Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op
The Enduring Spirit of Michigan’s Special Olympics Athletes
A Soleful Mission
Brewbaker’s Housing & RV Thrives Through Three Generations and 65 Years
March 2024 MICHIGAN
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Michigan Center
Comfort 1/Air Serv of Southern Michigan (517)764-1500
Mt Pleasant Walton Htg & Clg (989)772-4822
Adams Htg & Clg (231)873-2665
Negaunee J-Goods Plmb. & Htg. (906)869-2522
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Traverse City D&W Mechanical (231)941-1251
Geofurnace Htg & Clg (231)943-1000
Alger Delta Electric: up to $2,000
Cherryland Electric: up to $2,500
Cloverland: up to $6,275
Great Lakes Energy: up to $5,000
Homeworks/Tri-County Electric: up to $4,750
Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op: up to $4,750
Thumb Electric: up to $2,000
WATERFURNACE UNITS QUALIFY FOR A 30% FEDERAL TAX CREDIT 1 visit us at WaterFurnace is a registered trademark of WaterFurnace International, Inc. 1. 30% through 2032, 26% through 2033 and 22% through 2034 2. EPA study “Space Conditioning, The Next Frontier” (Report 430-R-93-004)
Michigan’s Electric Cooperatives
EDITOR: Christine Dorr
RECIPE EDITOR: Christin Russman
COPY EDITOR: Yvette Pecha
Emily Haines Lloyd
PUBLISHER: Michigan Electric Cooperative Association
Michigan Country Lines, USPS-591-710, is published monthly, except August and December, with periodicals postage paid at Lansing, Mich., and additional offices. It is the official publication of the Michigan Electric Cooperative Association, 201 Townsend St., Suite 900, Lansing, MI 48933.
Subscriptions are authorized for members of Alger Delta, Cherryland, Great Lakes, HomeWorks Tri-County, Midwest Energy & Communications, Ontonagon, Presque Isle, and Thumb electric cooperatives by their boards of directors.
Postmaster: Send all UAA to CFS.
Association Officers: Tom Sobeck, Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op, chairman; Gabe Schneider, Cherryland Electric Cooperative, vice chairman; Chris O’Neill, HomeWorks TriCounty Cooperative, secretary-treasurer; Craig Borr, president and CEO.
Michigan Country Lines 201 Townsend St., Suite 900 Lansing, MI 48933 248-534-7358
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please notify your electric cooperative. See page 4 for contact information.
The appearance of advertising does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services advertised.
10 14
Travis Snyder takes steps to highlight veterans’ mental health.
Soups & Stews: Dish out a steaming bowl of comfort food.
The enduring spirit of Michigan’s Special Olympics Athletes.
Old Friends: A Midwest Energy & Communications member rhapsodizes about the value of lifelong friendships.
MI Co-op Community
To enter contests, submit reader content & more, visit
Recipe Contest
See details on page 10. Tacos & Margaritas due April 1 and Homemade Burgers due May 1. Win a $100 bill credit!
Guest Column
Share your fondest memories and stories. Win $200 for stories published. Visit to submit. Win $200 for stories published!
Mystery Photo
See details on page 18. Win a $100 bill credit!
Contents March 2024 Vol. 44, No. 3 /michigancountrylines /michigancountrylines
Electric & Natural Gas Rates to Increase April 1
Tom Sobeck, President & CEO /PIEGCooperative
Allan Berg, Chairman 8400 Lost Lake Rd., Hawks, MI 49743 989-734-0044 • Term Expires 2026
Sandy Borowicz, Secretary 5341 Carlson Rd., Cheboygan, MI 49721 231-627-9220 • Term Expires 2024
John Brown, Vice Chairman
21 W. Devereaux Lake Rd., Indian River, MI 49749 231-625-2099 • Term Expires 2026
Sally Knopf
1849 W. 638 Hwy., Rogers City, MI 49779 989-734-4196 • Term Expires 2024
Kurt Krajniak
7630 Wallace Rd., Alpena, MI 49707
989-884-3037 • Term Expires 2025
Brentt Lucas, Treasurer 15841 Carr Rd., Posen, MI 49776 989-766-3678 • Term Expires 2025
Chris Nagel
3842 N. Mielke Way, Lewiston, MI 49756 616-240-8727 • Term Expires: 2026
Daryl Peterson
P.O. Box 54, Hillman, MI 49746 989-742-3145 • Term Expires 2024
Raymond Wozniak
6737 State St., Posen, MI 49776 989-766-2498 • Term Expires 2025
President & CEO: Thomas J. Sobeck
Co-op Editor: Sommer Poquette
Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op 3149 Main Street (M-211) Onaway, MI 49765
Business Office & Billing: 989-733-8515
Toll-Free: 800-423-6634
Gas Emergency Toll-Free: 800-655-8565
PIE&G natural gas rates and charges are not regulated by the Michigan Public Service Commission.
Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
t their recent special member regulation meeting and regular board meeting held on Feb. 27, the board of directors acted upon management’s recommendation for the need to increase electric and natural gas distribution rates. A review of the cooperative’s financial performance and future expenses indicated the need to increase electric distribution rates by approximately $2.4 million and increase natural gas distribution rates by approximately $1 million.
The cost of distributing electricity and natural gas continues to climb due to several factors, including increased costs of materials and transportation, as well as higher interest rates. The increases will be applied to the kWh/CCF charge on all rate classes. The monthly availability charge for electric will not be adjusted but the natural gas availability charge will be increased to accommodate cost of service study requirements. These adjustments to rates will be effective on April 1, 2024. Earlier this year, I said that nobody likes to talk about rising costs and rates, yet it is an inevitable fact of doing business. All businesses strive to balance competing interests of setting a fair price for goods and services against the true costs of providing a consistent, quality end product. Our industry is no different. Costs increase, and performing routine maintenance to meet reliability standards and member expectations is always the most difficult challenge we undertake.
Adjusting rates when we see the need based on past performance and future needs allows the co-op to get ahead of expenses, meet financial obligations, and provide consistency of operations.
Your cooperative has recently invested in replacing our inadequate 65-yearold building with a new headquarters facility and modernizing our distribution system with Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technology. These projects together totaled approximately $30 million. No business can make needed investments of this nature without affecting the rates charged to consumers. Similarly, a utility cannot increase the efficiency and reliability of service without making these crucial investments. The decision was uncomfortable, but leadership at PIE&G believes the choice is clear—an increase in rates is prudent and reasonable to achieve both reliability of service and long-term affordability.
I respect our board of directors for their courage and commitment to the future viability of the cooperative.
As always, please contact me directly with any questions or concerns. I’m happy to discuss them with you.
PIE&G’s office will be closed on Good Friday, March 29. Report outages or natural gas emergencies anytime by calling (800) 423-6634. Access your accounts anytime at, on our SmartHub mobile app, or with Pay by Phone at (866) 999-4571.
/PIEGCooperative Holiday OFFICE
4 MARCH 2024
PIE&G Electric Rate Increase
Your Board
In Action
At their most recent meetings, the PIE&G Board of Directors…
• Appointed Director John Brown to the Wolverine Power Cooperative Board of Directors.
• Appointed Director Sandy Borowicz and the PIE&G CEO to the Michigan Electric Cooperative Association Board of Directors.
• Appointed Sandy Borowicz to the Michigan Country Lines committee.
Notice to Members of Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op Electric Tariff Changes
The Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op Board of Directors adopted the following changes to the cooperative’s electric tariffs at its Special Open Meeting held on Feb. 27, 2024, in accordance with P.A. 167:
• Approved the reconciliation of the 2023 Power Supply Cost Recovery Factor net overcollection of $2,310,649.30 and incorporation into the 2024 PSCR Factor to continue refunding the overcollection throughout the 2024 calendar year.
• Approved a cost of service-based revenue increase of $2,406,859 in electric rates to be allocated among the following rate classes: Monthly Residential, Seasonal Residential, General Service, Large General Service, Large Power Time of Day, Primary Service, and Outdoor Lighting. The rate increase will be effective with bills rendered on or after April 1, 2024.
Notices of changes or additions to the cooperative’s rates or service rules shall be sent to all members, as required by P.A. 167, by first-class mail or by publication in Michigan Country Lines at least 30 days prior to their effective date. For specific details of any Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op tariffs or fees, please call 1-800-423-6634 or visit our website at
Access to Rules and Rates
Please be advised that the following information is available to Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op members:
1. Complete rate schedules;
2. Clear and concise explanation of all rates that the member may be eligible to receive;
3. Assistance from the cooperative in determining the most appropriate rate for a member when the member is eligible to receive service under more than one rate;
4. Clear and concise explanation of the member’s actual energy use for each billing period during the last 12 months.
The information can be obtained by visiting or contacting Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op at 989-733-8515.
• Appointed voting delegates for several associated organization’s annual meetings and elections.
• Approved Resolution 202401 Deanna Gilbert Retirement Recognition.
• Approved Resolution 2024MR-01 2023 Electric PSCR Reconciliation.
• Approved Resolution 2024-MR02 2024 Electric Rate Review Analysis.
• Approved Resolution 2024MR-03 2024 Electric Revenue Requirement .
