Corban Magazine - Spring 2014

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A Publication of Corban University

Spring 2014

Stepping out Corban responds to opportunities in education and ministry

Corban Staff Publisher Sheldon C. Nord ’82 Editor J. Steven Hunt ’69 Writer Sheldon Traver Designer Ronald Cox

Stepping out Corban responds to opportunities in education and ministry

Contributing Writers Deleen Wills Alyssa Teterud Photographers Jessica Marple Sheldon Traver

ON THE COVER: Dean of Global Initiatives Janine Allen posed with a group of women in Indonesia, where Corban’s partnership with Universitas Pelita Harapan, a Christian university near Jakarta, trains young Indonesians in teacher education. In the last four years the program has produced more than 600 of these committed Corban graduates who now serve in Christian schools scattered throughout Indonesia’s 17,000 islands. Allen says, “I love this picture. These women

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were outside a restaurant in Indonesia (Bali) and I stopped to say hello. Through broken English and limited Bahasa Indonesian, I asked about their burkas noting how colorful they were. After showing me how to tie a burka, I asked them about their role in the community and if they were having lunch together as friends. They laughed and we shared the importance of friendship. Because I showed interest in them, they started to ask me questions: ‘Are you a movie star, are you an artist?’ I laughed and said, ‘No, I am a teacher. ‘ They liked that,

and I asked them to teach me about Indonesia. They thought that was really funny. We laughed some more and took pictures to share with our friends. We parted with them asking me to post the picture on Facebook. This encounter reminded me of the importance of community and how, as humans, we love to connect and relate because our Creator is the author of relationship and connection. Community making and connection depends on loving others as Christ loves us.”

Corban is a gospel-driven community of scholars and leaders who seek to bring a biblical perspective to all areas of study and practice. As a comprehensive university we believe the best way to make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ is sending biblically- and theologicallygrounded graduates into a wide variety of fields.

Stepping out DEPARTMENTS


4 From the President

6 Serving Abroad

5 Corban in Print

9 Student Achievement

18 Faculty News

10 Puget Sound Programs

22 News Briefs

12 Alumni Relief Efforts

23 Alumni Action

14 international Athletes

26 Upcoming Events

16 PACT Program

28 Class Notes

17 Changing young lives

Alumnus Jim Latzko ’76 stands on the ruins of a house church, Hernani, East Samar, Philippines. read more on pg. 12


from the president Many people view valor as a gene—they believe they’re either born with it or they are not. This perspective seems justified to the cowardly when they remain ingrown, intimidated and sheltered. However, I believe valor is like a muscle— it simply has to be worked in order to become useful. And just as a person in training starts with a light dumbbell, the challenges that the courageous accept may start small but over time, build to bear more weight—to accomplish even greater things. Less than one year ago, I stepped into my role as Corban’s 10th president, impressed to find that the school’s valor muscle had been working out for a long time. That is to say, those who have gone before me had established a firm and secure foundation of calculated and prayerful risk-taking that achieved great rewards for students, alumni, friends and God’s kingdom as a whole. The school has progressed from college to university status, and we have erected new and beautiful buildings such as the Psalm Performing Arts Center and new residence halls.


But, like any muscle, if valor rests on the proverbial couch, it loses its mass. We cannot rely only on the hard work of the past. More weight must be added to the bar and new challenges pursued. As it was detailed in the winter issue of this magazine, our Corban Unleashed agenda describes our goals and ambitions, and I am honored to lead the charge to reach our goals as we dedicate our efforts to: • establish Corban University as a recognized Christian Thought Leader in the Pacific Northwest; • enhance and expand the teaching/ learning environment where students are offered a Christ-centered education;

strategic goals called Corban Unleashed so that Corban remains rock solid as a worldchanging, Christ-centered university. Our theme in this issue of Corban magazine is “stepping out.” As we seek to be men and women of valor, stepping out to expand God’s kingdom and equipping Christ’s disciples to go into the world, I ask that you join me in responding boldly to Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Soli Deo Gloria.

• strengthen the application and use of innovative technology throughout the entire organization; and • expand Corban’s global engagement. Our mission is unchanging: to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. I am humbled and grateful to declare my dedication to each of these four ambitions in our

Sheldon C. Nord President

corban in print

Starting your own business? by P. Griffith Lindell

This book provides encouraging, wise advice on what it takes to start and grow a business in a tough economy. Are you ready to continually track fixed and variable costs? Is your support team onboard? Who else do you need to recruit? What’s your track record for idea generation and implementation? Do you enjoy the business of business, even if the going gets tough? P. Griffith Lindell (M.A. Ed., California State University, Fresno) serves as Dean of Corban University’s Hoff School of Business. Griff has more than three decades of business leadership experience working in corporate America, serving as a serial entrepreneur, as well as coaching, teaching and writing.

Wounded Wanderers by Michael Sandusky ’69

Coaching Leadership Families

What do you do once you’ve reached the pinnacle of success? The author once had all the answers, except what he needed to know about himself. So he became an adventurer traveling the world over, learning about people, life and himself.

Dr. Ulf Spears had his first official book release, discussion and book signing for Coaching Leadership Families: Using the Leadership Family Model to Coach, Mentor and Multiply Healthy Families on Jan. 11. The signing took place at Brewed Awakenings in Vancouver, Wash.

Michael Sandusky is CEO of an online periodical marketing and research corporation. He has written short stories, poetry, novels and self-help books for more than 50 years. He has also authored a weekly newspaper column called “Look Up.” His journals about travels all over the world have made their way into this book. He can be reached at

by Ulf Spears ’89

Ministry faculty awarded Middle East trip Dr. Mark Jacobson ’72, CUSM ’87 traveled to Jordan last September in spite of the unrest in Syria that dominated the news. In spite of rumors he was there to resolve the conflict, the truth is that Jordan is encouraging American tourists to visit. Officials wanted American evangelical Christian tourists, and to that end the Jordan Tourism Board paid all expenses for a dozen Christian journalists to visit (mostly) biblical sites in exchange for the promise to write about their experiences. Jacobson had the privilege of representing Corban University. His article in the online “Dedicated” journal introduces "the other biblical land," with particular emphasis on the place where Joshua led Israel across the Jordan and in the same place, centuries later, where Jesus began his ministry with his baptism by John. The article can be found online.


Stepping out

LINK Program Empowers Alumni to Serve Internationally Education is one of the fastest growing sectors in the global economy. Is that good news?

As Corban’s influence reaches around the world, we continually find international Christian schools that need professional development and short-term instructors to meet current teaching needs. The past few years, Corban has provided institutions in Indonesia, Australia and Germany with university instruction, faculty development and professional support by designing curriculum based on a biblical worldview. Because of this work, other Christian universities around the world have reached out to Corban with similar

needs. While Corban has a lot of experience working in these contexts, the demand for well-trained, Christian personnel outpaces Corban’s ability to respond. “As we further our international university collaborations, we are finding more needs than our current faculty can fill due to their ongoing commitments on our home campus,” said Dr. Janine Allen, dean of Global Initiatives. “Many of our professors want to go abroad when their teaching schedules allow, but they can’t always fill the immediate need.”

Perth, Australia

“The CCCU mission is to advance the cause of Christ-centered higher education and to help our institutions transform lives by faithfully relating scholarship and service to biblical truth. Our membership comprises one of the fastest growing sectors in higher education.”


Program Description and Qualifications In order to meet this need, Corban University is starting the Linking Internationally for the Kingdom (LINK) scholar project. LINK will connect professionals from the United States to meaningful opportunities that will allow them to share their knowledge and experience in an international setting. Opportunities range from one week to one semester in length and consist of dual-degree undergraduate course instruction, professional development seminars, graduate courses and short-term faculty assignments. “The United States has a wealth of talent and education, and we would like to tap into this by creating a program that networks Christian educators with opportunities around the globe,” said Dr. Matt Lucas, provost. “When I share what we are doing around the globe, many professionals express a desire to do the same but don’t know how to connect to these opportunities. We believe this program will do just that.” LINK will include a training program to prepare participants for their assignment as well as align opportunities with each candidate’s background, training and experience. All scholars must have at least a master’s degree and relevant professional experience. Dr. Janine Allen, Dean of Global Initiatives

“Private higher education is the fastest growing segment of higher education worldwide … Harnessing the private sector for the public interest is a key necessity.”

