roof is weak, you may need to install temporary shoring just to be able to safely remove the snow. • It’s a good idea to have a professional engineer on site to monitor the removal process if you have an overloaded or weakened roof.

Collapse Warning Signs

What are the warning signs of roof problems? Hodgkinson offers these suggestions for truss rafter roofs: 1. Look down the roof ridge line to make sure it is straight; 2. Walk back until the top surface of the roof deck lines up with your eye and check if the roof looks flat like a

table – look for any dips or bulges; and 3. Go to the gable ends and make sure the walls are plumb and flat (no bulges). If the ridge line is not straight, if there are dips or bulges in the roof deck or if the gables are out of plumb or bulging, call an engineer and get an inspection done. “Canvas covered buildings are designed to meet snow load requirements”, he adds. For canvas covered hoopshaped buildings, engineered shop drawings are usually available on request from the manufacturer. Check the drawings to make sure your canvas building has been properly designed and constructed. Another point to keep in mind is some insurance companies will not include snow load coverage on an existing building unless a valid engineer’s report on the roof system is available. “The good news is every roof out there can be fixed, Hodgkinson advises. “If your roof needs repair, get the work done before next winter. If you have any reason to doubt the safety of your existing roof, get it checked by an engineer.” c

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Dave Wilkins runs DLW Communications and can be reached at (204) 782-5612 or


Letters to Horse Country... On February 24th, I announced that I was taking retirement from Horse Country, and Shawn Bennett would become the new publisher, withTara Reimer looking after editorial and marketing. Once this news was published on Facebook, I was overwhelmed with good wishes from friends – not just Facebook friends, but real friends I have made over the last 11 years. I count advertisers and subscribers in that group equally. I thought I would share just a few of the good wishes I received. Thank you to all! Misty River Ranch: Hi Linda, this is big news indeed. Congratulations on your achievements over the years; the magazine is a mainstay for MB horse people across all the disciplines. Enjoy your well earned retirement! Kindest regards, Sarah and John Biron. Haidee Landry, CQHA President, AQHA, BCQHA Director: Is this a retirement or are you just moving on to other endeavours? In any event, Horse Country has been a great magazine and I just wanted to wish you all the best.

Maureen Scott: You’ve accomplished so much in 11 years and made Horse Country the magazine it is today. I’m sorry to see you go but you’re opening another door of new adventures and I wish you luck, and enjoyment Linda. See you at the shows, have fun.

Stacey Randall: You are the face of Horse Country. I know Tara but not Shawn.They have some big shoes to fill. Best wishes in your future plans Linda...Hope to still see you around at horse events.

Barbara Ade: You’ve certainly done a great job these past 11 years Linda – I remember when you started! Big congrats on making the magazine what it is today. Enjoy this next phase of your life!

Jo Woolsey (Buckeye Nutrition, Aurora Wind Feeds): Linda, I will miss you out there!!!! May you be blessed richly for your new steps forward!

Glen Tiel, Premier Print: I just wanted to congratulate you on your pending “retirement” from Horse Country. It was a pleasure getting to know you and working with you over the last couple of years. It’s obvious you care a great deal about the magazine and were very passionate about it. It’s growth and evolution clearly show that. You have reason to be very proud. All the best to you as you spend more time on the trail.

Vernette McIntosh: Congrats Linda! Seems like you left your baby in very capable hands. Happy trails!

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Ashley Fudge: You had hinted at this. It is not going to be the same without you! You will be missed and know that your contribution has been grand and appreciated by many :) Hugs.


Brenda Rinneberg Gauthier: It’s been a wonderful ride and now for more relaxing rides! Way to go Linda. Hmmmm trip to Penticton in the forseeable future, drinking wine lake side and relaxing!!!

Pam Glover: Congrats Linda! You must feel such relief and happiness! I’ve known Shawn for years through the dog show world, and of course everyone who owns a horse in Manitoba knows Tara. Look forward to seeing the new mag! What a small world this is! Best wishes for your “retirement” and enjoying your time with your horse. Connie Kosky-Levesque: Congratulations Linda! I wish you all the best in the future! See you on the trails!! Mikolaj Falk: Dislike and like at the same time. You were amazing for this magazine! It’s a shame to lose you but happy you get to go out and enjoy all the amazing things you wrote about! Marsha Trinder: Good luck in all your future endeavours Linda – I have enjoyed working with you.

Dr Glenn Bailey: Linda, my hat’s off to you for doing such a great job. Thanks for all your time invested in this endeavor. Wishing you a fantastic new adventure! Laura Longley: I’ve always loved this magazine!You have done such a great job. Good luck with your new adventures. Charmaine Bergman: More time for you to ride!!! Timing is perfect, chuckle. You will be very missed, but so glad to know that Horse Country will continue. Ishbel Moore: I’m going to really miss our times together, planning, editing, proofreading and traveling. I had some wonderful times and opportunities because of you and Horse Country. I thank you and my horses thank you. Because of you and Horse Country I am a much better horse-person. Best wishes to you!


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Experience the Benefits of Membership! Horse Enthusiasts know that the Manitoba Horse Council adds value

Manitoba Horse Council is seeking nominations for its 2014 Board of Directors

to their equestrian lifestyle. That’s because 2000+ horse enthusiasts are MHC members who reap the benefits of belonging. From services and information to benefits not found anywhere else, the MHC represents individual

The following six positions will be filled by election at the May 2014 MHC Annual General Meeting:

members and clubs from all sectors of the horse industry.


enthusiasts of all ages and disciplines, the MHC is committed to

Term Expires

For professionals, amateurs, competitors and recreational

Chair, Marketing/Fundraising


horse welfare, advocacy and accessibility. Every member receives

Chair, Bingo


industry leading insurance coverage and fantastic discounts. Plus,

Chair, Breeds and Industry


only members are able to participate in MHC and Equine Canada

Chair, Special Events


programs, receive free monthly e-newsletters and enjoy insider

Chair, Competitions


updates on equine events and news. We invite you to join your fellow

Director at Large


horse enthusiasts today! Sign up today at

Nominees must be members in good standing of MHC, be residents of Manitoba and at least 18 years of age. All Board members are required to attend a minimum of six meetings each year. Note: all MHC Board meetings take place on Wednesday evenings from 5:00 – 9:00pm. Any member who wishes to be nominated can submit their name, resume and contact details to the Nominations Committee at Deadline for submissions: April 19, 2014 - 4 pm. [Nominations from the floor will not be accepted]

NEW Membership Card for the 2014-2015 Year

Why should I be a MHC Member? •

To ensure all horse/pony owners, riders/drivers and other

participants have proper insurance coverage •

To be an active participant in the development of safe sport

in the province of Manitoba •

To be part of a united equine voice

To be included in a group, which builds on the development

of competitive sport and the legacy of sportsmanship •

To support the advocacy of horse welfare

To support MHC programs and initiatives such as the NEW

Recreation portfolio and much more! •

To participate in educational clinics, events and workshops

offered exclusively to members

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To receive the official MHC member e-newsletter (the most

widely circulated equine publication in Manitoba) •

To access various types of grants and scholarships

To receive member only benefits, special discounts and

exclusive offers thru MHC and Equine Canada

Manitoba Horse Council - Celebrating 40 RESPECT IN SPORT (RIS) years of service to the Manitoba Equine CALLING ALL EQUINE COACHES Community! Online Certification NEW for 2014 - Optional Member Insurance Benefits

Respect in Sport Program is an education program for coaches to

All individual MHC members living in Manitoba are eligible to purchase

assist them in the prevention of harassment, abuse and bullying in

the following optional insurance benefits upon joining. The optional

sport. The purpose of the program is to impact on attitudes, skills,

insurance benefits are in force twenty-four hours a day, seven days

and knowledge of the coaches that will result in a safe, sportsmanlike

a week and cover members anywhere in the world. All insurance

environment for all players, coaches, and parents.

programs are provided by BFL Canada.

