C'n'B Magazin 2011

Page 1





TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY TO CREATE YOUR FUTURE Information is without a doubt, the gold of the digital age. And C’n’B is laying a map with the main reasons for digging. We propose ways for navigating the international thicket of networking, the winding paths of content distribution, monitoring data streams, listening for signals, to measure large vibrations and direct the impact from small ones, and even how it all may come to disagreement over ownership. We are plotting the new ways to lead yourself and your teams in the most economically effective and sustainable way. Those who want to master this balancing act successfully should be awake, should act creatively, leave nothing to chance, and give the experienced cartographers and distinguished soldiers of fortune at this convention some attention. This alone will indeed pay off at the end of the day! Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome, Bienvenido to C’n’B 2011 in Cologne! Tickets C’n’B


Ticket 200 €*

4 Keep your house creative! 7 Law and order on the internet 11 Culture and creative economy 2011

Includes admission to all relevant convention events (Wednesday to Friday) plus admission to one show of the c/o pop festival (optional JANELLE MONÁE or Funkhaus Europa SUMMERSTAGE)

Day-pass (Wednesday) 180 € Day-pass (Thursday + Friday) 110 €* Student pass 35 €* Student day-pass (Wednesday) 40 € Student day-pass (Thursday + Friday) 12 €* * These prices are net prices, excluding 19% sales tax

c/o pop festival pass 70 € (including tax)

15 Floorplan 15 Exhibition 17 Timetable Wednesday 19 Timetable Thursday 21 Timetable Friday 23 Special Program 25 Speaker A – Z 26 C’n’B Campus 28 Europareise 30 Partner




Keep your house creative! The significance of creative industries in Northrhine-Westfalia

Von Christian Boros and Werner Lippert That culture doesn’t just mean ideal merits but also a measurable economic value, is an insight which has become more and more widespread. In 2007, the combined financial output of the 50,000 companies and freelancers from the eleven subsectors of Northrhine-Westfalias creative industry was €36 million. However the significance of the creative industry sector reaches even further than that: The work of creatives is having an expansive impact on other business sectors. Designers for example help industrial companies (of which NRW still holds a high number) to improve their products, which increases sales. Musicians are at the core of the multimedia valueadded chain, from which labels, distributors and clubs benefit as much as online marketers or merchandise companies. According to the US theorist in Urban Studies Richard Florida, the presence of a creative class improves the workforce’s capacity to create new innovations. These innovations spur the development of economic growth of a region. The avant-garde of all branches of trade In this context, »innovation« is no longer to be understood in a traditional, technology-based sense. It can’t be measured in patents, copyrights and market shares. Our modern knowledge-based society provides the space for a new understanding of innovation and progress (as laid out by Holm Friebe and Dr. Bastian Lange in the CREATIVE.NRW publication »Innovationsökologien. Vier Szenarios für die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in NRW 2020« – free download: www.creative.nrw.de/home/innovationsoekologien). What is desired today are non-technical, social and policy innovations which are able to provide the nutrient solution for traditional innovations. 4

The classic work-split of the industrial society – industry provides for material needs, culture provides for entertainment – is no longer contemporary. The economy is increasingly aware of a public perception that considers products in the context of social and ecological consequences. The search for solutions to problems as wicked as climate change and the scarcity of raw materials is no longer confined to the enclosed circles of engineers and technologists. New thoughts and concepts are needed – and this is where creatives come into play. Creatives infiltrate old processes with new visionary ideas, positioning themselves as avant-garde in the innovation process. The creative industries introduce new forms of working and collaborating. The central facet: Networking and exchange across the boarders of one’s own discipline. People work together in collective working spaces and cooperate on projects and in networks, which may be completely reconditioned for the next venture. No one is overly protective of their ideas, rather plans are discussed in public, opening up wider cooperation. Collaborators may be other creatives and experts from different disciplines, but also non-professionals who contribute to the project with their perspective of the user, an operator or simply as a human beings. The key words are: »Open Innovation« and »Design Thinking«.

Prospectively, we’ll be able to reach out for truly innovative ideas without the usual professional blinkers: Electronic cars instead of gas guzzlers? Nice idea but why not go one step further and ask: Is all our traffic absolutely necessary or could there be new concepts to reorganize our mobility? There are creative solutions in the world of finances as well. For example, in Northrhine-Westfalia crowdfunding and microcredits provided by the NRW.BANK are some of the new answers to old questions. Creative habitats In a measure of the increasing impact of creative industries, Northrhine-Westfalia already has a lot of projects on their way. There are networks such as »Heimatdesign« in Dortmund, »Sound of Cologne« or »Designquartier Ehrenfeld« in Cologne, creative centres such as the »Unperfekthaus« in Essen, the »V16« in Mönchengladbach and the »cc4711« in Cologne. You can meet after work in an open atmosphere on a »Twittwoch« for a »Twittagessen«, you can present your ideas in a »Pecha Kucha« or at an Unconference. Here at the C’n’B, the Creativity and Business Convention, people are discussing across disciplines and internationally their visions of new

ways of production and financing for the future as well as new ways of working and living. In the future it will be necessary for cities and regions to work even harder to create an environment that fosters an exchange between disciplines to create a »creative habitat«, as Friebe and Lange described it in their »Innovation Ecologies«. This way, cities themselves will benefit from the creative potential in their region and of the »wisdom of the crowd« of their residents. Some of these projects might fail. But it is only by trial and error – by a productive way of failing and restarting in a constructive environment – that we create something truly new. It’s like they say: Only by falling do you learn how to mount a horse.