• Approved Resolution 2024-MR04 2024 Electric Rate Design.
• Approved Resolution 202402 2024 Natural Gas Revenue Requirement.
• Approved Resolution 2024-03 2024 Natural Gas Cost Recovery Factor.
• Approved Resolution 202404 2024 Natural Gas Rate Announcement.
• Accepted Team Reports.
RATE CLASS Current Distribution Charge $/ kWh 1-Apr-24 Distribution Charge $/ kWh Increase in Distribution Charge $/ kWh Monthly Residential $0.04612 $0.05462 $0.00850 Seasonal Residential $0.10810 $0.13793 $0.02983 General Service (1 phase) $0.03482 $0.04008 $0.00526 General Service (3 phase) $0.03482 $0.04008 $0.00526 Large General Service $0.02486 $0.02796 $0.00310 Large Power Time of Day $0.07791 $0.08035 $0.00244 Primary Service $0.01444 $0.01620 $0.00176 Outdoor Lighting - Monthly Charge 40W LED T5 $7.91 $8.79 $0.88 70W LED T3/T5 $9.64 $11.18 $1.54 5 MICHIGAN COUNTRY LINES
A Soleful Mission
Travis Snyder Takes Steps to Highlight Veterans’ Mental Health
By Emily Haines Lloyd
When Travis Snyder returned from his tour in Afghanistan as a U.S. Marine, he was both proud and relieved that everyone in his unit was brought home in one piece. It took time, as well as a pivotal and heartbreaking experience, to realize that maybe he and his unit actually didn’t come back all put together.
This was the beginning of a new journey for Snyder, one that took an unexpected path to a new purpose.
A Tour of Duty
When Snyder joined the Marines at 24, he was looking to make an impact, serve his country, and find both discipline and direction in his life.
When his unit was deployed in October of 2017, it worked in Security Forces with a mission to train, advise, and assist the Afghan army against the Taliban. “We saw it as a blessing,” said Snyder. “You go through this training in order to serve. Serve our country.
Serve a community and its people. It was a chance to do good.”
Eight months later, Snyder and his entire unit returned home—back to normal. However, it didn’t take long for Snyder to realize things weren’t exactly normal. He still wanted and needed purpose, but instead found depression and anxiety attacks. Snyder pushed through them, unsure when or if they would stop.
In August of 2019, one year after his tour, Snyder received a devastating phone call. A good friend from his unit, Geoff Hughes, had committed suicide.
Walking for Warriors
The loss of Geoff was an unthinkable blow. Snyder had a desire for direction when he joined the Marines. Now he was unsure what to do next. With feelings of being untethered and his grief and shock over Geoff, Snyder knew he needed to do something to change his course and make an impact like he had in the service. “I knew I had to do something. Something big,” said Snyder. “There are too many of my brothers and sisters in the service who feel like I did when I got home— aimless, disconnected.”
6 MARCH 2024
As a way to commemorate his friend and to shake up his own life, Snyder took a walk. A long walk. Around Lake Michigan.
A Mission of Miles
Snyder’s “walk” turned into an 810-mile journey around the whole of Lake Michigan. He’d started a Facebook page for some friends and family to keep track of his trek.
Snyder knew he wanted to make this trip about veterans and mental health, so he arranged stops along the way to connect with different organizations and bring awareness to their causes.
Snyder had packed his camping gear, expecting to spend most nights outdoors along the way. He never had a chance to unpack it. “The first night, a friend from the Marines called me and told me his parents lived along the way and were happy to let me sleep in their RV for the evening,” said Snyder. “Forty-two straight nights, people offered me a place to sleep. You look at social media thinking there’s so much that is bad, but if you really look around you, there are so many good people in the world.”
And speaking of social media, the five to 10 people he expected to follow him on Facebook turned into 14,000, with another 3,000 on Instagram. The word had gotten out about Snyder’s wild walk. People were tuning in to hear and learn more about veterans’ issues, particularly mental health.
Next Steps
Snyder put on his hiking shoes each year through 2023, including walking along the West Michigan lakeshore from New Buffalo to Mackinaw City, across the state, and around Lake Michigan again—totaling 2,590 miles and raising over $15,000 dollars for veteran organizations. “That first mile back in 2019 was to commemorate a friend,” said Snyder. “I may have taken those steps on my own, but what’s been accomplished has been through a community of caring people. It would not have been possible without them.”
A reminder that no one should walk alone in this life. And with the help of people like Travis Snyder, hopefully fewer of us will.
“I may have taken those steps on my own, but what’s been accomplished has been through a community of caring people. It would not have been possible without them.”
