Cornell Law Library Annual Report 1936

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Xhtrodtict i o k , The ©ad of the fiscal year, June 30, 1938, finds that t*w library has enjoyed a very successful year in its de­ velopment.

The facts whtoh are set out in detail subsequently,

1 believe, will show that w© have added approximately 3,000 volumes to


collection, making it the largest number for any

®lngie year that 1 can find a record of.

The growth has been

achieved by concentrating on Items which we have needed in our collections of reports, legal periodicals, session lews and statutes, sad other entities comprising our library.

The larg-

®»t number of additions has been made thru collecting the fine ®«t of Attorney General report® and opinions which we now have, in establishing our ool!motion of Judicial Council reports, and In setting up our oolleotion of rorkmea* s compensation and Ina t r i a l Commission retorts and decisions.

Other fields have

keen added to, but their natural growth with important items ih each, however, is set forth la the following pages. It must be understood that these numerous additions bar© been made in spite of our small and limited appropriation. * have found, by oorapariaon with other leading libraries, that 0u* appropriation is pitifully small for the amount whiofc is *®slly necessary to keep a, library of this else and importance to date as far as Its u»? and reputation are concerned. The m*3ority of the increased number of volumes came about thru ®°Ucitation of items fro® other libraries, and friends of the

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