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Cople Sports & Social Club

Christmas Party Night

16th December 2022



Live music with: -

Philla & Donna Samuels

Come for a dance & have fun

Christmas Raffle All Welcome

Tuesday Club

Linda Scoles, After Dinner Speaker, Storyteller, Singer. A real tonic as we hit the cold winter months. Linda is American who came to England in 1971 with her husband Jim, who was an officer in the US Air Force. Once her husband retired, they decided to stay in Suffolk with their four children. Linda draws on family experiences travelling the world, living in foreign countries & on growing up on a ranch near Washington, Arizona. Her late husband Jim particularly enjoyed Christmas. Linda always tried to think of unique gifts to give to him. One Christmas she made Jim so proud when she gave birth to their first son!

Using comedy & positivity to avert many a crisis, she regaled us with many more delightful tales delivered in her own unique style.

Our next meeting will be at the Five Bells, Cople for our Christmas celebration. Tuesday 13th December 7.00pm for 7.30pm. (Bookings are now closed). Looking forward to seeing you all there.

2023 10th January will be our AGM, we will welcome Barry Goodman, giving an illustrated talk on some of the more unusual English Customs with songs and pictures! Sounds super interesting. Everyone will be made most welcome please come and support us.

Eithne Dandy.

Mother’s Union

Last month we met at a member’s house & as Jill had attended a Cluster Meeting, we put together the programme of Cluster & Cople Group Events for 2023.

In the summer, all our knitting & sewing items were collected in * sent for distribution locally & overseas.

Below is a breakdown of what we sent:Overseas—44 jumpers, 17 blankets, 26 hats & 3 pairs of mittens. Hospital—23 hats, 8 blankets, 5 sets of Bonding Cloths. Altogether a total of 126 items all knitted or sewn by Cople Members & friends. Again, our thanks go to all who have contributed to our projects.

At our festive meeting on 12th December, we shall be singing carols & enjoying mince pies at a venue to be confirmed.

Liz Buck


Lord, bring hope to the hopeless, including those in trouble today, & comfort to the sick & those who suffer in mind, body & spirit. Be with all those who are finding it difficult to cope with the pressures of the season, through financial worry, anxiety, stress or discord.

(M.U. Prayer Diary)