Cople News April 2020 Covid-19 Update

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Cople News Extra April 2020 Editor’s Notes The ink was still wet on the April edition of the Magazine when much of its content was overtaken by events. So much has changed that I thought this supplement was necessary. In accordance with Government advice and common sense, social and recreational gatherings have been cancelled throughout the village. The Village Hall is closed until further notice and gatherings in the Church have also been postponed. The GNiC will not hold the VE Day celebration on the 8th May, nor will they hold their monthly “get togethers� in the Sports and Social Club. Those who have booked to go on the theatre trip will be refunded if the event is cancelled. On pages 4 and 5 they have outlined some initial ideas to help those who need to self isolate.. The Friends of Cople Church have plans for later in the year and these will be reviewed as the situation unfolds. Miles Tetley will not be running the quizzes in the Five Bells until we get the all clear. Eve Carroll has had a good response to her pottery classes but they will be delayed until it is safe to proceed Knit and Stitch will take a break until things return to normal. Julie Crawford will continue with her Pilates classes in Cardington for those who wish to attend. She offers an on-line option for others. This on line facility will be extended next week with a free facility for children. Details of this meditation and mini movement for children class will appear on her website. I have not noticed my grandsons doing meditation or mini movement so good look with that one Julie. The monthly coffee mornings and Heritage Days in the Church will not be held until further notice. Planning for the Fete in June is in wait and see mode. More immediately, the Quiz evening on 28th March is cancelled. The Tuesday Club has cancelled the April meeting and will review the rest of the programme soon. Ged Peeke 19 March 2020

Covid-19: The view from the vicarage Dear friends What a difference a week makes! This time last week I was in York Minster, part of a team of clergy being commissioned to go to various towns and villages across the north of England to assist parishes there with a weekend of sharing the faith with those around them. This week I’m working at home nearly all the time, my husband is also working at home, our daughter is wondering what will happen with regard to her university offers now that A Levels aren’t happening in May and June, and our son’s university exams will be done online, if at all. Many of you, through being unwell, or in an at-risk category, are at home all the time in self-isolation. For those of you who live alone, the world may suddenly feel especially lonely. So I wanted to get in touch, first of all, to say that I hope you are all well, and managing to adjust to our temporary ‘new normal’. I am aware that for many this will be a very anxious time, and you are all in my thoughts and prayers daily. I also wanted to let you know what’s going to be happening in and around the church for the foreseeable future, and how we are planning to keep in touch with one another. We’re hoping that many in the village may want to dip in and out of what we’re doing. One or two people have already asked what, if anything, I think the Christian faith has to say about Covid-19. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, I think it has a lot to say both to those who share the Christian faith and those who do not. I believe that Christian faith can offer something to everyone at such a time as this. At this moment, our culture needs something it doesn’t have: peace. We are surrounded by anxiety and fear. Yet I believe we need not be overwhelmed by that fear, though we will, understandably, feel it. As one of my great historical heroines of the faith, Corrie ten Boom, who was imprisoned in Ravensbruck Concentration Camp during WWII for sheltering Jewish people from the Nazis, once offered, “Worry doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrows, it empties today of its strength.” I offer you these words, from one of the books of the New Testament: Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the centre of your life. (Philippians 4:6-7, The Message Version) With regard to practical matters, you may have heard on the news the Archbishops’ statement that all public worship is suspended, w ith immediate effect. We shall, of course, comply with this. But we have exciting plans about how we can sustain the life and Christian worship of the parish even if we’re not physically meeting together. We are not shutting down as a church, just not meeting face to face for a 2

while. Early Christian believers in the first centuries after Jesus often had to minister by letter to churches made up of believers dispersed across an area, and we shall be learning how to do the same in our time. For example, I’ll be attempting to livestream a short act of worship from one of the three churches in the Benefice each Sunday! This will challenge my technological abilities! Anyone and everyone is welcome to join the livestream. If you’d like an invitation to join it, please email me. I’ll also be sending out regular emails, some just with a photo and an inspirational verse from the Bible, and some with a longer message. Again, if you’d like to receive them, let me know. For those who aren’t able to access online technology, I’ll be offering paper copies of prayers that can be said at home morning and evening, and copies of some of my emails. If you’d like to receive those, do get in touch with me. The church will continue to be open each day (where possible) and ,if you are not self-isolating for any reason, you are welcome to go in, sit, think or pray – whatever is helpful for you. We do ask you, though, to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water using the facilities in the kitchen or toilet as soon as you enter the building and stay 2m/6’ away from anyone else who is there too. Copies of the prayers will be available in the church for you to take away – please don’t leave them there if you use them in the church, in case of cross-contamination. The Churchwardens and I have also taken the decision, following government advice, to cancel or postpone all other events due to be held in the church for the time being. You may have all sorts of questions about how baptisms, christenings, weddings, and funerals in church will take place during this time. The advice changes regularly as our understanding of how the virus spreads grows, but at the time of writing (19th March) they can all still take place, under certain conditions, and with strictly controlled numbers of people present. You can keep updated with the latest news from the Church of England here coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-churches#na If you have any questions or concerns do get in touch with me. This is just the start of what we’re planning. Across a range of village groups, especially GNiC, there are good and positive ideas in place about how we can look after one another, care for our vulnerable neighbours, and work across our village community to provide practical support. More about those initiatives will be coming out soon. My particular role, along with the congregation, is to sustain the life, prayer, pastoral care, and witness of the Church in novel ways at this time. It’s at times like this, as we also saw with the tragic house fires in the village in March, when we see what a truly wonderful village Cople is to live in, with genuinely kind and caring people of all ages supporting one another. It’s a privilege to be here and to be your vicar. With my love and prayers Fiona