1 10 7 6 8 9 3 12 2 11 4 13 5 14
8 MARCH 2024
Enter to win up to a $50 energy bill credit!
Submit Your “Flowers & Gardens”
Photos By March 20!
Submit your best photo and encourage others to vote! The photo receiving the most votes in our photo contest will be printed in an issue of Country Lines, along with some of our other favorites. Our March theme is Flowers & Gardens. Photos can be submitted through March 20 to be featured in our May issue.
To enter the contest, visit photocontest. Enter your picture, cast your vote, and encourage others to vote for you as well. If your photo is printed in Country Lines during 2024, you will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of four $50 credits on your January 2025 bill.
2. Sweet dreams little one. Barbara Sumerix
3. Our cat Jasper enjoying the warmth of the fire at our home in Hillman. Valerie Tack
4. Best friends. Katie Duczkowski
5. Finnegan Bojangles. Meghan Marsh
6. A “cheesy” photo of Ethel. John Leow
7. Go Blue. Eva Hunt
8. I love Mullett Lake! Sandi Nelson
9. Sir William loves walking in the maple forest. Mary Toth
10. Vera Wagg. Sarah Archambo
11. Rocky. He’s at the river posing for his picture. Faye Higgins
12. I don’t want to go inside yet! Julie Kelly
13. Going for a ride with Mama on a cold January day. Amy Hilliker
14. Bet you can’t find me. Lori LaLonde
15. Sharing sweethearts. Rhonda Wetherington
16. Riley loves this weather! Nicole Chimner
17. NaLa and her son Diesel. They LOVE the outdoors. Stephanie Couture
18. Socks, the new kitten. Mike Sutton
19. Our furry family members and working dogs Calleigh and Kiaran at sunset in Petoskey State Park. Heather Notter
20. Pumpkin taking time to smell the flowers. Dayle Kull
21. I love my country...and my backyard. Cindy Kluz
15 20
21 19 18 17 PHOTO CONTEST
1. Our beautiful girl cocker spaniel named Lani, meaning heaven in Hawaiian. Joseph Forbush
Dish Out a Steaming Bowl of Comfort Food.
Recipe Contest
Win a $100 energy bill credit!
Tacos & Margaritas due April 1; Homemade Burgers due May 1
Submit your favorite recipe for a chance to win a $100 bill credit and have your recipe featured in Country Lines with a photo and a video. Submit your recipe at , or send it via email (include your full name and co-op) to
Kathleen Atwater, Cherryland Electric
2 tablespoons butter
6–8 cloves garlic, minced
½ cup chopped onion
6 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth
9 ounces fresh or frozen cheese tortellini
1 (14.5-ounce) can diced tomatoes, undrained
10 ounces spinach, washed and coarsely chopped
1 tablespoon fresh oregano, chopped
1 egg
½ cup grated Parmesan cheese
¼ teaspoon salt
¹⁄ 8 teaspoon black pepper
In a large saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the garlic and onion and sauté until fragrant, 2–3 minutes. Add the chicken broth; bring to a boil. Add the tortellini and cook halfway, about 5 minutes for frozen pasta, or 2–3 minutes if using fresh pasta. Add the can of tomatoes; reduce the heat to a simmer and cook just until the pasta is tender, about 4 minutes. Stir in the spinach and oregano and cook until wilted, 1–2 minutes. Meanwhile, whisk together the egg, Parmesan cheese, salt, and pepper. Drizzle into the soup and cook, stirring about 3 minutes more. Remove from heat and serve. Add additional salt and pepper, as desired. Makes about 6 servings.
