Cople News November 2020

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Cople News November 2020

Joy Clayton. 100 Years Young Congratulations


Editor’s Notes Well, here goes, our first foray into the task of magazine Editor. We don’t intend to change much, why fix something that isn’t broken… unless you the readers want change. The front page has a photo of the villages’ most recent Centenarian Mrs Joy Clayton, who turned 100 on 26th October 2020. Many Congratulations. So sorry that your planned celebrations have had to be cancelled. A new article which will continue, as long as the anonymous authors bank balance can cope, is ‘Eating Out’, a review of local restaurants and/or pubs. Libby & Linda

Tom Franklin The Franklin family would like to take this opportunity to Thank the village and all others who lined the roadside on 7th August to pay respect to Tom. We are so grateful for all your kindness. We would also like to Thank Fiona for all her support before, during and after Toms funeral and the way she conducted his service especially with all the restrictions. We are all very grateful. Lastly, we would like to Thank everyone who have been there for us through this very sad time and sent cards, messages and cakes. It has been a great help and comfort. Ian, Chris & Becca Franklin. Cople News New Editor : Libby Sands 77 Willington Road, Cople, Beds, MK44 3TL. Tel 01234 838063 Email: Deadline for copy and advertising 15th of every month

Advertising Rates

Annual Charges. Full Page £96.

Half Page £48

Delivered free to every home in Cople every month circulation 365 copies 3

Letter from the Vicar Dear friends

As you read this, we will be approaching the Season of Remembrance. Like everything else since March it will be different this year, because of Covid-19. We shan’t be able to hold an All Souls Commemoration Service because we sadly can’t fit everyone we’d want to invite into the church building, especially in a year when we have lost so many more people. That service will take place, God willing, in the late spring or early summer of next year. But on 1st November I invite all who have lost loved ones over the past year to light a candle at 6pm and put it on their front doorstep, or in a window if it can be done safely (without risk of curtains or anything else catching fire). I’ll also be lighting a candle during the livestreamed Morning Praise service at 9.30am that day, and saying a prayer for those who mourn. On 8th November we shall commemorate those who have died in service of their country, and remember all who carry the physical and mental scars of war, as well as those who grieve them. We’ll be holding Remembrance Services in the churches, and livestreaming them on Zoom too. For more information please see the separate ‘Remembrance Sunday’ message later in the magazine. If you can’t join in at church or online, perhaps you’d like to come to your front door at 11am and pause for two minutes’ silence? The churches will also be open later that day so that anyone who wishes to can come in, sit quietly, and maybe lay a poppy on a table in remembrance. Look out for the timings of the opening on the church noticeboards and website ( There will also be a Remembrance Season Prayer Trail in the churchyard from 1st-11th November for you to explore, pause, think, and pray if you would like to. The way we remember will be different, but we will remember. If you’d like to know more about any of the services and events in the Season of Remembrance, do get in touch. With best wishes Revd Fiona Gibson


Dates for All Saints Cople, November 2020 ALL SUBJECT TO CHANGE IF COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS CHANGE Sunday 1st 9.30am Morning Praise from Cople, and also livestreamed on Zoom (ask the vicar for login details if you’d like to join in) Tuesday 3rd 8pm START Course Session 4 –on Zoom (ask the vicar for login details) Wednesday 4th 9.30am

Morning Prayer at Willington Church

Sunday 8th 10.55am Remembrance Service for Cople and Willington – in Cople Church and also livestreamed on Zoom (ask the vicar for login details) Priority in the church building will be given to those for whom Remembrance Sunday has particular significance: serving members of the Armed Forces and their families, veterans and their families, and relatives of those who have died in service of their country. Tuesday 10th 8pm START Course Session 5 –on Zoom (ask the vicar for login details) Wednesday 11th 9.30am Morning Prayer at Willington Church Sunday 15th 9.30am Morning Praise from Willington, and also livestreamed on Zoom (ask the vicar for login details) 6pm Holy Communion Tuesday 17th 8pm START Course Session 6 –on Zoom (ask the vicar for login details) Wednesday 18th 9am Morning Prayer at Willington Church 7.30pm PCC Meeting (on Zoom) Sunday 22nd 9.30am Morning Praise from Cople, and also livestreamed on Zoom (ask the vicar for login details ) 3pm Outdoor Worship (in the churchyard) Wednesday 25th 9am Morning Prayer at Willington Church Sunday 29th 9.30am Morning Praise from Moggerhanger, and also livestreamed on Zoom (ask the vicar for login details if you’d like to join in) 11.00am Holy Communion

