insie w3y5

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Keanu DESTROYS everything Ben loves? –


Pierce is coming for Rhona!

MISSING! Devastated April runs away!



D! E K C A H W


Grieving Rita’s

TRAGIC journey!

9 770966 849180


Innocent Marlon’s battle!


Issue 5 1 – 7 February 2020 •

ell, that was quite the shocker whe en Pierce’s craggy fac ce loomed up on ou ur tellies last we eek, and the nation re ealised he w the man was w was going who to o end Graham’s liffe. Kudos to Em mmerdale for de elivering

a fantastic twist. But the question is, how twisted has Pierce become? And what’s in store for Rhona now he’s back?

“How twisted has Pierce become?” While it seems Pierce has gone classic soap pyscho (consider the evidence – he’s grown a beard, lost the abilty to use

The BIG stories...

Your stars this week!

hair product and battered someone to death in cold blood), actor Jonathan Wrather tells us on p10 that things may be a little more complicated than that… And talking of shock returns, the lure of a lovely big slice of birthday cake (oh, and perhaps the imminent birth of his child) is set to bring Keanu back to Walford for the big 35th anniversary episodes next month, and we have some sneak pics over on p14 Steven Murphy, Edito


Ross Adams

“Scott has to make a choice between his head and his heart”

These are lovely, but I’m allergic to flowers


Coronation Street

4 Geoff locks Yasmeen in a box! 20 Bethany dreams of dating Daniel 28 Rita hears that Dennis has died 31 Steve & Tracy go to a posh hotel 32 Nina finds herself out on the street 47 Maria deals with her miscarriage 48 A celebration of 10,000 episodes! p des!

Ignore her, she’s only pollen your leg…



12 Linda drunkenly attacks 24 Suki gives Iqra a wa m welcome 25 Patrick asks Sheree for answer 30 Whitney plans to clear sh’s name 32 Sharon tries to bond Denn 44 Bernie worries about Keanu



Can we go home soon, Mum? Corrie’s on in 10 minutes…

18 Azim asks Scott to m ve away 33 Diane organises a date night 46 Are Toby & Celeste s to split? 52 You Ask: Gregory Finn an (James ( s)

Home and Away

30 Martha struggles with life in the Bay 33 Dean turns up at Ziggy’s job trial

“Dipi feels betrayed by the person she loves most in the world”



4 Inside Gossip – all the


8 Marlon’s in jail and Ap runs away! 10 The truth about Grah kille 22 Victoria softens her itude 30 Pete makes a big deccision 32 Jamie is jealous of Be Ellis 40 Laurel finds out about Arth

Sharon Johal

latest soap ne s headline 34 4 What Happens Wh ? 36 S apbox 6S Star atch Style watch Who’s In? W Who’s W Out? O 4P Puzzles The t List 8 Hits & Misses

Charlotte Bellamy

“Laurel is in denial – it’s complicated!”





26 Dipi is tempted to cheat with Gary 31 David & Aaron’s hopes are dashed 30 Holby City Nicky is caught out 33 Doctors Love for Ayesha & Bear? 42 Casualty Duffy’s situation worsens

Clair Norris



Youssef Kerkour tells us what’s in store for Sami in series two – turn to p59…

“It’s hard for Bernie to accept that she’ll never see her brother again”




First with the week’s HOTTEST headlines... CORONATION STREET | ITV MONDAY

Geoff’s cruellest trick yet!



Nasty Geoff is tightening his grip on Yasmeen

Yasmeen needs Geoff to do a disappearing act


icked Geoff pulls an unforgivable stunt this week, leaving terrified Yasmeen shaken to the core… After the magician forces Yasmeen to take part in his ‘crushed in a box’ routine for a children’s birthday party, mortified Geoff blames Yasmeen when the trick doesn’t go to plan. So when the pair get home, he sadistically traps her for real – locking his wife in the box again while he heads off down the pub! The cruel irony of Yasmeen’s nightmare is that, on the same day, Alya wants to treat her grandma to a relaxing massage – until Geoff scuppers their plans by roping Yasmeen into being his magician’s assistant at Michael’s daughter’s party.

“Geoff doesn’t want Yasmeen to spend time with Alya…” “Geoff doesn’t want Yasmeen to spend the day with Alya,” sighs Shelley King, who plays Yasmeen. “He is so instinctive and determined to isolate her from her family, despite Yasmeen telling him that she doesn’t cope well with enclosed spaces.” Yasmeen suffers from claustrophobia, so the last thing she wants is to clamber into a box while showman Geoff performs his act. Nevertheless, Yasmeen does as her husband asks – only for him to turn on her when it all goes pear-shaped. “The audience is laughing and taunting Geoff, but it is all in good humour,” insists Shelley. “Initially, when Yasmeen gets out of the box she is really happy, because everyone is having a good time.” CONTINUED OVER ↘ lnsideSoap 5


However, when Geoff discovers ers that a video of the cock-up has been n posted online, he loses it and trolls Yasm meen with the footage. Interestingly, he also has a pop at Tim, who is surprised that his father isn’t able to see the funny side of the whole thing. Tim just sees a snapshot of Geoff’s true colours, though, while Yasmeen continues to bear the brunt of his fury. “Of course, what she hasn’t accounted for is that his ego has been dented,” shares Shelley. “When they are back at the house, he begins to berate Yasmeen, saying it’s her fault and pushing the video in Tim can’t quite believe the scenario her face very aggressively. he’s stumbled upon She’s very scared as Geoff is physically stronger, and Yasmeen feels threatened.” Once she is inside the box, he fetches The worst of his awful abuse is still his keys and locks Yasmeen in – before to come, however, as Geoff dupes heading off to the Rovers! Yasmeen into getting into his magic box “Yasmeen doesn’t know it’s deliberate,” again, under the ruse that he’s making reveals Shelley. “She’s aware that Geoff some amendments to the design. has left the house, but she doesn’t know The horrifying reality is that Geoff ocked her in. She panics and wa asmeen a lesso arts b ating the inside of the box.”

To Yasmeen’s astonishment, though, it’s not Geoff who lets her out – but Tim! Geoff’s horrified when he returns home to find the pair sitting on the sofa together, and is confronted by sceptical Tim, who doesn’t quite believe his dad’s excuses. As Yasmeen is forced to confront the idea that Geoff deliberately imprisoned her – and more people gradually catch on to his behaviour – will he finally be brought to account for his abuse? Laura-Jayne Tyler

“I hope women like Yasmeen don’t feel alone any more” Shelley tells us how valuable her Corrie story has been for people… , Shelley. What do you thi k Yasmeen saw ? Yasmeen is like so many men of my age – e was alone, then th man walked to her life and began take care of r. Geoff is charming, nd he knows w to talk to women…

hear you met a survivor of ercive control. Has that helped u to play such a c mplex role? really made me ap eciate the re that has been tak n here at ronation Street to un erstand, d to let the time sp n play out operly. The lady I s ke to told about her own e eriences, ich weren’t unli Yasmeen’s.

We also are in regular touch with charity Women’s Aid.

What has the audience’s reaction been like? Yasmeen’s Many people have come up to me story is proving and said they know someone, or an important they are someone, who has been one to tell through this. They think that what they see with Geoff and Yasmeen allows them some sort of recognition, and they don’t feel isolated. They want to speak to me about it. Hopefully they don’t feel alone any more.

Do you feel a sense of responsibility?

Yes, definitely. The thing about Corrie is the huge number of people it reaches. It is so valuable, and I am so proud of what we are doing.



Broken Marlon is informed that April has done a runner S ap

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here’s fresh hell for jailed Marlon this week, when his daughter April flees the village. Having been arrested for killing Graham, on the back of seemingly damning evidence, Marlon is already trapped in a living nightmare. But hearing that his daughter has run away pushes him over the edge – and he tries to break out of jail! “Marlon is in a terrible place,” sighs star Mark Charnock, who plays him. “So when news reaches him that April has run away, he loses his mind. It’s the worst possible scenario, as he can’t control the situation – and he just goes nuts. He starts fighting with a prison guard and is dragged back to his cell, screaming…” After being charged with Graham’s murder, Marlon is desperate to convince the police that they have the wrong man while he awaits trial. But with the evidence against him stacking up, the prospect of a lengthy stint behind bars looms horrifyingly large. “The outlook is genuinely bleak,” admits Mark. “Marlon knows the evidence the police have, and it looks bad. He can see why they think what they think, although he just can’t

April makes tracks alone, heartbroken that she can’t see her dad…

disprove it. Each time someone visits him, they try to make him feel more confident about the situation – however, he knows in his heart that he could easily end up going down for this…” In his fragile state of mind, Marlon makes the questionable decision that April mustn’t visit him, and insists that the Dingles – who are taking care of his daughter in his absence – keep her from doing so. So despite the fact that she is desperate to see her dad, they fib that only adults are allowed a visiting order. But it’s April’s despair about the scenario that prompts the youngster to run away. “Marlon thinks April seeing him in this horrible place will damage her,” explains Mark. “She’s had so much heartache in her life – including losing her mum, Donna, in such a tragic way – and Marlon doesn’t want to devastate her any more. He’s misguided, in my opinion, but he’s trying to protect her.” In the wake of April fleeing, and the prison showdown that follows, locked-up Marlon is at his wits’ end and can barely see a way forward. “I’ve said it before, but parenthood is everything to Marlon, so to hear what’s happened to April drives him virtually insane,” shares Mark. “The guilt is awful, and he essentially thinks it’s all his fault. Metaphorically speaking, the walls are closing in on him, and Marlon’s ready to give up. Basically, he’s hanging on to his sanity by a thread…” Allison Jones

“Marlon is hanging on to his sanity by a thread…”

…but her relative Sam is in hot pursuit of the little’un


Can Cain keep Marlon fro om harm? Of all the Dingles, Marlon’s one of the e least likely to have ended up in jail – but his clan is determined to support him every sttep of the way. And as Mandy launches a ‘Free Marlon’ campaign in the village, Cain steps up as his most vital prison mentor… “The Dingles swing right behind Ma arlon, and he’s touched by the campaign,” grins g Mark. “When his friends and family visit him, they all perform different functions – a and the purpose of Cain’s visit is to train him how h to behave in there. Marlon’s not equipped d for jail, but Cain has a bit of experience in tha at area! “Cain tells Marlon he has to toughen up, but he’s also very sweet to him. Marlo on is scared, though – having his freedom ttaken away from him for something that he didn’t do is bewildering to him.”

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Graham’s visit to Pierce set off the chain of events that led to his death

“Pierce believes he’s Rhona’s knight in shining armour!”

Rhona went to see her ex in prison – but what will she make of his return?


n the days leading up to the much-anticipated reveal of who murdered Graham, Inside Soap was invited to a secret audience with the unnamed actor behind the killer character. A few hours prior to this clandestine meeting, we were given privileged access to watch the big reveal episode before anyone else – and as Rhona’s convicted rapist of an ex-husband Pierce loomed out of the darkness, we were knocked for six! While it’s of course a delight to come face to face with star Jonathan Wrather again, the last time we saw Pierce was back in the summer of 2017, when he was being sent down for raping Rhona on their wedding day. So he was the very last person we expected to be rearing his ugly head in the village once more…

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What a shocker, Jonathan! You must have been sworn to secrecy for months… It’s been a lot of fun! I’ve been shuffled in and out of the studio, and my building pass had another name and photo on it. I was ‘Mark Bloomfield’, and I was referred to as Mark in the script. I had a slight identity crisis! Half the cast didn’t know I was coming back – we’ve been keeping this amazing secret, so hopefully it pays off. But all the skulking about has added to the excitement.

of faith. I asked would I work with Zoe Henry [Rhona] again, and when the answer was yes, it was a no-brainer – I jumped at the chance.

Pierce is not long out of prison when we see him. Would he have stayed away from the village if not for Graham’s visit to his home?

“Pierce feels judged and humiliated by Graham”

How did you feel when you were asked to return? I was thrilled, as I’d had such a good time filming here. But they couldn’t give me too many details about the story at first, so it was a bit of a leap

I think most definitely he would have stayed away – Pierce feels Graham is the catalyst for what’s happened. Pierce feels judged and humiliated by Graham. He was just getting on with his life and had no intention of contacting Rhona until meeting Graham at the flat.

But what’s his motive for murdering Graham?

He wants to rescue Rhona. Pierce is well aware that he’s been violent, coercive and abusive himself, but he sees Graham as a danger to Rhona. He reads these characters well – from his experience as a lawyer, and perhaps his time in prison has also informed him. So he wants to save Rhona from her poor decision. He’s on a moral crusade – her so-called knight in shining armour.

Can he come to terms with being a killer, though? For Pierce, it’s justifiable. He thinks he’s helped Rhona, so he can compute that in his conscience – however skewed that is! He’s provided a service and changed Rhona’s life for the better, he believes.

Does he still have feelings for Rhona? Realistically he’s probably burnt that bridge, but if there

Graham’s finally breathed his last – and it was Pierce whodunnit!

was any chance he could be forgiven and set things straight between them, he’d jump at the chance. But that’s because in his mind – as he’s been having therapy in prison – he’s rehabilitated.

Could Rhona take revenge against Pierce? Would she want to, has she got it in her? Rhona is notoriously feisty and doesn’t stand for anything. But she could also be terrified – Pierce is out there and what’s he going to do? She certainly reacts in a way that we don’t know what she’s capable of – let’s put it that way.

What’s in store for Pierce? Well, I can’t say much – he’ll be around for a little bit, and there’s some very exciting stuff to come. But as always, it’s not what you expect! Allison Jones

BEST OF FRENEMIES! Jonathan had great fun filming g with Andrew A d Scarboroug – aka Graham (RIP)… “I was so glad to meet Andrew – it was great,” beams Jonathan. “We remembered that our paths had crossed once or twice at auditions in the past, but we’d never worked together before. Andrew was pumped up because it was the demise of Graham, so we just threw ourselves into it. It was a great story, and a good way for him to go, so I was thrilled to have the bits that we had together.”

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Mick attempts to stop Linda from drinking



bliterated Linda launches a savage, wine-fuelled attack on husband Mick this week, as the landlady’s paranoia consumes her. Linda’s convinced that Mick and Shirley are plotting against her, even though they are both doing everything they can to help her. But although she agrees to go to an addiction support group, Linda’s soon reaching for the bottle again, and when Mick catches her, all hell breaks loose… “Poor Mick ends up covered in wine and being accused of plotting against Linda,” shares our Albert Square source. “She makes a terrible mess, wrecks some of Ollie’s drawings and goes ballistic at Mick. She’s genuinely scary – it’s as if she’s been possessed.” The attack comes in the wake of Linda growing more and more unbalanced. She kicks off at the beginning of

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the week, after her bank card is declined and she realises that Mick has put a halt on the funds she can access. Returning home, Linda sinks a lorry load of booze, and when Chantelle arrives to drop off Ollie, she’s shocked at the state she finds her friend in. Linda is mortified at her own behaviour, and devastated that Ollie saw her in such a condition, but worse is to come. Fuelled by drink and self-hatred, Linda slides into despair and puts Ollie in a life-threatening situation... “The Carter family has been worried about Linda caring for Ollie in her current situation, but these fears really hit them after what she does – the youngster ends up in

terrible danger,” explains our informant. “This marks a real change in how they view Linda’s problems.” While show bosses are remaining tight-lipped on the terrible incident, the shame of what she’s done only seems

Linda is genuinely scary – it’s as if she’s been possessed…”

to send Linda even further down a destructive path. The whole situation blows up later in the week, when Linda misunderstands a conversation she overhears between Mick and Shirley. Fearful and hurt, this is the moment she lashes out at Mick and soaks him with red wine. And in the aftermath of the outburst, Mick makes a decision that changes everything... Kate White

UNLIKELY SAVIOUR? Shirley may be the one to help her daughter-in-law...

Sharon and Linda have a heart-to-heart – can Sharon get through to her friend?

They’re the Square’s No 1 ‘frenemies’, but when the chips are down, Linda and Shirley have always been there for each other – and now it seems Shirl could be the one to pull Linda back from the abyss... The steely mother-in-law vows to make Linda face up to her alcoholism and finds info about addiction support. Although the first attempt to attend a meeting goes awry when Linda spots Stuart on the way in, causing her to back away, Shirley finds another one in the area, and isn’t taking any excuses for not attending. The pair go together and after the session, Linda breaks down, giving Shirley an insight into what’s mall going on. Is this at last one sm ? breakthrough in her battle? ne “As someon who is no stranger ng to the ‘healin powers’ of hirley alcohol, Sh may understand eels how Linda fe han better th shares most,” s der. our insid s “But at this moment, she doesn’t see s a dangerous cking drunk wrec her family, she sees a e vulnerable n a lot woman in of pain. It’s I a ment big mom for both of them.”

lnsid deSoap 13


Laura-Jayne snoops behind

the big soap headlines…



The Mitchells haven’t seen the last of of him...



en looks set to pay a heavy price for trying to have Keanu killed, with reports suggesting his victim will kidnap Ben’s lover Callum as payback in the show’s dramatic 35th birthday episodes! Stars Max Bowden and Tony Clay, aka Ben and Callum, have been filming at night at an abandoned building – where Callum could end up going through a similar ordeal to the one Keanu endured when Ben hired Martin to kill him. “After Keanu said a tearful goodbye to his mum Karen at the airport, he seemed destined for a miserable life on the run,” recalls our Square insider. “However, he’s clearly picked up a trick or two from Ben and Phil, and could well turn the tables on them!” It looks as though, along with Jay, Callum’s brother Stuart will join Ben as they race to rescue him – but the drama is far from over. Fresh pictures of the cast filming EastEnders’ anniversary boat disaster also show actor Danny Walters, who plays Keanu, out on the river.

We’ve got a sinking feeling about Keanu’s involvement in the riverboat disaster

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Filming looked to be smooth sailing for grinning star Danny

Will it b be K Keanu’s ’ plot l t tto d destroy t the Mitchell family that ends with someone losing their life in the catastrophe? Or will the arrival of Sharon’s baby lure back daddy Keanu for yet another showdown?



Will a furious showdown send her running back to Gary?


My way or the Highway – Callum is caught up in a revenge plot

aria and Ali are going to fall back into one another’s arms – but judging by our snaps of the pair having a huge row, their romantic reunion will be short-lived! The dishy doc will be over the moon when it appears that he and Maria are back on, as she struggles to trust boyfriend Gary. However, stars Samia Longchambon and James Burrows, who play Maria and Ali, have been spotted filming tense scenes on location in his car. Ali looks ready to tear his hair out as furious Maria storms off, so is it the end of the road for the pair this time? “Don’t bet money on Maria driving off into the sunset with Ali,” grimaces our cobbles insider. “But why won’t she give him

another chance when Gary is clearly bad news?” Ali is no angel himself, of course, seeing as he was hooked on prescription drugs when he hastily dumped Maria. The pair grew closer again recently as Ali supported Maria through her miscarriage (turn to p47 where Samia tells us how Maria is coping in the wake of her loss), but they couldn’t look more at odds in these pictures. Ali looks particularly frazzled as he argues with Maria – so will it transpire that he has fallen off the wagon again? Or is the GP simply frustrated because Maria has broken off their relationship again, while refusing to see sense about Gary?


Mick lives to pull another pint…


s speculation mounts over which unlucky Walford soul will be claimed by the River Thames, EastEnders favourite Danny Dyer has pretty much confirmed that it won’t be his alter ego, Mick! Speaking at a red carpet event, the actor put the nation at ease. “I think I’m all right,” winked Danny, adding that the death of the character in question

came as “a massive shock to the whole cast”. Meanwhile, Danny – whose Saturday night game show The Wall has been commissioned for a second series – has no plans to wave goodbye to Walford for a while yet. “Another 10-stretch, and then I’ll take a backseat,” he promised. “I’m very grateful for EastEnders. I’m working on the best soap ever to be invented…”

Maria storms off after a confrontation with Ali…

…has he blown his final chance at romance?

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Terror for Whitney!

Is Maureen chuckling at the idea of Evelyn being romanced?



FOR EVELYN! Will this man put a twinkle in her eye?


yrone’s fearsome granny Evelyn could be set for a romance in Corrie! Actress Maureen Lipman has been spotted filming with a mystery gentleman, and the pair appear to be getting on famously. Is it actually possible that another human being possesses the ability to melt Evelyn’s stone-cold heart? “Stranger things have …and appeared happened!” exclaims our as Charity’s old Weatherfield insider. “Rumour man in the Dales has it that this man, Arthur, is an old pal from Evelyn’s past – but whether or not there is anything Paul had a role in hit romantic between them, viewers drama Downton… will have to wait and see.” Maureen was joined by co-star Alan Halsall (Tyrone) as they filmed scenes on location, where Evelyn appears to be taking her beloved pooch Cerberus to the vets’. It’s at the surgery that she bumps into Arthur, who viewers may recognise as There is nothing we enjoy actor Paul Copely – who popped up more than when our fave stars in Emmerdale in 2018, playing the voluntarily offer up spoilers! part of Charity’s dad Obadiah. Holby’s Rosie Marcel (who The star has also been in Downton plays Jac) teased her social Abbey, Queer As Folk and Last Tango media audience recently with In Halifax – but is a regular role in Corrie this snap of Jac and Kian in a on the cards if Arthur charms Evelyn? future episode, looking as if Any fella who manages to tame the they might kiss. Saucy! But cobbles battleaxe has our respect! what about poor Fletch?

Despite going over a balcony, stalker Leo in EastEnders hasn’t finished tormenting poor Whitney. “It’s going to get even darker in the coming weeks,” reveals actress Shona McGarty, who plays her.

Daddy cool!

Former Square star Richard Blackwood – who played Vincent Hubbard – is joining Hollyoaks to take on the role of Toby and Mitchell’s father, Felix Westwood. “I plan to take my acting to the next level,” promises Richard.

End of an an e erra! a!! Reports claim th hat K Kev vin nw willl be forced to s ll hiis garage to horrid Ray in Corri ! The slimy bloke wil la ack km maiil Kev into parting w wiith hiis business, in ret rn fforr n nott shopping Abi to th he cop ps for torching his motor.

Soap SPY...


Hate to love?

Scott has a dilemma on his hands – will he choose Azim?


Scott’s BIG decision!



cott finds himself with two men fighting over him this week, after his new boyfriend Azim asks him to move to London – while his old flame, Mitchell, begs him not to go! Scott got together with Azim in the wake of his break-up from Mitchell, although it’s clear that his heart still lies with his ex. But when Scott spots Mitchell on a date with a woman this week, he decides that committing to Azim

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properly is the only sensible way forward for him… “It’s the classic thing with Scott where he has to make a choice between his head and his heart,” explains star Ross Adams, who plays him. “His heart is definitely with Mitchell – he’s fallen hard for him, and Mitchell really changed his life.

However, in Azim, he has found someone who totally accepts who he is, and is proud to be seen with him. That’s important for Scott.” Things get even more complicated for Scott as Azim is offered a new job in London, and asks Scott to go with him! Scott agrees

Scott realises Mitchell is still not ready to tell the world he’s gay…”

to the move, believing that Mitchell is still not ready to admit that he’s gay, and packs up his stuff to leave. As moving day arrives, Scott goes to his brother Damon for reassurance that he’s making the correct choice. However, when Mitchell tracks him down at Marnie’s café and begs him to stay, Scott has a big choice to make… “This is exactly what Scott wants to hear,” confirms Ross. “But he needs Mitchell to prove to him that he really

Scott challenges Mitchell to go public with his sexuality

that his alter ego is finally finding out what it’s like to be a man in demand… “Scott would be the first to admit that he’s never been lucky in love,” Ross tells us. “Also, he’s just not the kind of character that you would imagine two guys to be

fighting over! It’s a really unusual situation for him to be in, and clearly the first time this has ever happened to Scott in his life, bless him. But I’m loving it! Scott deserves to be with someone who makes him feel special…” Sarah Ellis

WHO TO CHOOSE? We asked for your opinion on who Scott should pick between Mitchell and Azim…

MITCHELL 45% means it, so he says, ‘Well, if what you’re saying is true, then I want you to Mitchell is kiss me now, desperate for Scott to choose in front of him over Azim everyone’. He wants to know that Mitchell isn’t ashamed of him, so that they can finally be with each other properly.” So will Mitchell rise to the challenge and go public with

his sexuality at last? Or will he let the love of his life slip through his fingers, as Scott heads off to start a new life with Azim? Whatever the outcome, Ross is delighted

AZIM 55%

“With my sensible head on, I’d be telling Scott to choose Azim, just because there’s less baggage,” reckons Ross Adams (Scott). “But if Scott was my friend, and I knew he was obsessed with Mitchell, I’d say to him that he should give it one last shot.” So who do the viewers think Scott should be with? We put the question out to our readers on social media, and it was a close call – 55 per cent of you think Scott should be with Azim, while only 45 per cent of you voted for Mitchell. “Scott should be with Azim, someone who loves and respects him,” said reader Gail on Facebook. “Scott should listen to his heart,” urged Jacqueline, presumably a member of Team Mitchell. Meanwhile, Rick hoped Scott would pick Azim – so he could have hunky Mitchell for himself. Cheeky!

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INSIDE SCOOP Bethany was in Sinead’s dressing gown as she made her move on Daniel


Bethany dreams of a future with Daniel!



ethany pledges her future to Daniel this week – despite the grieving widower explaining that he’s not ready to get into a relationship. Following the trauma of Bertie’s measles ordeal, Daniel has been leaning on Bethany more than ever. However,

what she doesn’t realise is that because of his anxiety and confusion, Daniel mistook her for his dead wife Sinead when he asked her to stay the night. So as he wakes up and discovers Bethany asleep next to him on the sofa, and in Sinead’s dressing gown, the situation is very awkward…

Daniel allowed his mind to play tricks on him when he invited Bethany to stay

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“Daniel is in the early stages of grief, and he’s nowhere near ready to start thinking about another serious relationship,” explains our Weatherfield insider. “Bethany has done nothing wrong, she just doesn’t realise that he was confused. She is trying to be respectful, but she’s deeply in love with Daniel. The problem is that Bethany is daring to believe that he feels the same way too.” Later in the day, Bethany returns home and tells mum Sarah that she and Daniel spent the night together. Sarah’s shocked and worried that her daughter may be getting in too deep. And when

Daniel pulls Bethany aside for a chat, he puts her straight. “It’s really tough for Daniel, because Bethany’s a lovely girl and such a good friend and support to him,” says our spy. “If things were different, they may be a great couple, but the reality is that Daniel can’t be with anyone right now. Bethany understands what he’s saying, yet instead of being put off, she tells him that she’s willing to wait as long as it takes for him to be in a place where they could give things a go!” Will Bethany see sense before Daniel inadvertently breaks her heart? Kate White

“It’s tough for Daniel – Bethany is a lovely girl”


e e



m goes a out n order to win back Sally this week – by inviting her to her own wedding! The couple have been in turmoil since it was revealed that Tim is a bigamist who didn’t realise his wedding to a random woman in Las Vegas was legally binding. Now that Tim’s antics are public knowledge, humiliated Sally can’t bring herself to have him in the house. So, in a desperate bid to win her back, Tim turns on the charm. “Being charming doesn’t come naturally to Tim – and given that Steve is his mentor in such matters, it’s not looking good!” laughs our Weatherfield gossip. “The first move he makes is to play the first dance song from their wedding through the letterbox. But Sally isn’t impressed at all, and tells him to sling his hook.” Although she’s absolutely furious with him, the truth is that Sally still loves Tim and is gutted that they are not legally married. So, when she looks

Tim’s gesture goes down like a lead balloon

over the divorce papers Tim and Charlie have completed, she knows that it’s a step forward to them being able to officially reconcile. However, what she wasn’t expecting was a special invitation to be included in the mix… Tim has sent Sally an invitation to her own wedding, a gesture designed to prove that he’s serious about putting everything right. Sally isn’t bowled over – in fact, she’s mostly bemused. There’s no way that Tim has done enough to put right all his wrongs. Is there any future for the estranged couple, or is Sally serious about putting Tim firmly in her past? Kate White

Has Bethany made a dangerous enemy? There’s bother for Bethany on the home front as well this week, when Ray wines and dines some important clients at the Bistro. The slimy boss orders waitress Bethany to be especially ‘nice’ to his guests, leaving her unsettled. With Bethany having suffered at the hands of rapist Nathan Curtis – who instructed Bethany to be ‘nice’ to guests at his parties – Ray’s orders don’t sit well with her. But instead of crumbling at the reminder of her past ordeal, Bethany decides sweet revenge is the order of the day. How will sleazy Ray react?

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INSIDE SCOOP Luke offers to babysit baby Harry – will Victoria accept?




he bad blood between Victoria and the Posners looks to be abating this week – as Wendy shares a tender moment with baby Harry, while Victoria looks on. New mum Victoria has tried to keep her distance from rapist Lee’s family, but that has proved impossible since Wendy moved to the village. After seeing the turmoil that Wendy was in over living down the road from her grandson and not being part of his life, Victoria reluctantly agreed to let her

see baby Harry. It’s not been easy, yet there’s no doubt that Wendy adores her grandson, and that’s a good place to start to build a relationship. But things get more intense this week, when Vic discovers that Luke wants to apply for the chef’s position at the Woolpack – working next to her – is she getting too close for comfort to her rapist’s family? “While Luke has always believed and backed Victoria, having him working alongside her means he’ll become a big part of her daily life,” explains

Vic’s not sure how it will feel when she’s working with Luke…” 22 lnsideSoap

our Emmerdale insider. “He’s respectful enough to ask her permission to apply, and he didn’t need to. Vic decides to give him the go-ahead, even though she’s not quite sure how it will feel when they are working side by side.” Vic’s best friend, Amy, continues to worry about her letting Wendy and Luke into her life. She has seen the harrowing impact of what happened, and wants to protect Victoria from more pain and suffering. But while Victoria understands her concerns – and it doesn’t sit entirely comfortably with her that Wendy is now in Harry’s life – she knows she can’t be the person to put the grieving mother through more anguish.

However, will she take another big step with the family this week, when Luke offers to mind little Harry for her? Although Luke appears to be the polar opposite of his evil

You can say

thatagain! OUR R FAVOURITE FAVOURITE RECENT SOAP QUOTTE ES… “Basically, dogs and kids are the same. You give them a nice tasty treat and they will love you for life.” But unlike one Corrie kid we could mention, a dog won’t deliberately burn your house down.

“It must be great going out with a lawyer. I bet he is dead clever.”

“No, I’m sure he’s in his office now, stapling his tie.” Never mind ties. If Adam was our lawyer, we’d definitely help him with his briefs.

“The next person who says election or referendum to me gets a smack in the mouth.” Oh Kush, you’re sooooo 2019. It’s all Meghan, Harry and coronavirus these days!

“Oh, I was not boozing in the bathroom! Last night was a mistake. Look at me, I’m not proud of myself, but I’m back on dry January!” Someone had better tell Linda that it’s nearly February.

deceased brother, should Victoria really trust her instincts, or will she come to regret it if Luke becomes both workmate and babysitter? Kate White Victoria’s stance is softening towards Lee’s mother Wendy

“Don’t bleat on to me about your precious kids, because the truth is you’re just a dirty little prostitute who got above her station. So shut your mouth about my mistakes, because your entire life is littered with them.” Never has a line been spat with so much venom! Actors are always at their best right before they’re about to be killed off.

“I’d rather have me head screwed on properly, that way I don’t have to lie my way through life.”

“Well from what I’ve heard, y you were the master of pla aying fast and loose with th he truth when you were ma arried to Sal. You’ve only got to look at young Jack.” Game, set and match to Tim.



Suki plays happy familes! OF DAUGHTER ASH’S GIRLFRIEND?


he Panesars’ overbearing mum comes face to face with daughter Ash and her girlfriend Iqra this week, as they attend Suki’s birthday meal. But given Suki’s strict religious views

Suki greets her daughter with a smile, as she appears to put the past behind them

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on same-sex relationships, how will the evening pan out? Suki has only recently arrived in Walford, and it’s clear that there’s a lot of bad blood between her and Ash. However, it looks as though the older woman is planning

to make a fresh start when she organises a family meal to celebrate her birthday… “There’s been a lot of ill feeling between Ash and the rest of her family ever since she had an abortion when she was 19,” our EastEnders sneak reminds us. “And that’s only been made worse by the fact that Ash has been reluctant to visit Suki since she moved out. But now Suki is living in Walford, could the pair finally put their differences behind them?” When Vinny tells Ash about the birthday meal, he’s pleased that his sister is willing to come – yet he’s dismayed after her girlfriend Iqra invites herself

along to the bash too. However, Ash makes it clear that her family will have to get used to the fact that she and Iqra come as a pair! “Vinny thinks that Ash is only trying to cause trouble, as he just wants her to try to keep the peace in front of their mum,” sighs our mole. “He fears that the party will have a very frosty atmosphere if Ash insists on parading her girlfriend in front of Suki. But Ash and Iqra are adamant that they aren’t going to hide the truth, and you can’t blame them for that.” The next day, Kheerat, Vinny and Jags are stunned when Suki greets Ash and

It’s clear Suki is a calculating woman – she’s scheming, and certainly not to be trusted…”



T Suki arranges a meal for her clan – but is she really trying to make amends?

Iqra surprisingly warmly at the dinner party. So have the three brothers got their mum all wrong? And is she more open-minded about Ash being bisexual than they previously thought? “It’s clear that Suki is a calculating woman,” warns our spy. “Just because she says something to your face, that doesn’t mean she isn’t actually thinking the complete opposite.

She’s deceptive and scheming – and certainly not to be trusted!” Sure enough, as soon as Ash and Iqra have left the room, Suki shows her true colours, and she makes it clear to her boys what she actually thinks of her daughter’s lifestyle choices! So what’s Suki really scheming, while she’s acting as nice as pie? Tom Spilsbury

he mystery around Sheree and her son Isaac deepens this week, and suspicious Patrick demands that his wife tells him the truth! Meanwhile, Patrick’s close friend Denise returns from Scotland, and finally gets the opportunity to meet Isaac. Realising how she’d misjudged Sheree, after assuming that Isaac must be a secret lover, Denise finally makes a sincere apology. However, while the two women are making amends, Patrick is growing steadily more suspicious… “Not everything seems to add up,” shares our Albert Square snoop. “Patrick gets on well with Isaac, but it raises various questions in his mind, so he heads off to have it out with Sheree! He knows that some of the things she’s said simply can’t be true.”

Elsewhere, Denise is also intrigued by Isaac, especially after he happens to mention that none of his mother’s partners bother to stick around long after they meet him. Denise is curious about Isaac’s comments, and can’t help but wonder if there’s still a secret that Sheree is holding back. Can Denise or Patrick get to the bottom of what’s going on? Or are they both being suspicious without cause? Tom Spilsbury

Patrick enjoys Isaac’s company, but something doesn’t seem right

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Dipi’s new man?



ipi seeks refuge in the Canning house this week, after the shock revelation of Shane and Roxy’s kiss – leaving Shane worried that his wife is getting too close to Gary! With Dipi settling into life with the Cannings and being well looked after by both Sheila and Gary, Shane is anxious that he’ll never be able to win back his wife… “There’s a breach of trust within Shane and Dipi’s

relationship,” explains Sharon Johal, who plays her. “There’s also history of Shane not telling Dipi issues up front, and in this case, he didn’t tell her about the kiss.” Not only is Dipi livid that Shane kept the illicit smooch under wraps, but the way the secret emerged wasn’t subtle… “Dipi feels betrayed by the person she loves most in the world,” sighs Sharon. “By Shane not telling her about it himself, she was put in a

Dipi has a very raw, vulnerable moment, so Gary hugs her…” 26 lnsideSoap

situation where she ended up being humiliated publicly.” Dipi moved into Gary’s house to give her and Shane a break. However, as Gary and Dipi are close friends, iis Shane right to worry that som mething might happen between n them? “Shane gave Dipi such a hard time about being friends with Gary,” exp plains Sharon. “But Dipi sees s Gary as a truly platonic friend. He understands how she feels f and gives her that leve elheaded support.” However, when Gary y’s son Kyle walks in on them sharing what appears to be an intimate moment, it loo oks as if their relationship

might be growing more romantic by the minute! “Dipi breaks down,” says Sharon. “She has a vulnerable moment, and questions her marriage. Dipi is heartbroken, so Gary hugs her.”


Chip off the old block!



After witnessing Gary comforting Dipi, will Kyle warn his dad that they’re getting too close? And what if Shane finds out? “I wouldn’t say the state of Dipi and

Shane’s relationship is dire,” begins Sharon. “But Dipi is worried that after all this time she still finds it difficult to communicate in onship – however, the relatio she does have faith!” Yet with Shane working with Roxy and Dipi now living with Gary, do the pair still have a chance? “It’s so sad – they’re an incredibly strong couple,” sighs Sharon. “They S work hard to create a beautiful life for their kids. Is Shane right to worry that his I just think they’ve wife might be lost their way…” growing too close to Gary? Alice Penwill

ne of the recruits from Buddy Club causes big trouble in Erinsborough this week – and if the actor playing the lad looks familiar, it’s because he’s the son of Neighbours star Rebekah Elmaloglou, aka Terese! “For the past few years, Kai has been interested in acting, and I often run my lines with him, which he loves doing,” grins proud mum Rebekah. “This role came up for a boy around his age, so he auditioned along with others – and the producers were really happy with him.” Kai’s character, Caden, is one of the first intake at the club Kyle is running for troubled kids, as part of the Sonya Rebecchi Foundation. However, big drama ensues when the misguided youngster brings a gun to the meet-up! Rebekah doesn’t want to give away too much about the plot, but she does tell us that she couldn’t help but act like an overprotective mum when 11-year-old Kai was on set. “I have to admit I was hovering a bit, but the director shooed me away!” she laughs. “Kai often drops by the set, so he’s familiar with it and knows

Rebekah’s son Kai Baker plays Caden

David and Kyle are shocked when they happen upon a gun

a lot of the cast and crew, and he was totally relaxed.” While Kai’s appearance on Neighbours is only short-term, Rebekah reveals he could follow in her footsteps and become an actor too… “I think it’s going in that direction,” she says. “But he’s very young, so it could all change – and I’m fine with that too!” Sarah Ellis



The coach arrives to take lots of cobbles locals to Blackpool

evastated Rita Tanner discovers estranged husband Dennis has died this week, leading to her and her neighbours making a pilgrimage to Blackpool. On the special journey – which will mark the show’s landmark 10,000th episode – Rita and close friend Ken reminisce about their lives on Coronation Street, thinking back fondly on the days when they, and Dennis, were in their prime. They are heading to Blackpool via coach to scatter Dennis’ ashes, on his request, but the journey leads to some life-changing conversations for some of the passengers. As tempers and harsh words fly, it looks as though one Weatherfield resident is ready to leave the cobbles behind… “Rita is stunned when an urn containing Dennis’ ashes arrives, along with a note asking her to scatter them in Blackpool,” shares our Corrie insider. “While their marriage didn’t work out, Rita had a lot of love for Dennis and she’s shattered by his death. Going to Blackpool won’t be easy, but Ken agrees to go with her, then Jenny organises a coach and sets up a day trip!” A big group boards Jenny’s coach, including Rita’s close friends Audrey, Mary, Sally and Gail. Youngsters Amy, Emma and Nina join them, alongside Sean, Carla, Eileen, Yasmeen,

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Ken, Tracy and Evelyn. As the driver turns out of Coronation Street, it’s clear this will be a memorable journey, especially with some sharp tongues and high spirits on board. For Rita, it’s a chance to talk about the happy times she and Dennis had, how they both loved the bright lights of Blackpool, and how much she misses those happier times. For Ken, it’s a time of contemplation as he

swaps stories with Rita and reflects on the lives they’ve lived. But the warmth and joy they both feel is punctuated when there’s trouble on the bus, and it looks as if they may not make it to Blackpool at all… “It’s all very well for Ken and Rita to be waxing lyrical about the good old days, but people like Evelyn were promised a day trip to Blackpool, and they are not

“What should be a fun trip looks set to end in disaster!”

happy!” whispers our spy. “Soon, tensions are rising on board, and when you have the likes of Tracy, Carla and Jenny in the mix, there’s bound to be trouble. It’s not long before it all kicks off, and what promised to be a fun trip looks set to end in disaster!” As the coach party lurches from one thing to the next, one resident begins to realise that it’s time to break away from life on Coronation Street. But who decides they need a fresh start, and what will their decision mean for their loved ones? Kate White

“EastEnders’ Kathy definitely deserves a man. I was always a sucker for David Essex when he played Eddie Moon – those sparkly eyes! As Jay pointed out the other week, Kathy is ‘fit’, so I’m sure Eddie would be game…” game… …reckons reader Gemma “It’s time for a change at the Woolpack. Charity’s always too occupied with her own dramas, and Chas is a busy mum now. Brenda’s wasted in the café – get her behind the bar, with a snooty new attitude and Doug as her henpecked dogsbody. TV gold!” …says ys reader Paul from Deal De

Rita is joined on her journey by Jenny, Ken, Claudia and co




“Bring back Bad Girls! I loved that show. It starred loads of soapies, such as Claire King [Emmerdale’s Kim] and Linda Henry [EastEnders’ Shirley]. Next time a woman from a soap is sent down, put them in Larkhall and kickstart a new show!” …dreams reade reader Freddie “Hollyoaks’ Martine mentioned her friend ‘Louise’ recently, so will Kéllé Bryan’s old Eternal bandmate Louise Redknapp soon turn up in the village?” …asks reader Deirdre Each week, we invite readers to share their dream soap storylines on our lnsideSoap Facebook page. Check it out and join in the fun at insidesoap. Or you can email your idea to us at There’s a £10 prize for every suggestion we publish in the magazine! lnsideSoap 29


Whitney’s bold plan clear Kush’s name… EASTENDERS BBC1 TUESDAY


hitney decides to take decisive action this week, as Kush finds himself in deep trouble with the law after pushing stalker Leo over the balcony at The Prince Albert! Worried Whitney tells Kat that Leo has got hold of her log book, where she’s been keeping notes of his sinister stalker behaviour – although both women are relieved when Jack lets on that the police

have acquired new evidence which might help Kush’s case. However, Kat’s fella is far from out of the woods, and Whitney is wracked with guilt that she’s the one responsible for putting him in this dire situation. Resolving to make things right, Whitney puts a risky plan

into action, despite Tiffany warning her big sister not to do anything that might put her in even more danger. Sadly, Whit ignores Tiff’s pleas, and presses ahead with her dangerous scheme anyway. Will the tortured woman live to regret it?

