Feeling is believing.
You may not see your underground WaterFurnace geothermal system. But you’ll definitely notice its effects.
When it comes to your HVAC system, you primarily want to know whether it will comfortably heat and cool your home. With WaterFurnace, that answer is a resounding “yes.” Our units operate for longer periods at lower speeds, providing stable temperatures all year round. This helps eliminate hot or cold spots, so you’ll be comfortable in every room. Experience a WaterFurnace geothermal system in action, and you’ll feel the difference.
Geothermal is the only renewable that provides reliable operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Allendale Allendale Htg & Clg (800)327-1937 allendaleheating.com
Berrien Springs Waterfurnace Michiana (269)473-5667 gogreenmichgeo thermal.com
Indian River M&M Plmb & Htg (231)238-7201 mm-plumbing.com
Lansing Candor Mechanical (517)920-0890 candormechanical.com
Mt Pleasant Walton Htg & Clg (989)772-4822 waltonheating.com
Muskegon Adams Htg & Clg (231)873-2665 adamsheatingcooling.com

Big Rapids Stratz Htg & Clg, Inc. (231)796-3717 stratzgeocomfort.com
Clifford Orton Refrig & Htg (989)761-7691 sanduskygeothermal.com
Filion/Bad Axe Air-O-Dynamic Htg. & Clg. (989)582-0137
Hart Adams Htg & Clg (231)873-2665 adamsheating cooling.com
Lowell Arctic Inc. Htg. & Clg. (616)897-4213 heatingcoolingonline.com
Manistique Hoholik Enterprises (906)341-5065 hoholikenterprises.com
Marinette, WI
GPS Htg. & Clg (715)732-2111 gpsheatingcooling.com
Michigan Center Comfort 1/Air Serv of Southern Michigan (517)764-1500 airserv.com/southernmichigan/

Negaunee J-Goods Plmb. & Htg. (906)869-2522 jgoodsplumbingand heating.com
Portland ESI Htg & Clg (517)647-6906 esiheating.com
Sunfield Mark Woodman Plmb & Htg (517)886-1138 mwphonline.com
Traverse City
D&W Mechanical (231)941-1251 dwmechanical.com
Geofurnace Htg & Clg (231)943-1000 geofurnace.com

Alger Delta Electric: up to $2,000
Cherryland Electric: up to $2,500
Cloverland: up to $6,275
Great Lakes Energy: up to $5,000
Homeworks/Tri-County Electric: up to $4,750
Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op: up to $4,750
Thumb Electric: up to $2,000

Michigan’s Electric Cooperatives

EDITOR: Christine Dorr
RECIPE EDITOR: Christin Russman
COPY EDITOR: Yvette Pecha
PUBLISHER: Michigan Electric Cooperative Association
Michigan Country Lines, USPS-591-710, is published monthly, except August and December, with periodicals postage paid at Lansing, Mich., and additional offices. It is the official publication of the Michigan Electric Cooperative Association, 201 Townsend St., Suite 900, Lansing, MI 48933.
Subscriptions are authorized for members of Alger Delta, Cherryland, Great Lakes, HomeWorks Tri-County, Midwest Energy & Communications, Ontonagon, Presque Isle, and Thumb electric cooperatives by their boards of directors.
Postmaster: Send all UAA to CFS.
Association Officers: Chris O’Neill, HomeWorks Tri-County Cooperative, chairman; Gabe Schneider, Cherryland Electric Cooperative, vice chairman; Shaun Lamp,Great Lakes Energy Cooperative, secretary-treasurer; Craig Borr, president and CEO.
CONTACT US/LETTERS TO EDITOR: Michigan Country Lines 201 Townsend St., Suite 900 Lansing, MI 48933 248-534-7358 editor@countrylines.com
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please notify your electric cooperative. See page 4 for contact information.
The appearance of advertising does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services advertised.

6 10 14

Come see why this spectacle on Lake Superior was named America's first National Lakeshore.
Homemade Hamburgers: Make your summer cookout even better with these juicy burgers bursting with flavor.
This eco-friendly boating experience is one that everyone can easily enjoy.
Dr. William J. Fuller, World War II Neurosurgeon: A son recalls his father's wartime legacy and how a small act of kindness made a profound impact on him.

