Cople News July 2022

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Cople News July 2022


Editor’s Notes We have a bumper edition with lots of photos and reports from the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Weekend. There isn’t room to include all of the photos I was sent, Thank you everyone, so I’ve asked Ian Whiting, our village website guru, if he would download them onto the site. He has kindly agreed to do this so visit the website to see all of the photos I was sent. Odd ones may pop up in this edition where you least expect them!! Consequently this Note may be shorter than usual (I can hear the ‘No bad thing’ from here!). While the Jubilee weekend was a time for celebration, it was also a sad time in that the village lost to Cornwall a stalwart of GNiC, Tracy Herrick. She has been a leading light in the formation and continued success of GNiC over the years, which came into it’s own during the first lockdown. She will be missed in the village. We wish you all the very best in your new life by the sea. And No we are not one bit jealous (we are a lot!). Regards Libby & Linda

We would like to thank everyone who was involved in or contributed to our recent fund raising. Which included plant sales, very generous donations & ended with a quiz on Saturday 11th June that was very well & enthusiastically attended. The grand total that has been donated to the Teenage Cancer Trust is £6100.80. Once again thank you to all who contributed & helped in any way. Keith, Suzanne & Angus Moore.

Cople News

Editor : Libby Sands, 77 Willington Road, Cople, Beds, MK44 3TL. Tel 07702 616300 Sub-Editor: Linda Behan 32 Grange Lane, Cople, Beds. MK44 3TT Tel 07825 259174 Email: Deadline for copy and advertising 6pm on 15th of every month. Please Note—the Editor retains the right to edit copy as required.

Advertising Rates

2022 Annual Charges: Full Page £96.

Half Page £48.

Delivered free to every home in Cople every month circulation 350 copies 3

Dear friends, Summer is in finally in full flow, and the vicarage garden is awash with plants flowering and growing all over the place. Of course, I have my predecessors to thank for this abundance. And although the mowing of the lawn can feel a bit tedious, I have found myself deeply moved by the generosity and colour of the many rose plants in the garden – one outside the front door is a particular joy to see when I arrive on the drive way! Flowering foxgloves, lavender plants, marigolds and lovely blue joyous flowers that I don’t know the name of, are a sight to behold. The majestic rubbing shoulders with dandelions and the daisy’s to found in abundance in the lawn! There is certainly a beauty in the created order that reminds me so much of the creativity of God. A God who made the earth so beautiful and colourful and diverse, and the creativity of the human beings, made in God’s image, who tend and care for it. Of course, our efforts haven’t always quite so well intentioned. As well as caring for this beautiful creation, we have also spoilt it in so many ways. We only have to watch a David Attenborough programme to know that the oceans are full of plastic, our rubbish polluting seas around the world. Our air is full of pollution, the North Circular Road in London is the most polluted and one in 12 deaths are linked to the pollution there. And our pollinators, our bees are struggling, 13 species are already extinct with another 35 species fighting for their very existence (Friends of the Earth website). Never before have we been so confronted with the correlation between the health of the natural world and the effect it has on our own health and wellbeing. The problems feel overwhelming, and often I ask myself what can I do that will make any difference? But there are ways in which we can all make a difference. Planting bee friendly flowers, providing small dishes with water with stones in it providing platforms for them to drink. Using less plastic in our homes. These actions may seem insignificant, but the more of us that do them the greater the impact will be. Each of us can play our part in preserving this beautiful world and educating our children and grandchildren. God bless, Lynne 4

Cople Graveyard Work Morning Saturday 30th July 9.00am – 11.00am We need volunteers to help to maintain the beauty and peace of the Graveyard on Grange Lane. If you are able to help on the 30th, please contact either June Thomas on 01234 831705 or Rev’d Lynne Sandle at Gardening Equipment would be helpful so please contact us for details of what to bring.

Cople Village Trust

(registered charity number 1090113)

The trust is giving notice that the Annual General Meeting will be held at 7:30pm on the 19th July 2022 at the Village Hall. Residents of Cople are welcome to attend. All Saints Church The current contact details for Cople Church are as follows: Tel: 01234 974722. email: June Thomas 34 Grange Lane Cople, Beds MK44 3TT

Churchwardens Julie Scherrer 26 Grange Way Willington, Beds MK44 3QW

Tel: 01234 831705 5

Tel: 01234 838623



Mobile Hairdresser/ Barber Do you need a haircut? Local, Reliable and Friendly Fully qualified and experienced

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Cople Carpet Bowls Have you ever thought of playing Carpet Bowls?

Why not come and join us in a game in Cople Village Hall every Wednesday evening between 7.15 - 9.45pm. There is no need for any special equipment, we provide everything you need. Come and give it a try. Please call if you want to come along. Enquiries Contact Pauline 01234 838102



Ironing Help Available Would YOU like some help with your IRONING ? Then this is the right ad' to read. I help a few clients like you, so I may be the person you need. I live in a neighbouring village. l'll collect and return to your door. I can give you a reference or two. Please call me to find out some more. Brenda. 07761 627621



Karate Bedfordshire Karate Club Traditional Shotokan karate We welcome all ages & abilities Why would you do karate? - Full body workout - Builds self confidence - Improves coordination - Improves flexibility, coordination & agility Every Thursday, Cople Village Hall Beginners & children 5:45 – 7:00pm Advanced 7:10 – 8:15pm