Martha’s struggle HOME AND AWAY Channel 5 FRIDAY


s Martha finds it hard to settle into Summer Bay life this week, she and Alf arrange to meet with Alex. When Martha begins to panic over Alf’s whereabouts, she realises that her anxiety

Nicky caught out! HOLBY CITY BBC1 TUESDAY


icky’s career is on the line this week, after Holby CEO Max finds out she’s been moonlighting at another hospital! Troubled Nicky resorted to desperate measures to

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pay off her mum Tracy’s debts. But the situation goes from bad to worse when Tracy is admitted to the ward – after having another accident – and reveals that her money troubles are worse than ever. Can Nicky help her mum and keep hold of her job?

stems from her underlying mental health disorder. Alf reassures Martha, and tells her he understands that the move hasn’t been easy on her. So the pair decide to set up a meeting with Alex to discuss Martha’s mental health plan. Will she get her anxiety under control and stay in the Bay?



here are ructions at Wylie’s Farm this week, as fed-up Pete makes a big decision about his future. Despite turning his back on former boss Moira and going into partnership with Nate,

Pete is struggling to enjoy his new role. Worse still, Nate is now dating Pete’s former flame Tracy and it’s quite awkward. Feeling lost and lonely, Pete wonders what he should do in order to solve his miserable mindset. However, his decision comes as a shock to stunned Nate and Tracy…



teve hopes to put the spark back into his marriage this week, by whisking Tracy off to a posh hotel for the night. Their romantic trip away looks set to fizzle rather

Baby blues! Lisa ruins David and Aaron’s hopes of becoming parents… NEIGHBOURS Channel 5 MONDAY


aron and David ask Lisa if she’d consider co-parenting this week – but just as the pair get their hopes up, Lisa delivers them some shocking news! In the wake of Lisa’s admission that she wants to consider alternative options for having another child, David and Aaron suggest the idea of co-parenting. Despite Paul and Hendrix’s concerns about it, David and Aaron are too thrilled about the possibility

of becoming parents to even acknowledge their doubts. However, the pair are dealt a devastating blow when Lisa discovers that she’s already pregnant by her ex! Later,

Paul checks in on heartbroken David, who admits for the first time in a while that he wishes he wasn’t gay. But when his dad is left with an idea that might help David, what could it be?

than sizzle, however, after the pair get to their room and come to realise that it’s anything but luxurious! The mix-up does at least force Steve and Tracy to finally be honest with one another after the scandal of her fling with Paula – so, will they kiss and make up?

Jamie’s jealousy!




he green-eyed monster rears its head for Jamie this week, as Belle invites Ellis to join her on a spa day after Andrea treats her to a pampering session.

While the warring Tates struggle to see eye-to-eye on the future of their marriage, Jamie knows exactly how he feels about Belle spending a cosy night in a luxury hotel with Ellis – and he’s not happy. Will Jamie act on his jealousy and tell Belle how he feels?

Sharon’s peace talks… EASTENDERS BBC1 THURSDAY


haron’s pulled in all directions this week, as she perseveres in her bid to make amends with son Dennis. He’s touched when she buys him football tickets, but will the thaw last? Meanwhile, Ian’s in for a disappointment after he

takes Sharon on a trip down memory lane – only to realise that his feelings for his oldest friend aren’t reciprocated. Later, there’s a more positive development for Linda when she apologises to Sharon, who urges her to fight for her marriage. But might Sharon be better off focusing on building bridges with her boy?

Nina’s homeless horror! The teen finds herself out on the street… CORONATION STREET ITV WEDNESDAY


he truth of Nina’s desperate situation is revealed this week, when Roy discovers that she’s homeless. Although Roy promised his late brother Richard that he’d look after his niece, he has so far been unable to convince Nina to accept his support – and he’s horrified to see the state she’s in when she turns up at the café. After

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refusing to let Roy intervene, Nina heads back out into the cold, where she’s targeted by a cruel gang as she beds down in a doorway for the night. Meanwhile, Roy and Carla realise that Nina’s been forced to move out of the flat she shared with her dad – and the run-in with the gang finally convinces Nina to accept Roy’s help and move in with him. It’s a tender moment as the pair start a new chapter of their lives together – but is their relationship set to thrive now that they are flatmates?

Life in the fast lane!

Will Ziggy leave boyfriend Dean for dust? HOME AND AWAY Channel 5 TUESDAY

D Date night disaster!

ean surprises girlfriend Ziggy by turning up at her job trial this week – but will she be pleased by his impromptu visit? Ziggy’s been offered the chance of a lifetime trying out for a pit crew, and she’s desperate to land the gig. But while she’s trying to impress the race team, Dean is missing her – and when his calls go unanswered, he frets that Ziggy is deliberately ignoring him…

Once Ziggy finally does return his calls, she tells Dean she’s struggling, leaving him concerned. However, after she hangs up, racing driver Alana encourages her not to quit – prompting Ziggy to spend the entire evening practising her skills, rather than going to the pub with the rest of the team. By the following morning, Ziggy has nailed the task, and is feeling a lot more confident about her abilities. So when Dean turns up unannounced, it’s the last thing she wants! Will she send him packing?



l Hughie and Pete are encouraged to look after their health this week, but for Laura and Ray, their well-being soon becomes competitive. Elsewhere, Fiona wishes to reconcile with Paul – however, what does he want? And Melanie asks Mondo out on a date.



iane decides to organise a date night for her and hubby Tony this week – but ends up going out with father-inlaw Edward instead! After Scott encourages his Auntie Di to reconnect with Tony, she arranges tickets to the opera for them both. But with frightened Tony unable to bring himself to leave the house, he asks his dad to go instead – unaware that Edward and Diane had a secret fling! Has Tony just unwittingly pushed the former secret lovers back together?


Bear-faced cheek! DOCTORS BBC1 MONDAY


omance appears to be blossoming between colleagues Ayesha and Bear this week – but is The Mill boss boyfriend material? After some very unsubtle flirting at work, Bear invites the practice nurse for lunch. Ayesha’s thrilled as they arrive at the Icon and Bear refers to the meet-up as a date. But when he abandons her to take business calls and leaves her to pick up the tab, will Ayesha reconsider her feelings? Or does Bear deserve a second chance?

l Stevie decides to take his relationship with Poppy to the next level this week, and asks her to move in with him. But will she agree? Meanwhile, Kim is struggling as she grieves for her mother. Plus, Dylan tries to act as peacemaker…

THE ARCHERS l Lynda attempts

to sabotage the new pub this week, when they attract business from out of town. Will she manage to drive them away? Elsewhere, Kirsty struggles to keep the peace between Philip and Gavin. Finally, a broken boiler means Kate and Peggy need a place to stay…

See p93 for times & channel details

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Linda lashes out after she’s left humiliated in the Square… ● …and things go from bad to worse when Ollie is put in danger!

● Geoff interferes with Alya’s plan to spend time with Yasmeen. ● Steve and Tracy escape Ken’s EPISODES book club and go to a hotel! TONIGHT!

● Rhona starts making accusations over who killed Graham! Tracy is overjoyed when Nate asks her out on a date.








● Denise returns from Scotland and makes amends with Sheree.



● David is left worried over his uncertain future with Theo… April has gone missing, so the search is on to find her… ● Wendy is delighted when Victoria lets her see Harry! ● Andrea and Jamie discuss some rules to make their split easier.

● Geoff locks Yasmeen in his magicact box and goes to the pub! Tim tries to get back into EPISODES Sally’s good books… TONIGHT! ● Nina admits she’s homeless, and agrees to sleep on Roy’s sofa.




Roy offers to help out Nina, but she doesn’t want his money…

● Whitney feels guilty about Kush and wants to put things right. Shirley suggests Linda goes to a support session… ● Sharon buys Dennis football tickets as a peace offering!




● Vanessa tries to convince Rhona to stop provoking Kim! ● Laurel is left heartbroken when she’s told Sandy has died… Chas is uneasy at the thought of hiring Luke as their chef. ● Arthur makes a confession to Laurel and she’s left stunned… …but how will Jimmy react when he discovers the truth? h? ● Pete reflects on old memories EPISODES and makes a bold decision. TONIGHT!

● Ian reminisces with Sharon, but she doesn’t feel the same… ● Linda continues to drink and ruins one of Ollie’s drawings! Bernadette is suspicious about Karen’s odd behaviour.


● Linda is convinced Mick and Shirley are plotting against her! Karen reveals to Bernadette the truth about Keanu… ● Daniel is hit by reality when he talks about his own funeral plans.

● …so a group of Weatherfield residents heads off to bid farewell!

● Belle overhears Leyla and Andrea’s discussion on getting a solicitor. ● Doug feels caught out by Brenda – but what has he done? Bereft Laurel has a difficult decision to make…

● Someone isn’t prepared for a surprise visitor. ● Linda continues to lose control over her drinking… ● One resident unexpectedly finds herself in grave danger.

● David is exhausted after visiting Shona up in Leeds… ● Bethany becomes determined to expose Bistro owner Ray. ● Two residents accidentally rekindle their romance!

● Matty struggles alone at Butlers, and things go from bad to worse! ● One resident prepares to leave the village for good… ● Liam attempts to explain his relationship to Leanna.

CORRIE’S Rita receives a parcel 10,000th containing Dennis’ ashes… PISODE! ● …along with a request that she scatters them in Blackpool… HOUR










● Walter decides to set up Mitchell on a date with Abigail… ● Azim has been offered a job and he asks Scott to leave with him! Toby and Celeste host a housewarming party. ● Walter is furious to hear how Mitchell acted on his date.

David and Aaron ask Lisa if she wants to co-parent with them! ● Yashvi is forced to call Ned for help after having a scare in her car… ● Bea becomes suspicious when Harlow spends time with Finn. Lisa reveals she’s actually pregnant to her ex…

● Bella heads to Willow’s room and finds her with Alex! Ryder attempts to control his nerves around Jade. ● Alf wants to make Martha’s move to the Bay as easy as possible… ● Ziggy’s commitment to work leaves Dean feeling paranoid…





● Romeo meets Celeste and is immediately infatuated by her! Mitchell begs Scott to wait, so they can be together…

● …David is distraught, which gives Paul an idea to help him. ● Harlow is mortified to realise she has a crush on someone!

Willow tries to tell Colby and Dean about her new romance. ● Dean shows up at Ziggy’s work, but she’s not pleased to see him!

● Toby flirts with Lisa and quizzes her about her upbringing. Martine urges Mitchell to tell Scott his true feelings… ● …will Scott leave with Azim? Or will he stay with Mitchell?

● Hendrix believes Harlow has a crush on him, so he tests her. ● Chloe is excited to organise the Lassiters Mardi Gras float! Dipi is getting comfortable, living in the Canning house…

Ben decides to check up on downtrodden Dean. ● A lawyer arrives to go through Jasmine and Robbo’s statement… ● …but Robbo gets defensive and throws the lawyer out!


Toby and Celeste decide they’re going after Lisa! ● Diane is annoyed that Edward is going with her to the opera… ● …can Edward respect Diane’s decision that she chose Tony?

● Terese attempts to get to the bottom of Roxy’s feelings! Gary is uneasy about his growing closeness to Dipi. ● Bea and Finn check on Kyle and his new female companion…

● Justin refuses to lose hope on Tori making a full recovery… ● Robbo is shocked when his parents turn up at the house! Alf realises that he needs to be independent from Martha.


● Celeste is keen to have fun with Romeo and kisses him! Edward tells Tony to make amends with Diane. ● Liberty panics when Damon tells her he hasn’t heard from Brody…

Harlow asks Finn if he’ll continue to tutor her… ● …but Harlow begins to ask questions about his past. ● Toadie is horrified when a gun goes off at the Buddy Club!

● Saddened Justin agrees to meet Tori’s doctors with Mason. ● Robbo’s dad tells him he should move back to the family farm! Roo makes Jade an offer, but is shocked by her reaction…


● Tony takes a step closer to recovery, but Diane is worried. ● Liberty is anxious, and Damon attempts to distract her… ● Ollie is given fresh hope about raising his and Brooke’s baby!

● Paul and Terese have a surprise visit from an old friend! ● Bea goes behind Finn’s back and takes matters into her own hands! ● Will Dipi and Shane be able to solve their marriage woes?

● Robbo considers a suggestion made by his parents… ● Roo makes her feelings about Jade clear to Ryder! ● Ziggy’s trial ends, but will she be awarded the mechanic job?




Drop our Alice a line and join in the fun! There’s £10 on offer for every letter and comment we publish – and £25 for the star letter!


£25 letter! FIZ VS JADE… I can’t believe Fiz lost it like that in Coronation Street! Battering Jade with that chopping board took everything to another level. Then again, they say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned – but actually, hell hath no fury like a mother whose child has been scorned! Go Fiz! | Jenny, Inverness

Email us at soapbox@

Write to us at Inside Soap House of Hearst, 30 Panton Street, London SW1Y 4AJ


Although the Doctors storyline with Jimmi in prison is a good one, I can’t help having huge 36 lnsideSoap

Jimmi has no choice but to make the vest of his awful situation

EXCELLENT EVELYN I have to say, I didn’t warm to Evelyn when she first arrived on the Street, particularly as she seemed quite dismissive of Tyrone and his family. However, her fierce loyalty towards them in this latest storyline with Jade has uch she genuinely shown how mu cares for them all – and I’m g watching Evelyn’s really enjoying character developing further. | Michele, Lo ondon Maureen Lipm man – aka Evelyn – is Corrie’s grea atest treasure!


I’m loving the loss of Sharon Mitchell and the return of Sharon Watts in EastEnders! It’s fantastic to see her have the slight upper hand on the Mitchells. Sharon and Phil will always have history and be drawn back in some way – but Sharon works best when she’s strong and tough, and we need to see more of that on the show! | Chris, Co Cork I’m loving Sharon’s new attitude as well! Let’s hope it stays this way for a while.


sympathy for Jimmi. And being locked up with criminals when he is innocent, must surely be playing havoc with his OCD. Free the Letherbridge One, I say! | Linda, Sheffield We’ve already put together our ‘Free Jimmi’ banners to hang outside Inside Soap HQ!

Join our community at insidesoap

Follow us on twitter @InsideSoapMag While Phil sees red, what Sharon is looking at is more a shade of pink

Who actually killed k Graham? I just have to know, k now! Everyone in Emmerdale seems to hate him. Honestly,, I wouldn’t be at all surprised d if it was one of those situatiions where the whole of th he village joined forces and bumped him off together. | Tom Who’d have gu uessed that it was Pie erce?

COMING G OUT I feel so proud of young Mitchell in Hollyoaks. I cried real tearrs when he finally came out to

It was a bit against the collar whether Mitchell would ever come out

his mum. Hopefully now he can be true to himself, and I’m praying that we can have more of Mitchell and Scott. I love the pair of them together, and think that they’re an amazing match. My fingers are very much crossed! | Charley, Brighton They were very emotional scenes, and Martine couldn’t have reacted better.


B-DAY BASH I can’t believe that Pau ul Robinson turned 60 on our screens in Neighboours! He’s been in the show w from the start, and wh ho knew that when the Robinsons first appeared on n Ramsay Street, that he’d still s be here. H Happy birthday, Paul! P Living on | Mary y, Ramsay Doncasterr Street would make anyone We can’t age quicker believe it, either! Especially y as he only ha ad his 50th in n 2014…



FAREWELL, JESSE DONOVAN After celebrating his wedding day, Jesse’s sudden death in Hollyoaks came as a complete shock! Poor Courtney became a widow after just a few hours, and our readers had a lot to say about his exit… Who knew Jesse was leaving Hollyoaks? What a way to go! But what happens to James and Grace now? Will anyone find out that they were the ones who shot Mercedes? Surely Jesse must have made a secret recording of the pair’s confession! | Jemma, Swansea Jesse and Courtney were the purest characters in the village. I’ll truly miss Jesse

lighting up our screens with his questionable jokes and sense of humour. I’m hoping that Courtney will stay in Hollyoaks, and one day find another man of her dreams! | Bethany But some of you think that the soap is raising some important social issues… As much as Jesse’s death upset me in Hollyoaks, I’m


With 10 pubs in the UK closing every week, how does the Woolpack in the Dales survive? Its only customers seem to be the same 30 people in the village – and many of them get drinks ‘on the house’. | Colin, C li London L d They must have a stack of ‘IO OU’ notes from over the years – they’ll make a fortune one da ay!

really glad that they have covered the topic of alcohol poisoning. Jesse’s definitely not the only one to go big on the booze, and it’s good that they showed the devastating consequences. You can never be too careful! I’m hoping this will raise awareness for viewers, and do some good. | James, Borehamwood Why has Hollyoaks killed off yet another character? It’s almost as if the writers have a vendetta against their cast members! Liam Donovan better watch out, because he’s bound to be next – first Adam, then Glenn and now Jesse. There won’t be anyone left at the rate they’re going! | Gaby, Newcastle Grace Black is becoming the new Tom Cunningham… lnsideSoap 37



I really love the pink-owl curtains that Hope and Ruby have in their room in Coronation Street. I know my daughter would love these for her bedroom. Do you know where I could find them, please? | Leanne, Devon These cute Catherine Lansfield curtains are from Argos, and cost £13 – they even come with a matching duvet set!

Hoo thinks these curtains are anything but a wise purchase?


If Tina’s absusive ex was allowed near her again, we’d think it was a load of old Tosh

A BAD EX FOR TINA In EastEnders the other day, Tina mentioned her ex-girlfriend Tosh, and Mick said she was bad news. What happened to her? I can’t really recall her being on the show. | Billie Fiona ‘Tosh’ Mackintosh was Tina’s firefighter girlfriend, and first

came to the Square to win her back! Tosh and Tina agreed to have a baby together, but Tosh suffered two miscarriages. In the end, Tosh became violent towards Tina, and beat her up before she left town again! So let’s hope she doesn’t come back in a hurry…




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Yes, the chips have got a nice kick to them, haven’t they Shaz? It’s the Sambuca I sprinkled on them…

WANT TO BAG YOURSELF £20? Tell us what you reckon is being said in this Corrie scene. Post your idea to the Soapbox address, email your entry to, or put it on our Facebook page. The prize-winning entry will be announced in two weeks’ time! 38 lnsideSoap


This week’s prize-winning entry comes from Tilly, via email. The cash for your EastEnders caption is on its way – congrats!

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As Laurel discovers the shocking truth of o her son’s actions, star Charlotte Bellamy can feeel her pain…


fter the toughest few years, it seemed that life was finally looking up for Laurel. Having battled an addiction to alcohol, and lost her beloved husband Ashley, she’d found new love with Jai and supported her family through their heartache. But she and Jai split when the former drug addict started using again – and worse is to come for poor Laurel this week. News reaches the village that her father-in-law Sandy has passed away, and Laurel is devastated – but it’s her son Arthur who takes Sandy’s death the hardest. In the inevitable emotional fallout, Arthur finally admits to his mum his cruel bullying of Jai’s son Archie A – and while Laurel tries to deal Bottled up: Will Laurel turn to the booze again?

Arthur chance: Laurel wants to protect her bully son

with the consequences of the revelation n, Charlotte Bellamy has every sympathy for her traumatised alter ego… “The story is very complex, and it’s going to get more so,” reveals the star. “But the thing is, as a parent myself, you’d always stick up for your child. You’ll always try and see the good in them, even if they’re being horrendous and a bully. You try to think of why – iss it your fault? The animalistic maternal instincts kick in, and I think every parent can kind of understand that.” It’ll be no easy task for Laurel to support Arthur following his dramatic admission, not least as it’s innocent Jimmy who’s been blamed for Archie’s bullying all these weeks. While Arthur believes Sandy’s death is a punishment from God for his treatment of Archie, Laurel has a painful predicament on her hands when Jai returns home

early from rehab – and she needs to decide whether or not to come clean… “Laurel blames herself and not Arthur,” admits Charlotte, who is mum to 15-yearold Sunnie, Herbie, aged 12, and 10-year-old Teddie with her husband Mungo. “She’s disappointed in him and shocked, of course, but she thinks she should have paid her son more attention – that Arthur’s vulnerable and didn’t know what he was doing. It’s a real turning point in the story. “But Laurel is also in denial. It’s a complicated, emotional journey that we’re embarking on here, which will get a lot worse. And there are other things in store that will make it even more complex…” Since Sandy was living in Australia with his close pal Betty Eagleton at the time of his death, it falls

Café confrontation: Laurel doesn’t want to believe that Arthur has been bullying Archie

Sad DEPARTURES Sandy’s passing is an emotional tribute to the loss of Freddie Jones, the beloved actor who played him… It’s not just the sadness of Sandy’s death that will be felt by the villagers this week – as veteran actor Freddie Jones, who played Sandy from 2005 until 2018, is also much missed by his Emmerdale co-stars after he passed away last July, aged 91. “When a cast member dies in real life, there has to be a period where the character is not really mentioned,” shares Charlotte. “But now feels the most correct and respectful time to acknowledge the actor and his character have died, and I feel the show has dealt with it really well.”

lnsideSoap 41


u upon Laurel to jet off Down Under so tthat she can help Betty with the funeral a arrangements. Charlotte admits the d decision to fly to the other side of the w world will prove a welcome respite for L Laurel as she stews over the best course o of action – but realises Laurel might be q quick to pull a veil over the matter. “It’s the perfect chance for Laurel to ignore the fact that she has to deal with tthis,” she sighs. “She feels that Arthur h has enough on his plate at the moment, a and that going to Australia will be a g good way of burying it. That’s Laurel’s ccharacter – the matriarchal figure who d doesn’t think that her child is in the w wrong. She’ll protect Arthur to the end.” Allison Jones





hen I went for my audition for Duffy, the producer held up a picture of me and said, ‘If I needed a nurse, I’d like her to be someone like this – dependable and good at her job,’” recalls actress Cathy Shipton, aka Duffy, whose last episode of Casualty airs this week. “I didn’t realise he was offering me the role! I went home, and by the time I’d got back, he’d rung my agent to offer me the job.” That was back in 1986, and now – over three decades later – Cathy’s bidding farewell to the show. It’s an emotional time, but the 62-year-old tells us there are no regrets g about hanging up her nurse’s uniform…


Charlie’s angel: Duffy married her fellow medic in 2017

Lasting legacy: “People have told me they’ve become nurses because of Duffy,” says Cathy

What was it like filming Duffy’s last episo ode after 34 years?

So you’re feeling okay about saying goodbye to Duffy?

I knew it was going to be a huge tear-jerrker when I got the script. But at the same time, theree’s something beautiful abou ut this last episode – I’m prou ud of how it all comes to an eend. We first discussed the dementia storyline two yearrs ago – I said, “Oh, does thatt mean Duffy won’t be a nurse any more?”, so I was pleased that even in the last half a dozen episodes, her nursin ng skills and all of that experieence are still at the fore.

Oh yes, completely. Particularly as this last storyline was so well-researched, and truthful. There’s not a day that goes by when people don’t talk to me about this plot, and things that have happened – or are still happening – in their lives. It’s topical and necessary, and hopefully Duffy’s story is helping other people.

We can’t say too much about the last episode, but what can you tease? It’s a really powerful episode and totally honours the character. Duffy goes wandering out in the snow due to her dementia, and she’s confused. The

Part of the


Cathy didn’t just make friends on set – she also met partner Christopher Guard when he was part of the Casaulty cast! “He came in to play the show’s first gay nurse, who fancied Charlie,” she recalls. “I was actually the one who suggested the storyline, as Charlie got a lot of gay fan mail. That was about 26 years ago!” Cathy also reveals that it was thanks to a young Casualty guest star that she discovered she was expecting her daughter! “I held a crying baby on set, and she went to putty in my hands,” she shares. “I did a pregnancy test that night, and it was positive. It turned out the baby knew because of my pregnancy pheromones! That’s a wonderful memory…”

Inner turmoil: Cathy’s portrayal of Duffy’s dementia has moved viewers

Duffy puts on one of her old uniforms during this episode – that must have taken you back… It was great, as it still fitted! But I did think, ‘Why did anyone ever wear these?’ Derek Thompson [Charlie] and I were consulted when the uniform was remodelled a few years ago, and I opted for a tunic and trousers. And lots of

nurses said, “Thank you!”, as it’s not the most practical wearing a skirt.

How should Duffy be remembered? A lot of people have told me that they’ve become nurses because of Duffy. There’s even a nurse advisor on the show who has a bangle with ‘What would Duffy do?’ on it! So there are people who got into the field of medicine because the creators of Casualty invented Duffy – and that’s the best legacy she could leave. Sarah Ellis


snow machines were really stateof-the-art, and even though it wasn’t cold that day, the minute we stepped into the snow, we all started shivering!

lnsideSoap 43




ho knows? Maybe Bernie will end up dating Phil!” laughs actress Clair Norris, when we ask her why Bernadette hasn’t been hanging out in The Prince Albert lately, trying to find Miss Right. While Clair points out to us that her alter ego is still only 17 – not yet old enough to be partying in Walford’s local gay bar – somehow we don’t think that’s all that’s keeping her from a night of passion with Phil! Especially as a Mitchell is the last person Bernie would be seen dead with this week, while she turns detective to get to the bottom of her brother Keanu’s disappearance… “Bernie and Keanu have always had a special bond, so it’s odd that he’s gone off, with no indication to where he is, or if he’s okay,” explains Clair. “Given everything that has happened with Sharon and the Mitchells, Bernie is definitely worried – and Karen is being so weird about it whenever she quizzes 44 lnsideSoap

Where are you, Keanu?: Little sis Bernie has no idea what’s happened to her bro

Loose lips sink ships?: Bernie learns the truth from her mum, Karen

her. So Bernie takes it upon herself to do some digging, to try to find out herself.” Trouble is, Bernie risks uncovering a huge secret: Keanu is alive and in hiding – and can never come home, or the Mitchells will kill him! So when Bernie starts sniffing around, torn Karen has no choice but to let her daughter in on the ruse. “Bernie is hurt that Karen kept something so big from her – however, eventually she realises that her mum only did what she thought was best,” shares Clair. “It’s hard for Bernie to accept that she’ll probably never see her brother again, but she’d rather Keanu be safe than in jeopardy. It’s definitely not a case of Bernie thinking, ‘You come home, Keanu, and I’ll fight off the Mitchells’! Though

Party girl: Clair is four years older than her alter ego

I’m sure she would try – and definitely fail!” The Taylors pitched up in Walford together bold as She’ll be there for you: Clair enjoyed her brass in 2017, and are just Friends-themed party as close-knit off screen as they are on. So Clair admits we don’t imagine that the cast can just that it was very bittersweet when star go out like most 21-year-olds! Danny Walters, who plays Keanu, waved “I actually find it quite easy,” laughs goodbye to Albert Square. Clair. “When I wear make-up outside of “Danny is like an older brother to me in real life, so it’s strange that he’s not here,” work, I look quite different from Bernie, so it takes people longer to recognise says the star. “We all went out together me. It’s always in the back of your mind, before Christmas and had a great time – but you can still have fun. we posted a video of of us Most people have had a few all singing in a restaurant. drinks and don’t remember Thankfully, other people seeing you anyway!” joined in, so it wasn’t just Of course, EastEnders will us in the corner singing!” mark a landmark of its own Despite saying goodbye when it turns 35 in a few to Danny, Walford’s weeks’ time. The rumour younger actors have mill has gone into overdrive had plenty to celebrate since bosses announced that a character recently with a string of 21st birthdays. will die in a boat disaster on the Thames, Clair marked hers over a year ago with with paparazzi shots flooding our news a Friends-themed bash, and since then pages (see p14). So, will Bernie will be on her co-stars Zack Morris (Keegan) and dry land, or boarding the ship of doom? Jasmine Armfield (Bex) have joined the “Wait and see,” teases Clair. “Who club, throwing parties of their own knows? Maybe Bernie is the boat driver!” at the end of last year. However, with Laura-Jayne Tyler EastEnders actors being so recognisable,

Bernie is hurt that Karen kept something so big from her


on, With EastEnders actress Emma Barrto who plays Honey, making the Stricttlyy Come Dancing final last year – and g th the Maisie Smith, aka Tiffany, scooping ee ed d Pudsey glitterball for Children In Ne n – we ask trained ballroom and Latin om m dancer Clair who she’d like to see ffro … Walford appear on the show next… wh ho “I’d love to see Roger [Griffiths, w plays Mitch] do Strictly,” she grins. “When we went out for Danny’s leaving wa ay y. do, he was up dancing the night aw He’s a bit of a mover!”

And A would Clair fancy a spin around the BBC’s famous dance floor? “I’d love to – if you dance, the dream is s to o be on Strictly,” she beams. “It’s an a n issue of ‘she’s already a dancer’, though, u so it’s tricky. Who knows? I might be a professional on the show!”


We quiz Clair on which Square star could be destined for Strictly…

lnsideSoap 45


“This is something that’s never been seen in soap...” BOBBY GORDON REVEALS THERE’S A LOT TO COME FOR TOBY AND CELESTE…


back at Christmas, as well as the fact that he and his partner Celeste are planning revenge on the Deverauxs. This week, the pair host a housewarming party to find out more about their neighbours – but what are their true intentions? “Well, they’ve been mischievous from the get-go,” begins Bobby. “So having a lot of people in one place gives them time to figure out who’s who and what’s what. Toby’s not interested in building friendships with anyone – there’s always an ulterior motive.” Toby and Celeste seem to be the dream team, but then Toby begins flirting with Lisa. And later, Celeste makes a move on Romeo! So, is their marriage falling apart? Or is something a lot more sinister at play… “Lisa seems an easy target for them,” says Bobby. “When it comes to flirting, there’s always a reason behind it. When you see the episode, you’ll think there’s What’s in a something off about it. Toby name?: Celeste sets her sights and Celeste’s relationship isn’t

t turns out Mitchell is very popular, so people have become a bit nasty towards Toby!” laughs Bobby Gordon, who plays Toby, the long-lost son of Martine Deveraux. “I’ve learned you should never go against the soap’s golden child. I get a lot of people asking how we could do this to Mitchell, but it’s great that everyone is so invested in the characters. This is the best job I’ve ever had.” We discovered that Toby is Mitchell’s twin brother o

on Romeo

necessarily open, and Celeste is definitely bit more promiscuous than Toby is. They have an understanding, but it’s to see in the future who will cross the line more.” With T Toby and Celeste plotting, surely it’s a mattter of time before the truth com mes out. Yet when it does, will Toby be ready to get to kn now his brother? “I’d lik ke that dynamic to grow,”” explains Bobby. “But in reality, there are questions that need to be answeered. I feel Toby’s no ot just going to open up – he h has a lot of ang ger inside him.” Trouble and Meanw while, strife: Toby and Bobby tellls Celeste have sinister us that w we’ll intentions be shocked when wee hear the full truth h of Toby’ss history… …


Facing the

FUTURE In the midst of Maria’s heartbreak, Samia Longchambon considers what lies ahead… I think so – but she’s buried them, and is trying to be true to Gary.


It’s a tough plot to film – what did you think of tackling the subject of missed vaccinations? The ex factor: Does Maria still harbour feelings for Ali?


aria’s miscarriage was a heartbreaking blow for both her and her partner Gary – but as he assures her that he still wants to be with her this week, star Samia Longchambon, aka Maria, hopes that it might bring the unlikely couple closer oser than ever… ever

Mitch perfect: Viewers aren’t happy with Toby targeting their fave

“It’s something g no one’s seen yet in soap,” he cconfirms. “I think it touches on is for how vital the presence of a parent p a child. It’s something that will make people think about their ns, too.” own decision ned Hollyoaks Bobby join a Ali (Celeste) with Andrea five months ago, and the pair hit it off instantly. “Everyonee thought Andrea and a I had been friends since hood,” childh he griins. “We clickeed straight away – Andrea is a wondeerful actress. this With getting g job and with Andrea coming in too, it’s own my just blo expecctations out of the water.” w Alice Penwill

Hi, Samia a! How do you think Marria a and Gary will cope in n the wake of the missc carriage? It makes Ma Maria question the relatio onship. She’s been throu ug gh a lot – she’s anxio ou us, and this has brough htt it all to the surfacee. She got pregna an nt quickly, an nd d she’s told Ga ary he can leav vee. But he wan ntts them to mak ke a go of it – so hopefullly y it’ll make them stronger.

Ali was wit w th Maria wh hen she went to o hospital – does she still have feelings for him?

It needs talking about – measles is on the rise again in this country, and it shouldn’t be. There are vaccinations to stop it, but people are choosing not to vaccinate their children. It can have a snowball effect, and it’s important to show that.

You’ve been full-on filming lately – how do you find that, particularly as a working mum? I’ve been suffering with mum guilt while I’ve been so busy. Mikey North [aka Gary] and I have been spending all day, every day together! But my husband [Dancing On Ice pro] Sylvain is great. He’s not partnered with a celeb on the show this year – it’d mean being based in London for four months, which we couldn’t have done with the kids.

You’ve openly discussed your anxiety – have you found any new coping mechanisms? When I can, I do yoga in my dressing room – even if it’s just for 15 minutes in my lunch hour. I don’t share my dressing room, so no-one sees me doing the downward dog! Allison Jones ln nsideSoap 47

As Corrie celebrates 10,000 episodes with a bus to Blackpool, we look back at some other memorable excursions to Britain’s favourite seaside town… In its early days, Corrie was recorded entirely within a TV studio in Manchester. The first time the show ever filmed outside was in 1961, when battleaxe Ena Sharples and her friends Martha Longhurst and Minnie Caldwell, among others, took a trip to Blackpool. Huge crowds turned out to watch the filming of just four minutes of silent footage, which was set to jaunty music in the episode itself.

By contrast, Corrie’s second trip to Blackpool, later in 1961, never left Manchester at all! It was faked – bus journey and all – entirely within the studio. This visit saw Ena left behind in a fortune teller’s booth – trying to sniff out some juicy gossip! – while haughty Ken Barlow sneered at how low-brow and tacky Blackpool was, from the safety of a pretend South Pier! 48 lnsideSoap

Corriee returned to Blackpool – ow in n suitably lur colourr – in 1985. Rita Faircloug a t Lynch went prowling for men, much to th distaste of their uptight friend Mavis Riley, an re nd themselves sharing their hotel with to fin of toy ssalesmen, equally up for mischief. But while Rita and Bet’s bits of fluff ended up being more trouble than they were worth, Mavis enjoyed a sweetly mantic weekend with a real gentleman! rom

Gail Tilsley took her two kids – little Nicky y (seven) and Sarah Lou (one) – for a picnic on n the beach with their dad, Brian. We wonder if th hey ey remember it? Meanwhile, Gail’s mum Audre y was taken on a horse-drawn carriage ride by the ffury off her admirer Malcolm Reid R id – tto th husband Alf Roberts – while old Percy Sugden tried his best to o woo a roundly unimpressed E y Bi .

A Among the many perils of a isit to Blackpool are the trams that r t g B unfenced tracks on the Promen u IIndeed, it was the northbound tram to L Little Bispham that famously did for S Street villain Alan Bradley, as he chased Rita. (The Strand Hotel, where Rita hid from Alan, is still open today, with a plaque to mark its claim to fame!) CONTINUED OVER ↘

Jack and Vera Duckwo were frequent visitors, especially afterr wayward son Terry decided to sell their grandchild Tommy to his maternal grandparents, who lived in o the town. The Duckworths planned to retire to the seaside, and were thrilled d when their offer on a house was accepted. Sadly, Vera died before l dream ream came true. her Blac

T e highlight of the big Blackpool beano The of 2000 was Tyrone Dobbs proposing to Marria Sutherland atop a blustery Tower – promising that one day he T woulld “have a garage of his own and w of cars”. We’re still waiting, Ty! lots o nwhile, Norris Cole and Vera Mean mphed at a ballroom dance contest trium in the Winter Gardens – but only after the drinks of their rivals! Jack k spiked s

The Barlows have never had the best of luck in Blackpool – probably as a result of Ken bad-mouthing the place back in ’61! Little Simon was lost on the North Pier during a rainy night in 2010, while in the custody of his miserable grandad George – with desperate Peter, Leanne, Ken and Deirdre leading the search. A year later, Amy wandered off on the South Pier during a pretty standard bust-up between Steve and Tracy 50 lnsideSoap

“You can’t beat Blackpool. There in a couple of hours in a charabanc. Everybody’s letting their hair down. You can cut the smell of shrimps and best bitter with a knife. It’s paradise.” BET LYNCH



Blackpool’s famous Illuminations have been switched on by Street stars on four separate occasions. The actors lucky enough to pull the lever were: Violet Carson (Ena) in 1961, Doris Speed (Annie Walker) in 1983, Julie Goodyear and Roy Barraclough (Bet and Alec Gilroy) in 1990, and – last year – local girl Lucy Fallon (Bethany). Meanwhile, the Blackpool outpost of Madame Tussaud’s is home to the waxy doppelgangers of a host of favourites, including Ken and Deirdre, Jack and Vera, and an uncannily lifelike Michelle Connor.

In n 2013, a trip to Blackp was high on ailing Hayle w Cropper’s ‘bucket list’– inc uding C a paddle on the beach and a nce at the famous Tower ballroom. A year late when Cathy aand Roy embarked on a tenta e w omance, she took him on a surprise trip to ro Bllackpool, without knowing of his emotional ction to the town This faux-pas steered ir own nship gently into the friend zone.

Two of Coronation Street’s favou urite Blackpool clichés (almost) collided in 2016, when little Jack Websster ran away from his family and straight into the path of a speeding tram. Tragedy was averted at the last second thanks to the intervention of Jack’s own former kidnapper Jenny Bradley – ironically, the daughter of tram victim Alan!

“Who...?” o...



“Where...?” “W Why y...?”

“When...?” ...


GREGORY ANSWER! FINNEGAN Hollyoaks’ James Nightingale l

...faces your questions!


though, so there will be a bit more cover going forward.

ames is still harbouring the secret that he and Grace shot Mercedes, but will Gregory be more forthcoming as we ask him your reader questions?

“Do you remember your first day at Hollyoaks and what was it like?” I remember it well – I only had a few scenes in what was then the Bean café. The thing I remember most was that I came in and Faye, our head of makeup, sheared me like a sheep. Any hair on my face or body at the time, there was none left when she was finished! I had a spray tan too, which I’d never had before.

“Can you tell us a secret about Lysette Anthony [aka Marnie]?”

52 lnsideSoap

No – I loathe the man! No, I’m joking, he’s a good pal. It’s great that James J is back on the show. It’s nice to have a mate to knock k about with. We saw a lot of each other when he was away – we’re wrriting some stuff together at the mo oment.

Welcome return: Greg’s pleased that James is back as John Paul

What can I tell you? That’s the question! Lysette is constantly buzzing as she owns several selfmassaging products. She wears an neck massager in-between akes, and has a massage seat ta w which hums away. Lysette h hasn’t offered it to me as of yet – but I’m hopeful that one day she will.

“Can you tell us a secret about Lysette Anthony?”

Leading lady: Greg spills the beans on co-star Lysette Anthony

“Are you pleased that James Sutton is back as John Paul?”

“Where is your favourite sp pot to film on set?”

It v varies with the way things are scheduled d. Sometimes if there are lots of scenes in n James’ apartment, we’ll do them all on the same day, which can be quite a long stretch! But I like being in there, and I like the village too – as long as there’s good weather, otherwise it can be a bit miserable in winter. We’re about to unveil the new-look village,

“Do you think you would make a better lawyer than J James?” No, as he’s literally the best lawyer in the country – I filmed a scene recently where I said that line. I studied law at A-level and didn’t do that well – so no, I don’t think I would be.

“What would you get up to if you and James went on a night out together?” Oh, well, I would try to find things we have in

Gregory’s girl: The star’s wife Ariana Fraval plays Hollyoaks’ DS Cohen

common. We both like red wine and a good meal, so I think we’d go o and watch a classic film at a nice ciinema and share a bottle of wine.

“What do you get up to on a typical day off?”

We have worked with one another before – very briefly – on a short film. It was bizarre, but fun at the same time. I hope we get to do more with each other. Although it’s quite amusing being in Hollyoaks with Ariana, because she keeps arresting me!

“You’ve previously mentioned that your kids are too young to watch Hollyoaks – but have they seen you in anything else?” I don’t think they have seen me in anything else actually – maybe I should get out the showreel and make them watch it! My eldest, Rex, often comes home and repeats what some kids have said about my y character at school – that James is a baddie and things like that.

“Which former co-star would you most like to see e make a return?” There are so man ny. I was looking at pictures of the Niightingales the other day, and I’d happ pily take any of the them back. But ceertainly Richard Linnell, who played Alfie – he’s just such a lovely g guy, and we’d be very happy to havee him back anytime.

Pat on the back: James helped Robert’s career

“Can you te ell us a time when you’ve been n star-struck?” I once had a an audition with theatre direector Stephen Daldry, and I was sstar-struck by him. Mostly as he’s h about 7ft tall, and a rather im mposing figure.

“What do you get up to on a typical day off work?”

T Trying not to sound like to oo many other parents out there, but I generally ru un as a taxi service to clubs, and if it’s during the week then I deal with the school drop-offs. But if I do get any time, which is rare, I like to go to the golf driving range for an hour’s peace.

“If you hadn’t gone into acting, what would you be doing for a living?” I honestly don’t know, as it never really came up. But I’ve done pretty much

“Are you a football fan and which team do you support?” …asks reader Sarah Symons from Aberdeen

every job in the book – I was an estate agent for a while. I’ve done all sorts of different things. I’m a jack of all trades, and hopefully a master at one.

“What would people be surprised to know about you?” Actually, someone was talking about Robert Pattinson coming to Liverpool to film his Batman movie. What people may not know is that Robert owes his career to me! We were once both at a film audition, and it was down to the two of us. He was very nervous, so I chilled him out, gave him a bit of confidence and he got the part! Then I realised what I’d done, and that I’d screwed myself over. But the rest is history y–y you’re welcome,, Robert!

£20 Question

I’m a Tottenham Hotspur supporter, and long-suffering! Most people at Hollyoaks support Liverpool – and now my son is a Liverpool fan, so I have to go along with it. We saw Liverpool vs Sheffield United recently, which was his first time at Anfield. And we went to the Everton vs Tottenham game – we sat with the away fans, and at least I got him into a Spurs shirt that day!


Every week, we put your questions to a star of the soaps. Look out for requests on our Facebook page, or email your questions to, putting the actor’s name in the subject line. Our favourite question each week will win a £20 prize! lnsideSoap 53


“Your wife [Ariana Fraval] has recently joined the show as DS Cohen. What’s it like working together, and have you worked together before?”

Snap happy: Gregory and his family pose for the camera


Ride on Norfolk’s

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LEARN ABOUT the growing collection of celeb-led trips, cruises, 54 lnsideSoap

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Inside Soap readers can explore Norfolk like royalty as you relax on four fabulous railways

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Explore Sandringham Estate, the Queen’s Norfolk residence

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er character Debbie is pa art of the biggest clan in the Dales – now Charley We eb bb reckons she’d like a brood to rival them in real life! She was at the laun nch of Inflata Nation Peterborough with h co-star hubby Matthew Wolfend den (David), and sons Buster, nine, and four-year-old Bowie, as she hinted d more kids could be on the cards. “Three at the moment is a lot, but I think that once you have three yo ou might as well have 20, because it’s just chaos!” said Charley, who’s on maternity leave after giving birth to o her third son, Ace, in August. Count us out of babysitting, then!

56 lnsideSoap

Matthew and Charley could soon need a bigger ball pit!

