
Page 1

. -.-"~~ .... -~.--~.--

,-\ LI~T ClF PEW";ONS EN'(']'I'LED ----~----------' No.


1 i2;l 1724 17!J5 1720 1727 1728 172;1

1730 1731 1732 HUa 17~H

17B;) 1730 1737 1788 1730 1740 1Hl 174~

1743 .17-U

1745 17 . Hi 17.17 1748 17 40 1750 1751 17 5~ 1753 1754 1755 17 riG

1757 1758 17 ;,)0 17uO

1761 1702





____~~------~M------------------QQI------------------------.~--~____________ """"--......

No. in :Wherc Property h But.e 'SHuutl'd, I B!,ok. - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - , - - , - - - " ' " ---------.. -



l!lltCpUYCl's' Nnmes.

Shields, Samuel Short, Dnvirl Siblmld, WilIiam Sihester, Gcorge Simmo]~ds, HI)Lert Simpson, David Simpsoll, D:wid Si mpsoll,· El ijn.h Simpson, J, L, SiIllPSOll, Joseph Simpson, Joseph SiIDPSOll, Uobert Simpsoll, Thonlas Simpsoll, Willium Si 111 , Hobcl't :-lims , GOOI'D'C l:> Sinell1.ir, DIINid Sinclnil', J()hn Sillchir, Peter Sillclair, Tboll1as Sinciuir, 'l'hOlll[lS Sinclail', Willifllll S. SillllOtt, \VilIillm Sillgleton, 'iViIlimn Skeats, Char1cs SkiIllwr, Sllll1ucl Skinner, William Skinner Shtllell. John' Slater, Gcol'ge Slater, GeOl'go Slater, Hom:" 'Slater, ThomftS . Slater, William Slight, Williall1 Slines, Hobart Smith, Alexander Slllith, A. B. Smith, Adalll B. Slllith,Charl()s Smit.h,lhvid Smith, Ebcnezcr Smith, F. Smit.h, GeOl'go Smith, Hemy J. Smith, Holll'y Smith, Henry Smith, Ellgh Smith, Hugh Smith, .Tallles Smith, JoiJn Smith, ,Joseph . Smit.h, l\liehad

17 ti U C01'l1 wall plflce 50; 87 Cecil stl'cet 1652 4 CobdeJl stl'eet IOn off Bank sU'('et east 811 2 Covelltl'Y Court (;72 Clrtremlon stl·CCt. (jOS Litt.le Park sh'cet <1:)0 an Coventry street 21g:~ Bank st.l'eet west 107.1. 2 off Mol'lly street' ~)D;) 100 Moray stroet !).t!) 84 Corol! tl'Y street U~D t} l\[Ol'llY pl;,ce 2U85 23 Domns st west. 1 nO:3 N 'Lpiel' stl'(lut H .. LQ 71 Pad~ stl'oet cast :J2K5 . ION dSOll road 2;1~8 fn.I'I'11 lmllk l-~5 5 GS York f;t.reet 81;) U Clal'endon place I')d 1· i\I on tngllc sireo t . 1 ',),"'()' " 10;,L:J ~~ oft' D01'ea8 street 2(lt) Cln,rclldoll street 1U!)4 3D Covent.ry st west 1211 Hil Ch1'el1~lon street 1153 S7 Park street Ctlst 470 12 Coventry sin'ct 10S1 12f)7

722 1700 :loO

1010 10 It 15,H)

1837 1()7~

1500 fi;')(l

483 2878 2U()\)

120 Haglttn street

82 Napicl' street 15\J C,:cil street 113 Little Haglnn st .~ off Clarclldon st 5 off DOl'cas st cast DOl'cas street east 58 Raglan street Bank lOt.reet. west l;H Uaglan street DOl'ClLS street 110 CLlI'cntlon st.recL 3 lJ \l iOll ,.;t.rect YIIlTil ballk .:.\1011 (;tgue street Pal'k pl;u:e I;) Y,)rk place

133 .