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Great Neighbours in Cople Dear Neighbour As the UK continues to respond to the Coronavirus and the challenges it presents, local communities are coming together to provide mutual support to their neighbours who may be in need. Some have said that these are unprecedented times and because of this, there is a need to ensure our community spirit remains as it always has, compassionate and caring. We all know the importance of following Government advice and we know that some members of our community will be more vulnerable to the virus than others. A Facebook user, Becky Wass, posted a very simple postcard for people to complete if they feel they are in a position to support someone that is self-isolating. If you are someone that is keen to support people in our village, you can complete the post card that we have included in this letter, and put it through a neighbour’s door. We have also developed Alert Cards for people who may want to display them in their window. The GREEN side of the card indicates someone is self-isolating and is safe. The RED side of the card indicates that someone is self-isolating and needs some support. Obviously it is up to individuals themselves to decide whether or not to use them but we thought they may be helpful to some of our village residents. The Examples on page 6 are not in colour. As your Good Neighbourhood Scheme, GNiC remains open to anyone who may need our support and our number is 07746 624 208. We have made the decision to extend our contact time to Monday’s, Tuesday’s, Thursday’s and Friday’s between 1200hr – 1600hr and will keep this under review. You can stay up to date with all of our information on our Facebook page. Remember the symptoms of Coronavirus are: A cough A high temperature Shortness of breath These symptoms are similar to lots of other illnesses, like the common cold or flu. If someone has these symptoms it does not necessarily mean they have coronavirus. Common sense is key in situations such as this such as, always carrying tissues, washing your hands and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. It is also being suggested that you should not let your mouth go dry and to sip water or liquid every 15 minutes. Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity (BRCC) is GNiC’s umbrella charity that we are accountable to. On their website, they advise that information in respect of the virus is subject to change and 4

they recommend that everyone should follow guidance issued by Public Health England and the NHS to keep abreast of the ever-changing situation. Public Health England has published guidance for households that are selfisolating which can be found at If you are concerned about coronavirus, Age UK runs a free national advice line that is open 8am to 7pm every day of the year. To speak to someone, call 0800 678 1602 or there is information available on their website at If you are worried or anxious about coronavirus and how it could affect your life, including staying at home or avoiding other people, you may find this difficult or stressful. Mind provide advice and information on how to look after your wellbeing which can be found at If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for GNiC, you can contact us at the times we have issued, and we will talk to you about what is required in order to become a registered volunteer. Although none of us can be sure how the virus is going to progress or what the impact will be, we do know that it could affect people’s lives for a sustained period of time, so the importance of being ‘good neighbour’s, matters to all of us.

Kind Regards The GNiC Committee


PLEASE BE AWARE I AM CURRENTLY SELF-ISOLATING Please do not be offended if I do not open the door. I am selfisolating to protect myself. I would appreciate it if you could leave my delivery on the doorstep / in the porch / in the garage or……………………………………………… I currently have everything I need, and I am safe. If I need support, I will display the RED side of this card. If you see this in my window, please knock on my door or call me on ……………………………………………… Your kindness is very much appreciated.


I am currently self-isolating but need some support. I am looking for someone to support with;    

A friendly phone call Some Shopping Prescription Urgent Supplies

Other ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Could you please contact ……………………………………………. On ……………………………………………………………………………… Your kindness is very much appreciated 6

Cople Village Hall In accordance with government advice about the Coronavirus and the avoidance of unnecessary social contact, the Village Hall is closed for the foreseeable future. We have one paid employee, a part time cleaner, who we will continue to pay and we are optimistic that our financial position is such the Village Hall will remain solvent until we are in a position to reopen. We will also continue the monthly 200 Club draw. Very Best Wishes Catherine Bayliss, on behalf of the trustees of Cople Village Trust (registered charity number 1090113)

The Friends of All Saints Church Cople At this moment in time, the two events planned by the Friends of Cople Church for later in the year have not yet been cancelled. A decision as to whether the Barn Dance goes ahead in June will be taken at the end of April, based on what the situation is then. Similarly the Gin Night will be reviewed as we get closer to the date. I am not sure how efficacious flavoured gin is, but it must be worth a try surely? Miles Tetley

Eve Carroll’s Pottery Classes Thank you to all who put their names down for the pottery class in Cople Village Hall, due to start in April. Alas, we have now been stopped in our tracks by the present situation. I am pleased to report, the course was fully booked and I had lots of people wanting to put their names down for a future course in June. Going forward, I am pleased to say that pottery courses will resume once it is safe to do so watch this space'. Kind Regards for now Eve



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