Edition 8 of the Cougar Chronicle

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Black Student

Center turns five In

the United States, February is Black History Month. At Cal State San Marcos, it’s Black Excellence Month. For John W. Rawlins III, director of the Black Student Center, the difference is more than semantics. It signifies that Black history should be recognized all year long, while February is reserved for a celebration of Black excellence and achievements. And this year represents an important occasion for celebration, as the Black Student Center marks the fifth anniversary of its opening in 2017. The theme of this Black Excellence Month is “We Are Here: The Power of Voice and Visibility.”


clinics hosted


SUSM hosted a vaccination clinic on Feb. 2. It was recommended that those interested sign up on MyTurn however, walk-ins were welcome. Boosters are required for CSUSM students curreently active on campus, the next clinic is on Feb 9. at 9 a.m.

however there are multiple



manent, a new clause in the

site a win in the ratification

CFA Faculty ratify fair contract BY MARBELLA RAMIREZ Editor-In-Chief


alifornia Faculty Association (CFA) has won an almost two year long battle, after several negotiations and votes, the CFA has secured a fair contract for faculty. On Feb. 3, 2022, an email was sent out to faculty subscibed to CFA announcing the results of a recent vote to ratifiy a tentative agreement between CFA and CSU. The email was sent by CFA officials; Charles Toombs; CFA President; a Professor, at San Diego State, Kevin Wehr; CFA Vice President; a Professor at Sacramento State and Vang Vang; CFA Treasurer; a Librarian at Fresno State. It read, “Our members overwhelmingly voted in favor to ratify the Tentative Agreement with the CSU; 95% of members who voted said yes. In addition, we had our highest voter turnout of the past decade.” For the past few months, strikes have been creeping up upon CSUs and even UCs causing worry amongst school officials of a school closure. The battle is mostly known for its implications of poor pay rates for faculty,

Photo by Valeria Serna This new contract update welcomes a new era for faculty.

agendas included in the vote. The top items include but aren’t limited to: Cultural taxation, meaning that increases for Exceptional Service Awards for service to students would be made per-

discrimation policy addressing caste, the right for faculty to defend themselves against a bias review, alternatives to campus police and support for parents. According to the CFA web-

“95% of members who voted said yes.”

process means, “upon ratification, faculty members should expect to see salary increases totaling 8% to 10.65% by July 1, 2022, plus lump-sum payments for retroactive salary increases and the $3,500 COVID Service Award.” In the case the vote did not go as planned, faculty would not receive pay raises and the CFA and CSU would have to draft their almost 22 month old negotiation and possibly start anew. That is if CSU were to agree to negotiate again. That is not the case, instead, everyone is reaping the benefits of a fair contract. This includes all professional faculty, coaches, librarians, professors and more. This win was a big one for the faculty, however, they have more coming up on their agenda. The CFA is preparing for a salary reopener next year. In addition, workgroups will meet to dicuss measures like parental support and teaching tenure/ professor of practice. For now, the faculty are out of the chains, however, there is no knowing what is to come.

COVID-19 cases active on campus T

he CSUSM campus has 18 active COVID cases as of February 8. Students comprise 10 of the current cases, faculty comprise seven and one venor competes the total count of 18. The latest case was reported February 1, the location affected by this case is the sports center. The data includes cases from students and employees who have tested positive for COVID-19. Additionally, the data shows whether individuals with COVID-19 were on campus or in an off site campus program. The positivity rate of students, faculty and staff testing through on campus testing is 99%. As of February 8, the numbers demonstrated in current data include the case is only known to CSUSM and are not inclusive of positive cases, impacting CSUSM community members off campus. This data and more infrmation about infected locations can be found on https://www. csusm.edu/csusmasone/faq/ current-cases.html or by searching “CSUSM COVID cases”. The data updates when there are new cases reported to the university


Recount the success story of Spider-Man, from filler comic to #6 top-grossing movie BY NIK CHRISSANTHOS Asst. A&E Editor


pider-Man is everywhere in our modern world. The friendly neighborhood superhero has appeared in many forms of media in just the last decade alone such as comic books, TV shows, video games, and the immensely popular film franchise as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But Spider-Man was not intended to be such a popular character when he was created. In fact, the initial reason for his creation was far from the heights he has swung into today. It all began in 1962 when a comic book writer from Marvel Comics, Stan Lee, was tossing around ideas for new superhero comic books, eventually landing on the idea of a teenager with spider powers. With the help of artist Steve Ditko, the two would publish the


Graphic from Dual Shockers, property of Marvel. Students look forward to the upcoming winter break.