All enquiries please contact Sensei Lib on 07980 225490

COPLE VILLAGE TRUST (Registered Charity No. 1090113)

200 CLUB Monthly draw of £60 - £30 and £10 – you never know your luck may be in! Prize winners for June 2022 1st prize of £60 2nd prize of £30 3rd prize of £10

110 224 178

Jane Barnard Joel Hull Lynn Leavey

Thank you for your support All monies raised are used to maintain and improve the Village Hall, Playing Field & Playground. Treasurer:

Catherine Bayliss 01234 838704/07880 890508


Jane Barnard 01234 838004


Tuesday Club In June we had a garden party in Joy’s garden, where we enjoyed a glass of wine or soft drink plus strawberries and cream. Andrew delighted us with his piano playing and with the weather a warm balmy evening, it was ideal for sitting around chatting. The garden looked pristine lots of white, pink and purple, many of us came away with new resolve to remove more of the weeds from our own gardens. A big thanks to Joy and Andrew for their hospitality. Our July meeting is on Tuesday 12th at 7.30pm when Bob Ricketts will give an illustrated talk of ‘Bedford from 1914 – 1939’. We look forward to seeing members and guests. Jane Gedd


Cople Bell Ringers. For the first time in living memory, we have a numerous enthusiastic and capable band of new ringers. Ranging in age from teenage to pensioners, they all share in the desire to ring the Bells in All Saints, Cople that were installed in the Tower from the 15th to the 20th century.

Change ringing as it is known is peculiar to the UK and can be very complex and physically demanding in its advanced forms. It is also a great way to keep fit and have fun. Mike Vacher, Tower Captain Pat Vacher would like to say ‘A big thank you to all Mike’s friends who came to help him celebrate his special (80) birthday’.

Monumental Brasses Martin Stutchfield, co-author of ‘The Monumental Brasses of Bedfordshire’ recently visited All Saints Church to photograph all of the Monumental Brasses still in place, including one of National importance, due to its rarity. Martin described the Cople Brasses as the best collection in Bedfordshire. He left with us a copy of his book, which is available on loan to anyone resident in the Village. Mike Vacher


Questionnaire Cover Competition Winners

Sheerhatch School held a competition to design the cover of the Cople Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire. Linda and I were very impressed with the competition entries. They all worked so hard & judging them proved to be really difficult. But we got there in the end, after much deliberation! 1st prize goes to Georgia in Year 3. Her picture will be on the front of the questionnaire that will be sent to the whole village. Georgia received a £30 voucher donated by Cople Parish Council 2nd place is Jackson in Year 5, who received a £20 voucher donated by Libby & Linda 3rd place is Gabria in Year 5, who received a £10 voucher donated by Libby & Linda. Well done to everyone who took part.

Jubilee Celebrations Report.

Many thanks to everybody who helped out either visibly or behind the scenes at the Jubilee Celebrations on Saturday 4th June. The day was a success with estimates of around 250 people attending. The live music was superb, Miles' music quiz was well received with 24 teams! The BBQ with the meat kindly donated by Carl of Piggots Butchers did very well and raised £283, a kind donation of £217 from the Sports and Social Club made this up to £500 which has been donated to St John's Hospice in Moggerhanger. The flower festival was very impressive. The fun continued late into the night at the Five bells with more live music from Philla. So once again many thanks to everybody, it is certainly easier and quicker to take a marquee down than putting it up David Small (press ganged) Coordinator 15

Blunham Community Cinema Village Hall, Blunham MK44 3NN We present on Friday 29th July, ’Nomadland’ (Cert 12A) starring Frances McDormand, David Strthairn and Linda May. A woman in her sixties after losing everything in the Great Recession, embarks on a journey through the American West, living as a van dwelling modern-day nomad. Film starts promptly 7.30 pm doors open 7pm. Adults £5.00. Children £3.00. Family (2A + 2C) £12.00. Sweets, Drinks, Ice cream and Pop-corn are available. For tickets or any further information contact Stella on 01767 640515 or 07783 046020.

Blunham and District Gardening Club There are NO MEETINGS of the Gardening Club in July or August. Visits to other garden take place instead. For further information contact Brenda Leaf 01767 640624

Mobile Library News — July 2022 The mobile library is now visiting the village fortnightly on a Wednesday. It will call at All Saints Road—10.00 - 10.20am; Water End—10.25 - 10.40am and The Five Bells—10.45 -11.05am. The dates for July are 6th and 20th We are now allowed onto the van to choose our books.

Knit and Stitch Come and meet your friends in the Five Bells on alternate Fridays from 10.00am until 12.00noon. The dates for July are 8th & 22nd Bring your knitting, crochet, embroidery or just bring along yourself to chat & enjoy coffee & cake.


Mother’s Union After prayers at our meeting in June, Judith told us about her recent visit to St Barnabas Church in Cambridge that her family attend. The church has recently been refurbished and has a Confirmation Pool. On this occasion the Bishop of Ely was doing the honours; those who hadn’t been christened were given the sign of the cross first and then immersed in the water as they were confirmed. St Barnabas now has a bigger entrance with plenty of room for refreshments and lunches and is open to all. Importantly, anyone who has a problem, has got the opportunity to talk to someone at the church who may be able to help. We then had a general discussion on Celebrations went throughout the village.




