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a) Research and Producing For research stage, we are going to make a deep research on video games market in order to decide the type of the game and the target audience. Following that, we will decide the best area of Alanya Castle for integrating into game and we will work with professional game studios for creating a copy of this area without any alteration. Secondly, we will hire writers for the scenario of the game. Similar to creating the game setting, we will again work with the professionals, because there is no chance of selling the game without a scenario which gets the attentions of players. Working on the most appropriate area of Alanya Castle and the most interesting scenario, we are planning to create a game which has no chance but to be in best-sellers. b) Marketing and Advertising After completing the game, we will distribute some copies to magazines and authorities in video games industry in order to impress them and make them write and talk about us. In addition, we will give targeted advertisements in online media. For marketing, in the first months, we are planning to set a lower price than other games and increase the prices as the demand for game increases. As we get income from sales, we will be able to go back and donate money to city hall and charities which would help us or would not help us. Making the last mentioned step will also help us to be more prestigious in the eyes of people and so to increase the demand towards our game. Financial summary of the producing complete PC game will be studied according to the circumstances and opportunities of the initial states of this stage. 4. Problems Encountered 4.1. Problems in making expansion pack We had problems especially in making the expansion pack. Fitting a real area to a game map is a difficult job. It is even harder in Age of Empires as it is an old game and does not provide a convenient technical support for expansion. Furthermore, we did not have enough visual sources to design the exact map. Therefore we have worked hard in order to make it as accurate as possible. Moreover, the sources in English about the history of Alanya Castle are so rare that we had to translate from the Turkish


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