first Spider-Man comic as the final issue of Marvel’s “Amazing Fantasy” series. During this time period, the executives at Marvel Comics were hesitant

about the new Spider-Man character. They eventually approved Stan Lee’s new character to act as filler for the last issue of “Amazing Fantasy.” Spider-Man went


on to be a huge success, eventually becoming one the most recognizable superheroes of all time. In contrast to many other characters of this era, Pe-

ter Parker was relatable to a large part of the audience. Spider-Man is a person first and foremost who happens to have spider powers. He struggles to juggle school,



Animated DND campaign premieres on Amazon Prime

Recipe: Coricos Sinaloenses

Mental Health Resources on Campus

Covid’s Game Cancellations

The Critical Role company’s animated

Coricos are made from instant corn masa

In December of 2021, the U.S Sur-

On January 15th, 2022, Cal State Univer-

Dungeons and Dragons campaign The

flour, which is commonly used for meals

geon General issued an advisory to

sity San Marcos’s Men’s and Women’s

Legend of Vox Machina premiered Jan. 28

like tamales, tortillas, and even sopes (so-

address the mental health crisis of

Basketball games were canceled against

on Amazon Prime.


America‘s youth.

Stanislaus State due to Covid.





his social life, and the responsibility of being a superhero. The popularity of Spider-Man has spun off into multiple forms of media. Various television shows have been produced throughout the years following Spider-Man’s breakout success, such as a live-action show in 1977 called “The Amazing SpiderMan” starring Nicholas Hammond. Various animated shows have also been produced including “Spider-Man” from 1967, often used as a source for internet memes and “Spider-Man: The Animated Series” from 1994, part of a connected universe to other Marvel Comics inspired animated TV shows similar to the modern day Marvel Cinematic Universe. Spider Man Continued on Page 4 TODAY






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CSUSM’s Black Excellence Month Event Calendar Thursday, February 10 12 p.m. - Black Excellence Resource Fair USU Arcade Tuesday, February 15 12 p.m. - Read Like Beyonce Zoom event 6 p.m. - BSU Black Hair Show USU Ballroom Wednesday, February 16 1 p.m. - Discussion on Blackfishing Black Student Center (virtual option avalinble) Thursday, February 17 12 p.m. - In My Own Words: What My Black Excellence Looks Like Black Student Center Thursday, February 24 12 p.m. - Circle of Sisters and Brotherhood Alliance Collaboration Black Student Center Saturday, February 26 10a.m. - BSC Fifth Anniversary Celebration/Symposium USU Ballroom



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Cheers to a new semester, and to a brand new paper BY MARBELLA RAMIREZ Editor-In-Chief


will not lie, I am writing this last minute in a quiet kitchen at three in the morning. I have no idea how I am able to keep my eyes open,

but as I sit here sacrificing my body in the cold this paper slowly comes to life. This edition is special, you may notice it is not like like the others. We wanted to this paper to mature along with this editorial transition. I can’t guarantee you will

Photo by Marbella Ramirez Marbella Ramirez is the new Editor-In-Chief of The Cougar Chronicle.

like the change. I can’t guarantee I will like it either. All I ask of you is to please bear with us as we remodel ourselves to our best potential. Our humble staff work as hard as we can in the amount of time we have, we must remember that we are not fulltime workers but students at a university. As a new team, we have made mistakes, starting with me having to stay up all night to finish this paper, however, blood, sweat and tears fill these pages with whats most important. To all previous editors and chiefs before me, I hope I live up to your expectations, especially to yours Tania. If we ever meet again on this journey to greatness, I hope we can recall our fond memories as staff of The Cougar Chronicles. To Kinsey, my managing editor, thank you for staying in the office late with me and always asking questions. Your dedication will surely make a difference in our future editions just as it has in this current one. To my other editors and staff, thank you for fixing and

delivering whenever I direct you. For may of you, this is your first edition, maybe even your first every print. Cherish this paper with al your might because you were part of the creation. To Kent, thank you for always checking up on us and ketting us know that it is ok to have a little disaster. Thank you all for giving me a chance, I write as if I am about to graduate but this is just the begining. So when you open up this newspaper further, keep in mind the time and effort that went into every single page. If you like something, make sure to let me know through my email, if you didn’t like something let me know too. I am here to listen to all critiques and to welcome anyone that wants to join our precious family. Even if you are not a writer, it never hurts to try and contribute something to this beloved paper. If you still aren’t convinced, don’t hesitate to stop by Craven 3500, whether it is to check out what we do, or to just drop by to say hello, anyone and everyone is welcome.