Pat was thanked for being our host and for our refreshments. Our next meeting will be held on Monday 11th July at 2pm at 24 Willington Road, hopefully in the garden. Prayer. Lord, we bring you the troubled and dark areas of our world. As you brought about beauty and order from darkness and chaos, Please bring about change in our world to give peace and hope in areas of conflict and disorder (M.U. Prayer Diary) Jubilee Flower Festival. The Churchwardens, June and Julie, would like to say a huge thank you to all those who took part in the flower festival over the Jubilee weekend. The church looked and smelt amazing. A spectacular achievement by one and all. It was so lovely to hold the benefice service there on the Sunday. It gave even more people chance to view the displays. We are very lucky to have such talented people in our village.

The refreshments were delicious too.



Hi my name is Tracy and my business is well established within Willington. I provide a full range of treatments: Waxing, Electrolysis, Eye Treatments. Relaxing Body Massage, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology. Pedicures, Manicures, Shellac Gel Varnish. Facials, including Non-Surgical Facelifts. With over 20 years experience in the beauty industry I will always welcome new customers and be happy to sit down and discuss your requirements. 15% off your first treatment (new customers only)

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Our Villages celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee How do you celebrate seventy years of service by Her Majesty the Queen? On the evening of June 2nd, our three villages held a Beacon party, which was hosted by Moggerhanger Park. We enjoyed a Barbecue, the children had a Bouncy Castle and there was music and dancing. The Fanfare was played by Liz Schofield, followed by the highlight of the evening, which was the lighting of the Beacon, which would be seen for miles. Lord Erroll, Hereditary Lord High Constable of Scotland, who lives locally, did this for us, and we remembered that, at the same time as our Beacon blazed, thousands of others across the UK and the Commonwealth, were being lit. We were not alone. We sang the specially written song, called “A Life lived with Grace”, ably supported by Stuart Clements on keyboard, and we knew that choirs and communities in all the countries of the Commonwealth, were doing the same thing at the same time. The National Anthem ended this wonderful evening, Sam, our Master of Ceremonies, led us in three cheers for Her Majesty, flags were waved, and photos were taken. A lovely way to share company with family and friends, and a splendid way to end a party! I am grateful to Julie Scherrer, who suggested we took part, and she took the photos. Thank you all for supporting this event, and for the help given to me since we started the process in January. It is very much appreciated. I do hope you enjoyed being involved. Our thanks also go to ‘The Commonwealth Resounds’, who organised the world-wide event, encouraging us all to take part. A Jubilee never to be forgotten. Shirley Jones.


Photos from Jubilee Celebrations


Cople Sports and Social Club This season Cople Cricket Club will be playing on Saturdays. Fixtures include: 2nd July v Sandy (H) 9th July v Potton Town (H) 16th July v Ampthill (A) 23rd July —No match 30th July v Luton Caribbean (A) 13th August v Ampthill (H) 20th August v Langford (A) 27th August v Dunstable Town (H) 3rd September v Dunstable Town (A) All matches start at 1.30pm. If you're interested in playing, please contact Ollie George on 07463 714785 for further information. Regards David Hughes Tel: 01234 838669 (Home) or 07973 148927 (Mobile)

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July Diary

Fri 01


10.00 – 11.00am @ Village Hall

Sat 02

Fairtrade Stall & Coffee Morning Cricket Match

10.30am Willington Church

Kohl’s Karaoke

In the Five Bells @ 8.30pm

Sun 03

Family Service Holy Communion

1.30pm v Sandy (H)

9.30am Livestreamed from Willington Church 11,00am @ Moggerhanger Church

Mon 04

Green & Orange Wheelie Bins

Tues 05

Coffee Morning

10.30am @ Moggerhanger Church

Wed 06

Benefice Choir practice

9.30am @ Cople Church

Mobile Library

For times & locations see page 18

Cople Carpet Bowls

7.15 – 9.45pm @ Village Hall

Morning Prayer

9.30am @ Willington Church

Karate in Village Hall Knit & Stitch

Beginners & children 5.45 – 7.00pm Advanced 7.10 – 8.15pm 10.00 – 12 noon @ The Five Bells


10.00 – 11.00am in Village Hall

Cricket Match

1.30pm v Potton Town (H)

Soul Man

Live music in the Five Bells from 8.30pm

Family Service

9.30am Livestreamed from Cople Church

Holy Communion

11.00am @ Willington Church

Thurs 07

Fri 08

Sat 09

Sun 10

Mon 11

Black Wheelie Bin Mother’s Union

Meeting @ 24 Willington Road

Tues 12

Tuesday Club

7.30pm @ Village Hall

Wed 13

Benefice Choir practice

9.30am @ Willington Church

Cople Carpet Bowls

7.15 – 9.45pm @ Village Hall

Morning Prayer

9.30am @ Willington Church

Karate in Village Hall

Beginners & children 5.45 – 7.00pm Advanced 7.10 – 8.15pm 10.00 – 11.00am in Village Hall

Thurs 14

Fri 15



Sat 16 Sun 17

Cricket Match

1.30pm v Ampthill (A)