Maria has finally found a reliable Ralf…

Dog days!


hey love all creatures great and small on Corrie – especially pooches! Beverley Callard, who plays Liz, took a snap with her dog, Norman, who’s already bigger than her! It may not seem like it, but Bev got Norman as a puppy only five months ago… Meanwhile, young Isabella and William Flanagan (Hope and Joseph) – along with big sister Amelia, aka Emmerdale’s April – were chuffed to bits with their new puppy, a cute little furball named Daisy. And Samia Longchambon (Maria) has introduced a new addition to her family – a beautiful little Maltese pooch called Ralf! Let’s hope we’ll be seeing the furry friends on screen soon…

Could Daisy be the next Flanagan to appear in soap?



Jason was delighted to be back on solid ground!

asualty star Jason Durr – aka David – celebrated the start of 2020 by dangling off the side of a tall building! The actor challenged himself to abseil down the face of the Great Western Hospital in Wes Swin ndon to raise mon ney for CALM, a charrity that supports children with cancer and Leukemia. a The #DurrDangle T was a great w success, and Jason smashed his target of raising £1,000 for the very worthy cause. Well done!

Going DUTCH! T It’s just like filming outside on the cobbles…

he Street’s Emma may be unlucky in love, but Corrie star Alexandra Mardell – who plays her – has found her soul mate! Ali and her boyfriend of two years, Joe Parker, enjoyed a romantic break in Amsterdam recently, where they snuggled up together in an ice bar. And Ali also revealed that Joe is moving in with her. Aw! lnsideSoap 57


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Edited by Steven Perkins

Your brightest guide to the box...





Staying power HOME

o Bard to the bonee

Under occupation

Good sports




He went Hathaway: Frank’s back to crack more cases




ver since it burst on to our screens two years ago, we’ve had our suspicions that being on Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private Investigators is a bit of a dream job for an actor. Look at it this way: the scripts are fun; the mysteries are compelling; you get to film in the beautiful Warwickshire

Enemy lines: Vic Reeves has a role as Frank’s old adversary

countryside; and you get to work with Mark Benton and Jo Joyner, both of whom we know to be a hoot. Turns out, we were right on the money, because when Inside TV gets on the blower to talk to Mark about series three, he reveals that he’s already had some well-known pals asking to be in it… “The first episode features Vic Reeves, who’s a good friend of mine and who loves the show,” says Mark. “He sort of mentioned to me, ‘Oh, I’d love to be in it’, so he’s there and he does a brilliant performance. He plays an old arch-enemy of mine who comes back, and Frank thinks he’s the murderer and would do anything to catch him! It’s a great episode, set in a big, old-style bingo hall. I was really tempted to stop and

have a game afterwards – well, some of the crew did!”

SEEING STARS Vic’s not the only famous face we can expect to see popping up in a guest role in the latest 10-episode run, either, as Mark confirms there are more stars set to make an appearance. “We’ve got Don Gilet and Tamzin Outhwaite,” shares the actor. “It always shocks us how many great guests we get into the series. I think we do our best to keep the quality of the show to a certain standard, so hopefully that’s what attracts them.” While Mark is indeed keen to make sure the show is as good as it can possibly be, he also readily admits that he and Jo Joyner, who plays his crime-solving partner Luella Shakespeare, do have


a tendency to get the giggles when they’re filming. “We’re both terrible chucklers, and I’m always trying to make Jo laugh!” confesses the star. “I succeed quite a lot, actually! But I think as long as we’re having fun, then that bleeds into the show, and I think that’s k that s what people really lattch on to.”

BEAUTY SPOT S And if one of the e highlights for you in the sh how is seeing the stunning lan ndscapes of Stratford-upon-Avon and its surroundings, you’re definitely in for a treat this s time around. Just spare a tho ought for Mark and Jo and the other cast members, thoug gh, doing their best not to look k too chilly… “We tend to start s filming in September and finish in December,” Mark points out. “Our coats and jumpers get gra adually thicker through the show! But we do get to go to places we’d w



Actor Riley Jones tells us all about his dream viewing… I’ve been watching White House Farm, which I think is brilliant. Although it’s a famous case, I don’t really know much about it. I love crime dramas anyway, but when they’re based on a true event – and something as horrific as that – it’s interesting to see how it all unfolds. I’m desperate to read up on it a bit more, but I want it to remain a mystery to me until the series finishes!

a man coming out at the same time as me who made the passing comment, “Welcome to modern Britain” – we ended up going for a coffee and chatting about the film for two hours! The Netflix programme Living With Yourself, with Paul Rudd, was another one I liked. It’s one of those where you watch the first episode and think, “I can see where the plot’s going” – then they drop a massive bombshell. It really did pull the rug out ou from under me!

I absolutely love The Two Ronn nies. When n I was Inside No 9 and Doctor Who are a kid, I’d o-to shows. My two my big go recorrd it o work with any of the goals are to on ta ape and League Of Gentlemen guys, or to be transscribe the ctor Who in some form, in Doc scenes! cause I’ve been such bec The Two Ronnies I even fan for ages! a massive m tried to write my own version of their Mastermin nd Riley in Vera ● Catch C sketch using more moderrn V Sunday ITV references to see if I could d Doctor Who work out how to do it.

never dream of, like beautiful old country houses – one of them had a lake in the garden, it was stunning. There are some amazing locations, most of which we both want to buy, but obviously can’t! The flipside is that sometimes we end up in an old carpet warehouse or a car park – so it’s swings and roundabouts!”

The most affecting film I’ve seen recently is Ken Loach’s Sorry We Missed You. I’d been to see it by myself, and when I came out I was like, “I need to talk about it!” There was

Living With Yourself


Outhwaite for it: Tamzin will be making a guest appearance

DUR RING ITS FIRST SERIES, THIS w came in for a bit of criticism for show ng too hard to be a replacement for tryin BO, but in its second run we think GBB it ha as figured out its own identity quitte nicely. Sure, the similarities are theree – there are still three rounds per ode, and Mary Berry is one of the episo

judges – but it all feels a bit calmer and more nurturing than the ridiculously high-stakes challenges we’ve seen in the marquee in recent years. Plus, our dentist would surely agree that it’s good to have more savoury dishes on the menu – and we’re very excited for this week’s Ultimate Family Pies… lnsideSoap 61




lending a thriller with recent political history, six-part drama Baghdad Central is set in Iraq in 2003, when the country was under the rule of a US-led coalition. It’s an uneasy time for the nation, but particularly so for former police inspector Muhsin al-Khafaji (Waleed

Temple of dreams: The policeman has high hopes for Iraq’s future

Zuaiter), whose daughter is missing and may be in danger. Meanwhile, British policeman Frank Temple (Bertie Carvel) is tasked with rebuilding the Iraqi Police Service, and he wants Khafaji to help him… Waleed, what was the draw of this series for you? Waleed I didn’t want to do the audition – I’d not long lost my father, so I was feeling really down, but my agent had been tracking it for a couple of years and said, “It feels like it’s been written for you.” I didn’t want to play another accented Arab on Western television, but when I did the self-tape audition and

spoke the words, I had a feeling that this character and project were special. The writing is so rich and character-driven. Bertie, how has Temple ended up in Iraq? Bertie In my head, Temple has worked in the public sector for a long time, and he sees an opportunity for power and influence – and maybe to do

some good. But because you’ve got this military occupation, one realises how thin civilisation is. In extreme circumstances, people can start to behave in a slightly medieval way. The show switches between English and Arabic – what was that like to film? Waleed It was just a matter of committing to it once we got




alleries and museums across the world are filled with paintings and sculptures depicting the naked human body, yet, it’s often something that causes a stir. In this new two-parter, Mary Beard is on a mission to find out what it is about nudity in art that unsettles us… “We have a combination of taking it absolutely for granted and sometimes being quite

shocked by it,” Mary tells Inside TV. “In the series, we think about what the shock of the nude is: why we get cross with it. And we ask, why do we like looking at each other without our clothes on?” The answer is more complex than you might assume: for starters, our values have changed through history… “If you go back to the Greeks and the Romans, they had no




Baptiste, starring Tchéky Karyo, is getting a second series on BBC1. Baptiste is called upon when the family of UK Ambassador Emma Chambers (Fiona Shaw) vanishes on a skiing holiday.

Suranne Jones, Martin Compston, Shaun Evans and Rose Leslie are set to star in a new BBC1 thriller, provisionally titled Vigil. The series will follow the disappearance of a British fishing trawler and a death on board a Trident nuclear submarine…


into it. To the audience, it’s obviously in English sometimes, but for us, it was as if we were speaking in Arabic, because it’s that intimate world. Bertie I had a scene in Arabic, but they cut it. I’m not kidding! I thought it was a really smart piece of character-writing that of course Temple would have tried to learn Arabic – but it must have been terrible!

problem about seeing the willy full-on,” points out Mary. “But they were anxious about the female nude. I think it’s interesting in 21st-century culture that we’re worked up about seeing male genitalia on telly, yet we’re more laid-back about females’.” While Mary chuckles that she suspects people might expect her to “wag my finger and tell you it’s wicked to enjoy the nude”, she insists that’s not what it’s about. “I’d just like viewers to look at nudes differently,” she reflects. “What we’re trying to do is say, sometimes be a bit more surprised by them than you usually are.”

Luke Evans is to appear in ITV true crime drama The Pembrokeshire Murders (working title). He’ll play Senior Investigating Officer Steve Wilkins, who in 2006 reopened two unsolved murder cases from the 80s.





he first series of comedy Home, in which Syrian asylum seeker Sami moved in with Dorking couple Peter and Katy after smuggling himself into the country in the boot of their car, ended on a hopeful note, as Sami had his interview with the Home Office. As series two begins, however, it’s 182 days later and Sami is still waiting for an answer… “When I was doing the research, you realise it’s not an overnight ‘yes’ or ‘no’ with most refugees,” reveals Rufus Jones, who writes the show and plays Peter. “They have to wait, and it becomes a sort of psychological

test, which breaks a lot of people. So what we find is Sami not being that happy.” “Because his case takes over six months, the cracks in the system grow wider,” adds Youssef Kerkour, who plays Sami. “There aren’t many places to put people up, so he ends up staying in a surprising place.” Sami’s frustration at being kept in limbo boils over in the opening episode, and it’s Peter who comes to the rescue. But Sami isn’t the only one who’ll be put through the wringer… “We remain focused on Sami,” explains Rufus, “but it’s fair to say we all have greater battles to fight this time…” lnsideSoap 63

INSIDE TV SATURDAY 1 February 6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 10.00 Saturday Kitchen Live Matt Tebbutt is joined by chefs Danilo Cortellini, and Sam Evans and Shauna Guinn. (S) 11.30 Garden Rescue Bristol Bradley Stoke: Charlie Dimmock and the Rich brothers attend a garden in Bradley Stoke, Bristol. (R/S) 12.00 PM Football Focus A look ahead to fixtures including Liverpool v Southampton. (S) 1.00 BBC News/Weather (S) 1.15 Eddie Butler’s Six Nations A look ahead to the championship. (S) 1.40 Live Six Nations Rugby Union Wales v Italy: (Kick-off 2.15pm). (S) 4.30 Final Score This afternoon’s football results. (S) 5.25 BBC News (S) 5.35 Regional News/Weather (S) 5.45 The Hit List Marvin and Rochelle Humes are joined by Mark and Stewart from Leicester, Sindy and Vanel from London, and Kelly and Tony from Belfast, all hoping to win the cash. Last in the series. (S)

8.30pm First & Last

6.45 AM Wild & Weird (R/S) 7.00 Top Class (R/S) 7.30 The Dog Ate My Homework Mia v Samuel. (R/S) 8.00 The Dengineers The Black History Den. (R/S) 8.30 Blue Peter The 2020 Sport Badge Competition (R/S) 9.00 Deadly 60 Ethiopia. (R/S) 9.30 How Earth Made Us Fire. (R/S) 10.30 Robot Wars: Battle Of The Stars (R/S) 11.30 Best Home Cook (R/S) 12.30 PM The Best Dishes Ever Say Cheese. (R/S) 1.00 Tennis: Australian Open Highlights The women’s singles final. (S) 2.30 The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes USA: Piers Taylor and Caroline Quentin explore four homes in Florida. (R/S) 3.30 Spy In The Wild (R/S) 4.30 Coast Western Isles And Shetland. (R/S) 5.00 Pipers Of The Trenches Descendants of pipers who died in the First World War visit the Somme and Gallipoli to learn more about the courage of these unarmed men. (R/S)

6pm Whisky Galore!

6.00 AM CITV 7.30 Scrambled! 9.25 ITV News (S) 9.30 James Martin’s Saturday Morning With guests Marc Almond, Gareth Ward, Tessa Bramley and Philip Serrell. (S) 11.40 Living On The Veg Day Radley: Recipes include paella, Victoria sponge and Texan-style pizza. (R/S) 12.40 PM Save Money: Lose Weight Gadgets designed to boost willpower when dieting. (R/S) 1.10 ITV News/Weather (S) 1.20 Dancing On Ice Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby present as the celebrities perform once more, hoping to avoid the bottom two. Torvill and Dean also take to the ice for a spectacular routine. (R/S) 3.25 ITV News/Weather (S) 3.45 Regional News/ Weather (S) 4.00 Live Six Nations Rugby Union Ireland v Scotland: (Kick-off 4.45pm). Coverage from the Aviva Stadium in Dublin, where Andy Farrell takes charge of his first Six Nations match as Ireland coach. (S)

8.30pm The Voice UK

6.20 AM Mike & Molly Molly Gets A Hat. (R/S) 6.40 Cheers (R/S) 7.10 Cheers (R/S) 7.35 Frasier (R/S) 8.00 Frasier (R/S) 8.30 The Big Bang Theory (R/S) 9.00 The Big Bang Theory (R/S) 9.30 The Big Bang Theory (R/S) 9.55 The Simpsons (R/S) 10.25 The Simpsons (R/S) 10.55 The Simpsons Apocalypse Cow. (R/S) 11.25 The Simpsons Any Given Sundance. (R/S) 11.55 The Simpsons Mona Leaves-A. (R/S) 12.25 PM The Simpsons I Am Furious Yellow. (R/S) 12.55 The Simpsons The Sweetest Apu. (R/S) 1.25 Come Dine With Me (R/S) 1.55 Come Dine With Me (R/S) 2.25 Come Dine With Me (R/S) 2.55 Come Dine With Me (R/S) 3.30 Come Dine With Me (R/S) 4.00 Four In A Bed Ship Inn. (R/S) 4.30 Four In A Bed Thompson Hall Retreat. (R/S) 5.00 Four In A Bed The White House. (R/S) 5.35 Four In A Bed Jacobs Plough. (R/S)

9pm Hidden Figures

6.30 The Greatest Dancer Alesha Dixon and Jordan Banjo host a dancing contest, featuring performers from a variety of styles competing for a chance to showcase their skills on Strictly Come Dancing and take home the £50,000 prize. After four weeks of tough auditions, the pressure is on for Todrick Hall, Cheryl, Matthew Morrison and Oti Mabuse, as they each mentor their three chosen acts through the live Challenge Shows. (S)

6.00 Whisky Galore! Premiere. Comedy, starring James Cosmo, Sean Biggerstaff and Naomi Battrick. (Cert PG, 98 mins. 2016) (S) ★★★ 7.30 Dad’s Army The Royal Train: Captain Mainwaring and the platoon are asked to provide a guard of honour for a train carrying George VI passing through Walmington-on-Sea, but another locomotive confounds their plans. (R/S)

7.00 The Masked Singer Joel Dommett hosts a special double elimination show, in which two more singers will be unmasked. Sharon and Kelly Osbourne are today’s special guests on the panel. (S)

7.00 The Royal House Of Windsor The final episode focuses on heir to the throne Prince Charles and the radically different vision of the monarchy he had. Last in the series. (R/S)

8.30 First & Last Jason Manford hosts the game show where contestants have to make sure they do not come first or last in any game or they will be eliminated. Eleven contestants start each show and compete in games that will see one of them leave with up to £10,000. (S)

8.00 Great American Railroad Journeys Talkeetna To Junea: Michael Portillo continues to explore Alaska, helping a homesteader fell a tree to clear land for a log cabin and meeting scientists studying the Northern Lights. (S)

8.30 The Voice UK The blind auditions enter their fifth week, as coaches, Sir Tom Jones, Meghan Trainor and Olly Murs continue their search for the next singing superstar. The acts will be hoping to secure a place on a coach’s team and take a step closer to winning a record deal. (S)

8.00 The Queen’s Lost Family The story of the royal family over three turbulent decades, from the 1920s to the end of the Second World War. It begins just after the First World War. (R/S)

9.15 Casualty Charlie is concerned when he wakes up and realises that Duffy isn’t in the house and he can’t contact her, and eventually he has to report her as missing. Meanwhile, Lev is in denial about the severity of Luka’s tumour. (S)

9.00 QI XL Quiet: Extended edition, with guests Andrew Maxwell, Sara Pascoe and Jimmy Carr. (R/S) 9.45 Live At The Apollo Ellie Taylor presents a stand-up comedy by Fin Taylor and Tez Ilyas. (R/S)

10.05 BBC News/Weather (S) 10.25 Match Of The Day Gary Lineker presents highlights of the latest fixtures in the Premier League, including Liverpool v Southampton and Leicester City v Chelsea. (S)

10.30 Snowfall Protect And Swerve: New series. Franklin has squared things with his family and his gang rules the streets – but the streets are changing. (S)

10.00 Shopping With Keith Lemon With Matt Goss. (R/S) 10.25 ITV News/Weather (S) 10.40 American Sniper Biopic of Chris Kyle. (Cert 15, 132 mins. 2014) (S) ★★★★

11.55 The NFL Show Super Bowl LIV Preview: A look ahead to the Super Bowl, which takes place on Sunday night. (S) 12.25 AM FILM Keeping Rosy A businesswoman tries make amends after she commits an uncharacteristically violent act. Thriller, starring Maxine Peake and Blake Harrison. (Cert 15, 93 mins. 2014) (S) ★★★ 1.55-6.00 BBC News (S)

11.20 Snowfall The More You Make: Since Manboy’s gang made a move, Leon does not trust their old schoolfriend. (S) 12.00 AM FILM Up In The Air A downsizing expert finds his emotionally detached lifestyle under threat from an executive with revolutionary ideas. Comedy drama, with George Clooney. (Cert 15, 109 mins. 2009) (S) ★★★★★ 1.40-6.05 This Is BBC Two (S)

1.00 AM Ideal World 3.00 Rebound Sean Fletcher hosts the quickfire quiz that tests the general knowledge of six contestants, who go head-to-head in a bid to walk away with a big cash prize. (R/S) 3.50-6.00 Nightscreen Text-based information.

64 lnsideSoap

6.00 Four In A Bed Payment Day: The B&B owners find out what they have been paid and settle some scores. (R/S) 6.30 Channel 4 News/Weather (S)

9.00 Hidden Figures Premiere. A trio of AfricanAmerican women attempt to overcome prejudice as they work on the US space programme. Fact-based drama, starring Taraji P Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monae and Kevin Costner. (Cert PG, 127 mins. 2016) (S) ★★★★

11.25 FILM X-Men: The Last Stand Superhero adventure sequel, starring Hugh Jackman and Ian McKellen. (Cert 12, 103 mins. 2006) (S) ★★★ 1.20 AM The Last Leg: Countdown To Brexit (R/S) 2.40 Hollyoaks Omnibus. (R/S) 4.50 The Great Hotel Escape (R/S) 5.45 Kirstie’s Fill Your House For Free (R/S) 5.55-6.20 The King Of Queens Screwed Driver. (R/S)

6.00 AM Milkshake! 9.55 SpongeBob SquarePants Krusty Kleaners. (R/S) 10.05 The Loud House Project Loud House. (S) 10.20 Access (S) 10.25 Friends The One With The Stoned Guy: Monica applies for a job. (R/S) 10.55 Friends The One With Two Parts – Part One: Part one of two. Phoebe’s twin sister arrives. (R/S) 11.25 Friends The One With Two Parts – Part Two: Part two of two. Rachel and Monica become love rivals. (R/S) 11.55 Friends The One With All The Poker. (R/S) 12.25 PM FILM Alice In Wonderland Fantasy adventure, starring Mia Wasikowska. (Cert PG, 108 mins. 2010) (S) ★★★ 2.35 FILM Jesse Stone: Benefit Of The Doubt Detective thriller, starring Tom Selleck and Kathy Baker. (Cert 12, 90 mins. 2012) (S) ★★★ 4.20 FILM Jesse Stone: Lost In Paradise Crime thriller sequel, starring Tom Selleck and Kohl Sudduth. (Cert 12, 85 mins. 2015) (S) ★★★

THE GREATEST DANCER | BBC1 6.30PM 6.05pm Wallis: The American… 6.00 5 News Update (S) 6.05 Wallis: The American Who Stole A Prince Drama-documentary about Wallis Simpson, examining her diaries and private letters to piece together the details of her life. The film examines her abusive first marriage and unusual courtship by Edward VIII, whose infatuation with her was often obsessive and controlling. (R/S)

8.00 Manhunt: Catching Britain’s Most Wanted Documentary following a 10-strong tactical unit from Kent Police dedicated to hunting suspects on the run. (S)

9.55 Funniest Ever TV Cock Ups 2 The second in a series of clip shows featuring a compilation of classic television mistakes and moments when things did not quite go according to the script. The programme features a variety of embarrassing snippets, from fluffed lines to unexpected interruptions, misbehaving animals and unruly chat-show guests. (R/S)

11.50 Bargain-Loving Brits In The Sun (R/S) 12.45 AM Access (S) 1.00 The Live Casino Show (S) 3.00 Access (S) 3.10 Inside DHL: The World’s Biggest Delivery Company (R/S) 4.00 Inside DHL: The World’s Biggest Delivery Company (R/S) 4.45 House Doctor Frome. (R/S) 5.10 Divine Designs (R/S) 5.35-6.00 Wildlife SOS (R/S)

Heart and sole Af ffour weeks After k of auditions, the power switches to the viewers at home tonight, as The Greatest Dancer goes live for the first time this series. As before, the contestants who have made it this far will be working with their dance

captains on a routine that incorporates a particular challenge or theme, which last year ranged from things like ‘sport’ to ‘Doctor Who’. Each dance captain has three acts in the running, and the competition between them is fierce…

“I think Cheryl has a strong squad this year,” admits Matthew Morrison. “Lily and Joseph are amazing – they almost intimidate me as they are so strong at a young age, and they have that cuteness factor no one else has.”

Chemical reactions SNOWFALL | BBC2 10.30PM The drama exploring the impact of the crack cocaine epidemic on 1980s Los Angeles returns tonight for its third season, and Franklin finds himself in a fairly solid position: he’s made up with his family, and his gang has control of the streets. But it’s a rapidly-changing world, and Officer Wright is going to be keeping a very close eye on him. As we’ll see in tonight’s second episode, a group is only as strong as its weakest member, and Wright thinks that Louie might just be vulnerable enough to give him an in. Meanwhile, Teddy is looking for help – but is Gustavo willing to share his contacts? BBC1 N IRELAND as Main BBC1 except: 5.00-5.25pm Final Score From Northern Ireland BBC1 SCOTLAND as Main BBC1 except: 4.30-5.25pm Sportscene Results BBC1 WALES as Main BBC1 except: 11.30-12.00pm Six Nations Sin Bin BBC2 N IRELAND as Main BBC2 except: 7.30-8.00pm Getaways SCOTTISH as Main ITV except: 1.00am Teach My Pet To Do That 1.25-6.00 Nightscreen

lnsideSoap 65

INSIDE TV SATURDAY 1 February Sky Witness Sky Atlantic 6.00 AM Border Security: Australia’s Front Line 8.00 The Real A&E 9.00 Sun, Sea And A&E Elvis. 10.00 Sun, Sea And A&E Run Over Richard. 11.00 Air Ambulance ER 12.00 PM Air Ambulance ER 1.00 Air Ambulance ER 2.00 Nothing To Declare 2.30 Nothing To Declare 3.00 Nothing To Declare 3.30 Nothing To Declare 4.00 Nothing To Declare 4.30 Nothing To Declare 5.00 Nothing To Declare 5.30 Nothing To Declare 6.00 Nothing To Declare 6.30 Nothing To Declare

6.00 AM Fish Town 7.00 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets 8.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Bad 9.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Bad Words. 10.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Dead Ringer. 11.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12.00 PM CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1.00 Without A Trace 2.00 Without A Trace 3.00 Without A Trace 4.00 Without A Trace 5.00 Without A Trace Live To Regret. 6.00 Without A Trace Better Angels.

6.00 AM Monkey Life 6.30 Monkey Life 7.00 Monkey Life 7.30 Monkey Life 8.00 Modern Family 8.30 Modern Family 9.00 Modern Family 9.30 Modern Family 10.00 Modern Family 10.30 Soccer AM 12.00 PM Hawaii Five-0 1.00 Hawaii Five-0 2.00 Hawaii Five-0 3.00 Gillette Soccer Saturday Up-to-the-minute scores. 5.00 The Simpsons Homer v Lisa And The Eighth Commandment. 5.30 The Simpsons Bart’s Dog Gets An F. 6.00 The Simpsons 6.30 The Simpsons


7.00 Blue Bloods The Life We Chose: Danny vows to avenge a colleague’s death.

7.00 Without A Trace Push Comes To Shove: A doctor disappears after helping a patient.

7.00 The Simpsons 7.30 Modern Family Perfect Pairs: Phil, Claire, Alex and Luke decide to give Haley the day off.


8.00 Blue Bloods Women With Guns: Danny discovers Frank has a secret lover.

8.00 Without A Trace Cloudy With A Chance Of Gettysburg: The team investigates when a weatherman disappears.

8.00 A League Of Their Own: European Road Trip With ex-footballer Patrice Evra.


9.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit We Dream Of Machine Elves: Benson helps the victims of drugging and assault.

9.00 Maria Full Of Grace A pregnant Colombian teenager agrees to smuggle heroin into the United States, but things do not go to plan. Drama, starring Catalina Sandino Moreno and Virgina Ariza. (Cert 15, 96 mins. 2004) ++++

9.00 Mission: Impossible 2 A secret agent battles a spy-turnedcriminal mastermind intent on stealing a deadly manmade virus. John Woo’s action thriller sequel, starring Tom Cruise and Dougray Scott. (Cert 15, 118 mins. 2000) +++

NOT GOING OUT | Dave 8PM They’re such good pals in the later series that it seems weird now to picture a time when Lee and Lucy weren’t friends with Toby and Anna, but that’s where we find them in this episode from series seven.

Indeed, Lucy is desperate to impress their new neighbours even if it means fibbing about her life, and getting Lee to do the same. Unfortunately, his lie about working for a bank spirals out of control…

ALL ROUND TO MRS BROWN’S | Gold 9PM The tables are turned on Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield in tonight’s episode, when they become the guests on someone else’s show for a change. But how will the This Morning duo fare with the Brown family’s version of The Cube?





10 pm

10.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Born Psychopath: The SVU must thwart a psychopathic boy.

11 pm

11.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Girl Dishonoured: The SVU investigates a sexual assault at a university.

10.55 Band Of Brothers Why We Fight: Easy Company makes a grim discovery.

11.20 The Road To Fast 9: Concert Cardi B, Wiz Khalifa, Charlie Puth, Ozuna and Ludacris perform in Miami.

12.00 AM Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 1.00 Blue Bloods 2.00 Blue Bloods 3.00 9-1-1 4.00 Madam Secretary 5.00 Nothing To Declare 5.30-6.00 Nothing To Declare

12.10 AM Band Of Brothers 1.25 Nurse Jackie 2.00 The New Pope 3.10 The New Pope 4.20 The British 5.10-6.00 The British

12.20 AM The Russell Howard Hour 1.25 Magnum P.I. 2.25 NCIS: Los Angeles 3.25 Motorway Patrol 4.00 Motorway Patrol 4.30 Motorway Patrol 5.00 Motorway Patrol 5.30-6.00 Motorway Patrol

This BAFTA-winning film (first shown on C4) tells the story of three men who discover at the age of 19 that they’re triplets, raised separately by individual families. Although their reunion was a real-life fairy tale, it revealed a shocking secret…

W 6.10 AM The Bill 7.00 The Bill 8.00 The Bill 9.00 The Bill 10.00 The Bill 11.00 Tipping Point 12.00 PM Tipping Point 1.00 Tipping Point 2.00 Tipping Point 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Tipping Point 5.00 Tipping Point 6.00 Tipping Point 7.00 Inside The Ambulance 8.00 Inside The Ambulance 9.00 The Shift: Women On The Force Response PC Becci deals with the emotional fallout of a drink drive case. 10.00 999 Rescue Squad 11.00 Louis Theroux: America’s Medicated Kids 12.00 AM One Born Every Minute 1.00 Dr Christian: 12 Hours To Cure Your Street 1.50 American Housewife 2.15 American Housewife 2.35 Renovate My Home: Leave It To Bryan 3.00-6.10 Teleshopping

66 lnsideSoap

Alibi 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries 8.00 Miss Marple 11.00 Death In Paradise 12.00 PM Death In Paradise 1.20 Death In Paradise 2.40 Death In Paradise 4.00 Miss Marple The Body In The Library: A body is found in a couple’s library. 7.00 Death In Paradise Lost Identity: Humphrey’s Aunt Mary gets caught up in a murder investigation. 8.20 Death In Paradise Murder Onboard: Camille’s best friend collapses on stage. 9.40 Death In Paradise A Dash Of Sunshine: Poole investigates the death of a tourist. 11.00 Death In Paradise A Stormy Occurence: A meteorologist is found dead – just as a storm is brewing. 12.20 AM Miss Marple 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping

Sky One

GOLD 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 The Piglet Files 7.35 2point4 Children 8.10 Open All Hours 8.50 Porridge 9.25 Keeping Up Appearances 10.05 The Good Life 10.45 Only Fools And Horses 12.00 PM Only Fools And Horses 2.00 Only Fools And Horses 4.20 Only Fools And Horses 5.00 Only Fools And Horses 5.40 Only Fools And Horses 6.20 Only Fools And Horses 7.00 Only Fools And Horses 7.40 Only Fools And Horses 8.20 Only Fools And Horses 9.00 DON’T MISS! All Round To Mrs Brown’s 10.20 Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow 11.20 The Mighty Boosh 12.35 AM Black Books 2.15 Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow 3.05 The Mighty Boosh 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping

Com. Central 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 Friends 10.00 FILM Alvin And The Chipmunks: Chipwrecked (Cert U, 87 mins. 2011) ++ 12.00 PM My Name Is Earl 2.00 The Office (US) 2.30 The Office (US) 3.00 Friends 3.30 Friends 4.00 Friends 4.30 Friends 5.00 Friends 5.30 Friends 6.00 Friends 6.30 Friends 7.00 Friends 7.30 Friends 8.00 Friends 8.30 Friends 9.00 FILM Airplane! (Cert 15, 84 mins. 1980) +++++ 11.00 FILM Borat: Cultural Learnings Of America For Make Benefit Glorious Nation Of Kazakhstan (Cert 15, 80 mins. 2006) ++++ 1.00 AM South Park 3.25 My Name Is Earl 4.15 Impractical Jokers 4.35 Impractical Jokers 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping

FOX 8.00 AM Bull 9.00 Bones 10.00 Bones 11.00 The Mentalist 12.00 PM NCIS The Wall. 1.00 Bones 2.00 NCIS 3.00 The Mentalist 4.00 Bones The Murder In The Middle East. 5.00 NCIS One Book, Two Covers. 6.00 The Mentalist Wedding In Red. 7.00 NCIS Beastmaster. 8.00 NCIS Something Blue. 9.00 The Fix Jeopardy!. 10.00 American Dad! The Two Hundred. 10.30 American Dad! The Unincludeds. 11.00 Family Guy Stewie Goes For A Drive. 11.30 Family Guy Back To The Pilot. 12.00 AM American Dad! 12.30 American Dad! 1.00 Family Guy 1.30 Family Guy 2.00 American Dad! 2.30 American Dad! 3.00 Family Guy 3.30 Family Guy 4.00 Bull 5.00-8.00 Teleshopping

Sky Comedy 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 Everybody Hates Chris 9.30 The Mindy Project 10.00 The Mindy Project 10.30 The Mindy Project 11.00 The Mindy Project 11.30 The Mindy Project 12.00 PM The Mindy Project 12.30 The Mindy Project 1.00 30 Rock 1.30 30 Rock 2.00 30 Rock 2.30 30 Rock 3.00 30 Rock 3.30 30 Rock 4.00 30 Rock 4.30 30 Rock 5.00 30 Rock 5.30 30 Rock 6.00 30 Rock 6.30 30 Rock 7.00 30 Rock 7.30 30 Rock 8.00 30 Rock. 8.30 Miracle Workers 9.00 Curb Your Enthusiasm 9.40 Ballers 10.15 Sex And The City 10.50 The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 11.50 Veep 12.25 AM Veep 1.00 Sex And The City 3.55 Everybody Hates Chris 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping




6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.30 Cadfael 9.00 Lovejoy National Wealth. 10.00 Lovejoy Sugar And Spice. 11.00 Sharpe Sharpe’s Regiment. 1.00 PM Auf Wiedersehen, Pet Private Lives. 2.00 Auf Wiedersehen, Pet The Fugitive. 3.00 Ms Fisher’s Modern Murder Mysteries Dead Beat – Part One. 4.00 Father Brown The Three Tools Of Death. 5.00 Father Brown The Prize Of Colonel Gerard. 6.00 The Brokenwood Mysteries Leather And Lace.

Benson (Mariska Hargitay) helps victims in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 9pm Sky Witness

BBC Scotland




6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 7.15 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9.50 Dress To Impress 11.50 Supermarket Sweep 12.50 PM Supermarket Sweep 1.50 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 2.20 FILM Nanny McPhee And The Big Bang (Cert U, 109 mins. 2010) ++++ 4.30 FILM Shrek (Cert U, 90 mins. 2001) ++++ 6.20 FILM Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Fantasy. (Cert 12, 136 mins. 2017) ++++







6.00 AM Rude(ish) Tube Shorts 6.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 8.00 Wife Swap USA 9.00 Don’t Tell The Bride 10.00 The Goldbergs 11.30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.30 PM Brooklyn Nine-Nine 2.30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 3.00 The Big Bang Theory 3.30 The Big Bang Theory 4.00 The Big Bang Theory 4.30 The Big Bang Theory 5.00 The Big Bang Theory 5.30 The Big Bang Theory 6.00 The Big Bang Theory 6.30 The Big Bang Theory

8.55 AM A Place In The Sun: Winter Sun 9.55 A Place In The Sun: Winter Sun 11.00 A Place In The Sun: Winter Sun 12.00 PM Location, Location, Location 1.00 Location, Location, Location 2.05 Escape To The Chateau 3.10 Escape To The Chateau 4.15 Escape To The Chateau Pineapple Chandeliers And A Wedding. 5.20 Come Dine With Me 5.50 Come Dine With Me 6.25 Come Dine With Me 6.55 Come Dine With Me

7.00 PM The Seven National, UK-wide and international news. 7.15 Seven Days News, sport and entertainment.

7.00 PM Rick Stein’s Long Weekends Bordeaux: The chef takes a culinary break in Bordeaux.

7.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.30 The Big Bang Theory The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary.

7.25 Come Dine With Me Aberdeen: The final night of the competition in Aberdeen.

8.00 Murdoch Mysteries My Big Fat Mimico Wedding: A guest at Ruth’s wedding attempts to kill the groom.

8.00 Born To Be Wild Life at the SSPCA’s wildlife rescue centre.

8.00 Yes, Prime Minister The Tangled Web: Jim is horrified. 8.30 Aurora: Dangerous Earth Aurora.

8.00 The Big Bang Theory 8.30 The Big Bang Theory The Vegas Renormalisation.

8.00 David Jason’s Great British Inventions 8 The actor examines pm innovations in of flight.

9.00 Life On Mars Sam and Gene investigate a stabbing. John Simm and Philip Glenister star.

9.00 Prophecy The creation of a monumental and apocalyptic oil painting by Peter Howson.

9.00 Inspector Montalbano The Other End Of The Line: A dressmaker is murdered.

9.00 Love Island: Unseen Bits Iain Stirling narrates highlights of the past week in the villa.

10.20 Life On Mars Sam tackles police corruption.

10.20 Scotland Unsolved Comedy. 10.35 Burnistoun Tunes In One-off special of the sketch show.

10.45 Clive James: Postcard From Berlin Clive takes a light-hearted look at the German capital.

10.05 Family Guy Baby, You Knock Me Out. 10.30 Family Guy Brian Writes A Bestseller.

9.00 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 Katniss Everdeen leads her allies in a final battle to bring down the despotic President Snow. Sci-fi adventure sequel, starring Jennifer Lawrence. (Cert 12, 134 mins. 2015) ++++

9.00 Three Identical Strangers Documentary telling the true story of three men who made the chance discovery aged 19 that they were identical triplets.

11.40 Kavanagh QC True Commitment: A neo-fascist is murdered.

11.05 Taken Down Abeni fears that the owners of the brothel may try to harm her. 11.55-12.00 Tune

11.35 Frantz Premiere. Drama, starring Pierre Niney. (Cert 12, 113 mins. 2016) +++++

11.00 Family Guy The Splendid Source. 11.30 American Dad! Dreaming Of A White Porsche Christmas.

11.45 Gogglebox EastEnders, Britain’s Got Talent: The Champions and Peaky Blinders are appraised.

11.00 24 Hours In A&E A man who fell out of bed is suspected of having a stroke.