Arts & Lectures Event Calendar

THE COUGAR CHRONICLE EDITOR IN CHIEF Marbella Ramirez csusm.cougarchronicle@gmail.com MANAGING EDITOR Kinsey Canez cougarchron.managingeditor@gmail.com CREATIVE DIRECTOR Mallory Arcena cougarchron.design@gmail.com WEB & SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER Eric Hendricks cougarchron.web@gmail.com NEWS EDITOR Christopher King cougarchron.news@gmail.com A&E EDITOR Cassidy Lovell cougarchron.arts@gmail.com FEATURES EDITOR Magali Castillo cougarchron.features@gmail.com SPORTS EDITOR Zoe Silva cougarchron.sports@gmail.com OPINION EDITOR Sayna Nassertorabi cougarchron.opinion@gmail.com VIDEO EDITOR Jose Valdovinos cougarchron.video@gmail.com ASSISTANT A&E EDITOR Nik Chrissanthos cougarchron.aeassistant@gmail.com ASSISTANT FEATURES EDITOR Danya Rodriguez cougarchron.featuresassistant@gmail.com

Friday, February 18 7:00 p.m. Dr. Ching-Ming Cheng Campus Concert @ Arts 111

ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR Nijiati Maimaitiyiming cougarchron.sportsassistant@gmail.com REPORTERS Priscilla Cruz Brittany Stroffolino Kristin Bergmann

Wednesday, February 23 6:00 p.m.

Exterminate All the Brutes @ USU Ballroom (virtual option avalible)

Thursday, March 3 6:00 p.m Camarada Presents Baroque and Blue @ CSUSM Arts Building



GRAPHIC DESIGN INTERNS Shea Hauswirth Angelina Parra Fernanda Ugarte PHOTOGRAPHERS Angelina Parra Valeria Serna ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR Maria Clements JOURNALISM ADVISOR Kent Davy

Weekly meetings Tuesdays in Craven 3500 during u-hour




The Cougar Chronicle Animated DND campaign entertainment rundown REVIEW: The Legend of Vox Machina

premieres on Amazon Prime



new Hulu series How I Met Your Father, a spinoff of How I Met Your Mother, is “legen…wait for it…dary”. Eight years after the final episode of How I Met Your Mother aired, we see the story reprised in a modern society, one that is inclusive and less sexist. Sophie, played by 2000’s Disney Channel sweetheart

Hilary Duff, is a hopeless romantic who is struggling to find her right person. Sophie has her roommate Valentina (Francia Raisa) by her side as they journey through New York City in search for “the one”. Episodes are currently streaming online, as of now there is only one season comprised of five episodes. To watch this spin-off, make sure to log into your Hulu account every Tuesday for a new episode!

BY CASSIDY LOVELL A&E Editor This review may contain spoilers.


Photo from Rotten Tomatos, property of HULU.

if you loved the original show, give this spin-off a try.



Photo from Wikipedia, property of Spy Glass Media Group

Scream is currently in theaters.

he newest addition to the horror franchise Scream hit select theaters on Jan 14. Directed by Matt BettinelliOlpin and Tyler Gillett, this version is the first to be released without direction from its original creator, the late Wes Craven. Fans of the slasher series will recognize familiar faces in the cast such as Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox, and David

Arquette, and see new fresh faces, such as Jenna Ortega and Melissa Barrera. The film features Ghost Face returning to terrorize the town of Woodsboro. Starting off with its infamous phone call scene, Scream revamps its legacy into a new experience for hardcore fans and new viewers alike. The movie released Jan. 14 and is showing at a theater near you. If you are on campus Edwards Cinema in San Marcos is the closest location.

he Critical Role company’s animated Dungeons and Dragons campaign The Legend of Vox Machina premiered Jan. 28 on Amazon Prime. Critical Role began as a group of friends, who happen to all be professional voice actors, playing Dungeons and Dragons. Although their first campaign started in 2012, Critical Role was first streamed in 2015. Since then, the channel has grown significantly, with over 1 million followers on Twitch. Critical Role was even the highest-earning Twitch channel in 2019. In March of 2019, the idea of creating a 22-minute animated special in mind, a Critical Role Kickstarter campaign launched with a goal to raise $750,000 over 45 days. The goal was met in just 45 minutes, eventually raising more than

$11,000,000 in just over a month. As of now, it is still the highest-funded film and video campaign on Kickstarter. In November of 2019, it was announced that the series would be released on Amazon Prime, and that Amazon had commissioned extra episodes and an additional season. The cast is as follows: Laura Bailey as Vex’ahlia Vessar, a half-elf ranger; Liam O’Brien as Vax’ildan Vessar, a half-elf rogue; Travis Willingham as Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian; Ashley Johnson as Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric; Sam Riegel as Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard; Marisha Ray as Keyleth of the Air Ashari, a half-elf druid, and Taliesin Jaffe as Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger. Matthew Mercer, the dungeon master, also voices characters throughout the series, such as Lord Sylas Briarwood and Trinket the bear. The series also features actors such as Darin De Paul, who voices Reinhart in the video game Overwatch, and