Christian Boros is a media entrepreneur and art collector. Since 2009 he has been working on behalf of the Ministry of Economics for the creative industries of Northrhine-Westfalia. Werner Lippert is Director and Curator of the NRW Forum Kultur und Wirtschaft at Düsseldorf. Together with Christian Boros he’s managing the creative industries of Northrhine-Westfalia. 5

The Internet challenges our current notions of law and order. This is clearly shown in a survey on the attitudes of Germany’s most active Internet users. These ‘active Web users’ are 6.67 million Internet users in Germany aged from 14 to 64, most of them born between 1980 and 1990. According to their own statements, their media budget is fairly low, but their interest in culture and technology is high. The active Web users keep informed


Law and Order on the Internet

and are actively involved in all areas of social interaction, online and offline. Cultural events, literature, music and exchanges about them are as much valued in the lives of active Web users as exchanges on social networks are. The idea of simply transferring accepted norms from the offline to the online world is one that is alien to this group.

The Internet is not a lawless space, nor do users want it to be.



Protests and campaigns against laws regulating the Internet should not however be interpreted to mean that active Web users don’t want any laws per se. A clear majority of 82 percent did not agree with the statement, »I wish there were no laws regulating the Internet«. This means that the vast majority declared themselves to be against an absence of laws in the Internet, although this group of 6.67 million active Web users rejects a mere transfer of laws and regulations from the real world to the Internet. The logic of the online and offline worlds are not mutually compatible, so in the Internet only those rules that emerge out of the logic of the Internet are accepted. The Internet tends to redefine issues of right and wrong, which cannot then be dealt with by simply adapting current law. We need to take a step back and ask ourselves what values the current law symbolizes and how the goals of established legal standards could be achieved through new laws and forms of laws. Assessments of right and wrong depend largely on the circumstances. Despite the speed of developments in all areas, fundamental attitudes towards law and order in the Internet have not changed in recent years. Evaluations of the illegal use of copyrighted content depend on 7

»Universal solutions« are not accepted. Simple solutions revealing helplessness in the face of a lack of online standards are not accepted. There is for example no support among active Web users for proposals to cut off users’ Internet access due to breaches of copyright. The same goes for proposals to warn the Internet user concerned, because a warning is generally regarded as a preliminary to cutting off access. The idea is that if a few warnings do not make a user stop breaching copyright, their access to the Internet would be cut. 12 percent of active Web users support warnings, while almost three quarters are strictly against them. There was a similar response to the issue of cutting off Internet access. Only 16 percent of active Web users regard cutting off Internet access as a justifiable instrument for use against copyright infringements, while 74 percent were strictly against them. Less than half of the

active Web users, 43 percent, agree that a monthly flat fee should be charged for all Internet access in Germany; a fee which would benefit the holders of copyright on music, books and films. This would in fact legalize illegal file sharing. There is therefore no majority support among the most active Net users for a so-called »culture flatrate«. A »universal solution« is not seen as compatible with the Internet and discussions about a »universal solution« tend to block rather than open up space for various possibilities. Appropriately enough, »flexibility« is the value that has become most important in the view of active Web users.


whether it is used for private or commercial purposes. While 82 percent of respondents declared themselves against penalizing the illegal private use of copyrighted content (e.g. on users’ home computers), 81 percent said that the illegal commercial use of copyrighted content (e.g. on users’ office computers) should be punished. The most important argument for this is along the lines of, »If I earn money from using copyrighted content, then it’s only fair that I also pay for that use«, so it can’t be claimed that there’s a »free for all culture« among active Web users. Only a minority of active Web users responded in favor of completely free content on the Internet in answering the question, »What is your opinion of the demand for everything on the Internet to be available free of charge?« Content is assessed according to whom it comes from and what it’s used for.