11 D'2 170.1, 321 171)iJ 71:5 1·15 Cl'cil sLrect 1706 IfnO 15,1 Eilstcrn road 1707 1851 (j Crowl} street 1708 711 t:l J:nglall st.rc()t 1700 I) (j!) ~W Pill k street 1770 742 iW Bl'i'lport street 1771 175 0 8tewllrt :;treet. 177:.1, UHn f:l5 Cobdcll Stl'Ct;( 177;3 217 5 Devoilshire ptll'() 1774. Smith,Peter 1450 :In Little HaghUl "t 1775 Smith, Hichal'll 2(H 52 Chnmdull St.I'L'l~t 1770 jSlllit,h, Hobol't 1170 148 Mum}' street. 1777 Smith, Sydney ,James 3tH ,1 Myrtle stroet 1778 :-:illlith, '1'lwlllas 112\) 1 W,Yll,Y •• rd strect 177li Smith, Tbomas 2() 1 (j 3D D\.)l'CltS st west l'i"Su Smit.h, ThulllflS G. lU71 off l\Iorny street 1781 81nit1l, Williflm 11)27 10 Dorctls place 1 i 8~ Smith, William ,IG2 1.') Hotham strc'et 178~ Somorville, 'Villium I U \l 18 B:1llk st1'0ut oast 1784 Soper, William 1fHi2 lID Ha.cdHIl strcot 1i85 Southgate, Ewd. ~ 180 'i'fj Hall k strect wesi. 1780 Southgate, Hobart ;l2.I7 Hi :\!ontllglw street 1787 Sparrow, Honr}' liS 15 l\Illl'ket strcet I Ha 8 Vietorilt cottages 1788 1 13pence BUl'l1ubllS 1780 Spencer, John <1 BO Grant street 1700 . Spenbe, Peter [.,)U. 8 l\Iomy street 1791' Spicer, Williarn 2143 [;'lllcrald street 17921 Sprigg, Alb6rt ~;!\l4 1 N elso11 roau 1793 Spl'oule, Andl'ew :.lot:G Doreil5 st west 171H 1 Spry,. Hichal'Ll 1nl) 116 Little llagLm st 1795 ' Stafford James V:;3t'i 131 Moray st 1790 St.antoll, James I 503 1 DOl'cas I't 1797 Stead, Joseph. U~~l.1 4 Park st east 17GS St :ad, TiHJilHtl:; (3 4 Pa!'k st cast 171)9 8teele, James 240 :3 Devonshire ctgcs 1800 Steole,Ro\.wrt 5tH 42 Pal'kst






No. ill.

Uatcpnycr;;' N all\es ..


.Wlll:r(ll'roplll·tv i~ . Situllted.•


lIook, _. ----,i-------

] SOl Stodn1l1li, Chas. 180:')' 8tedlllaIl,GoOl'gc 180:1 8tOlh:mn,John 18(H ~:Henhouse, Jfimes Hj()5 l')tepilOlls, Stcphen 1800 St.uphens, Fmnk 1807 . Stcphons, Jl'1'8tlcrick ] SOH.. Skphensoll, Edwd. 1S01l Stovens, GOO1'g'6 1810 Stc\'ens, GeOl'ge 1811 Stevens, .Juhn 181~ Stevulls, John .1818 :Stevens, Juhn 1811, St(JveJJS, Lawrence 1815 Stew~llson, Allen 11'310 Stevcnson, Fl'd. 'Ym. Hi 17 Stevcnson, Wm. 18Hl SteWlll't., Alvx. IHHI StCW:Ll't, Charles Hl;20 StCWUl't, El! \Vd. J. 18~1 Stewul't, James 18:J}), Slewnl't, James 1823 Stewai't, John 18~4 Stewl1I·t, John 1825 ~te\\'al't, Patrick 1820 Stewart, Thomas 11:12; Stewurt, Wi11iftlll 1t;;lS StCWftl't, Willin.m 18~9 Stodd,trt, Thomas



