Cople News January 2020

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Cople News January 2020

Friends of Cople Church

Safari Supper Saturday 8th February Meet at the church at 7:00pm Offers to host starters and main courses would be most welcome

Tickets ÂŁ15.00 For offers of help or tickets please contact: Miles: or 07738 999340 Quentin: 07852 169833

Hilda Frances Palmer 1919—2019 To get to 100 years of age is an amazing milestone, which was celebrated by Hilda on 7th December 2019, surrounded by her loved ones. She passed away peacefully, at home, on 12th December 2019 and will be much missed by her family and friends. Hilda’s life started in Folkestone, Kent, in 1919, born into an era where women still couldn’t vote! During the 2nd World War, she nursed people with contagious tropical diseases and from Folkestone, witnessed the Battle of Britain and the Doodlebug bombs in action.

In 1972, she moved from Folkestone to All Saints Road, Cople, to be with her sister Kay, and Kay’s husband Dennis Adams (Mac). During her lifetime, she was an active supporter of the British Legion, Redwings Animal Sanctuary, the East Anglian Air Ambulance and All Saints Church.


Editor’s Notes Hilda Palmer has died at the age of 100. She was a redoubtable lady who was liked and respected throughout the village. She remained remarkable active and independent until very recently and will be sadly missed by all who knew her. Our curate, Katie Franks was ordained at Willington Church on 1st December. It is thought to be the first ordination to take place in this benefice for 800 years. There is a report on the next page and a picture on the back cover. This year’s Safari Supper will be held on Saturday 8th February. Attentive readers will spot that an incorrect date was published last month. This is an ever popular event and its scope is only limited by the number of villagers offering to act as hosts. Miles Tetley and the team are keen hear from hosts and those wishing to attend. Plans have been made by various groups for 2020 The programmes for the Tuesday Club and the Church Coffee mornings are on pages 10 and 11. The Great Neighbours in Cople team will resume their monthly get togethers starting on the 13th January at 1:30pm. Note that the venue is now the Sports and Social Club. Details are on page 21. Every Tuesday morning the Kempston Centre will continue to run their coffee mornings. On page 32 Sue Hillyard has written an account of the last December event. The Book Group will carry on next year and you can read more about it on page 33. We need 2 new magazine distributors. After 22 years in Cople Sarah and Steven Smith are moving to pastures new. They distribute at the bottom end of Willington Road including Burrsholt. Ann Jones is also standing down She distributed 14 copies to the houses on Northill Road as you leave the village and the farm cottages going up the hill. I would like to thank them for all they have done over the years. Without them the whole enterprise would not work. If you would like to help please contact me on 01234 838379 or Brenda Bradbury on 01234 831302. May I wish everyone a happy and a prosperous New Year.

Ged Peeke

Cople News Editor : Ged Peeke 39 Willington Road, Cople, Beds, MK44 3TH. Tel 01234 838379 Email: Deadline for copy and advertising 15th of every month

Advertising Rates

Annual Charges. Full Page £96.

Half Page £48

Delivered free to every home in Cople every month circulation 365 copies 3

Dear friends

Letter from the Vicar

We’re in that funny time of the year when Christmas is behind us, the Shortest Day has passed, but we’re not yet enjoying the longer evenings that remind us that winter will pass and spring will come again. It’s a time when we often take stock of what happened over the previous twelve months and set ourselves goals for the coming year or even, as we enter a new decade, the next ten years. It can all make our thoughts turn a bit philosophical (or is that just me?!). I wonder what you were doing ten years ago? And I wonder if the you of ten years ago could imagine you’d be doing what you’re doing now? Ten years ago I was halfway through theological college, and never would have imagined being vicar of three rural parishes in Bedfordshire. (Though I’m very glad that’s what God had in mind!) Ten years ago, our curate Katie was working as an administrator in Bedford, sensing God’s call to ordained ministry but not yet having gone forward. Yet as you’ll see from the photos in this month’s magazine, she has now been ordained as a priest in the Church of England and begins a new phase of her call, or vocation, still here with us in these villages as she finishes her training before moving on in due course wherever God calls her. I firmly believe that each of us has a call, or a vocation. It may be to be a parent, a godparent, or a grandparent. Perhaps you’re living out your call by working in business or industry, creating jobs for others, making the technology and products we need for everyday life, or by farming the land and producing the food we need as well as caring for the environment and improving biodiversity. Maybe you fulfil your calling working in health, education, or social care as you contribute to human flourishing. Or in retail and leisure, homemaking and childcare. Whatever your work, how would it change if you viewed it as a calling, a vocation, something you are uniquely gifted to do? As we have celebrated Katie’s particular call to be a priest, and as we look back and forward at the beginning of a new decade, maybe you can take time to ponder your own vocation and what you might be called to do in the coming years. Here is a prayer from the Church of England which you might like to use at the beginning of a new year:

God of every aspect of our lives, Help us to hear clearly what you are asking of us each day, whatever situation we find ourselves in. You are the God who calls us to stay where we are or to move at your bidding: to speak courageously, sharing your love, defending the vulnerable and bringing dignity to those who have no voice. Help us to sense your presence, in perseverance and in hope, in those everyday places which can be continuously renewed by your grace. Amen With my best wishes for 2020 Revd Fiona Gibson


Ordination of Katie Franks. Willington Church hosted the ordination service, which saw the Bishop of Bedford, The Archdeacon of St Albans, our own vicar Fiona and many other clergy take part. Photograph on the back cover. Cople Youth music group performed 2 amazing songs and refreshments were served in the village hall afterwards. Sam Whittle made the celebration cake, which was enjoyed by all, along with the delicious sandwiches and cakes made by the parishioners. Fiona presented Katie with a silver home communion set, which was a gift from the Benefice.

We pray for Katie as she continues her training as a priest in the 3 parishes of Cople, Willington and Moggerhanger.. As far as we know, this is the first ordination to be held in the Benefice in 800 years, though we’d be glad to hear if anybody knows anything different! Julie Sherrer

From the Church Registers Burial of Ashes 28th November 2019

Miriam Daisy ROBINSON

All Saints Church Revd Fiona Gibson The Vicarage. 3 Grange Lane. Cople, MK44 3TT. Telephone 01234 838145. email; Churchwardens June Thomas 34 Grange Lane Cople Beds MK44 3TT Tel: 01234 831705 5

Julie Scherrer 26 Grange Way Willington Beds MK44 3QW Tel: 01234 838623>




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Cople Church monthly Coffee mornings 2020 (4th Saturday of the month) Come and enjoy meeting friends in the beautiful surroundings of Cople Church. Please make a note in your diaries of the following dates. The Heritage events will be returning to a morning slot. A different group/ committee will run the coffee morning each month. All Welcome. 25th January - 10.30-12.00 to be run by Sunday School (with a craft table for children) 22nd February - 10.30-12.00 Bell Ringers 28th March - 10.30-12.00 Mothers Union 25th April - Heritage Morning 10.30-12.30 (including tower trips) 23rd May- 10.30-12.00 Social Committee June - Church fete month, so no coffee morning July - holiday August - holiday 26th September - Heritage Morning 10.30-12.30 (including tower trips) 24th October - 10.30-12.00 Knit and Stitch Group 28th November - 10.30-12.00 Lunch Club committee 11

Wild about Cople It is Christmas and the darkness is made more bearable by the seasonal cheer of fairy lights and decorations as a way of bringing the light back – the year will have turned by the time you are reading this and the evenings, at least, will be getting lighter again. But two colours always seem to predominate at Christmas: Red and Green. Father Christmas; Robins; Decorations; Poinsettias; Holly with its berries and its glossy, dark green, spikey leaves; Ivy; Christmas trees; Mistletoe, Rudolph’s red nose… But why such a predominance of these two colours?