“Higher education is one of the fastest growing sectors globally, and tertiary enrollments, along with transnational education (TNE) and collaborative research partnerships, are expected to continue growing through this decade. In particular, TNE has become a driving force in global higher education and is expected to transform the sector in the future.” 7

“Amid still fast-growing global higher education enrollment overall, the spectacular growth of private higher education demands particular attention. In great contrast to the picture a couple of decades back, the private sector now claims almost one in three enrollments, and almost no country is without a private sector.”

“Peter Drucker said people are overprepared for ‘Life I’ and under-prepared for ‘Life II.’ He further observed there was no university for the second half of life. Since then, the Halftime Institute Bob Buford, Founder, Halftime Institute: Success to Significance, has served men and women at this stage from dozens of countries and I applaud Corban for doing the same around the world. What can we do to be useful to you?”

Step Out and Get Involved Individuals interested in serving as a LINK scholar should contact Dr. Janine Allen at An application form will be provided that asks the candidate to list his or her education, professional experiences and any previous international work. All those selected will be asked to complete a Corban University Cultural Integration workshop, where they will review research on culture—and then consider specific cultural systems, issues and values in different international settings—all designed to enhance their cultural dexterity. Communication styles and adaptive behaviors will be discussed to increase success in an intercultural setting and maximize the global potential of each LINK scholar. “It is essential to help scholars develop culturally intelligent capabilities to function effectively in a variety of cultural contexts. The Cultural Integration workshop will provide a space to look deeply at personal capabilities, investigate cultural values, and


present methods and tools to work successfully with many cultural groups,” said Dr. Allen. “The workshop is essential to help LINK scholars operate successfully across boundaries.” In many ways, the 21st century will be the global education century as developing countries seek access to education in order to improve their economies and the standards of living for their citizens. The world is hungry for education. In the gospels, Jesus says to His disciples, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work. Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together.” (John 4:34-36, ESV) You are invited to join us as Corban enters into the harvest again this summer and fall, and as we seek to strengthen Christian education around the globe for years to come.

Stepping out

Corban student taking big steps into business

Keith Clark (right) works with MasterCraft to redefine furniture manufacturing for IKEA

From the classroom to international business, one student in the Hoff School of Business is already making a difference in his workplace. During summer 2013, Keith Clark ’14 started working at MasterCraft Furniture in Stayton, Ore., as a LEAN coordinator. Its factory builds furniture for IKEA, one of the largest furniture sellers in the world. At 22 years old, the business management major has already helped his employer significantly reduce expenses, which has broad benefits to the company, its workforce and the community. Last summer he was tasked with timing workflows to map inefficiencies in production. Just three short months of research allowed MasterCraft to present his findings to officials from IKEA. His recommendations helped the company streamline operations, improve communications, increase productivity and eliminate work stoppages. These changes led to 80 percent less walking time, 40 percent more factory floor space and a rise in productivity from

approximately 900 new pieces of furniture built each month to nearly 1,300—a 44 percent increase. The changes led to MasterCraft hiring approximately 20 new employees. He is currently a full-time student and a part-time employee until the end of the school year. Even so, he is leading the effort for MasterCraft to produce a new sofa bed for Ikea that is currently being built in China. “I really appreciate the real-world experience of the professors at Corban,” Clark said. “The classes play out like they do in real life. I’ve been able to immediately apply what I am learning to my job at MasterCraft.” Because Corban does not offer classes specifically for operational management, Assistant Professor of Business Shawn Hussey recommended Clark take the LEAN Six Sigma Black Belt program. The program is based on Toyota’s successful manufacturing plan. In it, Clark is learning how to identify and resolve

manufacturing process inefficiencies and ways to improve customer relations and product development strategies. “I wanted to find a way for him to channel his interest and get him into the career he wants,” Hussey said. “We built a curriculum for him around the Six Sigma test that gave him the body of knowledge he needed and helped him gain required project management hours.” Despite his accomplishments, Clark said he is humbled that a company the size of MasterCraft would entrust him with these tasks. “Most people don’t lead these kinds of projects without much more experience,” he said. “MasterCraft doesn’t take these things lightly with so much money at stake. They really put a lot of trust in me.” Hussey said the level of trust doesn’t surprise him at all. “Keith is one of the sharpest young men I know. This all came together in God’s perfect timing.”


Stepping out

Corban continues its work with Puget Sound programs Exciting developments are taking place regarding our Puget Sound-area operations and plans for the Tacoma campus programs. Since 2010, when Corban merged with Northwest Baptist Seminary (NBS), the University has operated in Salem, Tacoma and online for our M.A., M.Div. and D.Min. degrees. During the last four years, there has been a migration of current and prospective students to the online courses. And while student numbers have increased over the last four years, the increase has not met the operational costs of the Tacoma campus.


Corban hired a marketing consulting group, Spirit Media, last September to do a feasibility study and market analysis for the Puget Sound region. Its primary goal was to determine the best way in which Corban could operate a selfsustaining presence that meets the needs of the region. The data and information are being used to drive decision-making going forward. However, one of the key points Spirit Media made was that it was imperative to find regional partners who will support the university presence. In November Corban announced its partnership agreement with Mars Hill Church to offer an undergraduate Bible certificate. Corban is also working with Western Seminary of Portland and Mars Hill to develop a joint M.A./M.B.A. program. These two programs will provide greater versatility in educational offerings spanning both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Plans beyond these include launching an executive M.B.A. in the Bellevue area.

begun a training partnership for pastors in Cameroon, Africa. Corban now helps prepare leaders in one of the most strategic regions of the world. As things move forward on the sale of the Tacoma campus, Corban will move the School of Ministry graduate programs to Salem in fall 2014. Both face-to-face and online programs will be offered at the Salem campus. Some School of Ministry professors will be retiring while others will move to either the Salem or Bellevue

Johnson (D.Min. Western Seminary) and Annette Harrison (Ph.D. University of California Santa Barbara) lead the missions program. Greg Trull (Ph.D. Dallas Theological Seminary) serves as dean and oversees both the undergraduate and graduate programs. Beyond their academic credentials, these professors bring years of vocational ministry experience as pastors, authors, church planters, ministry leaders and Bible translators. Students will also have access to part-time professors with specialized expertise in world religions, communications and missions.

President Sheldon C. Nord states, “I invite you to pray for me and for Corban University. The landscape in higher education is changing rapidly and we need to be responsive to those changes. We also find ourselves pursuing a Christian mission in a post-Christian society. Navigating through court decisions and legislation The former Bellevue Community College campus was purchased by Mars Hill Church and is that challenge our core being renovated for the Mars Hill Schools site. It will be the new home for Dr. Leroy and Karen beliefs and responding Goertzen who will assist in teaching and administration of the new Bible Certificate Program to secular groups and being launched there this fall. Dean of Global Initiatives, Dr. Janine Allen, will also be based in organizations (who have Bellevue, traveling from nearby SeaTac to our partnerships around the world. agendas that are hostile to us) takes wisdom, grace campuses under the administrative and courage. I believe in our mission Corban continues to prioritize ministry direction of Dr. Greg Trull. to ‘educate Christians who will make a training and is currently looking for difference in the world for Jesus Christ.’” other partners in the Puget Sound By moving the graduate programs to area with whom it can offer additional Salem, students will have the opportunity By moving its graduate program to seminary-level degrees and course to study with more of Corban’s excellent Salem, Corban is able to offer additional offerings. In fact, more students are faculty. Tim Anderson (Ph.D. Trinity benefits to students. The Salem now involved in ministry training than Evangelical Divinity School) and Kent library has 110,000 books and 575 when Corban merged with NBS. At the Kersey (Ph.D. Southwestern Baptist periodicals, many of which focus on time of the merger, there were about Theological Seminary) lead the systematic the fields of biblical studies, theology 240 student credit hours at the Tacoma theology program. Gary Derickson and ministry. Further, students will campus. This semester, there are more (Ph.D. Dallas Theological Seminary) be able to take advantage of global than 380 student credit hours in our teaches Greek and is department chair opportunities in Cameroon, Israel and campus and online programs. This figure of the biblical studies department. Allen Great Britain plus summer overseas does not include our Doctor of Ministry Jones (Ph.D. Saint Andrews) teaches ministries. This summer Corban will send students or our Salem students in the Old Testament and Hebrew. Sam Baker teams to Spain, Czech Republic, France, combined Fast Track Program. Since (Ed.D. George Fox University) heads Philippines, Ukraine, Honduras and the merger, the School of Ministry has the Christian ministry department. Paul Southeast Asia. 11