MI CO-OP Recipes
Watch a video of this month’s winning recipe at type/videos/ 10 MARCH 2024
Ralph Kridner, Great Lakes Energy
6 ounces bacon, chopped into ¼ -inch strips
2 pounds beef chuck, cut into 1-inch pieces
2½ teaspoons sea salt (or to taste), divided
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, divided
¼ cup all-purpose flour
2 cups dry red wine, plus extra for deglazing
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil
5 carrots, peeled and cut into ½ -inch pieces
1 medium yellow onion, diced
2 stalks celery, finely diced
6 garlic cloves, minced
2 tablespoons tomato paste
3–4 cups low-sodium beef broth
8 ounces red wine demi-glace sauce
2 bay leaves
2 tablespoons fresh thyme, minced
1 sprig fresh rosemary, finely chopped
1 pound small (fingerling) potatoes, halved or quartered
Preheat oven to 300 F. In a large, oven-proof pot, sauté bacon over medium heat until golden brown and fat is released. While bacon is cooking, place beef in a large mixing bowl and season with 1½ teaspoons salt and ½ teaspoon black pepper. Sprinkle beef with flour; toss to
combine and evenly coat beef. Transfer beef in batches into the hot bacon fat and cook over medium-high heat, until beef is browned (2–3 minutes per side). Add olive oil if needed. When the bacon in the pot is golden brown, remove it and put it in a large bowl. Transfer browned beef to the bowl with bacon. Add a bit of red wine to the pot to deglaze, then reduce the heat to lowmedium. Scrape the bottom of the pot with a wooden spoon to release meat pieces. Add balsamic vinegar and simmer over low-medium heat, about 10 minutes, being careful not to burn. Pour 2 cups red wine in with the beef and bacon. Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add carrots, onion, celery, and garlic; sauté 10 minutes. Then add the tomato paste and sauté another 1–2 minutes. Then return the beef, bacon, and wine to the pot. Add beef broth, red wine demi-glace sauce, bay leaves, thyme, rosemary, and remaining 1 teaspoon salt and ½ teaspoon pepper. Stir until the demi-glace has melted. Then add potatoes and stir to combine everything, submerging the potatoes in liquid. Cover with lid and bake for 2 to 3 hours. To thicken, combine 2 tablespoons water and 1 tablespoon cornstarch. Mix well and add to stew. Stir well and heat for 5 minutes. Pour into bowls, add a sprinkle of salt, serve, and enjoy!
Nancy Hascall, Cherryland Electric
3 tablespoons olive oil
4 stalks celery, diced
1 small head cauliflower, chopped into small florets
1 large onion, diced
1 large carrot, diced
4 garlic cloves, minced
3 cups chicken broth (or more to reach desired consistency)
1 cup salsa
1 cup cooked, diced chicken
1 cup grated cheese of choice
1 cup half-and-half
Deb Finedell, Great Lakes Energy
2 slices bacon
1 yellow onion, diced
1 celery stalk, diced
3 medium potatoes, peeled and diced
¼ cup all-purpose flour
4 cups milk
1 cup firm white fish (cod, tilapia, halibut, etc.)
½ pound shrimp or any other seafood of choice
½ cup corn
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley, for garnish
Sauté bacon in a large soup pot over medium-high heat until crispy, 3–4 minutes. Remove bacon from pot and chop into small pieces. Drain all but 1 tablespoon bacon grease from the pot. Add diced onions and celery to the pot. Sauté over medium heat until soft, 3–4 minutes. Add potatoes and sauté 1–2 minutes. Reduce heat to low. Add the flour and stir, cooking until the flour is completely moistened. Add the milk and increase the heat to medium. Heat the soup until it is steaming, just before it starts to boil, stirring often. Continue cooking, uncovered, until the potatoes are nearly tender, 10–15 minutes. Reduce heat if milk begins to foam. When soup has thickened, add seafood, corn, and cooked bacon. Cook until fi sh is cooked through, 5–10 minutes. Add salt and pepper. Garnish with parsley.
Garnishing Options:
sour cream, Parmesan cheese, guacamole, fresh cilantro, crispy bacon
Heat the olive oil In a large kettle. Add the celery, cauliflower, onion, carrot and garlic; sauté for about fi ve minutes. Cover, turn the heat to low, and cook for another fi ve minutes or until vegetables are soft. Add the chicken broth, salsa, and cooked chicken. Blend with an immersion blender. Add the cheese and gently stir until the cheese is melted. Add the halfand-half and heat to desired temperature. Garnish each bowl with choice of sour cream, Parmesan, guacamole, cilantro, and cooked bacon. Enjoy!
Michigan Electric Co-ops Contribute Billions to State Economy, Says Latest Report
Arecent report titled “Economic Powerhouses: The Economic Impacts of America’s Electric Cooperatives” sheds light on the significant economic influence of electric cooperatives in the United States, with a specific focus on their contributions to job creation, income generation, and overall economic growth. This analysis underscores the pivotal role of electric cooperatives at both the national and state levels, with a closer look at the impact within Michigan.
The report reveals that these cooperatives have a substantial statewide impact, supporting approximately 7,388 jobs annually and contributing a remarkable $5.3 billion to Michigan’s Gross State Product (GSP).
“Our state’s electric cooperatives power 300,000 homes, businesses, and farms in 60 of the 83 counties across rural Michigan,” said MECA President Craig Borr. “Co-ops are a massive economic engine statewide, as well as in their local communities.”
Beyond these direct economic figures, there are broader implications. Electric cooperatives stimulate economic activity throughout their communities, fostering a ripple effect that extends to supply chains, suppliers, employee spending, and community engagement. Moreover, they play a crucial role in supporting long-term community success and making substantial investments in grid modernization, renewable energy, and broadband networks to serve rural members.