1.25 AM Top Of The Pops: 1989 1.55 Top Of The Pops: 1989 2.25-3.25 Rick Stein’s Long Weekends

12.05 AM American Dad! 12.30 The Cleveland Show 1.00 Ibiza Weekender 2.00 The Stand Up Sketch Show 2.30 Release The Hounds: Famous & Freaked 3.25 Nightscreen 3.30-6.00 Teleshopping

12.50 AM Gogglebox 1.55 8 Out Of 10 Cats 2.55 First Dates 3.50 Wife Swap USA 4.40-6.00 Don’t Tell The Bride

12.05 AM Father Ted 12.40 Father Ted 1.15 It Was Alright In The 1990s 2.15 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 3.15-3.45 Father Ted

1.10 AM Cadfael 2.45 Garden Hopping 3.10 Garden Hopping 3.35 Garden Hopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.15 The Joy Of Techs 8.05 Top Gear 9.05 Storage Hunters 10.00 Aussie Pickers 112.00 PM Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 1.00 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 2.00 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 3.00 Border Force: America’s Gatekeepers 4.00 Top Gear 5.00 Scrapyard Supercar 6.00 Room 101 6.40 Room 101 7.20 Room 101 8.00 DON’T MISS! Not Going Out 8.40 Not Going Out 9.20 Not Going Out 10.00 Mock The Week 10.40 Mock The Week 11.20 Have I Got A Bit More 2018 News For You 12.20 AM Dave Gorman: Modern Life Is Goodish 1.20 Not Going Out 2.10 Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00 Criminals: Caught On Camera 9.25 Murder, She Wrote 10.15 Murder, She Wrote 11.15 Murder, She Wrote 12.20 PM Murder, She Wrote 1.20 Murder, She Wrote 2.25 Murder, She Wrote 3.25 Murder, She Wrote 4.25 Murder, She Wrote Deadpan. 5.25 FILM Columbo: Blueprint For Murder Crime drama. (Cert PG, 75 mins. 1972) +++ 7.05 NCIS Alibi. 8.00 NCIS Gut Check. 9.00 NCIS Devil’s Triad. 10.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 10.55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 11.55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 12.55 AM Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 1.50 CSI: NY 2.50 CSI: NY 3.50 Access 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 High Street TV 8.00 Last Man Standing 8.20 Two And A Half Men 12.35 PM FILM Grounded (Cert PG, 86 mins. 2006) ++ 2.30 FILM The Prince And Me Comedy. (Cert PG, 107 mins. 2004) ++ 4.45 FILM George Of The Jungle Comedy. (Cert U, 87 mins. 1997) +++ 6.40 FILM The Day After Tomorrow Thriller. (Cert 12, 119 mins. 2004) ++++ 9.00 FILM Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance Fantasy thriller. (Cert 12, 91 mins. 2011) ++ 10.55 FILM The Hills Have Eyes Horror remake. (Cert 18, 103 mins. 2006) ++++ 1.05 AM FILM Deliver Us From Evil (Cert 15, 116 mins. 2014) ++ 3.25 Two And A Half Men 3.55 Access 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Lewis The Mind Has Mountains. 7.45 Agatha Christie’s Marple The Body In The Library. 9.45 Coronation Street Omnibus. 12.45 PM Foyle’s War Casualties Of War. 2.55 Foyle’s War Plan Of Attack. 4.55 Foyle’s War Broken Souls: A murder at a military psychiatric hospital produces no shortage of suspects. 7.00 Midsomer Murders A Dying Art: The launch of a sculpture park is marred by murder. 9.00 Midsomer Murders Saints And Sinners: An archaeological dig-leader is murdered. 11.00 Law & Order: UK Tracks. 12.00 AM Law & Order: UK 1.05 Law & Order: UK 2.00 Long Lost Family 2.55 Rising Damp 3.20 Nightscreen 3.30-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Football’s Greatest: Johan Cruyff 6.15 The Return Of Sherlock Holmes 7.20 Fishing Allstars 8.25 Fishing Allstars 9.30 ITV Racing: The Opening Show 10.30 Sherlock Holmes: The Hound Of The Baskervilles 12.40 PM River Monsters 1.15 Goals Of The 70s 1.30 ITV Racing: Live From Sandown 4.00 FILM Red River Western, with John Wayne. Includes FYI Daily. (Cert U, 127 mins. 1948, B/W) +++++ 6.40 Football’s Greatest: Bobby Charlton 7.00 Darts: The Masters Live 11.00 FILM Inglourious Basterds Second World War adventure. Includes FYI Daily. (Cert 18, 152 mins. 2009) ++++ 2.10 AM The Protectors 2.40 Nightscreen 3.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 Little Women: LA 7.50 The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills 8.50 Be Tasty 9.00 LittleBe 12.00 PM Be Beautiful 12.10 The Real Housewives Of Potomac 1.05 The Real Housewives Of Orange County 2.00 Sam And Billie Faiers: The Mummy Diaries 4.00 Sam And Billie Faiers: The Mummy Diaries 6.00 Sam And Billie Faiers: The Mummy Diaries 7.00 Dinner Date 8.00 Dinner Date 9.00 Botched 10.00 Botched By Nature 11.00 Vanderpump Rules: Jax & Brittany Take Kentucky 11.30 Vanderpump Rules: Jax & Brittany Take Kentucky 12.00 AM Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars 12.50 ITVBe Nightscreen 12.55-6.00 Teleshopping

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10 pm

11 pm

INSIDE TV SUNDAY 2 February BBC1 6 am

6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 7.30 Match Of The Day (R/S) 9.00 The Andrew Marr Show (S) 10.00 Politics England (S) 10.30 The Big Questions (S) 11.30 Wanted Down Under Young Family. (R/S) 12.15 PM Bargain Hunt Portobello/ Kingston 16: Two teams scour Kingston upon Thames for bargains. (S) 1.00 BBC News/Weather (S) 1.15 Songs Of Praise Reading: Katherine Jenkins explores the ruins of Reading Abbey. (S) 1.55 Six Nations Rugby Union Build-Up A look ahead to France v England in Paris. (S) 2.30 Live Six Nations Rugby Union France v England: At the Stade de France (kick-off 3.00pm). (S) 5.10 Sir David Jason At 80: A Lovely Jubbly Celebration A tribute to the much-loved actor, who starred in shows including Only Fools And Horses, Open All Hours, A Touch Of Frost and The Darling Buds Of May. (S) 5.45 BBC News (S)

7.10pm Doctor Who

6 pm

7 pm

8 pm

9 pm

10 pm

11 pm

BBC2 6.05 AM The Farmers’ Country Showdown Marylebone Market – Fruit/Veg And Cheese. (R/S) 6.50 The Instant Gardener (R/S) 7.35 The Edible Garden Peas And Beans. (R/S) 8.05 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Helen Flanagan and Jorgie Porter compete in Scotland. (R/S) 9.05 Countryfile Hope Valley. (R/S) 10.00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Matt Tebbutt presents highlights of the series. (S) 11.30 Mary Berry’s Country House Secrets (R/S) 12.30 PM A Cook Abroad: Dave Myers’ Egypt The Hairy Biker visits north Africa. (R/S) 1.30 Tennis: Australian Open Highlights The men’s singles final. (S) 3.00 Flog It! From Glemham Hall in the Suffolk countryside. (R/S) 3.50 FILM The Train French Resistance forces try to stop the Nazis exporting national treasures. Second World War adventure, with Burt Lancaster. (Cert 15, 128 mins. 1964, B/W) (S) ★★★★

8pm Top Gear

ITV 6.00 AM CITV 7.30 Scrambled! 9.25 ITV News (S) 9.30 Ainsley’s Caribbean Kitchen Tobago: Ainsley Harriott takes a tour of Tobago. (R/S) 10.30 Living On The Veg Prue Leith. Crispy party poppers with barbecue dipping sauce. (S) 11.30 The Greek Islands With Julia Bradbury The Sporades. (R/S) 12.00 PM Countrywise: Guide To Britain Liz Bonnin walks part of the Thames Path through Oxfordshire. (R/S) 12.30 Lunchtime News/Weather (S) 12.35 The Voice UK Spinning-chair singing contest. (R/S) 2.05 The Masked Singer Joel Dommett hosts a double elimination show, with two more singers unmasked. (R/S) 3.35 Tipping Point Game show, hosted by Ben Shephard. (R/S) 4.35 ITV News/Weather (S) 4.45 Regional News/ Weather (S) 5.00 The Chase Celebrity Special With Ann Widdecombe, Sam Nixon and Mark Rhodes, and Jimmy Carr. (R/S)

8pm Vera

Channel 4 6.20 AM The King Of Queens Lush Life. (R/S) 6.45 Everybody Loves Raymond Fun With Debra. (R/S) 7.10 Everybody Loves Raymond Thank You Notes. (R/S) 7.35 The Big Bang Theory The Isolation Permutation. (R/S) 8.00 The Big Bang Theory The Ornithophobia Diffusion. (R/S) 8.25 Jamie And Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast (R/S) 9.30 Sunday Brunch (S) 12.30 PM The Simpsons Little Girl In The Big Ten: Bart catches a highly contagious virus. (R/S) 1.00 The Simpsons The Frying Game. (R/S) 1.30 FILM The Adventures Of Tintin Animated adventure, with the voice of Jamie Bell. (Cert PG, 106 mins. 2011) (S) ★★★★ 3.40 A Place In The Sun A couple looking to retire to Orihuela in eastern Spain. (R/S) 4.40 FILM Men In Black Sci-fi comedy, starring Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones and Linda Fiorentino. (Cert PG, 98 mins. 1997) (S) ★★★★

8pm George Clarke’s Old House…

6.00 Regional News/Weather (S) 6.10 Countryfile Dungeness: Margherita Taylor meets people campaigning to save Derek Jarman’s famous cottage and garden. (S)

6.00 Undiscovered Worlds With Steve Backshall Arctic – Part One: The naturalist explores some of the world’s most dangerous environments. (R/S)

7.10 Doctor Who Praxeus: What connects a missing astronaut, birds behaving strangely in Peru and a US naval officer who washes up on a Madagascar beach? The Doctor, Yaz, Ryan and Graham split up to investigate these mysterious events across 21st-century Earth. (S)

7.00 Ski Sunday Action from the World Cup meeting in Schladming, Austria, featuring the night slalom. Plus, highlights of the world’s longest boardercoss downhill race, the Inferno, from Feldberg, Germany. (S)

8.00 Call The Midwife Sister Frances is at a loss when she cares for a recovering cancer patient, whose fiercely independent wife refuses to accept further help. Samantha Spiro guest-stars. (S)

8.00 Top Gear Romesh Ranganathan joins the team in the studio, while Chris Harris races the McLaren Speedtail against a fighter jet and Paddy McGuinness tries out a luxurious off-roader. (S)

9.00 The British Academy Film Awards 2020 Graham Norton hosts the ceremony live from the Royal Albert Hall in London, with 1917, The Irishman, Joker, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood and Parasite up for Best Film. Also in the running for awards are Leonardo DiCaprio, Charlize Theron, Joaquin Phoenix, Quentin Tarantino, Saoirse Ronan, Adam Driver, Jonathan Pryce, Bong Joon Ho, Brad Pitt, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci. (S)

9.00 Win The Wilderness: Alaska A navigation challenge pits men against women on a trek through the wilderness, before the contestants are taken to a gun range to put their marksmanship to the test. (S) 10.00 Match Of The Day 2 A review of the day’s Premier League action, featuring Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester City at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium and Burnley v Arsenal at Turf Moor. (S)

10.00 ITV News/Weather (S) 10.15 Bradley Walsh & Son: Breaking Dad From Ohio. (R/S) 10.40 Six Nations Highlights England v France: Jill Douglas presents action from Paris. (S)

10.00 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown Miles Jupp and Sophie Duker join Sean Lock and Jon Richardson for the words-andnumbers game, while Lee and Dean are in Dictionary Corner. (R/S)

11.00 BBC News (S) 11.15 Regional News/Weather (S) 11.25 Super Bowl LIV – Live Kansas City Chiefs v San Francisco 49ers: Coverage of the NFL’s showpiece match, which takes place at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami, Florida (kick-off 11.30pm), as the AFC and NFC champions face each other for the coveted Vince Lombardi trophy. (S) 3.30-6.00 AM BBC News (S)

11.00 Super Bowl LIV Build-Up A preview of Kansas City Chiefs v San Francisco 49ers. (S) 11.30 The Women’s Football Show (R/S) 12.00 AM Women’s Six Nations Highlights Round One. (S) 12.30 Sign Zone: Question Time (R/S) 1.30 Sign Zone: Best House In Town St Albans: Detached. (R/S) 2.15 Sign Zone: Holby City (R/S) 3.15-6.00 This Is BBC Two (S)

11.40 Liar Laura travels to Edinburgh to try to uncover the truth behind Andrew’s wife’s death, while tensions between Tom and Katy reach breaking point. (R/S) 12.30 AM Liar Laura’s resolve to bring Andrew to justice deepens and Tom helps in her plan. (R/S) 1.20 Ideal World 3.00 Teach My Pet To Do That (R/S) 3.25 Nightscreen 5.05-6.00 Judge Rinder (R/S)

11.00 FILM Prisoners Thriller, starring Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal and Paul Dano. (Cert 15, 150 mins. 2013) (S) ★★★★ 1.45 AM Come Dine With Me Walsall. (R/S) 2.40 Losing It: Our Mental Health Emergency (R/S) 3.35 Grand Designs (R/S) 4.35 The Great Hotel Escape (R/S) 5.30 Kirstie’s Vintage Gems (R/S) 5.50-6.30 Countdown (R/S)

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6.00 Dancing On Ice The celebrities and their professional partners perform fairy-tale routines, hoping to get a high score from the judges and enough viewer votes to keep them out of the bottom two. While the votes are being counted, there’s a routine from Disney On Ice. Presented by Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby. (S)

6.30 Channel 4 News/Weather (S)

8.00 Vera The Escape Turn: Wealthy betting-shop tycoon Alun Wilmott is shot and killed during a home invasion, leaving his wife and daughter traumatised. With large amounts of cash missing from his personal safe, it’s assumed he’s the unlucky victim of a burglary. Vera suspects an inside job in the shape of Alun’s head of private security, whose history of violent crime calls his reformed character into question. Can the team find the evidence to pin the crime on their prime suspect – or are they looking in the wrong place? Last in the series. (S)

8.00 George Clarke’s Old House, New Home The host takes on a classic 1930s terraced home with a kitchen that’s so tiny, the fridge and oven have to live in another room. Last in the series. (S)

7.00 The Great Pottery Throw Down Judge Sue Pryke sets a multicoloured slip cast challenge to make two vases, before the competitors take part in a blindfolded throwing challenge. (R/S)

9.00 SAS: Who Dares Wins The 10 remaining recruits are sent on the run from a military-trained hunter force, and stalked across the punishing Scottish Highlands. (S)


Channel 5 6.00 AM Milkshake! 9.50 SpongeBob SquarePants Patnocchio. (R/S) 10.00 The Loud House In Tents Debate. (S) 10.10 Access (S) 10.15 WWE Raw Highlights New series. (S) 11.25 Friends The One With The Evil Orthodontist. (R/S) 12.00 PM Friends The One With The Fake Monica. (R/S) 12.25 Friends The One With The Ick Factor: Monica dates a high-school senior. (R/S) 12.55 FILM Annie An orphan goes to live with a wealthy businessman. Musical remake, starring Quvenzhané Wallis and Jamie Foxx. (Cert PG, 115 mins. 2014) (S) ★★ 3.10 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly Trainer Graeme Hall takes on a destructive English bulldog. (R/S) 4.10 Wonderful World Of Baby Animals Twin lambs of a rare breed are born, but one is rejected by its mother. (S) 5.05 5 News Update (S) 5.10 The Motorway Pedestrians are spotted walking along the M1. (R/S)

THE BRITISH ACADEMY FILM AWARDS 2020 | BBC1 9PM 9pm The Wonderful World Of… 6.10 Inside Rolls-Royce: Dream Machines A look under the bonnet at the luxury car and jet-engine producer, and following its fortunes since its foundation in 1906. (R/S) 7.00 Royals In Wartime Part two of two. How the House of Windsor risked life and limb to help the nation through the Second World War. Featuring archive material and insider commentary. (S)

8.00 Inside Iceland: Britain’s Budget Supermarket The retailer prepares for Christmas, the most important time of the year for supermarkets, and makes a deal for an ad campaign tied in to the release of Frozen 2. Last in the series. (S) 9.00 The Wonderful World Of Chocolate A look at the history of rivalry between different brands of chocolate biscuits, and a visit to a Norfolk factory that produces 35,000 walnut whips every hour. (S) 10.00 When Award Shows Go Horribly Wrong Julian Clary narrates a compilation of disastrous moments at awards show, including autocue failures and wardrobe malfunctions. (R/S) 12.55 AM Access Showbiz news and gossip. (S) 1.00 The Live Casino Show Interactive gambling. (S) 3.00 Access (S) 3.10 Inside DHL: The World’s Biggest Delivery Company (R/S) 4.00 Get Your Tatts Out: Kavos Ink (R/S) 4.45 House Doctor Newcastle-under-Lyme. (R/S) 5.10 Divine Designs Battle Of The Titans. (R/S) 5.35-6.00 Wildlife SOS (R/S)

Popcorn prizes D Devoted d cinephiles i hil that we are here at Inside TV, this is a very busy time of year for us because it’s usually when all of the big awards contenders hit the multiplexes (then again, we’re still baffled as to how there are films nominated tonight that

aren’t even out yet in this country). Needless to say, we have very strong opinions about what we want to happen tonight, like how Little Women should win everything. Including Best Director for Greta Gerwig, even though she’s not actually

nominated, because she should have been. Ahem. Anyway, Graham Norton is on hosting duties this year, and Joker is currently the leader of the pack with 11 nominations – but will it be a big winner on the night?

Ave Maria CALL THE MIDWIFE | BBC1 8PM How do you solve a problem like Sister Monica Joan? She’s vexed this week because The Sound Of Music is playing at the local cinema and she yearns to see it, but her request for a group outing is swiftly dismissed by Sister Julienne, who views the film as “both frivolous and inappropriate”. In non-cinematic news, Samantha Spiro has a guest-starring role tonight as Grace Calthorpe, who’s caring for both her sick husband Albert and her ailing mother – but the multiple demands on her time are making it impossible for her to keep the appointments she’s been making with Dr Turner about her own health concerns. BBC1 SCOTLAND as Main BBC1 except: 10.00-10.30am Politics Scotland BBC1 WALES as Main BBC1 except: 10.00-10.30am Politics Wales 11.30 A Question Of Sport 12.00pm Tudur’s TV Flashback 12.30-1.00 Bargain Hunt BBC2 WALES as Main BBC2 except: 12.30pm Coast 12.50 Women’s Six Nations 3.00 Tennis: Australian Open Highlights 4.30 Flog It! 5.15 Natural World: Prairie Dogs – Talk Of The Town 6.00-7.00 Scrum VS Six Nations Special SCOTTISH as Main ITV except: 1.20-5.05am Nightscreen

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INSIDE TV SUNDAY 2 February Sky Witness Sky Atlantic 6.00 AM Nothing To Declare 9.00 Sun, Sea And A&E Millionaire’s Twist. 10.00 Sun, Sea And A&E Maureen’s Big Fat Knee. 11.00 Sun, Sea And A&E 12.00 PM Air Ambulance ER 1.00 Customs UK 1.30 Customs UK 2.00 Nothing To Declare 2.30 Nothing To Declare 3.00 Nothing To Declare 3.30 Nothing To Declare 4.00 Nothing To Declare 4.30 Nothing To Declare 5.00 Nothing To Declare 5.30 Nothing To Declare 6.00 Nothing To Declare 6.30 Nothing To Declare

6.00 AM Fish Town 7.00 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets Berlin. 8.00 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets New Orleans. 9.00 Without A Trace Wanted. 10.00 Without A Trace Believe Me. 11.00 Without A Trace Once Lost. 12.00 PM Without A Trace Friends And Neighbours. 1.00 Without A Trace Chameleon. 2.00 Without A Trace Skeletons. 3.00 Without A Trace Voir Dire. 4.00 Blue Bloods The Art Of War. 5.00 Blue Bloods Pilot. 6.00 Blue Bloods Samaritan.

6.00 AM Hour Of Power 7.00 Monkey Life 7.30 Monkey Life 8.00 Monkey Life 8.30 Dolittle: Special 9.00 Modern Family 9.30 Modern Family 10.00 The Simpsons 10.30 The Simpsons 11.00 Rugby’s Funniest Moments 12.00 PM Live Women’s Six Nations Rugby Union 2.45 The Simpsons 3.20 The Simpsons 3.55 The Simpsons 4.30 The Simpsons 5.00 The Simpsons 5.30 The Simpsons 6.00 The Simpsons 6.30 The Simpsons


7.00 Ghost Whisperer Deja Boo: Melinda tries to protect her pregnant friend from a dangerous spirit.

7.00 Blue Bloods Privilege: Danny investigates a series of attacks on a college campus.

7.00 The Simpsons Treehouse Of Horror II. 7.30 The Simpsons The Fat Blue Line: A thief targets Springfield.


8.00 Ghost Whisperer Speed Demon: Melinda investigates a secret drag-racing society.

8.00 Blue Bloods Officer Down: Henry asks a former foe for help with an investigation.

8.00 Magnum P.I. Lie, Cheat, Steal, Kill: Thomas helps his girlfriend with a case.

9.00 The Rookie The Bet: Tension between Nolan and Jessica builds.

9.00 The New Pope The terrorist threat becomes increasingly menacing.

9.00 Hawaii Five-0 A’ohe Pau Ka ’ike I Ka Halau Ho’okahi (All Knowledge Is Not Learned In Just One School).

10 pm

10.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Poisoned Motive: The squad is pulled into a city-wide investigation.

10.10 The New Pope Voiello begins his plan to regain power.

10.00 NCIS: Los Angeles A Bloody Brilliant Plan: The team partners up with two ex-criminals from England.

11 pm

11.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Brief Interlude: A woman is found assaulted in a rowboat.

11.20 The Outsider Que Viene El Coco: Holly gains valuable insight when she investigates an eerily similar case.

11.00 COBRA Sutherland visits the worst-affected area of the country.

12.00 AM Ghost Whisperer 1.00 Ghost Whisperer 2.00 Air Ambulance ER 3.00 Nothing To Declare 3.30 Nothing To Declare 4.00 Nothing To Declare 4.30 Nothing To Declare 5.00 Nothing To Declare 5.30-6.00 Nothing To Declare

12.30 AM Oz 1.45 Life Itself: Special 2.00 The Outsider 3.05 Without A Trace 4.00 Storm City 5.00-6.00 Urban Secrets

12.00 AM S.W.A.T. 1.00 The Force: Manchester 1.55 Jett 3.05 Brit Cops: Rapid Response 4.00 Road Wars 5.00-6.00 Road Wars

SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE | Sky Comedy 9PM Now in its fifth (!) decade, the legendary American comedy show continues tonight – albeit 24 hours after its US broadcast. Since its inception in 1975, SNL has introduced us to the likes of Dan Aykroyd,

Bill Murray, Adam Sandler and Eddie Murphy – the latter of whom made an impressive return last season – deploying a different celeb guest host each week. Tonight, that role goes to NFL star JJ Watt…

MAGNUM P.I. | Sky One 8PM




The gang from Hawaii Five-0 makes a crossover appearance this week, as Magnum comes to the aid of lawyer girlfriend Abby Miller, after she realises that the client she successfully defended in a murder trial is actually, er, guilty. Oops.


BEAUTY LAID BARE | BBC3 6AM Catch all three episodes of this new series, in which four 20-somethings with differing attitudes towards make-up spend two weeks in the US investigating the occasionally ugly secrets of the multibillion-dollar beauty industry.

W 6.10 AM Tipping Point 7.00 Tipping Point 8.00 Tipping Point 9.00 Tipping Point 10.00 Tipping Point 11.00 Doctor Who 12.00 PM Doctor Who 1.00 Doctor Who 2.00 Doctor Who. 3.00 Doctor Who 4.00 Doctor Who 5.00 Inside The Ambulance 6.00 Inside The Ambulance 7.00 Inside The Ambulance 8.00 999 Rescue Squad 9.00 Louis Theroux’s Weird Weekends Christianity. 10.00 Stacey Dooley Investigates: Canada’s Lost Girls 11.00 Amish: A Secret Life 12.00 AM One Born Every Minute 1.00 Dr Christian: 12 Hours To Cure Your Street 1.50 American Housewife 2.15 American Housewife 2.35 Renovate My Home: Leave It To Bryan 3.00-6.10 Teleshopping

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Alibi 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 Miss Marple 10.00 Death In Paradise 11.20 Death In Paradise 12.40 PM Death In Paradise A Stormy Occurence. 2.00 Maisie Raine The Witness. 3.00 Maisie Raine To Sleep. 4.00 Inspector Alleyn Mysteries 6.10 Father Brown The Pride Of The Prydes. 7.10 Father Brown The Shadow Of The Scaffold. 8.10 Father Brown The Mysteries Of The Rosary: Sid and the cleric try to find the mythical Lannington Rosary. 9.10 Murdoch Mysteries Forever Young. 10.10 Frankie Drake Mysteries Counterpunch. 11.10 Inspector Alleyn Mysteries Death In A White Tie. 1.20 AM The Bad Seed 2.20 The Bad Seed 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping

Sky One

GOLD 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 The Piglet Files 7.40 Only Fools And Horses 9.50 Only Fools And Horses 11.10 Only Fools And Horses 12.30 PM Only Fools And Horses 2.45 Only Fools And Horses 3.25 Only Fools And Horses 4.00 Only Fools And Horses 4.40 Only Fools And Horses 5.20 Only Fools And Horses 6.00 Only Fools And Horses 6.40 Only Fools And Horses 7.20 Only Fools And Horses 8.00 Dad’s Army 8.40 Hold The Sunset 9.20 Porridge 10.00 Still Open All Hours 10.40 Mrs Brown’s Boys 11.20 Harry Enfield And Chums 12.00 AM Hold The Sunset 12.40 Black Books 2.20 Harry Enfield And Chums 2.50 Black Books 3.15 Peep Show 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping

Com. Central 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 Bob’s Burgers 8.35 Bob’s Burgers 9.00 Friends 9.30 Friends 10.00 Friends 10.30 Friends 11.00 FILM Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Road Chip (Cert U, 90 mins. 2015) ++ 1.00 PM The Office (US) 1.30 The Office (US) 2.00 Friends 2.30 Friends 3.00 Friends 3.30 Friends 4.00 Friends 4.30 Friends 5.00 Friends 5.30 Friends 6.00 Friends 6.30 Friends 7.00 FILM John Tucker Must Die Comedy. (Cert 12, 89 mins. 2006) ++ 9.00 FILM Step Brothers Comedy. (Cert 15, 97 mins. 2008) +++ 11.00 Roast Battle 11.30 Lee Evans: XL Tour 12.30 AM South Park 4.15 Impractical Jokers 4.35 Impractical Jokers 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping

FOX 8.00 AM Bull 9.00 Bones 10.00 Bones 11.00 The Mentalist 12.00 PM Bones 1.00 Bones 2.00 Bones 3.00 Bones The Donor In The Drink. 4.00 The Mentalist The Red Tattoo. 5.00 NCIS Rendezvous. 6.00 NCIS: New Orleans Treasure Hunt. 7.00 NCIS Someone Else’s Shoes. 8.00 NCIS Wide Awake. 9.00 NCIS: New Orleans Welcome To The Jungle. 10.00 Family Guy Big Trouble In Little Quahog. 10.30 Family Guy Thanksgiving. 11.00 Family Guy Amish Guy. 11.30 Family Guy Livin’ On A Prayer. 12.00 AM Family Guy 12.30 Family Guy 1.00 Family Guy 1.30 American Dad! 2.00 American Dad! 2.30 Family Guy 3.00 American Dad! 3.30 American Dad! 4.00 Bull 5.00-8.00 Teleshopping

Sky Comedy 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 Everybody Hates Chris 9.00 The Mindy Project 1.00 PM Parks And Recreation 2.00 Parks And Recreation 2.30 Parks And Recreation 3.00 Parks And Recreation 3.30 Parks And Recreation 4.00 Parks And Recreation 4.30 Parks And Recreation 5.00 Parks And Recreation 5.30 Parks And Recreation 6.00 Parks And Recreation 6.30 Parks And Recreation 7.00 Parks And Recreation 7.30 Parks And Recreation 8.00 Parks And Recreation 8.30 A.P. Bio 9.00 DON’T MISS! Saturday Night Live 10.30 Amy Schumer: Live 11.45 Curb Your Enthusiasm 1.40 AM Ballers 2.10 Chris Rock: Bigger & Blacker 3.30 Everybody Hates Chris 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping




6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 Doctor Finlay 8.00 The Bill Different Kind Of Justice. 9.00 The Bill The Perfect Alibi. 10.00 The Bill Anything For A Dime. 11.00 The Bill An Unwanted Death. 12.00 PM Hetty Wainthropp Investigates The Astral Plane. 1.00 Hetty Wainthropp Investigates A Rose By Any Other Name. 2.00 Catherine Cookson’s The Rag Nymph 5.00 Call The Midwife 6.20 Call The Midwife Barbara faces a tricky birth with a first-time mother.

Lenny Belardo (Jude Law) secretly returns to the Vatican in The New Pope 10.10pm Sky Atlantic

BBC Scotland




6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 7.55 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9.35 Dress To Impress 10.30 The Masked Singer 12.00 PM Supermarket Sweep 2.05 You’ve Been Framed! Gold: Yearbook 3.05 FILM Richie Rich Family comedy. (Cert PG, 90 mins. 1994) ++ 5.00 FILM Hotel Transylvania Animated comedy. (Cert U, 88 mins. 2012) +++ 6.45 FILM Pan Fantasy adventure prequel. Includes FYI Daily. (Cert PG, 111 mins. 2015) ++



6.00 AM Hollyoaks 8.15 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 9.10 FILM Epic Animated adventure, with the voice of Amanda Seyfried. (Cert U, 98 mins. 2013) +++ 11.10 The Goldbergs 12.40 PM Brooklyn Nine-Nine 2.10 The Big Bang Theory 4.05 Celebrity Come Dine With Me 5.10 Celebrity Come Dine With Me 6.15 Celebrity Come Dine With Me 6.45 FILM Night At The Museum Comedy, starring Ben Stiller. (Cert PG, 108 mins. 2006) +++



8.55 AM George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 9.55 Ugly House To Lovely House With George Clarke 11.00 Come Dine With Me 11.30 Come Dine With Me 12.05 PM Come Dine With Me 12.35 Come Dine With Me 1.05 Come Dine With Me 1.35 Four In A Bed 2.05 Four In A Bed 2.35 Four In A Bed 3.10 Four In A Bed 3.40 Four In A Bed 4.05 Escape To The Chateau 5.15 Escape To The Chateau 6.15 Escape To The Chateau

7.40 New Tricks Death Of A Timeshare Salesman: The squad reinvestigates the death of a timeshare magnate when new information from a reformed call girl suggests he didn’t commit suicide. Guest-starring Shane Richie.

7.00 PM The Seven National, UK-wide and international news. 7.15 Sportscene The latest Premiership fixtures.

7.00 PM The Women’s Football Show 7.30 Iolo’s Snowdonia Exploring Snowdonia through the seasons.

8.30 Fish Town New recruit Gavin Burnett heads out on Peterhead trawler Ocean Endeavour.

8.00 Galapagos – Islands Of Change: Natural World The impact of increased migration and tourism.

9.00 Silent Witness Family: Nikki, Jack, Thomas and Clarissa are just settling down for their respective Christmas Day celebrations when they are called in to investigate a shooting spree.

9.00 David Wilson’s Crime Files Prisons: The criminologist investigates the Scottish prison system. Last in the series.

9.00 Art On The BBC: The Story Of The Nude New series. How TV has influenced understanding of the arts.

9.00 Love Island Relationship-based reality show.

9.00 Star Trek: Discovery Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum: The Discovery is tasked with a high-priority mission.

9.00 999: On The Frontline New series. An hour in the life of paramedics across the West Midlands.

10.00 The Storm That Saved A City The transformation of Glasgow in the wake of a devastating storm in 1968.

10.00 Horizon: What’s Wrong With Nudity? Investigation into attitudes toward nudity.

10.05 Ibiza Weekender Tash feels awkward as she realises she’s starting to have feelings for Jaden.

10.05 Gogglebox Reviews include Britain’s Got Talent: The Champions and The Circle.

10.00 24 Hours In Police Custody: Murder In The Woods The killing of a young man in Cambridgeshire.

11.05 Waking The Dead Waterloo: Part One: Boyd re-opens the first case he ever worked on.

11.00 A Play, A Pie And A Pint: Ring Road Lisa is bored with being judged. 11.45-12.00 Rewind 1990s 1992.

11.00 Fig Leaf: The Biggest Cover Up In History The history of the fig leaf’s use in Western art.

11.05 Family Guy New Kidney In Town: Peter suffers kidney failure. 11.35 Family Guy Partial Terms Of Endearment.

11.10 Gogglebox The Circle: Vote Night is among the shows under scrutiny.

12.00 AM No Body’s Perfect With Rankin And Alison Lapper 1.00 Arena: American Epic 3.00-3.30 Monkman & Seagull’s Genius Guide To Britain

12.05 AM American Dad! 12.35 American Dad! 1.05 The Cleveland Show 1.30 Don’t Hate The Playaz 2.15 The Stand Up Sketch Show 2.45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 3.15 Nightscreen 3.30-6.00 Teleshopping

12.15 AM The Big Bang Theory 12.45 The Big Bang Theory 1.10 Tattoo Fixers: Extreme 2.15 Star Trek: Discovery 3.05 How I Met Your Mother 3.30-6.00 Hollyoaks

1.35 AM Tess Of The D’Urbervilles 2.45 Doctor Finlay 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 The Joy Of Techs 7.35 The Joy Of Techs 8.00 Top Gear 9.00 Ultimate Movers 10.00 Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge 11.00 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 12.00 PM Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 1.00 Drug Wars 1.30 Drug Wars 2.00 Aussie Pickers 3.00 American Pickers 4.00 Room 101 4.40 Room 101 5.20 Room 101 6.00 Red Bull Soapbox Race 7.00 Border Force: America’s Gatekeepers 9.00 Have I Got A Bit More News For You 10.00 QI XL 11.00 Live At The Apollo 12.00 AM Mock The Week 12.40 Have I Got A Bit More News For You 1.40 Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled 3.35 The Indestructibles 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00 Criminals: Caught On Camera 9.25 CSI: NY 10.10 Murder, She Wrote 12.10 PM FILM Columbo: A Trace Of Murder (Cert PG. 1997) ++ 2.05 FILM Columbo: Blueprint For Murder (Cert PG. 1972) +++ 3.40 FILM Columbo: Murder With Too Many Notes (Cert PG, 86 mins. 2000) ++ 5.30 FILM Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder (Cert PG, 73 mins. 1976) +++ 7.00 NCIS 8.00 NCIS 9.00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 10.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 11.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 11.55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 12.55 AM Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 1.55 CSI: NY 2.50 CSI: NY 3.50 Access 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 Access 8.10 Last Man Standing 8.35 Two And A Half Men 1.00 PM Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 4.00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away!: Big Family Bust Up 5.00 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 6.00 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 7.00 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 8.00 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 9.00 FILM Cool Runnings (Cert PG, 93 mins. 1993) ++++ 11.05 FILM Van Wilder: Party Liaison (Cert 15, 89 mins. 2002) ++ 1.00 AM Bodylicious! 1.30 Bodylicious! 2.00 It’s Your Fault I’m Fat 3.00 On Benefits & 40 Grand In Debt 3.50 Access 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



7.20 Britain’s Wildest Weather Some of the most extraordinary weather events of 2019.







6.00 AM Rising Damp Things That Go Bump In The Night. 6.25 Rising Damp That’s My Boy. 6.55 Coronation Street Omnibus. 9.50 Emmerdale Omnibus. 12.45 PM Foyle’s War All Clear. 2.45 Agatha Christie’s Poirot Five Little Pigs. 4.50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot The Adventure Of The Egyptian Tomb. 6.00 Lewis The Mind Has Mountains. 8.00 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs 8.30 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs 9.00 Harry & Meghan: An African Journey 10.00 The Good Karma Hospital 11.00 The Good Karma Hospital 12.05 AM Law & Order: UK 1.00 Law & Order: UK 2.00 The Halcyon 2.50 Emmerdale 5.15 Rising Damp 5.40-6.00 Nightscreen



6.00 AM World Of Sport: Petrol Heads 6.20 The Protectors 6.55 Auto Mundial 7.25 World Rally Championship Highlights 8.25 The Professionals 9.30 The Return Of Sherlock Holmes 10.35 Hornblower 12.45 PM Darts: The Masters Live 5.00 River Monsters 5.30 Mr Bean 6.00 Mr Bean The Return Of Mr Bean. 6.35 World Cup Rivalries: England V Argentina 7.00 Darts: The Masters Live 11.00 FILM Steven Gerrard: Make Us Dream A look at the playing career of the former Liverpool captain. Includes FYI Daily. (Cert 15, 60 mins. 2018) ++++ 1.15 AM The Protectors 1.50 Fishing Impossible 2.40 Nightscreen 3.00-6.00 Teleshopping



10 pm

11 pm 12.00 AM 999: What’s Your Emergency? 1.00 24 Hours In A&E 2.00 Shocking Emergency Calls 3.00-4.00 999: On The Frontline



6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 Little Women: LA 7.50 The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills 8.45 Be Beautiful 9.00 LittleBe 12.00 PM Be Beautiful 12.10 Income Property 12.35 The Real Housewives Of Orange County 2.25 The Real Housewives Of Orange County 3.20 The Real Housewives Of Orange County 4.15 The Real Housewives Of Orange County 5.15 Don’t Be Tardy 6.15 The Bachelor USA 8.00 Celebrity Dinner Date 9.00 Botched 10.00 The Real Housewives Of Potomac 11.00 The Real Housewives Of Orange County 11.55 Growing Up Chrisley 12.50 AM ITVBe Nightscreen 12.55-6.00 Teleshopping

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INSIDE TV MONDAY 3 February BBC1 6 am

6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 9.15 Fraud Squad: The Hunt (S) 10.00 Homes Under The Hammer (R/S) 11.00 Wanted Down Under Angus Family. (S) 11.45 Defenders UK (S) 12.15 PM Bargain Hunt Detling 9: From Detling Antiques Fair. (S) 1.00 BBC News At One/Weather (S) 1.30 Regional News (S) 1.45 Doctors Tea And Sympathy. (S) 2.15 Shakespeare & Hathaway – Private Investigators How The Rogue Roar’d: New series. Return of the comedy drama starring Mark Benton and Jo Joyner. (S) 3.00 Escape To The Country Hampshire & New Forest: Two returning expats looking for a home in Hampshire’s New Forest. (S) 3.45 The Farmers’ Country Showdown Honey & Veg: A beekeeper and a market gardener sell their wares in Belfast. (R/S) 4.30 Antiques Road Trip (S) 5.15 Pointless Quiz show, hosted by Alexander Armstrong. (S)

10.35pm Ladhood

6 pm

7 pm

8 pm

9 pm

10 pm

11 pm

BBC2 6.00 AM Wanted Down Under Howells Family. (R/S) 6.45 Antiques Road Trip (R/S) 7.30 Sign Zone: MasterChef: The Professionals (R/S) 8.30 The Week In Parliament (S) 9.00 BBC News At 9 (S) 10.00 Victoria Derbyshire (S) 11.00 BBC Newsroom Live (S) 12.15 PM Politics Live Presented by Jo Coburn. (S) 1.00 Women’s Six Nations Highlights 2020 Round One: Action from the opening round of fixtures. (R/S) 1.30 Get Away For Winter Benalmadena, Spain: A Glasgow couple who want to rent a property in southern Spain. (R/S) 2.15 Hollywood Actresses: Talking Pictures Profiles of the leading ladies of Hollywood’s golden age. (R/S) 3.05 FILM The Red Shoes Powell and Pressburger’s drama, starring Moira Shearer. (Cert U, 127 mins. 1948) (S) ★★★★★ 5.15 Flog It! Hull: Featuring a painting by local artist Steven Dews. (S)

8pm Only Connect

ITV 6.00 AM Good Morning Britain (S) 9.00 Lorraine Entertainment and fashion news. (S) 10.00 This Morning Celebrity chat and lifestyle features. (S) 12.30 PM Loose Women Celebrity interviews and topical studio discussion from a female perspective. (S) 1.30 Lunchtime News/Weather (S) 1.55 Regional News/Weather (S) 2.00 Judge Rinder Cameras follow criminal barrister Robert Rinder as he takes on real-life cases in a studio courtroom. (S) 3.00 Tenable The Urban Caffeine Collective: Five workmates take part. (S) 3.59 ITV London Weather (S) 4.00 Tipping Point Ben Shephard hosts the arcade-themed quiz in which contestants drop tokens down a choice of four chutes in the hope of winning a £10,000 jackpot. (S) 5.00 The Chase Bradley Walsh asks the questions as contestants take on a ruthless quiz genius to secure a cash prize. (S)

9pm Cold Feet

Channel 4 6.30 AM Cheers My Son, The Father. (R/S) 6.55 Cheers One Hugs, The Other Doesn’t. (R/S) 7.20 The King Of Queens Bun Dummy. (R/S) 7.45 The King Of Queens Patrons Ain’t. (R/S) 8.10 Everybody Loves Raymond Home From School. (R/S) 8.40 Everybody Loves Raymond Misery Loves Company. (R/S) 9.10 Frasier The Show Where Lilith Comes Back. (R/S) 9.40 Frasier A Midwinter Night’s Dream. (R/S) 10.10 Undercover Boss USA (R/S) 11.05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Levanti’s. (R/S) 12.00 PM Channel 4 News/Weather Summary (S) 12.05 Sun, Sea And Selling Houses (R/S) 1.05 Escape To The Chateau: DIY (R/S) 2.10 Countdown (S) 3.00 A Place In The Sun (R/S) 4.00 A New Life In The Sun (S) 5.00 Couples Come Dine With Me Kim and Martin host first in East Anglia. (S)

8pm Australia on Fire: Climate…

6.00 BBC News/Weather (S) 6.30 Regional News (S)

6.00 Richard Osman’s House Of Games With Maggie Aderin-Pocock, Richard Coles and Lou Sanders. (S) 6.30 Great Asian Railway Journeys Bangkok To Hua Hin. (S)

6.00 Regional News/Weather (S) 6.30 Evening News/Weather (S)

6.00 The Simpsons Lisa gets her own TV show. (R/S) 6.30 Hollyoaks Toby and Celeste decide to host a housewarming party. (R/S)

7.00 The One Show Alex Jones and Matt Baker present the first visit of the week to The One Show studio, featuring the usual mix of topical stories and celebrity chat. (S) 7.30 Inside Out Documentary focusing on regional stories. (S)

7.00 The Twinstitute Better Brain: Three pairs of identical twins find out if it’s possible to improve your cognitive function. (R/S) 7.30 Mastermind Specialist subjects include the Romanov dynasty and Harpo Marx. (S)

7.00 Emmerdale Rhona is determined to uncover the truth, David is left worried, and Tracy goes on a date. (S) 7.30 Coronation Street Geoff is fuming when his trick doesn’t work, and Maria explains to Liam she has lost the baby. (S)

7.00 Channel 4 News/Weather (S)

8.00 EastEnders Drunken Linda leaves Ollie in danger, and Iqra invites herself to a Panesar family meal. (S) 8.30 Cashing In On The Housing Crisis – Panorama People living in temporary accommodation in converted former office blocks. (S)

8.00 Only Connect Eggchasers v Turophiles: Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts a second-round match. (S) 8.30 University Challenge In the second of the quarter-final matches, two teams of four students compete to make it to the next stage. (S)

8.00 The Martin Lewis Money Show A look at the best child savings accounts. (S) 8.30 Coronation Street Tim’s dad can’t see the funny side over the botched trick, and Gary assures Maria that he wants to be with her, baby or not. (S)

8.00 Australia On Fire: Climate Emergency The dramatic and terrifying story of the battle to save Australia from the bushfires ravaging the country, including first-hand accounts from firefighters on the front line. (S)

9.00 Silent Witness The Greater Good – Part One: Part one of two. Thomas performs an autopsy on a soldier who died in military training, and discovers traces of a possible nerve agent. (S)

9.00 Mary Beard’s Shock Of The Nude Part one of two. The classicist examines the nude in Western art and its troubling power to provoke ideas about gender, sex and moral transgression Mary starts with a statue of Aphrodite by Praxiteles. (S)

9.00 Cold Feet A chance encounter gives Pete a boost; Jenny faces fresh heartbreak; Karen attempts to make amends with her mother, and David starts his new venture, but soon realises that all is not as it seems. (S)

9.00 999: What’s Your Emergency? This edition focuses on hate crime, following two officers responding to a call from a family in Northampton who have been subjected to racist abuse from a neighbour. (S)

10.00 BBC News At Ten (S) 10.25 Regional News/Weather (S) 10.35 Ladhood Schnecker: Liam finds himself doing cocaine when he should be preparing for his mental health assessment. (S)

10.00 Inside No 9 The Referee’s A…: New series. Return of Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith’s comic anthology. (S) 10.30 Newsnight (S)

10.00 ITV News/Weather (S) 10.30 Regional News/Weather (S) 10.45 Inside The Crown: Secrets Of The Royals Documentary focusing on the royals’ roller-coaster relationship with the press. (R/S)

10.00 Baghdad Central New series. An ex-police inspector sets out to find his missing daughter, who was working as an interpreter for the US-led coalition. Crime thriller, starring Waleed Zuaiter. (S)

11.00 Rio Ferdinand: Being Mum And Dad The former footballer, who lost his wife to cancer in May 2015, meets other families coping with bereavement. (R/S) 12.00 AM The Graham Norton Show Jim Carrey, Margot Robbie, Daniel Kaluuya and Jodie Turner-Smith all talk about their latest films. Plus, Lewis Capaldi performs Before You Go. (R/S) 12.50-6.00 BBC News (S)

11.15 NFL This Week Super Bowl Review: Mark Chapman is joined by Jason Bell and Osi Umenyiora to review Super Bowl LIV, which saw Kansas City Chiefs face San Francisco 49ers. (S) 12.05 AM Sign Zone: The Farmers’ Country Showdown Scottish Game Fair – Garlic & Cheese. (R/S) 12.50 Sign Zone: Countryfile (R/S) 1.45-6.30 This Is BBC Two (S)

11.45 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite Action from the latest edition of the weekly AEW event, featuring all of the biggest stars on the roster, including Adam Page, Chris Jericho, Cody and Jon Moxley. (S) 12.35 AM Ideal World 3.00 James Martin’s French Adventure Lyon. (R/S) 3.50 Nightscreen Text-based information service. 5.05-6.00 Judge Rinder (R/S)

11.00 Emergency Helicopter Medics (R/S) 12.00 AM Meet The Drug Lords: Inside The Real Narcos (R/S) 1.00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA (R/S) 1.50 SAS: Who Dares Wins (R/S) 2.45 Come Dine With Me (R/S) 3.40 Grand Designs (R/S) 4.35 The Great Hotel Escape (R/S) 5.30 Fill Your House For Free (R/S) 5.50-6.30 Countdown (R/S)

72 lnsideSoap


Channel 5 6.00 AM Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine (S) 11.15 Paddington Station 24/7 (R/S) 12.10 PM 5 News At Lunchtime (S) 12.15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors A girl with a long history of depression visits the surgery. (R/S) 1.10 Access (S) 1.15 Home And Away Bella walks in on Willow and Alex in bed. (R/S) 1.45 Neighbours Ned suspects that someone has sabotaged Yashvi’s car. (S) 2.15 FILM Twin Sister’s Obsession A woman’s long-lost twin decides to take over her life. Thriller, starring Lindsay Hartley. (Cert PG, 89 mins. 2018) (S) ★★★ 4.00 Friends The One With Ross’s New Girlfriend: Rachel struggles to deal with Ross’s new relationship. (R/S) 4.30 Friends The One With The Breast Milk: Phoebe manages to unwittingly disgust everyone. (R/S) 5.00 5 News At 5 (S) 5.30 Neighbours Repeated from 1.45pm. (S)


10pm Busted In Bangkok 6.00 Home And Away Bella walks in on Willow and Alex in bed, but promises to keep their secret. (R/S) 6.30 5 News Tonight (S) 7.00 Premiership Rugby Cup Highlights Exeter Chiefs v Harlequins: Exeter Chiefs v Harlequins. Action from the opening semi-final, which came from Sandy Park. (S)

8.00 Traffic Cops An insight into the working life of officers patrolling the nation’s roads, using modern technology and old-fashioned methods to bring criminals to justice. (S)

9.00 The Motorway Lives are endangered when a truck illegally reverses down the M1 into the path of high-speed traffic, while a lorry driver hits a car and doesn’t notice. Last in the series. (S) 10.00 Busted In Bangkok The tourist police declare a state of emergency on Koh Samui, as the most powerful storm in decades looks set to hit the island. (S)

11.05 The World’s Heaviest Child: Extraordinary People (R/S) 12.05 AM Bad Girls Behind Bars (R/S) 1.00 The Live Casino Show (S) 3.00 Access (S) 3.10 GPs: Behind Closed Doors (R/S) 4.00 Get Your Tatts Out: Kavos Ink (R/S) 4.45 House Doctor (R/S) 5.10 Divine Designs Visions Of God. (R/S) 5.35-6.00 Wildlife SOS (R/S)

Kicking off S Steve Pemberton P b and Ralf Little must have some sort of TV-crossover deal going on this week, as not only does the latter crop up in this new series of No 9, but also starts a stint in Death In Paradise this week (more on Thursday) in an episode

that guest-stars Mr Pemberton. Pass the paracetamol, please. Anyway, back to tonight, and Ralf joins Dipo Ola, Steve Speirs and David Morrissey in this footie-centred episode. As Steve explains, “The referees’ changing room is a space most

of us don’t think about often, but it struck us as an interesting idea to set an episode there.” And lo, a clash between United and Rovers in the last match of the season is safely in the care of the four match officials. Well, maybe not that safely…

Nerve centre SILENT WITNESS | BBC1 9PM This week’s two-part story brings series 23 to a close, and Thomas is investigating the case of John Sealy – a soldier who died during a military training exercise involving exposure to CS gas. It initially appears that the serviceman died from an aneurism, but when Thomas performs a post-mortem on the body and discovers the trace of a possible nerve agent in his system, John’s family needs more answers. And not that we want to give away too many spoilers for tomorrow night’s grand finale, but let’s just say that one of the main Lyell team ends up fighting for their life… BBC1 N IRELAND as Main BBC1 except: 7.30-8.00pm Getaways 10.35 True North: Soul Singers 11.05 True North Shorts: How To Honour Your Husband 11.15 BBC Arts NI Presents – Collaborations 11.45 Ladhood 12.10am Rio Ferdinand: Being Mum And Dad 1.10 The Graham Norton Show 2.00-6.00 BBC News BBC1 SCOTLAND as Main BBC1 except: 7.30-8.00pm Fish Town BBC1 WALES as Main BBC1 except: 7.30-8.00pm X-Ray 8.30-9.00 The Crash Detectives 10.35 Cashing In On The Housing Crisis – Panorama 11.05 Ladhood 11.30 Rio Ferdinand: Being Mum And Dad 12.30am The Graham Norton Show 1.15-6.00 BBC News BBC2 N IRELAND as Main BBC2 except: 10.00-10.30pm Beidh Aonach Amárach WALES as Main ITV except: 6.00-6.30pm ITV News Wales At Six 10.45-11.45 Sharp End SCOTTISH as Main ITV except: 10.40pm Scotland Tonight 11.05 Inside The Crown: Secrets Of The Royals 12.05am Rebound 1.00-5.05 Nightscreen

lnsideSoap 73

INSIDE TV MONDAY 3 February Sky Witness Sky Atlantic 6.00 AM Nothing To Declare 7.00 Nothing To Declare 8.00 Paramedics Deep Breath. 9.00 Blue Bloods Most Wanted. 10.00 Criminal Minds The Boys Of Sudworth Place. 11.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Room Service. 12.00 PM Elementary Dead Man’s Tale. 1.00 Blue Bloods Power Of The Press. 2.00 Law & Order Brother’s Keeper. 3.00 The Real A&E 4.00 UK Border Force 5.00 Nothing To Declare 5.30 Nothing To Declare 6.00 Nothing To Declare 6.30 Nothing To Declare

6.00 AM Fish Town 7.00 Without A Trace 8.00 Without A Trace Wanted. 9.00 Without A Trace Believe Me. 10.00 The West Wing Pilot. 11.00 The West Wing Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc. 12.00 PM Blue Bloods Officer Down. 1.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation No More Bets. 2.00 The West Wing A Proportional Response. 3.00 The West Wing Five Votes Down. 4.00 Without A Trace 5.00 Without A Trace Friends And Neighbours. 6.00 Without A Trace Chameleon.