In November 2010 the Institute for Strategy Development (IFSE) published results of a study about the ‚digital mentality‘ of the most active web users in Germany. Since years the IFSE has been investigating the usage of digital content and the social, cultural, political, legal, economic and technical challengs of the internet society. IFSE was founded in 2003 at the Witten/Herdecke University. As research institute and generalist in strategy consulting, IFSE specializes in organizational, trend as well as environment analyses in places where economy, culture and politics intersect.




jetzt neu:

High Political Ambitions and Economic Potentials in Europe

For the first time the Directorate-General Enterprise and Industries of the European Commission has published a call for the creative industries providing approximately 5 billion Euros and giving incentives to member states to invest at least 100 billion Euros. This, of course, is no relevant subsidy to support the European creative industries with a yearly turnover of about 654 billion Euros (2003). So what is the buzz about the European policy?

die online-plattform für neue musik aus der ganzen welt

The message of the European Creative Industries Alliance (ECIA) is not about funding, but about a new policy and market structure for the creative industries. To do so, the ECIA call mainstreams innovation and cluster models from already successful sectors like INNOVA. However, the growing political and financial support for cultural and creative industries (CCIs) since 2007 is a path of integration and multi-dimensional evaluation. The strategic turning point for the CCIs was the Green Paper »Unlocking the Potential of Cultural and Creative Industries« initiated in 2010 by the DG Education and Culture. The european centre for creative economy (ecce), an institute of RUHR.2010, has taken part in its consultation by initiating the first platform for culture and creative economy in Brussels, the ECCI Summit, in 2008.

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Cultural and Creative Economy 2011


The vision stated within the Green Paper is »Art and culture have a unique capacity to create green jobs, to raise awareness, challenge social habits and promote behavioural shifts in our societies […] The key question here is how to accelerate the positive spillover effects that culture and CCIs can produce on the wider economy and society.« However this vision is not only about spillover effects.

Within the »Innovation Union« flagship initiative the Green Paper names specific actions which will be undertaken – e.g. »Specific attention will be paid to promote entrepreneurship, access to finance, to improve framework conditions and foresight, to identify research and skills needs, to develop new cluster concepts and better business and innovation support.« Important developments for the European CCIs were also initiated in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) during 2010: the european centre for creative economy in Dortmund, the Creativity & Business Convention (C’n’B), START in Duisburg and co-working houses. ecce is a sustainable development of the European Capital of Culture 2010 – in 2011, it will be converted into an own legal public institute with the mission to develop and support the CCIs at a local, national and international level. It is located at the Dortmunder U – Centre for Art and Creativity and realises its projects in cooperation with the business development Wirtschaftsförderung metropoleruhr (wmr) and the support of the city of Dortmund and the state of NRW. 11

ecce considers creative economy an eco-system of creativity and economy, culture and technology, urban development and education. Its economic development needs a multi-dimensional approach and ecce therefore strictly engages in integrative (not only interdisciplinary) strategies to develop midterm structural support measures – to give a direct example: ecce would not promote the production of a single game, but rather a games fair such as the Living Games in 2009 and 2010.


Major projects of ecce: - Creative.Quarters RUHR - 2010LAB.tv – platform for creativity and culture changing the world - Sector Development – e.g. Games, Film, Music - Creative Industries Policy Award (CIPA) and Creative Cities Exhibition - European Creative Business Network (ECBN) During the last years, ecce has grown a major player in the discussion on structural support of the creative economy at a European level and in positioning NRW as a centre of creative economy. ecce aims to provide companies and cities in NRW with more chances to profit from European policies and market potentials. The promotion and building-up of a European meeting point and marketplace for European CCIs in NRW such as the C’n’B is therefore a strategic priority for the activity of ecce. With its scope on CCIs and its crossings with digital technology, entertainment and transnational exchange the C’n’B has the capacity to position itself as the meeting point and marketplace for the new European impulses of the ECIA. european centre for creative economy – ecce, Dortmund www.e-c-c-e.com; www.2010lab.tv/en


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Room 6 / C’n’B Campus Creative Career Lounge Exhibition


Press Room

Wochen kostenlos und unverbindlich

r ye Fo

Impuls der Branche! Die unverzichtbare Informationsquelle und Planungshilfe für Kreative, Produzenten und Handel!


Room 5 Room 4



Speakers Room

Meeting Room

W-Lan Area Room 3

Address Staatenhaus am Rheinpark Auenweg 17, 50679 Köln Info +49 (0)221 998 911 00 www.cnb-convention.com Taxi

Room 1 Room 2

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Following a successful start in 2010, the C’n’B Convention in 2011 again offers innovative ways of presenting the ideas and products of the creative industries. An inspired exhibition concept provides the framework within which selected partners and participants of the C’n’B are able to present their ideas and information individually on a high level and put their creative potential on display. • 2010LAB.tv www.2010lab.tv • betahaus Köln www.koeln.betahaus.de • Coworking Cologne www.coworkingcologne.de • Coworking Space Gasmotorenfabrik www.coworkingcologne.de • CREATIVE.NRW www.creative.nrw.de • Dingfabrik e.V. www.dingfabrik.de • Deutschlandradio www.dradio.de • Druck- und Verlagshaus Frankfurt am Main GmbH Verlag der Frankfurter Rundschau www.fr-online.de • Etsy www.etsy.de