From the Church Registers September 2020 Funeral 2nd September

Jilberta Irena (Jill) METCALF (92 years)


Remembrance Sunday 2020 – a message from the vicar As I mentioned in my letter, we’ll be marking Remembrance Sunday as usual, but it will be done differently from normal, because of Covid-19. We’ll be holding a service in All Saints Cople, starting at 10.55am, which will also be livestreamed via Zoom (you can contact me via to get the login details). In addition, there will be a congregation at St Lawrence Willington, who can watch the livestream in the church, and there will also be a congregation at Willington Methodist, watching the livestream on the chapel AV system. Because places in all three church buildings will be limited to the numbers that may safely be accommodated with physical distancing, and because this service is significant for many in our village communities, we need to ask you to ‘book’ a place in advance – email me at to reserve your space. Priority will be given to those for whom this service is particularly important (serving military personnel, veterans, relatives of the fallen). We recognise that this will mean some may not be able to attend in person, and we are very sorry about that. We invite you to stand in your front doorways at 11.00am for the two minutes’ silence if you would like to do so. The idea is that we are trying to have as many options for people to take part in the service in a church building as possible, as well as having an online option for those who would prefer that, and keeping our tradition of joining together for Remembrance Sunday. All Saints Cople and St Lawrence Willington will be open, with clergy on duty, later on Remembrance Sunday (times to be confirmed) in case anyone who couldn’t come to the service in person in the morning wishes to come and lay a poppy on the communion table, or say a prayer. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them


Many thanks, Ged Now that Ged Peeke has produced his final edition of Cople News, I thought it would be appropriate, on behalf of the village, to express our thanks to him for all his hard work on the village magazine. After a career in the Royal Air Force, with a number of different postings and house moves in both the UK and overseas, Ged and Jane moved to Cople. After transforming his own garden, he has organised the plant stall at the Church Fete. Then in November 2011 he took over the editorship of the Cople News from Andrew Chillingsworth who had done it for 17 years. Ged had asked me to take over the accounting for the magazine and discussed with me his vision for the magazine going forward. This was to move from a subscription and church based model reaching about half the village to one that would be distributed free to everyone, and cover all activities in the village, and would hopefully be paid for by more adverts. We agreed to try this and see how it would go for the first year, and it was successful – and we have continued it each year. Ged has been the driving force, getting together all the information for each edition, writing the editorial comment, encouraging new contributors such as Steve Halton and the Lawn Doctor and working with advertisers. He has sourced a cheaper printing company for the magazine and introduced colour pages. One of his many achievements was his work on the Cople census, with details on the 2011 one, and comparison back to 1801. I remember him recounting how he rang the Council to get prior years information and the phone was answered within three rings by a very enthusiastic chap who willingly provided the information. Ged could just imagine him sitting there waiting for someone in the county to ask him some questions on the census! For anyone new to the village, you can find the information on the village website hosted by Ian Whiting – – just type in Cople Census. So, thank you Ged for all your work on behalf of the village over the last 10 years. I know that you will ensure that the handover to Linda and Libby goes smoothly. The continued success of the magazine will depend on us all contributing either on a regular or occasional basis, especially in these Covid days where major social events are not taking place, and that we continue to attract new advertisers. Andrew Duthie, Treasurer Cople News


Mothers Union

Father, we pray for all people who live on their own, especially those whose families and friends live miles away; or may have died and they feel lost without them. Lord, be with them, so they do not fear each new day. Give them courage to make new friends, and not feel cut off from the world outside, help them Lord to know that people do care. You, Lord, are the greatest friend of them all and we ask that you hold your loving arms out to all who live alone. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen (M.U. The Prayers we Breathe)

All Saints Church Revd Fiona Gibson The Vicarage. 3 Grange Lane. Cople, MK44 3TT. Telephone 01234 838145. email; Churchwardens June Thomas 34 Grange Lane Cople Beds MK44 3TT Tel: 01234 831705

Julie Scherrer 26 Grange Way Willington Beds MK44 3QW Tel: 01234 838623>

COPLE VILLAGE TRUST (Registered Charity No. 1090113)