6.00 AM Monkey Life 6.30 Monkey Life 7.00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 7.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue 8.00 The Dog Whisperer 9.00 Motorway Patrol 9.30 Motorway Patrol 10.00 The Force: Manchester 11.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 12.00 PM NCIS: Los Angeles 1.00 Hawaii Five-0 2.00 Hawaii Five-0 3.00 MacGyver 4.00 Modern Family 4.30 Modern Family 5.00 The Simpsons 5.30 Futurama 6.00 Futurama Put Your Head On My Shoulders. 6.30 The Simpsons Lisa’s Pony.


7.00 Nothing To Declare 7.30 Nothing To Declare

7.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Bloodlines: Grissom investigates the rape of a casino worker.

7.00 The Simpsons Saturdays Of Thunder. 7.30 The Simpsons Flaming Moe’s: Homer invents a new drink.


8.00 Ghost Whisperer Friendly Neighbourhood Ghost: Melinda’s neighbour begins acting oddly.

8.00 Blue Bloods What You See: Frank tries to deal with a bomb threat in Manhattan.

8.00 SEAL Team The Ones You Can’t See: Jason contemplates surgery for an injury.


9.00 Criminal Minds The Dance Of Love: The agents search for a killer who leaves red roses on his victims.

9.00 The Outsider TearDrinker: Holly desperately searches for clues in locations connected to the Dayton case.

10.00 Criminal Minds Carbon Copy: The team moves a step closer to identifying The Replicator.

10.05 True Blood Strange Love: The first episode of the vampire drama, starring Anna Paquin.

9.00 Mission: Impossible III A former secret agent struggles to save his fiancée from a ruthless arms dealer. Action thriller sequel, starring Tom Cruise, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Michelle Monaghan. (Cert 12, 120 mins. 2006) +++

11.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Her Negotiation: A mysterious criminal keeps himself one step ahead of the SVU.

11.20 True Blood The First Taste: Bill saves Sookie from the Rattrays.

11.15 Avenue 5 11.50 A League Of Their Own: European Road Trip With exfootballer Patrice Evra.

12.00 AM CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1.00 Blue Bloods 2.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 3.00 Ghost Whisperer 4.00 Road Wars 5.00-6.00 Brit Cops: Frontline Crime UK

12.30 AM This Is Our Family 1.30 1917: Special 2.00 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets 3.10 Nurse Jackie 3.45 Nurse Jackie 4.20 The West Wing 5.10-6.00 The West Wing

12.50 AM Jett 2.05 Brit Cops: Rapid Response 3.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 4.00 Futurama 4.30 Futurama 5.00-6.00 Stargate SG-1

ROAST BATTLE | Comedy Central 10PM Series four continues to pit more of the sharpest wits against each other in comedic combat. Tonight, Jimmy, Katherine and guest judge Richard Ayoade will oversee battles between

Ed Night and Huge Davies (not a typo) – who delivers his comebacks in musical form – and UK comedy stalwart Richard Herring in his head-to-head with US comedian Sara Barron.

MURDOCH MYSTERIES | Alibi 9PM Tonight, Crabtree finds himself facing the father he never knew. Unfortunately, 1) their meeting comes as a result of a death at an investment event, and 2) Murdoch suspects that the constable’s long-lost dad might be the culprit…




10 pm


11 pm

Catch up with the recently dumped in Love Island’s sister show, which will also see Laura getting the contestants’ friends and family to dish the dirt. Nice. There’s also unseen footage and latest goings-on from the South African villa.

W 6.10 AM MasterChef Australia 7.00 My Dream Home 8.00 Tipping Point 9.00 Tipping Point 10.00 The Bill 11.00 Supernanny US 12.00 PM Tipping Point 1.00 Tipping Point 2.00 MasterChef USA 3.00 My Dream Home 4.00 My Dream Home 5.00 Tipping Point 6.00 Tipping Point 7.00 MasterChef USA 8.00 Inside The Ambulance 9.00 One Born Every Minute A baby’s shoulders become wedged during delivery. 10.00 My Famous Babysitter 11.00 Inside The Ambulance 12.00 AM One Born Every Minute 1.00 Dr Christian: 12 Hours To Cure Your Street 1.50 American Housewife 2.15 American Housewife 2.35 Renovate My Home: Leave It To Bryan 3.00-6.10 Teleshopping

74 lnsideSoap

Alibi 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries 8.00 Murdoch Mysteries 9.00 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries 10.00 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries 11.00 Unforgettable 12.00 PM Unforgettable 1.00 Rush 2.00 Rosewood 3.00 Murdoch Mysteries Victor, Victorian. 4.00 Murdoch Mysteries Rich Boy, Poor Boy. 5.00 Major Crimes Down The Drain. 6.00 Major Crimes Party Foul. 7.00 Unforgettable New Hundred. 8.00 Unforgettable The Combination. 9.00 DON’T MISS! Murdoch Mysteries Prodigal Father. 10.00 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Marked For Murder. 11.00 New Tricks 12.20 AM Inspector George Gently 2.30 Rosewood 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping

Sky One

GOLD 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.20 The Piglet Files 7.45 As Time Goes By 8.20 2point4 Children 9.00 Open All Hours 9.40 Hi-de-Hi! 10.20 Last Of The Summer Wine 12.20 PM Keeping Up Appearances 1.00 Open All Hours 1.40 Hi-de-Hi! 2.20 Still Open All Hours 3.00 Keeping Up Appearances 3.40 Dad’s Army 4.20 Last Of The Summer Wine 6.20 Porridge 7.00 Open All Hours 7.40 Dad’s Army 8.20 Dad’s Army 9.00 The Vicar Of Dibley 9.40 dinnerladies 10.20 Mrs Brown’s Boys 11.00 Peep Show 11.30 Peep Show 12.00 AM The Vicar Of Dibley 12.40 Victoria Wood With All The Trimmings 1.55 Peep Show 2.45 The Comic Strip Presents: Red Top 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping

Com. Central 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 Will & Grace 9.30 The Office (US) 10.00 The Office (US) 10.30 My Name Is Earl 11.00 Impractical Jokers 11.30 Impractical Jokers 12.00 PM Friends 12.30 Friends 1.00 Friends 1.30 Friends 2.00 Friends 2.30 Friends 3.00 Friends 3.30 Friends 4.00 My Name Is Earl 4.30 My Name Is Earl 5.00 Friends 5.30 Friends 6.00 Friends 6.30 Friends 7.00 Friends 7.30 Friends 8.00 Friends 8.30 Friends 9.00 Lee Evans: XL Tour 10.00 DON’T MISS! Roast Battle 10.30 Roast Battle 11.00 The Mick 11.30 The Mick 12.00 AM Your Face Or Mine 12.30 Your Face Or Mine 1.00 South Park 1.30 South Park 4.15 Takeshi’s Castle 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping

FOX 8.00 AM Bull 9.00 Bones 10.00 Bull 11.00 NCIS: New Orleans 12.00 PM Bones 1.00 Bones 2.00 The Mentalist The Red Tattoo. 3.00 NCIS: New Orleans Welcome To The Jungle. 4.00 Bull The Necklace. 5.00 Bones The Resurrection In The Remains. 6.00 The Mentalist Fire And Brimstone. 7.00 NCIS Boom. 8.00 NCIS Third Wheel. 9.00 NCIS: New Orleans High Stakes. 10.00 NCIS: New Orleans Powder Keg. 11.00 American Dad! Gifted Me Liberty. 11.30 American Dad! Next Of Pin. 12.00 AM Family Guy 12.30 Family Guy 1.00 American Dad! 1.30 American Dad! 2.00 Family Guy 2.30 Family Guy 3.00 American Dad! 3.30 American Dad! 4.00 Bull 5.00-8.00 Teleshopping

Sky Comedy 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 Everybody Hates Chris 9.00 Parks And Recreation 10.30 30 Rock 12.00 PM The Mindy Project 12.30 The Mindy Project 1.00 The Mindy Project 1.30 Modern Family 2.00 Modern Family 2.30 Everybody Hates Chris 3.00 Everybody Hates Chris 3.30 Parks And Recreation 4.00 Parks And Recreation 4.30 Parks And Recreation 5.00 30 Rock 5.30 30 Rock 6.00 30 Rock 6.30 Modern Family 7.00 Modern Family 7.30 The Mindy Project 9.00 Miracle Workers 9.30 A.P. Bio 10.00 Chris Rock: Never Scared 11.40 Real Time With Bill Maher 12.50 AM Eastbound & Down 2.00 Girls 2.35 Girls 3.10 30 Rock 3.45 30 Rock 4.20 30 Rock 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping










6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 7.50 Emmerdale 8.20 Coronation Street 8.50 Coronation Street 9.20 Superstore 10.15 Dinner Date 11.15 Dress To Impress 12.15 PM Emmerdale 12.45 Coronation Street 1.15 Coronation Street 1.50 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 2.45 Supermarket Sweep 3.50 Dinner Date 4.55 Dress To Impress 6.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold

6.00 AM Hollyoaks 6.30 Hollyoaks 7.00 How I Met Your Mother 8.00 Baby Daddy 9.00 Young Sheldon 10.00 The Big Bang Theory 11.00 The Goldbergs 12.00 PM Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.00 The Big Bang Theory 2.00 Baby Daddy 3.00 Young Sheldon 3.30 Young Sheldon 4.00 The Goldbergs 4.30 The Goldbergs 5.00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 5.30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 6.00 The Big Bang Theory 6.30 The Big Bang Theory

8.55 AM Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures 9.15 A Place In The Sun: Winter Sun 10.10 A Place In The Sun: Winter Sun 11.15 Love It Or List It Australia 12.15 PM Find It, Fix It, Flog It 1.15 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 2.15 Four In A Bed 2.50 Four In A Bed 3.20 Four In A Bed The Address. 3.50 Four In A Bed Crake Trees Manor. 4.20 Four In A Bed Payment Day. 4.55 The Secret Life Of The Zoo 5.55 Love It Or List It Australia 6.55 Car S.O.S Start The Dart.

7.00 PM Beyond 100 Days/Weather 7.30 Francesco’s Mediterranean Voyage Bosnia And Dubrovnik.

7.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 7.30 You’ve Been Framed! Gold Narrated by Harry Hill.

7.00 Hollyoaks Mitchell has a proposition. 7.30 Celebrity Come Dine With Me With Jay Hutton from Tattoo Fixers.

7.55 Escape To The Chateau: DIY Following British people living in and running French castles.

8.00 This Farming Life Documentary following life on farms around Scotland.

8.00 A Very British Romance With Lucy Worsley Romance in the Victorian age.

8.00 Two And A Half Men 8.30 Two And A Half Men The Duchess Of Dull-in-Sack.

8.00 Junior Bake Off The next 10 contestants enter the tent.

9.00 The Nine The latest Scottish, UK and international news.

9.00 The 80s With Dominic Sandbrook The Sound Of The Crowd: The historian’s personal review of the decade.

9.00 Love Island Laura Whitmore presents as the fourth week of the relationship-based reality show begins.

9.00 Car S.O.S. Special: 7 Day Challenge Part 9 one of two. Tim and pm Fuzz attempt to restore a Series 2 Land Rover.

10.00 New Tricks Good Work Rewarded: The team investigates a golfer’s death.

10.00 River City Poppy and Stevie’s relationship comes under threat.

10.00 This Life Coming Together: First episode of the drama. 10.40 This Life Happy Families: Miles is seduced.

10.00 Love Island: Aftersun The latest news from the villa.

9.00 Men In Black 3 A secret agent goes back in time and teams up with a young version of his mentor to stop an alien changing history. Sci-fi comedy sequel, starring Will Smith. (Cert PG, 105 mins. 2012) +++

11.15 Taggart Gingerbread: A dying man’s last answerphone message creates confusion.

11.00 Gary: Tank Commander 11.30-12.00 Mirror Mirror ‘We Came Out The Water? I Cannae Swim!’.

11.30 This Life Living Dangerously: Egg gets over-involved with a client.

11.05 Family Guy And I’m Joyce Kinney. 11.35 Family Guy Excellence In Broadcasting.

11.10 The Big Bang Theory The Vengeance Formulation. 11.40 The Big Bang Theory

11.00 24 Hours In A&E A woman is brought in after having a severe epileptic seizure.

12.10 AM Art Of Germany 1.15 Treasures Of The Indus 2.15 Tales Of Tudor Travel: The Explorer’s Handbook 2.45-3.45 A Very British Romance With Lucy Worsley

12.05 AM American Dad! 12.30 American Dad! 1.00 Iain Stirling’s CelebAbility 1.50 Two And A Half Men 2.20 The Stand Up Sketch Show 2.45 Plebs 3.15 Nightscreen 3.30-6.00 Teleshopping

12.10 AM Brooklyn Nine-Nine 12.40 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.10 Gogglebox 2.15 First Dates 3.10 Don’t Tell The Bride 4.05 The Big Bang Theory 4.30 The Big Bang Theory 4.55 How I Met Your Mother 5.20-6.00 How I Met Your Mother

12.00 AM 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown 1.00 Car S.O.S. Special: 7 Day Challenge 2.00 Car S.O.S. Special: 7 Day Challenge 3.00-3.30 Food Unwrapped

6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 Bramwell 8.00 Soldier, Soldier 9.00 The Bill 10.00 Classic Holby City Awakenings. 11.00 Classic Casualty What Friends Are For. 12.00 PM The Bill Bust. 1.00 Classic EastEnders 1.40 Classic EastEnders 2.20 London’s Burning 3.20 Lovejoy Swings And Roundabouts. 4.20 Bergerac The Deadly Virus. 5.25 Bread 6.00 Are You Being Served? The Pop Star. 6.40 As Time Goes By Welcome News.


7.20 Last Of The Summer Wine Barry In Danger From Reading And Aunt Jessie: Alvin is seen with a mystery woman.

7.00 PM Beechgrove Repotted Community Allotments: A visit to two allotment initiatives. 7.30 Getaways Croatia.

8.00 Dalziel & Pascoe Secrets Of The Dead: The mismatched detectives investigate a murder in a sleepy Yorkshire village – a case that has personal overtones for Dalziel.

Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) battles an arms dealer in Mission: Impossible III 9pm Sky One

BBC Scotland

2.20 AM Bramwell 3.05 The Bill 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 8.00 American Pickers 9.00 Storage Hunters 9.30 Storage Hunters 10.00 American Pickers 11.00 American Pickers 12.00 PM Cop Car Workshop 1.00 Top Gear 2.00 Border Force: America’s Gatekeepers 3.00 Sin City Motors 4.00 Top Gear 5.00 Top Gear 6.00 QI XL Merriment. 7.00 Richard Osman’s House Of Games 7.40 Would I Lie To You? 8.20 Would I Lie To You? 9.00 Live At The Apollo 10.00 Taskmaster Dignity Intact. 11.00 QI Birds. 11.40 QI Blue. 12.20 AM Mock The Week 1.00 QI 1.40 QI 2.25 Flack 3.15 Richard Osman’s House Of Games 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping





6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00 Criminals: Caught On Camera 9.25 Law & Order 10.10 CSI: NY 11.05 CSI: NY 12.00 PM Private Eyes 1.00 Law & Order 2.00 Law & Order 3.00 Law & Order 4.00 Murder, She Wrote A Little Night Work. 5.00 Murder, She Wrote Mr Penroy’s Vacation. 6.00 Law & Order Asterisk. 7.00 Law & Order The Wheel. 8.00 NCIS Double Back. 9.00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent World’s Fair. 10.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Tangled. 10.55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Redemption. 11.55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Countdown. 12.55 AM Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 1.55 CSI: NY 2.50 CSI: NY 3.50 Access 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping

6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 High Street TV 8.00 3rd Rock From The Sun 9.10 Will & Grace 10.05 Last Man Standing 11.05 Two And A Half Men 12.00 PM Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 1.00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 2.00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 3.00 Neighbours 3.30 Home And Away 4.00 House 5.00 House 6.00 Neighbours 6.30 Home And Away 7.00 Now That’s Funny! 8.00 Rich Kids Go Skint 9.00 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 10.00 Benefits: Too Fat To Work 11.00 FILM Parker Action thriller. (Cert 15, 114 mins. 2013) +++ 1.20 AM Sinkholes: Sucked To Death 2.20 Sex Pod 3.15 Empire 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping





6.00 AM Classic Coronation Street 6.25 Classic Coronation Street 6.55 Classic Emmerdale 7.25 Classic Emmerdale 7.55 Heartbeat 8.55 Rising Damp 9.25 Rising Damp 9.55 Man About The House 10.25 Inspector Morse 12.40 PM Heartbeat Great Expectations. 1.45 Classic Emmerdale 2.15 Classic Emmerdale 2.50 Classic Coronation Street 3.20 Classic Coronation Street 3.55 The Durrells 4.55 Heartbeat Great Expectations. 6.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot Sad Cypress. 8.00 Maigret Sets A Trap 10.00 Law & Order: UK Dependent. 11.00 Inspector Morse Deceived By Flight. 1.15 AM Inspector Morse 3.15 Nightscreen 3.30-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM The Protectors 6.30 Quincy ME 7.30 Kojak 8.30 The Return Of Sherlock Holmes 9.35 Minder 10.40 The Professionals 11.45 The Sweeney 12.50 PM Quincy ME Seldom Silent, Never Heard. 1.55 Kojak Law Dance. 2.55 The Return Of Sherlock Holmes The Bruce Partington Plans. 4.00 Minder All Quiet On The West End Front. 5.05 The Professionals Stopover. 6.10 River Monsters Mekong Mutilator. 6.45 Snooker: World Grand Prix 11.15 FILM Safe House Thriller, with Denzel Washington. Includes FYI Daily. (Cert 15, 110 mins. 2012) +++ 1.30 AM The Contender 2.35 World Of Sport 2.45 Nightscreen 3.00-6.00 Teleshopping





10.00 Car S.O.S. Special: 7 Day Challenge Part two of two. Rick Wakeman checks on progress.



6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 The Bachelor 7.55 The Bachelor 8.50 Be Beautiful 9.00 LittleBe 12.00 PM Buying And Selling 12.55 The Real Housewives Of Atlanta 1.50 Million Dollar Listing: LA 3.10 The Real Housewives Of Orange County 4.05 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 5.00 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey Brunch Gone Bad. 6.00 Masters Of Flip 7.00 Buying And Selling Renee And Charlie. 8.00 Dinner Date Maura. 9.00 The Real Housewives Of Orange County Breakdown In Beverly Hills. 10.00 Botched Breast Lumps And Empty Noses. 11.00 Botched 12.00 AM The Only Way Is Essex 12.45 ITVBe Nightscreen 12.55-6.00 Teleshopping

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10 pm

11 pm

INSIDE TV TUESDAY 4 February BBC1 6 am

6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 9.15 Fraud Squad: The Hunt (S) 10.00 Homes Under The Hammer (S) 11.00 Wanted Down Under Pinder Family. (S) 11.45 Defenders UK (S) 12.15 PM Bargain Hunt Kedleston 17: From Kedleston Hall in Derbyshire. (R/S) 1.00 BBC News At One/Weather (S) 1.30 Regional News (S) 1.45 Doctors There Will Be Blood. (S) 2.15 Shakespeare & Hathaway – Private Investigators See Thyself, Devil!: A washed-up rock star believes that the Devil is trying to kill him. (S) 3.00 Escape To The Country Cornwall: Alistair Appleton helps a couple from Worcestershire to find a home in Cornwall. (S) 3.45 The Farmers’ Country Showdown Sheep & Pigs: Sheep and pig farmers compete at the Yeovil Show. (R/S) 4.30 Antiques Road Trip (S) 5.15 Pointless Quiz, hosted by Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman. (R/S)

7pm The One Show

6 pm

7 pm

8 pm

9 pm

10 pm

11 pm

BBC2 6.30 AM Wanted Down Under (R/S) 7.15 Antiques Road Trip (R/S) 8.00 Sign Zone: MasterChef: The Professionals Gregg Wallace presents the first episode of finals week. (R/S) 9.00 BBC News At 9 (S) 10.00 Victoria Derbyshire News and current affairs. (S) 11.00 BBC Newsroom Live (S) 12.15 PM Politics Live With Jo Coburn. (S) 1.00 The Super League Show Action from the opening round of fixtures. (S) 1.50 Get Away For Winter Madeira: A Scottish duo look for a rental home on Madeira. (R/S) 2.35 Coast Wales – Border To Border: The team explores the Welsh coast. (R/S) 3.05 Deborah Kerr: Talking Pictures A profile of the actress. (R/S) 3.35 FILM Black Narcissus Drama, starring Deborah Kerr and David Farrar. (Cert U, 96 mins. 1947) (S) ★★★★★ 5.15 Flog It! Huddersfield: Mark Stacey and Christina Trevanion are in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. (R/S)

6.30pm Great Asian Railway…

ITV 6.00 AM Good Morning Britain (S) 9.00 Lorraine Entertainment and fashion news. (S) 10.00 This Morning Celebrity chat and lifestyle features. (S) 12.30 PM Loose Women More celebrity interviews and topical debate from a female perspective. (S) 1.30 Lunchtime News/Weather (S) 1.55 Regional News/Weather (S) 2.00 Judge Rinder Cameras follow criminal barrister Robert Rinder as he takes on real-life cases in a studio courtroom. (S) 3.00 Tenable Silver Service: Quiz, hosted by Warwick Davis. (S) 3.59 ITV London Weather (S) 4.00 Tipping Point Ben Shephard hosts the arcade-themed quiz in which contestants drop tokens down a choice of four chutes in the hope of winning a £10,000 jackpot. (S) 5.00 The Chase Bradley Walsh presents as four contestants who have never met before answer general knowledge questions as they take on ruthless quiz genius the Chaser. (S)

7.30pm The Metro: A Rail Life Story

Channel 4 6.30 AM Cheers A Diminished Rebecca With A Suspended Cliff. (R/S) 6.55 Cheers Licence To Hill. (R/S) 7.20 The King Of Queens Eddie Money. (R/S) 7.45 The King Of Queens Two Thirty. (R/S) 8.10 Everybody Loves Raymond The Contractor. (R/S) 8.40 Everybody Loves Raymond Peter On The Couch. (R/S) 9.10 Frasier And The Whimper Is. (R/S) 9.40 Frasier Give Him The Chair!. (R/S) 10.10 Undercover Boss USA (R/S) 11.05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Sam’s Mediterranean Kabob Room. (R/S) 12.00 PM Channel 4 News/Weather Summary (S) 12.05 Sun, Sea And Selling Houses (R/S) 1.05 Escape To The Chateau: DIY (R/S) 2.10 Countdown (S) 3.00 A Place In The Sun (R/S) 4.00 A New Life In The Sun (S) 5.00 Couples Come Dine With Me Three Cardiff couples compete to throw the perfect party. (S)

8pm Crazy Delicious

6.00 BBC News/Weather (S) 6.30 Regional News (S)

6.00 Richard Osman’s House Of Games With Lou Sanders. (S) 6.30 Great Asian Railway Journeys Ho Chi Minh City To Phan Thiet: With Michael Portillo. (S)

6.00 Regional News/Weather (S) 6.30 Evening News/Weather (S)

6.00 The Simpsons A spoof of TV thriller Homeland. (R/S) 6.30 Hollyoaks Lisa decides to make a pass at Toby at his party. (R/S)

7.00 The One Show Alex Jones and Matt Baker present more live chat and topical reports. (S) 7.30 EastEnders Whitney is racked with guilt and plans to put things right with Kush, and Shirley is determined to make Linda face her problems. (S)

7.00 Top Gear Romesh Ranganathan joins the team in the studio, while Chris Harris races the McLaren Speedtail against a fighter jet and Paddy McGuinness tries out a luxurious off-roader. (R/S)

7.00 Emmerdale A search begins, Wendy is surprised by Victoria, and Jamie and Andrea do their best for Millie. (S) 7.30 The Metro: A Rail Life Story A train breaks down in a tunnel near the Metro’s busiest station. (S)

7.00 Channel 4 News/Weather (S)

8.00 Holby City Sacha prepares to perform a groundbreaking transplant operation, but Max fears he’s the wrong man for the job, given his recent bereavement and past struggles with mental health. (S)

8.00 Cornwall: This Fishing Life How small fishing boats that fish off Cornwall’s coast are coming under threat from industrialisation, a lack of new talent taking up the trade, and declining stocks of mackerel and other once-common fish. (S)

8.00 Crazy Delicious Jayde Adams challenges today’s contestants to make a banana-based dish, create their own flavour of unique pizza, and put their own distinctive stamp on a barbecue. (S)

9.00 Silent Witness The Greater Good – Part Two: Part two of two. Jack is rushed to hospital after collapsing at the scene of a car crash, which Thomas suspects could be the result of exposure to a nerve agent. Last in the series. (S)

9.00 Universal Credit: Inside The Welfare State New series. Exploring Universal Credit from the point of view of both government employees and those who rely on the benefits system. (S)

8.00 Midsomer Murders The Miniature Murders: The worlds of miniature dolls houses and real houses collide when prolific real estate agent Alexander Beauvoisin is murdered in front of a crowd at the unveiling of a new dolls’ house collection at Midsomer Museum of the family. Guest-starring Joanna Page, Katy Brand and Eleanor Bron. (S)

10.00 BBC News At Ten (S) 10.25 Regional News/Weather (S) 10.35 Plastic Surgery Undressed Vogue Williams and Mobeen Azhar explain the ins and outs of liposuction and what it entails. (S)

10.00 Better Things No Limit: Sam is feeling the strain of her menopause. (S) 10.25 The Archiveologists The Business Meeting.(R/S) 10.30 Newsnight (S)

10.00 ITV News/Weather (S) 10.30 Regional News/Weather (S) 10.45 White House Farm As the funerals approach and all looks lost for Stan and Mick, a vital witness comes forward. (R/S)

10.00 Losing It: Our Mental Health Emergency The crisis team must decide if a 15-year-old who tried to kill himself is safe to be sent home, or if he needs to be admitted to a psychiatric ward. (S)

11.25 Easy Ways To Live Well Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Steph McGovern challenge garden centre staff in the Wirral to test remedies for their aches and pains. They also tackle their own health concerns. (S) 12.30-6.00 AM BBC News (S)

11.15 Body Clock: What Makes Us Tick? A former commando undergoes a series of tests designed to see whether it’s possible to manage the internal body clock better. (R/S) 12.15 AM Sign Zone: Monty Don’s American Gardens (R/S) 1.15 Sign Zone: Murder, Mystery And My Family (R/S) 2.00 Sign Zone: Island Medics (R/S) 2.45-6.30 This Is BBC Two (S)

11.40 Tenable Silver Service: Quiz hosted by Warwick Davis in which a team of five workmates answers questions about top 10 lists, then tries to score a perfect 10 in the final round. (R/S) 12.30 AM Ideal World 3.00 The Home Game (R/S) 3.50 Nightscreen Text-based information service. 5.05-6.00 Judge Rinder (R/S)

11.00 Holidays From Hell: Caught On Camera (R/S) 12.00 AM Australia On Fire: Climate Emergency (R/S) 1.00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA (R/S) 1.50 FILM Endless Love Romantic drama. (Cert 12, 102 mins. 2014) (S) ★★ 3.35 Come Dine With Me (R/S) 4.30 The Great Hotel Escape (R/S) 5.25 Cooking Up A Fortune (R/S) 5.50-6.30 Countdown (R/S)

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9.00 24 Hours In A&E Doctors investigate the medical conditions that may have caused a motorist to crash, while the patient’s son and his friend recount the influence she had on both their lives. (S)


Channel 5 6.00 AM Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine (S) 11.15 Paddington Station 24/7 (R/S) 12.10 PM 5 News At Lunchtime (S) 12.15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors A young man suffering from severe acne visits the surgery. (R/S) 1.10 Access Showbiz news and gossip. (R/S) 1.15 Home And Away Mackenzie is devastated when Colby ends things. (R/S) 1.45 Neighbours Aaron and David’s plans are scuppered when Lisa reveals she is pregnant. (S) 2.20 FILM Erasing His Past Premiere. Thriller, starring Michael Welch and Mary Badham. (Cert PG, 87 mins. 2019) (S) ★★★ 4.00 Friends The One Where Heckles Dies: The gang’s neighbour Mr Heckles dies. (R/S) 4.30 Friends The One With Phoebe’s Husband: Phoebe reveals she’s married. (R/S) 5.00 5 News At 5 (S) 5.30 Neighbours Repeated from 1.45pm. (S)


9pm Ben Fogle: New Lives In… 6.00 Home And Away Mackenzie is devastated when Colby ends things, and Ziggy acquires an ally at the track. (R/S) 6.30 5 News Tonight (S) 7.00 Canada: A Year In The Wild Autumn: Documentary following the animals of the epic wilderness through the four seasons, beginning in autumn as the creatures prepare for the cold weather ahead. (R/S) 8.00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly Graeme Hall tries to tame an overly friendly Great Dane; help a labrador get over a fear of shiny floors, and put a stop to the constant fighting between two pugs. (S) 9.00 Ben Fogle: New Lives In The Wild Oregon: Ben meets a photographer living off the land in Oregon, who lives by catching fish and harvesting wild weeds, and has built his own Native American sweat lodge. Last in the series. (S) 10.00 Bad Girls Behind Bars The jail’s longest-serving inmate faces another 11 years in prison, and a prisoner who gave birth in jail tries to turn her life around with a training programme.(S) 11.05 Murdered By My Daughter (R/S) 12.05 AM Inside The World’s Greatest Hotels The Dorchester. (R/S) 1.00 The Live Casino Show (S) 3.00 Access (R/S) 3.10 GPs: Behind Closed Doors (R/S) 4.00 Get Your Tatts Out: Kavos Ink (R/S) 4.45 House Doctor Glasgow. (R/S) 5.10 Divine Designs (R/S) 5.35-6.00 Wildlife SOS (R/S)

Credit where it’s due The goverment’s stated aim with Universal Credit was to simplify the benefits system and provide more incentive to get unemployed people back into work – but since it was introduced in 2010, it has attracted a lot of criticism, with

many claimaints finding the system impenetrable and running up debts while they wait to receive their money. This new three-part series shows us what’s going on behind the scenes at the Department for Work and

Pensions, starting at ground level in Peckham JobCentre. Among those sharing their stories in tonight’s episode is Karen, one of the longestserving members of staff there, who has to work a second job to make ends meet.

Tenants’ extra MIDSOMER MURDERS | ITV 8PM If we lived in Midsomer County, we wouldn’t turn up to a public event without a bulletproof vest and a hazmat suit, but clearly some people won’t be told, and in tonight’s episode property mogul Alexander Beauvoisin is fatally shot during a presentation at a local museum. Beauvoisin turns out not to have been all that popular with local residents, due to his position as a landlord with a known track record of letting his rental properties fall into disrepair and endangering the inhabitants. So Barnaby and Winter end up with a very long list of suspects as they meet his various tenants and hear their extensive grievances… BBC1 N IRELAND as Main BBC1 except: 10.35pm The Search 11.05 Plastic Surgery Undressed 11.55 Easy Ways To Live Well 12.55-6.00am BBC News BBC1 SCOTLAND as Main BBC1 except: 8.00-9.00pm River City 10.35 Holby City 11.35 Plastic Surgery Undressed 12.25am Easy Ways To Live Well 1.25 Weather For The Week Ahead 1.30-6.00 BBC News BBC1 WALES as Main BBC1 except: 11.45-12.15pm X-Ray BBC2 N IRELAND as Main BBC2 except: 10.00-10.30pm True North: Soul Singers 11.15 Better Things 11.40 The Archiveologists 11.45-12.15 Inside No 9 BBC2 WALES as Main BBC2 except: 1.50pm First Minister’s Questions 2.40-3.05 Coast 7.00-8.00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip WALES as Main ITV except: 6.00-6.30pm ITV News Wales At Six SCOTTISH as Main ITV except: 10.40pm Scotland Tonight 11.05 White House Farm 12.05am James Martin’s French Adventure 1.00-5.05 Nightscreen

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INSIDE TV TUESDAY 4 February Sky Witness Sky Atlantic 6.00 AM Nothing To Declare 7.00 Nothing To Declare 7.30 Nothing To Declare 8.00 Paramedics Fall From Grace. 9.00 Blue Bloods Power Of The Press. 10.00 Criminal Minds Fate. 11.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Bite Me. 12.00 PM Elementary High Heat. 1.00 Blue Bloods Under The Gun. 2.00 Law & Order School Daze. 3.00 The Real A&E 4.00 UK Border Force 5.00 Nothing To Declare 5.30 Nothing To Declare 6.00 Nothing To Declare 6.30 Nothing To Declare

6.00 AM Fish Town 7.00 Without A Trace Once Lost. 8.00 Without A Trace Friends And Neighbours. 9.00 Without A Trace Chameleon. 10.00 The West Wing A Proportional Response. 11.00 The West Wing 12.00 PM Blue Bloods What You See. 1.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Bloodlines. 2.00 The West Wing The Crackpots And These Wise Women. 3.00 The West Wing Mr Willis Of Ohio. 4.00 Without A Trace Skeletons. 5.00 Without A Trace Voir Dire. 6.00 Without A Trace

6.00 AM Monkey Life 6.30 Monkey Life 7.00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 7.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue 8.00 The Dog Whisperer 9.00 Motorway Patrol 9.30 Motorway Patrol 10.00 The Force: Manchester 11.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 12.00 PM NCIS: Los Angeles 1.00 Hawaii Five-0 2.00 Hawaii Five-0 3.00 MacGyver 4.00 Modern Family 4.30 Modern Family 5.00 The Simpsons 5.30 Futurama The Lesser Of Two Evils. 6.00 Futurama Raging Bender. 6.30 The Simpsons


7.00 Nothing To Declare The work of customs officers. 7.30 Nothing To Declare

7.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Viva Las Vegas: A man dressed as an alien is found dead.

7.00 The Simpsons I Married Marge. 7.30 The Simpsons Radio Bart: Featuring the voice of Sting.


8.00 Ghost Whisperer Last Execution: The ghost of an artist enlists Melinda’s help.

8.00 Blue Bloods Smack Attack: Police investigate the drug-related deaths of three teenagers.

8.00 A League Of Their Own: European Road Trip With ex-footballer Patrice Evra.


9.00 The Good Doctor Fractured: A patient refuses anaesthesia.

9.00 This Is Our Family The Nailors: The Nailor family adjusts to a new way of life when Vinnie returns home from prison.

9.00 An Idiot Abroad Egypt: Karl Pilkington visits Egypt.

10 pm

10.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Can’t He Be Held Accountable: The SVU team helps a detective.

10.00 The L Word: Generation Q Let’s Do It Again: New series.

10.00 The Force: North East Bloody Money: New homeowners discover a cannabis farm in their loft.

11 pm

11.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Surrender Benson: William Lewis holds Benson in captivity.

11.10 Oz Animal Farm: Nappa vows revenge on his godson’s rapist.

11.00 Jett Bennie: Bennie cleans up a mess.

12.00 AM CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1.00 9-1-1 2.00 Elementary 3.00 Ghost Whisperer 4.00 Station 19 5.00-6.00 Brit Cops: Rapid Response

12.25 AM FILM Maria Full Of Grace (Cert 15, 96 mins. 2004) ++++ 2.20 From The Earth To The Moon 3.20 From The Earth To The Moon 4.20 The West Wing 5.10-6.00 The West Wing

12.10 AM Avenue 5 12.45 COBRA 1.45 Brit Cops: Law & Disorder 2.40 Road Wars 3.35 Road Wars 4.00 Futurama 4.30 Futurama 5.00-6.00 Stargate SG-1

LIFE DRAWING LIVE! | BBC4 8PM If Mary Beard’s Shock Of The Nude left you feeling artistically inspired yesterday, BBC4 has got your back. In this two-hour special, presented by Josie D’Arby, a group of artists joins together for an art class with

live models. And while you can choose to sit back and watch them create, the show will also provide a clear shot of the models for those who want to draw along, using a second screen.

THE GOOD DOCTOR | Sky Witness 9PM The medical drama returns from its mid-season hiatus, and Shaun is concerned about the possible effects of his new intimacy with Lea on his relationship with Carly. Also tonight, a patient in for surgery is refusing any anaesthesia…




THE L WORD: GENERATION Q | Sky Atlantic 10PM The groundbreaking lesbian drama returns with a sequel series, where we’ll reconnect with old favourites like Bette, Shane and Alice, as well as some new faces. Bette’s now running for mayor of LA, and Alice has her own talk show.