Course Length $2,500 Life Saving Surgery Endorsement

The Respect in Sport Program is only offered online and is a total

Equine - Covers emergency, life-saving surgical procedures under

of 3 hours in length. The course consists of 6 modules, each 30

a general anesthetic, including colic and fracture repair. You must

minutes in length.

have a MHC membership which includes Horse Mortality in order to

Respect in Sport is a program mandated by Sport Manitoba.

be eligible. The limit can be applied to multiple horses/procedures,

Sport Manitoba believes in being proactive in ensuring sport in our

but the total limit of insurance per year is $2,500 regardless of

province is safe and welcoming for all participants.

the number of horses you own or procedures that are done. COST: $49.00

RIS is a mandatory requirement for all coaches in Manitoba. It can be completed at

$3,500 Tack and Horse Equipment Coverage Do you keep your tack at the barn? Your homeowners insurance may

Equine Canada Learn to Ride Program

not respond to a claim for loss or damage if it is kept outside your

The Equine Canada developed Learn to Ride Program is for individuals

residence for more than 30 days. This coverage ensures you have

who wish to learn safe horsemanship skills and practices. The

protection no matter where you keep your tack. COST: $29.00

purpose of the program is to produce well-rounded horsepeople, who are able to care for and ride their horses in a correct and safe

$1,000,000 Travel Medical Coverage


Travelling outside Manitoba? You need insurance to cover medical

The program is available for both English and Western. It

expenses not covered by your Provincial Health Insurance Plan. Our

provides a systematic process to introduce new riders to equestrian

policy covers members under 71 years of age for any number of trips

sport and presents the basics of good riding. Since proper riding

up to 30 days in length. COST: $49.00 per person (Note: longer trips

technique is best developed only with the aid of an accredited

are available – just call our office before you leave.)

instructor, the program has been designed to be delivered by an

Further questions regarding your MHC member optional insurance program can be directed to the MHC office.

Equine Canada certified coach. An accredited examiner, who obtains the standardized exams from each Provincial Association, will give an evaluation for each

Road Manual


level. The Learn to Ride program is the first step in becoming a certified coach.

Order your copy today! Track your progress, work towards a national standard, learn to ride safely, develop a range of skills and knowledge, recognize your achievements and join a program that is for everybody. For more information please visit

issue 2-2014 |

Why participate in the EC Learn to Ride program? Please contact the MHC office and order your copy today. Call204.925.5718. Full color/printed/coiled handbook - $15 including taxes and shipping.


Manitoba Trail Riding Club - Clinic

Fundraiser for Jessica Manness’ goal of riding for Canada at the World Equestrian Games Facebook, February 28: “Justess completed the 75** in 6th place! Autumn completed the 50*! Glider goes tomorrow at 6:30 a.m! So excited!” This was a note from Jessica Manness’ Facebook page (A Canadian’s Journey to the World Equestrian Games - France 2014). As this piece is being written, Jessica and Glider are challenging the 100 mile race she talks about on her page. It’s all part of her objective of qualifying to ride at the World Equestrian Games (see Horse Country Issue 1-2014). Getting herself and her horses fit is only part of the job; Jessica also has the objective of raising around $20,000 to get Glider, herself and her groom over to France if she qualifies. No mean feat! To that end, she arranged a fundraiser clinic in conjunction with the Manitoba Trail Riding Club on February 15. It was freezing cold but the bright and airy arena belonging to John Mueller was a bonus. About 20 people and six horses attended, and Jessica, Maura Leahy, Dr. Glenn Sinclair and Wendy Carnegie went through all the processes involved in making sure your horse is fit to ride, and keeps fit during the race. Manitoba Long Distance riders are very lucky to have two very qualified individuals in their locale: Maura

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One mile or 100, the fit of the saddle is crucial, as Jessica (left) demonstrates.

Leahy is Endurance Canada’s Chef d’Equipe, Canada West and Team Canada, while Glenn Sinclair, DVM, is Team Veterinarian, Canada East and Team Canada. Maura Leahy explained how to approach the mandatory vet checks, and the the rules of the different elements of long distance riding (for instance, if you have to get off your horse and walk, you can only backtrack, not walk forwards. You have to get back on your horse at the same place you got off). Dr. Sinclair gave an example of the nose-to-tail vet check and suggested ways to prepare your horse for having teeth inspected, temperature taken and being listened to for gut sounds, etc. Bundled up aainst the cold as the horse owners were, they still all gave a good try at the “trot out”, even when asked to repeat the straight line and practise circles. Spring can’t come fast enough for these riders! c If you want to help Jessica and Glider get to France, you can donate through Paypal via Follow the team’s progress at




Darice Whyte’s Beau Tia Maria undergoing a vet check by Dr. Glenn Sinclair. 1) Pulse, 2) Gut sounds, 3) Hydration, 4) Mucous membrane.

Beau Tia Maria inspects her official Judging Card results.


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On the Bookshelf Suffering in Silence

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The Saddle-Fit Link to Physical and Psychological Trauma in Horses. By Jochen Schleese ISBN 978-1-57076-653-4 Hardback, $32.95 Cdn


Schleese is probably a household name in the English rider’s vocabulary. Their saddles are known to be among the best out there and this intense book from Jochen Schleese shows why. Before he even touches on fitting a saddle to a horse, he uses a number of chapters to discuss the history of saddle making, the rider’s needs, the horse’s needs, bone structure and balance. Why should a woman’s saddle be constructed differently to a man’s? What happens when a rider’s body is not in balance, even before he or she sits on the horse? There are many excellent photos and illustrations to demonstrate the relationship of the rider and the horse’s anatomy, even before the saddle comes in between. Schleese discusses the differences between horse breeds, the length of their backs and conformation, also noting that most horses have a natural unevenness or asymmetry of horse musculature. A well-explained segment is that of where the saddle support area is on the horse, ie, where the saddle should sit, and why. He includes discussion with people like Jane Savoie, (How to fix rider and horse crookedness), Dr. Carol Vischer, DVM, MS, (The horse’s skin is a good indicator of pain), and others. The book is intense in its treatment of the eternal saddle fit problem, in fact it is one of the best saddle fit books this reviewer has seen. It should be required reading for any rider or trainer who puts a saddle on a horse. c

The Horse Lover

A Cowboy’s Quest to Save the Wild Mustangs by H. Alan Day with Lynn Wiese Sneyd ISBN 978-0-8032-5335-3 Hardback, US $24.95

Alan Day owned and managed two ranches and when a friend pestered him about buying an old ranch in South Dakota he commented, “I need another ranch like I need a permanent migraine.” However, horses won over and when he took possession of the 35,000 acres, the opportunity dropped into his lap to establish a sanctuary for unadoptable wild horses previously “warehoused” by the Bureau of Land Management. “Mustang Meadows” ultimately became the first goverment sponsored wild horse sanctuary in the US. This is Day’s personal history of the vast enterprise, his maverick philosophy of horse whispering, and the lessons he learned from his horses about loyalty, perseverance and hope. c There was another book received for review, about the famous racehorse, Northern Dancer. It got two strikes against it, however good a read it might have been. And therein hangs the tail: “might”. The reviewer was put off right at the start so the book has gone back on the pile at the back of the desk. 1. The cover - Marked as “Uncorrected and unpublished proofs - Confidential”. How can a book be reviewed if the reviewer can’t depend on the information it contains? 2. Ah, the opening paragraph. “The bay-colored colt had left Canada several months before, the hope of a nation of underdogs.” Not quite the way to attract a Canadian reviewer to enjoy the book.We’ll wait for the final version, thanks. c

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by Dana Johnsen


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n April of 2013 our first three Mangalarga Marchador horses arrived to us from the largest breeder in the USA, Flying Oaks Ranch located in Oklahoma. We had been looking at the Marchador horses for a number of years and learned about the breed before taking the plunge. We had always ridden Arabs or Arab crosses as we loved their beauty, stamina and toughness, and wanted a horse with similar traits, but smoother and bolder to ride. We also wanted a horse that could be very versatile as we broadened our focus from distance riding. Most people have never heard of the Mangalarga Marchador. Perhaps it is because they have not been in North America for long. There are approximately 200 horses in North America, and only 12 currently located in Canada. Europe has their own registry where Marchadors are much more well known. The Marchador (pronounced March-A-Door) is the national horse of Brazil and has much to offer. They are middle-sized, agile, strong and have proportionate structures. They are vigorous and healthy with fine, smooth skin and silky hair coat. They are active with a docile temperament. The withers are prominent with a proportionate back. The chest is very deep and the quarters

are muscular. The croup is sloping and the shoulders are well conformed and sloping with sound legs and hard feet. All coat colours are accepted.