Lia Gray

Live Music in the Five Bells from 8.30pm

Morning Praise Holy Communion

Mon 18

9.30am livestreamed from Willington Church 11.00am @ Cople Church


1.00pm @ Willington Church

Songs of Praise

6.00pm @ Moggerhanger Church

Green & Orange Wheelie Bins Lunch Club

12.30pm in Cople Church

Tues 19

Cople Village Trust AGM

7.30pm in Village Hall

Wed 20

Benefice Choir practice

9.30am @ Cople Church

Mobile Library

For times & locations see page 18

Cople Carpet Bowls

7.15- 9.45pn @ Village Hall

Thurs 21

Morning Prayer

9.30am @ Willington Church

Karate in Village Hall

Fri 22

Knit & Stitch

Beginners & children 5.45 – 7.00pm Advanced 7.10 – 8.15pm 10.00 – 12 noon @ The Five Bells


10.00 – 11.00am in Village Hall

Coffee Morning

10.30am @ Cople Church

Woody & Walsh

Live Music in the Five Bells from 8.30pm

Sunday School

9.30am @ Cople Church

Sat 23

Sun 24

Morning Praise Holy Communion

9.30am livestreamed from Moggerhanger Church 11.00am @ Cople Church

National Trust Buildings Organ Concert

2.00-5.00pm Tea and cakes 3.00pm @ Willington Church by Stephen Turner

Mon 25

Black Wheelie Bin

Wed 27

Benefice Choir practice

9.30am @ Willington Church

Cople Carpet Bowls

7.15 – 9.45pm @ Village Hall

Thurs 28

Morning Prayer

9.30am @ Willington Church

Karate in Village Hall

Fri 29


Beginners & children 5.45 – 7.00pm Advanced 7.10 – 8.15pm 10.00 – 11.00am in Village Hall

Blunham Cinema

7.00pm for details see page 16

Duzzy Avocado

Live Music in the Five Bells from 8.30pm

Graveyard Maintenance

9.00 – 11.00am Grange Lane Graveyard

Cricket Match

1.30pm v Luton Caribbean (A)

Sat 30

Sun 31

Benefice Holy Communion Service


11.00am @ Willington Church


• • •

• •

Roofing repairs, reroofs or roof de-mossing. Leadwork repairs and replacements. Gutter and facia cleaning and repair. Chimney and brickwork repointing and repair. Any other ladder related work. Local friendly service, happy to help. Contact: Ashley Tel: 07851 121782 Email:

Home Delivery Service in Bedfordshire Villages 27

Cople Parish Council

Introduction Cople Parish Council meets six times a year, we publish a brief synopsis of the meetings in the Cople News to keep residents updated with latest information, news & plans for the village. Cople Parish Council A Parish Council meeting was held at Cople Village Hall on Monday 16 th May 2022, this was attended by six local Parish Councillors, the Clerk & one other representative. Parish Councillor elections Cllr David Hughes was re-elected as Chairman; Cllr Navin Sankersingh was reelected as Vice Chair; Committee memberships: - Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – Cllrs Sankersingh & Miller-Donkin; Representation on other bodies: Cardington, Cople & Eastcotts Charity - Cllr Small; Speed Watch Coordinator – Cllr Hinkley; Police Priority Setting representative – Cllr Miller-Donkin; Defibrillator checks - Cllr Small. Agreed Parish Council meeting dates 2022-2023: Monday 16th May 2022, Annual Parish Council Meeting; Parish Council Meetings Monday 18th July; 19th September; 21st November 2022; 16th January; 20th March 2023, Meetings are held at Cople Village Hall commence at 7.30pm. All meetings are open to the public & press. Borough Councillors report Cllr Moon was working to contact a land owner for the proposed permissive footpath. The Clerk would request an update. Speed Watch Four Speed Watch sessions have taken since the March meeting. Two on Northill Rd, 1 on Grange Ln & 1 on Willington Rd. The highest speed recorded was 46mph. Northill Rd recorded 6% of vehicles travelling at excess speed. Grange Ln 5%, Willington Rd recorded the highest with 12% of drivers travelling in excess of 35mph. Offending vehicles (travelling at speeds in excess of 35mph) were reported to Bedfordshire Police & would receive warning letters. The group now had 8 volunteers. A discussion was held around the vehicle activated signs (VAS) & that they may be more effective if they displayed speed. It was agreed that the Clerk would look into the possibility & costs of upgrading the VAS to display speed. Cople Play facilities Cople Village Trust are placing an update in the Cople News (June Edition). Additional bin at Water End/Northill junction It was agreed to ask the Borough Council if it would empty the proposed new bin if the Parish Council funded the bin. The refuse collection crew would travel past the proposed new location to empty an existing bin on Water End. Digital Connectivity The Cople-Willington fibre project had still been delayed due to costs by Openreach. It was likely that Cople broadband upgrade to full fibre would be via government's Project Gigabit programme which would start procuring a supplier in 2022/23. Neighbourhood Plan update The group have agreed the content of the questionnaire which includes an introduction outlining the purpose of a Neighbourhood Plan & the importance of Cople residents completing the questionnaire. The questionnaire will be printed Cont. on page 27


