Ipcus Brand book

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Brand Brief Tag line Mind Map Logo Design Stages Finalized Logos Color Pallet Finalized fonts Brand Touch Points Brand Applications Contact information


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“One of the most talented free agents out there.�


BrandConcept Daniel [Stan Ipcus] Isenberg a white rapper from Westchester suburban in White Plains New York. Ipcus represents the true, accurate, and authentic New York hiphop experience with lyrical wit, cleverness, soul, passion, street credibility, and songwriter ability, without compromising his various musical and cultural influences, principles and beliefs. Stan Ipcus - the illest white boy out there.

Brand Essence Stan Ipcus is the voice of the suburbs with the sound of the streets. Stan is definitely a New York hip-hop artist in his general sound, beat selection, rap slang, and accent. Principles Stan Ipcus is a supporter and participant of the hip-hop movement that continues to grow over time. Ipcus radiates knowledge, wisdom and understanding, which are the pillars of enlightenment and acceptance into the culture of hip-hop. Vision By 2010, Stan Ipcus will be nationally revered for his success as an independent artist. By this time, Stan Ipcus will be involved with various music artist, music venues, and promotional opportunities in line with his principles, essence, and concept. Target Audience Popular music venues, conferences, and festivals similar to: The Knitting Factory which is a New York city concert house and music club originally specializing in experimental music and jazz, South by South West(SXSW) an interactive film and music festival and conference that takes place every spring in Austin Texas; and The Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival that hosts a series of events that celebrate hip hop music It’s culture. Competitive Advantage Stan isn’t the typical copycat white rapper he is a Jewish rapper from Westchester county, New York. Stan Ipcus represents the hip hop culture of his region with authentic styles of lyrics and beats that are unparalleled by any other rap artist in the history of hip hop music. Competitors Artists with similar principles, visions and target audiences like the following but not limited to: Matisyahu, The Cool Kids, and Asher Roth. Tag line I does this.

Tag line

Brand Brief


The elements in the mind map pictured above are arranged intuitively according to the importance of the concepts, and are classified into groupings, branches, and areas with the goal of representing the main idea located in the iris of the mind map.

3 Mind Map

Incorporate objects related to the artist by including a microphone which is a reoccurring element in the design process. With the logos below, I tried to use elements from other logos and just using type with no image.

Logo Design Stages 4

Primary Logo 1 (left) Logo can’t be used without the slogan at the bottom, the black box, or the “IP” image in their original position. Primary Logo 2 (right) Logo 2 can’t be used without the slogan at the bottom, black box, or the “IP” image in their original position. Primary Logo (original) White/Black

The color combonations for primary logos 1 & 2 Are limited to black and white

Secondary Yellow/Black

Secondary Yellow/White

5 Finalized Logos

Primary Logo (variation) White/Black

Secondary Logos the secondary logo is a variation of the primary logo the logos pictured to the left can’t be used with any type within the surrounding box of color or the over the “IP” image at all. The color palletes for the secondary logos are limited to the primary colors(see p.6) and color combonations used for the secondary logo are limited to those picutred to the left.

Secondary White/Black

Secondary Black/white

Primary Colors

Secondary Colors White C 0 M0 Y 0 K 0

R 255 G 255 B 255


Black C 75 M 68 Y 67 K 90

3 89 0 0

R 229 G 64 B 151


0 2 69 0

R 256 G 239 B 111



R 0 G 0 B 0


C 0 M6 Y 95 K 0


Yellow R 255 G 229 B 18


20 0 0 0


0 50 15 0

R 204 G 255 B 255 #CCFFFF

R 255 G 153 B 153 #FF9999

#FFCC00 This color palette has been chosen because, when used effectively with one and other they promote the essence of Stan Ipcus and compliment the experimental stages of Hip Hop. Color Pallet 6

Armfoochikncheez: the typeface will be used for the heading of any promotional media.

Courier New, Regular: the typeface will be used for the body copy of promotional media. Courier New, Regular can never be used with Mom’s typewriter

Mom’s Typewriter: the typeface will be the alternative typeface for the body copy of promotional media. Mom’s Typewriter can never be used with Courier New, Regular

7 Finalized fonts

Brand Touch Points


These shirts are distinguished authentic hip hop with Stan Ipcus in mind. The shirts show the oversized secondary logo covering the chest of the shirt and not running over the sleeves. The shirt also includes a logo on the back in the lower right corner in black and white. The shirt must always be black but you are free to adjust the color of the logo to any of the colors in the Ipcus palette. The “IP� Shirt can not be skewed or flipped in any way.

9 Brand Applications

The “IP Pass” is designed to make it’s wearer feel much cooler about being consider a “very important person” The IP Pass can be created with combination of colors from the Ipcus color pallette with a limitation of two) colors per pass. The pass must only use a secondary logo with no background. Colors used on the logo are limited to those of the color palette.

We will use posters like these to promote Stan Ipcus events.

Brand Applications10

Daniel “Stan Ipcus” Isenburg E-mail: ippybear@hotmail.com Website: http://www.stanip.com/ http://www.myspace.com/stanipcus Brand Book Designed by Corey Sao E-mail: Website: Phone:

afrobeats@gmail.com http://www.myspace.com/kosherent 301-503-2223

11 Contact information

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