Iberian heritage

• Shape: triangular, well outlined, middle and harmonious, wide and flat forehead; • Profile: right-lined in the forehead and of a straight profile; • Eyes: remote and expressive, big, prominent, fine and flexible eyelids; • Ears: average size, movable, parallel, well-set, upturned preferably pointing slightly inwards; • Throat: wide and well-outlined; • Mouth: average size, flexible and firm thin lips; • Nostrils: large, dilated and flexible. The neck is of light form, proportional appearance, oblique, with strong musculature, presenting balance and flexibility, with harmonious insertions, joining to the body in the upper third of the chest. Stallions have a slightly cresty neck as a sexual secondary characteristic.

North American Marchador Association: European Marchador Association: Brazilian Registry:

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Our horses were raised on the open range, without human intervention for the most part, for all their growing years. Flying Oaks Ranch horses are all raised this way, which makes for a savvy and sure footed horse, which is not easily intimidated by external factors. I particularly like the hooves of the Marchadors. They are very hard and have excellent concavity. The Marchadors are known for being very sound, physically and genetically. Manglarga Marchadors are born with a tendency toward one of two different gaits, with some animals able perform both and/or a “centro� gait. The legs move without much Termino (an outward rolling of the front limbs during extension). Both gaits can be performed over varied terrain and on hills with much power. No special shoeing, saddling or bitting is necessary to obtain good gait. When first seeing a Marchador performing the Marcha Batida (BATIDA- ba-chi-da) gait, most people would assume the horse is trotting. The Batida gait is very similar to a trot. It is characterized by the movements of the legs in a diagonal pattern, also with moments of triple support and a four beat sequence. The Marcha Picada is a bit smoother. It is a broken pace and therefore creates little vertical movement. This gait is characterized by the movement of the animal’s legs in a lateral sequence, with periods of triple hoof support. The gait can be sustained for long periods of time, allowing the rider hours of enjoyable riding with little discomfort. The timing of foot falls is similar to the pasollano of the Peruvian Paso Horse. Often the choice of gait is determined by the riding discipline and what you want to do with the horse. In most cases, the batida-gaited horse would be my horse of choice for endurance, competitive trail and some of the performance sports. For pure pleasure and trail, or those champagne classes at the show, the picada gait may be the best. We chose the Marchador over another gaited breed due to their temperament with a strong desire to please and perform, stamina that can give many Arabians a challenge over distance, athleticism which allows the Marchador to perform in the reining arena, work cattle on the ranch, jump with ease and perform dressage maneuvers. All this, while maintaining a smooth, forward moving ride! They are truly one of the most robust horse breeds available. c


2014 Big Helping Hooves Adventure

Starting May 4, 2014 from Ninette Manitoba, Pam Glover and Sandy Schmidt are hitting the PINK TRAIL again, raising funds for Manitobas breast cancer patients who require financial assistance while undergoing treatment. They will be riding through southern Manitoba from Ninette to Richer. 161 miles in 16 days! YeeeeHaw!

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May 4 – Kickoff from Ninette and ride to the corner of #23 and #5 highways. 12.8 miles May 5 – Corner to Glenboro 14.7 miles May 6 – Glenboro to Cypress River 8.5 miles May 7 – Cypress River to Holland 11 miles May 8 – Holland to Treherne 7.6 miles May 9 – Treherne to Rathwell 7.8 miles May 10 – Rathwell to St Claude 9.7 miles May 11 – St Claude to Elm Creek 15.6 miles May 12 – Elm Creek to Fannystelle 11.6 miles May 13 – Fannystelle to Starbuck 8.2 miles May 14 – Starbuck to Perimeter Highway (will trailer around Winnipeg to Deacons Corner) 13 miles May 15 – Deacons Corner to Dufresne 11 miles May 16 Dufresne to Richer 13.4 miles Pledges gratefully accepted. Donations of hay, feed, gas cards and bottle water would be most welcome. Contact Pam at for information and pledge sheets. They are also looking for places to camp overnight in the towns mentioned above from May 6 to May 13. We will require room for a camper and either pens for two horses or an area to set up our portable fencing. c

Have you, or someone you know, won

You can now apply online for your Equine Canada Passport to receive your proof of purchase which can be used for up to 21 days as an interim passport. It’s quick, easy and convenient and best of all - there are no rush fees! The online application system allows owners to receive a horse passport quickly and with ease. If you suddenly find yourself with a new horse at the last minute and the competition you want to enter is the following week, don’t panic! As long as you have the proper information and documents, you can have an interim passport within minutes and be off to your event. For step-by-step information on how to complete your application go to c Angie Lavallee from Manitoba had a busy spring: her two Endurance horses Abbey and Cansas left Manitoba enroute to Texas where they were slated for several FEI Endurance rides over the next few months. She rode a 50 mile on Cansas and a 75 mile on OK Absolutely Spotless at ‘Racing Stripes’. After that they did a couple more FEI 75’s at ‘Shanghai Trails’ in March. Then back to Manitoba to do another couple FEI 75’s, then they will be off to Montana. Angie says, “Thank you to all my supporters that have helped me participate in this great venture as part of the bigger picture. Any other interested supporters please FB me. It will be a busy, (and expensive few months)!” c Rideauwood Farm, a competitive dressage training facility located 35 minutes south of Ottawa near Kemptville, has an immediate opening for a working student position for 2014. In addition to an opportunity to ride/train with a listed rider of Dressage Canada’s Grand Prix National Team, and a Level III Coach. Duties include all aspects of horse care such as grooming, cleaning, turnout, tacking, etc for competitive dressage horses, as well as barn maintenance duties such as sweeping, mucking, and general upkeep. This is an opportunity to work and learn with international quality sport horses at an upper end dressage training facility. Accommodations are provided. Check out c

The 3rd Annual Free First Aid Clinic is scheduled for Thursday, May 22nd, at 7pm at Poco Razz Farm (www., located at 130 Greenview Road, Winnipeg. Interested participants can register by calling Jim or Christina Shapiro at 204-255-4717. Dr. Dave Snell, Central Veterinary Services will conduct the clinic. Topics covered will include constructing a first aid kit for horses, body condition scoring, bandaging, and dental injuries, plus more. c Horse racing will continue at Assiniboia Downs this year. The track’s 2014 betting license has been granted to the Manitoba Jockey Club. The Manitoba Horse Racing Commission (MHRC) was threatening to pull the license over a $15 million mortgage levied against the track by Peguis First Nation. Peguis and the Manitoba Jockey Club announced a major development deal in December, 2013, to build hotels and stores at the Assiniboia Downs lot site between between the racetrack and the MTS Iceplex, but the Jockey Club had to provide written assurances to MHRC that ownership of the track will not be transferred to Peguis as part of that deal. c Check out for information about Horse 3, happening at the Keystone Centre in Brandon, April 18 - 20. We’ve seen a schedule of Events and it’s going to be another great three days of learning and horsemanship. Find out about how to sell your horse for top dollar, extreme horsekeeping in the summer and winter, Team Roping, Canadian Northern Lights Drill Team, Equine Dentistry, saddle care and purchase, gastric ulcers, even a Western vs English Ride Off! These are just a few of the events on offer. Don’t miss it! c Association secretaries: if you have “snippets” of information we can include them on this page. Send to Ask for the Association information sheet to see what comes free in Horse Country. c

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Around... and About...

an award, been nominated to a Board, done something special? Do you know of something you think other riders would be interested in? Let us know what’s happening in your neighborhood. Send comments and web links to


Way More Than Grooming Enhancing the relationship

By Linda Parelli

issue 2-2014 |

Grooming is about much more than presentation; it can be the ultimate Friendly Game. Here’s how to have your horse looking great and enrich the relationship…naturally.