“It’s not just about numbers,” said Borr. “It’s about committing to make a positive impact in the communities that our cooperatives serve.”
The report emphasizes cooperatives’ pivotal role as economic engines in both local and state economies, highlighting their commitment to rural development and the overall economic vitality of the regions they serve. The findings show what those in the cooperative community have always known—there is nothing more impactful and powerful than a mission that focuses on people, not profits.
Ventless Drying? Heat Pump Clothes Dryers Mean More than Energy Savings
f you’re looking to upgrade your clothes dryer soon, where and how to ventilate your dryer could be a thing of the past. That’s because dryers that use heat pump technology—that is, technology that recycles hot air within a dryer rather than ventilating it out—can be placed in any room of the house with an electric and water hookup.1
Yes, it’s that simple!
These machines also pack a heap of added benefits, including reduced energy use by 28% (compared to standard dryers)1, increased safety and less fire risk due to the lack of ventilation2, and being gentler on clothes due to lower drying temperatures.1
So, how do they work?
Heat pump dryers work in a closed loop system. Instead of letting hot air escape via ventilation, hot air is recycled and its moisture is removed with an evaporator. This makes the air ready for use again, and less electricity is needed to heat it back up to temperature.1
Because of the evaporator function, water removed during the drying process needs to be drained. This can either be done manually or via other adjustments, such as using a drain hose or connecting your clothes dryer to your washer drain.1
Get $200 back from PIE&G on your heat pump dryer purchase!
We’re proud to offer Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op members cash rebates for qualifying ENERGY STAR® clothes dryers through our Energy Optimization Program.
Members who purchase a qualifying ENERGY STAR electric heat pump clothes dryer may be eligible to get $200 in rebates from PIE&G. The clothes dryer may be vented or ventless, but standard electric dryers do not qualify if they do not have a heat pump. Limit one per install address.
Find details and applications at or call 877-296-4319.
Presque Isle Energy Optimization programs and rebates are applicable to Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op electric service locations only. Rebate applies to qualiied items purchased and installed between Jan 1, 2024 and Dec 31, 2024. Other restrictions may apply. For complete program details, visit VISIT • CALL 877-296-4319 $200 REBATE ON QUALIFYING MODELS UPGRADE TO A HEAT PUMP DRYER
The Enduring Spirit of Michigan’s Special Olympics
By Emily Haines Lloyd
n 2000, the former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela said: “Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does…Sport can create hope where once there was only despair…It laughs in the face of all types of discrimination.”
In Michigan, there are some amazing athletes who would surely agree with Mr. Mandela.
Since 1968, when the first Special Olympics Games were held at Chicago’s Soldier Field, these athletes with intellectual disabilities have been a force of inspiration and support for one another. The goal was to put a bright—and very public—spotlight on ability, not disability. A delegation of athletes from Michigan attended those original games. The next year, Michigan’s first State Summer Games took place in Kalamazoo at Western Michigan University.
Fifty years later, more than 5 million athletes train and compete in more than 100,000 events each year, in 172 nations. The program has grown perhaps more than anyone could have anticipated and the impact is massive. Yet it still brings meaning to one athlete, one coach, and one family at a time.
Max Hinga was just 8 years old when his curiosity was sparked at his elementary school in Portage, Michigan, by a friend who fi rst mentioned Special Olympics to him. Max then began his sports journey with softball. “I was the youngest and smallest player on an almost all-adult team,” said Max. “But I was ready to go and felt at home.”
From that point on, Max’s involvement became a life-altering experience, introducing him to lifelong friendships and instilling in him a sense of belonging. Max’s mother Gretchen Hinga became equally involved, as she noticed there were significantly more adult athletes than those her son’s age. “Within a year, I was recruiting younger athletes,” said Gretchen. “With more
14 MARCH 2024
athletes comes the need for more volunteers. So, I started recruiting for volunteers.”
In no time, the numbers grew, and Gretchen found herself as the local outreach coordinator. She now plays a pivotal role in managing, coordinating, and organizing various aspects of the games, from athlete physicals to volunteer applications and verifying coaching credentials.
Max’s dedication extends beyond the playing field; he has become a U.S. Youth Ambassador, amplifying the voices of those who often go unheard. “Not everyone can get up and speak to the whole world about change and inclusion,” said Max. “I traveled with my Unified Partner and my mentor, spoke about inclusion, and learned how to spread the word to others.”