MI Co-op Community
To enter contests, submit reader content & more, visit countrylines.com/community
Recipe Contest
See details on page 10. Breads & Muffins due Aug. 1; Holiday Treats due Sept. 1. Win a $100 bill credit!
Guest Column
Share your fondest memories and stories. Win $200 for stories published. Visit countrylines.com/community to submit. Win $200 for stories published!
Mystery Photo
See details on page 18. Win a $100 bill credit!

Howard Bowersox, Chairman, District 8 219-670-0977
Mark Carson, Vice Chairman, District 2 231-675-0561 mcarson@glenergy.com
Paul Byl, Secretary, District 7 231-861-5911 pbyl@glenergy.com
Dale Farrier, Treasurer, District 5 231-564-0853 dfarrier@glenergy.com
Janet Andersen, Director, District 6 231-690-4622 jandersen@glenergy.com
David Coveyou, Director, District 1 231-347-4056 dcoveyou@glenergy.com
Richard Evans, Director, District 3 231-883-3146 revans@glenergy.com
John LaForge, Director, District 9 269-623-2284 jlaforge@glenergy.com
Mary O’Connell, Director, District 4 989-217-8379 moconnell@glenergy.com
PRESIDENT/CEO: Shaun Lamp 888-485-2537
COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: Brett Streby 231-487-1389 • bstreby@glenergy.com
BOYNE CITY HEADQUARTERS 1323 Boyne Ave. Boyne City, MI 49712
Call center hours: 7 a.m.–5:30 p.m. M–F Phone: 888-485-2537 Email: glenergy@glenergy.com
TO REPORT AN OUTAGE: Call 888-485-2537 or login to your account at gtlakes.com or the GLE mobile app.
Change of Address: 888-485-2537, ext. 8924
Great Lakes Energy is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Vote in Director Elections
Shaun Lamp, Great Lakes Energy President/CEO
any things in our daily lives are outside our control. The weather, traffic, and the price of gas are just a few examples.
However, as a member of an electric cooperative such as Great Lakes Energy, you enjoy something people who are served by other types of electric utilities don’t have: a vote for a board member in your district. The GLE Board of Directors governs the cooperative and makes decisions on behalf of all members.
Because GLE is a member-owned electric cooperative, it is controlled by a democratically elected board of directors that actively participates in setting the policies and making the decisions that guide the organization.
Part of the value of being a cooperative member is that you, not GLE staff or other outside entities, determine who serves on the board. Because of this, you can play a vital role in shaping the way your co-op is run. Qualified members can run for a board seat, sign a candidate’s nominating petition, or simply vote.
Every member’s vote carries equal weight. Whether it’s a business with several owners or a small home with a single owner, each has one membership and one vote. In the case of a married couple, their joint membership entitles them to a single vote.
Board members serve three-year terms and are chosen from among the members in each of GLE’s nine voting districts. Each year, three of the nine seats on the Great Lakes Energy Board of Directors are up for election. This year, voting will take place for seats in districts 1, 2, and 7. Members in those districts can read about their respective candidates in this issue of Country Lines and then cast their vote. For all other members, your opportunity to vote will come in 2025 or 2026.
Last year, in response to member feedback, we began offering an online voting option in addition to a mail-in ballot. The goal of adding this option is
to make it even easier for members to participate in the democratic process that shapes the face of their electric cooperative.
In the 2023 election for districts 3, 4, and 5, more than half of the 2,632 members who voted used the online voting option.
To ensure the election is conducted fairly and efficiently, all balloting will be administered by a third-party partner, Survey Balloting Systems (SBS). The ballot and instructions on how to vote are included on the cover wrap that accompanies this issue in voting districts. Be sure your vote is submitted before the election closes at 5 p.m. on Aug. 15. If you are using a mail-in ballot, be sure to allow enough time for it to arrive at SBS in Minnesota.
I highly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to have your voice heard.
It’s the cooperative difference.
Plug In To Generator Safety

