Cotting Connection Winter 2023

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The air is thick with anticipation as people stream into the Campus Center on a sunny December morning. With smiles and waves, they greet each other excitedly, introducing their family and friends. The Cotting community looks forward to this day each year; it’s the basketball season opener, Falcons (students) versus Roadrunners (alumni).

“It is the best game of the year because we bring so many members of our community together and we can all cheer for every athlete!” says President Bridget Irish.

According to head coach Dan Cuddy, playing on such a large court in front of so many people can be nerve wracking, especially for new students. But as the season goes on—and

What’s Inside Basketball Season Opener 1-2 Donor Profile 2 President’s Message 3 Welcome to Cotting .......................................... 3 Save the Date 4 Appreciation Corner 4 Celebrating the Cotting Community, Courtside A tradition of innovation and excellence since 1893. Cotting School 453 Concord Avenue Lexington, MA 02421 781–862–7323
Connection WINTER 2023
Capstone students Aaron B., Erin F., Lauren B. and Michael P. look ready to rule the court at the basketball season opener!
Continued on next page. Rolling Admissions Contact Director of Admissions Elizabeth Russell at for more information.

Celebrating (continued)

thanks to weekly practice after school—they grow more confident. “It’s not about the wins or losses,” he explains. “It’s having the opportunity to invite family and friends to come see them play.”

“Before a game, there’s a buzz in the air,” he smiles. “They tell me, ‘Mr. Cuddy, my uncles are coming! My grandparents will be here!’”

There are more ways for students to participate than just shooting baskets. They can join the Boosters to make announcements and keep score of the game, volunteer to sing the national anthem, dress up as Cotting’s beloved

mascot Frankie the Falcon to dance their way across Manzo Court or brandish a set of blue and gold pom poms for the Cheer Squad.

“When we take center court, the energy in the gym is electric,” says Cheer Squad coach Melissa Mulvey.

“Every time the cheerleaders command the crowd, our voices are powerful and the enthusiasm can’t be beat.”

The first basketball game of the season also coincides with the vocational department’s Wares Fair, which showcases handmade products that display students’ skill development. This year’s selection of jewelry, ceramics, soap, wooden ornaments and “mystery kits” flew off the shelves, as did hand-knit items generously donated by an alumni family.

While the opening game may have come and gone, Cotting’s basketball season is far from over. In fact, you can catch a rematch between students and alumni on March 4. “We’ll figure out a game plan to win this time,” Mr. Cuddy promises. “We’re looking forward to playing them again.”

View the full schedule at

Giving Back to Ensure Others Have the Same Opportunity to Succeed

The lives of Yolette Ibokette and her daughter, Christa Bercy ’08, changed forever when they joined the Cotting community in the late 1990s. “When I think of my daughter Christa, I categorize her life as ‘before Cotting’ and ‘after Cotting’. Christa has made so many gains because of the school’s exemplary teachers and programming,” she reflects. Inspired by her daughter’s experience, Yolette continues to support Cotting, stating, “I want to make it possible for Cotting to continue to be as instrumental in the lives of current students as they were in Christa’s. I don’t know any other school with such a loving community.”

Cotting’s Continuum of Care has been instrumental to the lives of hundreds of people throughout its long history. The school’s unique programming continues to provide exceptional

opportunities for students’ academic and therapeutic success. For Christa, summer sessions played a crucial role in maintaining the strides she’d made during the regular school year. Those gains stretch beyond a student’s time on campus, Yolette explains. “Cotting prepares students in myriad ways to have a successful life when they leave the school.”

As evidenced by Yolette’s and Christa’s strong connection to Cotting over 14 years since graduation, even when a student steps into the next chapter of their life, they remain an integral part of the community.

We are so grateful to our community members who continue to support Cotting. To learn more about the variety of ways to give back, please visit

Yolette Ibokette and her daughter Christa (’08) at last year’s alumni reunion.
“Cotting is important to our family because we know that it was instrumental in Christa becoming the independent, assertive and overall terrific individual that she is.”
- Yolette Ibokette, Alumni Parent

President’s Message |

Bridget Irish, M.B.A., S.P.H.R.