For Gretchen, Special Olympics is more than just a series of events; it is a community that provided support and companionship while Max was growing up. Now, as a coordinator, she is dedicated to extending that sense of community to others. “Special Olympics is about so much more than just sports. It is one big family of support and encouragement,” said Gretchen. “It is a lifelong movement and is for anyone.” She encourages those who may not qualify as athletes to become volunteers, assuring them that the experience will be life-changing.
The impact of the games can’t be easily measured, as passion, inclusion, and growth of the athletes, families, and volunteers have an ongoing ripple effect that goes well beyond the sporting arena. “Special Olympics challenged me to not only want to get my driver’s license, but show many people I can be a leader,”
said Max. “We (athletes) can get a job, get a degree, and be who we want to be. I’ve turned my disabilities into abilities.”
This smart and capable young man insists that no one should ever say they can’t do something. Our efforts can’t be measured in medals or applause. It is the effort, the courage, and the joy with which we apply ourselves that tells the world who we are.
As Eunice Kennedy Shriver, who helped establish Special Olympics, said at the first opening games: “Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”
For over 50 years, Special Olympics Michigan (SOMI) has sought to create a community of inclusion where every person is accepted and welcomed, regardless of ability or disability.
In 2019, the SOMI Board of Directors purchased the former South Christian High School building in Grand Rapids with the dream of turning this 127,000-square-foot facility on 17 acres into the largest Special Olympics training and sports center in the world.
With the official groundbreaking in November 2023, the complex will feature six soccer fields, 10 bocce courts, putting and chipping greens, and pickleball courts, as well as an eight-lane track and an artificial turf soccer and flag football field.
Brewbaker’s Housing & RV Thrives Through Three Generations and 65 Years
By Yvette Pecha
Statistics show that about 70% of familyowned businesses fail or are sold before they are passed on to the second generation—and almost 90% don’t make it to the third generation. But in Onaway, Brewbaker’s Housing & RV is one of the lucky businesses defying the odds. It’s not luck that proprietor Jack Brewbaker attributes the store’s success to, however. It’s the fact that, in addition to having six and a half decades’ worth of industry experience and expertise, his family has always put the satisfaction of the customer first.
This has been the Brewbaker way since 1959, when Jack’s father L.Z. Brewbaker determined he wanted to work for himself and spend more time with his four children. He invested in some furniture, which he then sold from his barn— “above the cattle,” as Jack recalled. The sale was a success, so L.Z. continued to sell furniture from home, eventually making enough money to move the business to a storefront in downtown Onaway, which he named the Brewbaker Furniture Company. By 1972, he was selling housing as well; he added recreational vehicles to his offerings in 1973. L.Z. sold the furniture end of the business in 1976 to his daughter Kathy McConnell and her husband Jerry. (It thrived up until 2010, when Art Van offered to buy it from the McConnells.) In a store across the street from the furniture store, L.Z. continued to deal RVs and mobile homes, and he established the business’s current name of Brewbaker’s Housing and RV.
Today, Jack runs the business (which receives service from PIE&G) in that same storefront and in the same manner as his father: making the customer the number one priority. The store now sells modular homes, but it is primarily known for selling and servicing RVs—offering the largest selection of new and pre-owned travel trailers, fifth-wheels, hybrids, and toy haulers in northern Michigan. And in the family tradition, Jack, who began working for his dad when he was 12, brought his children into the fold.
His daughter Jackie Moore handles marketing. She is the “newcomer,” having begun working there full-time in 2016. Jackie studied textiles and apparel in college and then went on to work primarily within the fashion industry in Chicago until she moved back to Michigan in 2014. Though Jackie says she was completely green to the RV industry when she started, she has come a long way under the tutelage of Jack and her brothers Sam and Alex, whom she says “have been fluent in the language of RVing since childhood.” Sam is the general manager and, like Jack, worked for the store throughout high school and each summer while he was at college. “Sam truly lives and breathes for this place,” Jackie said. “He’s always power walking and talking.” Alex has worked on and off for the business since he was a teen, staying in the RV industry even when he
16 MARCH 2024
Back row: Sam Brewbaker and Jackie Moore. Front row: Alex Brewbaker and Jack Brewbaker.
lived outside of Michigan. Alex works mostly in sales, but he also is one of the main tractor operators; Jackie says “he could park any-size trailer in the tightest space with his eyes closed.”
Jack’s wife Jeannie also used to be a part of the business, decorating houses for sale back when it offered furnished options. Though she no longer works there, Jackie said Jeannie is a major supporter of the store and her family’s various roles within it.