Stepping out

Caring for lives affected by the typhoon in the Philippines NOTE: Typhoon Haiyan was an exceptionally powerful tropical cyclone that devastated portions of Southeast Asia, particularly the Philippines, on November 8, 2013. It is the deadliest Philippine typhoon on record, killing at least 6,201 people in that country alone. Haiyan is also the strongest storm recorded at landfall and unofficially the strongest typhoon ever recorded in terms of wind speed. -wikipedia

Alumni Jim and Allene Latzko and Dan Brammer participated in separate relief efforts. Brammer traveled from Oregon independently, for what was hoped to be a 90-day mission, and the Latzkos serve in the Philippines as missionaries and felt the effects of the storm much more personally. We have condensed a report of their circumstances and the work they are doing to give hope and relief to those who lost everything. Selections from their prayer letters begin with their communications in late November and end with an update in March: November 24, Morning, Manila, Philippines: Jim writes: Thank you for your prayers for my safe travel to the Philippines. I arrived here on November 23, after traveling from Richland, Wash., where we were on a one-month trip to visit our family. I am planning to travel by light truck to the city of Tacloban. I am traveling with Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE) missionary Ben Horton and [my] friend AC Acosta. We are praying for safety in travel, particularly as we attempt to cross from the island of Luzon to the island of Samar by ferry. Because of all of the traffic bringing goods to the Tacloban area, many have had to wait a long time in line. I am wondering how I will feel when I return to this town where Allene and I have lived for almost 30 years. Before I left the U.S., my friend Ed Rayos said, “This is not the same place where you used to live.” Paul Pascual, who will travel with us, said, “You have seen pictures of this on television, but it


is an entirely different thing when you experience Tacloban for yourself.” November 26, Evening, Calbayog City, Western Samar, Philippines: When we boarded the ferry for Tacloban, we saw a team from a Baptist church north of Manila drive off the ferry. Their faces revealed the shock they felt on their mission trip to Tacloban. Tomorrow morning [November 27] at 5 a.m. we will begin our first relief trip. This evening the people of Calbayog Fundamental Baptist Church began repacking 25 sacks of rice into four-kilo packages for families in our churches of Eastern Samar. The rice, cans of sardines, dried fish and coffee were purchased with funds donated to the Philippine Typhoon Relief Fund. Our team plans to visit nine churches tomorrow. The people of the Calbayog church will follow us, delivering the food, along with clothing and cooking utensils donated by churches on the

island of Mindanao. Tomorrow evening we arrive in Tacloban. Pray especially for our safety—there are still robbers on the roads of Samar and Leyte and in the dark streets of Tacloban. November 27, Afternoon, Hernani, Eastern Samar: Southeast of Calbayog about an hour and a half is Hernani where a 10-foot wall of ocean water hit the town. Where green rice fields and coconut trees once were, there are only stretches of brown mud or sand. Only a tile floor remains of the house where the church met. Many of the residents of the town died. We moved on to meet the leader of the community. We found him red-eyed and dazed, wondering how he would lead people who had lost almost everything. There were gray U.S. aid tents in the area providing shelter to many who had lost homes. As we drove on, near the south coast of Samar, we

Jim and Allene Latzko

were shocked. Maybe a million coconut trees were snapped in half or completely uprooted by the storm. All the way from Hernani, Eastern Samar, to MacArthur, Leyte, a distance of 100 miles, there is great devastation.

Mile after mile, the typhoon took a toll on homes and churches we knew, but nobody we met was in despair. All had very serious challenges in finding a dry place to live, but there was only one death among the members of 26 churches. It’s hard to believe that, when you look at all the devastation. November 28, Morning, Tacloban City, Leyte: Our house in Tacloban leaks badly from large holes in the roof. If it rains hard, there is a waterfall on the stairway from water pouring in the holes in the roof. A big chunk of cement fell from the top of our wall into the master bedroom. It’s still there, and there’s no roof above. UPDATE: Three months later In the three months since I have returned to Tacloban City: • Our mission board, ABWE, has set up a Philippine Typhoon Relief Fund. • Funds have been raised to repair damaged homes and church buildings in the Philippines. • Our house has been mostly repaired. • We now have water but not yet electricity. • Livelihood programs, such as fishing-boat building, are underway. • Church attendance has greatly increased. • Many have heard the gospel through medical missions, personal witnessing and counseling. For more information, see the Latzkos’ website:

Corban Board of Trustees member and alumnus Dan Brammer ’76 was asked to spend about three months in the Philippine Islands, helping in Dan Brammer ’76 at work in the Philippines relief efforts for Typhoon Haiyan. He was sent by Stanfield Baptist Church in Hermiston, Ore., and worked with WorldVenture, the foreign missions agency of the Conservative Baptist Association of churches. Marilyn Brammer ’76 stayed in Stanfield, and daughter Joy was at school in Cedarville, Ohio. The work involved helping to rebuild churches and pastors’ homes, as well as the community in general. The first task was to lead a team of volunteers to do reconstruction on the northern tip of Cebu and Maya. Brammer’s operating base was an apartment in Mandaue City, adjacent to Cebu City. In addition to leading construction teams, he helped the local businesspeople rebuild and expand their businesses. The work included building boats for fishermen and supplying sewing machines for seamstresses, fertilizer and seed for farmers, and tools for construction companies. He trained some local church members to use tools and methods they had not previously had. They were given tools and they in turn were empowered to help others in the churches and the community. Brammer encouraged others to begin businesses, not just to help themselves. Learning to help their neighbors and communities provided employment opportunities. “This is an exciting opportunity, especially since I have been able to apply some of what I learned in my recent studies at Corban, Brammer says. “Please pray for the Lord to raise up many national church-planters, and for the pastors to recognize their gifts and mentor them into service. The harvest is very ripe.”


Stepping out International Athletes Arsinio Walker, Hayden Calvert, Aaron Withe, Ernst Kruger, Benjamin Liogon and Kemar Prince.

sports teams include athletes from abroad Arsinio Walker’s eyes are intent as he dashes toward the soccer ball to cover his teammate, who suddenly back heels the ball toward him. His feet grab the ball and he quickly dribbles toward the goal past several defenders before an unsuccessful attempt to score. Undeterred, the Jamaican resumes his position and waits for the goalie to return the ball to play. Walker is one of six international athletes who played for Corban this school year. His teammate, Kemar Prince, is also from Jamaica. The men’s basketball program 14

includes Ernst Kruger from Australia and Aaron Withe from England, and the baseball program includes Hayden Calvert, a junior from Australia, and Benjamin Liogon, a freshman from Mexico. These students aren’t just bringing different worldviews to Corban but a different perspective about the way their sports are played. This diversity is strengthening not only Corban athletics but also its global initiatives. When men’s head basketball coach Steve Masten was hired in March 2013, he was left with a short window for recruitment.

Although he wasn’t specifically looking for an international player, he said he knew Australia could potentially have the player he needed. “I felt I needed to be a little creative and look overseas for talent,” he said. “I know Australia is a country that has talented players but no college basketball system like the United States has.” Then he discovered Withe playing for a prep school in Ohio. He said it was happenstance that he was from England. Although the rules may be similar, the style of play often varies in different countries.

“I felt I needed to be a little creative and look overseas for talent”

Masten said Withe and Kruger have a “Euro-style” of play that emphasizes good shots and ball handling. While there - Coach Steve Masten may be similarities on the court, Walker and have grass fields—most were gravel and Prince agreed playing soccer in Jamaica is dirt, and it toughens you up.” much different than in the United States. The differences come out during practices Regardless of their backgrounds, Masten and games. said the international athletes have meshed well with their teammates. “We use our bodies more and we play “There is a fair amount of kidding that harder because that is the way we used goes on, which is common on most sports to play at home,” Walker said. “We didn’t

teams,” he said. “I think the team doesn’t think of any of them as foreigners.” Off the field, Walker said his professors are helping him to reach his goal of working in sports communication. It’s helping him maintain the healthy balance he needs between athletics and academics. “I really appreciate the one-on-one time I get with professors,” he said. “Here, I know they care about me and how I’m doing in school. I’m getting the support I need.”