Cont. From page 26 in May & distributed to all homes in the week beginning 6th June. Residents have been asked to complete & return the questionnaire by Saturday 4 th July. The questionnaire will, subject to Cople Parish Council agreement, be available online via SurveyMonkey. Residents are encouraged to complete the online questionnaire as this will make the processing of the data much easier. The group has also agreed the look & content of a flyer raising awareness of the Neighbourhood Plan & the questionnaire, which will be distributed at the Queens Platinum Jubilee event on Saturday 4th June. Cllr Miller-Donkin is designing the flyer & Cllr Sankersingh is arranging a pop up poster at the event. The flyer will also appear in the June edition of Cople News, on the Cople Neighbourhood Plan website, on the Facebook page ‘Friends of Cople’ & on the village notice boards. Cllr Sankersingh has submitted an End of Grant report to Groundwork for the financial year 2021/22 & has requested that the Clerk arrange repayment of the underspend of £5,198.50. Once this is done Councillor Sankersingh will apply for a grant for the new financial year. Robert Bellew – Chair In addition to the report from the Chair, the following matters were discussed and agreed: With the agreement of the Parish Council, the Steering Group planned to launch the questionnaire in June. The draft questionnaire was circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. The Parish Councillors agreed to review the draft questionnaire & provide any comments to the Steering Group by the 20 th May at the latest. It was acknowledged that the GDPR information & cover were still to be added. The Parish Council agreed to the purchase of a pop up banner. The Parish Council agreed the printing of the flyers & the questionnaire. Copies would be delivered to each household in Cople The Steering Group would like to subscribe to SurveyMonkey, this was agreed by the Parish Council, the cost would be approx. £372. The school was undertaking an art competition for the cover of the questionnaire. The Steering Group asked the Parish Council to fund a £30 Amazon voucher as the prize for the winner; this was agreed by the Parish Council. Amenity & Highways Report any Highways issues None Traffic issues on Water End In January 2021, Andrew Prigmore advised that Bedford Borough Council Highways could ‘install a couple of 30mph roundels on the road to remind drivers of the speed limit.’ It was agreed to follow this up with Andrew Prigmore. Areas for fly-tipping cameras Octagon Farm was proposed to be monitored, also identified was an area on Cople Road adjacent to the brook. It was thought that this may be within the Cardington Parish boundary. If it was in Cardington, the Clerk at Cardington Parish Council would be advised. Classification of A603 Cllr Robinson talked through the volume & speed of traffic travelling along the A603 in Cople. Vehicles had been observed slowing down or coming to a standstill by the roadside presumably to avoid speeding through the second camera. It was felt that traffic was using the A603 to avoid the Black Cat. The Clerk would contact the Willington Parish Council Clerk to ask if they had looked into the classification of the road previously. The possibility of extending the 30mph speed limit would also be looked into. This matter would be included on the July 2022 agenda. Cont. on page 30 29


Cople Church Coffee Morning Saturday 23rd July 2022 10.30-12.00 (in the church) You are warmly invited to come along to the church coffee morning. This month the Tuesday Club will be running the event Delicious cakes and drinks will be available All ages welcome. A perfect way to meet up with others from the village and around. All money raised to go to the church.

We look forward to seeing you

Two Counties Foot Clinic Ltd Podiatrist/ Chiropodist

Yvonne Siudak BSc (Hons) in Podiatry, MChS, HCPC Reg 2 Belfry Court, Sandy Bedfordshire SG19 1JR Easy free parking available. Tel: 01767 692822 Mobile: 07841 033014 Email: 31

Cont. from page 27 Approve the grass cutting agreement with Bedford Borough Council The agreement was circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. The contribution from Bedford Borough Council was £503.66. Platinum Jubilee An event had been organised by a group of residents for Saturday 4 th June, a programme would be published in the village magazine. The event would take place on the playing field there would be live music, a music quiz and a BBQ, residents were encouraged to bring a picnic & to wear fancy dress, there would be a cake stall & plant/flower stall in the church & music at the pub in the evening. The group was also looking at holding sporting events as well. Volunteers were needed for putting a marquee up on Friday and to take it down on Sunday. Councillor Robinson would make contact with a bouncy castle business & ice-cream business about availability & pass the information to the resident group via Cllr Small. New matters from Councillors for discussion next meeting The Forest of Marston Vale are delivering the Governments’ ‘Trees for Climate’ scheme locally, & Jo Roberts, the Community Engagement Officer would like to come along to the July Parish Council meeting to speak to the Parish Council about the opportunities the project presents. More information can be found here: A full copy of the minutes of the Cople Parish Council meetings are available on the website If you would like to engage with the Parish Council about any matter please contact Anne, Parish Council Clerk, by e-mail

Tug-of-War—Jubilees Apart In 1977 at the Queen’s Silver Jubilee there was a Tug-og-War competition held, a photo of which is on the wall in The Five Bells. At this Platinum Jubilee another Tug-of-war took place, although it wasn’t as hard fought as in 1977, although one of those in the 1977 photo can be seen in one of the 2022 photos. Do you know who it is?


CARDINGTON, COPLE & EASTCOTTS CHARITY Reg No: 210585 Two - One-bedroomed Almshouses are available in Cardington—one is ready for occupation, the other one will be ready in a couple of months. Expressions of interest are invited from anyone who has a financial need. What is an Almshouse? People, qualified as set out below, occupy an Almshouse as Residents. They are not tenants and do not have tenant’s rights. They pay a weekly maintenance contribution payable monthly, this is usually discounted on the local rental rate, as advised by the Office of Valuation. Anyone interested are asked to complete a detailed financial statement. They must show they do not have the means to purchase a property or can afford current rental rates.