David Tennant, known for his role as the tenth Doctor in the TV show Doctor Who. The first two episodes follow a new journey for viewers— a preview of events occurring before campaign one’s first stream. The ragtag group of heroes, known as Vox Machina (“voice machines”), face off against the blue dragon Brimscythe. Episode three focuses on the beginnings of the Briarwood arc, with Vox Machina meeting Delilah and Sylas Briarwood at a dinner party. Although animated, The Legend of Vox Machina is not a children’s show— scenes include swearing, violence, and other potentially graphic content. Amazon Prime suggests viewers be 16 and up. The Legend of Vox Machina is available to watch on Amazon Prime. Three episodes are released every Friday. The first season is composed of 12 episodes. For more Critical Role content, campaign three’s episodes are streamed every Thursday at 7 p.m PST on https://www.twitch.tv/criticalrole.



okémon Legends: Arceus, developed by GameFreak and published by Nintendo, released Jan. 28. In this action role-playing game, players battle and catch Pokémon while exploring the Hisui region, later known as Sinnoh. To begin, players select one of three starters: Rowlet, a grasstype; Cyndaquil, a fire-type; and Oshawott, a water-type.

The game features over 200 different Pokémon species to catch, new combat mechanics, and the legendary Pokémon Arceus. According to Hisui legend, Arceus, known as “The Original One,” was said to have created the entire universe and all Pokémon. Pokémon Legends: Arceus is currently available for purchase for $60, compatible with Nintendo Switch. Buy online or at a game/electronics store near you!

Photo from Vox Machina Wiki, property of Critical Role. Photo from Wikipedia, property of Nintendo.

Go on a new journey by playing the newest game installment.



Photo from Wikipedia, property of Disney

“Surface Pressure” belongs to the Encanto soundtrack released in November 2021.

hile people are talking about “We Don’t Talk About Bruno’’ calling it the new “‘Let it Go”, there is another song from the movie Encanto that has garnered attention; “Surface Pressure”. The song is written by Lin-Manuel Miranda and performed by the voice of Luisa, Jessica Darrow. In the song, Lusia laments to Mirabel how she’s pressured to constantly help.

This animated project came to life due to the support of fans.

The song uses allusions such as Hercules fighting Cerberus and the Titanic’s icy demise to reveal how Lusia has to be constantly vigilant to protect everyone. Paired with alluring melodies, the song is a fan favorite charting in Billboard’s Top 10 chart. You can listen to “Surface Pressure” on all music streaming platforms or on Disney’s official VEVO. The movie on the other hand is avalible for streaming through a Disney+ subcription!

Spider Man: continued from page 1 The bulk of Spider-Man’s modern popularity comes from the three cinematic versions of the character. The original trilogy of Spider-Man movies starting in 2002 directed by Sam Raimi and starring Tobey Maguire are fondly remembered by those who grew up watching them. After that, the Spider-Man series was rebooted with “The Amazing SpiderMan” in 2012 with Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man. Although the movie and its sequel are poorly regarded by critics, some fans still enjoy Andrew Garfield’s performance as Spider-Man. The most recent iteration of the character as part

of the Marvel Cinematic Universe played by Tom Holland has quickly become a fan-favorite iteration of the character, as evidenced by the most recent film “SpiderMan: No Way Home” has

The future certainly looks bright for Spider-Man, as for fans, there is a lot to look forward to. dominated the box office since its release in December of 2021. According to “The Numbers,” the film has earned nearly $1.74 Billion at the international box office. It is currently the sixth highest-

grossing movie of all time. The future certainly looks bright for SpiderMan, as for fans, there is a lot to look forward to. The sequel to 2018’s immensely popular “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” is due to release in 2022. Insomniac Game’s successful “Marvel’s Spider-Man” video game is also getting a sequel, currently expected to release in 2023. All originating from one character intended to be filler for a comic book series that was ending in 1962. To view the full ranking of the top highest-grossing movies of all time, visit https://www.the-numbers. com/box-office-records/ worldwide/all-movies/ cumulative/all-time)




Recipe: Coricos Sinaloenses from Mexico



riginating from Sinaloa in the northern part of Mexico, these traditional Mexican desserts known as Coricos (ko-ree-toes) are quite simple to accomplish. Coricos are made from instant corn masa flour, which is commonly used for meals like tamales, tortillas, and even sopes (so-pes). To achieve these soft and sweet cookies, there are a few things to acknowledge: replacing whole milk with almond or oat milk could give the recipe a different taste. Another important detail is not to replace instant corn masa flour with all-purpose flour. This will change the taste of the recipe, but also loses its traditional representation. Lastly, this recipe does require an oven but could also be baked through a convection countertop oven or convection toaster (note: these alternatives might affect the



For this recipe, you will need two cups of instant corn masa flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, ¼ teaspoon of salt, 1 cup of vegetable shortening, ¾ cup of granulated sugar, 2 large eggs, 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract, and ⅓ to ½ cups

of whole milk (or of your choosing), slightly warmed.