When summer arrives each year, so does an increased chance of severe weather. Not only can these storms be a threat to lives and property, but they can also cause power outages. While Great Lakes Energy crews always work as quickly as they safely can to restore power following a storm, for some people, making the investment in a generator that can keep the lights on and some appliances running until electric service is restored is reassuring. For less than $1,000, a portable generator can provide just enough power to keep some essentials running. For a more sizable investment, a standby generator can automatically turn on to provide nearly all your home’s electric needs until electric service can be restored.
While having a generator can be a blessing in the event of a power outage, it’s important to be aware of several very important safety considerations ahead of time. It could be a matter of life and death.
Below are the top five safety considerations for using a generator.
Don’t do-it-yourself
Do not connect a portable generator to your home wiring without using a professionally installed transfer switch. GLE does not offer or install transfer switches. Contact a licensed electrician to ensure a quality transfer switch is safely installed.
Prevent electric shock risk to lineworkers and others
A transfer switch isolates your home’s wiring from the outside electrical grid. This prevents electricity from a generator connected to a home’s wiring from flowing
back into the power lines and endangering the lives of crews working to restore your power and others who may encounter a downed line. Always assume a downed power line is energized and keep clear.
Avoid damage to home appliances electronics
Using a transfer switch when a generator is supplying power to your home will also prevent damage to electronics and appliances that could happen if power from Great Lakes Energy is restored while the generator is still running.
Avoid fire risks
Be sure not to overload your generator, especially for portable models. This can lead to overheating and pose a fire hazard. Also, do not refuel the generator until it has cooled off. If you don’t, you could cause an explosion.
Beware of deadly carbon monoxide poisoning
Operate a portable generator outdoors at least 25 feet away from the house and away from doors, windows, and vents. Operating a generator in a garage can result in the buildup of deadly carbon monoxide.
If you have a generator, please contact GLE at (888) 485-2537 or glenergy@glenergy.com so we can add a note to your account.

To watch a video with more generator safety information, visit gtlakes.com/ generators or use the QR code.

Exploring Lake Superior’s Underwater Wonderland at Pictured Rocks
Lining the pristine shores of Lake Superior from Munising to Grand Marais, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore is a marvel of nature. It is a captivating destination, drawing visitors from around the world to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. One of the most captivating activities available to visitors is the shipwreck tours, which allow visitors to delve into the underwater world of Lake Superior, home to numerous well-preserved shipwrecks.
The Allure of Pictured Rocks
Renowned for its towering cliffs, colorful rock formations, sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and diverse ecosystems, it’s no surprise that Pictured Rocks was designated as America’s first National Lakeshore in 1966. The largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area, Lake Superior is also known as the Big Lake; the Chippewa people called it Gitche Gumee.
Where Pictured Rocks meets Lake Superior is pure Michigan magic, full
of vibrant marine life and geological wonder. It is accessible by both land and water, offering a variety of adventurous options for those wishing to view and visit the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. From hiking to kayaking, boating, and diving, endless adventures await.
The Shipwreck Tour Experience
For a mesmerizing glimpse into the underwater world lying just beneath the Lake Superior surface, hop aboard a Glass Bottom Shipwreck Tour. This presents an unparalleled opportunity to explore the hidden depths of Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore and an up-close experience with the striking rock formations giving Pictured Rocks its name.
Shipwreck tours depart from Munising, a charming small town near the eastern entrance of the national lakeshore. The two-hour tour visits two different shipwreck sites, cruises along rock cliffs and caves, and passes the historic 1867 Grand Island East Channel Lighthouse.
Passengers can admire and indulge in the exquisite beauty of Grand Island and Munising Bay.
The specially designed glass-bottom boats feature large viewing panels with transparent floors to peer directly into the clear waters below. As the marine landscape comes into view

through the openings on the boat floor, it reveals a kaleidoscope of colors and textures. Riders are treated to a spectacle of underwater life as the boat glides through shallow waters. Schools of fish and aquatic plants sway gently in the current, creating a vibrant tapestry of life beneath the surface.
Massive painted coves with mineralstained sandstone walls line the shores. Adorned with cascading waterfalls and intricate archways carved by centuries of erosion, each geological feature tells a story of Lake Superior’s tumultuous past.
Educational Insights
Beyond its natural beauty, Pictured Rocks also boasts a rich maritime history. Numerous shipwrecks rest on the lakebed below, preserved by Lake Superior’s frigid waters. The glass-bottom boats offer a unique perspective once reserved only for scuba divers; now, these underwater wonders can be explored without even getting wet.
Munising Bay is home to a treasure trove of maritime artifacts, providing fascinating insights into the American shipping history. Seventy-three shipwrecks have been discovered throughout Grand Island and Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, and many more are still missing.
Aboard the shipwreck tour, knowledgeable and entertaining narrators retell the tragic tales of ships lost to the treacherous waters of Lake Superior. See and learn about the Bermuda, a schooner that sank in 1870, and the Herman H. Hettler, a steamer that sank in 1926. These rare, fully intact wooden ships lay only feet below the viewing window. The water of Lake Superior is so clear that sometimes passengers can see up to 45 feet below the surface.