As always, the answers include a mix of old and new, pagan and Christian. The colour red is associated with blood and death and the deepest, darkest time of the year. In time both red and green came to be symbolic with the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus; green being associated with life. Trees such as conifers, yews and holly are evergreen so whereas deciduous trees lost their leaves in the winter and appeared to ‘die’, evergreens were regarded as magical as they ‘lived’ throughout the winter. Wreaths, with their mix of green foliage, red berries and gold and silver decorations were circular to represent the sun and were a kind of ‘sympathetic magic’ – by hanging them at points of entry into houses such as doors it was hoped that these would encourage the sun to return at the darkest time of the year… Robins, with their red breasts, are the epitome of Christmas and Christmas cards – so how did this connection come about? One theory is that the first postmen wore bright red jackets and they became known as ‘Robins’ so the cheery robin perched amongst a snowy scene on a card is just an attempt to show the busy postman trudging through deep snow whilst getting the mail through! Another legend says that Jesus was in his manger in the stable and the fire which had been lit to keep him warm, started to blaze up strongly. A brown robin, noticing this placed himself between the fire and the face of baby Jesus. The robin fluffed out its feathers to protect the baby, but in so doing its breast was scorched by the fire. This redness was then passed onto future generations of robins as a sign of a ‘job well done’. Many of the glossy berries hanging in hedgerows and on trees are usually red, why is this? In nature red has usually evolved as a warning colour; don’t touch me I sting, I’m poisonous etc. Of course, not all red berries are poisonous to all potential consumers and, in fact, many berries, of all colours, positively have to be eaten as they need transit through a digestive system to enable the flesh to come off and the stone or pip inside to be ready for germination once it reaches the ground. Hawthorn berries, often called ‘haws’ or ‘peggles’ are edible in small quantities. They can be used to make jellies, wines and ketchup and are rich in antioxidants and are supposed to be good for heart conditions. 12

They are a favourite of our ‘winter thrushes’; the Fieldfare and Redwing.

Dog roses ‘hips’ are conspicuous, large, red fruits and are edible. During the Second World War they were collected in huge quantities to make a syrup as they are four times as rich in vitamin C as blackcurrant juice and twenty times as much as orange juice. At school we used to extract the seeds and put them down the backs of girls’ shirts as ‘itching powder’! Holly berries are beautiful as decorations, but they are poisonous and can cause vomiting and diarrhoea if eaten by humans. Birds, however, can eat them but they usually leave them until late in the winter when everything else has been eaten so they are obviously not top of their list of favourite berries!

Yew berries are not actually berries but a berry look-alike called an ‘aril’ – they look like small, red waxy cups containing a single seed. The aril is not poisonous and is eaten by birds such as thrushes and waxwings, but the seed inside is poisonous and passes through the birds’ digestive system unharmed. The whole plant (apart from the aril) contains taxine – a complex alkaloid which can cause cardiac arrest or respiratory failure if ingested in a sufficient lethal dose. However, the chemotherapy drug Taxol was first synthesised from yew leaves and the synthetic version is now widely used in particular cancer treatments. Can I wish you all a very Happy New Year!

Disclaimer: Please consult a medical professional or qualified herbalist before trying any of the above berries and definitely avoid yew! Steve Halton

Blunham Community Cinema ,Village Hall, MK44 3NN presents on

Saturday 18th January, Fish and Chips followed by the film 'Fisherman's Friends. (Cert 12A) Ten fisherman from Cornwall are signed by Universal Records and achieve a top ten hit with their debut album of Sea Shanties. Doors open 6:30. Tickets £10.00. Bar and confectionery available. Further information or tickets contact Stella Harding 01767 640515. Ticket Entry Only. Friday 31st January, 'A Star is Born' (Cert 1 5) starring Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga. The story of a musician helps a young singer find fame as age and alcoholism send his own career into a downward spiral. (contains some bad language). Film starts promptly 7.30 pm doors open 7pm. Tickets costs Adults £5.00. Children £2.50. Family (2A + 2C) £12.00. Sweets, Drinks, Ice cream and pop-corn are available. For tickets or any further information contact 01767 640515 13


Energising, Flowing, Hatha Vinyasa classes with Genevieve Cardington Village Hall Southill Road, Cardington Sundays 10 – 11 a.m. Classes also held in Bedford Monday and Wednesday evenings and Thursday morning.

Phone Gen on 07849 158 850



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Great Neighbours in Cople Great Neighbours in Cople run a friendly get together at the Sports and Social Club for Cople residents to come and say hello and meet other local people and enjoy a complimentary tea/ coffee and a slice of cake . All residents are welcome . The next GNIC afternoon is on Monday 13th January 1:30pm to 3:30pm in the Sports and Social Club and they will continue to be held on every second Monday of each month. If any help is needed getting to the village hall or returning home please ask and GNIC will be of assistance . Hope to see you there !! The GNIC committee


WILLINGTON VILLAGE HALL MONDAY NIGHTS DURING TERM TIME 6:30pm until 8:00pm If you are interested in joining us please register Further information can be obtained from Brown Owl Tel :07914 240494 / Email:

B. W. Taylor Plumbing Roofing and all Building Maintenance From “Complete Bathrooms and Kitchens” including tiling and plastering through to “Ball Valves and “Garden Taps” No Job too small Local Reliable service at Reasonable Rates References Supplied if Required

Telephone: Barrie Taylor Mobile

01234 - 838 676 07979 - 928 186

COUNTRY STOVES & SWEEPS HETAS Registered Wood/Multi Fuel Stove Installation Gas Fires Fitted – GAS SAFE Chimney Sweeping Insurance/Safety Certificates Issued Chimney Lining Bird Guards Fitted Free Survey & Quote Competitive Prices

01767 627591 / 07950 705479 Julian Biggs, Northill, Bedfordshire



January Diary Church Services 5th

10.00am 11:30am

Sunday School All-Age Communion


10:00am 11:30am

Sunday School Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)



Family Service


10:00am 11:30am 3pm

Sunday School Sung Communion Forest Church

Morning Prayers At Willington Church 9am on Thursday 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th January

Cople Carpet Bowls Club Carpet bowls is played indoors on a 30ft carpet in Cople Village Hall on Wednesday evenings 7:30 to 10:00 pm. Any enquiries contact Pauline on 01234 838102. Pauline Baynes.

Mobile Library for January Dates not available when we went to press but I would expect visits on Wednesday the 15th and 19th January 10:00 to 10:20am All Saints Road, 10:25 to 10:40am Water End, 10:45 to 11:05am Outside Five Bells

Cople - Coffee Morning In Cople Village Hall Run by The Kempston Centre Every Tuesday 10:30am to 12 noon Tea / Coffee Home Made Cakes Come and have a chat with friends in a relaxed atmosphere.


Monday 6th 11am

Benefice Tiny Tots Praise

Cople Church


Benefice Choir Practice

Cople Church

Tuesday 7th

Orange Bin


Bell ringing practice

Monday 13th

Black Bin


Benefice Tiny Tots Praise

Cople Church

1:30 to 3:30pm

GNIC village get together

Sports and Social Club


Youth Music Group Practice

Cople Church


Benefice Choir Practice

Cople Church


Tuesday Club AGM plus Steve Halton will give a talk about Wild Life in our village.

Village Hall


Bell ringing practice

Monday 20th

Orange Bin


Benefice Tiny Tots Praise

Cople Church


Luncheon Club

Cople Church


Youth Music Group Practice

Cople Church


Benefice Choir Practice

Cople Church

Tuesday 14th

Tuesday 21st 7:30pm

Bell ringing practice

Wednesday 22nd 7:30pm

PCC Meeting

Saturday 25th 10:30am to 12:00

Coffee Morning

Cople Church

Monday 27th

Black Bin


Benefice Tiny Tots Praise

Cople Church


Youth Music Group Practice

Cople Church


Benefice Choir Practice

Cople Church

Tuesday 28th


Bell ringing practice 25

SJ TAX & ACCOUNTING QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT Professional friendly services, Tax advice, Free initial consultation, Sole traders, Ltd companies, bookkeeping, payroll, CIS, VAT & Tax. E: Tel: 01234 831997 Mob: 07899 808592


Prices from £50 per night per double room Dogs welcome Contact Mel Ebbage Tel: 07538257632 Email : 26




Willington Peace Memorial Hall, Church Road, Willington, Beds, MK44 3PU

Open daily Mon-Fri 9.15-12.15 With lunch club available 12.15-1.15

Sessional day care for 2-4year olds during term time. ÂŁ12.00 for a 3hr session (ÂŁ4.00 extra for lunch club) We also except 2 and 3/4 year old NEF funding To enquire about a place for your child please email Kelly and Stacey at or call on 07972 148085 30


COPLE VILLAGE TRUST (Registered Charity No. 1090113)

200 CLUB

Prize winners for December 2019 st 1 prize of £60 146 Chris Grohman 2nd prize of £30 256 Hazel Shreeves 3rd prize of £10 154 Jane Gregory Thank you for your support All monies raised are used to maintain and improve the Village Hall, Playing Field & Playground. Treasurer Catherine Bayliss