The store’s other employees include Lead Salesman Jeremy Pasella and Service Manager Justin Madden, who have both been with the company for over 20 years. “We are all family,” Jack said. “We take care of our people, and, in turn, they take care of our customers.” This customer satisfaction is evident in the fact that people from all over the state turn to Brewbaker’s for their RV needs. Jackie said many downstate customers will plan a camping trip around getting their RV serviced. Customers can also camp overnight on the lot. If you were to ask these people why they’re willing to make that drive when there are plenty of RV dealers in their own neck of the woods, chances are you’d hear words like tradition, family, community, and trustworthiness. Jack credits Brewbaker’s legacy for outstanding service to L.Z. “My dad instilled in me early that we need to take care of people,” Jack said. “We want our customers to remain a part of the Brewbaker family for life.”
Brewbaker’s Top Camping Spots
Say you buy a shiny new RV—where should you take it?
Sam Brewbaker, who has camped over much of the country and practically everywhere in the state, says his favorite campground is hands-down Fort Wilkins State Park in the Keweenaw Peninsula. But he admits he is partial to just about any place in the UP.
Jackie says Brewbaker’s customers list the following state parks as some of their most-loved spots in the Presque Isle area:
Aloha State Park, Cheboygan–Aloha is set along the northeast shore of Mullett Lake, which is one of several bodies of water that makes up Michigan’s Inland Waterway. The park is also skirted by the North Eastern State Trail, a 62-mile-long recreational trail occupying what was once the northernmost segment of the Michigan Central Railroad.
Clear Lake State Park, Atlanta–As its name suggests, Clear Lake State Park is known for its pristine water. This quiet park is the perfect place to take the family, offering swimming along the lake’s 300-foot sandy beach. Clear Lake sits surrounded by Michigan’s elk country, where the area’s grazing herds are easy to spot.
Hoeft State Park, Rogers City–Hoeft is a heavily wooded, 340-acre park with a mile of sandy, Lake Huron shoreline. Here, you can see remarkable views of mighty freighters transporting their goods throughout the Great Lakes. The park is located just up the lake from Rogers City, where visitors can see the remains of a grounded shipwreck half buried on the shore.
Onaway State Park, Onaway–Onaway State Park is situated on beautiful Black Lake, the ninth largest inland lake in the state. This park features cobblestone beaches, rocky outcroppings, and virgin white pine forest. It is also within an easy drive of the Ocqueoc Falls, the largest waterfall in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula.
For more information, visit Brewbakers Housing & RV /brewbakerhousingandrv /hrvbrewcrew 20935 Washington Ave., Onaway, MI 49765 989-733-8535 17 MICHIGAN COUNTRY LINES
Old Friends
By J. Joseph Mapes, a Midwest Energy & Communications member
It has been said that “old friends are the best friends.” I surely agree. Growing up in Grand Rapids, I began forming many friendships, beginning in kindergarten in 1950. In those days, we didn’t hang out with our parents much...we hung out with our friends. You could say we raised each other, as we were always together having fun.
Although I went to Culver Military Academy in high school, my GR friends kept in touch. I then moved to New Jersey and Florida for a few years. Several friends would visit me in Florida (imagine that), and one suggested that I transfer to Western Michigan University for my junior year, and sent the paperwork. I couldn’t wait to get back to Michigan and live off-campus with some of those same friends. We had the time of our lives!
During the late ‘60s/early ‘70s, most of us got married, raised children, and worked. Many moved out of state, making it difficult to get together. In 1981, however, one of the guys decided that enough was enough and started what we call “the boys’ weekend,” a time to reconnect and let loose. There were around 15 attendees that first year, many from out of state. Some years, an extra weekend was planned with the wives, who wanted to join in the fun. In 1993, we rented a cottage on Lake Michigan in South Haven, and we have been going there every September to this day. Unfortunately, we have lost a number of these dear friends over the years, but nine of us continue the tradition.
This May, we (and wives) are meeting in Grand Rapids to celebrate us all turning 80. We will take a bus tour of our childhood homes (16), then be dropped off at Roses for dinner. There is nothing like old friends, as we hold on to so many memories of good times together, while still making new memories!
About the Author: J. Joseph is a retired owner/manager of Bank Street Bingo Hall and Bank Street Winter Market in Kalamazoo.
His family’s history is interesting! The grandfather he was named after (Col. J. Joseph Reddy) was a medic and surgeon who was General Douglas MacArthur’s personal aide and physician in the Philippines in the 1930s.
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January 2024 Winner! Our Mystery Photo winner is Eileen Gustafson, an Alger Delta member, who correctly identified the photo as the Benny the Beard Fisher art attraction at the Northland Outfitters Campground, Germfask, Michigan. Winners are announced in the following issues of Country Lines: January, March, May, July/August, September, and November/December.
MI CO-OP Guest Column
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18 MARCH 2024
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