William Qian - Read the Room

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Read the Room Designing Neuroadaptive Space in VR to Enhance Situated Interactive Mindfulness

Architecture and Occupant well-beings

We spend most of our daily lives inside a spatial enclosure of various properties. More than 90% time of the day, we act as building dwellers space-users while navigating, perceiving, and interacting with our surrounding built environment. Spatial design strategies employes various techniques such as curvature, material choice, and lighting control can have a strong influence over the "space users"' physiological functions and mental state.

Current mental well-being strategies Physical/Mobile •

Has been explored in both physical reality and virtual reality

mostly has been voice-guided sessions within the user's home

So far, most physical reality based meditation methods are one-way interaction (visual instructions, auditory guidance)

Design strategies that focus on using materials and boundary geometry that are more appealing to human occupants (curve v.s Angular)

VR •

VR-based meditation experiences.

While it unlocks the limited spatial constraints of the conventional meditation methods, it mostly remains one-way guidance, allowing user inputs while unable to produce results directly associated with the users' wellbeing

Claudia Daudén Roquet and Corina Sas. 2018. Evaluating Mindfulness Meditation Apps. In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Paper LBW575, 1–6. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3170427.3188616

Limitations of exisitng mental-wellness approaches STATIC, ONE DIRECTIONAL, ENCLOSED Existing mental wellness interventions are very extensively researched and widely implemented. However, some limitations are inherent constraints given the contextual medium of the activity. 1). dedicated spatial and time requirements 2). lack of anchoring performance matrics (some research projects have demonstrated innovative hybrids between bio-sensors and interactive displays but most of the data are presented as a quantitative benchmark) 3). Most of the interactions are instructional 4). The potential of spatially induced sensory response has not been explored

Data to Interactions





Extract EEG and EMG data

Identify expressed facial

extracted data will be sent

The users will experience

for feature extraction


to an IoT platform with

predesign spatial changes

custom node-flow to tag

associated with their

and distribute data into

cognitive performance

separated channels

index and facial expressions.

Element 1. Relaxation and volumetric visibility

Window sizes are associated with high post-occupancy satisfaction and lower self-reported depression. Not only windows can bring in natural light, they can also increase the range of spatial visibility and dramatically elevate a sense of spatiousness. In our first iteration of experimental design we associated the user's relaxation level with degrees of window openness.

Sample Scene

Low Relaxation

Medium Relaxation

High Relaxation

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