Point 29 – Qualifications of Almspeople – People who are either married, or single, must meet one of the stated criteria below, which is in priority order: 1 Those who have a financial need and reside in the areas of Cardington, Cople, Shortstown, Harrowden or Cotton End. 2 Those who have a financial need and have family, work, or who have previously lived in one of the villages, or other connection to a resident/s of Cardington, Cople, Shortstown, Harrowden or Cotton End. 3 Those who have a financial need. For further information, please contact: Mrs S Thacker Clerk to the Trustees Cardington, Cople & Eastcotts Charity 30 Water End Cople, Beds MK44 3TY email:


WILLINGTON VILLAGE HALL MONDAY NIGHTS DURING TERM TIME 6:30pm until 8:00pm If you are interested in joining us please register

Further information can be obtained from Brown Owl Tel :07914 240494 Email:

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Phone for special discount on tyres using the code: COPLE MOT’s carried out while you wait. Phone 01767 60194 35

Dear Cople residents, Thank you for your donations to the food bank that you kindly put on your doorstep in the 4th June ready for the GNiC volunteers to collect. The weight of donations was down on previous collections at 90kg, which should provide 220 or so meals, but it was gratefully received. Perhaps the Jubilee Celebrations distracted some of our usual donators, others may be feeling the pinch themselves. The next collection will be on Saturday 3rd September.

Many thanks, GNiC and Volunteers

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The Flower Festival was a great success It is amazing what a small village can achieve. Thank you to Eileen for the idea and pulling it together, I know she would like to thank everyone who contributed whether it was knitting corgis, guardsmen, doing flower arrangements making and serving cakes. What talent there is in our community. The number of people who helped are too numerous to mention. The church looked and smelled fantastic, and the atmosphere jolly and fun. More than 200 people passed through the church over the weekend not only from the village but further afield. The church was opened on Monday for the school children who had also contributed to to view the displays. For those of you who were unable to visit over the jubilee weekend, there are some photos in the magazine. 37

Eating Out

The Old Bridge, 1 High Street, Huntingdon, PE29 3TQ Tel: 01480 424300 In May we visited a lovely restaurant in nearby Huntingdon to partake of their Sunday Steak Menu, which was as it says a selection of steaks for a fixed price of £25 for 2 courses or £30 for 3 courses during May (prices rising to £26 and £32 in June). The hotel is in a lovely setting near the river just off the ring road so easy to get to, so long as you don’t overshoot, or you have to go all the way round again!! The choice wasn’t extensive, with starters of Roasted Red Pepper & Tomato Soup with Goats Cheese and Garlic Croutons or Three Grilled Whole King Prawns (in shell) with Samphire and Garlic Butter. Mains consisted of a range of Norfolk steaks; 8oz Rump, 8oz Ribeye; 7oz Fillet Tail; or 10oz Sirloin (£3 supplement), all served carved with Triple Cooked Chips, Caesar Salad and Peppercorn Sauce. Desserts were Sticky Toffee Pudding, Strawberry Pavlova or Three scoops of Homemade Ice-Creams or Sorbets. Ice Cream flavours were Clotted Cream, Vanilla, Chocolate, Basil, Lavender, Sorbet flavours – Orange, Apricot. The restaurant was very pleasant and we visited on a warm evening, but there was plenty of cool breeze to keep the surroundings pleasant. Service was attentive when required without being over powering. Scores Service – 5 out of 5; Food quality – 5; Cleanliness & virus awareness – 5; Value for Money – 5. Total out of 20 = 20. We certainly will visit again and not just for the Sunday Specials.

Sheerhatch School Jubilee Contributions


BedsRCC features on BBC’s Escape To The Country Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity made a star appearance on a recent episode of Escape to the Country, aired on Tuesday 31st May 2022. The episode followed Chris and Albert’s search for a home in Bedfordshire. It opened with a clip early on of our Environment and Community Officer Mike Fayers, who is involved in our Wellbeing Walks and Good Neighbour Schemes: - “There’s some beautiful villages in Bedfordshire, it’s really lovely looking round. So although I’ve lived here as long as I have, I’ve still got a lot more exploring to do.” With 800 miles of public right-of-way in Central Bedfordshire alone, the county is filled with places to walk, run and cycle. Our deputy CEO Cliff Andrews shared about the Biggleswade Green Wheel in today’s episode, which BedsRCC was involved in bringing about. Cliff explained how the Green Wheel benefits the local community, explaining the many ways it gets used. When asked who uses the Green Wheel, Cliff said: - “Everyone. Loads of people from the local community, runners, walkers, cyclists, parents with buggies, parents teaching kids to ride their bike, dog walkers, everyone.” The episode highlighted how the Friends of Biggleswade Green Wheel look after the Biggleswade Green Wheel by keeping the vegetation off the path so it’s clear for everyone to use. We also saw a Wellbeing Walk in action, who regularly use the Green Wheel for walks. One wellbeing walker explained the importance of paths like these: It’s just uplifting. … It really is very pleasant to just go out and forget all your worries. As well as featuring some of our staff here at BedsRCC, the episode also highlighted how important volunteers are to the work we do. If you’re interested in getting involved and making a difference to your local community, visit the volunteering page of our website ( Watch the Bedfordshire episode (Series 22 Episode 52) of Escape to the Country on BBC iPlayer.