200 CLUB

Prize winners for October 2020 1st prize of £60 185 Marie Grohmann 2nd prize of £30 284 Ian & Caroline Prentice 3rd prize of £10 221 Marilyn Southgate Thank you for your support All monies raised are used to maintain and improve the Village Hall, Playing Field & Playground. Treasurer

Catherine Bayliss 01234 838704/07880 890508


Jane Barnard 8

01234 838004


R S WORRALL Building Services

(C.F Worrall &Sons Established 1944)

Extensions, Renovations, Kitchen Installations & Property Maintenance Call Ralph on 07950815192 or 01234 838113


All Saints Road, Cople, Beds


Zoom On ✨ Meditation & Pilates New Outside –Small group Pilates & 1:1 bookings Pilates & Meditation Classes - Currently ONLINE LIVE - Zoom Pop Ups Outside as advertised Subscribe for updates – Pilates classes for Bedford, Cardington, Cople, Riseley, Swineshead and Willington villages of Bedfordshire are currently running on Zoom at the stated times. Classes run in the classical style with limited places to ensure purity of the method.

Pilates Classes, Private Sessions, Fully equipped Studio (Note closed atm - taking bookings for when we can open) it is possible to have 1;1 and small groups over Zoom. Julie prides herself in specialising in Rehab, she has a wealth of experience in aiding your Wellbeing and has been guiding Meditation and Wellbeing classes and workshops for over 20 years - DM to subscribe to newsletter for all our latest offerings for your Wellbeing! Monday


Class Type








Pilates Mixed ability




Pilates Mixed ability






PilatesMixed ability



11-5 Bookings open

Wellness & Pilates 1:1 & Privates

Outside Sessions! Face to Face (max 5 persons)



PilatesMixed ability



PilatesMixed ability





10-1 Bookings open

Wellness & Pilates 1:1 & Privates

Outside Sessions! Face to Face (max 5 persons)


Pilates Mixed ability


3-5 Bookings open

Wellness & Pilates 1:1 & Privates

Outside Sessions! Face to Face (max 5 persons)


Pilates Back Management



PilatesMixed ability








Energising, Flowing, Hatha Vinyasa classes with Genevieve Cardington Village Hall Southill Road, Cardington Sundays 10 – 11 a.m. Classes also held in Bedford Monday and Wednesday evenings and Thursday morning.

Phone Gen on 07849 158 850



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Linda Behan Almost a year ago I moved to Cople from Frimley in Surrey to be nearer family. I found the village welcoming & friendly and settled down very quickly. The Cople News was a great source when I first arrived. It had so much information there with the calendar listing all activities, even which bin to put out on which day, plus all the useful ads and interesting articles. So I was concerned when Ged announced that he was retiring and would no longer be producing the magazine. I hoped someone would volunteer to take over and keep it running. It would be a huge loss to the village if the News folded. Eventually I decided that I would have to step up as time was running out. Luckily for me, Libby had the same thought and I’m looking forward to working with her on this. Please be patient with us! Here we go. Linda

Home Delivery Service in Bedfordshire Villages 16

EATING OUT Reviewed by ‘Roland Butter’ THE CROWN WILLINGTON, 17 Station Road, Willington, Beds, MK44 3QH 01234 831024 As local Cople residents, my partner (the redhead) and I decided to visit The Crown pub in Willington for a Sunday lunch. We were impressed! The welcome was friendly and we were made to feel at ease immediately, even with the Covid 19 restrictions. We are both pretty useless when it come to technology but we were shown patiently how to download an app for track and trace which worked with ease. This was before the 'universal' NHS one became available. The information was all delivered with a smile from the landlord, Mr Vincent Hislop, whilst a member of his friendly staff brought our drinks to us. There are sanitising stations and also a clear one-way system within his very clean and smartly decorated pub/restaurant. There was a choice of 4 starters. I had the soup( £5.50 ) which was hot, tasty and with plenty of bread. The redhead had the goats cheese and pesto which was very nice but there were olives on it which were not mentioned on the menu. Unfortunately the redhead does not like olives! We moved them to the side. As it was a Sunday there was a choice of beef, pork, lamb, a chicken dish, a fish dish or a vegan spaghetti option. I had the beef (£11.95). It was perfectly cooked; plenty of it and extra gluten free gravy if needed. It was delicious! The redhead had the pork ( £11.95 ). Again, plenty of meat with great crackling. The roast potatoes were lovely and fluffy inside. This was served to us with the nice touch of side dishes brimming with fresh veg, cauliflower cheese and yorkshire puddings. The yorkshire puddings could have done with being a little bit lighter but it was all rather good. We ordered a bottle of red wine which was delightful and the wine ranged from £13.50 to £23.50. Apparently the chef, Mr Andy Wray, makes the food homemade and not just heated up and that includes his desserts. We could not resist and both tried the cheesecake (£6.95) which were very well presented. It seemed a shame to eat it but I am glad I did as it was gorgeous! Nothing was too much trouble and the service was excellent all round. The pub/ restaurant is perfect for couples, family and friends to have a lovely meal in. There are also guest ales, a takeaway menu and they serve food Wednesday to Saturday, lunch and dinner. Sunday lunch last seating is at 2.45pm . We will be back soon. Well done Vince and his team! Roland Butter SCORES: Service 5; Food 4.5; Cleanliness / virus restriction aware 5; Value for money 5 TOTAL 19 .5 17