Some horses hate being groomed. They can’t stand still, they try to nip, bite, kick, flinch, or will swish their tails and toss their heads. Others tolerate it, just tuning out and resigning themselves to the process. Then there are the horses that absolutely love it. Having your horse look forward to grooming time is a often true testament to the quality of your relationship…and it’s a great place to build it. In this article, we’re going to look at how you can have a nicely groomed horse with a neat mane and tail, shiny coat and clean edges (ears, chin and fetlocks), and how to achieve that goal as naturally as possible and with your horse’s best interests in mind. Let’s look at how you can have your horse looking great while enhancing the relationship and solving behavioral problems all at the same time.

Shiny Coat

Shine comes from the inside. It’s a reflection of good health and is attained mainly through good nutrition. Grooming massages the skin and improves circulation, but if your horse’s coat is dull, dry and frizzy, this usually means his health is compromised. He may be missing something in his diet or is emotionally stressed. Apart from making sure that your horse enjoys a happy life, he may also need vitamin and mineral supplements, or an oil such as flaxseed to ensure that he shines from the inside. Every day, we brush our horses and we do it with love, putting our hearts into every stroke - not just mechanically taking the dirt off. Horses can feel the difference, and sometimes horses who dislike being

groomed will respond much better when you soften your touch (introverts), speed up (extroverts), or find their favorite itchy spot (left-brained horses).

Washing: The Parellis rarely use more than water

Moisturizing: When the climate is especially dry, they gently rub a little oil around the eyes and muzzle to lubricate and soften the skin in these delicate areas. Natural oils like flaxseed, coconut or olive oil are best. First rub it on your hands and then smooth it on, or add it to a damp cloth. Not too much, though - you don’t want your horse greasy. Caution: Beware of shine sprays, because they can make the hair slippery and transfer to your reins and ropes. This can affect control, saddle stability or safety when riding bareback. Test first.

tails involves back-combing and then pulling hairs out, which hurts or stings to some extent. To achieve this look, without discomfort, I use thinning shears (scissors with teeth) and cut diagonally into the mane, both ways, sometimes going deeper into thicker areas to produce a more unified look. I end up with a somewhat natural line that is not too long and not too short but has a well-groomed appearance. (There are also special combs that you can use, so instead of pulling the hairs out after back-combing, you can simply press a lever and it cuts the hairs). Sure, you’ll make mistakes – I certainly have – so go for a longer length first or, once you’ve corrected the mistakes, it will be too short!

Beautiful Mane and Tail

Tail: To help the tail look a little fuller and have a smart

Some horses have big, full manes and tails, while others don’t – a lot like people really! But taking good care of them is part of keeping the hair soft and supple. Once again, good hair health depends on the same elements as a good coat, so first make sure your horse is getting the nutrition he needs, and then use natural shampoos, conditioners and de-tanglers to avoid breakage. Always brush carefully, just like girls do with long hair! Length of mane and tail is usually a personal preference or a breed/sport style. The style for some sports and breeds is long, while others are short. Some people like long, natural manes and tails, no matter what, while others prefer a certain style of grooming – not too short, not too long. Here’s how Linda Parelli trims the manes and tails on her warmblood horses:

Mane: I like a groomed and trimmed mane with a soft edge, rather than a blunt, clipped, straight edge. But I don’t like the traditional approach of “pulling” manes. The traditional practice of pulling manes and

look (like a good haircut), I trim the ends somewhere between the fetlock and the hocks. I go shorter for a sporty look, longer for a more elegant look. Again, I use the thinning shears to snip back and forth on diagonal angles until I get the length I want. This way it has soft edges. If the top of the tail has been rubbed or has short, in-growing hairs, I thin that area out a little so it doesn’t look so bushy as it grows out.

Muzzle: The long hairs around a horse’s muzzle are important for sensing proximity and preventing a horse from bumping into things. These hairs give a horse the sensitivity and discriminating feel he needs when grazing, nuzzling, and exploring. For this reason, we do not believe in shaving the muzzle or trimming it in any way. We leave our horses fully whiskered!

continued on page 36

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to wash the sweat off their horses, since keeping the natural oils intact is an important protection against the elements and insects. In fact, many horses roll in the dirt right after bathing to restore some kind of skin protection, and light-colored horses seem to need dark dirt! When they do use shampoos, they select those that are moisturizing and feature natural ingredients, and even then, they only shampoo when filming or for a show. Mostly they just rinse with water or wipe over the coat with a damp rag and sometimes a little oil.


continued from page 35

Ears: Fuzzy ears can be really cute, and on some horses we leave them exactly as they are. Our miniature horses, Barnum and Bailey (who are now in blissful retirement at the home of Lorraine and Bill Kaliher) always sported this look. When wanting a sleeker look, we trim off just the fuzzy bits and leave the protective hairs inside the ear. These hairs help protect against dirt and insects getting into the delicate inner ear area, so we never shave them. To trim excess hairs, we gently close the ear in half (like a taco) and sweep the outer edges with the clippers to produce a clear outline and finish.

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Fetlocks: Some horses have beautiful, long hairs


around their fetlocks, called feathers. They are a distinctive part of many breeds, such as drafts and Friesians. Many crossbreeds have feathers too, and many people love this look and want to keep it. But if you want your horse to have a more defined leg and ankle, here is how we do it… Hold the foot up by the fetlock, allowing the hoof to relax so you can trim off those extra bits of fluff. We make sure some protective hair remains, so we don’t go too short. Trim delicately and conservatively, and leave a little hair around the ergot if your horse is turned out in winter, as this helps water drain off the leg. And if your horse lives in snow or very wet conditions, don’t trim the leg hair at all. It’s his natural protection.

Hooves: Shiny hooves are a reflection of good health, just like the mane and coat - or our fingernails, for that matter. If you see dryness, flakes, cracks and ridges, you need to look at how to help your horse’s health and nutrition.

We only use hoof dressing when the weather is particularly dry; otherwise, we leave them alone. Putting too much moisture on the hoof can make it soft when it needs to stay tough and strong. When we use nutritive oils, we rub them into the coronet band rather than the hoof itself.

The final touch

Groom with LOVE. I’ve seen so many people brush, comb, trim, wash and scrub as if they were working on a dirty wall. Grooming your horse is an intimate thing; this is a living, feeling, breathing and sensitive being. Approach as if brushing a child’s hair. Use “feel”, and do it with care and with love, even if you are in a hurry. Your grooming sessions can either enhance or damage the relationship you have with your horse. Think of this as a way to improve your relationship with your horse, to spend undemanding time instead of just getting your horse ready for what you want. Think of it this way: what would make your horse look forward to grooming time?