Stepping out

PACT program helps new international students step into college life When the December snow started falling in Salem, Amanda Marei and Sandce (pronounced Sand-Gee) Ferre were ill-prepared. Both are from Papua, Indonesia, where temperatures rarely fall below tropical, and didn’t know what they needed to get through an Oregon cold snap. However, they were able to call their Corban mentors, who promptly took them shopping for the attire they needed. The pair were matched as part of a new mentoring program designed to help Corban’s international students adapt to life in the U.S. and in college. There are currently 25 internationals from 12 countries enrolled at the university. Several opted to join the Partnering and Caring Together (PACT) Program established by Jeff Benjamin, the director of international student support at Corban. “I wanted to find a way to welcome international students and partner them with American students to help make them more successful,” Benjamin said. “As we developed it, it struck me that we not only wanted them to make a successful transition to Corban, but we also wanted someone to guide these students through their first year in the Reach Program so they could really understand what community service is about.” With these two goals in mind, Benjamin reached out to Corban students to find his first group of volunteer mentors. In August, six mentors were paired with new international students who chose to participate in the PACT Program. Junior Hannah Seagren and Ferre were connected, and quickly Amanda Marei and friend Hannah Belleque


broke through the awkward language and cultural barriers they initially had. “I was a little nervous because I didn’t know her and because she was my mentor,” Ferre said. “We only emailed each other before we met.” Seagren helped Ferre quickly overcome her trepidation. “I thought she was the most outgoing Indonesian student I had met,” Seagren said. “We worked through the language barrier by making sure we asked each other if we didn’t understand something. Once we broke the ice and started talking about our families and things we liked, we really had a great time … and we learned a lot from each other.” Senior Hannah Belleque was matched with Marei, and both laughed as they recalled a Thanksgiving feast together. “It was the first time my husband, Jesse, and I had prepared a traditional Thanksgiving dinner,” Belleque said. “When I told Amanda what we were having, she kind of had a strange look.” Marei admitted she had misheard what Belleque said. “I thought she said we were eating turtle,” Marei said. “I didn’t know it was something Americans ate, so I was a little nervous.” However, once the meal was served and the five Indonesian guests realized Belleque meant turkey, it started some fun conversations. Though more informal, these mentoring friendships are exactly what Benjamin hoped to accomplish during the fall semester. During the spring semester, several of the PACT Program pairs completed their Reach credits together. Belleque and Marei worked with children at Church on the Hill in Keizer, Ore., and Seagren and Ferre volunteered at the dog shelter in Marion County, Ore. The PACT Program will likely be modified as Benjamin receives feedback from students, but he said he doesn’t see it ending. “These mentors are really a hands-and-feet extension of my office,” he said. “I can’t be all places at all times, and these students are reaching out in ways that I honestly can’t do. It’s been a real blessing to see what is happening with this program.”

Stepping out

Difficult past leads alumnus to help Change young lives At 16, Corban alumnus Billy Cordero’99 left behind a life filled with parental drug addiction and abuse, and moved into relative foster care with his aunt and uncle in Northern California. While many in his situation have succumbed to the pressures of the past, the youth and family studies graduate is now helping foster children realize their potential, and helping them end abusive patterns that often span generations. This has led him to work as an advocate for foster children and families in Oregon, and as a board member for the nonprofit Foster Parents’ Night Out. “God completely changed the course of my life, and that has had a profound impact on me,” he said. Cordero is breaking down the often-believed fallacy that churches cannot work with state agencies, and he becomes excited as he talks about the partnership between Foster Parents’ Night Out and the Oregon Department of Human Services. What started as a challenge to recruit more foster families moved from DHS and a prominent business leader to local area pastors in 2004. It has grown into an incredible partnership where churches in Marion County and across the Portland Metro area are opening their doors monthly to provide respite to foster families and build relationships with foster kids.

Billy Cordero ’99

Although he could be filled with anger about his childhood years, Cordero’s story has come full circle. His mother gave her life to Jesus Christ, which allowed for forgiveness and healing between them. Cordero has also started to renew a relationship with his father, who has indicated he has trusted Jesus as well. Children and parents within foster care sometimes ask Cordero about his past, which often breaks down barriers for those who are used to putting up protective personal walls to mask their pain. “I appreciate the way the Lord has allowed me to use my testimony,” he said. “I’m here now because he led those steps in my life. “The fact is no one group or agency can do it alone,” he added. “The state, churches and community need to share this responsibility. This is a population of people in our own backyard that we have been neglecting. To see what can happen when churches open their doors has been nothing short of inspiring and has strengthened my own faith in God.”

Learn more about Foster Parents’ Night Out:

At Salem Heights Church, nearly 70 kids from approximately 30 families came for a four-hour Foster Parents’ Night Out event in February. Throughout the evening, children played games, joked with volunteers, did crafts, listened to a band and played ukuleles, while their foster parents took time for themselves. “Although this isn’t an evangelistic ministry, these families can’t help but see Christ shine through us,” Cordero said. “When foster families ask why we do this or when children ask us about our faith, it opens doors for conversations about Jesus and His work in our lives.”


faculty news Oxford journal to publish short article by Professor Ryan Stark Corban Associate Professor of English Ryan Stark, Ph.D., will have a new short article published in “Notes & Queries” printed by Oxford University Press.

What does it mean to be missional? Paul E. Johnson, D.Min., serves on the faculty of Corban University’s School of Ministry and is the author of a major article featured in the April 2014 issue of “Evangelical Missions Quarterly.” In his article, Johnson lists 18 leading writers, thinkers and speakers who have significantly influenced the “missional church” in American evangelical thought. He then analyzes their responses to three key questions.

“A Cryptic Metaphor in Richard Bancroft’s ‘Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, 1589’” is tentatively scheduled for publication in the summer 2014 issue. In it, Stark explains why Bancroft uses an obscure viper metaphor to warn parishioners against the dangers within the nascent Anglicanism that he and some of his fellow priests are in the process of shaping. Bancroft is famous for overseeing the King James Bible’s production. He served as the Archbishop of Canterbury from 1604 to 1610 and as the chancellor of Oxford University from 1608 to 1610.

The answers Johnson received included strong reactions, lively debate and more than a few important insights. The biggest surprise? It appears that the missional church movement has split into two competing factions. Where does the Church go from here? Johnson explores answers to that at length in his book, “Creating Disciple-Making Movements.” That book is available for sale on Amazon and other popular online book retailers.

Floyd Votaw retirements

During his two-decade career within the Corban Library, Floyd Votaw was part of an unprecedented transition in the way libraries operated. As director of Library Services during the rise of the Internet, he implemented many changes, including automating the library with six other libraries, establishing the availability of full-text online periodical databases and the creation of the branch library at Corban’s Tacoma, Wash., campus. Students and library employees said they appreciated his heart for students and the access to information he helped provide. Every decision he made regarding budget, updates and changes he did to improve the library so that Corban’s students could access the library easier, faster and with better results.”

The Floyd Votaw reception was held prior to publication date 18

Corban alumna and library aide Hannah

Kersey said his commitment to students and faculty went well beyond the library’s walls. “When my dad (Associate Professor of Ministries Kent Kersey) was having openheart surgery a couple years back, he came and visited us in the hospital, having experienced an open-heart surgery himself,” she said. “I always thought that gesture spoke greatly of his kind and empathetic character.” Votaw and his wife, Jeanette, aren’t planning to sit idle. Two years ago, they accepted God’s challenge to become parents when they adopted their foster daughter, Jillian. While he admitted the future is not completely certain, Votaw said he isn’t worried. “We’ll find out what God has for me,” he said. -Story by Hannah Joy Madsen

faculty news Nancy Martyn retirements

Dean of professional studies Nancy Martyn retired in February after more than 30 years at Corban. Martyn started in the Office of Student Life as a resident director in Farrar Hall when it served as a women’s residence. In 1983 she became a faculty member in the education program. “I remember meeting her for the first time and I was trying to get out of taking her class,” said student Laurie Smith. “I already had credits for the class from another school and didn’t need to retake them. She teased me relentlessly after that. She is very quiet but also very wry and funny.”