W 6.10 AM MasterChef Australia 7.00 My Dream Home 8.00 Tipping Point 9.00 Tipping Point 10.00 The Bill 11.00 Supernanny US 12.00 PM Tipping Point 1.00 Tipping Point 2.00 MasterChef USA 3.00 My Dream Home 4.00 My Dream Home 5.00 Tipping Point 6.00 Tipping Point 7.00 MasterChef USA Gordon Takes On A Tarte. 8.00 Inside The Ambulance 9.00 Inside The Ambulance 10.00 Louis Theroux: Dark States – Murder In Milwaukee 11.00 Inside The Ambulance 12.00 AM One Born Every Minute 1.00 Dr Christian: 12 Hours To Cure Your Street 1.50 American Housewife 2.15 American Housewife 2.35 Renovate My Home: Leave It To Bryan 3.00-6.10 Teleshopping

78 lnsideSoap

Alibi 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries 8.00 Murdoch Mysteries 9.00 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries 10.00 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries 11.00 Unforgettable 12.00 PM Unforgettable 1.00 Rush 2.00 Rosewood 3.00 Murdoch Mysteries Me, Myself And Murdoch. 4.00 Murdoch Mysteries This One Goes To Eleven. 5.00 Major Crimes Acting Out. 6.00 Major Crimes Trial By Fire. 7.00 Unforgettable The Haircut. 8.00 Unforgettable Cashing Out. 9.00 Frankie Drake Mysteries School Ties, School Lies. 10.00 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Blood At The Wheel. 11.00 New Tricks 12.20 AM Inspector Alleyn Mysteries 2.20 Rosewood 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping

Sky One

GOLD 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.20 The Piglet Files 7.45 As Time Goes By 8.20 2point4 Children 9.00 Open All Hours 9.40 Hi-de-Hi! 10.20 Last Of The Summer Wine 12.20 PM Keeping Up Appearances 1.00 Open All Hours 1.40 Hi-de-Hi! 2.20 dinnerladies 3.00 Keeping Up Appearances 3.40 Dad’s Army 4.20 Last Of The Summer Wine 6.20 The Vicar Of Dibley 7.00 Open All Hours 7.40 Dad’s Army 8.20 Dad’s Army 9.00 The Vicar Of Dibley 9.40 dinnerladies 10.15 Live At The Apollo 11.15 Peep Show 11.50 Peep Show 12.20 AM The Vicar Of Dibley 1.00 Live At The Apollo 2.00 Peep Show 2.25 Peep Show 2.55 Spaced 3.20 Black Books 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping

Com. Central 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 Will & Grace 9.30 The Office (US) 10.00 The Office (US) 10.30 My Name Is Earl 11.00 Impractical Jokers 12.00 PM Friends 12.30 Friends 1.00 Friends 1.30 Friends 2.00 Friends 2.30 Friends 3.00 Friends 3.30 Friends 4.00 My Name Is Earl 4.30 My Name Is Earl 5.00 Friends 5.30 Friends 6.00 Friends 6.30 Friends 7.00 Friends 7.30 Friends 8.00 Friends 8.30 Friends 9.00 The Ricky Gervais Show 9.30 The Ricky Gervais Show 10.00 Joe Lycett: That’s The Way, A-Ha, A-Ha, Joe Lycett 11.00 Your Face Or Mine 11.30 Your Face Or Mine 12.00 AM Your Face Or Mine 12.30 South Park 3.50 The Daily Show 4.15 Takeshi’s Castle 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping

FOX 8.00 AM Bull 9.00 Bones 10.00 Bull 11.00 NCIS 12.00 PM Bones 1.00 Bones 2.00 The Mentalist 3.00 NCIS 4.00 Bull 5.00 Bones The Promise In The Palace. 6.00 The Mentalist The Great Red Dragon. 7.00 NCIS 8.00 NCIS Beneath The Surface. 9.00 Family Guy Regarding Carter. 9.30 Family Guy The Blind Side. 10.00 Family Guy Livin’ On A Prayer. 10.30 Family Guy Tom Tucker: The Man And His Dream. 11.00 American Dad! Standard Deviation. 11.30 American Dad! 12.00 AM Family Guy 12.30 Family Guy 1.00 American Dad! 1.30 American Dad! 2.00 Family Guy 2.30 Family Guy 3.00 American Dad! 3.30 American Dad! 4.00 Bull 5.00-8.00 Teleshopping

Sky Comedy 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 Everybody Hates Chris 9.00 Parks And Recreation 10.30 30 Rock 12.00 PM The Mindy Project 1.30 Modern Family 2.30 Everybody Hates Chris 3.00 Everybody Hates Chris 3.30 Parks And Recreation 5.00 30 Rock 5.30 30 Rock 6.00 30 Rock 6.30 Modern Family 7.00 Modern Family 7.30 The Mindy Project 8.00 The Mindy Project 8.30 The Mindy Project 9.00 Curb Your Enthusiasm 9.40 Ballers 10.15 Sex And The City 10.50 The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 11.50 Entourage 12.25 AM Entourage 1.00 Eastbound & Down 1.35 Eastbound & Down 2.10 Veep 2.45 Veep 3.20 30 Rock 3.55 30 Rock 4.25 30 Rock 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping











6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 7.50 Emmerdale 8.20 Coronation Street 8.50 Coronation Street 9.20 Superstore 10.15 Dinner Date 11.15 Dress To Impress 12.15 PM Emmerdale 12.45 Coronation Street 1.15 Coronation Street 1.50 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 2.45 Supermarket Sweep 3.50 Dinner Date 4.55 Dress To Impress 6.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold

6.00 AM Hollyoaks 6.30 Hollyoaks 7.00 How I Met Your Mother 8.00 Baby Daddy 9.00 Young Sheldon 10.00 The Big Bang Theory 11.00 The Goldbergs 12.00 PM Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.00 The Big Bang Theory 2.00 Baby Daddy 3.00 Young Sheldon 3.30 Young Sheldon 4.00 The Goldbergs 4.30 The Goldbergs 5.00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 5.30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 6.00 The Big Bang Theory 6.30 The Big Bang Theory

8.55 AM Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures 9.15 A Place In The Sun: Winter Sun 10.10 A Place In The Sun: Winter Sun 11.15 Love It Or List It Australia 12.15 PM Find It, Fix It, Flog It 1.15 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 2.15 Four In A Bed 2.50 Four In A Bed 3.20 Four In A Bed 3.50 Four In A Bed The Dean. 4.20 Four In A Bed Payment Day. 4.55 The Secret Life Of The Zoo 5.55 Love It Or List It Australia 6.55 Car S.O.S Morris Traveller Mayday.

7.00 PM Scotland’s Home Of The Year Homes in the north-east. 7.30 Test Drive The teams tour Linlithgow.

7.00 PM Beyond 100 Days/Weather 7.30 Botticelli’s Venus: The Making Of An Icon The appeal of the painting.

7.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold Narrated by Harry Hill. 7.30 You’ve Been Framed! Gold

7.00 Hollyoaks Scott encourages Diane to organise a date night. 7.30 Celebrity Come Dine With Me

7.55 Escape To The Chateau: DIY Angel advises two Brits on how to make their wedding business work.

8.00 Judge John Deed Duty Of Care: Jo Mills is convinced a powerful businessman’s negligence is responsible for the death of an employee. Legal drama, starring Martin Shaw.

8.00 This Farming Life Documentary following life on farms around Scotland.

8.00 Life Drawing Live! Josie d’Arby hosts a live broadcast of a life-drawing class.

8.00 Two And A Half Men 8.30 Two And A Half Men The War Against Gingivitis.

8.00 Junior Bake Off The Heat B contestants face two biscuit-themed challenges.

9.00 Love Island Relationship-based reality show.

9.00 8 Out Of 10 Cats Jimmy Carr hosts the comedy panel show.

9.00 David Jason’s Great British Inventions 9 The actor operates one pm of the world’s biggest hydraulic cranes.

10.00 New Tricks Home Truths: An old investigation is reopened following the discovery of bloodstained clothing.

10.00 Tiny Lives A first-time mum goes into labour at six months.

10.00 This Life Sex, Lies And Muesli Yoghurt. 10.40 This Life Fantasy Football: Egg visits a therapist.

10.05 Don’t Hate The Playaz Keisha Buchanan and London Hughes are among the contestants. 10.50 Family Guy

10.00 Sarah Millican: Thoroughly Modern Millican Live Stand-up comedy at the Hammersmith Apollo.

10.00 999: On The Frontline An hour in the life of paramedics across the West Midlands.

11.15 Taggart Death Without Dishonour: A war begins between rival taxi firms.

11.00-12.00 David Wilson’s Crime Files Prisons: The criminologist investigates the prison system. Last in the series.

11.20 This Life Family Outing: Warren fears Kira will discover he’s gay.

11.20 Family Guy Welcome Back, Carter. 11.45 American Dad! My Affair Lady: Hayley falls for a co-worker.

11.05 The Big Bang Theory The Maternal Congruence. 11.35 The Big Bang Theory

11.05 24 Hours In A&E A biker is brought to A&E after a head-on collision.

12.00 AM Britain And The Sea 1.00 Jigs & Wigs: The Extreme World Of Irish Dancing 1.30 Jigs & Wigs: The Extreme World Of Irish Dancing 2.00 Carved With Love: The Genius Of British Woodwork 3.00-4.00 Art On The BBC: The Story Of The Nude

12.15 AM American Dad! 12.40 The Cleveland Show 1.10 The Cleveland Show 1.40 Ibiza Weekender 2.40 Two And A Half Men 3.05 Two And A Half Men 3.20 Nightscreen 3.30-6.00 Teleshopping

12.05 AM Brooklyn Nine-Nine 12.35 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.05 Gogglebox 2.10 First Dates 3.05 8 Out Of 10 Cats 4.00 The Big Bang Theory 4.25 The Big Bang Theory 4.50 How I Met Your Mother 5.15-6.00 How I Met Your Mother

12.05 AM David Jason’s Great British Inventions 1.10 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown 2.15 24 Hours In A&E 3.20-3.45 Food Unwrapped

6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 Bramwell 8.00 Soldier, Soldier 9.00 The Bill 10.00 Classic Holby City 11.00 Classic Casualty 12.00 PM The Bill Return Of The Gang Queen. 1.00 Classic EastEnders 1.40 Classic EastEnders 2.20 London’s Burning 3.20 Lovejoy Never Judge A Book By Its Cover. 4.20 Bergerac Sparta. 5.25 Bread 6.00 Hi-de-Hi! Desire In The Mickey Mouse Grotto. 6.40 As Time Goes By The Anniversary Party.


7.20 Last Of The Summer Wine Who’s That Merry Man With Billy, Then?: Billy recruits for his Merry Men.

Karl Pilkington tastes Egyptian delicacies such as rabbit meat in An Idiot Abroad 9pm Sky One

BBC Scotland

9.00 The Nine The latest Scottish, UK and international news.

2.15 AM Bramwell 3.05 The Bill 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 8.00 American Pickers 9.00 Storage Hunters 9.30 Storage Hunters 10.00 American Pickers 11.00 American Pickers 12.00 PM Cop Car Workshop 1.00 Top Gear 2.00 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 3.00 Sin City Motors Rock ’N Rollin’ Pickup. 4.00 Top Gear 5.00 Top Gear 6.00 QI XL Messing With Your Mind. 7.00 Richard Osman’s House Of Games 7.40 Would I Lie To You? 8.20 Would I Lie To You? 9.00 Live At The Apollo 10.00 Taskmaster 11.40 QI Birmingham. 12.20 AM Mock The Week 1.00 QI 1.35 QI 2.25 Flack 3.10 Richard Osman’s House Of Games 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping




6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00 Criminals: Caught On Camera 9.25 Law & Order 10.10 CSI: NY 11.05 CSI: NY 12.05 PM Private Eyes 1.00 Law & Order 2.00 Law & Order 3.00 Law & Order American Jihad. 4.00 Murder, She Wrote Snow White, Blood Red. 5.00 Murder, She Wrote Coal Miner’s Slaughter. 6.00 Law & Order Mother’s Day. 7.00 Law & Order Chosen. 8.00 NCIS Monsters And Men. 9.00 The Enemy Within Havana. 10.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Sacrifice. 10.55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Inheritance. 11.55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Folly. 12.55 AM Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 1.50 CSI: NY 2.50 CSI: NY 3.50 Access 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 3rd Rock From The Sun 9.10 Will & Grace 10.05 Last Man Standing 11.05 Two And A Half Men 12.00 PM Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 1.00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 2.00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 3.00 Neighbours 3.30 Home And Away 4.00 House 5.00 House 6.00 Neighbours 6.30 Home And Away 7.00 Benefits Britain: Life On The Dole 8.00 On Benefits: Britain’s Most Married Man 9.00 Me & My 10 Kids: Mega Families 10.00 Bodylicious! 10.30 Bodylicious! 11.00 FILM Deep Blue Sea (Cert 15, 101 mins. 1999) +++ 1.05 AM Sex Pod 2.05 Empire 3.55 Access 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Classic Coronation Street 6.25 Classic Coronation Street 6.55 Classic Emmerdale 7.55 Heartbeat 8.55 Rising Damp 9.25 Rising Damp 9.55 Man About The House 10.25 Inspector Morse 12.40 PM Heartbeat 1.45 Classic Emmerdale 2.15 Classic Emmerdale 2.50 Classic Coronation Street 3.20 Classic Coronation Street 3.55 The Durrells 4.55 Heartbeat 6.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot The Hollow. 8.00 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs 8.30 Long Lost Family Special: The Unknown Soldiers 10.00 Law & Order: UK Flaw. 11.00 Inspector Morse 1.15 AM Inspector Morse 3.15 Nightscreen 3.30-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Football Rivalries 6.15 The Chase 7.15 Quincy ME 8.20 Kojak 9.25 The Return Of Sherlock Holmes 10.35 Minder 11.40 The Professionals 12.45 PM Snooker: World Grand Prix The afternoon session on day two from Cheltenham. 5.15 The Professionals Dead Reckoning. 6.10 River Monsters Africa’s Deadliest. 6.45 Snooker: World Grand Prix Coverage of the evening session on day two, held at The Centaur in Cheltenham. 11.15 FILM Sudden Death Action thriller, starring JeanClaude Van Damme. Includes FYI Daily. (Cert 18, 105 mins. 1995) ++++ 1.25 AM Lethal Weapon 2.25 The Protectors 2.55 Nightscreen 3.00-6.00 Teleshopping







6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 The Bachelor 7.55 The Bachelor 8.45 Be Beautiful 9.00 LittleBe 12.00 PM Income Property 12.25 The Real Housewives Of Atlanta 1.20 Vanderpump Rules 2.15 Million Dollar Listing: LA 3.10 The Real Housewives Of Orange County 4.05 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 5.00 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 6.00 Masters Of Flip 7.00 Buying And Selling 8.00 Dinner Date 9.00 The Real Housewives Of Potomac Good Will Haunting. 10.00 The Real Housewives Of Orange County Breakdown In Beverly Hills. 11.00 Bridezillas 12.00 AM The Only Way Is Essex 12.45 ITVBe Nightscreen 12.55-6.00 Teleshopping

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10 pm

11 pm


6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 9.15 Fraud Squad: The Hunt (S) 10.00 Homes Under The Hammer (R/S) 11.00 Wanted Down Under Larkin Family. (S) 11.45 Defenders UK (S) 12.15 PM Bargain Hunt Newark 15: From Newark Antiques Fair in Nottinghamshire. (R/S) 1.00 BBC News At One/Weather (S) 1.30 Regional News (S) 1.45 Doctors A Little Faith. (S) 2.15 Shakespeare & Hathaway – Private Investigators The Sticking Place: Frank and Lu come to the aid of allotment holders who are being threatened with eviction. (S) 3.00 Escape To The Country Cornwall: Nicki Chapman heads to Cornwall on a £750,000 property search. (R/S) 3.45 The Farmers’ Country Showdown Flowers. (R/S) 4.30 Antiques Road Trip Natasha Raskin-Sharp and Raj Bisram continue their tour of Kent. (S) 5.15 Pointless Quiz, hosted by Alexander Armstrong. (R/S)

10.35pm Eating With My Ex

6 pm

7 pm

8 pm

11 pm

6.30 AM Wanted Down Under Pinder Family. (R/S) 7.15 Antiques Road Trip (R/S) 8.00 Sign Zone: See Hear Magazine. With voiceover (S) 8.30 Sign Zone: Fake Britain (R/S) 9.00 BBC News At 9 (S) 10.00 Victoria Derbyshire (S) 11.00 BBC Newsroom Live (S) 11.15 Politics Live (S) 1.00 PM Get Away For Winter Majorca: An Essex woman who wants to swap the cold UK for the sunshine of Majorca. (R/S) 1.45 Coast Swanage To Land’s End: Neil Oliver visits a coastal amphitheatre near Land’s End. (R/S) 2.25 Richard Harris: Talking Pictures A retrospective look at TV appearances made by actor Richard Harris. (R/S) 3.00 FILM Cromwell Historical drama, starring Richard Harris, Alec Guinness and Robert Morley. (Cert U, 133 mins. 1970) (S) ★★★★ 5.15 Flog It! Glemham 33: From Glemham Hall in the Suffolk countryside. (R/S)

8pm Lose Weight And Get Fit…

ITV 6.00 AM Good Morning Britain (S) 9.00 Lorraine Entertainment and fashion news. (S) 10.00 This Morning Celebrity chat and lifestyle features. (S) 12.30 PM Loose Women Another helping of topical studio discussion from a female perspective, featuring celebrity interviews. (S) 1.30 Lunchtime News/Weather (S) 1.55 Regional News/Weather (S) 2.00 Judge Rinder Cameras follow criminal barrister Robert Rinder as he takes on real-life cases in a studio courtroom. (S) 3.00 Tenable Wham Bam Thank You Mams: Quiz, hosted by Warwick Davis. (S) 3.59 ITV London Weather (S) 4.00 Tipping Point Ben Shephard hosts the arcade-themed quiz in which contestants drop tokens down a choice of four chutes in the hope of winning a £10,000 jackpot. (S) 5.00 The Chase Bradley Walsh presents as contestants take on ruthless quiz genius the Chaser. (S)

8pm Bradley Walsh & Son…

Channel 4 6.30 AM Cheers Rich Man, Wood Man. (R/S) 6.55 Cheers Smotherly Love. (R/S) 7.20 The King Of Queens Shrink Wrap. (R/S) 7.45 The King Of Queens Arthur, Spooner. (R/S) 8.10 Everybody Loves Raymond Liars. (R/S) 8.40 Everybody Loves Raymond The Surprise Party. (R/S) 9.10 Frasier Fortysomething. (R/S) 9.40 Frasier Travels With Martin. (R/S) 10.10 Undercover Boss USA (R/S) 11.05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Nino’s. (R/S) 12.00 PM Channel 4 News/Weather Summary (S) 12.05 Sun, Sea And Selling Houses (R/S) 1.05 Escape To The Chateau: DIY Dick Strawbridge visits Ben and Billie to help restore Ben’s traditional wine press. (R/S) 2.10 Countdown (S) 3.00 A Place In The Sun (R/S) 4.00 A New Life In The Sun (S) 5.00 Couples Come Dine With Me Three couples in Brighton compete. (S)

8pm Kirstie And Phil’s Love It Or…

6.00 BBC News/Weather (S) 6.30 Regional News (S) 6.55 Party Political Broadcast By the Conservative Party. (R/S)

6.00 Richard Osman’s House Of Games With Reverend Richard Coles and Stuart Maconie. (S) 6.30 Great Asian Railway Journeys Da Nang To Hoi An. (S)

6.00 Regional News/Weather (S) 6.25 Party Political Broadcast By the Conservative Party. (S) 6.30 Evening News/Weather (S)

6.00 The Simpsons Another trio of Halloween stories. (R/S) 6.30 Hollyoaks Scott encourages Diane to organise a date night. (R/S)

7.00 The One Show Presented by Alex Jones and Matt Baker. (S) 7.30 Match Of The Day Live: The FA Cup Coverage of a fourth-round replay, as two sides contest a place in the last 16 of the competition. Having conquered Leicester City in round three, Newport County produced another upset at this stage last season, when second-half goals gave the League Two outfit a 2-0 victory over Championship side Middlesbrough. (S)

7.00 The Andrew Neil Show Interviews, discussion and analysis from Westminster. (S) 7.30 Yorkshire Walks Runswick Bay To Whitby: Artist Shanaz Gulzar seeks inspiration while walking a stretch of the Cleveland Way. (R/S)

7.00 Emmerdale Laurel receives shocking news, Luke gets a new job, and Vanessa stops Rhona from going too far. (S) 7.30 Coronation Street Roy is perplexed when Beth says she caught Nina going through the factory bins. (S)

7.00 Channel 4 News/Weather (S)

8.00 Lose Weight And Get Fit With Tom Kerridge The chef shares a series of recipes to help with temptations for unhealthy treats. (S) 8.30 Trust Me, I’m A Doctor Michael Mosley tests whether an extra hour a week in nature can improve your health. (S)

8.00 Bradley Walsh & Son: Breaking Dad Barney celebrates his birthday with a trip to the iconic Niagara Falls. (S) 8.30 Coronation Street Eileen quizzes Brian and Cathy about Yasmeen’s supposed drink problem. (S)

8.00 Kirstie And Phil’s Love It Or List It Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer meet Carly and Phil in High Wycombe, who are unsure whether they should renovate their current home or sell up and move into another. (S)

9.00 Good Omens Saturday Morning Funtime: Aziraphale and Crowley’s friendship is tested as their superiors catch up with them. Armageddon starts in earnest, with the Antichrist’s powers wreaking havoc across the globe. (S)

9.00 White House Farm With the testimony of a vital witness confirming Stan and Mick’s suspicions, Taff still remains unconvinced. Drama, with Mark Addy and Alexa Davies. (S)

9.00 Britain’s Most Expensive Home: Building For A Billionaire Following the build of a £65 million home in Mayfair, London, which belongs to billionaire and philanthropist John Caudwell. (S)

10.00 BBC News At Ten (S) 10.25 Regional News/Weather (S) 10.35 Eating With My Ex Ayo is desperate to find out why his first love Felicia broke up with him. (S)

10.00 Live At The Apollo Rob Beckett presents stand-up comedy from the Hammersmith Apollo in west London, introducing sets by Jen Brister and Darren Harriott. (R/S) 10.30 Newsnight (S)

10.00 ITV News/Weather (S) 10.30 Regional News/Weather (S) 10.45 Peston Political magazine with Robert Peston, featuring major interviews with MPs, topical guests and cultural figures. (S)

10.00 Home New series. Rufus Jones’ comedy series about Syrian asylum-seeker Sami returns. (S) 10.30 999: What’s Your Emergency? This edition focuses on hate crime. (R/S)

11.05 My Mate’s A Bad Date Tyler: Self-confessed serial dater Tyler wants to find the male version of herself, so Oloni puts that idea to the test as he sets her up on three challenging dates. (S) 11.30 First & Last Game show, hosted by Jason Manford. (R/S) 12.15 AM A Question Of Sport Light-hearted quiz, hosted by Sue Barker.(R/S) 12.50-6.00 BBC News (S)

11.15 Universal Credit: Inside The Welfare State Documentary exploring the controversial benefits system. (R/S) 12.15 AM Sign Zone: See Hear (R/S) 12.45 Sign Zone: Travels In Euroland With Ed Balls Divisions across the EU. (R/S) 1.45 Sign Zone: Madagascar: Earth’s Tropical Islands Madagascar. (R/S) 2.15-6.30 This Is BBC Two (S)

11.40 Tenable Wham Bam Thank You Mams: Quiz hosted by Warwick Davis in which a team of five answers questions about top 10 lists. (R/S) 12.30 AM Ideal World 3.00 Through The Keyhole With panellists Paddy McGuinness, Catherine Tyldesley and Chris Kamara. (R/S) 3.50 Nightscreen Text-based information service. 5.05-6.00 Judge Rinder (R/S)

11.35 24 Hours In A&E (R/S) 12.35 AM Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Mike & Nellie’s Steakhouse. (R/S) 1.25 The Supervet (R/S) 2.20 Come Dine With Me Ayrshire. (R/S) 3.15 Deadwater Fell (R/S) 4.10 The Great Hotel Escape (R/S) 5.05 Cooking Up A Fortune (R/S) 5.35 Kirstie’s Fill Your House For Free (R/S) 5.50-6.30 Countdown (R/S)

9 pm

10 pm


80 lnsideSoap


Channel 5 6.00 AM Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine (S) 11.15 Paddington Station 24/7 (R/S) 12.10 PM 5 News At Lunchtime (S) 12.15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors A four-year-old boy with a cancerous tumour visits the surgery. (R/S) 1.10 Access (S) 1.15 Home And Away Dean is pleased Ziggy is doing well, but fears he may lose her. (R/S) 1.45 Neighbours Shane tries to reconcile with Dipi, but Gary unwittingly interrupts them. (S) 2.15 FILM The Wrong Mother Thriller, starring Vanessa Marcil and Brooke Nevin. (Cert PG, 89 mins. 2017) (S) ★★★ 4.00 Friends The One With Five Steaks And An Eggplant: Ross celebrates his birthday. (R/S) 4.30 Friends The One With The Baby On The Bus: Monica inadvertently poisons Ross. Guest-starring Chrissie Hynde. (R/S) 5.00 5 News At 5 (S) 5.30 Neighbours Repeated from 1.45pm. (S)


9pm Red Arrows Take America 6.00 Home And Away Lawyer Yvonne arrives to talk to Robbo and Jasmine about the forthcoming trial. (R/S) 6.30 5 News Tonight (S) 7.00 Canada: A Year In The Wild Winter: The wildlife of Canada through the harsh winter months, including a porcupine foraging for food, beavers hiding from predators and a polar bear giving birth in dens under the snow. (R/S) 8.00 Parking Hell: At War With The Law A driving instructor offers specialised courses in parking, while a cunning motorist offers his tips on dodging parking fines and a self-parking car is put to the test. (S)

9.00 Red Arrows Take America Despite unforeseen changes for the team, there’s an iconic flypast over the Golden Gate Bridge and the Great Pacific Airshow, before an epic journey home. Last in the series. (S) 10.00 The Chernobyl Railway With Chris Tarrant A Journey Too Far?: Chris embarks on a trip across Ukraine, where he travels on the most bizarre rail vehicle he has ever encountered. (R/S) 11.05 Me And My Sex Doll: The Sex Business (R/S) 12.05 AM Busted In Bangkok (R/S) 1.00 The Live Casino Show (S) 3.00 Access (S) 3.10 GPs: Behind Closed Doors (R/S) 4.00 Get Your Tatts Out: Kavos Ink (R/S) 4.45 House Doctor Garelochhead. (R/S) 5.10 House Busters (R/S) 5.35-6.00 Wildlife SOS (R/S)

Going for gold Martin Roberts would be all over this property makeover show, in which a £65-million refurbishment of 50,000 square foot of living space in Mayfair (where else?) is taking place. It belongs to philanthropist John Caudwell, who sold Phones 4u

in 2006 for close to £1.5 billion, and who’s aiming to create one of Britain’s most lavish homes. The build is running behind schedule and over budget (er, are we meant to feel bad?), and among the unique engineering tasks to finish is a dining room

with a river of live fish. As the last of the 20,000 sheets of gold leaf go on the walls (pffft), can the design teams pull off this epic transformation before John’s birthday in just a few weeks’ time? Homes Under The Hammer this ain’t.

To tell the truth WHITE HOUSE FARM | ITV 9PM If, like Vera’s Riley Jones in our Couch Potato this week, you’re not all that familiar with the horrific true events that form the basis of this brilliant drama, try to continue to resist the temptation to Google the case, as you’ve only got tonight’s episode and the finale to go – and it’s seriously gripping stuff. In this penultimate show, Taff still remains unconvinced of Bamber’s guilt, despite the testimony of a vital witness confirming a number of Stan and Mick’s suspicions. And so the police are forced to question what they thought they knew – and to pursue the case against Jeremy… BBC1 N IRELAND as Main BBC1 except: 10.35pm Nolan Live 11.35 Eating With My Ex 12.05am My Mate’s A Bad Date 12.30 First & Last 1.15 A Question Of Sport 1.45-6.00 BBC News BBC1 SCOTLAND as Main BBC1 except: 12.45am The Edit 1.00 Weather For The Week Ahead 1.05-6.00 BBC News BBC1 WALES as Main BBC1 except: 10.30pm BBC Wales Live 11.00 Weather 11.05 Eating With My Ex 11.35 My Mate’s A Bad Date 12.00-12.45am First & Last BBC2 N IRELAND as Main BBC2 except: 10.00-10.30pm The Search WALES as Main ITV except: 6.00-6.25pm ITV News Wales At Six 11.40-12.30 Inside The Crown: Secrets Of The Royals SCOTTISH as Main ITV except: 10.40pm Scotland Tonight 11.05 Peston 12.05am The Home Game 1.00-5.05 Nightscreen

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INSIDE TV WEDNESDAY 5 February Sky Witness Sky Atlantic 6.00 AM Nothing To Declare 8.00 Paramedics Life, Love And Loss. 9.00 Blue Bloods Under The Gun. 10.00 Criminal Minds Amelia Porter. 11.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Shooting Stars. 12.00 PM Elementary Fly Into A Rage, Make A Bad Landing. 1.00 Blue Bloods Sins Of The Father. 2.00 Law & Order Judge Dread. 3.00 The Real A&E 4.00 UK Border Force 5.00 Nothing To Declare 5.30 Nothing To Declare 6.00 Nothing To Declare 6.30 Nothing To Declare

6.00 AM Fish Town 7.00 Without A Trace Skeletons. 8.00 Without A Trace Voir Dire. 9.00 Without A Trace Daylight. 10.00 The West Wing The Crackpots And These Wise Women. 11.00 The West Wing Mr Willis Of Ohio. 12.00 PM Blue Bloods Smack Attack. 1.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Viva Las Vegas. 2.00 The West Wing The State Dinner. 3.00 The West Wing Enemies. 4.00 Without A Trace Heartbeats. 5.00 Without A Trace Hard Landing. 6.00 Without A Trace Labyrinths.

6.00 AM Monkey Life 6.30 Monkey Life 7.00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 7.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue 8.00 The Dog Whisperer 9.00 Motorway Patrol 9.30 Motorway Patrol 10.00 The Force: Manchester 11.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 12.00 PM NCIS: Los Angeles 1.00 Hawaii Five-0 2.00 Hawaii Five-0 3.00 MacGyver Corkscrew. 4.00 Modern Family 4.30 Modern Family 5.00 The Simpsons 5.30 Futurama 6.00 Futurama 6.30 The Simpsons Lisa The Greek.


7.00 Nothing To Declare The work of customs officers. 7.30 Nothing To Declare Documentary.

7.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Down The Drain: A flash flood uncovers two mysteries.

7.00 The Simpsons Homer Alone. 7.30 The Simpsons Bart The Lover: Mrs Krabappel looks for love.


8.00 Ghost Whisperer Melinda’s First Ghost: Melinda is reunited with her mother.

8.00 Blue Bloods Brothers: Erin tries to make a teacher testify against his gangster brother.

8.00 Hawaii Five-0 A’ohe Pau Ka ’ike I Ka Halau Ho’okahi (All Knowledge Is Not Learned In Just One School).

9.00 9-1-1 This Life We Choose: Buck faces a life-or-death situation.

9.00 From The Earth To The Moon For Miles And Miles: Alan Shepard gets another chance with Apollo 14.

9.00 SEAL Team The Strength Of The Wolf: Jason must select a new candidate to join the team.

10.00 Station 19 Friendly Fire: A fire in a coffee plant causes problems.

10.00 From The Earth To The Moon Galileo Was Right: The lunar geologists compete for astronautical ranking.

10.00 Avenue 5 I’m A Hand Model. 10.30 A League Of Their Own: European Road Trip

11.00 Station 19 Always Ready: The team members anxiously await news from hospital.

11.05 The Birdman The Mauritius kestrel. 11.15 Oz Escape From Oz: Hill plots his escape.

11.30 The Russell Howard Hour Topical comedy and entertainment show.

12.00 AM CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1.00 The Rookie 2.00 Madam Secretary 3.00 Ghost Whisperer 4.00 Road Wars 5.00-6.00 Brit Cops: Rapid Response

12.40 AM Oz 1.50 John Adams 3.15 The Deuce 4.20 The West Wing 5.10-6.00 The West Wing

12.30 AM The Late Late Show With James Corden: Best Of The Week 1.30 Road Wars 2.00 Road Wars 3.00 Road Wars 4.00 Futurama 4.30 Futurama 5.00-6.00 Stargate SG-1

THE RIGHTEOUS GEMSTONES | Sky Comedy 9PM In this new comedy following American televangelists the Gemstones, minister Jesse has taken the congregation that his father Eli (played by John Goodman) built up and used it to build a modern-day

megachurch. In tonight’s opener, Jesse gets a video from blackmailers seeking to sully his (somewhat shonky) reputation, while Eli goes ahead with plans to expand the Gemstone empire…





Josh Widdicombe and James Acaster return to pose more absurd hypothetical situations to comedians and see how they might react to them. Rob Beckett, Sara Barron (her again!), Jonathan Ross and Maisie Adam step up tonight.


10 pm


11 pm

Amy Huberman writes and stars in this new Irish comedy about Joy, who likes her life just the way it is. But when Joy is reluctantly signed up to cover for popular vlogger Flora The Happy Hunter, she has to step outside of her comfort zone…

W 6.10 AM MasterChef Australia 7.00 My Dream Home 8.00 Tipping Point 9.00 Tipping Point 10.00 The Bill 11.00 Supernanny US 12.00 PM Tipping Point 1.00 Tipping Point 2.00 MasterChef USA Gordon Takes On A Tarte. 3.00 My Dream Home 4.00 My Dream Home 5.00 Tipping Point 6.00 Tipping Point 7.00 MasterChef USA Joe Takes A Risk. 8.00 Inside The Ambulance 9.00 Emma Willis: Delivering Babies 10.00 DON’T MISS! Finding Joy 10.40 Women On The Verge 11.20 Inside The Ambulance 12.20 AM One Born Every Minute 1.20 Dr Christian: 12 Hours To Cure Your Street 2.10 American Housewife 2.35 American Housewife 3.00-6.10 Teleshopping

82 lnsideSoap

Alibi 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries 8.00 Murdoch Mysteries 9.00 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries 10.00 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries 11.00 Unforgettable 12.00 PM Unforgettable 1.00 Rush 2.00 Rosewood 3.00 Murdoch Mysteries Blood And Circuses. 4.00 Murdoch Mysteries Future Imperfect. 5.00 Major Crimes Chain Reaction. 6.00 Major Crimes Leap Of Faith. 7.00 Unforgettable A Moveable Feast. 8.00 Unforgettable Stray Bullet. 9.00 Death In Paradise Dishing Up Murder. 10.20 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries The Blood Of Juana The Mad. 11.20 New Tricks 12.40 AM Inspector Alleyn Mysteries 3.00 Rosewood 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping

Sky One

GOLD 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.20 The Piglet Files 7.45 As Time Goes By 8.20 2point4 Children 9.00 Open All Hours 9.40 Hi-de-Hi! 10.20 Last Of The Summer Wine 12.20 PM Keeping Up Appearances 1.00 Open All Hours 1.40 Hi-de-Hi! 2.20 dinnerladies 3.00 Keeping Up Appearances 3.40 Dad’s Army 4.20 Last Of The Summer Wine 6.20 The Vicar Of Dibley 7.00 Open All Hours 7.40 Dad’s Army 8.20 Dad’s Army 9.00 The Vicar Of Dibley 9.40 dinnerladies 10.25 Absolutely Fabulous 11.00 Peep Show 11.35 Peep Show 12.10 AM The Vicar Of Dibley 12.50 Absolutely Fabulous 1.30 Peep Show 2.30 Spaced 3.20 Peep Show 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping

Com. Central 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 Will & Grace 9.00 The Office (US) 9.30 The Office (US) 10.00 My Name Is Earl 10.30 My Name Is Earl 11.00 Impractical Jokers 11.30 Impractical Jokers 12.00 PM Friends 12.30 Friends 1.00 Friends 1.30 Friends 2.00 Friends 2.30 Friends 3.00 Friends 3.30 Friends 4.00 My Name Is Earl 4.30 My Name Is Earl 5.00 Friends 5.30 Friends 6.00 Friends 6.30 Friends 7.00 Friends 7.30 Friends 8.00 Friends 8.30 Friends 9.00 FILM Airplane II: The Sequel Disaster movie spoof, with Robert Hays. (Cert 15, 80 mins. 1982) ++ 11.00 Roast Battle 11.30 Your Face Or Mine 12.30 AM South Park 3.50 The Daily Show 4.15 Takeshi’s Castle 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping

FOX 8.00 AM Republic Of Doyle 9.00 Bones 10.00 Bull 11.00 NCIS 12.00 PM Bones 1.00 Bones High Treason In The Holiday Season. 2.00 The Mentalist The Great Red Dragon. 3.00 NCIS Beneath The Surface. 4.00 Bull Unambiguous. 5.00 Bones The Cowboy In The Contest. 6.00 The Mentalist Red John. 7.00 NCIS A Thousand Words. 8.00 NCIS Friendly Fire. 9.00 NCIS One Man’s Trash. 10.00 NCIS Wide Awake. 11.00 American Dad! Threat Levels. 11.30 American Dad! 12.00 AM Family Guy 12.30 Family Guy 1.00 American Dad! 1.30 American Dad! 2.00 Family Guy 2.30 Family Guy 3.00 American Dad! 3.30 American Dad! 4.00 Republic Of Doyle 5.00-8.00 Teleshopping

Sky Comedy 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 Everybody Hates Chris 9.00 Parks And Recreation 10.30 30 Rock 12.00 PM The Mindy Project 1.30 Modern Family 2.00 Modern Family 2.30 Everybody Hates Chris 3.00 Everybody Hates Chris 3.30 Parks And Recreation 4.00 Parks And Recreation 4.30 Parks And Recreation 5.00 30 Rock 6.00 30 Rock 6.30 Modern Family 7.00 Modern Family 7.30 The Mindy Project 8.00 The Mindy Project 8.30 The Mindy Project 9.00 DON’T MISS! The Righteous Gemstones 10.15 Sex And The City 10.50 The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 11.50 Entourage 1.00 AM Eastbound & Down 2.10 Girls 3.20 30 Rock 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping




6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 Bramwell 8.00 Soldier, Soldier 9.00 The Bill 10.00 Classic Holby City Love And Marriage. 11.00 Classic Casualty Counting The Cost. 12.00 PM The Bill Winter Blues. 1.00 Classic EastEnders 1.40 Classic EastEnders 2.20 London’s Burning 3.20 Lovejoy The Price Of Fish. 4.20 Bergerac Thanks For Everything. 5.25 Bread 6.00 Hi-de-Hi! The Beauty Queen Affair. 6.40 As Time Goes By Wedding Preparations.

Buck (Oliver Stark) finds himself caught between life and death in 9-1-1 9pm Sky Witness








6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 7.50 Emmerdale 8.20 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 9.20 Superstore 9.45 Superstore 10.15 Dinner Date 11.15 Dress To Impress 12.15 PM Emmerdale 12.45 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 1.50 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 2.45 Supermarket Sweep 3.50 Dinner Date 4.55 Dress To Impress 6.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 6.30 You’ve Been Framed! Gold

6.00 AM Hollyoaks 6.30 Hollyoaks 7.00 How I Met Your Mother 8.00 Baby Daddy 9.00 Young Sheldon 10.00 The Big Bang Theory 11.00 The Goldbergs 12.00 PM Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.00 The Big Bang Theory 2.00 Baby Daddy 3.00 Young Sheldon 3.30 Young Sheldon 4.00 The Goldbergs 4.30 The Goldbergs 5.00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 5.30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 6.00 The Big Bang Theory 6.30 The Big Bang Theory

8.55 AM Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures 9.15 A Place In The Sun: Winter Sun 10.10 A Place In The Sun: Winter Sun 11.15 Love It Or List It Australia 12.15 PM Find It, Fix It, Flog It 1.15 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 2.15 Four In A Bed 2.50 Four In A Bed 3.20 Four In A Bed 3.50 Four In A Bed The House Of Agnes. 4.20 Four In A Bed Payment Day. 4.55 The Secret Life Of The Zoo 5.55 Love It Or List It Australia 6.55 Car S.O.S Danish Dilemma.

7.55 Escape To The Chateau: DIY Jonny and Ashley continue the search for their dream chateau.

7.20 Last Of The Summer Wine Who’s That Talking To Lenny?: The gullible Lenny hears a voice from above.

7.00 PM This Farming Life Documentary following life on farms around Scotland.

7.00 PM Beyond 100 Days/Weather 7.30 The Beauty Of Anatomy Galen & Leonardo.

7.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 7.30 You’ve Been Framed! Gold A cat has an accident.

7.00 Hollyoaks Toby and Celeste focus their attention on Lisa. 7.30 Celebrity Come Dine With Me

8.00 Hetty Wainthropp Investigates Fisticuffs: A road rage case uncovers a family tragedy.

8.00 Beechgrove Repotted Garden Therapy: In Dundee. 8.30 Wild Cameramen At Work Sky: Birdlife.

8.00 World’s Busiest Railway 2015 The role of Mumbai’s Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus in India’s long-distance travel.

8.00 Two And A Half Men Not In My Mouth. 8.30 Two And A Half Men Palmdale, Ech.

8.00 Junior Bake Off The remaining young cooks face two tricky challenges on Bread Day.

9.00 Ms Fisher’s Modern Murder Mysteries Dead Beat – Part One: Two pop singers are electrocuted.

9.00 The Nine The latest Scottish, UK and international news.

9.00 The Trains That Time Forgot: Britain’s Lost Railway Journeys Andrew Martin revisits the golden age of railways.

9.00 Love Island Relationship-based reality show.

9.00 The Great Pottery Throw Down The eight remaining potters are challenged to build a pair of matching lamp bases.

10.00 New Tricks A Delicate Touch: The squad is ordered by its new boss to look into the unsolved murder of a barrister.

10.00 Taken Down Abeni is placed under police surveillance. 10.50 The State Of It Democracy: Comedy.

10.00 This Life Brief Encounter: Anna gets drunk and seduces Jo. 10.40 This Life Cheap Thrills: Egg’s father visits.

10.05 Celebrity Juice With Ben Fogle, Ella Eyre and Fred Sirieix. 10.50 Family Guy And Then There Were Fewer.

9.00 Bad Neighbours A suburban couple enter into a vicious game of one-upmanship with the raucous student household living next door. Comedy, starring Seth Rogen, Zac Efron and Rose Byrne. (Cert 15, 97 mins. 2014) +++

11.20 Taggart Instrument Of Justice: The police fail to get a key witness to court to give evidence against a gang leader.