If your horse hates to be groomed…

Horses hate to be groomed for one of three reasons: 1) fear, 2) dominance, or 3) because you’re doing it all wrong! • Fear - Some horses are afraid to be touched; they find it invasive and uncomfortable. If you are trying to be gentle but still have trouble, this can be an indication that your horse doesn’t fully trust you. Watch facial expressions for positive signs of enjoyment, such as soft eyes, head tilting and lips stretching when you find that itchy spot. Some horses will even maneuver themselves into position to give you better access to that spot! Watch too for negative signs such as twitching skin, lifting head, ears back or swishing tail, which means “back off or else!” Use the Friendly Game principle of “approach and retreat” to gain acceptance and figure out how to make this something your horse enjoys. When it comes to fear of things like clippers, this will take some serious attention and preparation in terms of building your horse’s confidence. • Dominance – In a herd of horses, it’s the dominant horse that initiates grooming. It’s all about who touches who. If you have a left-brained horse that objects to grooming, it’s most likely because he thinks he is the boss. Rather than resorting to cross-ties, this is your chance to figure out how to improve the relationship and gain the alpha position. It might mean you have to play with your horse first to get him in the mood to be groomed, or that you need to find that itchy

Grooming to suit each Horsenality™ Left-Brain Extrovert Grooming is all about fun and should be vigorous!

Right-Brain Extrovert Grooming needs to be firm, yet rhythmic and soothing.

Left-Brain Introvert Grooming is all about enjoyment and itchy spots!

Right-Brain Introvert Grooming needs to be gentle and sensitive.

About Parelli Parelli Natural Horsemanship’s goal is to help make the world a better place for horses and the people who love them. By practicing the Parelli program to gain an understanding of equine psychology and effective communication skills, horsemen of all disciplines and skill levels are able to build solid, reliable foundations with their horses. Founded by Pat and Linda Parelli, Parelli Natural Horsemanship now has campuses in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia and students in dozens of additional countries. For more information about Parelli Natural Horsemanship, including educational videos, articles, training tools, horsemanship diaries and more, visit the Parelli membership site and sign up for a free 30-day trial.

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spot under his belly, his thighs, tail, or on top of his mane near his withers - the parts that he cannot reach to scratch himself. • You’re doing it all wrong! Some horses hate grooming because it is too scary, too soft, too hard, too boring or annoying. Knowing what Horsenality™ the horse is will give you major clues as to how your grooming sessions can be less stressful and build the relationship. With this knowledge, you can now make your grooming sessions much more fulfilling and take your relationship and fun with horses to a whole new level. Who knew that grooming could be that valuable? c


Passages Dr. Byrnne Rothwell, DVM (1936-2014)

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Equine Canada extends condolences to the family and friends of Dr. Byrnne Rothwell. Dr. Rothwell passed away on January 28, 2014 at the age of 77. The equine and veterinary community has lost an invaluable advocate in Dr. Rothwell. He was a valued volunteer on the Equine Canada Health and Welfare Committee representing Provinces. He was also a dedicated member and attended all meetings providing safe guidance, unfailing accuracy and a wonderful sense of humour. Those who were fortunate to call him a friend or mentor will always remember his calm and thoughtful approach to every situation. Early in his career, Dr. Rothwell served as a 4-H club leader, a high school vocational agriculture instructor, and a veterinary adviser to several livestock groups and their board of directors. He also served on the Saskatchewan Veterinary Medical Association committee, including the council, and was president in 1976 to 1977.


Dr. Rothwell was a lifetime member of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association. Following his retirement from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Dr. Rothwell assisted the Saskatchewan Horse Federation (becoming an honorary board member) in preparing their disease alerts and health recommendations. His incredibly successful career included many accolades and awards. In 2000, Dr. Rothwell was named Saskatchewan Veterinarian of the Year, and in 2011, he was awarded the Equine Welfare Leadership Award of Distinction from The Farm Animal Council of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Horse Federation for integrating animal welfare into his core business strategy and setting the bar higher for expectations regarding animal welfare. Dr. Rothwell’s request was that there would be no service at this time. A celebration of life will be held at a later date. In lieu of tributes, donations may be made in memory of Dr. Rothwell to either the Provincial 4-H Foundation or to the Shellbrook and Districts Health Services Project. To offer condolences to the Rothwell family, or to share memories and photos, please visit Beau ‘Lac’ Funeral Home. c

Each year, as spring approaches and hay stocks begin to dwindle, hay prices take an upward swing. It also means that some year-old stored hay comes on the market. If you have to buy hay, take the time to feed test any that has been put-up for a year or more before making the purchase. While the feed may have initially been put up very well, sitting in the yard or field for an extra year has likely changed the feeding outlook. Hay is a perishable commodity that deteriorates when exposed to weather, and time is a factor. For example, 90 days after cutting, the vitamin precursors lose “strength”. The fat soluble vitamins A, D, and E are the first nutrients to oxidize, so you may need to feed supplements. Bales that are stored in a shed, covered or wrapped in plastic do not deteriorate over the winter as much as hay stored outdoors. A feed test in the spring, compared to the results from the previous fall, would likely show the protein, fiber (energy) and mineral content of the hay stored under cover to be very similar. This is not the case for hay that is stored outdoors, uncovered and on the ground. Some facts: • In a 6-foot diameter round bale, 27% of the bale weight is found in the outer five inches of the bale. • For every inch of rain, 180 pounds of water will land on the bale; some will run off, but some will enter the bale. When the exterior of the bale is rain soaked and is exposed to weather, it rots. • More weather damage occurs to legume hay compared to grass hay. • Applying twine at 4” spacing reduces moisture entry into

the bale compared to bales with twine at 8“spacing. • Net wrapped bales shed rain better and have less damage than bales tied with twine. • Bales wrapped with solid plastic have the least amount of damage. • A denser or tighter bale sheds more water than a looser bale. • As well as reduced bale weights, molds and bacteria can use up the best nutrients in a bale. The soluble proteins and highly digestible sugars are consumed leaving offcoloured moldy feed, which should not be fed to horses although cows can deal with it. • Weather damage can increase the indigestible fibre levels in hay by 5% or more and reduce energy levels by similar amounts. Because of possible quality reduction, the best advice is to feed test – even if you see last year’s feed test results, re-test the hay before purchasing and/or feeding. When that year-old hay is exposed to the elements, damage occurs. Digestibility of the outer 5” of the bale is reduced by 20%, and overall forage digestibility in a round bale is reduced by 10%. If the hay is kept over for a second year, additional weight loss occurs and digestibility is reduced even further. To come up with a fair price when buying year old hay it is recommenced that you weigh the bales – do not use average weights from last fall . Take a representative sample and test the feed to see if the quality meets your needs. Remember, the price should reflect the 10% reduction in digestibility for hay that was stored outdoors. c With files from Alberta Agriculture & Rural Development

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how’s your hay?