Nancy Martyn reception, Friday April 25, 3:00-4:30 p.m. Schimmel Hall

“Nancy was a tireless advocate for the adult student and took an interest in each and every one of them,” said Provost Matt Lucas, D.A. “She demonstrated that same commitment to those who served in ADP as she led and encouraged them during her tenure.” Lucas said she was just as dedicated to her staff and faculty members. “As the dean, I always appreciated her sensitivity to fostering a strong collaborative culture and building strong teams.”

In 1989, Martyn went to work in K-12 education but returned in 1993 to lead the Adult Degree Program, a position she has held with various titles since that time. It is now fully online and has 1,259 graduates working around the world.

Additionally, Lucas said she has helped guide and advise him in his role as provost. “I have benefited from her wisdom, spiritual maturity and generosity on numerous occasions,” he said. “I’m also very thankful that she has been more than patient with me, especially in my early years as provost.” Although ADP will move forward, Smith said Martyn’s retirement will leave a void in many ways.

joys is having the opportunity to impact the lives of young people.

she said. “It’s time for him, and I’m so excited. I couldn’t be happier.”

“My passion is for every young woman— any young person I’m in contact with—to know that they are gifted by God,” Jeffers said. “It’s important to know you’re gifted.”

Her husband, Adrian, will continue as museum curator at Corban, and the two plan to spend their extra time volunteering and visiting their five children and 12 grandchildren.

Anne Jeffers Anne Jeffers retired in December after nearly 40 years at Corban University. Though she has served in many capacities throughout her career, one of her greatest retirements

“She is a light on the hill, and Corban won’t be the same,” said Cassandra Forste. Jeffers reflected on Dr. Sheldon C. Nord’s presidency. At one time, she helped train him as a resident adviser. The Anne Jeffers reception was held prior to publication date

“I think God brought him here with his commitment not to settle for mediocrity,”

Looking back fondly, Jeffers noted how Corban has strengthened her commitment to being active in ministry. “Being where there is such an emphasis on the Word of God keeps you on your toes,” she said. “It’s being actively involved in what you’re challenging others to do. I think it’s being honest.” She paused, and then added with soft emphasis, “Authenticity.” Her advice is to “Find joy where God has gifted you. I’ve found joy here.” -Excerpts from a story by Heather Karle


faculty news Jack Willsey For more than two decades, Jack Willsey, D. Min., has lived Corban’s mission: “To educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.” As a professor of ministry at the Corban University School of Ministry in Tacoma, retirements

Wash., he has seen his students go on to lead and plant churches, and serve on the mission field at home and abroad. Now, after 22 years of service, he will retire in May. “What has distinguished Jack’s teaching is his challenge to students to read and think reflectively, using a form of Socratic discussion to help them develop and use informed theological categories,” said Provost Matt Lucas, D.A. “These discussions have gone far beyond the classroom as Jack continues to serve as a mentor in ministry and theology to students past and present worldwide.” Willsey graduated from Corban in 1963 and earned a master of theology from San Francisco Baptist Theology Seminary in 1969. Throughout his career, he taught

at seminaries in the U.S. and Asia before returning to, and retiring from, his alma mater. “In my time working with Jack, I have appreciated his sense of humor, and his broad and deep knowledge on a variety of subjects,” Lucas said. “He has an insatiable desire to learn and grow. Particularly noteworthy is Jack’s familiarity with theological and biblical literature, which is the result of his renowned reading and listening regimen. “Yet, perhaps more than anything, students and fellow faculty members have appreciated and respected his humble, unassuming attitude reflected so genuinely in his study and teaching of the truth,” he added.

Russ Glessner After 37 years of service with the Corban School of Ministry, Professor of Ministry Russ Glessner will retire, but he doesn’t plan to sit back and watch the world go by. retirements

Instead, the long-time educator and Army veteran said he is looking forward to spending time with his family and seeing where God will lead him next.

He taught theology, Greek and New Testament courses at Corban and has previously served as library director and academic dean.

Glessner started his career at Northwest Baptist Seminary in 1977 after graduating from Dallas Theological Seminary and working as a professor at the Word of Life Bible Institute. Since then he was at NBS, except between 1981 and 1984 when he moved to Aberdeen, Scotland, to do postgraduate work in New Testament studies.

Glessner also enjoyed teaching overseas in the two seminaries started by the Northwest Baptist Seminary Extension in Bangalore, India, and Bangladesh Theological Seminary. While serving as academic dean (1995-2008), Russ oversaw the move of the Bangladesh school to independence in 2005.

His teaching career was characterized by several passions, including his students. He invested himself in them.

“In my time working with Russ, I have appreciated his close attention to detail, concern for doctrinal accuracy and dry sense of humor,” he said. “His ability to recall names, places and dates is remarkable and serves him well in his ongoing ministry to Corban alumni and others.”

“Among his peers and students, Russ is known for his constant effort to be as fresh and current with the course material as possible,” said Corban Provost Matt Lucas, D.A. “He has often said that he has never taught the same course twice.”

The Jack Willsey and Russ Glessner reception will be held Saturday, May 10, 2:00 p.m., Temple Baptist Church in Fircrest, WA. RSVP by April 25 to Karen Goertzen,


faculty news Alan Bittel If anyone wants to get the attention of Family Studies Chair Alan Bittel, they need only mention old homes. Bittel and his wife, Sandi, purchased their 1890s Queen Anne Victorian home in retirements

Perrydale, Ore. and its restoration has been a labor of love for the couple. At the end of the 2013-2014 school year, the veteran Adult Degree Studies program leader and instructor will have more time to dedicate to it as he retires from fulltime work at Corban. Bittel’s last day is June 30, although he will continue to serve as an online adjunct instructor. He said he is looking forward to spending more time with his wife, and his home, in the coming years. “I don’t fish and I don’t golf,” he said. “But I really enjoy working on the house and the 1890s railroad depot we are restoring in our backyard.”

Alan Bittel reception, Thursday, April 17, 3:00–4:30 p.m., Schimmel Hall

He started teaching Family Studies in 1996 as an adjunct professor while working with child welfare for the Oregon Department of Human Services.

Prior to that he worked as a probation officer for the state of Oregon. “I like to say that working in child welfare and as a probation officer, nobody liked to see me coming,” he said with a laugh. “When I was teaching, people were happy to see me. It was a nice feeling.” Bittel started as the Family Studies Chair in 2002 and counts his successes with each student who graduates from the program, many of whom he stays in contact with. “I’ve loved these students because they really appreciate what they are learning,” he said. “They can take their education and put it right to work. Many go on to grad school, including two that have gone on to Corban’s own Master of Arts in Counseling program, and that is very rewarding.”

Laurie Smith Assistant Professor of Psychology Laurie Smith has no shortage of plans as she prepares to retire in June. Along with spending time with her five grandsons, her “bucket list” includes writing and speaking fluent French, learning to scuba dive in Thailand, travel to New Zealand and Australia and return to retirements

her familial roots in Ireland and Scotland. “I’ve always been a learner and that won’t stop just because I’m retiring,” Smith said. Though she spent only one school year at Corban as a student in 1986-1987, she spent nearly her entire working life at the school. She started as a full-time faculty member between 1989 and 1996, as an adjunct professor between 1996 and 2007 and again as a full-time professor from 2007 until now. During the past 25 years, Smith said she has had many fond memories. “I’ve had several students whose parents I’ve taught,” she said. “It’s a full-circle, awesome feeling. It’s a lot of fun and a neat part of your legacy.”