An Unforgettable Experience
A shipwreck tour at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore offers an unparalleled opportunity to explore the hidden depths of Lake Superior. It’s a journey through time, revealing the stories of the ships and the people who sailed them. Whether you’re a history buff, a nature lover, or an adventure seeker, this underwater wonderland is sure to captivate your imagination and leave you with lasting memories of the Great Lakes’ maritime heritage and Michigan’s natural beauty.
Tickets can be purchased online and at the Shipwreck Tours gift shop in Munising. Trips are scheduled rain or shine, seven days a week, from Memorial Day until Sept. 30.
Reservations are highly recommended. Seating is available outside on the open-air deck and inside, sheltered from wind and weather. Wheelchairaccessible tours are available aboard the Shipwreck Express.
Pop and water can be purchased on board, and outside snacks are welcome and encouraged. Don’t forget a jacket and binoculars to spot North American bald eagles that may be nesting on Grand Island.

Scan the QR code to watch a video of Cassondra’s adventure to Pictured Rocks.
Cassondra Scott is a content creator, writer, and social media influencer at Cassondra Wanders——sharing small businesses and sights to see all over the state of Michigan.

When The Heat Is On, GLE's Got You Covered
Summer is here, which means warm days and plenty of opportunities to relax and enjoy some fun in the sun.
Unfortunately, sometimes summer weather can also lead to interruptions in your electric service. Although you can rest assured that our crews are always ready to restore any storm-related power outages as quickly as safely possible, storms aren’t the only potential summertime concern for power outages.
If there’s a spell of hot weather on the horizon this summer, you might also hear about how expected high power demand could overtax the regional power grid.
Here’s why
As the electric industry transitions from fossil fuels to carbon-free sources for generating electricity, there is a concern that new generating facilities are not coming online quickly enough to adequately replace the capacity of the plants that are being retired. These concerns are amplified during times of peak electrical demand, such as when cooling needs spike when the weather gets hot.
How it could affect you
In a worst-case scenario, if demand on the regional grid is in danger of exceeding its capacity, the regional authority responsible for operating the power grid would order an emergency procedure known as “load curtailment” to quickly reduce the demand on the overall system. This is done to prevent potential long-term impacts on the regional power grid.
Although GLE’s power supplier Wolverine Power Cooperative has more than enough generating capacity
to meet the needs of the cooperatives it supplies, GLE members would be affected during a statewide power supply emergency because we are interconnected to the larger electric grid. That means we’d have to do our part to help reduce the demand on the larger grid by temporarily turning off power to portions of our service area.
Power in affected areas would remain off for up to two hours. The outage would then be shifted to different areas every two hours until the grid demand drops to safe levels.
GLE has a plan
Although a load curtailment event is unlikely, we want our members to know that GLE has a plan in place to alert members on days when these steps may be necessary and—as much as possible—before a load curtailment outage is about to happen.
Notifications may take the form of emails, text messages, push notifications on GLE’s mobile app, or automated phone calls. We may also use other channels, such as our website and social media pages, to spread the word.
Help us help you
Make sure your contact information is up to date in our system and that you are enrolled in outage notifications. You can do this through your GLE online account or the GLE mobile app.
Once that’s done, you can enjoy your summer fun, secure in the knowledge that GLE has got you covered.
Monuments, Statues, & Memorials

Enter to win a $200 energy bill credit!
Submit Your “Backroad Adventures” photos By July 20!

Each month, members can submit photos on our website for our photo contest. The photo with the most votes is published here, along with other selections.
Our July/Aug. theme is Backroad Adventures. Photos can be submitted by July 20 to be featured in the September issue.
How To Enter
Enter the contest at gtlakes.com/photocontest/. Make sure to vote and encourage others to vote for you, too. The photo receiving the most votes will be printed in an issue of Michigan Country Lines along with other favorites. All photos printed in the magazine in 2024 will be entered into a drawing to win a $200 bill credit in December 2024.
Charging Stallion, Sheila Melke, Charlevoix
Is it holdin’ hard?, Amanda Jackson, Allegan
In honor of our country, Beth Pipe, Baldwin
Jackson Square, Katrina Sweet, Elmira 6. This photo speaks 1,000 words, Connie Lynch, Gaylord
EJHS Class of 2026 visits Washington, D.C., Sierra Dunlop, East Jordan
Make your summer cookout even better with these juicy burgers bursting with flavor.