11.20 Scotland Unsolved Comedy. 11.30 The Edit 11.45-12.00 Rewind 1990s 1998.

11.20 This Life Just Sex: Warren’s new-found lover calls it quits.

11.50 American Dad! A Star Is Reborn: While on vacation, Stan joins the world of old Hollywood.

11.00 The Big Bang Theory 11.30 The Big Bang Theory The Einstein Approximation.

11.05 It Was Alright In The 1970s Ideas conveyed about society, sex and national stereotypes in the 1970s.

12.00 AM Art, Passion & Power: The Story Of The Royal Collection 1.00 Britain And The Sea 2.00 World’s Busiest Railway 2015 3.00-4.00 The Trains That Time Forgot: Britain’s Lost Railway Journeys

12.20 AM American Dad! 12.45 Iain Stirling’s CelebAbility 1.30 Two And A Half Men 1.55 Two And A Half Men 2.25 Hell’s Kitchen 3.15 Nightscreen 3.30-6.00 Teleshopping

12.00 AM Brooklyn Nine-Nine 12.30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.00 Gogglebox 2.05 First Dates 3.00 Don’t Tell The Bride 3.55 The Big Bang Theory 4.20 The Big Bang Theory 4.45 How I Met Your Mother 5.10-6.00 How I Met Your Mother

12.10 AM 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown 1.15 The Great Pottery Throw Down 2.15 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 3.15-3.40 Food Unwrapped

2.05 AM Bramwell 2.55 The Bill 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 8.00 American Pickers 9.00 Storage Hunters 9.30 Storage Hunters 10.00 American Pickers 11.00 American Pickers 12.00 PM Cop Car Workshop 1.00 Top Gear 2.00 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 3.00 Sin City Motors Power 4.00 Top Gear 5.00 Top Gear 6.00 QI XL Making A Meal Of It. 7.00 Richard Osman’s House Of Games 7.40 Would I Lie To You? 8.20 Would I Lie To You? 9.00 Live At The Apollo DON’T MISS! Hypothetical New series. 11.00 QI 11.40 QI Beavers. 12.20 AM Mock The Week 1.00 QI 1.40 QI 2.25 Flack 3.10 Richard Osman’s House Of Games 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00 Criminals: Caught On Camera 9.25 Law & Order 10.10 CSI: NY 11.05 CSI: NY 12.00 PM Private Eyes 1.00 Law & Order 2.00 Law & Order 3.00 Law & Order True Crime. 4.00 Murder, She Wrote Wearing Of The Green. 5.00 Murder, She Wrote The Last Flight Of The Dixie Damsel. 6.00 Law & Order Under God. 7.00 Law & Order Absentia. 8.00 NCIS Bulletproof. 9.00 Rookie Blue Going Under. 10.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Care. 10.55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Ridicule. 11.55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Parasites. 12.55 AM Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 1.55 CSI: NY 2.50 CSI: NY 3.50 Access 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 3rd Rock From The Sun 9.10 Will & Grace 10.10 Last Man Standing 11.05 Two And A Half Men 12.00 PM Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 1.00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 2.00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 3.00 Neighbours 3.30 Home And Away 4.00 House 5.00 House 6.00 Neighbours 6.30 Home And Away 7.00 Sinkholes: Sucked Underground 8.00 Big Body Maternity Ward 9.00 FILM Scary Movie Spoof horror. (Cert 18, 88 mins. 2000) +++ 10.45 FILM Scary Movie 2 Spoof horror sequel. (Cert 18, 79 mins. 2001) ++ 12.25 AM Sex Pod 1.20 Sex Pod 2.20 Empire 3.15 Empire 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Classic Coronation Street 6.25 Classic Coronation Street 6.55 Classic Emmerdale 7.25 Classic Emmerdale 7.55 Heartbeat 8.55 Rising Damp 9.25 Rising Damp 9.55 Man About The House 10.25 Inspector Morse 12.40 PM Heartbeat Wine And Roses. 1.45 Classic Emmerdale 2.15 Classic Emmerdale 2.50 Classic Coronation Street 3.20 Classic Coronation Street 3.55 The Durrells 4.55 Heartbeat 5.55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 8.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot Curtain: Poirot’s Final Case. 10.00 Law & Order: UK 11.00 Inspector Morse The Infernal Serpent. 1.20 AM Inspector Morse 3.20 Nightscreen 3.30-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Football Rivalries 6.15 The Chase 7.20 Quincy ME 8.20 Kojak 9.30 The Casebook Of Sherlock Holmes 10.35 Minder 11.40 The Professionals Dead Reckoning. 12.45 PM Snooker: World Grand Prix The afternoon session on day three from Cheltenham. 5.15 The Professionals A Hiding To Nothing. 6.10 River Monsters Alaska’s Cold Water Killer. 6.45 Snooker: World Grand Prix The evening session on day three from Cheltenham. 11.15 FILM Inglourious Basterds Second World War adventure, starring Brad Pitt and Christoph Waltz. Includes FYI Daily. (Cert 18, 152 mins. 2009) ++++ 2.20 AM The Protectors 2.55 Nightscreen 3.00-6.00 Teleshopping









10.00 David Jason’s Great British Inventions The actor operates one of 10 pm the world’s biggest hydraulic cranes.



6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 The Bachelor USA 7.55 The Bachelor USA 8.50 Be Beautiful 9.00 LittleBe 12.00 PM Be Tasty 12.10 The Real Housewives Of Atlanta 1.05 Vanderpump Rules 2.05 Million Dollar Listing: NYC 3.10 The Real Housewives Of Orange County 4.05 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 5.00 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 6.00 Masters Of Flip 7.00 Buying And Selling 8.00 Dinner Date Jerome. 9.00 Growing Up Chrisley Welcome To La La Land!. 9.30 Growing Up Chrisley 10.00 Botched By Nature 11.00 Dating In The Dark 12.00 AM The Only Way Is Essex 12.45 ITVBe Nightscreen 12.55-6.00 Teleshopping

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11 pm


6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 9.15 Fraud Squad: The Hunt (S) 10.00 Homes Under The Hammer (S) 11.00 Wanted Down Under Onaivi Family. (S) 11.45 Defenders UK (S) 12.15 PM Bargain Hunt Builth 1: From the Royal Welsh Showground in Builth Wells. (R/S) 1.00 BBC News At One/ Weather (S) 1.30 Regional News (S) 1.45 Doctors Not Mine. (S) 2.15 Shakespeare & Hathaway – Private Investigators A Serpent’s Tooth: A woman suspects her sisters of killing their father. (S) 3.00 Escape To The Country Dorset: A couple seek a romantic retirement home in the Dorset countryside. (R/S) 3.45 The Farmers’ Country Showdown Sheep And Goats: Dairy farmer Tereza shows her prize goats at the Tendring Hundred Show. (R/S) 4.30 Antiques Road Trip A gavel and a vintage train set are among the items picked up in Norfolk. (S) 5.15 Pointless (R/S)

8pm Best Home Cook

6 pm

7 pm

8 pm

9 pm

10 pm

11 pm

BBC2 6.30 AM Wanted Down Under Larkin Family: The Larkin family spend a trial week in Brisbane. (R/S) 7.15 Antiques Road Trip (R/S) 8.00 Sign Zone: Great British Railway Journeys Newcastle To Co Durham. (R/S) 8.30 Sign Zone: Lose Weight And Get Fit With Tom Kerridge (R/S) 9.00 BBC News At 9 (S) 10.00 Victoria Derbyshire News and current affairs. (S) 11.00 BBC Newsroom Live (S) 12.15 PM Politics Live With Andrew Neil. (S) 1.00 Get Away For Winter Goa, India: A woman hoping to rent a property in Goa, India. (R/S) 1.45 Coast All At Sea: Stories related to the sea. (R/S) 2.35 Shelley Winters: Talking Pictures A profile of the actress. (R/S) 3.05 FILM Yentl Musical drama, starring Barbra Streisand. (Cert PG, 127 mins. 1983) (S) ★★★ 5.15 Flog It! Bristol Cathedral 21: Paul Martin presents an edition from Bristol Cathedral. (R/S)

8pm Secrets Of The Museum

ITV 6.00 AM Good Morning Britain (S) 9.00 Lorraine Entertainment and fashion news. (S) 10.00 This Morning Celebrity chat and lifestyle features. (S) 12.30 PM Loose Women The women put the world to rights once more and invite a celebrity guest to chat about what they are up to. (S) 1.30 Lunchtime News/Weather (S) 1.55 Regional News/Weather (S) 2.00 Judge Rinder Cameras follow criminal barrister Robert Rinder as he takes on real-life cases in a studio courtroom. (S) 3.00 Tenable he Beverley Bombers: Five members of a rounders team take on the tower. (S) 3.59 ITV London Weather (S) 4.00 Tipping Point Ben Shephard hosts the arcadethemed quiz in which contestants drop tokens down a choice of four chutes in the hope of winning a £10,000 jackpot. (S) 5.00 The Chase Four contestants pit their wits against quiz genius the Chaser. (S)

8.30pm Save Money: Lose Weight

Channel 4 6.30 AM Cheers Take Me Out Of The Ball Game. (R/S) 6.55 Cheers Rebecca’s Lover – Not. (R/S) 7.20 The King Of Queens Window Pain. (R/S) 7.45 The King Of Queens Holy Mackerel. (R/S) 8.10 Everybody Loves Raymond The Bird. (R/S) 8.40 Everybody Loves Raymond Jazz Records. (R/S) 9.10 Frasier Author! Author!. (R/S) 9.40 Frasier Frasier Crane’s Day Off. (R/S) 10.10 Undercover Boss USA (R/S) 11.05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Mill Street Bistro – Part One. (R/S) 12.00 PM Channel 4 News/ Weather Summary (S) 12.05 Sun, Sea And Selling Houses (R/S) 1.05 Escape To The Chateau: DIY (R/S) 2.10 Countdown (S) 3.00 A Place In The Sun A property on Cyprus. (R/S) 4.00 A New Life In The Sun (S) 5.00 Couples Come Dine With Me Nottingham couples serve up organic food and an Asian-inspired menu. (S)

8pm The Supervet: Noel Fitzpatrick

6.00 BBC News/Weather (S) 6.30 Regional News (S)

6.00 Richard Osman’s House Of Games With Stuart Maconie. (S) 6.30 Great Asian Railway Journeys Hue To Ninh Binh: A tour of the imperial city of Hue. (S)

6.00 Regional News/Weather (S) 6.30 Evening News/Weather (S)

6.00 The Simpsons Four locals address their regrets. (R/S) 6.30 Hollyoaks Diane is annoyed that Edward accepted Tony’s invitation. (R/S)

7.00 The One Show Presented by Matt Baker and Alex Jones. (S) 7.30 EastEnders Linda struggles at the support session and breaks down, and Bernadette is curious about Karen’s lack of concern when the police update her about Keanu. (S)

7.00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Broadcaster Mariella Frostrup and her friend, fashion and interior designer Pearl Lowe, search for antiques in Somerset. Items that catch their eyes include Norwegian jewellery, African sculpture and traditional furniture. (R/S)

7.00 Emmerdale Pete reflects on some old memories, Rhona takes matters into her own hands, and Arthur makes a shocking confession. (S) 7.30 How Safe Is Your Vape? Tonight Asking whether there are any health risks in vaping. (S)

7.00 Channel 4 News/Weather (S)

8.00 Best Home Cook Chef Tom Kerridge stands in for Angela Hartnett in the quarter-final, which sees the hopefuls bake a family pie and rustle up a dish using a vegetable of Chris Bavin’s choice. (S)

8.00 Secrets Of The Museum New series. Documentary behind closed doors at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, getting a glimpse at some of the 2 million items in the V&A’s collection that aren’t on public display. (S)

8.00 Emmerdale Arthur has some explaining to do, Victoria is excited, and Pete makes a decision about his future. (S) 8.30 Save Money: Lose Weight Ranj Singh investigates the return of fibre, and Sian Williams look at the latest veg boxes on the market. (S)

8.00 The Supervet: Noel Fitzpatrick A two-year-old dachshund is rushed to Fitzpatrick’s by a distraught friend of the owner after being run over by a driver and sustaining life-threatening injuries. (S)

9.00 Death In Paradise The team, headed up by new detective inspector Neville Parker (Ralf Little), investigates the death of a woman found electrocuted in a bathtub. (S)

9.00 Travels In Euroland With Ed Balls Ed travels to Italy, comparing the lives of a millionaire fashion entrepreneur in Italy’s wealthiest city, Milan, and a farming family from Calabria, one of the poorest regions in the country. Last in the series. (S)

9.00 Inside The Crown: Secrets Of The Royals A look at how the Queen has responded in times of sadness and grief, from her responses to the Aberfan disaster and Grenfell fire to Diana’s death and the murder of Lord Mountbatten. (S)

9.00 Barrymore: The Body In The Pool An investigation into the discovery of Stuart Lubbock’s body in presenter Michael Barrymore’s swimming pool in 2001. (S)

10.00 BBC News At Ten (S) 10.25 Regional News/Weather (S) 10.35 Question Time Fiona Bruce chairs the topical debate from Harpenden, St Albans. (S)

10.00 Mum Thursday: After a night out at a restaurant, Pauline has had too much to drink, and Jason has something to say to Cathy. (R/S) 10.30 Newsnight (S)

10.00 ITV News/Weather (S) 10.30 Regional News/Weather (S) 10.45 The Late Debate Simon Harris is joined by a panel of local MPs for a discussion on the latest news and events at Westminster. (S)

10.50 Naked Attraction A model and a veterinary student choose dates after seeing what their potential partners have to offer on a physical level. Presented by Anna Richardson. Last in the series. (S)

11.35 Newscast The name may have changed but it’s business as usual as the Brexitcast team – Laura Kuennsberg, Chris Mason, Katya Adler and Adam Fleming – deliver their usual mix of gossip and serious analysis about the latest political goings-on. (S) 12.10-6.00 AM BBC News (S)

11.15 Win The Wilderness: Alaska A navigation challenge pits men against women on a trek through the wilderness, before the contestants are taken to a gun range to put their marksmanship to the test. (R/S) 12.15 AM Sign Zone: Dom Does America US Marshals. (R/S) 1.00 Sign Zone: Trust Me, I’m A Doctor (R/S) 1.30-6.30 This Is BBC Two (S)

11.10 Grantchester When a young man is found dead and stark-naked out on the Fens, Will and Geordie discover ties to a Cambridge research project experimenting with mind-altering drugs. (R/S) 12.05 AM Tenable The Beverley Bombers. (R/S) 12.55 Ideal World 3.00 How Safe Is Your Vape? Tonight (R/S) 3.25 Nightscreen 5.05-6.00 Judge Rinder (R/S)

11.50 Sex Tape Three couples with relationship problems film their most intimate moments, before sharing their ‘sex tapes’ with the other pairs. (R/S) 12.40 AM The Supervet (R/S) 1.40 Baghdad Central (R/S) 2.40 Home (R/S) 3.10 Come Dine With Me Wakefield. (R/S) 4.05 The Great Hotel Escape (R/S) 4.55 Grand Designs (R/S) 5.50-6.30 Countdown (R/S)

84 lnsideSoap


Channel 5 6.00 AM Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine (S) 11.15 Paddington Station 24/7 (R/S) 12.10 PM 5 News At Lunchtime (S) 12.15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors The doctors meet a patient suffering from high blood pressure caused by stress. (R/S) 1.10 Access Showbiz news. (S) 1.15 Home And Away Robbo’s parents pay a surprise visit. (R/S) 1.45 Neighbours Terese is determined to find out what’s wrong with Roxy. (S) 2.15 FILM A Murderer Upstairs A woman comes to grips with the possibility that her stepdaughter may be a killer. Thriller, starring Josie Davis. (Cert 12, 120 mins. 2017) (S) ★★★ 4.00 Friends The One Where Ross Finds Out: Rachel confesses all to Ross. (R/S) 4.30 Friends The One With The List: Ross draws up a list of Rachel’s good and bad points. (R/S) 5.00 5 News At 5 (S) 5.30 Neighbours Repeated from 1.45pm. (S)


10pm Creed 6.00 Home And Away Robbo’s parents pay him a surprise visit, but frown upon the overcrowded apartment. (R/S) 6.30 5 News Tonight (S) 7.00 Canada: A Year In The Wild Spring: Documentary following the wildlife of Canada throughout spring, when the race is on to find a mate and start a family, including black bears, beavers, wood frogs and gannets. (R/S) 8.00 Bargain-Loving Brits In The Sun A crown green bowling team in Saydo is determined to end their losing streak, while Joe and Jan receive some devastating news concerning the future of the dog shelter. (S) 9.00 Traffic Cops: Under Attack An insight into the working life of officers patrolling the nation’s roads, using modern technology and old-fashioned methods to bring criminals to justice. (S) 10.00 Creed The son of a boxer seeks Rocky Balboa’s help to follow in his father’s footsteps. Drama, with Michael B Jordan and Sylvester Stallone. (Cert 12, 133 mins. 2015) (S) ★★★★ 12.40 AM Criminals: Caught On Camera (R/S) 1.05 The Live Casino Show (S) 3.00 Access (S) 3.10 GPs: Behind Closed Doors (R/S) 4.00 Get Your Tatts Out: Kavos Ink (R/S) 4.45 House Doctor Interiors And Depersonalising. (R/S) 5.10 House Busters A south London home. (R/S) 5.35-6.00 Wildlife SOS (R/S)

Body of evidence I the In h 80 80s and d 90 90s, presenter and game show host Michael Barrymore was one of the most popular and highest-paid entertainers in Britain. Then, in the small hours of 31 March 2001, a lifeless body was found in the swimming pool of his

Essex home. Nineteen years later, the events surrounding 31-year-old Stuart Lubbock’s death remain a mystery. This documentary explores the story more closely, via unseen material from Essex Police and conversations

with those closest to the case (note: not Barrymore), such as the Lubbock family, detectives, forensic pathologists and eyewitnesses, to determine what really happened that night, and the extraordinary events that followed…

Little at large DEATH IN PARADISE | BBC1 9PM Celebrations at the launch of the new Saint Marie luxury resort are cut short tonight, when developer Neil Henderson’s (Steve Pemberton) daughter is found electrocuted in her hotel bath with the door locked from the inside. All very Inside No 9, that. When the team calls for back-up, enter new DI, Neville Parker, played by Ralf Little. As he tells Inside TV, “I’ve been doing this job 22 years, and you develop a bit of a cynical hide about jobs, but with this one, there was none of that: it was like, ‘Yes! Of course! I’m gonna go and solve murders in the Caribbean!’ It was an absolute dream call to get.” BBC1 N IRELAND as Main BBC1 except: 10.35pm The View 11.15 Question Time 12.15am Newscast 12.45-6.00 BBC News BBC2 WALES as Main BBC2 except: 10.00-10.30pm The Tuckers ANGLIA as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm Anglia Late Edition CENTRAL as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm Central Lobby GRANADA as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm The Granada Debate WEST as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm The Westcountry Debate WALES as Main ITV except: 6.00-6.30pm ITV News Wales At Six 10.45-11.10 Wales On TV MERIDIAN as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm The Last Word SCOTTISH as Main ITV except: 7.30-8.00pm Scotland Tonight 8.30-9.00 How Safe Is Your Vape? Tonight 10.45-11.10 Save Money: Lose Weight 12.55am How Safe Is Your Vape? Tonight 1.20-5.05 Nightscreen YORKSHIRE as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm Last Orders TYNE TEES as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm Around The House

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INSIDE TV THURSDAY 6 February Sky Witness Sky Atlantic

been selected to pull off an amazing heist – they must The series that gives ordinary work together to steal a cool folk the chance to experience £1 million and hide it for three life as a master criminal is weeks (while also spending back for a second series. some of it). If they manage Nine residents of Alnwick in not to get caught by the Northumberland (including real-life detectives after them, a former police officer!) have the money is theirs to keep…

6.00 AM Nothing To Declare 7.00 Nothing To Declare 8.00 Paramedics Clear And Available. 9.00 Blue Bloods Sins Of The Father. 10.00 Criminal Minds The Forever People. 11.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Gum Drops. 12.00 PM Elementary Scrambled. 1.00 Blue Bloods Baggage. 2.00 Law & Order Deep Vote. 3.00 The Real A&E 4.00 UK Border Force 5.00 Nothing To Declare 5.30 Nothing To Declare 6.00 Nothing To Declare 6.30 Nothing To Declare

6.00 AM Fish Town 7.00 Without A Trace Heartbeats. 8.00 Without A Trace Hard Landing. 9.00 Without A Trace Labyrinths. 10.00 The West Wing The State Dinner. 11.00 The West Wing Enemies. 12.00 PM Blue Bloods Brothers. 1.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Down The Drain. 2.00 The West Wing The Short List. 3.00 The West Wing In Excelsis Deo. 4.00 Without A Trace True. 5.00 Without A Trace Undertow. 6.00 Without A Trace Pilot. A marketing executive disappears.

6.00 AM Monkey Life 6.30 Monkey Life 7.00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 7.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue 8.00 The Dog Whisperer 9.00 Motorway Patrol 9.30 Motorway Patrol 10.00 The Force: Manchester 11.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 12.00 PM NCIS: Los Angeles 1.00 Hawaii Five-0 2.00 Hawaii Five-0 3.00 MacGyver Chisel. 4.00 Modern Family 4.30 Modern Family Finding Fizbo. 5.00 The Simpsons 5.30 Futurama 6.00 Futurama 6.30 The Simpsons


7.00 Nothing To Declare 7.30 Nothing To Declare

7.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Harvest: A 12-year-old goes missing.

7.00 The Simpsons Separate Vocations. 7.30 The Simpsons Dog Of Death: Santa’s Little Helper runs away.


8.00 Ghost Whisperer Dead Man’s Ridge: Melinda helps Andrea’s friend find his missing brother.

8.00 Blue Bloods Chinatown: An off-duty incident threatens Jamie’s career.

8.00 A League Of Their Own: European Road Trip Best Bits: Highlights of the adventure.


9.00 The Rookie Warriors And Guardians: Officer Nolan has to adjust to his new training officer’s unconventional approach.

9.00 John Adams Reunion: Thomas Jefferson and Adams are reunited in France.

9.00 The Heist New series. Ten people plan a raid on a cash-in-transit van.

10 pm

10.00 Madam Secretary Leaving The Station: The team launches a new landmark political initiative. Last in the series.

10.25 The Deuce This Trust Thing: Abby decides to confront Vincent.

10.00 The Russell Howard Hour Topical comedy and entertainment show.

11 pm

11.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Imprisoned Lives: A young boy is abandoned in Times Square.

11.35 The Sopranos Full Leather Jacket: Meadow receives a helping hand.

11.00 COBRA Sutherland visits the worst-affected area of the country.

12.00 AM CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1.00 Chicago Med 2.00 Chicago Fire 3.00 Chicago PD 4.00 Road Wars 5.00-6.00 Brit Cops: Rapid Response

12.35 AM The Sopranos 1.45 Life Itself: Special 2.00 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets 3.10 Without A Trace 4.00 The West Wing 5.00-6.00 The West Wing

12.00 AM An Idiot Abroad 1.00 Brit Cops: Law & Disorder 2.00 The Force: Manchester 3.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 4.00 Futurama 4.30 Futurama 5.00-6.00 Stargate SG-1


THE FIX | Fox 9PM The legal drama concludes tonight and promises that all questions will be answered as someone is convicted for the murder of Jessica Meyer. We hope so, because it has been cancelled by ABC in America, so there’s no second season!




PERPETUAL GRACE, LTD | StarzPlay A young grifter picks Pastor Byron Brown (Ben Kingsley) as his new target in this US drama, which drops as a 10-episode box set on the streaming service today. But the Pastor is far from the innocent victim that he might appear to be…

W 6.10 AM MasterChef Australia 7.00 My Dream Home 8.00 Tipping Point 9.00 Tipping Point 10.00 The Bill 11.00 Supernanny US 12.00 PM Tipping Point 1.00 Tipping Point 2.00 MasterChef USA Joe Takes A Risk. 3.00 My Dream Home 4.00 My Dream Home 5.00 Tipping Point 6.00 Tipping Point 7.00 MasterChef USA Tag Team Tears & Tantrums. 8.00 Inside The Ambulance 9.00 Inside The Ambulance 10.00 One Born Every Minute 11.00 Inside The Ambulance 12.00 AM One Born Every Minute 1.00 Dr Christian: 12 Hours To Cure Your Street 1.50 American Housewife 2.10 American Housewife 2.35 Renovate My Home: Leave It To Bryan 3.00-6.10 Teleshopping

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Alibi 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries 8.00 Murdoch Mysteries 9.00 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries 10.00 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries 11.00 Unforgettable 12.00 PM Unforgettable 1.00 Rush 2.00 Rosewood Naegleria And Neighbourhood Watch. 3.00 Murdoch Mysteries Love And Human Remains. 4.00 Murdoch Mysteries The Curse Of Beaton Manor. 5.00 Major Crimes Internal Affairs. 6.00 Major Crimes Special Master – Part One. 7.00 Unforgettable Throwing Shade. 8.00 Unforgettable The Island. 9.00 Bite Club 10.00 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries 11.00 New Tricks 12.20 AM Inspector Alleyn Mysteries 2.35 Rosewood 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping

Sky One

GOLD 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.20 The Piglet Files 7.45 As Time Goes By 8.20 2point4 Children 9.00 Open All Hours 9.40 Hi-de-Hi! 10.20 Last Of The Summer Wine 12.20 PM Keeping Up Appearances 1.00 Open All Hours 1.35 Hi-de-Hi! 2.15 dinnerladies 3.00 Keeping Up Appearances 3.40 Dad’s Army 4.20 Last Of The Summer Wine 6.20 The Vicar Of Dibley 7.00 Open All Hours 7.40 Dad’s Army 8.20 Dad’s Army 9.00 The Vicar Of Dibley 9.55 dinnerladies 10.35 Absolutely Fabulous 11.15 Peep Show 11.50 Peep Show 12.20 AM The Vicar Of Dibley 1.15 Absolutely Fabulous 1.55 Peep Show 2.45 Spaced 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping

Com. Central 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 Will & Grace 8.35 Will & Grace 9.00 The Office (US) 9.30 The Office (US) 10.00 My Name Is Earl 10.30 My Name Is Earl 11.00 Impractical Jokers 11.30 Impractical Jokers 12.00 PM Friends 12.30 Friends 1.00 Friends 1.30 Friends 2.00 Friends 2.30 Friends 3.00 Friends 3.30 Friends 4.00 My Name Is Earl 4.30 My Name Is Earl 5.00 Friends 5.30 Friends 6.00 Friends 6.30 Friends 7.00 Friends 7.30 Friends 8.00 Friends 8.30 Friends 9.00 FILM Step Brothers (Cert 15, 97 mins. 2008) +++ 11.00 FILM Jackass 3 (Cert 18, 93 mins. 2010) +++ 1.00 AM South Park 3.50 The Daily Show 4.15 Takeshi’s Castle 4.35 Takeshi’s Castle 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping

FOX 8.00 AM Republic Of Doyle 9.00 Bones 10.00 Bull 11.00 NCIS 12.00 PM Bones The Cowboy In The Contest. 1.00 Bones The Doom In The Boom. 2.00 The Mentalist 3.00 NCIS Friendly Fire. 4.00 Bull Callisto. 5.00 Bones The Death In The Defence. 6.00 The Mentalist My Blue Heaven. 7.00 NCIS Tailing Angie. 8.00 NCIS What Child Is This?. 9.00 DON’T MISS! The Fix Making A Murderer. 10.00 NCIS One Man’s Trash. 11.00 American Dad! Francine’s Flashback. 11.30 American Dad! 12.00 AM Family Guy 12.30 Family Guy 1.00 American Dad! 1.30 American Dad! 2.00 Family Guy 2.30 Family Guy 3.00 American Dad! 3.30 American Dad! 4.00 Republic Of Doyle 5.00-8.00 Teleshopping

Sky Comedy 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 Everybody Hates Chris 9.00 Parks And Recreation 10.30 30 Rock 12.00 PM The Mindy Project 1.30 Modern Family 2.00 Modern Family 2.30 Everybody Hates Chris 3.00 Everybody Hates Chris 3.30 Parks And Recreation 4.00 Parks And Recreation 4.30 Parks And Recreation 5.00 30 Rock 5.30 30 Rock 6.00 30 Rock 6.30 Modern Family 7.00 Modern Family 7.30 The Mindy Project 8.00 The Mindy Project 8.30 The Mindy Project 9.00 My Favourite Shapes By Julio Torres 10.15 Sex And The City 10.50 The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 11.50 Entourage 1.00 AM Eastbound & Down 2.10 Girls 3.20 30 Rock 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping




6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 Bramwell 8.00 Soldier, Soldier 9.00 The Bill 10.00 Classic Holby City Be Careful What You Wish For. 11.00 Classic Casualty Always On My Mind. 12.00 PM The Bill Cure The Sin. 1.00 Classic EastEnders 1.40 Classic EastEnders 2.20 London’s Burning 3.20 Lovejoy Fair Exchange. 4.20 Bergerac Poison. 5.25 Bread 6.00 Hi-de-Hi! The Partridge Season. 6.40 As Time Goes By Wedding Day Nerves.

The host picks through the biggest news stories in The Russell Howard Hour 10pm Sky One

BBC Scotland








6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 7.50 Emmerdale 8.20 Coronation Street 8.50 Coronation Street 9.20 Superstore 10.15 Dinner Date 11.15 Dress To Impress 12.15 PM Emmerdale 12.45 Coronation Street 1.15 Coronation Street 1.50 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 2.45 Supermarket Sweep 3.50 Dinner Date Grace. 4.55 Dress To Impress 6.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold

6.00 AM Hollyoaks 6.30 Hollyoaks 7.00 How I Met Your Mother 8.00 Baby Daddy 9.00 Young Sheldon 10.00 The Big Bang Theory 11.00 The Goldbergs 12.00 PM Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.00 The Big Bang Theory 2.00 Baby Daddy 3.00 Young Sheldon 3.30 Young Sheldon 4.00 The Goldbergs 4.30 The Goldbergs 5.00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 5.30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 6.00 The Big Bang Theory 6.30 The Big Bang Theory

8.55 AM Kirstie’s Vintage Gems Love Nest. 9.15 A Place In The Sun: Winter Sun 10.10 A Place In The Sun: Winter Sun 11.15 Love It Or List It Australia 12.15 PM Find It, Fix It, Flog It 1.15 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 2.15 Four In A Bed 2.50 Four In A Bed 3.20 Four In A Bed Bosvean House. 3.50 Four In A Bed Ombersley B&B. 4.20 Four In A Bed Payment Day. 4.55 The Secret Life Of The Zoo 5.55 Love It Or List It Australia 6.55 Car S.O.S Escort RS In Distress.

7.55 Escape To The Chateau: DIY Dick searches for wine hidden during WWII.



7.20 Last Of The Summer Wine Oh Look! Mitzi’s Found Her Mummy: Clegg looks after a dog.

7.00 PM Sportscene Action from the midweek Premiership fixtures.

7.00 PM Beyond 100 Days/Weather 7.30 The Pennine Way Paul Rose reaches the Yorkshire Dales.

7.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold: A-Z! Comical clips, narrated by Harry Hill.

7.00 Hollyoaks Edward orders Tony to start working on his marriage. 7.30 Celebrity Come Dine With Me

8.00 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries A Suitable Vengeance: Feature-length episode. Lynley returns to his ancestral home to celebrate his engagement, but his anger over his mother’s indiscretion with a doctor makes the occasion unpleasant.

8.00 Getaways Exploring the Greek island of Crete. 8.30 Des Doesn’t Do – Cooking How to cook a meal from scratch.

8.00 Mark Kermode’s Oscar Winners: A Secrets Of Cinema Special The critic looks back at past winners.

8.00 Two And A Half Men Grandma’s Pie. 8.30 Two And A Half Men Mr Hose Says Yes.

8.00 Junior Bake Off The contestants face a couple of dessert challenges.

9.00 The Nine The latest Scottish, UK and international news.

9.00 Edgar Wright: Life Cinematic The director discusses the movies that have influenced his career.

9.00 Love Island Relationship-based reality show.

9.00 Grand Designs Building a house wrapped around an ancient oak tree in rural Suffolk.

10.00 New Tricks Family Business: The unsolvedcrime squad re-examines an assault case that left the victim in a coma.

10.00 Jim Smith Live From Perth The final night of the stand-up comedian’s sell-out tour.

10.00 This Life Father Figure: Egg gets a job delivering phone books. 10.40 This Life Let’s Get It On: Milly gets upset.

10.05 Iain Stirling’s CelebAbility Entertainment game show. 10.50 Family Guy

9.00 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 Katniss Everdeen leads her allies in a final battle to bring down the despotic President Snow. Sci-fi adventure sequel, starring Jennifer Lawrence. (Cert 12, 134 mins. 2015) ++++

10.00 New Amsterdam Happy Place: Kapoor and Iggy work with a patient struggling with a previous surgery.

10 pm

11.20 Taggart Apocalypse: Featurelength episode. Jardine and Reid investigate a religious cult.

11.00 Talking Sex With Gran OAPs and young adults in conversation. 11.30-12.00 The Comedy Underground

11.20 Wonders Of The Universe Falling: How gravity influences events across the universe.

11.20 Family Guy Halloween On Spooner Street: Peter and Joe play Halloween pranks. 11.50 American Dad!

11.45 The Big Bang Theory The Large Hadron Collision: Leonard is invited to visit the Large Hadron Collider.

11.00 999: What’s Your Emergency? How emergency service staff have to learn to deal with death on a daily basis.

11 pm

12.20 AM How We Built Britain 1.20 Awesome Beauty: The Art Of Industrial Britain 2.20 The Art Of The Vikings: Secret Knowledge 2.50-3.50 Edgar Wright: Life Cinematic

12.20 AM American Dad! 12.45 The Cleveland Show 1.15 The Cleveland Show 1.45 Two And A Half Men 2.10 Two And A Half Men 2.35 Hell’s Kitchen 3.25 Nightscreen 3.30-6.00 Teleshopping

12.15 AM The Big Bang Theory 12.45 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.15 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.45 Gogglebox 2.50 First Dates 3.45 The Big Bang Theory 4.10 The Big Bang Theory 4.35 How I Met Your Mother 5.00-6.00 How I Met Your Mother

12.00 AM 24 Hours In A&E 1.00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 2.00 New Amsterdam 3.00-3.30 Food Unwrapped

2.10 AM Bramwell 3.00 The Bill 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 8.00 American Pickers 9.00 Storage Hunters 9.30 Storage Hunters 10.00 American Pickers 11.00 American Pickers 12.00 PM Cop Car Workshop Power Packing F100 Pickup. 1.00 Top Gear 2.00 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 3.00 Sin City Motors 4.00 Top Gear 5.00 Top Gear 6.00 QI XL Menagerie. 7.00 Richard Osman’s House Of Games 7.40 Would I Lie To You? 8.20 Would I Lie To You? 9.00 Live At The Apollo Rhod Gilbert And John Bishop. 10.00 Taskmaster 11.00 QI 11.40 QI 12.20 AM Mock The Week 1.00 QI 1.40 QI 2.25 Flack 3.15 Richard Osman’s House Of Games 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00 Criminals: Caught On Camera 9.25 Law & Order 10.10 CSI: NY 11.05 CSI: NY 12.05 PM Private Eyes 1.00 Law & Order 2.00 Law & Order 3.00 Law & Order The Ring. 4.00 Murder, She Wrote Prediction: Murder. 5.00 Murder, She Wrote Something Borrowed, Someone Blue. 6.00 Law & Order 7.00 Law & Order 8.00 NCIS Dressed To Kill. 9.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit No Surrender. 10.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Monogamy. 10.55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Protection. 11.55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Scourge. 12.55 AM CSI: NY 1.55 CSI: NY 2.50 CSI: NY 3.50 Access 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 3rd Rock From The Sun 9.10 Will & Grace 10.05 Last Man Standing 11.05 Two And A Half Men 12.00 PM Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 1.00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 3.00 Neighbours 3.30 Home And Away 4.00 House 5.00 House 6.00 Neighbours 6.30 Home And Away 7.00 It’s Your Fault I’m Fat 8.00 Me & My 10 Kids: Mega Families 9.00 FILM The Mummy Adventure. Includes Access. (Cert 15, 105 mins. 2017) ++ 11.05 FILM Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance Fantasy thriller. Includes Access. (Cert 12, 91 mins. 2011) ++ 1.00 AM Rich Kids Go Skint 2.00 Empire 3.50 Access 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Classic Coronation Street 6.25 Classic Coronation Street 6.55 Classic Emmerdale 7.25 Classic Emmerdale 7.55 Heartbeat 8.55 Rising Damp 9.25 Rising Damp 9.55 Man About The House 10.25 Inspector Morse 12.40 PM Heartbeat 1.45 Classic Emmerdale 2.15 Classic Emmerdale 2.50 Classic Coronation Street 3.20 Classic Coronation Street 3.55 The Durrells 4.55 Heartbeat 6.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot The Mystery Of The Blue Train. 8.00 Lewis Wild Justice. 10.00 Law & Order: UK 11.00 Inspector Morse The Sins Of The Fathers. 1.20 AM Inspector Morse 3.15 Nightscreen 3.30-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Football’s Greatest: Diego Maradona 6.15 The Chase 7.20 Quincy ME 8.25 Kojak 9.30 The Casebook Of Sherlock Holmes 10.35 Minder 11.40 The Professionals 12.45 PM Snooker: World Grand Prix 5.15 The Professionals Runner. 6.15 River Monsters Canadian Horror. 6.45 Snooker: World Grand Prix Jill Douglas presents coverage of day four at The Centaur in Cheltenham. 10.45 FILM Safe House Thriller, starring Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds. Includes FYI Daily. (Cert 15, 110 mins. 2012) +++ 1.00 AM Jeremy Wade’s Mighty Rivers 2.10 The Protectors 2.45 Nightscreen 3.00-6.00 Teleshopping







6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 The Bachelor 7.55 The Bachelor 8.50 Be Beautiful 9.00 LittleBe 12.00 PM Income Property 12.25 The Real Housewives Of Atlanta 1.20 Vanderpump Rules 2.15 Million Dollar Listing: NYC 3.10 The Real Housewives Of Orange County Cabin Fever. 4.05 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 5.00 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 6.00 Masters Of Flip 7.00 Buying And Selling Neil & Jenna. 8.00 Dinner Date Daisy. 9.00 Don’t Be Tardy 9.30 Don’t Be Tardy 10.00 Married To Medicine 11.00 The Millionaire Matchmaker 12.00 AM The Only Way Is Essex 12.45 ITVBe Nightscreen 12.55-6.00 Teleshopping

lnsideSoap 87



INSIDE TV FRIDAY 7February BBC1 6 am

6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 9.15 Fraud Squad: The Hunt (S) 10.00 Homes Under The Hammer (R/S) 11.00 Wanted Down Under West Andrews. (S) 11.45 Defenders UK (S) 12.15 PM Bargain Hunt Oswestry 6: From Oswestry, Shropshire. (S) 1.00 BBC News At One/Weather (S) 1.30 Regional News (S) 1.45 Doctors Rosa Unplugged. (S) 2.15 Shakespeare & Hathaway – Private Investigators Thy Fury Spent: A simple missing person’s case takes a dramatic turn. (S) 3.00 Escape To The Country Welsh Borders: Margherita Taylor helps a couple seeking a home on the Welsh borders. (R/S) 3.45 The Farmers’ Country Showdown Cattle: Highland cattle farmers Simon and Emma exhibit at the Great Yorkshire Show. (R/S) 4.30 Antiques Road Trip (S) 5.15 Pointless Quiz, hosted by Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman. (R/S)

9pm Would I Lie To You?