Laurie Smith reception, Friday April 25, 3:00-4:30 p.m. Schimmel Hall

Her time at Corban has been marked by many notable changes. Among them is the integration of psychology

and its importance within the Christian worldview. She also appreciates the candid conversations that are now taking place on campus that may have once been considered “taboo.” “I also appreciate that faculty women can now wear pants,” Smith said with a laugh. “When I first got here, none of the faculty women wore them and I think I may have ruffled a few feathers when I did.” When not scuba diving or learning French she intends to continue as an adjunct professor with the Adult Degree Studies Program. She also plans to continue her volunteer work with Compassionate Companions, where she spends time with those who are extremely ill or dying and don’t have family or friends around them. “I’m retiring, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop moving,” Smith said. “I may even write the next great American novel.”


news briefs Dr. Adrianus Mooy to receive honorary doctorate At the 2014 Commencement ceremonies, Dr. Adrianus Mooy will receive an honorary doctorate from Corban University. This is in recognition of his long and illustrious career, first at the Institute of Sciences of Indonesia and then as part of the National Development Planning Agency where he helped draft the First Five-Year Development Plan for Indonesia.

In 1969 Mooy accepted an invitation to join the United Nations Regional Commission in Bangkok. For 15 years he served in many capacities including Deputy Chairman for Fiscal and Monetary Affairs at the Planning Agency, member of the People’s Consultative Assembly and member of the Government Special Committee responsible for drafting the Guidelines of State Policy. He also helped draft the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Five-Year Development Plans. Concurrently, Mooy taught for more than 20 years, mostly at the University of Indonesia where he obtained his full professorship in 1987.

Mooy was born in a small village on the island of Rote, the southernmost inhabited island of Indonesia. In a largely Muslim nation Mooy was raised in a Christian family. His father, the headmaster of the local elementary school, was also the pastor of a Christian congregation.

Seven years ago Mooy accepted an invitation by Dr. James Riady to be senior advisor at Universitas Pelita Harapan, where he is also rector of UPH’s Surabaya campus. For the past three years he has also served as chairman of the Nobu National Bank, part of the Lippo Group.

Dr. Adrianus Mooy

In 1988, Indonesian President Haji Muhammad Suharto appointed Mooy governor of the Bank of Indonesia. Later posts included ambassador to the European Union and undersecretary-general of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.

Yarhouse speaks about today’s sexual identity issues At the invitation of Corban University, Mark A. Yarhouse, Psy.D., Director of the Institute for Sexual Identity at Regent University, came to Salem and spoke a total of six times between March 10 and 11.


The Psalm Performing Arts Center was the venue for Dr. Yarhouse’s first public address in chapel Monday, March 10. His presentation helped students, staff, faculty and guests understand and separate the concepts of same-sex attraction and gay identity.

Besides his leadership of the Institute for the Study of Sexual Identity, Yarhouse is part of a group practice in the Virginia Beach, Va., area, providing individual, couples, family and group counseling. Yarhouse also is the Rosemarie Scotti Hughes Endowed Chair of Christian Thought in Mental Health Practice at Regent University. He received his Psy.D. from Wheaton College and has worked collaboratively on a number of books.

On Tuesday, March 11, Yarhouse spoke to a capacity RSVP crowd of 150 pastors, counselors, Christian educators and other nonprofit ministry leaders gathered downtown at Broadway Commons. In addition to speaking about sexual identity and LGBTQ issues, Yarhouse fielded a number of questions from the audience.

Yarhouse’s book, “Homosexuality and the Christian: A Guide for Pastors, Parents and Friends,” explains his research on the causes of same-sex attraction and whether or not it can be overcome. He also discusses the best ways for Christians to respond when someone opens up to them about their homosexual attractions.

Dr. Mark Yarhouse

Alumni action Alumnae Basketball Game On Feb. 16, alumnae basketball players returned to campus to give the current women’s team a good workout.

Rachel Newby ’12, Teanna (Alsum) Franklin ’12, Ashley Cowan ’12.

Back Row: Jessica (Steigleman) Buhler ’08, with future Warrior Addie Buhler, Rachel Newby ’12, Melissa (Jones) Butler, ’13, Toran (Lundgren) Schmidgal ’05, Tess Bennett ’13, Becky Buhler ’12, Katie Steigleman ’12. Front Row: Rachel (Steigleman) Kazmierski ’10, Shayla Fetters ’13, Emily Tsugawa ’13, Erin (Plotts) Smith’ 06.

Alumni & Friends Blazer Game

Young Alums Event

On Feb. 1, alumni and friends gathered for an exciting night at the Moda Center to watch the Portland Trail Blazers take on the Toronto Raptors. Afterward, fans were able to step onto the court to shoot free throws.

On Feb. 15, young alums and their families came back to campus to cheer on the Warrior teams. During halftime, alumni were able to visit with some of their former professors. Former business students enjoyed reconnecting with one of their favorite professors: Julia (Faucette) Royer ’03, Liane DeHart ’13, Prof. Bryce Bernard ’82, Annie (McKay) Warner ’11.

We are honored to serve you in whatever way we can. Please do not hesitate to contact the alumni office with any questions, concerns or suggestions. Serving the Lord and you, Deleen Wills Director of Alumni Ryan Dempster ’99 and son Blake.



Alumni action Grad Finale


On Feb. 20, Corban hosted its annual Grad Finale in celebration of our upcoming graduating students. It was great to welcome them to the alumni community!

The Alumni Office visited alumni working at Auburn Elementary on February 26 for CU@Lunch

Top Row: Dixie Lee ’07, Beau Batsell ’03, Allison Harris ’06, Jeff Morse ’14 Bottom Row: Bella (Martinez) Noble ’13, Charlotte (Rholfs) Brulotte ’03, Deborah (Calame) Evans ’00.

Do you have three or more Corban alums working at your business, church, or school? Let us know because we’d like to deliver and share lunch with you!

Karen Ramos ’14 and Stephani Olua ’14.

Interested? Please contact Alyssa at or 503-316-3388 to set up a lunch visit. We hope to CU@Lunch!

Blue Man Group and The lion king Alumni and friends attended the Broadway Across America performance of Blue Man Group on March 1 and KeyBank Broadway at the Paramount’s presentation of The Lion King on March 15.

Gayle Caldarazzo Doty, Doug Doty ’73, Tyson Pruett ’92 and Andrea Ziesemer Pruett ’95.

Become a Corban Sustainer! Would you like to help make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ? Become a monthly donor to the Corban Fund. Email NiCole Anderson to sign up. Matt Larson ’05 with Natalie Larson.


Lisa (Pennington) Kusler ’86 with Sheryl (Ruhlman) Rasmussen ’86

Road to 1,000 The Corban Alumni Association is asking you to join us on the Road to 1,000! This year we are embarking on an endeavor to increase our alumni giving rate to an all-time high. Our goal is to reach 1,000 alumni donors by June 30, 2014. You may have recently received a letter in the mail from one of our Corban Connectors. We are thrilled to have their support. Here is what some of our Connectors had to share with their former classmates:

“It is the mission of Corban University ‘to educate Christians to make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.” It is a joy to know that this mission is continuing to be realized in the students attending today. This is why I support Corban, not only by attending various events, but also through giving annually to the school. It is a worthwhile investment and one with eternal value.”

“As was the case when you came to school, Christian education is of great importance, and the upcoming generation will carry on our legacy and the work of the Lord as they are able—through support from us, the previous generation.”

–Heather (Dorr) Boyd ’95 “You know what they say, ‘the proof is in the pudding.’ Christian thought and purpose are both honored and proclaimed at Corban, and young people are responding to God’s direction in their lives. Any help we can give just might make the difference in some student’s life.”

“We have seen the impact that Corban alums have in our schools, churches and communities and we want to help Corban continue to fulfill their mission and “educate Christians who make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.” In addition, we want Corban to be able to continue to grow and develop, so that it will be a place that our boys want to go to college.”