• european centre for creative economy | ecce (ein Institut der RUHR.2010 GmbH) www.e-c-c-e.de • European Creative Business Network (ECBN) www.e-c-c-e.de • Garage Bilk www.garagebilk.de • IHK Köln www.ihk-koeln.de • Kölner Kulturpaten e.V. www.koelnerkulturpaten.de • Landesanstalt für Medien Nordrhein-Westfalen (LfM) www.lfm-nrw.de • newthinking communications GmbH www.newthinking.de • POPPER by Power To Peter (Campus Exhibition Winner) www.powertopeter.com • Putpat TV www.putpat.tv • Stadt Köln – CC4711 www.sound-of-cologne.com • Deutsche Telekom AG www.telekom.de • Webvideotage powered by Panasonic www.webvideotage.de • Wirtschaftsförderung metropoleruhr GmbH www.business.metropoleruhr.de


Room 1 10:00 10:15

Room 2

Room 3

Room 4

Room 5

Opening Medienforum.Digital Of Mankind, Might and Brands. PANEL, english

Room 6 International matchmaking 10:00 Online – mobile – games OPENING IMPULSE, english 10:15 10:30

10:30 10:45 11:00


Orwells Albtraum Wie viel Schutz brauchen personenbezogene Daten? PANEL, german

11:00 Power to the crowd Alternative ways of content generation and finding 11:15 PRESENTATION & PANEL, english



Vom Schutz kreativer Güter in der digitalen Welt Eine Frage des Rechts? PANEL, german

11:45 12:00

Mobile Media Summit 2011 App world Addictive, fascinating & smart! PANEL, german










13: 45

13: 45 Our social media strategy International case studies PANEL, english

Medienkompetenz fördern Standards setzen? PANEL, german

Mobile Media Summit 2011 Mobile devices PANEL, german

Contribute to Medienforum.NRW Ergebnisse aus dem Aufruf PRESENTATION, german

23. MEDIENFORUM.NRW // 20.– 22. Juni 2011, Köln www.medienforum.nrw.de

ist die LfM Nova GmbH.

14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45



15:15 15:30 15:45

Social campaigning New ways of how to get votes PANEL, english

Internetsicherheit Zwischen Drohszenarien und realer Gefahr PANEL, german

Mobile Media Summit 2011 Jugendmedienschutz Mobile life WORKSHOP, german The future is now! PANEL, german

Contribute to Medienforum.NRW Ergebnisse aus dem Aufruf PRESENTATION, german

Multimedia storytelling Neue Content-Formate Fiction & Non-Fiction PRESENTATION & PANEL, german











16:45 17:00

Media outlook 2012! KEYNOTES, english





17:45 18:00

16 Eine Veranstaltung der Landesanstalt für Medien NRW (LfM), gefördert mit Mitteln des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. Verantwortlich für Konzeption und Durchführung

Scale up your business 360°-Produktion und Rechteverwertung PANEL, german







Dialog und Diskurs mit den interessantesten Köpfen der Branche – vom 20.– 22. Juni beim MEDIENFORUM.NRW


Digital, open, participatory The new reign? PANEL, english









* This day is a cooperation between Medienforum.NRW and C’n’B. The programm in Room 1 – 5 is organized by Medienforum.NRW. The programm in Room 6 is jointly organised by Filmstiftung NRW, Medien.NRW and C’n’B.

17:45 18:00


Termine für unterwegs – die coolibri iPhone-App!

Room 1

Room 2

Content: Rights & Monetising

Room 4


Room 5


Thought Sparks

Room 6 10:00





Welcome & Opening IMPULSE, english


10:45 11:00


Next Generation of Media Entertainment Business PANEL, english


12:00 12:15

kostenlose LITE-Version

12:30 12:45

Frameworking Digital Creativity & Business in the EU KEYNOTE, english

DIY I: Unser kreatives Potential ist unerschöpflich, wie nutzen wir es? WORKSHOP, german

Die Umkreissuche zeigt alle aktuellen Events in deiner Umgebung an

Mit dem Filter für Datum, Ort und Rubrik genau das finden, was man sucht

C’n’B CAMPUS Program:


MEDIA IMPULSES & DISCUSSIONS in cooperation with MHMK, 11:45

for students, german

Digitalisierung – Der sichere Tod des Printmarkts? IMPULSE & DISCUSSION, german




12:45 13:00


13:15 13:30

Webvideo WORKSHOP: INTRO, in cooperation with webvideotage, german

13: 45

Termine zielgenau finden






International Networks I


Immer und überall wissen, was los ist in der Rhein-Ruhr-Region (Ruhrgebiet, Düsseldorf, Niederrhein, Wuppertal, Bergisches, Köln, Münster und Umgebung)

Room 3




Konzert, Party, Theater ...

Real Digital Business


Thursday 24.06.

