Computational Engineering

Page 86



end for i=4+7*I:6+7*I for j=[1:3 5:7] u=u+1; G(i,j)=Tn(u,1); end end G(4+7*I:6+7*I,4)=Tcool; for i=7+7*I:9+7*I for j=1:7 u=u+1; G(i,j)=Tn(u,1); end end end % (pipes) g=zeros(9,7); % Matrix representing the geometry of a SINGLE pipe g(1:9,1:7)=G(1:9,1:7); x=[0 wint/2 wint wint+W/2 wint+W wint+W+wext/2 wint+W+wext]; % Horizontal vector for plot grid y=[0; -wh/2; -wh; -(wh+Height/4); -(wh+Height/2); -(wh+3*Height/4); -(wh+Height); -(wh+Height+wh/2); -(wh+Height+wh)]; % Vertical vector for plot grid Y=zeros(7*P+1,1); Y(1:8,1)=y(1:8,1); for I=1:P-1 Y(2+7*I:9+7*I,1)=y(2:9,1)-(wh+Height+wh/2)*I; % Extending the vertical vector end %{ set(figure,'Name','TEMPERATURE FIELD') % Plot of the solution subplot(2,2,[1 3]); pcolor(x,Y,G); % Temperature field in the WHOLE structure title('WHOLE STRUCTURE','FontName','Georgia','FontSize',14,'FontWeight','Bold'); xlabel('Radius','FontName','Georgia','FontWeight','Bold'); ylabel('Altitude','FontName','Georgia','FontWeight','Bold'); axis equal shading interp subplot(2,2,2); pcolor(x,y,g); % Temperature field in ONE pipe title('FIRST PIPE ZOOM','FontName','Georgia','FontSize',14,'FontWeight','Bold'); xlabel('Radius','FontName','Georgia','FontWeight','Bold');


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