–Norma (Brumbaugh) Wieland ’77

–Jamie ’02 & Char (Rohlfs) Brulotte ’03

–Koyce (Morgan) Miller ’63

Thank you to our corban connectors! Tim Baker

Craig and Jane Lucas

Chris Beames

Charlie and Jodi Marks

Kathy Benitez

Daren Milionis

Gena Berning

Koyce Miller

Peggy Blanchard

Andrea Pottoff

Heather Boyd

Andy and Elda Robinson

Jamie and Char Brulotte

Julia Royer

Jerry and Jo Cudney

Diane Sturdivant

Jeff and Terri Davis

Alyssa Teterud

Sara Glaser

Nancy Tollenaar

Claudia Green

John Wack

Tim and JoAnne Hills

Norma Wieland

Corky and Debbie Lambert

Nelson and Ellen Zarfas


upcoming events commencement events

southern Oregon events

Miscellaneous events

Class of ’64 Golden Grads Saturday Brunch Saturday, May 3, 10 a.m. El Cerrito Room, Corban Campus

Medford Area Alumni & Friends Lunch Tuesday, June 10

End of Corban Fund Fiscal Year June 30

Commencement Saturday, May 3, 2 p.m. Salem Armory Golden Alumni Dinner Saturday, May 3, 5 p.m. El Cerrito Room, Corban Campus

Klamath Falls Area Alumni & Friends Lunch Wednesday, June 11 Grants Pass Area Alumni & Friends Lunch Thursday, June 12

Lakeland, Florida Area Alumni & Parents Dinner Saturday, July 19, 5:30 p.m. New Parents Dessert at Orientation Friday, August 22 Southern California Alumni & Parents Event Sunday, September 21, 4 p.m.

Finally an easy way to stay connected Alumni and long-time friends of Corban can now visit an interactive website to stay involved with Corban.

Register and create your profile at:

Why Connect? Keep in touch, in tune, and involved like never before

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Select ‘Log-In’ then click on ‘New User Registration’

Find and share customized contact information Register for events Donate online and view your giving history Learn what Corban achieves with your support


How to Connect

Complete the form. (Allow up to two days for account validation.)

Alumni & Friends Travel Program presents

Southern charm featuring Jekyll Island, Savannah & Charleston March 07 - 13, 2015 7 Days - 9 Meals Highlights include St. Augustine, Jekyll Island, St. Simons Island, Savannah, Factors Walk, Beaufort, Historic Charleston, and Boone Hall Plantation Double $2499 Book by September 7 and save $100 per person! For more information contact Deleen Wills at 503.589.8182 or or visit:

Save the Date

Homecoming & family weekend October 3 & 4 We’re excited to see you this year! Classes of ’74, ’84 and ’94 reunion dinners. 27

class notes

children and four grandchildren. Joan is in the process of fighting ovarian cancer, diagnosed in July of 2013. They are seeking God’s guidance as they look for His healing and His direction in the next phase of their lives.

Matt ’85 and Barb (Knox) Douglas ’84 are currently serving with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE) in Australia. The end of the year was filled with preparations for furlough that began in January.

Pastor David Morrison ’66 completed 49 years of ministry in 2012 and retired in Pollock Pines, Calif. For 15 years, he and his wife, Linda, served at Pollock Pines Community Church. After preaching in several churches around the Sacramento area, and serving as an organist at Christ Community Church in Carmichael, Calif., Morrison will join the staff at Arcade Church in Sacramento, Calif., serving as interim classic service leader. The Morrisons welcomed their ninth grandchild, Houston James, on Dec. 27, 2012.

Calvin ’74 and Joan (Elmore) Howe ’74 returned to Yakima, Wash., after serving eight years at Black Forest Academy. For four years, they served as dorm parents at one of the boys’ dorms, ministering to 28 high school boys each of those four years. The next four years, they served as supervisors of the boarding program. BFA has 150 high school boarders, mostly MKs, from more than 50 different countries. The students are housed in eight dorms in six villages, with 35 staff living in the dorms with the students. The Howes have moved back to the Northwest to be closer to their three


Jim Saffeels ’85 recently accepted a position at Salem Academy Christian Schools as the Secondary Principal. Jim retired from Salem-Keizer Public Schools after serving from 1985 to 2013. During his time with the Salem-Keizer district, he taught social studies and computer applications, was the program support and coordinator for SK Online, assistant principal of secondary alternative programs (Roberts & Early College High School) and assistant principal at South Salem High.

Julia (Faucette) Royer ’06 started a part-time staff accountant position at CBT Nuggets, LLC in Eugene, Ore., this past October. She and her husband, Eric, and their daughter, Hannah, visited campus for the Young Alums event in February.

Johanna (Stensland) Blackwell ADP ’09 recently accepted a new position with Martel Wealth Advisors as an associate wealth planner located in Vancouver, Wash.

Dr. Ulf Spears ’89 had his first official book release, discussion and book signing for “Coaching Leadership Families: Using the Leadership Family Model to Coach, Mentor and Multiply Healthy Families” on Jan. 11. The signing took place at Brewed Awakenings in Vancouver, Wash. [See Corban in Print, p. 5].

Marcella McIntyre ’04 is currently working with the Alaska Native Heritage Center as a youth coordinator. She has been placed at Clark Middle School, where she counsels and tutors Alaska Native/Native American students. She also teaches art and dance in the afterschool program.

Tim ’09 and Mary (Hynes) Dady ’09 are preparing to serve overseas in Latvia. They are excited to join what God is doing there by leading intern teams, helping plan camps, and discipling students in local youth ministries and music outreaches. They plan to move to Latvia this winter.

class notes

Karen Kilgore ’12 was one of two members to earn a CLOVER award. She received the Outstanding New Volunteer Administrator award for building a volunteer program at Wilson House Child Development Center in Salem.

Mary Lucas ADP ’00, Tammy Chatfield ADP '03 and Bryce Petersen ’13 rang in

Kyle Kunkel ’13 has embarked on an aroundthe-world mission trip called World Race. He is visiting 11 countries in 11 months in an effort to support established missionaries. His work includes everything from building houses to door-to-door evangelism, playing with orphans, helping at the dumps and fighting sex trafficking. Kunkel is excited for what is to come. You can follow his journey at:

the New Year by participating in the 2014 CrossWalk. This community event was held at Salem’s Riverfront Park on Jan. 1. Lucas founded CrossWalk in response to her own experience of abuse while walking through the park three years ago. She was motivated to take action not only by the bravery of her rescuers, but her faith as well. The walk benefited the Marion County victim’s assistance program. Participants were educated on the sobering facts of abuse in Marion County during the 1.5mile walk. Community members, churchgoers, friends of Lucas and local businesses came out to show their support. To learn more about Mary Lucas’ story, you can visit:

Send us your updates

Ben Pearson ’09 transitioned from his role as assistant director of student programs to become the director of student programs at Corban. As director, Ben will continue to manage large-scale residence life activities, design student leadership development strategies, direct serviceimmersion experiences, including core group service day and the all-school MLK serve day.

Eugene Edwards ’00 transitioned from his role as assistant director of community life to director of community life. As director, Eugene will continue to oversee commuter services and the student center, as well as coordinate housing placement processes for all resident students.


class notes Down the Aisle 1 Brian Beeson ’09 and Laura Fourtner were married June 15, 2013, at Solid Rock Bible Camp in Soldotna, Alaska. Groomsmen included Ben Snell ’09 and Ryan Fowler ’09. 2 Cassie (McFarland) Fairley ’10 married Don Fairley on March 1, 2013, at Church on the Hill in Salem, Ore. Their wedding party included matron of honor Megan Lauri Fox ’10 and bridesmaids Bethany Johnson ’12, Cara O’Halloran ’10, Audrey (Wheeler) Hanke ’10 and Aleda Fairley ’13. 3 Stephanie (Schwarze) Fyhrie ’10 married Taylor Fyhrie on Aug. 18, 2013, at Beacon Hill in Spokane, Wash. Stephanie’s sister Elisa Schwarze ’12 was the maid of honor and Shelby (Fleming) Hopkins ’11 was a bridesmaid. The couple resides in Spokane Valley, Wash. They are currently creating a ministry to bridge the gap between community and the church, specifically for middle school and high school boys in difficult situations. 4 Jeffrey Brown ’11 married Baylee Brown on Aug. 10, 2013, at Molalla State Park. Groomsmen included Rob Saffeels ’11 and Johnny Johnson ’12. Jeffrey currently works at Xerox. 5 Margaret Shoemaker ’11 married Darren Goheen on June 28, 2013, in Applegate, Ore. Bridesmaids included Ana (Newman) Buhler ’13 and Kaitlin (Shepherd) Pearson ’13. 6 Erik Cronrath ’12 and Hannah Jo Whitehead ’14 were married July 20, 2013, at Atavista Farm in Brownsville, Ore. Groomsmen included Marcus Butler ’13, Jacob Kopra ’13 and Jacob Mauermann ’12. Bryce Petersen ’13 and Geoffrey Martin ’13 were ushers. Erik currently works for Corban’s Campus Care department, and Hannah is finishing her last year in the elementary education department and also runs track. 7 Chris Bartmess ’14 married Bridget Saether ’13, on Dec. 20, 2013, at Court Street Christian Church, followed by a reception at Mission Mill. Their wedding 30

party included Ally Brudevold ’13, Hillary Roeder ’13, Olivia James ’14, Shelley (Dean) Clark ’14, Julie (Stroup) Baggenstos ’13, Seth Cory ’14, Logan Graham ’14, Sean McGuyre ’11, Kenny Saether ’12, Chaz Luchterhand ’13 and Taylor Wilkins ’13. Bridget works as an undergraduate admissions counselor for Corban. Chris is the youth pastor at Court Street Christian Church and is completing his degree in Corban’s ministry department.