13: 45

14:00 14:15

Rights & Exploitation 2011 - I


Universalcode - Journalismus im digitalen Zeitalter PRESENTATION, german

International Networks II DIY I: Graphic Thinking & MATCHMAKING, in coopera- Recording tion with Europareise WORKSHOP, english

Gamification I IMPULSE, in cooperation with Media Evolution, english

C’n’B CAMPUS Program:

for students, german



Business opportunities in North-Rhine Westphalia for international companies PRESENTATION, in cooperation with ecce, english

14:45 15:00 15:15

The DigiBIC network– delivering latest technologies to creative industries PRESENTATION, english

15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15



Finanzierung in der Kreativwirtschaft PANEL, in cooperation with Kompetenzzentrum Kulturund Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes, german

15:00 15:15 15:30

DIY I: Creative Thinking WORKSHOP, english


Rights & Exploitation 2011 - II


Fair Trade in der Kreativwirtschaft PANEL, in cooperation with AMAN & MICA, german

Sustainability of European Capitals of Culture PANEL, in cooperation with Europareise, english

16:00 Gestartet! Medien, Film, Kunst, Musik, Design Junge Berufseinsteiger und 16:15 ihre Erfahrungen PANEL, in cooperation with new talents – biennale 16:30 köln, german 16:45

16:45 17:00 17:15 17:30


MEDIA IMPULSES & DISCUSSIONS in cooperation with MHMK, 14:15

Blue Hour TALK, english


South by Southwest (SXSW) – What’s it all about PANEL, NETWORKING, MEET & GREET, in cooperation


with Initiative Musik, english

17:30 17:45


Subject to changes. As by 6th of june 2011.

www.steuerungb.de 18




Room 1

Real Digital Business Room 2

Room 3


Content: Rights & Monetising

Room 4


Room 5


Thought Sparks

Room 6









11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Keynote from the Federal Ministry of Economics & Technology Kids learn computer skills before life skills – a study PRESENTATION, english How innovation camps get corporates and young creatives to flirt, collaborate & understand each other IMPULSE, english


Innovation Driver Silver Economy IMPULSE: english


Real Digital Business: The Big Picture - Today and Tomorrow IMPULSES, english


International Networks III


Europareise, english


IMPULSES, PRESENTATION, TALKS, in cooperation with

Plugging/ Pitching/ Placement - Kreativarbeit und Lizenzierung im Musikverlag WORKSHOP, german

Exit Strategy!? IMPULSE, english

DIY IV: Taking your creative business online WORKSHOP, in cooperation Finanzierung von kreativen with Etsy, english Start-Ups durch VC PANEL, german

C’n’B CAMPUS Program:


MUSIC DISCUSSIONS & IMPULSES in cooperation with MHMK, 11:45

for students, german

12:00 12:15 12:30









13: 45

13: 45

14:00 14:15

Real Digital Business: Models PRESENTATIONS, english

Synchronization – for Games, TV, Advertising Workshop, german

Digitale Strategien WORKSHOP, german

Meet the Record Store Day - Introduction and social media campaign for a global event PRESENTATION, english

C’n’B CAMPUS Program:


MUSIC IMPULSES & DISCUSSIONS in cooperation with MHMK, 14:15

for students, german






DIY V: Do-It-Yourself //

15:15 15:30

Do-It-Together – Chancen und Grenzen neuer Arbeitsstrukturen für Musiker WORKSHOP, in cooperation with a2n, deutschh

Real Digital Business FINAL SESSION, english




tion with webvideotage, german



Friday 25.06.

From Megatrends to Business: Experience Open Innovation PRESENTATION & PANEL: german

15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45

WORKSHOP, in coopera-

16:00 16:15

Gamification II

PRESENTATIONS, in coope16:30

ration with Cologne Games Lab, english


Innovative Creative Start-Ups PRESENTATIONS, english

Branded Entertainment PANEL, german

16:45 17:00

17:00 17:15 17:30



Blue Hour Rck & Read


17:30 17:45


Subject to changes. As by 6th of june 2011. 18:00




Thursday 23.06.

FRIDAY 24.06.

LOUNGE by CREATIVE.NRW 11:00 Wettbewerb CreateMedia.NRW, 100% Design, PRESENTATION, german 12:00 ADC Fieldwork – Essen. Liebe. Arbeit. Designer finden Lösungen für gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen von morgen, PRESENTATION & PANEL, german 13:00 Couch Musik 15:00 Dangers & Annoyances. Was nervt an der Kreativwirtschaft? 5 Thesen im Kreuzfeuer, PANEL, german 16:00 CREATIVE.CROSSOVER berufliche Kompetenzen, Unternehmen und Geschäftsideen im Blind Date. In Kooperation mit dem Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes, SPEEDDATING 17:30 Couch Musik

LOUNGE by ecce – european centre for creative economy 11:30 Pressekonferenz Initiative Musik: Spielstättenportrait und Vorstellung der Ergebnisse, german 12:00 Kreativwirtschaft Metropole Ruhr, PRESENTATION, german 13.00 Lunch & Listen 14.00 Kreative Köpfe, INTERVIEWS, german 15:00 ECBN – European Creative Business Network, PRESENTATION, english

InfoPoint by ecce – european centre for creative economy 12:00 Politik, INTERVIEW, german 15:00 Kreativ.Quartiere, INTERVIEWS, german 16.00 Co-Working, Q&A, german 17.00 Street Art goes Business, Q&A, german 18.00 OS meets C’n’B – Networking by Online Stammtisch Deutschland, SPEEDDATING, MEET & GREET

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So haben Sie Fernsehen noch nie gesehen.