ADVENT WINDOWS 2020 Do you like Advent Calendars? Would you like to do something special in the village to celebrate Advent and get ready for Christmas? If

so, we could have just the thing for you! Cople Church would like to turn the village into a giant Advent Calendar! The idea is that, together, we could create an Advent Calendar that goes around the village, building up the Nativity Story day by day from 1st December24th December.

We need volunteers who would be willing to create a picture in a window of their home, and to light it up, on one day each during Advent. Day by day more and more lights would go on in more and more windows, until by Christmas Eve we would have 24 windows lit up, telling the story of the first Christmas. You don’t need to be Van Gogh, or Rembrandt! It can be as simple as you like. You would be given a part of the Nativity Story to illustrate, and full guidance about how the Advent Windows project as a whole would work. At this point, we’d just like to judge interest to see if there are enough people in the village who would be willing to join in to make the Advent Windows project possible. You don’t have to be a member the church, or even go to church anywhere to take part; we would like to involve as many people as possible! We would obviously abide by all Covid-19 restrictions in place in December, but we think we can still go ahead safely and make December a month of light, comfort and joy in the village. If you’d be interested in finding out more, or would like to register your willingness to be involved, please get in touch with Fiona Gibson (838145 or by 20th November.



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V J Edwards Plastering & Building Services Certified Plasterer by British Gypsum – all works guaranteed for 2 years. Tel no: M: 07970 011605 H: 01234 740400 Internal and external Plastering Special Renders: Krend, monocuhe and Cemrend Stud Partitioning Plaster Boarding Garage conversions, Kitchens & Bathrooms and small extensions 20


Borough Supports Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Lanyards Bedford Borough Council has teamed up with Cambridgeshire Community Health Services NHS Trust, The Harpur Centre, Love Bedford (Bedford BID), Bedford Borough Parent Carer Forum and Access Bedford to support a project to help people in the Borough feel more confident when going into the community again. Hidden Disabilities Sunflower lanyards can help people who have disabilities that are not immediately obvious to others. This could include people with learning difficulties, those living with dementia or poor mental health, as well as mobility, speech, visual or hearing impairments. Wearing the sunflower lanyard indicates to others, including shop workers, members of the community, colleagues and health professionals that additional support, help or a little patience may be needed.

Cllr Wendy Rider, Portfolio Holder for Adults Services, said: “There are around 35,000 people with a disability in Bedford Borough, 80% of whom will have a hidden disability. Many will have been self-isolating due to Covid-19 and be anxious about getting back out and about. We hope that by taking part in this initiative we can help them feel more confident in their communities. “Some people with a hidden disability are not able to wear a face covering and are therefore exempt and unfortunately we have heard instances where people have been criticised and even verbally abused for not following guidance. We hope that this initiative will help with people’s understanding as well as increasing awareness of the support people with hidden disabilities may require.” Cambridgeshire Community Health Services NHS Trust, which runs adults and children’s services in Luton and Bedfordshire, has become one of the first organisations in the borough to sign up to the Sunflower Lanyards.