841, ~.t015

1 020 6li7 1()28 15 fiU 1877 470 2000


2U(l 2()~:~


14] 9 SUO

1152 (1


077 10S\) 1807 2283 2G87 883 2208 709 1488 1700 II O,t


23U MorllY'it , 1 .Lauie place ~g YtH'l'a Sf, fj Queen :.t (j~ Horcn::; ~:t Napiel'st l\lOl'l1'y st. IOH Purk st east Vl Park st west: U Hotham st 0 ffCuvell tl'y st \\'('st. n Myrtle st 10 Coote st 102 Cedl st 11 J\lOl'ft,Y lilaco Olal'enciuIl st 85 PaJ'}';: s t east 22 Pal'k st eilst Ha:ghtn st· Co\'elltl',Y place 1115" elm'endoD st lI'i Ne:son road 73 Nelson 1'0ud 1i Domas st !)S Cllwendonst 29 'l'hn'e Chain R 103 13ridpol't st Little Hflghll1 st Pn! fnel' st .

ltiHO 183 1 H:li3:J

SLl'llt,tou, Alexander ~ tl'eet, .f allles Stoke William

18133 1"';14 18::15 1037 1888 1 U1-'.'3 11<J Hl.t.O

Stolte, Joseph Stones, \VilliaHl Stm'k, Samuel StOl'Y, John Stllbbs, \'Villiam StucllllHll, Sttl1luel ' \\1']1' Sngar, 'V I ,Hun 8nl1i\'al1, ])aniel


Sn!li\,11ll, })l'llis



SIlll(lerJand ,Tolm SuthL'lhllll, ,lose'ph Swalluw, Jnmes Sw.m, Holwl't Swall, Willi:un Swan, William SWel'lleV, Ht!uben Swifl., Iticll.ml SWilldl('y, Thomas C '· J I,L ;';yd:icdf, .,

87\) 21 Y:tl'l'H st. (j Q1 .Piu·k s t east 38.J ·1(:0 Clal'enJon st .')87 17 Church st 20213 'hJlolc st· SU;) 17. Clllrcndon place 208 \) P:ff DOl'ca'sst west u:J5 . NI Coeil st U08 210 Morayst 12(,0 Pal'k st ca3t, 74H CJ!1l'endon st


18 la . 1844

113-15 lBW W,l7 18 ~8

HS.JV 1850 18;)1 H:\,)'~


S~'lcl's, A, S\'lllC, D[1\'il1

18,i4 I S)'kes, ,follll 10;)5 :-:t. .Johll, JHlnes ll),jli Tait, ,John Li57 Tait, Willial11 18iJti lo5\)

V:WO 1blil 100;2

HlU3 HHiJ H:Hj5 ltlUU

Talllll~l', Hicll1lnl

'i'UI'pie, ,Jollll '1' a,e, t .. H ngl I Tate. GOOl'g'c Tllwton, William Tuy 101', Alcxan del' Taylol', Geol'ge Taylur, Henry

13Hili. l"B3Clt.lrend,.on st ,107 Q4Yol'k st' UOg 71 Coventry st H4G

7 Rag-1nl! p!:wo Unio!) st 0 G reOIl st





Yitl'm hatlk


8 Cuotc st

6H 108 17[.,:3 18Gb 2San 2320

:)/7 ! 8~

'.)70 tjfjO

17 Napiel' st 54 l\lllr!wt st 3 NOI·thnmbcl'hncl sI. Vietol'ia place . Ymra Bank 3 Little Bank st. Coventt,),st, 2 StcWlll't st ·26 Pulk Ht 112 CllH'endon fit 74Yol'kst, Ofi' Mn.ykd.. st 2 Devonshil'o pitH'" 3 Moray st ·29 lJni"Jl! 1 Litt1e l'lll'k ~;t an Little HlIg!nll sI.

tlQ(j '1'l1y101', .John Tn~Jol', John l::Hi Taylm.', Joseph I 212 'l'a:ylor, Josuph 1415 Tnylol', Thomas 'HG 5fl!) 'l'llylor, William Taylol', ,\Yillianl 14117 Teale, John· 10:).'1 IHlCohdc.1I ot 1l-l74 Tompany, WiIliam Q~O .ail YOI·k st ;lKf) H,[ CIIlI'I'lil!Oll fit 1875 'l'oilipest, Sqllire untj TelT)" William HIO !It !t:l~l!lli s· Q()!)~ ,18 Plltiel':,illll 1.('11':1(;1' 1()77 '1'lmin, Aloxfll1der 1078 'rhistlethwnite,b~dWI1. IHil1 I C 1lIl'l!lIthm iit IS7!) 'l'histlethwaito, Wm, lUa lil PHI'I. flt PUS!. HW7 ) MUlllil'itigu l'oad 1880 Thompsoll, A., 'i'.