01234 838704/07880 890508


01234 838004

The Kempston Centre We had a lovely time with the Kempston Centre which does us proud every Tuesday. As usual on the last coffee morning before Christmas we were treated to a wonderful feast of sausage rolls mince pies Christmas cake and not forgetting lots of chocolates. This is a Christmas present from them to us. They are a friendly group who welcome everyone who comes. Sue Hillyard


Mothers Union As we met in December after the deadline for this article, the date of our first branch meeting in 2020 was conveyed at the meeting. On 1st January 2020 the MU organisation is going through some changes. The Biggleswade Deanery which includes Cople Branch, will be amalgamated with Bedford and Sharnbrook Deanery, and will be called a Cluster Group in the Northern area. These changes will not affect our monthly branch meetings in Cople, and our knitting and other projects we are involved in will carry on as usual. There are 2 Cluster events to which we are invited, both are in Bedford, the first is an Epiphany Service in January at Christ Church and a Cluster Party in February at St Andrews Church. The Lady Day Service this year will be held in Cople Church in March. A report of our December meeting will be in next month’s magazine. Liz Buck


Lord of the years, we ask your blessing on the year to come Give us the resilience to bear its disappointments, energy to seize its opportunities and openness to accept the abundant life which you have promised to us in Christ Jesus our Lord. ( From More Everyday Prayers)

Cople Book Group Cople Book Group has been going for 6 years now. Over that period we've read more than 60 books covering a great range of interests and all chosen by the members. It's a very informal, friendly group of people from the village. We don't have membership forms or subscriptions - just turn up on the last Wednesday of the month (usually) at 8.00 in the 5 Bells for a very social hour or so. If there is anyone new to the village who enjoys a good read and would like to join us just come along to the pub on January 29th at 8.00. We look forward to seeing some new faces. Pippa Hawker 34 Northill Rd, Cople, Bedford, MK44 3TU. Mobile +44 (0)7768 533871 Landline +44 (0)1234 838683







New Pilates Studio open in Willington

1:1 & 1:2 matwork sessions or on Reformer & Tower equipment, times to suit you. All classes run in the classical style with limited places to ensure purity of the method, pre booking only. Julie has been teaching Pilates in the local area for 12 years this year, and teaching Pilates in Cople since 2006 She has been working within the fitness industry since 1989. Julie's wealth of experience means she is able to teach and help people of all ages and abilities, it is recommended that a 1:1 is taken at the studio prior to attending a class. The studio is conveniently located in your area. Monday 1:00pm Absolute Beginners intro as 1:1 or small group (45 mins) Studio 2.00pm Mixed ability—Cardington Reading Rooms Thursday 12noon Studio suitable for all 1:00pm Absolute Beginners intro as 1:1 or small group (45 mins) Studio 2.00pm Mixed ability – Cardington Reading Rooms 5:30pm Absolute Beginners intro as 1:1 (45 mins) Studio 6.30pm Memorial Hall, Willington 7.35pm Memorial Hall, Willington 8.40pm Absolute Beginners Memorial Hall, Willington Bookings for intro or 1:1 (30 mins) Julie also teaches at other locations, 1:1 Pilates, Relaxation and Meditation. Retreats in Spain, France, and the UK. For more information please see website or contact Julie Crawford Ring 0794 6067266 or email



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Christmas Lunch 2019 A most enjoyable lunch was had by the 36 guests at the annual Christmas lunch in the village hall. The turkey was tasty, the trifle delicious and the Christmas pudding out of this world. We had a grand raffle with almost enough prizes for all the guests. The men in the kitchen were wonderful. They cleared up, washed and dried up all the dishes etc ( as well as nibbling on the remains of the roast potatoes ) Why not join us next year? A two course lunch, tea or coffee and good company. Every third Monday ,12.30 pm at the church. Happy New Year from the luncheon club team. June Thomas


PB ELECTRICAL SERVICES All electrical works undertaken from :Full rewires, part rewires. New distribution boards. Additional sockets and light fittings. CCTV installations. No job to small. Call Paul on 07840 683417 or email 41