Begin by preheating the oven to 375°F or 190°C. With a medium bowl, combine all the dry ingredients: masa flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt. Set aside. Next, beat the vegetable shortening and sugar

Roll on over for a new DIY BY BRITTANY STROFFOLINO Staff Writer


October through February there seems to be an abundance of holidays that require gifts. As another holiday approaches on February 14th, you might find yourself out ofinspiration or burnt out. Luckily many DIY projects that add value to a simple gift. Marbled paper is a fun way to enhance any card for any occasion. Birthday cards, Graduation cards, Just Because Cards, everyone loves a thoughtful folded piece of paper.

Photo by Angelina Parra

Make simple and delightful corn cookies.

For this DIY project you will need: Blank paper 1 bottle of shaving cream Food coloring Popsicle sticks Cardboard Flat container Once you gather all your materials you will first spray some shaving cream into the flat container or baking sheet. Spray the shaving cream from the top corner and work your way down and across. Don’t use all of it, just enough for the bottom to be covered. Next, put drops of which-

ever color food coloring you want all over. Make sure to lightly drop them in random areas, don’t overuse them. Leaving some shaving cream white is essential to the final product. Use the popsicle stick to swirl the food coloring around creating “waves’’ in the shaving cream. Afterwards, get a piece of cardstock or printer paper and lay it flat on the colored shaving cream. When removing it there will be cream stuck to the paper, use cardboard or any flat surface to scrape it off evenly. The shaving cream dries fast so you will be ready to fold, decorate and write your new one- of- a- kind card instantly. Not all papers will come out the same or even remotely good (see mine for reference). However, for Valentine’s Day it’s the thought that counts… right?

in a large bowl until it’s light and fluffy. Do this with an electric mixer at a medium speed or by hand, remember not to overbeat. Once completed, add eggs and vanilla into the mixture, mix until blended. Next slowly and gradually beat in all the dry ingredients on low speed until everything is combined. Make sure the mixture does not have any clumps. In-

stead, it should be one even texture. Assuring to not boil or over-heat, the milk should be slightly warm. Add 1 tablespoon of warm milk gradually into the mixture. The mixture should moisten and slowly form into a dough. Notice, if the dough isn’t forming add more masa flour, if the dough is crumbling or feels dry add more

milk. Wrap the dough in plastic and refrigerate or set aside to rest for at least 15 minutes. Start by lightly flouring the surface and dividing the dough into 2-inch balls. Roll each ball into a log of about 6 - 7 inches long. Curl the dough to create a ring shape and overlap the two ends by pressing gently. Place cookies on a parchment baking sheet and bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. Once cookies are removed from the oven, allow them to cool for 1 - 2 minutes or cool completely. Once cookies are completely cool, pair them with hot chocolate or warm coffee to create a delightful experience. If not, any warm drink would do, enjoy your traditional Mexican Coricos! Like generations before us, these cookies will leave you asking for more.

Bloom this spring semester with these tips BY MAGALI CASTILLO Features Editor


t is a new semester! A fresh start to more in-person instruction and activities to experience on campus. Last semester, academically was difficult where many students might have encountered anxiety and stress when it came to submitting assignments on time or passing their courses. Not passing a course is not the end of a college career but rather an opportunity to look back at how things could have been done differently. As a fourth-year student, I have had my share of learning from my past mistakes when it comes to not succeeding in courses. It’s not the best feeling in the world however, some things are out of our control and life is unpredictable. Here are some helpful strategies that can ease you into a new semester :

around campus. It helps to stay on task when you are with other students than on your own where you can easily get distracted by social media or watching tv. Instead of taking breaks on your own, you will be with other students where you can talk and then get back on your tasks. Use the resources on campus. One of the best resources is going to the office hours your professors have because if you are a student that is shy about asking questions in

class you can ask them alone. Office hours create less tension and you can also establish relationships with professors like mentoring if that is something that is of interest. Schedule an appointment with the Writing center when writing essays or utilize the STEM success center for helpful math tutoring. Remember to breathe and to stay on task with assignments. If you need extensions, always communicate with your professors. Many professors don’t want you to fail but you do have to do your part by communicating!

Create an assignment sheet filled with due dates. This is a great way to keep yourself accountable for the assignments you have to complete to get good grades. There are useful resources available for students to create google sheets or excel sheets on Google Docs or Office365 that are free for students to use. Writing out in a planner is another way to have your assignments reviewed. Photos by Brittany Sttoffolino

Try this simple DIY at home during your next break.