18137 1868 lROO 1t:l70 1t:l71 1 tl7~ 1873

Ratepl\yer,s' NameB,

No, in Rate Book.

Where l'ropel'ty la Situated.


Rntepayers' Nl'mes.




18tH ThompsOD, nharles

'l'i1ompson, Charles 188;) rrhompson, George 1884 'l'homson, G€urge 1~,85 ThQlllpson, Jllmes 18H(i 'l'bolllpson, Jpmes 1887 1'hompson, .Tohn 1888 Thompson, John 1889 Tl10mpson,John 18UO Thompson, ,Joseph 18:n Thompson, Peter ]8\)2 'l'hompson, Robel't 1898 'l'hompson, -Wm. G. F:Hl4 Thompson 18\}5 . Thompson 1896 Thomas, Elias ISO', Thomas, J'ohn 1898 Thomas, John 1Sl}\) Thomas, John HHJO Thomas, John 1001 'rhomlls, John 1!J02 Thomas, J oseph lUOS Thomas, N. W. 1004 Thomas, Richard ]905 Thomas, Richard H)()() Thomas, WiHiam 1907 Thresber, Henry H10S 'l'hornton, Rober.t 1000 l'hol'nton, Andl'ew HllO '1'hol'ley, Jl.ibez l!JJ 1 'l'idwell, Wiliiam 1912 'l'idswell, Wm. 1\118 Tid\Tman lOB Tierney, John 1015 Tiernoy, John 1016 . Tierney,Michael 1017 'l'ierney, Owen H1l8 'l'i11e.y, EdwHl'd 1019 'l'indall, William 1920 'rohin, Thomas H121 Todd, James 1922 Toohey, l\tlntthew 1023 'Toohey, Matthew H124 Toohey, Thomas In2:1 Tope, Hubert lINO Toward, Nicholns 1\:)27 TownIey, FI'cdel'ick 1028 1'owles, James Hl29 Tracey, Gem·go !flaO Trncoy, James IUn1 Tracey, Wm. Wintel' 1118'>. 'l'l'Cc]IlWfiY, COl'nelius :I \-I3;! '1'l'eon, GeOl'gn HI at Tl'onwith, F~manuel 1!18fi 'I'ri he, ,J ames 10all Tl'otter, .Jumes 11l:l7 Trowell, Thomas .TIlO, 1038 'l't\)YIlI, .John 19aft '!'I'Hllum, 'J'homnf; 1!11/) 'J'1'1l1ll1l1l, Thomas inn I Tullo(!h, Dllvid IH4\! I 'l'1l11och, l}/unes 1~8'2

}\),1:l i TUl'l\or, Angel

1 11.\·1 I 'rlll'1I0I', G eorge Ut,lft 'l'III'llet', Hamy In-HI 'J'lll'nOr, J alUe!) J 0,17 'l'Ul'lWl' James l!1iH 'l'lll'J)or: John l!).j!) 'l'ul'ner, John 10111) Tllrner, Samuel I \I r.t 'J'lIrpie, William 1!lil!J 'l'wedlo, Joseph lHo:! 'l'weedie, Robert HII)·i 'rweedie, William J !);)I'i 'l'wentyman, Thomas 1!l5iJ 'l'yler, George UJ57 'l'yler, Thumas 1058 Tyrer, Richard 11)09 Uphalli, Charles 1960 1 Upton, John Alfred

Wherl' Prop~rly Is SitUlltcd.

No. in Rntl! Book.