“Big Ben” awarded The Hickstead Trophy

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Ian Millar’s legendary mount Big Ben was posthumously awarded with The Hickstead Trophy during the Equine Canada Awards Gala on February 7 in Winnipeg, MB. To this day, Big Ben remains a household name in Canada and around the world, remembered for his incredible heart, boundless bravery, and captivating presence. A liver chestnut Belgian Warmblood gelding, Big Ben was sired by Etretat. He was bred by Jacubus van Hooydonk of Belgium and foaled in 1976. Despite having a dam who was just 15hh, Big Ben grew to be 17.3hh, causing many people to believe he was too big to be a suitable show jumper. He was brought to the attention of “Captain Canada” Ian Millar in 1983 while he was visiting a long-time friend, renowned show jumping rider Emile Hendrix of the Netherlands. Millar said he had an indescribable good feeling about the huge gelding the first time they met. Soon after, the Canadian Show Jumpers Unlimited Inc. syndicate was formed and Big Ben was purchased and imported to Canada that same year. Millar’s intuition could not have been more accurate. Big Ben and Millar went on to become the first ever horse/rider combination to win two consecutive World Cup Final titles in 1988 and 1989. Big Ben was also Millar’s mount for three Olympic Games (in 1984, 1988, and 1992), and took home both Individual and Team Gold Medals from the 1987 Pan American Games. Big Ben also represented Canada on more than 30 nations cup teams and racked up over 40 grand prix wins throughout his decade-long career. This included the 1987 Du Maurier International Grand Prix, which was the richest grand prix in the world at that time, and helped Big Ben become the


first horse in North America to rack up over $1.5 million in prize money. A true hero, Big Ben also overcame more than his share of adversity during his career. He faced two life-threatening colic surgeries and a major tractor-trailer accident, yet he persevered through all of these Ian Millar with Big Ben’s statue in downtown Perth, ON challenges, always coming back to international-level competition in top form. In 1994 Big Ben retired from competition, but not before embarking on a final, sentimental tour across Canada. He was well known for his positive, kind nature, and was often seen greeting fans and admirers from his stall at competitions, and sometimes even signing autographs with a hoof print. In 1996 he became only the second horse in history to be inducted into Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame. After enjoying retirement at the Millar Brooke Farm in Perth, ON, Big Ben passed on in 1999 at the age of 18. He has since been immortalized in numerous ways. He was the subject of an official limited edition Canada Post stamp in 1999. His likeness has also been captured as a Breyer model horse. In 2005 the Perth and District Chamber of Commerce commissioned a bronze statue of Big Ben with Millar aboard, which stands on display in downtown Perth today. c


the economical section for buyers and sellers. FOR SALE: Unique opportunity. 2012 registered Suffield Mustang gelding. Very flashy. Exceptional disposition. Lightly started. UTD on hooves, vaccinations, deworming. $2,100. FOR SALE: Registered miniature mediterranean donkeys for sale. Geldings starting at $700. Jennies also available, some of which are due to foal in 2014. Call 204-7453088 for more information or visit our website at FOR SALE: Diamond Jacks Dude 2007 buckskin AQHA gelding. Dam is Royally Country sire is MGS King B Jac. Is a very friendly and gentle horse. Last year he was ridden out on the trails and in arenas. Has been ridden English and western. Needs a more experienced rider since he’s still considered green broke. He’s about 15-15.1hh and is very thick. Would be good for barrel racing, cutting or roping. Has very good feet and is good with farrier. Deworming and

Classified Advertising Rates CONNECTIONS SECTION Horses For Sale: $24 per 30 word text insertion (private sellers only). Add a picture for $24. Email: Send write-up - no more than 30 words, and picture no smaller than 3” x 2” at 300 dpi - high resolution. Please do not sharpen or crop the file. Pictures from web sites, video cameras or smart phones are not acceptable. Photographers proofs not accepted. Please send picture as an attachment, not inserted into the body of the email or Word document. If using Kodak Share or other email program, click on “keep original size”, NOT “email”. Regular mail: Send photo and maximum 30-word write-up, with an SASE if you want your picture returned. Paid adverts will be uploaded to the web each weekend. For security, please phone credit card details, don’t email. Email: Phone: 204-895-2222 Mail: 861 Marion Street, Winnipeg, MB R2J 0K6

All rates are prepaid. Add GST or HST as applicable in your home province. (No PST.)

Line Advertising FREE: Subscribers’ personal line adverts, four times each year. Maximum 30 words per advert. Email to or call 1-866886-2425. $1.50 per word: Business adverts. $24: Add a picture to any line category. Bonus web: Horses for sale, line ads and small box ads in the Connections section include at least 10 weeks on Call for annual display rates in this section. Web and print packages available from $250. NB - Insertions not restricted to the current headings. We welcome new categories. ADVERTISERS PLEASE CALL: Tara Reimer; or call 204-8952222

farrier up to date. He’s a very laid back horse and with time would make a good youth horse. $2,000 OBO. FOR SALE: 16.2hh 13 y.o. TB Gelding. He was shown consistently in 2011/2012. Perfect for if you want to start moving up levels. Loves eventing and cross country. 204-292-7955 FOR SALE: AS Marco Suave - 2012, 3/4 Andalusian gelding. reg. microchipped, DNA’d, black dun, should mature 15.3hh. Super quiet and friendly, correct conformation. Located in SE Sask. 306-4482272. $3,000.


FOR SALE: Cross country cart, built by Amish in Ontario; good for competition or going down the road. 44” wheels. Stored indoors. $1,200 obo. 204-866-4765


FOR SALE: Black Western Wintec Saddle. New condition. 16” Semi-quarter horse bars. $300. 204-794-9852. FOR SALE: Sensation Treeless Saddle, Hybrid Trail. Brown/tan. For sale only because I am upgrading to a new design. $900. 204-256-7467. threcreativecrew@gmail. com FOR SALE: Two Western saddles. 14” Potts Longhorn. 14” Eamor. Stored indoors, good condition. $700 each. 204-467-2107 FOR SALE: Smith Worthington CC saddle, geat condition, chocolate brown colour. 16.5” seat, wide tree. Tree can be adjusted smaller or bigger. Wool flocked. $1,000.


Advantage Auto & Trailer Sales For all your trailer needs! Featherlite, Titan, Interstate, Load Trail, Aluma, Duralite. Specializing in affordable living-quarter horse trailers. Sales, leasing, rental & financing. FINANCING! 0% down with extended terms up to 20 years! Toll free 1-888-571-8899, local 204-729-8989. 770 Highland Ave., on the TransCanada Highway, Brandon, MB. (1-14)

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What’s Happening? Send your show and clinic dates to for free insertion. (Limited to date, association, event and contact details.) Other events and additional information can be inserted at a per-word rate. Editor’s decision is final. Call for advertising rates for display insertions. Non-profit rates available. Please note deadline and publishing dates on the opposite page. 1-866-886-2425 or email

ALBERTA MAY 30 - JUNE 2 Peter Campbell Horsemanship. Cochrane Ag Society Arena, Cochrane. CS, FH, H1. 403246-6205. JUNE 6-8 Peter Campbell Horsemanship. Olds. CW, RR. 403-556-1195. Eagle Hill Equine (Sundre). JUNE 13-16 Peter Campbell Horsemanship. Blazin’ J Arena. Peace River. CS,H1, RR. 780-835-1167. NOVEMBER 1-4 Peter Campbell Horsemanship. Cochrane Ag Society Arena, Cochrane. FH, H1. 403-2466205.

MANITOBA MARCH 30 MMSA. Shooting Clinic/ Practice. 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Little R Farms (Grunthal). Shawn Parsons 204-470-0748. MARCH 30 - APRIL 5 MHJA. Brandon Winter Fair. Gold. Keystone Centre, Brandon. APRIL 18-20, 2014 Horse3, Keystone Centre, Brandon. APRIL 25-26 Rocking W Horse Sale 204-325-7237

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APRIL 25-27 MCHA Ranch Clinic. Evergreen Land & Cattle. Rena Scott. 204-422-9585 or 204-9989235.


MAY 3 Grunthal Auction Mart. 204-434-6519 MAY 3-4 Winnipeg Dressage, PineRidge Equine Park. MAY 3-4 DRM. Spruce Woods 15/25/50/75/100 miles. FEI 50 & 75 on Saturday. FEI 50/75/100 on Sunday. Maura Leahy 204-795-1915. MAY 7-11 MCHA Annual Clinic with Sam Shepherd, Evergreen Land & Cattle: Rena Scott. 204-4229585 or 204-998-9235.