We are only halfway through the school year, but have already accomplished so much! We have welcomed 19 new families to Cotting School so far , bringing enrollment to its highest level in decades.

While introducing so many new students and staff members to our community at once presented a new challenge, we are thrilled with the spirit and curiosity they have brought to the school. It’s given us the opportunity to evaluate how we onboard, communicate and think creatively about service delivery and schedules. This feedback and reflection helps us serve students, families and staff better.

With so many new faces, it was a treat to kick off the year at the Cotting PTO’s Fall Family BBQ . Reinforcing our partnership with the PTO has enabled us to collaborate with parent volunteers on new events, like Trunk-or-Treat, and make perennial favorites like the BBQ and the Holiday Marketplace even better. Working together has been energizing!

In October, we were delighted to have Rep. Michelle Ciccolo of Lexington join us as honorary host of our State Legislators’ Day. Several board and staff members joined me in thanking state legislators for their overwhelming support of C. 766 schools throughout the pandemic. We spoke about ongoing challenges in education and, most importantly, showed them the impact they have made in the lives of our students.

Late fall and winter always means the return of the Falcons’ basketball season. Once again, we kicked off the season against a deep and talented alumni team. It’s a wonderful morning of basketball because we can cheer each and every athlete. The season brings back other friends, like the Nobles Girls Varsity Team in the annual friendship game, that Covid kept from us for a few years. This year also featured a rematch with the Erland Construction team.

Renovations in both the Campus Center and school building have been completed and are fabulous, thanks to our friends at Erland! If you have not yet seen our new and refreshed facilities, consider this your invitation to visit our campus. From our most serious academic endeavors to our biggest social events, these spaces continue to exceed expectations and spark imaginations. We remain grateful to the donor community that made these enhancements possible.

Despite so many exciting things happening, our students stay focused and are working hard. A new slate of senior class officers has been elected, vocational training at job sites both on and off campus is in full swing and students across all levels are practicing self-determination skills alongside all other academic disciplines. Their determination inspires us to finish the year strong.

Welcome New Trustee

After several years of volunteer service, John Connelly was unanimously elected to the Cotting School Board of Trustees in December. A partner at the law firm Hinckley-Allen, he specializes in construction, real estate and business law. John developed an interest in Cotting through his friendship with an alumni family. We look forward to benefiting from his expertise and commitment to our mission. Welcome John!

Meet CFO Andrea Szekely-Hill

Please extend a warm welcome to our new CFO, Andrea Szekely-Hill. She began her career at Deloitte after earning a bachelor’s in accounting at Villanova University and is a CPA in Massachusetts. Over the past decade, she has worked as a finance leader in the biotech industry. Inspired by the Cotting community, especially its dedicated staff, she is thrilled to be working for an organization that lives and breathes its mission on a daily basis.

Rep. Dan Sena meets a young constituent, Middle School student A.J., and program assistant Ms. Hodgdon in a Cotting classroom.

Tune into Cotting Conversations: Establishing Healthy Boundaries on 2/14/23 at 3:15 p.m.

Learn more:

Save the Date

Please mark your calendars for these upcoming events taking place on campus.

Cotting School-Massachusetts Historical Society Partnership

Wednesday, March 15 6:30-8 p.m.

Mass Historical has graciously agreed to be the archivists for Cotting’s rich educational history. Come celebrate this partnership with us and view a display of records and images from our 130-year history.

Play it Forward Fundraiser (featuring Falcon Trivia)

Thursday, April 13, 6-9 p.m. Enjoy a fun-filled, adults-only evening while supporting Cotting’s after school and athletics programs. Play trivia, take your chances on exciting raffles and silent auction items and give our candlepin bowling alley a try!

Appreciation Corner

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With heartfelt appreciation for the Cotting PTO, community volunteers and generous contributors that make our school the best it can be!

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