Don’t study alone. Ask friends and classmates if they want to join you in the library or study spaces

Photo by Angelina Parra

It may be hard going back to an in-person format but these tips are sure to help.





Cougar Crossword

Do YOU have a cool job? Run your own business? Participate in greek life or a school club? We want to feature you as COUGAR OF THE WEEK! Inspire your classmates and community by sharing your pas sions,hobbies, or just a little bit about yourself! Whether you’re getting the word out about your school organization, a project you’ve been working on, or just introducing yourself, Cougar of the Week is open to everyone. To set up a short interview or recommend a friend, please email cougarchron.features@gmail.com

Cougar Chronicle Song of the Week

Submit a song at:


Something to mention on a date... Did you hear? USA Olympic coaches are only allowed to wear Nike or Ralph Lau@CSUSMCHRONICLE ren at the Beijing Games. So what you’re saying is we should have an Adam Rippon exclusive fashion show for his red, white & blue Gucci tracksuit... @CSUSMCHRONICLE








Across:3.Crash,4.semester,5.dean,8.crashcafe, 9.neufeldt, 10. graduation Down:1.university,2.newspaper,3.craven,6.IThelpdesk,7.cougar,10.zoom,12.ASI








3. Our mascot’s name 4. A term at CSUSM 5. The head of a college or university faculty or department 8. Café located in the USU 9. Current president of the university 11. Event which takes place after Fall and Spring semester

1. Institution for higher learning 2. A printed publication 3. Building that houses The Cougar Chronicles 6. Location you can get help with technology at 7. A large American wild cat 10. Most common online classroom video app 12. CSUSM student government


COVID-19 brings obstacles to

basketball despite return to campus BY ZOE SILVA Sports Editor


n January 15th, 2022, Cal State University San Marcos’s Men’s and Women’s Basketball games were canceled against Stanislaus State due to Covid. The schedule games will be shown as “No Contest” on records, leaving no room for an effected score on conference records for either team. Aside from this game, all other games should continue as planned as shown on the CSUSM game schedule. Covid has been inhibiting the lives of students all over for three years now, causing for a lot of conflict in the world of athletics. Below is a list of game cancelations in the Men’s and Women’s 2021-22 basketball season as a result of Covid-19.

staff and the mandation of mask wearing. The Department of Athletics at Cal State University San Marcos also made a decision to suspend spectator attendance for all Men’s and Women’s basketball events. As more obstacles are thrown at the Cougars, nothing will lower the spirits of those who bleed blue. The Department of Athletics is doing a fantastic job in following all rules and regulations to allow athletes to continue their seasons without the interruption of Covid. Both the Men’s and Women’s basketball teams are in the last half of their seasons, with high hopes for finals. The Cougars on the Wom-



en’s team are proudly defending their season with an overall 13-2, winning every away game thus far. On the Men’s team, their season is an overall 14-2, only recently being defeated. Statistics for the 2021-22 season are incredible with the Men’s team having a total of 1,234 points, 551 rebounds, 202 assists, 152 steals, and 28 blocks. On the Women’s team, there has been a total of 1,134 points, 561 rebounds, 243 assists, 129 steals, and 28 blocks. These numbers can only go up from here, allowing for an exciting season to watch for both NCAA Division II teams.

Sports Calendar 2/10

















5:30PM @ CSUSM


Men’s Basketball vs. Westcliff University/ Canceled by Westcliff / Sunday, Dec. 19




Men’s Basketball vs. Humboldt State / No Contest / Thursday, Jan. 6





5:30PM @ CSUSM

Men’s Basketball vs. Stanislaus State / No Contest / Saturday, Jan. 15 Women’s Basketball vs. Humboldt State / No Contest / Thursday, Jan. 6 Women’s Basketball vs. Stanislaus State / No Contest / Saturday, Jan. 15 There have been many safety precautions taken to ensure the health of our student athletes such as regulated testing of all players and

Photo courtesy of CSUSM Athletics COVID-19 keeps being an obstacle to sports, despite classes switching to in-person.