All in the Family 8 Holly Cozby Roy ’03 and her husband, Keidrick, of Cheyenne, Wyo., welcomed Charlotte Rebecca Roy, born April 25, 2013. Keidrick is a captain in the Air Force. In addition to being a mom, Holly works from home for an educational organization. 9 Cyrus Rettmann ’04, and Kim Greenwood Rettmann ’04 announced the birth of their son, Lukas Jordan, born Oct. 28, 2013. He was joyfully welcomed by older siblings Ruth, Lydia, Charis, and Caleb. 10 Laura (Nelson) Romine ’05 and David Romine ’06 announced the birth of their daughter, Leighton Janelle Romine, born Aug. 4, 2013. 11 Bryan ’07 and Charissa Bernard ’07 welcomed Piper Grace Bernard on Aug. 11, 2013. She weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces, and was 21 inches long. She joins older sister Cayden Elizabeth Ann Bernard, who is 2 years old. The Bernards live near Corvallis, Ore., where Bryan is in his eighth year as the English ministries pastor at Corvallis Korean Church. Much of his effort is focused on reaching the Asian-American population at Oregon State University. Charissa stays home with their daughters and a 16-year-old Korean host student. 12 Michelle (Fitts) Cramer ’08 and her husband, Jon, announced the birth of their second son. Jacob Robert Paul Cramer was born Nov. 20, 2013. He was 20.5 inches long, and weighed 9 pounds, 8 ounces. His brother, Benjamin, is excited to have a baby brother. Michelle

is currently working as an accountant in the corporate accounting department for URM Stores, Inc. and is the AWANA T&T Director at New Hope Bible Church, in Spokane Valley, Wash. 13 Jill (Nielsen) Moua ’08 and her husband, Kevin, welcomed Jeremiah Tong Leng Moua on May 6, 2013, in Bangkok, Thailand. He was 6 pounds, 2 ounces, and 19 inches long. Jill and Kevin are currently serving at an international church called Evangelical Church of Bangkok (ECB). Kevin is the pastor of student life, and Jill is the children's ministry director there. 14 Tim Saffeels ’09 and Michelle (Howden) Saffeels ’08 welcomed their daughter Nora Danae on Oct. 27, 2013. She weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 20.5 inches long. Tim loves to be in ministry with the youths at Salem Heights Church, and Michelle stays home with Nora. 15 Deirdre (Hixson) Edmonds ’09 and her husband, Christopher, announced the birth of their son, Titus Christopher Edmonds, on Dec. 15, 2013. 16 Sarah (Stroud) Tennis ’10 and her husband, Nathan Tennis ’09, welcomed Ziva Danielle Tennis on Aug. 20, 2013. She weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 19 3/4 inches long. Nathan is currently attending Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (at the Pacific Northwest campus in Vancouver, Wash.), and Sarah is teaching band at Liberty Christian School in Richland, Wash. 17 Alison (Clark) Wing ’11 and her husband, Tyrone, were very proud to welcome Justice Edward Wing (named after Alison’s father's middle name) Sept. 27, 2013. He weighed 5 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long. Justice is doing very well and is very fascinated with his mouth. He loves talking loudly into the wee hours of the night! 18 Erin (Laughlin) Stokes ’11 and her husband, Damon, welcomed Levi Riley Stokes on Sept. 7, 2013. He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 20 inches long. Levi joins big sister, Clara, who turned 2 in February. Damon works at Schneider

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Electric as an electronic hardware design engineer, and Erin is a stayat-home mom, but occasionally substitute teaches for the SalemKeizer School District.

With the Lord 19 Rick Joseph Sherry CUSM ’03 passed peacefully into the presence of his Lord and Savior, with his wife at his side, on Oct. 14, 2013. He was born on May 31, 1967, to Don and Bev Sherry, of Sunnyside, Wash. He graduated from Puyallup High School, Evergreen State College and Northwest Baptist Seminary. He was a humble man who devoted his life to bringing others to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. He was married on July 27, 1996, and his children were his pride and joy. Rick loved the outdoors. He enjoyed fishing,

bird hunting, camping and playing on the beach with his family. He enjoyed listening to music and playing musical instruments, and loved his dog, Koko. Rick was preceded in death by father-in-law Bernie Barnard, and grandparents Leonard and Vide Geroux, and Lloyd and Mae Sherry. He is survived by his wife, Toni; son Joseph; daughter Rebekah; parents Don and Bev Sherry, brother Paul; sister and brother-in-law Brenda and Kevin Barry; mother-in-law Georgia Barnard; sister-in-law Laura Black; brother-in-law Ed Barnard; nieces and nephews Caleb and Jessica Black, Sarah and Paul Barnard, and Sofia and Jack Barry; and his honorary son, Orion North, and his family. A Celebration of Life service was held on Oct. 19 at Lighthouse Christian Center in Puyallup, Wash.

Class Notes Key ADP – Adult Degree Program

MBA – Master of Business Administration

CUSM – Corban University School of Ministry (NW Baptist Seminary)

MSE – Master of Science in Education

MABS – Master of Arts in Biblical Studies

MDiv – Master of Divinity

This issue of Class Notes consists of items submitted between October 2 and February 26. Deadline for Class Notes for Summer 2014 is June 1. Check the alumni facebook page for more photos and upcoming events: Corban/Western Baptist Alumni.

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Office of Advancement 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392


$95,923 Gift Creates Graduate School of Ministry Scholarships Board and fellow congregation members, including Betty Bell, of the former Beacon Baptist Church, along with representatives of Corban University gathered at the Tacoma campus on February 28 to celebrate the establishment of the James Bell Pastoral Training Endowment Fund. This new endowment fund will provide annual scholarship for full-time graduate students starting in the 2015 school year. A portion of the funds generated from the sale of Beacon Baptist Church were used to create this Scholarship Fund; in honor of their beloved pastor James Bell. After serving in the U. S. Army, and graduating in 1990 from Northwest Baptist Seminary (now Corban University School of Ministry), James Bell accepted the call to be the pastor of Beacon Baptist Church in Tacoma, Washington. The church was started in 1984 by former missionaries to Ghana, West Africa Ken and Arlene Updyke. Pastor Bell and his wife Betty served together with the Updykes and assistant Pastor Joe Slaughter to build the church. In 1995 the Updykes left the church in Pastor Bell’s capable hands, but in 2004 Pastor Bell resigned his pastorate due to health problems and the church was unable to find a suitable replacement for Pastor Bell. Beacon Baptist Church later closed its doors and sold its assets.

Captions: Those attending the check presentation at Tacoma were: Dean of the School of Ministry Dr. Greg Trull, Curt Jones, Shelley Magnussen, Phil Mattern, Paul Magnussen ‘77, CUSM ‘84.

Scholarship funds through the establishment of endowments can have great impact on students seeking to train for mission work as a pastor, missionary, business person, teacher or other career oriented occupations. For information on how your church or family, or you as an individual, can direct your estates or funds to a lifeimpacting scholarship contact Darrel White. He can provide Darrel White information about Corban’s Director of Development free estate planning services and other materials to help 503-589-8186 make the complicated world of estate planning a doable and rewarding process.

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