The Five Bells. Menu Starters Soup of the Day served with bread £5.95 Fig & Goat Cheese parcel with side salad £5.95 Mains Beef Lasagne served with a dressed salad and chips or garlic bread £11.95 Whole Tail Scampi served with chips, peas and our own tartare sauce £12.95 D-cut Gammon, 2 free range eggs, chips and peas £11.95 Beer Battered Cod, hand cut chips, peas and our own Tartare sauce £12.95 Gammon Sliced ham, 2 free range eggs and chips £11.95 Please see our specials board for lots more including steaks


News from The Five Bells We would like to thank everyone for their continued support and look forward to seeing more of you in the future.

Events 2nd July—Kohl’s Karaoke—starts 8.30pm 9th July—Live Music with Soul Man—starts @ 8.30pm 16th July—Live Music with Lia Gray—starts @ 8.30pm 23rd July—Live Music with Woody & Walsh—starts @ 8.30pm 29th July—Live Music with Duzzy Avocado—starts @ 8.30pm

Thursday General Knowledge Quiz nights—dates & times to be advised Sunday Music Quiz nights—dates & times to be advised

Lunchtime Food Offers Wednesday to Saturday 2 for £15.95 (subject to availability) Fruit scone, strawberry jam and cream £4 Add tea or coffee for £1.50 Jobs at The Five Bells Full time Chef/Cook required Weekend bar staff—must be over 18 years of age For more information, please call 01234 831330 for further information



Professional friendly services, Tax advice, Free initial consultation, Sole traders, Ltd companies, bookkeeping, payroll, CIS, VAT & Tax. E: Tel: 01234 831997 Mob: 07899 808592



DOWN ON THE FARM 17—Charlie Porter At this time of year, the wheat is growing nicely on to maturity having received all its inputs, and even the Linseed is growing having been irrigated firstly by Findlay’s and then by Heaven above. My current focus of attention is getting the bird food patches drilled ready to provide food for next winters avian residents. Some years we are able to leave some of these areas untouched and to let them grow on for a second year before they need reseeding. This is where some of the plants have survived the winter to grow on the following spring. In the seed mixes that we drill we always include some species that are winter hardy and that flower and produce seed in their second year. These are mainly brassicas like Kale, Turnip and Rape, and also a pretty purple flower called Phacelia. These provide a good early source of nectar and pollen for bees and other insects as well as seeds for feed for later on in the year. They also provide a good safe nesting area for ground nesting birds in April and May when other areas are a bit bare or the crops too short to give any cover from predators flying overhead. Pheasants, Partridges and Skylarks are often to be found in these areas. Hares and deer also find a safe haven here for their leverets and fawns, away from predators and illegal coursers. The areas that need to be drilled have been cultivated and made into a nice fine seedbed ready for drilling. These seedbeds need to be nice and soft and not lumpy so that the little drilled seeds have plenty of contact with the soil. We will be drilling a mixture of Millet, Sorghum, Phacelia, Kale and Turnip. Many of these originate from warmer climates than ours and so like to be drilled into a moist warm seedbed in early June, and then, once out of the ground, plenty of sunshine to make them grow on fast to produce their nectar and seeds for the winter. They need to grow on fast as the aforementioned animals that have enjoyed the shelter of the overwintered crops also really enjoy nibbling the juicy shoots of these newly emerged crops. It is not uncommon to see 10 or 15 hares and a few deer on a patch no bigger than a football pitch nibbling away at these little plants. Infuriating and wonderful at the same time! May and June has seen the hatching of hundreds of baby birds in the countryside and gardens and the parents have been very busy trying to find enough food to satisfy the voracious appetites of these hungry little chicks. So now it is a tricky time to be a fly, bug or creepy-crawly to avoid being caught and then carried off to be stuffed into the gaping beaks of one of these demanding little chicks. To avoid this fate many insects and bugs have evolved de44

fence mechanisms, be it camouflage, deception, scent or impersonation. The classic one is the yellow and black stripe which may or may not indicate some sort of danger. The predator has to decide whether or not to take the risk, and it’s not just birds that are confused. Humans are also very wary of the colour scheme. One dear old man called Arthur who worked at Wood End all his life could never work out which stripey insects would sting him and which wouldn’t. They were all referred to by him as ‘yeller-arseduns’ and all treated as a great threat. The type that used to worry him the most were the completely harmless hover flies, and it was not an uncommon sight to see Arthur flapping his arms about like a windmill any time one of these flies hovered anywhere near him giving him a close inspection. They are not related to wasps, and are actually a fly, having only one pair of wings. They are sometimes referred to as the helicopter of the insect world. They play a very important role in the natural world being a very important pollinator and also by feeding their larvae on aphids and caterpillars. One stripey insect that Arthur should possibly have been wary of is the Hornet. This amazing insect is now more common than it used to be. As a child I was terrified of them, even though I had never seen one. This was because the men on the farm used to delight in telling me tales about this enormous insect as big as a bird whose sting was so poisonous that one would ‘fell a carthorse’. I may have been a bit gullible! So, many years later when I actually saw one, I was wary, but definitely not terrified. They are about 3 times bigger than a wasp, and you really really don’t want to be stung by one as it is a lot more painful than the wasp’s sting. However, they are basically gentle creatures and won’t attack you if you leave them alone. If you know where a nest is, which could be in a rotten tree, a compost heap or an old roof, it’s worth just standing and watching, from a distance, but if you have small children about it may be wise to call in the pest control man. Like hover flies, they are a friend of both farmer and gardener, as they are carnivorous and eat and feed their larvae insects such as aphids. The much smaller common wasp lives a similar sort of lifestyle, but is a lot more likely to sting you, as much of the food that it enjoys we also enjoy, hence our lifestyles clash. It is this Common Wasp that disrupts picnics and gets into bottles of fizzy drinks as the adults live on sugar. However, like Hornets, wasp larvae are fed on insects and invertebrates and so are also hugely beneficial to humans. Bear this in mind next time you splat one on your cream tea. 45


