Costume Designer - Fall 2013

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Describe the moment you fell in love with film or television? DIANA EDEN (Legacy) Growing up in England and Canada, TV and film were not part of my everyday life. I didn’t really fall in love until I co-starred in a film in the mid-’70s. I LOVED being on a film set: from the eclectic community and the adventure of every day being brand new. Forty years later, I still do.

jerad marantz (The 3-D Scan, Writer and Illustrator) I cannot remember a time when I wasn’t in love with movies and TV. As a child, if I wasn’t drawing or reading comics, I was watching a favorite show. If I had to narrow it down; Star Wars, Batman, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were my biggest influences. Those films looked like they were so much fun to make and I knew I had to be a part of making films like those.

Bonnie Nipar (Associate Editor, What’s On What’s In) The moment I began my love affair with movies was seeing To Kill a Mockingbird at a young impressionable age. Enthralled, I identified with the relationship between Scout and Atticus. Most importantly, I experienced the power of film to instill life lessons about prejudice, discrimination, and empathy that I still value today.

valli herman (Costume Design at the White House) Like a big thump to the heart, seeing The Wizard of Oz for the first time brought the world of visual storytelling to life for . me—flying monkeys, sparkly shoes, greenfaced witches and that little dog, too. The movie still makes me yearn to fly off in my own twister and be dropped directly into Oz.

Robin Richesson (History of Dress, Illustrator) Growing up with both, I would say “to know them is to love them.”As kids we felt deprived if we had to miss Saturday-morning cartoons, and the first live-action film I saw in a theater was Mary Poppins, that was definitely love.

Marcy Froehlich (History of Dress, Text) It’s hard to remember exactly when this happened, but perhaps seeing the magical green costumes in The Wizard of Oz and the lush period costumes of Gone with the Wind sealed my fate at an early age.

Christine Cover Ferro (Associate Editor, Edith Had It Easy) My path in life may very well have been set in stone the night my parents took me to see Flash Gordon.

Stacy Ellen Rich (Co-contributor to Boldface Names) I can’t recall there being a moment when I did not love film and television, it was an integral part of my existence. As a child of the ’70s, my world revolved around watching shows like Alice and Welcome Back Kotter, going to the movies, Saturday-morning cartoons, and watching old movies on Sundays. Dead End (1937) was always one of my favorites.

asha randeen (Edith Had It Easy) Perhaps nothing was more fascinating to a little girl from the Caribbean as mermaids. At 9, I was introduced to the character of Madison in Splash and was captivated by this mythological creature, the fact that for two hours I could escape my reality and live in hers, beneath the ocean. Ever since, I have loved movies capable of whisking me away to their world of fantasy and make-believe.

Suzanne Huntington (Co-contributor to Boldface Names) I don’t know a singular moment, but to this day I remember I couldn’t miss an episode of I Love Lucy because I was fascinated to see what Lucy could possibly be embroiled in next. I can think of plenty that I fell in love with on TV: Shaun Cassidy, Donny Osmond, Bobby Sherman … but that wasn’t your question?

Fall 2013 The Costume Designer


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