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Annual Gardening Quiz – Win An Hour’s Gardening!

Thank you very much to everyone that has contributed to this column over the past year. Your questions, comments, suggestions & observations are always fascinating & as I often say, the hope is always that by addressing a particular concern for one reader it might also be useful for others. So, please keep them coming.

It’s that time of the year again for the Annual Gardening Quiz! Complete the answers & if yours is the first one pulled out of the bag, you win an hour’s gardening time from yours truly!


But before that, a couple of Parish Notices as it were:Apologies to anyone who has tried to contact me via my land line recently. I have had huge problems with my home telephone which BT addressed with all of their erm, renowned speed & efficiency! After around a month & 4 hours or of phone calls with them, thankfully, it is now working again.

The answer to last month’s just for fun question is: - your beds are still full of very happy looking summer bedding plants, but you need to plant bulbs & wallflowers to brighten up the winter months. What do you do? In short, sadly, they have to be removed.

So, if you are sitting comfortably, here is this year’s quiz: -

1. Which plant takes its name from the Italian phrase for beautiful women?

2. Which grain is used to make semolina?

3. Which plant, widespread in Britain, if touched causes a serious chemical reaction which makes skin hypersensitive to ultraviolet light?

4. Which kings lived at Kew Palace at Kew Gardens?

5. Which garden plant in the 17th century was exchanged as a form of currency?

6. What is the art of cutting shrubs into ornamental shapes called?

7. Soil can be acidic, alkaline or what?

8. Where is the biggest tree in the world, giant sequoia, found?

9. What fruit hit, or more likely fell, near Isaac Newton and helped him develop the law of gravity?

10. I am a woody stemmed plant, usually branched near the base and lacking a single trunk …. What am I?

11. On which continent did broccoli originate?

12. What herb beginning with ‘A’ has soothing properties?

13. Roughly, how many varieties of avocado are there? 5, 50, 500 or 5,000?

14. For how long can seeds remain dormant? Months, a few days, years or one season?

15. How long does it take to produce asparagus the first time you plant it?

Entries can be posted to Lawn Doctor Garden Services, 14 Sand Lane, Northill, SG18 9AD or emailed to LawnDocGardens@aol.com, but must be received by 15th January 2023.

Best wishes all for a Merry Christmas and a very Happy & Healthy New Year.

Lawn Doctor Garden Services

Clearance, Redesign, Maintenance

Tel: 01767 627 581 or 07796 328 855

Email: LawnDocGardens@aol.com

Tree Care, Planting, Weeding, Hedge Trimming, Turfing, Jungle Clearing, Landscaping, Lawn Improvement, Patio/Drive Pressure Washing/ Weedkilling, Holiday Watering etc., etc.