7:30PM @ CSUSM













Mental Health Resources on campus flooded during Covid-19 pandemic BY KRISTIN BERGMANN Staff Writer


n December of 2021, the U.S Surgeon General issued an advisory to address the mental health crisis of America‘s youth, outlining the pandemic’s unprecedented impact on young Americans and their families. For affected members of the Cougar family there are resources on our campus. In an effort to help young people suffering from mental health issues, the health center at CSUSM offers free counseling sessions for all currently enrolled students. Interested students can request a 30-minute phone consultation with a counselor to assess needs and determine a treatment plan. The phone consultations are also available for community members, faculty, and staff. SHCS offers individual counseling, as well as couple and group counseling. Due to the ongoing pan-

demic, all counseling sessions are currently held virtually. It is important to note that the counseling offered by SHCS is designed as short-term treatment. If the counselor determines that short-term therapy will not satisfy the student‘s needs, the student may be referred to an outside mental health provider. According to SHCS, the school’s mental health resources are being used intensely. In response to increased student demand, the Health Center has made changes to its initial consultation model. There are now 50 spots available weekly for 30 minute phone consultations. Appointments can be booked 48 hours in advance to ensure fast access to a counselor for students in need. “The most common presenting problems are stress, anxiety, and depression,” said Dr. Allison Peters, director of Counseling and

Screencap by Marbella Ramirez

The counseling website houses mulitiple options for mental health therapy, however, even so resource space is limited.

Psychological Services. CSUSM students are not alone: the Covid-19 pandemic has put a strain on the mental health of many students in the United States. Uncertainty, fear, and a long period of isolation from loved ones left their mark

on young adults all over the country. Studies show that 88 percent of students experienced severe stress, 44 percent showed signs of moderate to severe anxiety and 36 percent displayed symptoms of depression. According to the CDC,

young adults, racial and ethnic minorities, essential workers, and unpaid caregivers are disproportionately affected. The numbers from the CSUSM Health Center show that the impact of the pandemic on the campus goes well beyond the virus itself. It can be expected that the campus community will feel the mental health impact long after the end of the pandemic. This begs the question whether the U.S. will ever fully recover from this mental health crisis or if an epidemic of psychological diseases will follow the Covid-19 pandemic. A possible consequence of the national mental health crisis is that college campuses around the country will have to do more to protect students and prevent further psychological damage by extending their resources and implementing preventive measures to support mental wellbeing. In a study featured in the

Cougar Chronicle last November, students suggested that CSUSM could offer more art programs, build additional sport facilities such as tennis courts and host open discussions on campus to reach a sense of community and belonging. More leisure activities outside of the classroom as well as ongoing discourse could help relieve pressure and normalize mental health talk. Only if we manage to break the taboo and make prevention as well as proper treatment of mental health issues normal topics of everyday conversation, we have a chance to stop anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses from spreading like a virus. Aside from counseling, the CSUSM website offers a wide selection of mental health resources and links to help centers and therapist finders: https://www.csusm. edu/counseling/healthlinks. html.




Coach spotlight: Track and Field coach Lady Cougars prowl Olson speaks on goals for coming season into the top 25 poll

Photo courtesy of CSUSM Athletics Track season is underway and Coach Olson is ready for anything.

BY ZOE SILVA Sports Editor


fter more than a year away from their sport, The Women’s Track and Field team will be returning for their 2022 Spring Season. Their last season came to an abrupt stop in March of 2020 due to the effects of COVID-19. The Head Coach of both the Men’s and Women’s cross country and track and field team at Cal State University San Marcos, Torrey Olson, had some insightful answers in his interview with The Cougar Chronicle on

Wednesday, January 2nd. Coach Olson has been the Head Coach at CSUSM since 2018, a fairly recent start at this University. There has only been one year in between his start to current without the effects of Covid shadowing over the world. When this fact was brought to Olson’s attention, he said “we moved through that first year and came into year two…which was the 19-20 academic year where we had quite a bit of momentum… we had a few outdoor meets… and then we got shut down”. All sports came to a halt in the year 2020, causing a lot of time away for both the athletes and coaches. Olson was asked what struggles the time away has caused, in which he replied “The freshmen that came in that year [2019] are now juniors and that’s pretty unusual because…for some of them, they just competed in their first competition.” He continued to say, “we have a freshman, a sophomore, and a junior class, who all in a way, are experiencing this more freshly than

they would have otherwise. I think that’s been both the challenge and the opportunity. The opportunity is that we get to make decisions about how we want to do this thing…getting the foundation to build again”. Having motivation to start fresh again can be difficult for the team because there can be moments that seem discouraging, especially in such unpredictable times. Olson was asked how, as a coach, he keeps the team motivated. His response is as follows, “I’ve had a lot of those conversations the last year and a half about helping someone understand what does motivate them and how they connect to that, how they can adjust habits and adjust mindsets to be able to feel that connection more.” He continues, “we have had [students] who decided they have other priorities. I don’t view that as a negative at all, you know? How can we help you make that transition.” This picks up the threads to the next question Olson was asked about what prides

him the most about coaching the athletes at CSUSM. He replied, “It’s the opportunity for me to help them grow… we’re able to provide the environment where they learn.” He continues to say, “Athletics can be something where someone learns a lot about themselves and how they work and how they work with other people.” CSUSM is all about education and learning, even in their athletics as proven by Olson’s answers in this interview. The first value in Cal State University San Marcos’s Misson, Visions, and Values is “intellectual engagement: learning, teaching, discovery, and application of knowledge” as found on their official website. In finishing up the interview, Head Coach, Torrey Olson’s, last statement was “I think that track and field will have some really good things happen this Spring”. So the story goes unwritten until the end of season, stay up to date with updates by The Cougar Chronicle.