PB ELECTRICAL SERVICES All electrical works undertaken from :Full rewires, part rewires. New distribution boards. Additional sockets and light fittings. CCTV installations. No job to small. Call Paul on 07840 683417 or email


Gardening in July 2022 A reader recently contacted me via the details below saying that her young daughter was interested in attracting more wildlife into the garden, what could she do? Happily, this is a question I regularly get asked and it would appear providing the parents do not infect the young minds around them with negativity and even hostility, children often delight in the fascinating and miniature world of insects, arachnids and invertebrates. Tragically, one of the most extreme reactions I have ever seen to bees and wasps came about because, in poet Philip Larkin’s famous phrase, (no, not that one but that does also sum it up!) ‘man passes misery onto man’; a mother’s total freak out when glimpsing or hearing a wasp or a bee has been observed and then ‘absorbed’ by her tiny child so that any attempt to teach the child about the insect’s vast contribution to the world already has a major stumbling block to overcome. As all psychology students will tell you, ‘fear is a learned response’. Contrast that attitude with another child of my acquaintance whose mother is a biology teacher and who from day one has explored the natural world with her young children. In this instance, the young girl in question recently celebrated her eighth birthday by holding a tarantula! If you would like to see more birds in your garden, a process needs to be begun whereby your garden is safe from predators and abundant with insects and other foods. Please remember that, though I love them to bits, cats naturally predate on many garden visitors and recently released figures by the University of Reading claim that in rural areas, each cat kills a whopping 34 animals a year. Water is another great way to attract all sorts of wildlife into your garden and even a very basic pond, or even a submerged bucket where rainwater can collect, will attract all sorts of previously unseen ‘guests’. According to the BBC radio 4 programme, The Unbelievable Truth, human beings share 35% of their genes with daffodils, so rather than view the world as us and them, far better to see it as all connected. Most people I have ever spoken with hate flies but love swifts. The simple truth is without the former, we would not have the latter. And this symbiotic relationship within the natural world is ubiquitous. Everything is connected to everything.


David Attenborough once revealed that bear have learned that at a particular time of the year, large quantities of salmon swim upstream a particular river in a faraway land. The fish are so abundant, the bear can be fussy; it prioritises particular cuts and then discards the rest. This then rots down into the soil whereupon a nearby tree takes from it nutrients. One such is an amino acid found only in the decomposing salmon without which the tree cannot produce fruit. But because of rotting fish flesh, the tree is laden with fruit, a rare bird flocks to it. So, without the river, no salmon. Without the salmon, no bear. And without the bear, no birds. And then, who eats the birds? And what eats that? And so on, and so forth!!! Everything is connected to everything. As I regularly say, it is all evidence of the most perfect system. The answer to last month’s ‘just for fun’ quiz question then is, what very prevalent plant is known by some as ‘Twitch’ is couch grass (pronounced ‘cooch’). This month’s just for fun question is why is a Red Admiral so called? Answer next month. As usual, many thanks to all of you for contributing to this column, keep them coming, and please contact me with any gardening tasks or queries you may have, email: or Tel: 01767 627 581 or 07796 328 855.

Lawn Doctor Garden Services Clearance, Redesign, Maintenance Tel: 01767 627 581 or 07796 328 855 Email: Tree Care, Planting, Weeding, Hedge Trimming, Turfing, Jungle Clearing, Landscaping, Lawn Improvement, Patio/Drive Pressure Washing/Weedkilling, Holiday Watering etc., etc. 49

Village Contacts Knit & Stitch Contact: Hazel Shreeves Tel: 01234 838817

Cople Web Site Contact: Ian Whiting Tel: 01234 838347 Email: Web Site:

Mothers Union Contact: Jill Ebbs Tel: 01234 838659

Village Agent Wendy Worgan Tel:0800 039 1234

Cople Village Trust Chair: Catherine Bayliss Tel: 01234 838704

Mobile: 07717 269440

Cople Sports & Social Club Chair: David Hughes Tel: 01234 838669

Cople Parish Council Clerk: Anne Pape

Tel: 01234 376645

Tuesday Club Contact: Joy Duthie Tel: 01234 838407

Cople Carpet Bowls Club Contact: Pauline Baynes Tel: 01234 838102

GREAT NEIGHBOURS in COPLE is our local good neighbourhood scheme, which seeks to support residents of our village in a manner that will enable them to remain independent for as long as possible. Our volunteers help local people by giving some of their time to undertake tasks such as shopping, picking up prescriptions, light household duties, gardening or putting out the bins or by spending some time with people who may feel isolated or lonely.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or want to talk to someone about using the service, please feel free to contact us on 07746 624208 on Monday to Friday between 1.00 – 3.00pm or email us at or visit us on Facebook for further information.

Cople Village Hall & Playing Field Available for hire for parties, meetings, conferences etc. Main Hall and/or Committee Room - hire charge from £10 per hour.

Bookings Officer, Laura Saunders—please email if possible or phone 07967 830790 Website: hall 50




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