Matthew Winn, Chief Executive said: “Our organisation is delighted to support the Sunflower Lanyard scheme. Anything 22

that we can do to improve people’s awareness and understanding of those living with a disability is hugely worthwhile. This is such a simple but extremely effective idea that we can all get behind and I wish it every success.” Hidden disabilities affect each person in a different way, and can be painful, exhausting, and isolating. Without visible evidence of the hidden disability, it is frequently difficult for others to acknowledge the challenges faced. To get a free lanyard for yourself, a family member or friend with a hidden disability, visit one of the following places in Bedford Borough. Please continue to follow social distancing guidelines: • Bedford Central Library; • The Higgins Bedford; • Halifax bank; • Lloyds Bank • Morrisons; • Sainsbury's; • Tesco; • M&S food halls If you or someone you know has a hidden disability and want more information about services, support, information and advice, clubs and activities then visit the Bedford Borough Local Offer.

Nearly New Centre Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm & Saturday 10am to 1pm At Sue Ryder Palliative Care Home St. John’s Moggerhanger




WILLINGTON VILLAGE HALL MONDAY NIGHTS DURING TERM TIME 6:30pm until 8:00pm If you are interested in joining us please register Further information can be obtained from Brown Owl Tel :07914 240494 / Email:

B. W. Taylor Plumbing Roofing and all Building Maintenance From “Complete Bathrooms and Kitchens” including tiling and plastering through to “Ball Valves and “Garden Taps” No Job too small Local Reliable service at Reasonable Rates References Supplied if Required

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Willington Peace Memorial Hall, Church Road, Willington, Beds, MK44 3PU

Open daily Mon-Fri 9.15-12.15 With lunch club available 12.15-1.15

Sessional day care for 2-4year olds during term time. £12.00 for a 3hr session (£4.00 extra for lunch club) We also except 2 and 3/4 year old NEF funding To enquire about a place for your child please email Kelly and Stacey at or call on 07972 148085 28





Mobile Hairdresser/ Barber Do you need a haircut? Local, Reliable and Friendly Fully qualified and experienced

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Prices from £50 per night per double room Dogs welcome Contact Mel Ebbage Tel: 07538257632 Email : 34

PB ELECTRICAL SERVICES All electrical works undertaken from :Full rewires, part rewires. New distribution boards. Additional sockets and light fittings. CCTV installations. No job to small. Call Paul on 07840 683417 or email 35

Gardening in November The British weather never ceases to surprise and after the record breaking amount of rain in this area recently, some gardens are looking rather forlorn as they struggle to cope with too much of a good thing. If any parts of your garden remain very wet, puddles, squelchy sounds, etc., the best advice is to avoid it as any compaction will damage soil structure and create more compaction which will further diminish its ability to drain. But as every keen gardener knows, there is always something to do in the garden! Can’t get on the ground and the threat of being stuck inside with day time television looms like a gruesome punishment? It’s amazing what jobs can suddenly be found to do if such a vile prospect is on the horizon! Got a glasshouse? All glasshouses are at their most effective when the glass is clean and letting in lots of light. I visit many gardens where sometimes it is not so very obvious as to which is a glasshouse and which is a shed! Cleaning the glass, inside and out, is always a great boon to any plants one is trying to nurture. If you are unable to reach the top, do not use a ladder; far safer to buy a brush than to risk a horrid injury. Similarly, flower pots and containers can harbour all sorts of nasties that damage sensitive, young plants so a thorough clean is always a very good idea. Other jobs involve the maintenance of tools and machinery: all mean that when they come to be used in earnest, they are primed and ready for action! Sharp tools make such a difference in a garden. Better for the plant, a clean cut recovers far quicker and is less likely to encourage infection, but it is also a lot easier for the gardener to make. Why not contact Jason the blade sharpener on 07786 666 965. Similarly, putting a lawn mower away dirty, with blunt blades and not in great shape after a busy year is only going to create a problem in spring so why not service now? If your mechanical skills are not to up to the task, call Groundcare Machinery Services in Cople on 01234 831 123 to do the honours. Do it now and you will avoid the mad rush in spring. Had an interesting question about rose pruning, as I always do at this time of the year. The question was, should they be pruned now? I am very definitely of the prune in spring school of thought. In the right conditions, roses will continue to flower, if regularly deadheaded, until Christmas. Prune them now, as was once suggested, and you will be denying your garden colour just when it is perhaps 36