Gardening in January Thank you to all of you who have already entered this year’s Annual Gardening Quiz (December’s magazine). If you haven’t yet had a go, you have until the 15th of January 2019 to send me your answers. And if you have mislaid the magazine, contact me using the details below and I will send you the questions. Remember: the first correct entry pulled from my hat wins an hour’s worth of gardening from yours truly! Give it a go. Throughout this year, I have regularly had to report the horror stories of untrained people being employed as ‘gardeners’ or ‘tree surgeons’ who have in short, caused expensive and often irreparable damage to gardens. One group of often, though not always, untrained people who are very much exempt from these protestations are that special and select breed, the volunteers; the people who work tirelessly in the churches and other public spaces in this area to create lovely spaces for us all to enjoy. Having spoken, over the years, with a number of these public spirited and genuinely decent people, they may not have had the benefit of formal horticultural training but that does not mean to say that they aren’t both passionate and knowledgeable about their subject matter. Well done all of you. I genuinely doff my cap to you. And if you have the time, the inclination and the talent, why not join their ranks? A well chosen word with the vicar concerned is, I am sure, all it would take. After all, many hands make light work.

For some, gardens are only ever places to spend time when it is warm and one can relax in them. For others, there is always something that needs doing and it won’t surprise anyone reading this to find that I don’t only fall into the latter camp but i actually prefer the work at this time of the year. Being followed around the garden by a Robin keen for you to do his or her work for them is an absolute joy as is listening to the owls, the kite or even the pigeons. Just because an animal is common place really does not stop it from improving one’s day and next time you hear a collared dove, imagine their distinctive call sounding like a bored football supporter singing in a flat, monotonous ‘u-n-i-t-ed, u-n-i-t-e-d’. Do this, and a smile will often follow! 42

At this time of the year, many of you will have New Year’s Resolutions – my own is to stop making New Year’s Resolutions! - but I met someone the other day who hopes to plant at least one tree per month. A wonderful idea but impractical unless you have a spare acre or two, right? The person concerned actually has no garden, but plans to simply plant amongst existing trees in the various pieces of woodland where he walks his dog every day. Probably best to consult with the ‘land owner’ before making a similar undertaking but I applaud anyone who does a little to replace the thousands of trees needlessly felled in this area over recent years. I for one have never been remotely comfortable with the fact that trees provide us with oxygen and we reciprocate by chopping them down! Got a horticultural New Year’s Resolution for 2020? Let me know and I will happily share it via this page! As usual, many thanks to all of you for contributing to this column and please contact me with any gardening tasks or queries you may have, or tel: 01767 627 581 or 07796 328 855. Best wishes all for a very healthy and Happy New Year. Lawn Doctor

Lawn Doctor Garden Services Clearance, Redesign, Maintenance Tel: 01767 627 581 or 07796 328 855 Email: Tree Care, Planting, Weeding, Hedge Trimming, Turfing, Jungle Clearing, Landscaping, Lawn Improvement, Patio/Drive Pressure Washing/Weedkilling, Holiday Watering etc., etc.


£10 OFF ONLY £44.85 check out our tyre prices on our website 44


Village Contacts Over 60's Club Secretary : Hazel Shreeves Tel : 838817

Cople Web Site Ian Whiting Tel : 838347 Email: Web Site

Mothers Union Contact: Jill Ebbs Tel : 838659

Village Agent Wendy Worgan 0800 039 1234

Cople Village Trust Chair : Sandra Thacker Tel : 831344

07717 269 440

Cople Sports & Social Club Chair: David Hughes Tel : 838669

Cople Parish Council Clerk to the Council: TBN

Tuesday Club Joy Duthie Tel : 838407 Biggleswade Chronicle Village Correspondent: Jill Ebbs Tel: 838659

Our local good neighbourhood scheme GREAT NEIGHBOURS in COPLE seeks to support residents of our village in a manner that will enable them to remain independent for as long as possible. Our volunteers help local people by giving some of their time to undertake tasks such as shopping, picking up prescriptions, light household duties, gardening or putting out the bins or by spending some time with people who may feel isolated or lonely. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or want to talk to someone about using the service please feel free to contact us on 07746624208 on Monday and Thursdays between 1300hrs – 1500hrs or email us at or visit us on Facebook for further information.

Cople Village Hall & Playing Field Available for Hire for: Parties, Wedding Receptions, Meetings, Conferences etc. Main Hall and/or Committee Room - hire charge from £9 per hour, special rate of £25 for children’s parties of up to three hours (conditions apply) Contact 01234 838704 or for more information 46

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The line-up left to right is: Archdeacon of Bedford, Katie Franks, Bishop of Bedford, Director of Ordinands, Curates’ Training Officer, Fiona Gibson

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