Recipe Contest
Win a $100 energy bill credit!
Breads & Muffi ns due Aug. 1; Holiday Treats due Sept. 1
Submit your favorite recipe for a chance to win a $100 bill credit and have your recipe featured in Country Lines with a photo and a video. Submit your recipe at micoopkitchen.com , or send it via email (include your full name and co-op) to recipes@countrylines.com
Katie Schneider, Midwest Energy & Communications
2 (14-ounce) cans black beans, drained and rinsed, patted dry
1 tablespoon olive oil
½ large yellow onion, finely diced 1 (7-ounce) can diced green chiles (mild or medium), drained
1 tablespoon garlic cloves, minced
1½ tablespoons ground cumin
1 tablespoon chili powder
½ tablespoon garlic powder
½ tablespoon smoked paprika
½ cup breadcrumbs or crushed crackers
2 large eggs (or sub ¹⁄ ³ cup mashed sweet potato, for vegan)
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce (skip for vegan, or use vegan version)
2 tablespoons barbecue sauce
¼ teaspoon salt
¹⁄ 8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
• Optional toppings: sliced red onion, Swiss cheese, sliced tomato, lettuce, etc.
Preheat oven to 325 F. Spread beans evenly onto a lined baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes until slightly dried out. This is optional, but helps burgers not turn out mushy. Meanwhile, sauté olive oil, onion, chiles, and garlic over medium heat until onions are soft, about 5–6 minutes. Place in a large bowl and add the cumin, chili powder, garlic powder, smoked paprika, breadcrumbs, eggs or sweet potato, Worcestershire, barbecue sauce, salt, and pepper. Stir everything together, then add the black beans. Mash well with a potato masher or fork, leaving small chunks of beans. Use hands to form into patties, about ¹⁄³ cup of mixture each, about ¾-inch thick. To bake, place patties on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet and bake at 375 F for 10 minutes, then carefully flip and cook another 10 min, for 20 minutes total. *If making vegan version with sweet potato, bake 15 minutes on each side. To grill: Place patties on greased aluminum foil and grill at 350 F–400 F for 8 minutes on each side. Serve with your favorite toppings. Store leftovers in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.
Watch a video of this month’s winning recipe at micoopkitchen.com/recipe_ type/videos/
Nancy Moore, Great Lakes Energy
1½ ounces cream cheese, softened
1½ ounces blue cheese
1½ teaspoons chopped fresh chives or finely chopped onion
1½ pounds ground beef
¼ cup dry breadcrumbs
1 egg
6 sandwich buns
• Toppings of choice: lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onions, sautéed mushrooms/onions, etc.
Heat grill. In a small bowl, combine the cream cheese, blue cheese, and chives/ onion; mix well. In a large bowl, add
the ground beef, breadcrumbs, and egg. Mix until fully combined. Shape burger mixture into 12 (3½ -inch) patties. Place 6 patties on waxed paper. Top each patty with about 1 tablespoon fi lling mixture. Place remaining patties over fi llings; press edges to seal. When ready, place the prepared patties on a gas grill over medium heat or on a charcoal grill, placing patties 4 to 6 inches from medium coals. Cook 10 to 15 minutes or until no longer pink, turning once. Serve burgers on sandwich buns with chosen toppings.

Nancy Hascall, Cherryland
2 tablespoons olive oil, divided
¼ cup finely chopped red, orange, or yellow bell pepper
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
¹⁄ ³ cup finely chopped onion or scallions
2 tablespoons jalapeño cream cheese
1 pound ground venison
¼ cup shredded cheese of choice
¼ cup Progresso Italian Breadcrumbs, or a slice of bread, crumbled up
1 egg
¼ teaspoon salt
¹⁄ 8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
• hamburger buns
• sliced tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, or desired condiments