needed/wanted most. Far better to delay hard pruning until spring just when they start to grow again, in fact. The only real exception to this, is if you have very tall roses. Winds at this time of the year can result in swaying plants which of course will result in damage to the roots so a judicious trim with sharp, clean secateurs will prevent ‘wind rock’ from taking place. When I was growing up, the phrase ‘putting the garden to bed’ was regularly heard but this is a nonsense really. Although some plants can go dormant, a healthy garden is always full of life, and in many ways this just becomes more subtle at this time of the year. Quiz The answer to last month’s just for fun quiz question, the three main threats to Cherry Laurel plants are Powdery Mildew, Leaf Spot Fungi and Bacterial Shothole. How can these be treated? Pruning out effected leaves can help as can appropriate fungicides but if the cultural conditions that created the problems in the first place aren’t addressed, the problem could well return. Contact me for more information. This month’s question is, your beloved lawn is covered with wormcasts and fungus, what can be done? As usual, many thanks to all of you for contributing to this column, keep them coming, and please contact me with any gardening tasks or queries you may have, or tel: 01767 627 581 or 07796 328 855. A fascinating autumn visitor. (Photo, Debbie Holloway)

Lawn Doctor Garden Services Clearance, Redesign, Maintenance Tel: 01767 627 581 or 07796 328 855 Email: Tree Care, Planting, Weeding, Hedge Trimming, Turfing, Jungle Clearing, Landscaping, Lawn Improvement, Patio/Drive Pressure Washing/Weedkilling, Holiday Watering etc., etc.


Village News - Sheerhatch Primary The COVID-19 Pandemic has been a very challenging time for all of us. Some of our children have been in school before the summer holidays and some have not been with us since the end of March. I am really pleased that we have been able to take all the children back into school from 7th September safely, following government guidelines and a stringent risk assessment. It is so lovely to have the school full of life, laughter and learning again! Over the last few months there have been some exciting developments on the Outside Learning Space on the Cople site of Sheerhatch Primary. The new Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) was being well utilised, both during school activities, play time and after school clubs and the children have really appreciated it again, now they are back. It also provided the opportunity for some of our pupils to work towards Sports Leadership which is a fantastic opportunity. With our new attractive facilities, we have updated our lettings policy so the school hall and MUGA will be available for hire once government guidelines allow us to do so. This is not only valuable income for the school, but an excellent opportunity for the local community to utilise the space. Details can be found on the website Keep us in mind when we can start planning parties again! We have further ambitious vision for the land, as you can see from the plans (on the next page) which will provide an outstanding outdoor learning environment for nature and nurture. It will also provide opportunities for community engagement. We have already received advice and guidance from local community members in the design, including local horticulturalists to Beekeepers and in the future, we would welcome any further input or hands-on help! The children themselves are keen to re-establish the pond. Once the area is made safe and to a standard, we hope the children will enjoy and learn from taking the responsibility for its upkeep. Governors and volunteers have been working hard to raise the funds for this. We have successfully managed to secure some ward funding and we were successful in a bid for the Healthy Pupil Capital Fund. Also, a special thanks to Friends of Sheerhatch for their generous contribution towards two pieces of equipment for the MUGA. We have some way to go for such an ambitious project so are actively working towards others, although the events of the pandemic make fundraising even tougher. If you or your employer are aware of other fund -raising opportunities no matter how big or small, we are always on the lookout. Perhaps a local company may wish to donate a bench or plant box?


We are keen that all pupils will benefit from this outside space, with the pupils on the Willington Site being transported over, and of course when they progress through the school. However, we are also investigating ways in which we can make the Willington site a ‘greener’ area for our younger pupils. Watch this space!

Willington Villager Sponsors Market There has been no village market this year and it now looks unlikely to be held until next year. To try and make up for that and to give stallholders and other fundraisers a chance to raise funds anyway, the Willington Village News is offering to site a Gazebo which will take one or two stalls (with social distancing) at the Balls Lane site of Sinfield Fruiterers on Saturdays. Hours will be 9 to 4pm. We are hoping to have this facility available from the second Saturday in October and stallholders can book by contacting our volunteer coordinator Jessie Horlock on 07971 971424 or email so this will present an ideal opportunity for people to reach their Halloween and Christmas customers. We are expecting this to cost us a little over £500 to purchase the commercial standard, 3 by 4.5 metre gazebo with appropriate weights to keep it in place together with two 1.8 metre tables. We also want to raise funds for the village market for when it restarts next year, so we expect to make a small charge of £5 per table per day. 50% of funds raised this way will go to the village market and the other half will help the Willington Village News recover some of its capital outlay. Our grateful thanks are due to Mick Barden and his team at Balls Lane for agreeing to host the gazebo and erect it and take it down as required. Shane Horlock


Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Dogs. The cranial cruciate ligament in dogs is the same as the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in the human knee. It is a tough fibrous band of tissue that attaches the femur (thigh bone) to the tibia (shin bone). Its function is to stabilise movement of the bones within the joint and prevent over-extending or rotation of the knee. Picture - Cruciate ligament injuries in humans are relatively common and usually occur during some form of sport like football, rugby or skiing as a result of a sudden, acute injury. In dogs although sudden trauma can cause ligament damage it is more likely to be as a result of slow degeneration over a period of time, like a rope fraying, leading to a weakening of the ligament. The precise cause of this is unknown but there is thought to be a genetic predisposition in certain breeds (including Labradors, Rottweilers, Boxers, Westies and Newfoundlands). Symptoms include: • Lameness - varying from mild to severe where the dog can’t put any weight on the leg. Lameness can occur suddenly. • Stiffness when getting up • Swelling, inflammation and heat in one or both knees • The dog will walk with a ‘pottery’ action if both knees are affected at the same time • Toes of the affected leg just touching the floor in semi-flexion • Stifle abducted (held out) to the side when the dog is sitting or standing • Atrophy (loss) of muscle particularly in the Quadriceps group of the hind leg • Pain Diagnosis of a complete rupture of the cruciate ligament is usually based on demonstrating laxity of the knee joint during specific manipulations. In dogs with a partial tear or early degeneration of the ligament other tests may be needed. What are the treatment options? As with all injuries and conditions it is important to discuss fully with your vet available treatments which are best suited for your dog. Ligaments have a poor blood supply so take a long time to fully heal and rarely allow a return to normal exercise particularly in large dogs. 40

For this reason, treatment options mainly involve surgery to either replace the damaged ligament or to cut the tibia bone so making the cruciate ligament redundant. For details on surgical options see orthopaedic/cranial-cruciate-ligament-injury/ How can massage help a dog with a damaged cruciate ligament? Massage therapy can benefit the dog prior to surgery by relieving areas of over-compensation where the dog has altered its posture to shift weight away from the painful knee. Following surgery massage can help by: • Reducing tension in the muscles and aiding a return to being fully weight bearing. • Reducing pain levels by inducing the release of endorphins • Reducing build up of lymph fluid in the tissues which occurs during a period of restricted exercise by stimulating lymphatic drainage • Improving circulation leading to better oxygen and nutrient delivery to the tissues. As always, if you think your dog would benefit from massage therapy please get in touch. Don’t forget you can still get a free muscular health check for your dog – call to book an appointment. Fiona Hughes is the owner of Cople Canine Massage Therapy and a member of the Canine Massage Guild.


Village Contacts Over 60's Club Secretary : Hazel Shreeves Tel : 838817

Cople Web Site Ian Whiting Tel : 838347 Email: Web Site

Mothers Union Contact: Jill Ebbs Tel : 838659

Village Agent Wendy Worgan 0800 039 1234

Cople Village Trust Chair : Sandra Thacker Tel : 831344

07717 269 440

Cople Sports & Social Club Chair: David Hughes Tel : 838669

Cople Parish Council Clerk to the Council:

Anne Pape 01234 376645

Tuesday Club Joy Duthie Tel : 838407

Biggleswade Chronicle Village Correspondent: Jill Ebbs Tel: 838659

Our local good neighbourhood scheme GREAT NEIGHBOURS in COPLE seeks to support residents of our village in a manner that will enable them to remain independent for as long as possible. Our volunteers help local people by giving some of their time to undertake tasks such as shopping, picking up prescriptions, light household duties, gardening or putting out the bins or by spending some time with people who may feel isolated or lonely. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or want to talk to someone about using the service please feel free to contact us on 07746624208 on Monday and Thursdays between 1300hrs – 1500hrs or email us at or visit us on Facebook for further information.

Cople Village Hall & Playing Field Available for Hire for: Parties, Wedding Receptions, Meetings, Conferences etc. Main Hall and/or Committee Room - hire charge from £9 per hour, special rate of £25 for children’s parties of up to three hours (conditions apply) Contact 01234 838704 or for more information 42

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