Join in. Tony Anscombe (Ambassador of Free Products, AVG Technologies) Stephan Balzer (CEO, Red Onion / TedX Germany) Oliver Baurhenn (Artistic Director, Volker Bertelmann (Hauschka/Germany) Steve Blame (Author, Moderator, Screenwriter) Christoph Bornschein (Founder, TLGG) Marcus Bösch (Publisher, Neue Probleme) Dr. Reinhard Büscher (Head of the Support for Innovation Unit, Enterprise and Industry DirectorateGeneral of the European Commission) Vincent Carry (Festival Director, Les Nuits Sonores/France) Anda Corrie (Community Director, Etsy Europe) Cliff Dennett (Commercial & Design Director, SOSHI Games) Christian Diekmann (CFO / COO, DEAG) Alexander Elbertzhagen (CEO, Kick Media AG) Marc Jan Eumann (State secretary, Ministerium für Bundesangelegenheiten, Europa und Medien, NRW) Bernd Fesel (Vice Director, ecce - european centre for creative economy) Luka Fineisen (Art) Dominik Fischer (Producer, Alpha 0.7) Mareen Fischinger (Photographer & Founder, Lumio GmbH) Eckard Foltin (Head of Creative Center, Bayer MaterialScience) Thorsten Frackenpohl (Partner, Frackenpohl Poulheim GmbH) Raimund Franken (CEO, rmc Rinke Medien + kreativ consult GmbH) Tina Funk (CEO, Creative Lobby) Darren Gallop (Founder & CEO, Marcato Digital Solutions) Andreas Gebhard (Founder & CEO, newthinking communications for Digitale Gesellschaft e.V.) Fabian Gerhartz (CEO, Lautstark GmbH/White Rabbit GmbH) Andrea Goetzke (Director, all2gethernow) Prof. Dieter Gorny (Director, ecce - european centre for creative economy) Madeleine Gummer von Mohl (Founder, betahaus GmbH & Co.KG) Christian Hasselbring (CEO, Stern.de) Dr. Claas Heise (Technologie- und Innovationsförderung, NRW.Bank) Katja Hermes (Project Manager, Initiative Musik/Germany) Stefan Herwig (CEO, Mindbase Strategic Consulting) Alexander Hirschenhauser (Project Manager, fair music initiative) Markus Hündgen (Journalist, Videopunk) Dr. Maren Hunds (EBN, DigiBIC) Jens Ihlenfeldt (Gold1.tv, Aggro Berlin) Jonathan Imme (Founder, untilweseenewland) Christian Jakubetz (Geschäftsführer, imfeld media) Frank Karch (free editor, 1 Live) Stefan Keuchel (Corporate Communications & Public Affairs Manager, Google Germany) Eva Kiltz (Managing Director, VUT - Verband unabhängiger Musikunternehmen e.V.) Zach Klein (Founder, Vimeo / Founder Collective) Tessa Knapp (Media Art) Andreija Kovac (Marketing Director, Share Conference/Serbia) Michael Kurtz (Founder, Record Store Day) Christoph Lange (CMO, Simfy) Corinna Liedtke (Film) Boris Löhe (President, MUFIN/Germany) Gunnar Madse (Managing Director, ROSA/ Denmark) Fredrik Marcus (Creative Director, Creuna) Uwe H. Martin (Visual Storyteller & Founder, Spill the Beans) Micki Meuser (Composer, Member of Initiative Kreativwirtschaft des Bundeswirtschaftsministerium) Dr. Robin Meyer-Lucht (Strategic Advisor / Author, Berlin Institute) Christian Mix-Linzer (CEO, Tracks & Fields GmbH) Philipp Moehring (Associate, Seedcamp) Christian Morin (CEO & Agent, Headquarter Entertainment/Germany) Ralf Nähring (Partner, dreiform) Konstantin Neven DuMont (Media Entrepreneur) Mirek Nitsch (Corporate Attorney, Zeitsprung Entertainment) Fabricio Nobre (President ABRAFIN - The Brazilian Association of Independent Festivals/Brazil) Shawn Michael O’Keefe (Festival Producer, SXSW Interactive/US) Stephen O‘Reilly (Sales & Marketing Manager, Mobile Roadie) Hans-Joachim Otto (Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology) Dieter Overath (Director, fair trade Germany) Maximilian Paproth (Rolf Budde Musikverlag) Prof. Dr. Karl-Nikolaus Peifer (Institut für Medienrecht und Kommunikationsrecht, Universität zu Köln) Claudia Pelzer (Founder, crowdsourcing.com) Neil Peterson (Head of Liverpool Welcome, Liverpool Culture Company/UK ) Aksel Picker (Rolf Budde Musikverlag) Ralf Plaschke (Founder, Popdata) Rainer Praschak (Project Manager, mica - music Austria) Steve Redmond (Consultant for Strategy | Development | Communications) Nadine Riede (Senior Project, Management Berlin Music Commission/Germany) Wilfried Runde (Head of Innovation Projects, Deutsche Welle) Kathrin Rüstig (Director Content & Program Development, Audible GmbH) Anna-Lena Schiller (Visual Thinker) Lukas Schneider (Mindbase Strategic Consulting) Christiane Schwager (Silver Economy Consultant/Founder of skdemographic) Peter Smidt (Creative Director Eurosonic Noorderslag and manager Buma Cultuur) Helen Sildna (Managing Director, Tallinn Music Week/Estonia) Christof Schreckenberg (Contact person for NRW, Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes) Gerrit Schumann (CEO Music Networx) Berthold Seliger (Managing director Konzertagentur Berthold Seliger) Wolfgang Senges (Consultant, Contentsphere) Michael Souvignier (Producer and CEO, Zeitsprung Entertainment) Frank Spitthöver (Managing Director, kommweit) Tom Strauch (Ancient Astronauts / CEO, Switchstance Recordings/Germany) Klaus Strippel (Marketing Expert) Dominik Sustek (Music) Jörg Tittel (Partner, Oiffy) Martin Thörnkvist (Market Intelligence Advisor, Media Evolution) Johannes Tomm (Project Leader, „Creative Drive“, GründerZentrum Kulturwirtschaft Aachen e.V.) Michael Trautmann (CEO, kempertrautmann) Paul-Henri Wauters (Artistic Director, Les Nuits Botanique/ Belgium) Sarik Weber (Managing Director, Hanse Ventures) Patricia Weil (CEO, Wilde Bookings/Germany) Marcel Weiß (Consultant/ Blogger, neunetz.com, neumusik.com) Mirko Whitfield (Continental Europe & International Development, SXSW/US) Hergen Wöbken (CEO, ISFE - Institut für Stategieentwicklung) Joseph Woods (The World Center for New Thinking) Lei Yang (Creative Director, NOTCH Festival/China) Nadia Zaboura (Communication Scientist and Author, MEDIEN.NRW Cologne) Wilfried Zeise (Country Manager, Greencopper Publishing) Marc Ziegler (CEO, MEDIEN.NRW) ... CTM Club Transmediale/Germany)