Elizabeth Postma, Great Lakes Energy
1 pound ground beef (80% lean meat, 20% fat)
1 small onion, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon black pepper
• cheese slices, optional 4 hamburger buns
• Toppings: lettuce leaves, sliced tomatoes, sliced red onions, sliced pickles
• Condiments: garlic aioli, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, etc.
Preheat your grill or skillet over medium-high heat. In a mixing bowl, combine the ground beef, chopped onion, minced garlic, Worcestershire sauce, Dijon mustard, salt, and black pepper. Mix until all ingredients are evenly incorporated. Divide the mixture
into 4 equal portions and shape them into patties, making sure they are slightly larger than the diameter of the hamburger buns, as they will shrink during cooking. Place the patties on the grill or skillet and cook for about 4–5 minutes on each side, or until they reach your desired level of doneness. If adding cheese, place a slice on each patty during the last minute of cooking and cover the grill or skillet to melt the cheese. While the patties are cooking, lightly toast the hamburger buns on the grill or skillet until they are golden brown. Assemble your burgers by placing a lettuce leaf on the bottom half of each bun, followed by a cooked patty. Top with sliced tomatoes, red onions, pickles, and any other desired condiments. Place the top half of the bun over the toppings and serve immediately. Enjoy your delicious homemade burgers!
In a large skillet over medium heat, add 1 tablespoon olive oil. Sauté the bell pepper, garlic, and onion until the onions are translucent, stirring occasionally. Set aside and allow to cool. In a medium bowl, thoroughly mix the cream cheese into the ground venison. To the cream cheese mixture, add the shredded cheese and breadcrumbs and mix well. Then add the cooled vegetables; stir. Finally, add the egg, salt, and pepper and thoroughly mix. Form the hamburger patties to desired thickness and fry with remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil until cooked to your liking. Enjoy on hamburger buns with desired condiments, or serve with rice.

Easements Clear the Way for Enhanced Reliability
The word “cooperative” is more than just part of Great Lakes Energy's name and business model; it’s a way of life. We call it “the cooperative spirit.”
This spirit grows out of our roots. GLE and other electric cooperatives were formed when rural residents—many of them farmers—banded together to bring electric service to unserved rural areas.
That same spirit of cooperation remains an important part of our work today.
While GLE exists to serve its members’ needs, members also have a part to play in the success of the co-op. Members are responsible for contributing to the co-op by paying
for service, voting in elections, and granting easements, to name a few.
If you aren’t familiar with what an easement is, here are some of the basics:
What is an easement?
An easement is a legal document that grants another person or entity the right to use certain portions of your land for a specific purpose. In this case, it’s your need for electricity and access to cooperative infrastructure, including fiber, that necessitates an easement. Easements are a requirement of the GLE bylaws and enable your cooperative to provide you with reliable electric and fiber service.
What restrictions does an easement place on a landowner?
When members grant an easement on their property, they agree not to make any changes to the easement area that could damage GLE’s equipment or interfere with our ability to access the area for outage restoration or maintenance.
Why are you seeking an easement?
Easements for electric and fiber infrastructure are a necessity in order for members to receive service. They allow our field staff to access the lines during outages and for maintenance. When we are upgrading our utility infrastructure or when you have a new service request, an easement will be needed.
Will the easement cost me anything?
Members with a new service order pay a $30 fee to cover the cost of filing the easement with their county. We also offer a free online notary option for the convenience of our members.
How do I file the document?
An easement requires a notarized signature. GLE offers free notary services at all our offices. We also offer a free online notary option for GLE easements related to infrastructure upgrades or changes. Once notarized, the easement can be filed by mail.
Easements play a critical role in GLE’s ability to connect our members to reliable and innovative electric and communications programs and services.
That’s the cooperative spirit that sets us and our members apart.
If you have any easement-related questions, please contact us at (888) 485-2537, ext. 8930, Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m., or email easements@glenergy.com. Additional information is also available online at gtlakes.com/faq/

Autopay Is The Way
To Simplify Your Life
With all the demands of our everyday lives, it can be difficult to find the time to relax and do the things we enjoy the most.
Few, if any, of us are eager to spend our time doing mundane tasks such as paying bills.
Fortunately, GLE can take some of those worries away with autopay.
When you enroll in autopay, your GLE bill is automatically paid each month.
That means you can say goodbye to the worry of remembering to pay your bill on time, the hassle of writing checks, and the cost of postage.
Autopay offers you the option of paying your bill with a credit or debit card or having the bill paid directly from your financial institution.
No surprises
When you enroll in autopay, you’ll get an email each month letting you know when your statement is available for
review, how much the bill is, and when the amount due will be charged to your card or deducted from your bank account. You’ll also get email confirmation when your bill has been paid.
Better together
Since enrolling in autopay means you’ll receive these bill notifications by email, why not take the convenience a step further by enrolling in paperless billing?
Paperless billing will not only help reduce the clutter around your house and save some trees along the way, but it will also free up space in your mailbox for more important things.
Sign-up is simple
Enrolling in autopay and paperless billing is easy and can be done in minutes through your GLE online account, the GLE mobile app, or by calling (888) 485-2573.
Then all that’s left for you is a little more time to do the things you enjoy.