... --"-

{)537R Coventl'y,st 1!li5Fi 20 Nimmo st· 187 3 CI~cil place NOI'lh" 1tJ4771 Cobden st ' 002 o Little PUl'kst HS7


1l2<i 28 Dol'cn.s 'st we st 10fi1 Vall11.ck. Charles 790 74 MorllY st 1!)(i2 Vllil, Charles W. 2203 102 York st HHl3 Vo.ug'hnn, Benjllmin 873 99 Montague st HHi4 Vigl1l'st, G(lorge .T. 1423 25 Yfil'l'a Place 1965 Vog ht, ,r ollll lUt) H6 Little Raglan st 11)tHi Voss, Thomfls 20 64 Clal'endoll st 1967 Waudle, James 1600 2 Fowler's Buildings 1968 ,\Vade, .lames 1480 Off Napier st 1969 Wllh Sue 512 Bridpol't st 1!}7() Wakehllrtl, EthVl1.1'd .350 97 CeciI st 19i1 \Vukefield, John 901 Off Cl:'cil st Hl72 Wll'lkel', Chn1'lcs 2273 97 Clal'endon st 1973 Walker, P. N. ]444 58 Montague st 1 ~7<J, Walker, Willium 1)52 Raglan Place 1\)75 Wnlhce, Gem'go 422 37 NltpieI' st 1970 Wnllllce, Hllgh 1434 10 C}lades fit HJ77 Wnllllce, ltoluJI't 82 Raglan st }978 Walmsley, Chlll'les 265 Off Market !:'t l!lill Wnlsh, Ed\\'ul'd 1911 oH Clarendon st 1UHO Wllish, John 397 3f,] CeciI st HIR1 Wal3h, ,John 185'; 1 Alfl'ed place 1082 Wnlsh, .1, 1047 pa,uk at west If.l8:3 \Vnlsh, Luwrence 1611 Bank st east HlS4 WIl(sh, Miclmel 579 Eastern road 11185 Wlllsh, Moses 1285 W; Lit.tle Park st 10Rn \Vnlslt, '1'hol113.s 1736 lVIomy st lU87 Wnher, Willinm 500 :204 .l!.:astern 1'011<1 1IJR8 Wnlters, William IHR.[} WlIl'd, G. 317 Hl Litt.le Park st III\JO \V(I/'Il, .JuIllCS 857 7 York place 11)111 Wnt'd, Matthew A7 64 YOl'k st l!HN Ward, l)at.riclr 1517 4H Market st 11)1):3 Warden, Willia:n 2070 22 M'omy st Iv!).! 4 off Dorcas st \Vm'den, WilIiam 1815 HHJ5 '\Yal'ne, 'l'homas 1827 24 Hill st 1906 WUl'1lel', Chal'l'3s F. 2172 18 Green st 1lH)7 'I off Bank st west Warner, William HIOtl HJ98 \Yan'en, George 1215 1 Hill st 1!l\J9 'Varren, John 2318 2 off Little Pm'k st 2000 Waters, Geol'ge 1970 2 Little Bank st 2001 Waters, WiUium Hy. 059 3 l'.~ville fit 2002 Waters, Samuel HUn Cllu'tmdon st 2003 Watkius, l?rederick 4!31l tlS Napier st 2004- Watkins J Samuel .13511 13 Union st ~W()5 '\~lltRon, J!llUeS 860 1)0 Cobden st 2006 Watson, J&.mes l4nO 1 YU1'1'1t pIneo 2007 Watson, James 2013 220 Moray st 1306 12 Co\'e11 try st west ~008 ~Watson, John 200U Wutson, John 7 (H Nnpier st 2010 Wl1tson, J(lhn 7t15 I) Devonshire cotgs 2011 'iYatpon, Joseph 4.40 205Cecilst ~012 '\Vatson, Tl10lnas Ml 15 Union st ,"Vutt, James 2013 J.70 ,Clure,ndon st 14M Watt, Charles 2014 212 Moray st 11l1U Way, Georf!e 2015 130 Raglan st 'H6o 2016 Waycott, Richard 2311 Fenes st ,Yebb, Thomas 113 Park st west 201"1 325 Webstel', TllOmas 2018 ~H Y odr place J.040 Wells, Dflvid 201!1 76 Cob den st 2283 'Velsh, ,Tohn 2020 Nelson road 500 Welsh, John 2021 91 Cecil 8t 563 Welsh, John 2022 40 Park st 1526 Welsh, Martin 2023 1179 Moray st \-Vemer, J. C, 2024 2242 88 PRl'k st cast Henry 'West, 2025 36 Montague st 452 Q020 I '\Vestlake, Jl1mes 1942 20 Union 8t 2027 vVestwincke,Hermann 1261 14 Coventry place ,2028 Wlmrton, GeOl'ge 192 Moray st Wheatley, H. 2029 1104 20 Park place Wheeldon, Sohn 2030 795 84 York st Wheelright, William 2031 2291 Bank st west 2032 , Whitakel', T. 2366 Yarro, Bank 2033 \-Vhite, Alexander 55 8 Oardner st 2034 White, Alexander 2240 Montague st 2035 White, James 526 25 Dorcas st 2036 \Vhitc, J Oh11 15'/'0 104 P!trk 6t eaRt 727 Q off'little Baglan st 2031 White, John 2038 White, Bichard 2026 25 Coote st 2004, i 7 Coventry st west 2039 White, Thomas 2040 I White, Louis 1890 II08Cflcil st