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Subject to changes. As by 6th of june 2011.



C’n’B CAMPUS C’n’B CAMPUS The forum for students in cooperation with the project sponsor Media Kultur Köln comprises a variety of activities that are part of this long-term collaboration.

Cooperations with universities and initiatives The C’n’B Campus is also setting up further cooperations with universities and initiatives.

Jury and partner • Prof. Dr. Heike Sperling (Institut Fuer Musik Und

Medien, Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf) • Gerrit Pohl (Donau-Universität Krems)

The goal is to set up a knowledge and networking platform for all students of the creative industries and encourage them to participate actively in every possible way. The C’n’B Convention and the student formats offer ample opportunities to obtain new information and know-how, the students are able contribute to the program with their own projects and establish contacts with possible future employers. C’n’B Campus’ objective is to connect students, graduates and young professionals from the creative and management sectors with other related market players.

entwicklung) More information on the Creative Visions Award is available at www.cnb-campus.de CREATIVE CAREER LOUNGE Find out more about the creative industries and get to know each other: in the Creative Career Lounge. You will gain useful insights and might meet your future employer.

STUDENT TICKETS Out of the lecture hall and off to the C’n’B Campus! Join us! Take part in discussions of exciting topics from the entertainment sector, new business models and trends in the creative industry. Exchange ideas with creative people and managers, establish contacts and meet your potential employers. Best of all: this year a one-day student ticket costs 12 € only (Thursday to Friday), a three-day ticket is available for only 35 € (net prices). CREATIVE VISIONS AWARD As in the year before, C’n’B Campus 2011 will again present outstanding work from the academic melting pot. We have developed an award to help you get a foothold in the creative industries in the following years. The Creative Visions Award is not only a prize for the best works in the creative industries but will also give you the opportunity to present it to the relevant audience of experts – maximum attention guaranteed!


The following universities and initiatives are already cooperating with C’n’B and have implemented projects or are integrating this year´s C’n’B Convention as a topic in their seminars. More information is available on www.cnb-campus.de.

• Hergen Wöbken (IFSE – Institut für Strategie-

trade sectors, general trends and necessary qualifications. Look forward to inspiring presentations in the areas of design, media and music that will provide you with useful information about your future field of employment. Use the opportunity to meet the protagonists of your preferred target business.