A Recreational Revolution
This eco-friendly boating experience is one that everyone can easily enjoy.
By Emily Haines Lloyd
remind you to slow down every once in a while. It’s on those very waters that Lilypad Labs is looking to redefine boating experiences. Their Lilypad solar boats are quietly stirring up a recreational revolution by offering an accessible alternative for those seeking both calming and carbon-free moments on the water.
Lilypad Labs began with founder Jim Hotary, who hails from Michigan’s automotive industry. Hotary is a sailing enthusiast who, after years of navigating traditional sailboats, recognized the need for a more approachable and comfortable boating experience. “I’ve sailed for a long time and love the feeling of the peace you can experience out on the water,” said Hotary. “Unfortunately, it’s hard to do, which makes it intimidating and inaccessible to most people.” Hotary envisioned a solution that would prioritize tranquility, simplicity, and inclusivity.

Along with Lilypad CEO Dana Lowell and the rest of the industrious team, Hotary embarked on a journey to reinvent recreational boating. What if you designed a boat so simple, so easy to maneuver, that almost anyone could captain it? The result? The Lilypad—a vessel designed for “slow boating,” where the focus is on enjoying the journey rather than rushing to a destination.
At a leisurely 5 mph, these solar-powered boats quietly transport passengers with an easy four-way controller (think old-school Pac-Man joystick). No need to back up dockside; boaters can simply slide left or right into the slip. “Our focus is on creating an easy and awesome experience on the water,” said Lowell. “But we’re also going to make sure it’s the most sustainable and eco-friendly experience at the same time.”
Lilypad Labs drew inspiration from their automotive industry experience. The company developed proprietary technology that maximizes energy efficiency while ensuring ease of use for all passengers. Because Lilypad wants to maximize the utilization of the boats, ensuring that each one is shared and enjoyed by hundreds of individuals throughout the boating season, they partnered with marinas to make the boats available to rent in four locations. This takes out the large investment to own a boat and allows access to water recreation for anyone.
While other boats on the Great Lakes may leak oil and gas, the Lilypad, made from recyclable aluminum, offers a greener option. “Michigan has over 20% of the world’s fresh water,” said Lowell. “The blue economy is vital to Michigan. We wanted to make sure we were leaving a better environmental footprint for everyone to enjoy.”
The boats look a bit like outdoor cafés, each with sofa-like lounges and a coffee table. However, you won’t see people logging into the WiFi or joining conference calls—more conversation, less overly caffeinated business jargon. “Our goal was to create an easy and accessible way for people to get on the water,” said Hotary. “Being in nature is one of the easiest ways to slow things down. We need more of that.”
As the company prepares for its second summer on the water, they remain committed to a new era of boating—where water recreation can be both stress-free and carbon-free.
“The blue economy is vital to Michigan. We wanted to make sure we were leaving a better environmental footprint for everyone to enjoy.”
—Dana Lowell, Lilypad CEO

For more on their boats and where to find them, visit lilypad-labs.com
GLE Is Investing In Reliability
Reliable electric service is something we all depend on every day. It’s also something that many of us may take for granted—until it goes away.
As your member-owned electric cooperative, we work hard not only to restore your power quickly and safely when an outage occurs but also to prevent outages from happening in the first place. One key piece of our reliability efforts is our vegetation management program. Through this program, we address trees or branches in the right-of-way when they become a problem, but we also invest significant time and resources into proactively keeping rights-of-way clear of these hazards.
Another important way we ensure our system’s reliability is by replacing aging infrastructure before it becomes a problem. Like other types of equipment, the components of our electrical distribution system also have a limited lifespan.
GLE’s Board of Directors has prioritized taking steps to ensure the long-term reliability of our system. To that end, last year the board approved a plan to significantly accelerate the rate at which infrastructure is being replaced across our distribution system.
As a result of this initiative, GLE plans to replace more than 300 miles of distribution line in the next three years. For about half of those miles, we will be converting lines that currently run overhead to underground.
Can you dig it?
As you might imagine, underground lines are far less susceptible to damage from falling trees and limbs, wind, lightning, and damage from other sources, such as traffic crashes. With the benefits also come some challenges that have to be considered including cost, location of the lines, and ability to find and repair faults during an outage. Our engineering and operations teams thoroughly analyze and consider all of these items before moving forward with infrastructure upgrades.
These are just a few of the many factors that play a role in our planning for upgrading our system as we balance our members’ need for electric and fiber internet service that is both reliable and affordable.
These infrastructure investments not only help prevent outages that could arise from the failure of aging infrastructure, but they also allow us to take advantage of new smart grid technologies that will further enhance the reliability and efficiency of our distribution system for many years to come.