48 Cowmtnr Rt.


(1(lll'Prt~lon ~t st west ~O!lil 2(l CoMe "t 2(HHJ 44 PntN'son terrace 1007 1nl Morny st 10:31 20\J J.\>lomy st 837 21 YaWl st 13 ';],1 r; CoMen at H74 27 Yarra place U307 Hill st 4,1.8 28 Union 8t 781 Three chain !'oau H4~ Hllghm 8t 2:110 Park st west 12:18 3 Clll!'endon place :3\l0 I; Alfl'ed place ~HH2 :Montngue et 1571 171 Moray st 1782 i5 Northumberland st' 11157 10 Nimmo s.t 1108 Palm er st 1146 65 Park st east 234 I Ag.ues place 71 21 Ma.!'lwt !It 213'.! 69 Bani{ st west 1883 5 off P!}.rk st west 6\.lU 12 Raghm st 91R 93 Coventry st 1296 86 Napierst 1548 6(j Moray .plaCI) 1538 Moray >It 1724 131 Bridport s.t 1195 Park st east 1790 1 off York st west 1671 137 Raglan et 122 28 Market st 1721 BddpOl't st . 39 8 off Alfred place 1947 4 Cov€)ntl'Y place 718 151 Cecilst 2367 Yarn. bank 709 2 Cecil place south 4fl6 20 Coventry st 1777 Northumberland st 759 193 Cedl st Off Clarendol1 st lS9 5 Laurie place 1935 21 Coventrj place 1776 2 off Nthmbland st 18.1~ 5 Crown st 3M 4 Yol'l, placo 2369 Yarm Bank 1553 151 Moray st 1614 138 Eastern road 1858 9 Victoria place 1298 80 Nllpier st 721 157 Cecil Est 870 19 Yllrra place 850 60 York st 149.1 112 COV'entl'Y st east 403 Coventry st 2074 l!. off Ban k st IYe"t 1056 210 :\loray st 11.)\)8 Qi31 Haglan st loon 1513 Eastel'll roud :;Z~~881 Bank st west 133 24 1In,l'ket St 12BO 61 Napiel' st 20aO 22 ('oote 5t 4H2 1 Burieigh st 1584 Little Park 5t 741 Brill port st 1355 50 Cllbden st 1879 H PUl'k st west 1GI) 10 Vietol'ia Clli:lllg{;;J 607 15 Little Park st 1351 60 Cobden st 583 18 IJittle Park st 290 6 Little Jal'k st i~175


178('; 17









~O-1l ~042

204:3 20-14: 2045 2046 2047

2048 2049 2050 2051 ;t052 2053 2054

2055 2056 2057 ·2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065

2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072

2073 2074 "\

'Yhiteln.w, l)ll'\'id V{hitelay. Thomas Whiteman, John· \Vhithy, Arthur Whitaker, Thomas Whittaker, olm Whitty, John Whit worth, Henry R. Why-te, William Widgery, John W ina., J ames Windham, J ames Windiey, Alfred John Winslade, William Winter, Gem'ge Winter, T. L. 'Vinwood, J ames Wilkie,- Andrew Willie, William Wilkillson, Stephen Williams, Charles vVillianis, David WilliD,ms, J ames Williams, J p,mes Williams, John Williams, John Williahls, John "\Villiams, J o~cph Willia.ms, M~mrice Williams, Richard Williams, Richard ,\Villiams, Thomas Vlilliamson, William \VilSOll, Dn,vid