In collaboration with Mhmk, Macromedia Hochschule für Medien und Kommunikation (Macromedia School for Media and Communication) the C’n’B Convention offers students and businesses the opportunity to extend their personal networks in an inspiring atmosphere. In addition, a supporting program has been developed that is tailored to the specific needs of the target group – an add-on to C’n’B offering an essential point of contact for all those who are in the course of planning their careers. The program was developed by students and, centered around the Lounge, deals with issues such as: setting up a business, developments in the labor market and


05.09. - 25.09.2011

The urban art highlight 2011, mural paintings, expositions, urban movement, movie screenings, guided tours, parties ... Featured Artists BLU, Stefan Strumbel, Jim Avignon, Smash, Faith47, Herbert Baglione, Lichtfaktor, Claudio Ethos, Will Barras, Inti, u.v.m. 27

Europareise Festivals 2011 Avant Art (PL), BLOC (UK), C.Sides Festival (IL), Club Transmediale (DE), Culture Collide (USA), Eurosonic (NL), Exit (SRB), Flow (FI), Iceland Airwaves (IS), Insomnia (NO), Intro Festival Beijing (CN), Juicy Beats (DE), Les Nuits Botaniques (BE), Liverpool Sound City (UK), MaMA (FR), Meg Montréal (CA), MIGZ (RU), Nordland Art Festival (PL), Notch Festival (CN), Osheaga (CA), Pop Montréal (CA), Primavera (ES), Reeperbahn (DE), SKIF 11 (RU), SPOT (DK), SXSW (USA), Tallin Music Week (EE), Waves (AT), Womex (DE) Festival networks presenting 250 international festivals Abrafin (BR), De Concert (INTERNATIONAL), ECAS/ ICAS (INTERNATIONAL), ETEP (INTERNATIONAL), European Lab (INTERNATIONAL), Le Reseau français des festivals de culture électronique (FR), Le Regroupement (CA)

Europareise/Internationalpark is supported by the Initiative Musik Nonprofit Project Company Ltd. with project funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media on the basis of a resolution passed by the German Bundestag.



Europareise is an international networking platform within the c/o pop festival and the C’n’B – Creativity & Business Convention. It is primarily aimed at festivals and institutions around the world – in 2011 we expect around 50 festivals, networks and institutions from 25 countries to take part – and offers the perfect opportunity to get in touch and do business with representatives of the German music and creative industries as well as many international partners from the entertainment business. The Europareise Network has grown continuously since its establishment in 2006. It has expanded into a global network and counts festivals as far as Asia, and North and South America as solid partners. A significant portion of this progress can be attributed to the international work of c/o pop and the cluster network Sound of Cologne. Projects in India, China, Korea and Vietnam, often in cooperation with institutions and donors such as the Goethe Institut or the Initiative Musik have shown that with targeted networking greater effects are achieved in unison rather than only with individual actions by each festival. One could even say that there is a »Network Boom«. And upon closer examination, these networks are establishing themselves at various levels. The range extends from mergers on local and community



levels, to regional and national, and of even transnational and intercontinental variants. Apparently, competing companies and market players have already discovered the benefits of common action. Within the framework of our panel, International Networks 1 (Thursday, June 23 from 11 – 13:30) we are presenting 10 selected networks – 7 of which are festival networks representing 250 festivals – to give visitors insight into the background, possibilities, and also the difficulties of networking in a supposedly thoroughly wired world. An extremely effective tool for networking content providers with content consumers is the International Matchmaking at Europareise. As a part of the International Networks 2 (Thursday, June 23 from 14 – 16.30), labels, bookers, agents and other protagonists of the music and creative sector have the chance to meet potential new business partners from all over the world in structured speed meetings that promise optimum results in the shortest possible time. This International Matchmaking session is a unique platform which allows participants to maximize their connection to the excellent contacts of c/o pop and the C’n’B. As the digital world is recognized as the promised land of boundless network opportunity, we plan to kick off the International Networks 3 (Friday, June

24 from 11 – 13:30) examining social networks on their actual usability and the true networking potential of social media. We take a very clear look again towards the east – and how we leverage the booming social media in China to engage the public in creative content generation. We’ll also look at useful tools and current trends within apps and games. The Session concludes with a panel of representatives from renowned international conferences addressing how to evolve the network idea of Europareise with content and form into a strong voice in the cultural, economic and political realm. The international network platform Europareise is supported by the Initiative Musik, the federal funding for Rock, Pop and Jazz in Germany. And whereas content focus has expanded to areas beyond music, the music of course, never comes up short! Once again, the c/o pop festival creates the International Park out of its headquarters. Over two days, both the participants of the European tour and festival-goers have the opportunity to experience bands and DJs from China, Japan, Korea and India. Our partners CIMA (Canada), AMAN (Austria) and Insomnia (Norway) will present country-focused showcases. The International program is the result of fruitful collaboration with supporting partners of the participating countries.




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