1980 dec st kilda today

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COUNCIL STRIKES RATE COUNCIL FINANCES 1980-81 Following a series of lengthy meetings to consider the Estimates for 1980/81, interest-free loan by the Department of St Kilda Council at a special meeting held on 10th November, struck a rate of Youth, Sport and Recreation and a 11.25 cents in the dollar on the net annual valuation of rateable properties. two-thirds contribution from Council funds. The minimum rate was fixed at $120. Council has recognised the demand The rate set by Council is equivalent Road and footpath maintenance, for a second elderly person's recreation to an increase of 12.5% of rate revenue Channel cleansing including lane centre in the municipality and has from 1979/80. The minimum rate was clearing will require the provision of in made provision for further funds of increased by $15. excess of $590,000 in the forthcoming $50,000 towards this goal. The increases compare favourably year. The Public Library expenditure over with those of other metropolitan PROPOSED WORKS the next year is estimated to be municipalities, some of which rose by Loan funds being made available by $496,000. To offset this expenditure a 17% with minimum rates of $195. The the Commercial Bank of Australia, St government grant of $164,000 is made increase followed heavy pruning of pro- Kilda Branch, Council's bankers for jects which eliminated several million over 100 years, will enable the Council to the Council. The Council's programme to updollars of works and projects from the to carry out a number of important grade the infant welfare centres will be original Estimate proposals. road and drainage projects throughout continued in the ensuing year with an The total expenditure for the municipality. extension to the Elwood Centre to estimated to be $11 million which It is anticipated that the Bank will provide for playgroup activities. The provides for maintaining the Council's make available to Council $670,000 work which is subject to the approval existing services and allows for a repayable over a 15 year period. This of the State Health Commission is eslimited number of new projects. continues the ready support given to timated to cost $37,000. Council by the C.B.A. in times when a SERVICES IN DEMAND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT number of councils are experiencing Expenditure on existing services difficulty in obtaining loan funds. As in previous years, a number of with a substantial labour component Works projects listed for completion both experimental and permanent has reflected anticipated increases in wages and associated costs such as in 1981 include road and footpath traffic management works are planworkers compensation and superan- works in Cintra Avenue, Lyell Street, ned. This year permanent works will nuation. This is particularly noticeable Ormond Road, Broadway and St Kilda be carried out in Robe, Cavell and Village Belle and Carlisle Tennyson Streets, and experimental in services such as home help, the day Roads, Streets, at an estimated total cost of projects undertaken in Acland Street, nurseries, refuse collection and parks $283,000. Drainage projects costing Mitford [itford Street and Inkerman/Westand gardens. $476,000 will be carried out in The demand for the home help ser- Acland/Robe Streets, John/Byron bury Streets. The estimated total cost vice has increased substantially over Streets, Moore Street, Crimea Street, of these traffic management works is the past two years to the extent that Westbury Street and Clyde/Fawkner $96,000. INCOME expenditure this year is expected to be Streets. To offset ever-increasing costs, in the vicinity of $262,000 to render apRECREATION Council has been forced to increase the proximately 40,000 hours of assistance. Council is continuing its established charges for a number of services, inIncome from Government subsidy and fees charged leaves a net cost to Coun- policy of purchasing land for cluding the rents of Council properties. The $696,000 received from the neighbourhood recreation areas and cil of $51,000. Expenditure on the two day this year has set aside $150,000 for the Commonwealth Government under nurseries will be in excess of $272,000. purchase of land in Elwood. Last year, the tax-sharing arrangement is a subThe need for meals on wheels in the land off Grey Street in West St Kilda stantial increase on last year's grant of $486,000, and is the largest single item community is reflected in an expen- was purchased for this purpose. Negotiations have commenced with of revenue apart from rates. diture increase over last year of $32,000 Other Government grants towards to an estimated figure of $103,000. the Judaean League in Alma Road, opDespite Government subsidy and posite Alma Park, with a view to a health, welfare and community serrevenue from recipients, Council sub- joint management arrangement for the vices total $780,000. A new charge introduced for 1980/81 sidises each meal by just over 57 cents. use of the swimming pool at the It is expected that over 50,000 meals League's centre. Subject to the agree- is a garbage charge of $50 in respect of will be delivered in the next 12 months. ment, Council anticipates spending properties that are exempt from rates Refuse collection and disposal will $50,000 in upgrading the pool to cater under the Local Government Act, but cost the Council $836,000 which repre- for local schools and the public. It is which avail themselves of Council's sents approximately 1.5 cents in the envisaged that special times will be refuse collection service. This is exreserved for the Ajax Swimming Club pected to raise $10,000 in the coming dollar. year. Maintenance of parks and gardens and private coaching sessions. A charge of $3 has also been inAs the result of an extensive survey throughout the municipality, including playgrounds, foreshore areas carried out on the Foreshore from West troduced for the issue of Residents' and beach cleaning, will absorb St Kilda to Elwood, in excess of Parking Permits. This charge has been $708,000 in 1980/81. To this must be $90,000 has been provided to upgrade necessary to offset the administrative added the street horticultural ac- the Foreshore area, extensive planting costs associated with issuing the permits and the cost of policing the pertivities covering tree pruning, watering and associated works. Following the completion of the mits. and maintenance together with the upThe new and increased charges were keep of street medians and traffic Elwood Park Pavilion last year, Council has made provision to commence not introduced without lengthy conislands to the value of $150,000. Council's payments to Statutory reconstruction of the Peanut Farm sideration. However, Council is conauthorities sucn as the Metropolitan complex in the latter part of the finan- scious of the fact that without the availability of sufficient funds, it Fire Brigade and S.E.C. are estimated cial year. The works are expected to cost in the would not be possible to maintain curat $370,000. Whilst the Council's repayment of loans will absorb a vicinity of $300,000 which will be rent programmes or to provide a • • financed by way of a grant and reasonable amount of new works. further $830,000.


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