The Cougar’s 13—2 record includes losses to No. 8 Western Washington and he Cougar’s women No.16 Cal State East Bay. The women’s basketball basketball team topped the league standings after out- team made it into the top 25 matching Cal State East Bay Poll two years ago, “We were with a 74-54 win on Thurs- on 23,” said Jimenez. “This is our second time back in day. According to the 2021-22 the national ranking.” Jimenez adds on, “Every Women’s Basketball Standing, the Cougars have gone game is a big obstacle to us, up to 12-1 in the conference so we stay humble, and we stay locked in record and 14-2 on the details in the overall sea“Top 25 is and the things sons. not our goal that made us a In the game, because our good program guard player goal is winning like our deSydney Buckley, the conference” fense and our scored 17 points, rebounding.” pulled eight reNext, the Coubounds, and three assists; Akayla Hackson garnered 12 gars will compete against points, six rebounds, and two Cal State Dominguez Hills assists along with Kelsey on Saturday, February 5th. Being in the top 25 polls Forrester’s average of nine meant that the Cougars, scores and two assists. CSUSM’s women’s bas- again, could introduce themketball team started the sea- selves to the nation, and they son at No. 19 in the D2SIDA made it. “Still, there’s a long Women’s Basketball Nation- way to go,” Jimenez said, al Poll on Nov. 15 and went “It’s something that they up to T. 20 in the first poll worked for. But top 25 is not with a 13-2 record that was our goal because our goal is released on Feb. 1st in the winning the conference.” 2020-21 season. BY NIJAT MAIMAITIYIMING Assistant Sports Editor


Longest winning streak in 30 years comes

to an end for CSUSM men’s basketball BY ZOE SILVA Sports Editor


t is a great 2021- 22 season for the Cougars on the men’s basketball team at Cal State University San Marcos. Up until their recent game on Jan. 22 against Cal State San Bernardino, the Cougars have been undefeated with a winning streak of 13-0. In their third consecutive overtime game, the men’s basketball team had their first defeat against the Coyotes with a score of 64-74 at Coussoulis Arena. The Cougars have played in three consecutive overtime games once before in their 2015-16 season. This is also their second longest winning streak since the program began in ‘98 and their longest in their NCAA Division II Era, the prior being six. San Bernardino led the first half of the game with 9-2 on the scoreboard; however, with high spirits, the Cougars fought their way up to 18-17, leading by one. With an eleven point difference of 35-24, CSUSB came into the lead by half time as a result of Dayton Jenning’s 12 point run up. Returning from the locker room, the Coyotes were leading 38-26 in the first minute of the second half. A quick turn of events, keeping the

crowd on their toes. With just eight and a half minutes left in the game, the score came to a one point difference, the Cougars leading 46-45. Neck in neck with just

a point lying between the two teams, CSUSM pulled ahead 49-47 due to #32, Greg Milton III with a jumper and free throw. A little less than four min-

utes left of the second half, San Bernardino leads with 58-55. With great performances from both teams, the game could have ended with a win in either direction.

Milton, coming to the rescue, made a freethrow and a layup with just 14 seconds left on the clock, allowing a lead of 63-61 for CSUSM. With only 5 seconds left of

Photos courtesy of CSUSM Athleticsof Marvel. Greg Milton III and Joel Mensah were the top scorers for CSUSM vs. CSUSB.

the game, Cougars fouled on an attempted three point shot, allowing San Bernardino to pull a tie, scoring two out of three free throws by Brandon Knapper. Knapper’s points sent the game into overtime, leading to victory for Cal State San Bernardino. Regardless of the loss, CSUSM played an amazing game with four game leaders. Coming in first is #32, Greg Milton III with a whopping 33 points. #21 Joel Mensah made 12 points, #10 Alex Gil-Fernandez with 6 points, and finishing up with #3 Jayce McCain having scored 4 points. Leading the season, Milton’s performance is the best the Cougars have seen since 2018 according to California State University San Marcos Athletics, the official site of the Cougars. “Milton’s 33 points tied for the eighth most in program history and were the most by a Cougar since Ethan Alvano’s 38 against Cal State Monterey Bay on Jan. 13, 2018”. With six ties and 14 lead changes, CSUSM vs. CSUSB was a great game. To see more Cougar action, tune in to csusmcougars.com to watch how the Cal State University San Marcos men’s basketball season ends.

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