Miles of power line:
14,745 (Third in the nation)
Counties served:
129,539 (19th in the nation)
Number of meters: 8.79
Average number of members per mile of power line:
Life doesn’t stop when the lights go out. In those unexpected moments, you need a simple, hassle-free way to report your outage. That’s where our new texting solution comes in.

In addition to using your online account, GLE’s mobile app, or making a phone call, you now have the option of reporting your power outage by sending a simple text message.
To take advantage of this option, you must be enrolled in outage notifications through your online account or the mobile app
Once you’re enrolled, save 1-855-939-3703 as “GLE” in your phone’s contacts.
Then, if you experience a power outage, you can simply text “OUT” to your saved GLE contact anytime, day or night. This will ensure your outage is reported, and we’ll send you updates as we work to make sure the issue is resolved as quickly and safely as possible.
Outage restoration efforts are in progress in your area. Safety Alert: DO NOT approach or interrupt lineworkers.

Mystery Photo
Win a $100 energy bill credit!
Where In Michigan Is This?
Identify the correct location of the photo above by July 20 and be entered into a drawing to win a $100 electric bill credit. Enter your guess at countrylines.com/community

Winners are announced in the following issues of Country Lines: January, March, May, July/ August, September, and November/December.
By William J. Fuller II, a Great Lakes Energy Cooperative member
M Dr. William J. Fuller, World War II Neurosurgeon

y dad, Dr. William J. Fuller, was born in 1912 in the small town of Yale, Michigan. With determination and hard work, he put himself through Eastern Michigan University and then the University of Michigan Medical School, graduating in 1938. He completed his residency at University Hospital in Ann Arbor, spending a year specializing in neurosurgery. In 1941, he married his high school sweetheart and, shortly after, joined the University Hospital Army Unit.
As World War II escalated, my dad was called to Camp Robinson in Arkansas for hospital training. Little did my mother know, she would not see him again until 1945. In 1942, he was shipped to England to serve with the 298th General Hospital. Alongside his unit, he landed on Utah Beach during the Normandy invasion and set up a hospital in Cherbourg.
Neurosurgeons were in high demand as the Allies advanced across France. Due to his specialized training, my dad was transferred to the 15th General Hospital in Liège, Belgium. Liège was under heavy bombardment from German buzz bombs, and the hospital was hit, resulting in 28 deaths and 150 injuries. Despite the dangers, he continued to serve with the 298th in a tent hospital set up in an open field.
One day, a young soldier with a severe shrapnel wound was brought in and needed a blood transfusion. While he prepared the transfusion, my dad noticed a familiar name on the bottle of donated blood: Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces in Europe. Eisenhower had personally donated blood to the Allied blood drive.
When my dad was discharged in 1945, among the memorabilia he brought home was the blood bottle bearing Eisenhower’s name. It was displayed in a small cabinet in our home, a poignant reminder of his service and the connections forged during the war. He often expressed a desire to personally deliver this bottle to the Eisenhower Library and Museum in Abilene, Kansas.
After my dad passed away in 1996, the bottle remained in our family cabinet. Honoring his longstanding wish, my wife Laura and I made the journey to Abilene in 2002. We presented the bottle to the director of the Eisenhower Museum, finally fulfilling my dad’s heartfelt desire.
Dr. William J. Fuller’s legacy is one of dedication, service, and the profound impact of small, meaningful acts in the midst of global conflict.
Guest Column Win $200 for stories published!
Share your fondest memories and stories. Win $200 for stories published. Visit countrylines.com/community to submit.

May 2024 Winner! Our Mystery Photo winner is Susan Deer Dembowski, a HomeWorks TriCounty Cooperative member who correctly identified the photo as the Chippewa County Courthouse in Sault Ste. Marie.