1345 1144 1659 15841 1G70, 347 1502 1061

61D 961 332 1519 1 1131 386 1742 878

(}39 513 813 1801 1677 47 418 323 1697 "1294 1023 2161 1281 1373 948

l\'iOl'flY st 51 Ct;bden st

63 Park st e8.st 1 i3 Moray st Littie Park st Raglan st 61 Cedl st 89 Moray s~ Bank st e~t 28 Park st east 5 Palk st 8 York place 18 Moray plMe 3 Wynyard st 112 Ullwendon st Sandridg~ rond 26 Yal'l'a place 7 Napiel' at 9H Cecil st 18 Clltl'endon placo 8 Bank st west 13H Haglttll st 1 Gardllcr st 18 Charles at 1f.) York place oft' Clnrendoll st 105 Little H.nglan st 90 N apiel' st 3 Dorcas place 13 Emerald s~ 176 Morayst 4 Cob den st Cecil st Coventry st





WherePropclty is 8ituateu.



--.. .:..:..:::.:::- --.- -_ ....::.:.::.:..


No in

Hatepnyers' NI',!ues.













:. .

No. in Rnte Hook.

ltntcpll.y,crs' Names,

' 1'1314 42 Napier at 2303 131 Park st west 1214 37 Little Park st ~'mncis H. 1424 Uttle Raglan st George 21 28, Gi'ant st Henry William Henry Vvilliam 1859 Victoria. l)lace 447 30 Union at Wilsou1 J ames . Wilson, .T u11n 1218 41 Little Park st 1829 14 Green st Wilson, .Tohn 1402 107 Ragl&.n st Wilson, Richard 872 23 Yarra place Wilson, Robt. Francis 1422 Little Raglan st Wilson, Wiijiam I 'Withers, Alfred . 3.55 71 Ceril st ;3018 34 Dorcas st wes~; Withers, Euoch· 2345 Yarm .bank. Wolfe, Patrick 2400 SRndl'idge road W oodfin, Charles 163 4 Victoria cottages Woods, Joseph 1963 100 York st west W oodhead, Benjamin 473 27 Fraucis st 'N oodward Charles Wookey, '·Wm. Evans 1394: 185 Raglan st 1115 Bank st east W oolcott, J. 10(-)9 122 Moray st W oolley, William 1157 off Park st east WOdlnongh, Henry W rigglesworth, Robert 2269 101 Bank st west 349 off eecH st Wright, ij:enry 1457 62 Raglan st . "\Vright, J ames . Wright, RobCl't 1011 Dorca,8, st· east 542 140 Clarendon st Y oul, J ames B. 1348 47 Co.bden st Youl, John Yarl'a ·bank 2370 Y ol.1.ng,. George 2152 : 16 Emerald .st Young, J ohu 1884 off Park'st west Young, John 2094 Ferrers st Young,'l'homas J. 729 Little Raglanst Young,

2075 Wilson, Dnvid 2076 Wilpon, 2077 Wilson, 20'i8 WilSOlh 2u79 Wilson, 2080 Wilson, 2081

iW82 2083 208~~

2086 2086 2087 ~O88

2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 209[) 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 21(16 2107 2108






RECEIVED '1'00 J.JATE FOR CLASSIF'lCATION. 2109 Beer, Charles 2110 Cairns, Alexander 2111 .Oulner, 1i'l'ancis 2112 C(?lclough, Thomas 2113 Lnvero, Ro.bert




. Where Pl'()pcrty iJi Sltullted.





273 \ 36 Y st 2114 501 I Coventry st 2115 1437 76 Raglan st . 12116 1214 37 Little Park street 2117 549 124 Clareudon street




Lowden, Thomns O'Brien, J ames Pdnn, William Topa, Willial'tl'


365 .'559 676

25Coventryst Clal'endon st 30 'RaO'lan st 3286\· 204 Moray st· I:)

! .\




. Revised by the Municipal Council on the 27th day of October, 1862.








1,\', 'i'.'"






.i: ' "



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.';' .:~.: ~ >:.:'




~'i 'f. I. i~i W.jI.,W!LLlAld$).~Ri~T~B",2~ Lri~~~E,' BoUBiE. ~~~~~~' ,E~~T, MELBOURNE;::· ~: ;;/:. L '.. , , ;





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