MAY 10-11 CCRHA Spring Classic, PineRidge Equine Park, Oakbank. MAY 11 Spring Tack Sale at the North 9. Supporting the South Interlake Rockwood Ag Society. Tables $10 each. 10:00 am - 1:00pm. Penny 204-467-8789. MAY 16-18 MHJA. Victoria Day & Pony Club. Bronze. Birds Hill Park, Winnipeg. MAY 18 MCHA. Grunthal Rodeo. Rena Scott. 204-4229585 or 204-998-9235. MAY 19 MCHA. Evergreen Land & Cattle. Rena Scott. 204-422-9585 or 204-998-9235. MAY 23-25 BLHPSI Wheat City Schooling Show. Keystone Center, Brandon. Contact Jodi Anderson at,204-720-4108. Online entries at MAY 24 MTRC. Sandilands. Iris Oleksuk. 204-792 -4125. MAY 31 - JUNE 1 Winnipeg Dressage, Bird Hill Park. JUNE 4-8 MHJA. Brandon Summer Fair. Keystone Center, Brandon. JUNE 5-8 AQHA show at Brandon Summer Fair. JUNE 7-8 SIRAS (South Interlake Rockwood Ag Society) Light Horse Show. Carol Stansfield, show secretary. JUNE 13-15 CCRHA. Wheat City Reining Derby, Brandon Centre of Excellence. JUNE 14 Grunthal Auction Mart. 204-434-6519 JUNE 14-15 MCHA. Meadowview Ranch: Rena Scott. 204422-9585 or 204-998-9235 (cell).

JUNE 13-15 MHJA. RRX Ride of Rides. TBD. Red River Exhibition, Winnipeg. JUNE 20-22 MHJA. Summer Smiles. Bronze. Birds Hill Park, Winnipeg. JUNE 21 MTRC. Birds Hill Park. Wendy Carnegie. Solstice Moonlight Charity Ride. 204-9639015. JUNE 22 MTRC. Birds Hill Park. Wendy Carnegie. 204963-9015. JUNE 24-27 North West Round Up, Swan River. Colleen Immerkar, 204-734-3718 or email: JUNE 27-29 Peter Campbell Horsemanship. Witty Ranch, Russell. CS, H1. 204-773-3371. JUNE 28-29 DRM. Turtle Mt 15/25/50 miles. Myna Cryderman 204-534-2390. JUNE 28-29 Manitoba Arabian Spring Fling Show, Keystone Centre, Brandon. Val Batt, JUNE 28-29 Winnipeg Dressage, Birds Hill Park JULY 3-6 MHJA. Beach Party. Silver. Red River Exhibition, Winnipeg. JULY 11-12 Triple S Fair, Selkirk. JULY 18-19 MCHA. Morris Stampede. Rena Scott. 204422-9585 or 204-998-9235. JULY 18-20 Campbell’s Beat the Heat Schooling Show. Outdoor Ring, Keystone Centre. Contact Bonnie Campbell, JULY 19-20 CCRHA. Rudko Summer Slide. PineRidge Equine Park, Oakbank.

2 0 1 3 Fu t u r i t y & Stallion Auction Futurity - September 5, 6 & 7

Futurity runs Saturday evening (double judged). Trail will run with the AQHA trail class.

* Stallion money will be divided equally into the futurity classes. Entry monies will remain being paid out on a per-entry basis, so the larger attended classes will still pay out more money as in past years. The futurity stallions nominated this year are listed below and their starting bid price is denoted. NOMINATED STALLIONS AND STARTING BID PRICE Good Commodity $300 204 847-2112 Good Bars Kat $400 204 847-2112 Impulsions By Mail $300 204 562-3504 Only Gold Invitation $300 204 562-3504 Echo Amos Hollywood $300 204 426-5446 Echo Will Be Famous $400 204 739-2119 Dee Hotroddin Zipper $300 204 739-2119 Radical Roses $400 204 739-2119 Simply An Invitation $750 204 739-2119 Got Good Carisma $500 204 739-2119 Talk Of The Party $550 204 564-2206 BHL So Principled $300 204 646-2554 Rio Dynamic Dun $300 204 646-2554 Dress Western $625 204 227-7206

JULY 25-28 MHJA. The Marcy Schweizer Memorial Derby Show. Silver. Red River Exhibition, Winnipeg. JULY 26-27 MCHA & CWHA celebrating “100 years of horses”. Birds Hill Park, Winnipeg. 50 Year celebration. Spud & Steak BBQ $15/person. Rena Scott. 204-422-9585 or 204-998-9235 (cell). JULY 30 - AUGUST 3 MHJA. Heart of the Continent. Gold. Red River Exhibition, Winnipeg. AUGUST 2 MTRC. Spruce Woods. Janine Thompson. 204-344-6002 or 204-228-2609. AUGUST 2-3 DRM. Spruce Woods 15/25/50 miles. Maura Leahy 204-795-1915. AUGUST 8-9 MCHA. Ritcher Rodeo. Rena Scott. 204-4229585 or 204-998-9235. AUGUST 15 Hanover Fair. AUGUST 15-17 MHJA. Summer In the City & Manitoba Pony Club Regional Dressage & Show Jumping Championships. Bronze. Red River Exhibition, Winnipeg. AUGUST 16-17 CCRHA. PineRidge Summer Sizzler. PineRidge Equine Park, Oakbank. AUGUST 22-25 Peter Campbell Horsemanship. Murdock Stables, Winnipeg. FH, H1, CS. 204-222-6295. AUGUST 22-24 MHJA. Fall Harvest. Bronze. Birds Hill Park, Winnipeg. AUGUST 22-24 2014 MLHA All Breed and Challenge Show Keystone Center, Brandon. Jodi Anderson 204-720-4108 or Roberta McLaughlin 204-720-2916 AUGUST 23 MTRC. Lavenham. Wendy Carnegie. 204-9639015. AUGUST 23-24 MCHA. Meadowview Ranch. Rena Scott. 204422-9585 or 204-998-9235. AUGUST 29-31 Northern Lights Barrel Futurity and Derby. Keystone Centre, Brandon. AUGUST 30-31 DRM. Souris Bend 15/25/50 miles. Myna Cryderman 204-534-2390. AUGUST 30-31 - SEPTEMBER 1 Steinbach Southern Tour at Tara Reimer’s, Saskia Reutter’s and Patrick Enns’. Full light horse class list with prize money. Tara Reimer 204-392-6308 or Steinbach Southern Tour FB group. SEPTEMBER 5-7 MRCHBA Stallion Futurity show and auction. 204-792-6777 Ruby Stuart 204-739-2119 SEPTEMBER 6 MTRC. Bel Air. Angela Roberts. 204-461-3637. SEPTEMBER 6-7 Winnipeg Dressage, Birds Hill Park. SEPTEMBER 18-21 CCRHA. Central Canada Slide ‘n Spin, Keystone Centre, Brandon. SEPTEMBER 19-21 MHJA.Jump Into Fall. TBD. Birds Hill Park, Winnipeg. SEPTEMBER 20 TBC DRM at MB Equestrian Championship. MHC, Birds Hill. 25/50 miles. Jessica Manness 204330-1773. SEPTEMBER 21 MTRC. MHC East-West Challenge. Birds Hill Park. Iris Oleksuk. 204-792 -4125. SEPTEMBER 20-21 MCHA. MHC East /West Challenge. Rena Scott. 204-422-9585 or 204-998-9235.

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All studs featured in bold are eligible for the 2014 auction. The auction closes March 1st; services are then sold on a first come basis until June 1st. * For stallion contracts & breeding information contact K&R Stuart (Kelly & Ruby). 204-739-2119 * For information on the Futurity contact Eryn Butterfield – 204792-6777.


continued from page 43

MAY 10-11 SAHC. Spring Show. Karen Bedford 306-8684526.

OCTOBER 24-25 2014 Manitoba 50/50 Superhorse Futurity. Keystone Centre, Brandon. In conjunction with the Wheat City Stampede. Julie Bridgeman. 204-847-2112.

MAY 10-11 SRCHA. Beaver Creek Ranch, Lumsden.

OCTOBER 25 2014 Manitoba 50/50 Superhorse Futurity. Keystone Centre, Brandon. In conjunction with the Wheat City Stampede.

ONTARIO JULY 4-6 NSQHA: Northern Lights Classic Quarter Horse Show. Dryden Fairgrounds. Jan Halvorsen, Show Secretary. 807-274-9002 AUGUST 8-10 Borderland Quarter Horse Show. Emo Fairgrounds. Jan Halvorsen, Show Secretary. 807-274-9002. AUGUST 15-16 Rainy River Valley Agricultural Fall Fair Horse Show. Emo Fairgrounds. Jan Halvorsen, Show Secretary. 807-274-9002.

SASKATCHEWAN MARCH 14-16 Halter Breaking & Young Horse Handling Clinic. Tilley’s Custom Colts & Horsemanship. Second Wind Stable, Moosomin. Contact Jamie Tilley, 306-287-3389 APRIL 4-6 SCD. Lyn Ringrose-Moe Cowboy Dressage Clinic. Moose Jaw.

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APRIL 26 Dundurn Trail Ride & Drive. Dundurn south PFRA pasture. $15 Entry fee per rider or driver supper included. Meet PFRA South Pasture holding corral. Registration: 9:00 A.M. Start Time: 10:00 A.M. NO late starters! 25 - 30 km. Bring lunch. Directions: 8 km south of Dundurn, on Highway 11 to Indi Road. Go west on Indi Road 7 km to the PFRA corral. Watch for the signs. Loretta Janzen at 306-4924798. See Facebook.



MAY 16-19 SQHA Band City Quarter Horse Show Golden Mile Arena, Moose Jaw. Contact Nikki Darroch 306-641-4106 or MAY 17-18 SPHC Lloydminster Spring Show. MAY 24-25 SRCHA. OK Corral, Martinsville. MAY 31 - JUNE 1 SAHA. Class A Show, Moose Jaw Exhibition Grounds. JUNE 7-8 SAHC. Summer show. Karen Bedford 306868-4526. Web site: JUNE 14-15 SPHC Loud & Proud APHA Show and SHF Heritage Show. Saskatoon. JUNE 14-15 SRCHA. Creekside Arena, Melfort. JUNE 15 Priddy Farm Hunter Pace & Trail Ride Series. Saskatoon. Contact or find us on facebook. JUNE 20-23 Peter Campbell Horsemanship. Livelong Community Arena, Livelong. H1, RR. 306845-7480. JUNE 27-28 SRCHA. Swift Current Ex, Swift Current. JULY 4-6 SCD. Eitan Beth-Halachmy Cowboy Dressage Clinic, Moose Jaw. JULY 5-6 SPHC Trail Ride & Outdoor Trail Challenge. Trails End Guest Ranch. Aylesbury JULY 10-13 SQHA Summer Slide N Celebration Quarter Horse Show, Golden Mile Arena, Moose Jaw. Nikki Darroch 306-641-4106 or

Brandon Light Horse & Pony Society Central Canada Reining Horse Association Dryden Saddle Club Distance Riders of Manitoba Dressage Winnipeg Endurance/Competitive Trail. Manitoba Arabian Horse Association Manitoba Cutting Horse Association Manitoba Driving Society Manitoba Horse Trials


JULY 13 Priddy Farm Hunter Pace & Trail Ride Series. Saskatoon. Contact or find us on Facebook. JULY 26-27 SRCHA. Creekside Arena, Melfort. AUGUST 3 Priddy Farm Hunter Pace & Trail Ride Series. Saskatoon. or find us on Facebook. AUGUST 9-10 SRCHA. Maple Creek. AUGUST 9-12 Peter Campbell Horsemanship. High Country Quarter Horses, Eastend. CS, H1, RR. 306295-3844. AUGUST 14-17 Peter Campbell Horsemanship. Orchard Ranch, Jansen. CS, H1. 306-364-4735. AUGUST 30-31 SPHC Harvest of Colours/SQHA All Novice Quarter Horse Show. Prairieland Park, Saskatoon. Ronni Nordal AUGUST 30-31 Saskatchewan Cowboy Dressage. Lyn Ringrose-Moe Cowboy Dressage Clinic, Moose Jaw. SEPTEMBER 21 Priddy Farm Hunter Pace & Trail Ride Series. Saskatoon. Contact or find us on facebook. SEPTEMBER 5-7 SRCHA. Prairieland Park Ag Center, Saskatoon. OCTOBER 11-12 Thanksgiving Show featuring Canadian Appaloosa Jackpot classes. Karen Bedford 306-868-4526. NOVEMBER 7-9 Peter Campbell Horsemanship. Saskatoon. FH, H1. 204-847-0077.

INTERNATIONAL AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 7, 2014 World Equestrian Games, Normandy, France.

Manitoba Miniature Horse Club Manitoba Mounted Shooting Association Manitoba Pony Club Manitoba Paint Horse Club Saskatchewan Arabian Horse Association Saskatchewan Appaloosa Horse Club Saskatchewan Cowboy Dressage South Interlake Rockwood Agricultural Society Saskatchewan Paint Horse Club Springfield Polo Club

Here’s the line-up of advertisers for this issue. When you contact any of these businesses, don’t forget to tell them, “We saw you in Horse Country!” (Even if you saw their advertising in many other places too.)

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Material closing

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Published week of

Mar 17 Apr 28 June 9 July 21 Sept 1 Oct 13 Nov 22








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issue 2-2014 |

Publication Schedule 2014 (8 issues - every six weeks) Issue Space # booking

Auchmore Western Store .. Bluebear Farms .. .. Buckeye Nutrition .. .. Canada West Factory Outlet .. Canvasback .. .. Chris Irwin .. .. .. CQHA .. .. Diamond Shelters .. .. Dust Off .. .. .. Eddies Sharpening .. .. Elder’s Equine Clinic .. .. Ferris Fencing .. .. Greenhawk .. .. .. Grunthal Auction .. .. Infrared Heating Panels .. Landmark Feeds .. .. Manitoba Horse Council Miracle Ranch Equipment .. MRCHBA .. .. .. NAG Bags .. .. .. Nickers Saddlery .. .. One Insurance .. .. Penners Farm Services .. .. Poco-Razz Farm .. .. Precious Pet .. .. Ram HD .. .. .. Ride N Drive Horse Supplies .. Rocking W .. .. .. SeaBlend .. .. .. Stallion K & R Stuart .. .. Stallion: Coyote Ridge Ranch .. Stallion: Eastridge Farm.. .. Stallion: Happy Trails Ranch .. Stallion: Zelta’s Canadians .. Stone Creek Western Shop .. Tack In the Box .. .. The Level Headed Horse .. Top Spot Stables .. .. TW Ranch .. .. ..


. . . ) s ( d r o W t s a L s ’ a d n i L .. ture. u f e th nds, e i r f , ent irem t e r on

When I am an old horsewoman... I shall wear turquoise and diamonds, And a straw hat that doesn’t suit me And I shall spend my social security on red wine and carrots, And sit on the fence surrounding the field While I watch my horse eat.

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I will sneak out in the middle of a summer night And ride the Rocky Mountain mare Across the moonstruck meadow If my old bones will allow And when people visit with me, I will smile and nod As I walk past the garden to the field and show instead the wild flowers growing where the seeds have dropped from the hay bales.


I will shovel and sweat and wear hay in my hair as if it were a jewel And I will be an embarrassment to ALL Who will not yet have found the peace in being free to have a horse as a best friend A friend who waits at midnight hour With muzzle and nicker and patient eyes For the kind of woman I will be When I am old. With thanks to Patty Barnhart


issue 2-2014 |

issue 2-2014 |


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