6 pm

7 pm

8 pm

9 pm

10 pm

11 pm

BBC2 6.30 AM Wanted Down Under Onaivi Family. (R/S) 7.15 Antiques Road Trip (R/S) 8.00 Sign Zone: MasterChef: The Professionals (R/S) 9.00 BBC News At 9 (S) 10.00 Victoria Derbyshire (S) 11.00 BBC Newsroom Live (S) 12.15 PM Politics Live With Jo Coburn. (S) 1.00 Get Away For Winter Fuengirola, Spain: A couple from Scotland seek a rental home in the Costa del Sol. Last in the series. (R/S) 1.45 Coast Rivers And Seas Collide: The team visits estuaries around the UK. (R/S) 2.50 Shirley MacLaine: Talking Pictures A profile of the actress. (R/S) 3.35 FILM Love Is A Many Splendored Thing Racial taboos force a Eurasian widow and a married American journalist in Hong Kong to keep their affair a secret. Fact-based romantic drama, with William Holden and Jennifer Jones. (Cert U, 97 mins. 1955) (S) ★★ 5.15 Flog It! Kingston-upon-Hull. (S)

9.30pm QI

ITV 6.00 AM Good Morning Britain (S) 9.00 Lorraine Entertainment and fashion news. (S) 10.00 This Morning Celebrity chat and lifestyle features. (S) 12.30 PM Loose Women Celebrity interviews and topical debate from a female perspective. (S) 1.30 Lunchtime News/Weather (S) 1.55 Regional News/Weather (S) 2.00 Judge Rinder Bentley is in court to obtain £4,630 from his former friend in rent arrears and damages caused to his property. (S) 3.00 Tenable Take A Walk On The Merseyside: Quiz, hosted by Warwick Davis. (S) 3.59 ITV London Weather (S) 4.00 Tipping Point Ben Shephard hosts the arcade-themed quiz in which contestants drop tokens down a choice of four chutes in the hope of winning a £10,000 jackpot. (S) 5.00 The Chase Bradley Walsh presents as contestants work as a team to take on ruthless quiz genius the Chaser and secure a cash prize. (S)

9pm Grantchester

Channel 4 6.30 AM Cheers Bar Wars VI – This Time It’s For Real. (R/S) 6.55 Cheers Heeeeeere’s Cliffy. (R/S) 7.20 The King Of Queens Kirbed Enthusiasm. (R/S) 7.45 The King Of Queens Mammary Lane. (R/S) 8.10 Everybody Loves Raymond Debra At The Lodge. (R/S) 8.40 Everybody Loves Raymond Slave. (R/S) 9.10 Frasier My Coffee With Niles. (R/S) 9.40 Frasier Slow Tango In South Seattle. (R/S) 10.10 Undercover Boss USA (R/S) 11.05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Mill Street Bistro – Part Two. (R/S) 12.00 PM Channel 4 News/Weather Summary (S) 12.05 Sun, Sea And Selling Houses (R/S) 1.05 Escape To The Chateau: DIY Nicole and Stefan continue their renovation of their historic chateau in Lucheux. (R/S) 2.10 Countdown (S) 3.00 A Place In The Sun (R/S) 4.00 A New Life In The Sun (S) 5.00 Couples Come Dine With Me (S)

8pm Jamie And Jimmy’s Friday…

6.00 BBC News/Weather (S) 6.30 Regional News (S)

6.00 Richard Osman’s House Of Games With Lou Sanders. (S) 6.30 Great Asian Railway Journeys Hanoi To Ha Long Bay: Exploring the capital of Vietnam. (S)

6.00 Regional News/Weather (S) 6.30 Evening News/Weather (S)

6.00 The Simpsons Homer gets in touch with an old pen-pal. (R/S) 6.30 Hollyoaks Edward orders Tony to start working on his marriage. (R/S)

7.00 The One Show Hosted by Alex Jones and Dev Griffin. (S) 7.30 Garden Rescue Stoke-onTrent: Charlie Dimmock and the Rich Brothers are in Stoke-on-Trent. (R/S)

7.00 Saving Lives At Sea Documentary telling the story of the unpaid volunteers at RNLI lifeboat stations across the UK. (S) 7.30 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Countryfile’s Adam Henson and Steve Brown take a trip around the rolling Cotswold Hills. (R/S)

7.00 Emmerdale Belle is intrigued by something, Wendy is tempted after a discovery, and Laurel makes a decision. (S) 7.30 Coronation Street In the 10,000th episode, Rita is surprised when a parcel arrives containing Dennis’ ashes. (S)

7.00 Channel 4 News/Weather (S)

8.00 EastEnders Linda confides her fears to Sharon, who urges the landlady to fight for her marriage. (S) 8.30 A Question Of Sport With Christine Ohuruogu, Mark Wood, Billy Sharp and Fran Halsall. (S)

8.30 Our Coast The Merseyside Coast: New series. Adrian Chiles, Mehreen Baig and a team of experts explore four spectacular coastlines linked by the Irish Sea, beginning with the Merseyside coast. (S)

8.30 The Greek Islands With Julia Bradbury Rhodes And Symi: Julia arrives in the Dodecanese, a far-flung group of islands at the gateway between Europe and the East, visiting the largest, Rhodes, and its neighbour Symi. (S)

8.00 Jamie And Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast Actress Saoirse Ronan joins Jamie Oliver and Jimmy Doherty, who try to recreate a Chinese takeaway she used to have as a child in New York that she can’t find in the UK. (S)

9.00 Would I Lie To You? With James Acaster, Dani Dyer, Oti Mabuse and Fred Sirieix. (S) 9.30 King Gary Gary plans a day at an indoor mini golf course for Big Gary’s birthday. (S)

9.30 QI Quantity And Quality: Sandi Toksvig looks at ‘Quantity’ and ‘Quality’, inviting Bridget Christie, Joe Lycett and James Acaster to join regular panellist Alan Davies to face her fiendish questions. (S)

9.00 Grantchester An unexpected twist lies in store at a charity boxing match at Vic’s gym, while Leonard tries to reunite the warring Chapmans, who seem determined never to see eye-to-eye again. (S)

9.00 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown Jimmy Carr hosts as Sean Lock and Kevin Bridges take on Jon Richardson and Victoria Coren Mitchell in the classic wordsand-numbers quiz. (S)

10.00 BBC News At Ten (S) 10.25 Regional News/Weather (S) 10.35 The Graham Norton Show With Mark Ruffalo, David Schwimmer and Nick Mohammed. Plus, Alicia Keys performs her new single. (S)

10.00 Frankie Boyle’s Tour Of Scotland Aberdeen To Oban: New series. The comedian meets people who live off the land. He begins on a trek from Aberdeen to Oban. (S) 10.30 Newsnight (S)

10.00 ITV News/Weather (S) 10.30 Regional News/Weather (S) 10.45 Cold Feet A chance encounter gives Pete a boost, while David starts his new venture, but realises all is not as it seems. (R/S)

10.00 The Last Leg Adam Hills, Josh Widdicombe and Alex Brooker are joined by celebrity guests for a comic review of the significant moments of the past seven days. (S)

11.25 RuPaul’s Drag Race UK The remaining queens are split into two teams for a girl group battle, and aided by singer and producer MNEK record vocals and perform their own versions of the same song. (S) 12.35-6.00 AM BBC News (S)

11.05 Front Row Late (S) 11.45 FILM Southside With You Biographical drama chronicling the afternoon when Barack Obama and Michelle Robinson went on their first date. With Tika Sumpter. (Cert 12, 84 mins. 2016) (S) ★★★ 1.00 AM Sign Zone: Cashing In On The Housing Crisis – Panorama (R/S) 1.35 Sign Zone: Doctor Who (R/S) 2.25-6.45 This Is BBC Two (S)

11.45 Dancing On Ice Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby present as the celebrities perform fairy-tale routines, hoping to avoid the bottom two. Plus, a performance from Disney On Ice. (R/S) 1.25 AM Ideal World 3.00 Who’s Doing The Dishes? Linda Lusardi. With actress and former glamour model Linda Lusardi. (R/S) 3.50-6.00 Nightscreen

11.05 The Big Narstie Show (S) 12.10 AM FILM Last Vegas (Cert 12. 2013) (S) ★★★ 2.00 The Simpsons (R/S) 2.25 The Simpsons (R/S) 2.50 The Simpsons (R/S) 3.20 The Simpsons (R/S) 3.45 Come Dine With Me (R/S) 4.10 Come Dine With Me (R/S) 4.35 Come Dine With Me (R/S) 5.05 Come Dine With Me (R/S) 5.30-6.00 Come Dine With Me (R/S)

88 lnsideSoap


Channel 5 6.00 AM Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine (S) 11.15 Paddington Station 24/7 (R/S) 12.10 PM 5 News At Lunchtime (S) 12.15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors Dr Mio Kwan examines a nine-year-old girl who has a small lump in her chest. (R/S) 1.10 Access (S) 1.15 Home And Away Justin agrees to meet Tori’s doctors. (R/S) 1.45 Neighbours Finn’s past comes up during a psychology session. (S) 2.15 FILM Love You To Death An attorney’s mistake in court allows a murderer to go free. Vowing retribution, the killer takes steps to track her down. Thriller, starring Bree Williamson. (Cert PG, 90 mins. 2016) (S) ★★★ 4.00 Friends The One With Phoebe’s Dad: Phoebe learns the truth about her father. (R/S) 4.30 Friends The One With Russ: Joey gets a part in a soap. (R/S) 5.00 5 News At 5 (S) 5.30 Neighbours Repeated from 1.45pm. (S)

HOLIDAYING WITH JANE McDONALD & FRIENDS | Channel 5 9PM 8pm Secret Scotland… 6.00 Home And Away Justin agrees to a meeting with Tori’s doctors. (R/S) 6.30 5 News Tonight (S) 7.00 Canada: A Year In The Wild Summer: The wildlife of Canada throughout summer, from the mountain goats journeying to a mineral-rich spring to the polar bears trapped on land with little to eat. Last in the series. (R/S) 8.00 Secret Scotland With Susan Calman Ayrshire And Arran: Susan concludes her journey in Ayrshire and the Isle of Arran, visiting Robert Burns’ birthplace and learning the tricks of foraging. Last in the series. (S) 9.00 Holidaying With Jane McDonald & Friends York: The singer takes a flight in a 1940s Tiger Moth plane, while James and Ola Jordan go to Crete. Last in the series. (S) 10.00 Secrets Of The Ritz: World’s Poshest Hotel The Ritz: The history of the Ritz in London, and its long connection to the royal family. Last in the series. (S)

11.05 FILM Sabotage Action thriller, with Arnold Schwarzenegger. (Cert 15, 107 mins. 2014) (S) ★★ 1.05 The Live Casino Show (S) 3.05 Access (S) 3.10 GPs: Behind Closed Doors (R/S) 4.00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors (R/S) 4.45 House Doctor Kerb Appeal And Colour. (R/S) 5.10 House Busters (R/S) 5.35-6.00 Wildlife SOS (R/S)

Pisa the action W ’ sure there We’re h are people out there who have criticised this series for being a bit lightweight, but we don’t care. All we know is that watching Jane and her showbiz pals checking out some lovely-looking holiday hotspots is our absolute

favourite way to wind down at the end of a busy week. Sadly for us, tonight’s episode is the last in the current run, so we’ll need to work on new relaxation techniques before next Friday. Tonight, Jane enjoys a bit of a staycation as she heads to

York and checks into the city’s five-star Grand hotel, while James and Ola Jordan head off for their last baby-free holiday for a while at an adults-only resort in Crete. Finally, Johnny Ball takes a solos holiday to Italy to see Pisa and Siena…

Fore play KING GARY | BBC1 9.30PM In honour of Big Gary’s birthday, Gary has arranged for the whole family to have a day out at an indoor mini golf course – one that he claims not to have been to before, but he’s suspiciously well known by the man on the front desk. Whether Gary’s been visiting on the sly to give himself a better chance of besting his dad during their head-to-head game, we couldn’t possibly say – but the tension between them certainly isn’t helped by Winkle inviting himself along against Gary’s wishes. Meanwhile, Terri decides to sit out the golf while she ruminates on an ethical dilemma, and Denise is just enjoying the side plates. BBC1 SCOTLAND as Main BBC1 except: 12.30am The State Of It 1.00 Weather For The Week Ahead 1.05-6.00 BBC News BBC1 WALES as Main BBC1 except: 7.00pm Six Nations Sin Bin 7.30-8.00 Tudur’s TV Flashback 9.30-10.00 The Tuckers 11.25 King Gary 11.55 RuPaul’s Drag Race UK 1.00-6.00am BBC News BBC2 WALES as Main BBC2 except: 7.00pm Scrum VS Live 9.15-9.30 Coast WALES as Main ITV except: 6.00-6.30pm ITV News Wales At Six SCOTTISH as Main ITV except: 1.25-6.00am Nightscreen

lnsideSoap 89

INSIDE TV FRIDAY 7 February Sky Witness Sky Atlantic

his ancestral home. Siblings Tyler, Kinsey and Bode soon Based on the series of comic discover that the house also books by Joe Hill, this 10-part comes with otherworldly keys supernatural series follows which empower the kids with the Locke family who relocate special abilities – but an evil to Matheson, Massachusetts, force also knows about said after the shocking murder of keys, and is desperate to patriarch Rendell, to live in claim them for himself…

6.00 AM Nothing To Declare 8.00 Paramedics 9.00 Blue Bloods Baggage. 10.00 Criminal Minds Anonymous. 11.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Secrets And Flies. 12.00 PM Elementary An Infinite Capacity For Taking Pains. 1.00 Blue Bloods Home Sweet Home. 2.00 Law & Order Who Let The Dogs Out?. 3.00 The Real A&E 4.00 UK Border Force 5.00 Nothing To Declare 5.30 Nothing To Declare 6.00 Nothing To Declare 6.30 Nothing To Declare

6.00 AM Fish Town 7.00 Without A Trace True. 8.00 Without A Trace Undertow. 9.00 Without A Trace Pilot. 10.00 The West Wing The Short List. 11.00 The West Wing In Excelsis Deo. 12.00 PM Blue Bloods Chinatown. 1.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Harvest. 2.00 The West Wing Lord John Marbury. 3.00 The West Wing He Shall, From Time To Time. 4.00 Without A Trace Birthday Boy. 5.00 Without A Trace He Saw, She Saw. 6.00 Without A Trace Between The Cracks.

6.00 AM Monkey Life 6.30 Monkey Life 7.00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 7.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue 8.00 The Dog Whisperer 9.00 Motorway Patrol 9.30 Motorway Patrol 10.00 The Force: Manchester 11.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 12.00 PM NCIS: Los Angeles Black Widow. 1.00 Hawaii Five-0 2.00 Hawaii Five-0 3.00 MacGyver Pliers. 4.00 Modern Family 4.30 Modern Family 5.00 The Simpsons 5.30 Futurama 6.00 Futurama 6.30 The Simpsons Colonel Homer.


7.00 Nothing To Declare 7.30 Nothing To Declare

7.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Crow’s Feet: A cosmetic surgeon’s patients die mysteriously.

7.00 The Simpsons Black Widower. 7.30 The Simpsons The Otto Show: Marge and Homer buy Bart a guitar.


8.00 Chicago Med It’s All In The Family: Natalie’s actions with a recent patient get her into trouble.

8.00 Blue Bloods Little Fish: An unsolved case from Frank’s past resurfaces when a boy’s body is discovered.

8.00 The Simpsons Treehouse Of Horror XXX. 8.30 Modern Family Pool Party: Jay starts to feel neglected.


9.00 Chicago Fire What Went Wrong: Cruz and Severide investigate a suspicious house fire.

9.00 Public Enemy New series. The mystery-thriller returns.

9.00 COBRA A new threat rears its head.

10.00 Chicago PD False Positive: An Army recruitment centre is bombed.

10.10 Public Enemy Investigator Chloe Muller turns to Guy Beranger for help when a girl disappears.

10.00 The Late Late Show With James Corden: Best Of The Week Highlights of the talk show.

11.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit American Tragedy: A teenager is shot by a celebrity chef.

11.15 The Outsider Tear-Drinker: Holly searches for clues in locations connected to the Dayton case.

11.00 The Russell Howard Hour Topical comedy and entertainment show.

12.00 AM Criminal Minds 1.00 Elementary 2.00 Elementary 3.00 Ghost Whisperer 4.00 Road Wars 5.00-6.00 Brit Cops: Rapid Response

12.20 AM Blue Bloods 1.10 Blue Bloods 2.00 The New Pope 3.10 The New Pope 4.20 The West Wing 5.10-6.00 The West Wing

12.00 AM Avenue 5 12.30 Micky Flanagan Thinking Aloud 1.30 Brit Cops: Law & Disorder 2.30 The Force: Manchester 3.30 Road Wars 4.00 Futurama 4.30 Futurama 5.00-6.00 Stargate SG-1

LOCKE & KEY | Netflix

PUBLIC ENEMY | Sky Atlantic 9PM Series one of this Belgian crime drama – about a police officer guarding a recently-paroled child killer – was gripping and had a very satisfying ending. So we have high hopes for this second run, as Chloé finds her path crossing with Guy’s again.




10 pm


11 pm

If you enjoyed The Stranger on Netflix recently, this French drama is also adapted from a Harlan Coben novel. Eva is distressed when her husband disappears – shortly after she finds a photo of him with people she doesn’t recognise.

W 6.10 AM MasterChef Australia 7.30 Renovate My Home: Leave It To Bryan 8.00 Tipping Point 9.00 Tipping Point 10.00 The Bill 11.00 Supernanny US 12.00 PM Tipping Point 1.00 Tipping Point 2.00 MasterChef USA Tag Team Tears & Tantrums. 3.00 My Dream Home 4.00 My Dream Home 5.00 Tipping Point 6.00 Tipping Point 7.00 MasterChef USA Gerron’s Wedding. 8.00 Inside The Ambulance 9.00 999 Rescue Squad 10.00 Never Seen A Doctor 11.00 Inside The Ambulance 12.00 AM One Born Every Minute 1.00 Dr Christian: 12 Hours To Cure Your Street 1.50 American Housewife 2.35 Renovate My Home: Leave It To Bryan 3.00-6.00 Teleshopping

90 lnsideSoap

Alibi 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries 8.00 Murdoch Mysteries 9.00 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries 10.00 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries 11.00 Unforgettable 12.00 PM Unforgettable 1.00 Rush 2.00 Rosewood 3.00 Murdoch Mysteries Hangman. 4.00 Murdoch Mysteries In The Altogether. 5.00 Major Crimes Special Master – Part Two. 6.00 Major Crimes Final Cut. 7.00 Unforgettable Admissions. 8.00 Unforgettable Fire And Ice. 9.00 Death In Paradise The Blood Red Sea. 10.20 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Death On The Vine. 11.20 New Tricks 12.40 AM Inspector Alleyn Mysteries 2.55 Rosewood 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping

Sky One

GOLD 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 The Piglet Files 7.35 As Time Goes By 8.10 2point4 Children 8.50 Open All Hours 9.30 Hi-de-Hi! 10.10 Last Of The Summer Wine 12.10 PM Keeping Up Appearances 12.50 Open All Hours 1.30 Hi-de-Hi! 2.10 dinnerladies 2.50 Keeping Up Appearances 3.30 Dad’s Army 4.10 Last Of The Summer Wine 4.50 Last Of The Summer Wine 5.30 Last Of The Summer Wine 6.10 The Vicar Of Dibley 7.00 Open All Hours 7.40 Dad’s Army 8.20 Dad’s Army 9.00 Only Fools And Horses 10.20 Peep Show 11.20 All Round To Mrs Brown’s 12.40 AM Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow 1.40 Peep Show 2.35 Spaced 3.05 Spaced 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping

Com. Central 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 Will & Grace 8.35 Will & Grace 9.00 The Office (US) 9.30 The Office (US) 10.00 My Name Is Earl 10.30 My Name Is Earl 11.00 Impractical Jokers 11.30 Impractical Jokers 12.00 PM Friends 4.00 My Name Is Earl 4.30 My Name Is Earl 5.00 Friends 9.00 Joe Lycett: That’s The Way, A-Ha, A-Ha, Joe Lycett 10.00 Bob’s Burgers 10.30 Roast Battle 11.00 FILM Borat: Cultural Learnings Of America For Make Benefit Glorious Nation Of Kazakhstan Spoof documentary. (Cert 15, 80 mins. 2006) ++++ 1.00 AM South Park 1.30 South Park 2.00 South Park 2.30 South Park 3.00 South Park 3.25 The Mick 3.50 The Mick 4.15 Takeshi’s Castle 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping

FOX 8.00 AM Republic Of Doyle 9.00 Bones 10.00 Bull 11.00 NCIS 12.00 PM Bones 1.00 Bones 2.00 The Mentalist 3.00 NCIS What Child Is This?. 4.00 Bull Just Tell The Truth. 5.00 Bones The Monster In The Closet. 6.00 The Mentalist Green Thumb. 7.00 NCIS: New Orleans High Stakes. 8.00 NCIS: New Orleans Powder Keg. 9.00 NCIS Institutionalised. 10.00 The Fix Making A Murderer. 11.00 American Dad! Homeland Insecurity. 11.30 American Dad! Deacon Stan, Jesus Man. 12.00 AM Family Guy 12.30 Family Guy 1.00 American Dad! 1.30 American Dad! 2.00 Family Guy 2.30 Family Guy 3.00 American Dad! 3.30 American Dad! 4.00 Republic Of Doyle 5.00-8.00 Teleshopping

Sky Comedy 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 Everybody Hates Chris 9.00 Parks And Recreation 9.30 Parks And Recreation 10.00 Parks And Recreation 10.30 30 Rock 11.00 30 Rock 11.30 30 Rock 12.00 PM The Mindy Project 12.30 The Mindy Project 1.00 The Mindy Project 1.30 Modern Family 2.00 Modern Family 2.30 Everybody Hates Chris 3.00 Everybody Hates Chris 3.30 Parks And Recreation 5.00 30 Rock 6.30 Modern Family 7.00 Modern Family 7.30 The Mindy Project 8.00 The Mindy Project 8.30 The Mindy Project 9.00 Veep 10.15 Sex And The City 10.50 The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 11.50 Entourage 1.00 AM Eastbound & Down 2.10 Girls 3.20 30 Rock 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping




6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 Bramwell 8.00 Soldier, Soldier 9.00 The Bill 10.00 Classic Holby City 11.00 Classic Casualty Finders Keepers. 12.00 PM The Bill Double Jeopardy – Part One. 1.00 Classic EastEnders 1.40 Classic EastEnders 2.20 London’s Burning 3.20 Lovejoy Day Of Reckoning. 4.20 Bergerac Whatever Lola Wants. 5.25 Bread 6.00 Hi-de-Hi! The Day Of Reckoning. 6.40 As Time Goes By Judith’s New Romance.


7.20 Last Of The Summer Wine Plenty Of Room In The Back: Tom and Smiler are sent on a mission.

7.00 PM Sportscene: Scottish Cup Live Coverage of a fifth-round tie, as teams battle for a place in the last eight.

8.00 Murdoch Mysteries My Big Fat Mimico Wedding: A guest at Higgins’ wedding makes attempts to kill the groom.





6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 7.50 Emmerdale 8.20 Emmerdale 8.50 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 9.20 Superstore 10.15 Dinner Date 11.15 Dress To Impress 12.15 PM Emmerdale 12.45 Emmerdale 1.15 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 1.50 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 2.45 Supermarket Sweep 3.50 Dinner Date Robbie. 4.55 Dress To Impress 6.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold

6.00 AM Hollyoaks 6.30 Hollyoaks 7.00 How I Met Your Mother 8.00 Baby Daddy 9.00 Young Sheldon 10.00 The Big Bang Theory 11.00 The Goldbergs 12.00 PM Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.00 The Big Bang Theory 2.00 Baby Daddy 3.00 Young Sheldon 3.30 Young Sheldon 4.00 The Goldbergs 4.30 The Goldbergs 5.00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 5.30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 6.00 The Big Bang Theory 6.30 The Big Bang Theory

8.55 AM Kirstie’s Vintage Gems 9.15 A Place In The Sun: Winter Sun 10.10 A Place In The Sun: Winter Sun 11.15 Love It Or List It Australia 12.15 PM Find It, Fix It, Flog It 1.15 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 2.15 Four In A Bed 2.50 Four In A Bed The Fox And Duck. 3.20 Four In A Bed The New Inn. 3.50 Four In A Bed Westleigh Farm. 4.20 Four In A Bed Payment Day. 4.55 The Secret Life Of The Zoo 5.55 Love It Or List It Australia 6.55 Car S.O.S Campervan Challenge.

7.00 PM World News Today/Weather 7.30 Top Of The Pops: 1989 Featuring Living In A Box and Jason Donovan.

7.00 Totally You’ve Been Framed! Gold Including a drooling dog and a ship’s launch going spectacularly wrong.

7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 Celebrity Come Dine With Me Charlotte Crosby takes the reins for the final night.

7.55 Escape To The Chateau: DIY It’s crunch time for Jonathan and Michael, who are facing their investors.

8.00 Doris Day: Virgin Territory Profile of the American actress.

8.00 Two And A Half Men 8.30 Two And A Half Men The Straw In My Doughnut Hole.

8.00 Junior Bake Off The bakers have to demonstrate their prowess as pastry chefs.

Frank (Tom Selleck) is haunted by an unsolved case in Blue Bloods 8pm Sky Atlantic

BBC Scotland









9.00 Death In Paradise Predicting Murder: Richard investigates the murder of a voodoo priestess.

9.00 The Nine News reports, with Laura Miller and John Beattie.

9.00 Top Of The Pops: 1989 With Deacon Blue. 9.30 There’s Only One Madonna The singer’s popularity in Britain.

9.00 Love Island Relationship-based reality show set under the South African sun.

9.00 Celebrity Gogglebox The Andrew Neil Interviews with Jeremy Hunt and Boris Johnson are appraised.

9.00 Just One Look New series. Thriller, starring Virginie Ledoyen. In French.

10.15 New Tricks Trust Me: A missing teenager reappears.

10.00 Gary: Tank Commander 10.30 The Farm: Baled Up Comedy adventures about a farmer .

10.05 Family Guy The Hand That Rocks The Wheelchair. 10.35 Family Guy Baby, You Knock Me Out.

10.00 Gogglebox: Celebrity Special For SU2C Critiques of popular TV shows.

10.10 The Passenger Uranus: Mathias traces the paintings to an apartment in Paris. In French.

10 pm

11.35 Taggart Babushka: A businessman is murdered.

11.00 Burnistoun’s Big Night One-off special. 11.30-12.00 Mirror Mirror ‘Yer Jaw’s Swinging Aff You, Oot’.

10.25 Madonna Rebel Heart Tour Footage from the American pop singer’s 2015-2016 world tour, featuring performances of her more recent hits and classic tunes such as Material Girl, Holiday and Like A Prayer.

11.05 Family Guy Brian Writes A Bestseller. 11.30 American Dad! The Shrink: Stan goes to see a psychiatrist.

11.20 Rick And Morty Rattlestar Ricklactica. 11.50 Mr Pickles Dead Man’s Curve: Tommy enters the soapbox derby.

11.15 24 Hours In A&E Patients include a stabbing victim and an elderly woman who fell at home.

11 pm

12.00 AM American Dad! 12.30 The Cleveland Show 12.55 The Cleveland Show 1.25 Two And A Half Men 1.55 Two And A Half Men 2.25 Celebrity Juice: The Sweetest Bits 3.15 Nightscreen 3.30-3.30 Teleshopping

12.05 AM Robot Chicken 12.20 Rick And Morty 12.50 The Big Bang Theory 1.20 The Big Bang Theory 1.50 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 2.15 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 2.40 Gogglebox 3.35 First Dates 4.30 The Big Bang Theory 5.20-6.00 How I Met Your Mother

12.15 AM 24 Hours In A&E 1.20 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 2.20 24 Hours In A&E 3.25-3.50 Food Unwrapped

2.25 AM Bramwell 3.10 The Bill 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 8.00 American Pickers 9.00 Storage Hunters 9.30 Storage Hunters 10.00 American Pickers 12.00 PM Cop Car Workshop 1.00 Top Gear 2.00 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 3.00 Sin City Motors 4.00 Top Gear 5.00 Top Gear 6.00 QI XL Medieval And Macabre. 7.00 Richard Osman’s House Of Games 7.40 Would I Lie To You? 8.20 Would I Lie To You? 9.00 Live At The Apollo Ed Byrne, Adam Hills And Gina Yashere. 10.00 Taskmaster Residue Round The Hoof. 11.00 QI 11.40 QI 12.20 AM Mock The Week 1.00 QI 1.40 QI 2.25 Flack 3.15 Richard Osman’s House Of Games 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping

12.25 AM Classic Albums: The Wailers – Catch A Fire 1.25 Reginald D Hunter’s Songs Of The South 2.25-3.25 Doris Day: Virgin Territory



6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00 Criminals: Caught On Camera 9.25 Law & Order 10.10 CSI: NY 11.05 CSI: NY 12.00 PM Private Eyes 1.00 Murder, She Wrote 2.00 Law & Order 3.00 Law & Order 4.00 Murder, She Wrote Weave A Tangled Web. 5.00 Murder, She Wrote The Search For Peter Kerry. 6.00 Law & Order Suicide Box. 7.00 Law & Order Genius. 8.00 NCIS Rock And A Hard Place. 9.00 Private Eyes The Hills Have Eyes. 10.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Prodigy. 10.55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Counterfeit. 11.55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Repression. 12.55 AM CSI: NY 1.55 CSI: NY 2.50 CSI: NY 3.50 Access 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 High Street TV 8.00 3rd Rock From The Sun 9.10 Will & Grace 10.05 Last Man Standing 11.05 Two And A Half Men 12.00 PM Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 1.00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 2.00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 3.00 Neighbours 3.30 Home And Away 4.00 House 5.00 House 6.00 Neighbours 6.30 Home And Away 7.00 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 8.00 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 9.00 FILM John Wick Action thriller. (Cert 15, 101 mins. 2014) ++++ 11.00 Impact Wrestling 1.00 AM Sex Pod 2.00 Riverdale 3.00 Riverdale 3.50 Access 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Classic Coronation Street 6.25 Classic Coronation Street 6.55 Classic Emmerdale 7.25 Classic Emmerdale 7.55 Heartbeat 8.55 Rising Damp 9.25 Rising Damp 9.55 Man About The House 10.25 Inspector Morse 12.40 PM Heartbeat 1.45 Classic Emmerdale 2.15 Classic Emmerdale 2.50 Classic Coronation Street 3.20 Classic Coronation Street 3.55 The Durrells 4.55 Heartbeat 5.55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 8.00 Doc Martin Mysterious Ways. 9.00 Doc Martin Sons And Lovers. 10.00 Law & Order: UK Pride. 11.00 Inspector Morse 1.20 AM Inspector Morse 3.15 Nightscreen 3.30-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM World Of Sport: TV Firsts 6.15 The Chase 7.20 Quincy ME 8.20 Kojak 9.25 The Casebook Of Sherlock Holmes 10.35 Minder 11.40 The Professionals 12.45 PM Snooker: World Grand Prix 4.45 The Professionals The Acorn Syndrome. 5.45 River Monsters South Pacific Terrors. 6.10 River Monsters Invisible Executioner: Jeremy Wade tries to find a mysterious predatory creature in the Zambezi River. 6.45 Snooker: World Grand Prix The opening semi-final on day five at The Centaur in Cheltenham. 10.45 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 12.55 AM Fishing Impossible 1.55 Minder 2.50 Nightscreen 3.00-6.00 Teleshopping



6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 The Bachelor 7.55 The Bachelor 8.50 Be Tasty 9.00 LittleBe 12.00 PM Income Property 12.25 The Real Housewives Of Atlanta 1.20 Vanderpump Rules 2.15 Million Dollar Listing: NYC 3.10 The Real Housewives Of Orange County 4.05 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 5.00 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 6.00 Masters Of Flip 7.00 Buying And Selling 8.00 Dinner Date Matt. 9.00 Botched Foreign Bodies. 10.00 Botched Man Boobs. 11.00 Kendra On Top The Last Temptation Of Patti. 11.30 Kendra On Top As The Page Turns. 11.55 The Only Way Is Essex 12.40 AM ITVBe Nightscreen 12.55-6.00 Teleshopping

lnsideSoap 91



WHO’S WHO? CASUALTY Connie Beauchamp.........Amanda Mealing Rosa Cadenas........................Jacey Sallés Faith Cadogan.....................Kirsty Mitchell Ciaran Coulson ......................Rick Warden Lisa ‘Duffy’ Duffin............... Cathy Shipton Charlie Fairhead .............Derek Thompson Noel Garcia ......................... Tony Marshall Ethan Hardy ................... George Rainsford David Hide ...............................Jason Durr Archie Hudson ....................Genesis Lynea Jan Jenning ..............................Di Botcher Dylan Keogh..........................William Beck Marty Kirkby ...............Shaheen Jafargholi Jade Lovall .........................Gabriella Leon Lev Malinowski......................... Uriel Emil Rash Masum.......................... Neet Mohan Jacob Masters ......................Charles Venn Robyn Miller ...............Amanda Henderson Will Noble.................................Jack Nolan Ruby Spark ...............................Maddy Hill

CORONATION STREET Dev Alahan.......................Jimmi Harkishin Izzy Armstrong............... Cherylee Houston Adam Barlow .....................Sam Robertson Aggie Bailey ........................ Lorna Laidlaw Eddison Bailey ......Trevor Michael Georges James Bailey ....................Nathan Graham Michael Bailey ......................Ryan Russell Amy Barlow ......................... Elle Mulvaney Ken Barlow ........................William Roache Peter Barlow ......................Chris Gascoyne Leanne Battersby.................. Jane Danson Toyah Battersby ...................Georgia Taylor Emma Brooker .............. Alexandra Mardell Chesney Brown.........................Sam Aston Claudia Colby .........................Rula Lenska Carla Connor ............................Alison King Jenny Connor..............Sally Ann Matthews Johnny Connor ................. Richard Hawley Maria Connor ............Samia Longchambon Ryan Connor ....................... Ryan Prescott Roy Cropper ......................... David Neilson Tyrone Dobbs .......................... Alan Halsall Paul Foreman ..............................Peter Ash Abi Franklin ..........................Sally Carman Seb Franklin.........................Harry Visinoni Eileen Grimshaw ..................... Sue Cleaver Imran Habeeb ................... Charlie De Melo Paula Martin ...................Stirling Gallacher Cathy Matthews...................... Melanie Hill Billy Mayhew .............. Daniel Brocklebank Liz McDonald ................... Beverley Callard Steve McDonald .................Simon Gregson Tracy McDonald ..........................Kate Ford Geoff Metcalfe ............... Ian Bartholomew Sally Metcalfe ...................... Sally Dynevor Tim Metcalfe............................Joe Duttine

Yasmeen Metcalfe ................. Shelley King Alya Nazir .................................. Sair Khan Ali Neeson.........................James Burrows Daniel Osbourne .....................Rob Mallard Brian Packham ........................ Peter Gunn Bethany Platt ...........................Lucy Fallon David Platt ...................... Jack P Shepherd Sarah Platt ..............................Tina O’Brien Shona Platt ......................... Julia Goulding Evelyn Plummer .............. Maureen Lipman Audrey Roberts ...................... Sue Nicholls Gail Rodwell............................Helen Worth Jade Rowan ........................Lottie Henshall Fiz Stape ..........................Jennie McAlpine Hope Stape .................... Isabella Flanagan Beth Sutherland ...................... Lisa George

92 lnsideSoap

Kirk Sutherland.............. Andrew Whyment Rita Tanner........................... Barbara Knox Nick Tilsley .................................Ben Price Craig Tinker ..........................Colson Smith Max Turner ......................Harry McDermott Grace Vickers........................Kate Spencer Kevin Webster .................... Michael Le Vell Faye Windass ............................Ellie Leach Gary Windass ..........................Mikey North Bernie Winter ...................Jane Hazlegrove Gemma Winter .......... Dolly-Rose Campbell

DOCTORS Zara Carmichael... Elisabeth Dermot Walsh Ruhma Carter ......................... Bharti Patel Jimmi Clay................Adrian Lewis Morgan Daniel Granger............ Matthew Chambers Al Haskey................................ Ian Midlane Karen Hollins ......................... Jan Pearson Rob Hollins.............................Chris Walker Ayesha Lee ........................... Laura Rollins Valerie Pitman ....................... Sarah Moyle Emma Reid................................ Dido Miles Bear Sylvester .............................. Dex Lee Sid Vere................................... Ashley Rice

EASTENDERS Habiba Ahmed ......................Rukku Nahar Iqra Ahmed ........................... Priya Davdra Ruby Allen............................ Louisa Lytton Chantelle Atkins............. Jessica Plummer Gray Atkins .............Toby-Alexander Smith Bailey Baker ............Kara-Leah Fernandes Mitch Baker ........................Roger Griffiths Isaac Baptiste.....................Stevie Basaula Bobby Beale................ Clay Milner Russell

Ian Beale...........................Adam Woodyatt Kathy Beale....................... Gillian Taylforth Jack Branning ......................Scott Maslen Max Branning .......................... Jake Wood Rainie Branning ................... Tanya Franks Jay Brown.......................Jamie Borthwick Keegan Butcher-Baker ...........Zack Morris Tiffany Butcher-Baker ...........Maisie Smith Linda Carter............................Kellie Bright Mick Carter .............................Danny Dyer Shirley Carter..........................Linda Henry Tina Carter.............Luisa Bradshaw-White Daniel Cook.................. Adrian Edmondson Kirsty ‘Dotty’ Cotton...................Milly Zero Whitney Dean.....................Shona McGarty Bex Fowler........................Jasmine Armfield Martin Fowler .......................... James Bye Sonia Fowler ......................Natalie Cassidy Denise Fox..............................Diane Parish Callum ‘Halfway’ Highway...........Tony Clay Stuart Highway......................Ricky Champ Ash Kaur ...................Gurlaine Kaur Garcha Kush Kazemi ...................Davood Ghadami Leo King .....................................Tom Wells Ben Mitchell .......................... Max Bowden Billy Mitchell.......................Perry Fenwick Honey Mitchell.....................Emma Barton Sharon Mitchell ......................Letitia Dean Kat Moon ........................... Jessie Wallace Jags Panesar.......................... Amar Adatia Kheerat Panesar........................... Jaz Deol Suki Panesar ..................... Balvinder Sopal Vinny Panesar .......................... Shiv Jalota Lola Pearce ........................Danielle Harold Dennis Rickman.....................Bleu Landau Jean Slater .......................... Gillian Wright Bernadette Taylor.....................Clair Norris Karen Taylor.....................Lorraine Stanley Patrick Trueman................Rudolph Walker Sheree Trueman.............Suzette Llewellyn

IN and OUT We spin soap’s revolving


SIÂN REEVES (Charlie Wood, Corriee) e Her short stint as Tim’s long-lost wife Charlie is about to come to an end, but actress Siân Reeves is hop ping for a return to the cobbless in the not-too-distant future. “I couldn’t possibly say, but yes, it would be nice,”” she said on ITV’s Lorrainee. The star’s next role is in a production of By The Waters Of Liverpool, but weet she encouraged fans to “tw in” if they want Charlie back. You heard her – do it! Nexxt month


JUNE BROWN (DotBranning, EastEnders) Dot will be spending time away from Albert Square for a while, as she’s gone on one of her regular trips to Ireland in order to visit grandson Charlie. But she’ll be back in Walford later in the year, with June Brown having no plans to give up her famous role any time soon. “She’s an EastEnders icon,” shares an insider. And so say all of us!


JODI ANASTA (Elly Conway, Neighbourss) s After spending the e past four years on Ramsay Street, Jodi is preparing to say goodbye to her alter ego. “Four years have just flo own by, and for an actor, my character Elly ha as been an absolute gift,” says Jodi. “I am so grateful for my time on Neighbours, and a thrilled that I’ll be part of the 35th an nniversary of the show.” However, Jodi says that she feels “it’s the right time to move on, open myself up to other opportunities, and also move e back to Sydney where I can spend more time with my daughter”. And it seems Elly will be leaving with a bang! “The writers have navigated a brilliant exit storyline, which I’ll be filming over the coming months – can’t say to oo much, but I think fans will lov ve it. I couldn’t ask for a better way to sign off from Ramsay Street.” Later this t year


Matty Barton ................. Ash Palmisciano Pete Barton ................... Anthony Quinlan Victoria Barton ................. Isabel Hodgins Victori Rodney Blackstock ........... Patrick Mower Leannaa Cavanagh ................Mimi Slinger Cavanagh.............Jonny McPherson Liam C Al Chapman ..................Michael Wildman hapman ..................Aaron Anthony Ellis Ch Aaron Dingle .......................Danny Miller Dingle.................Eden Taylor-Draper Belle D Cain Dingle ..........................Jeff Hordley Charityy Dingle .................... Emma Atkins Chas D Dingle....................... Lucy Pargeter Mandyy Dingle .......................... Lisa Riley Marlon n Dingle.................. Mark Charnock Moira Dingle .................... Natalie J Robb Sam Dingle .......................James Hooton Sarah Dingle ............................ Katie Hill Vinny Dingle ................. Bradley Johnson Zak D Dingle ...................... Steve Halliwell Harriiet Finch .........Katherine Dow Blyton Liv Flaherty .....................Isobel Steele Billyy Fletcher.................... Jay Kontzle Jaccob Gallagher ........Joe Warren Plant Leo Goskirk ...............Harvey Rogerson Rhoona Goskirk ................... Zoe Henry Leyyla Harding ................Roxy Shahidi Lyd dia Hart ....................... Karen Blick Bob Hope ..................Tony Audenshaw Brendaa Hope ..................... Lesley Dunlop Jimmyy King ............................Nick Miles Nicola King ......................Nicola Wheeler Paddy Kirk ....................... Dominic Brunt Priya Kotecha ....................... Fiona Wade David Metcalfe ..........Matthew Wolfenden Tracy Metcalfe .......................Amy Walsh Wendy Posner ................. Susan Cookson Doug Potts ..................... Duncan Preston Nate Robinson ..................... Jurell Carter Jai Sharma ......................... Chris Bisson Manpreet Sharma ........... Rebecca Sarker Rishi Sharma..................... Bhasker Patel

Amelia Spencer ...............Daisy Campbell Dan Spencer ............................Liam Fox Ryan Stocks.......................James Moore Diane Sugden............. Elizabeth Estensen A d TTatte...................Anna Nightingale Andrea Jamie Tatee ...................Alexander Lincoln Kim Tate ............................... Claire King Dawn Tayloor ..................... Olivia Bromley Arthur Thoomas ..................... Alfie Clarke Gabby Thoomas................. Rosie Bentham Laurel Thoomas..............Charlotte Bellamy April Windsor ................ Amelia Flanagan Bear Wolf...................... Joshua Richards Vanessa Woodfield W .......Michelle Hardwick Amy Wyattt ............. Natalie Ann Jamieson Kerry Wyattt ........................ Laura Norton

HOLB BY CITY Serena Campbell .......... Catherine Russell Ben ‘Loftyy’ Chiltern .................Lee Mead Dominic Copeland ..............David Ames Essie Di D Lucca .................Kaye Wragg Camerron Dunn ............. Nic Jackman Xavierr Duval ............ Marcus Griffiths Adrian n Fletcher .......Alex Walkinshaw Ange Godard ................. Dawn Steele Chloe Godard ................ Amy Lennox Ric Grifffin ..................... Hugh Quarshie Henrik Han nssen ...................... Guy Henry Donna Jacckson.................... Jaye Jacobs Sacha Levy .......................... Bob Barrett Kian Madaani ................... Ramin Karimloo Max McGeerry........................... Jo Martin Nicky McK Kendrick.............Belinda Owusu Jac Naylorr...........................Rosie Marcel


HOLLYOAKS Leah Barnes ................Elà-May Demircan Grace Black ....................... Tamara Wall Courtney Campbell........... Amy Conachan Bobby Costello ......................Jayden Fox Tom Cunningham ..................Ellis Hollins Azim Desai.............................Nav Sidhu Martine Devereux .................Kéllé Bryan Mitchell Devereux .............. Imran Adams Walter Devereux ......... Trevor A Toussaint Joel Dexter .............. Rory Douglas-Speed

Liam Donovan ........ Jude Monk McGowan Scott Drinkwell.................... Ross Adams Celeste Faroe ......................... Andrea Ali Toby Faroe ........................Bobby Gordon Warren Fox ........................Jamie Lomas Brooke Hathaway .................. Talia Grant Brody Hudson ..............Adam Woodward Diane Hutchinson ............... Alex Fletcher Edward Hutchinson ..............Joe McGann Tony Hutchinson ................. Nick Pickard Verity Hutchinson ................. Eva O’Hara Kyle Kelly ........................... Adam Rickitt Damon Kinsella ............... Jacob Roberts Maxine Kinsella ..............Nikki Sanderson Leela Lomax ............... Kirsty-Leigh Porter Peri Lomax..................... Ruby O’Donnell Lisa Loveday ...................Rachel Adedeji Imran Maalik...........................Ijaz Rana Misbah Maalik......................Harvey Virdi Sami Maalik ............................Rishi Nair Yasmine Maalik ................Haiesha Mistry Goldie McQueen ............... Chelsee Healey John Paul McQueen ........... James Sutton Marlena ‘Nana’ McQueen ... Diane Langton Mercedes McQueen....... Jennifer Metcalfe Sylver McQueen.......................David Tag Luke Morgan .......................... Gary Lucy Mandy Morgan ............ Sarah Jayne Dunn Oliver Morgan ............ Aedan Duckworth James Nightingale ........ Gregory Finnegan Marnie Nightingale ......... Lysette Anthony Darren Osborne ....... Ashley Taylor Dawson Jack Osborne ................ Jimmy McKenna Nancy Osborne ..................... Jessica Fox Jordan Price.................... Connor Calland Juliet Quinn................. Niamh Blackshaw Romeo Quinn......................Owen Warner Cindy Savage ............... Stephanie Waring Liberty Savage ............ Jessamy Stoddart Sally St Claire ....................Annie Wallace Sid Sumner ............................ Billy Price

Your update on the one-time stars of soap...

KEMPING IT UP! Ex-Walford star Martin Kemp (Steve Owen) is joining forces with his brother Gary for a new BBC mockumentary. The pair, who were members of 1980s new romantics Spandau Ballet, will be discussing their plans to record a new album in the spoof doc. “I’m really happy to be getting back in the limelight,” grins Martin, “and being known for being that one from Spandau Ballet who hit someone over the head with an ashtray in EastEnders.”

“DON’T CALL ME ‘LES’!” It’s been over a decade since he played Les Battersby in Corrie, and actor Bruce Jones is sick of being known as his former alter ego. “Les’ name will never go,” he told the Daily Star. “I sometimes say, ‘My name’s not Les, it’s Bruce’, especially when it is someone shouting it across the room. It really does get on my nerves. My name is not Les.” Sorry about that, Les!




More than 15 years after Patrick’s son Paul was brutally murdered in EastEnders, his alter ego Gary Beadle has been considering if there’s any wiggle room for a return. “All the hardcore fans say [we never saw it on screen n] – including my mother!” he chuckles. “You can never say never, but as far as I’m concerned he’s a goner. But if the BBC said, ‘Listen, we want to do something’, you cross those bridges when you come to them.” As we witnessed Patrick identifying Paul’s dead body back in 2005, it would certainly require a pretty big bridge!



Ben Astoni..........................Rohan Nichol Maggie Astoni .................. Kestie Morassi Ziggy Astoni .................... Sophie Dillman Mackenzie Booth.................... Emily Weir Marilyn Chambers..............Emily Symons Jasmine Delaney .................... Sam Frost Willow Harris ....................Sarah Roberts Ryder Jackson ............... Lukas Radovich Jade Lennox......................Mia Morrissey Justin Morgan .................James Stewart Mason Morgan ..............Orpheus Pledger Tori Morgan .................. Penny McNamee Bella Nixon ..................... Courtney Miller John Palmer ................. Shane Withington Leah Patterson ............... Ada Nicodemou Irene Roberts ............... Lynne McGranger Ryan ‘Robbo’ Shaw .................Jake Ryan Alf Stewart......................... Ray Meagher Martha Stewart ................. Belinda Giblin Roo Stewart .....................Georgie Parker Dean Thompson ............ Patrick O’Connor Colby Thorne .......................Tim Franklin

FAIR CITY RTÉ1, RTÉ Player (Ireland only) Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8pm (NI only: Sky 161, Virgin 875) RIVER CITY BBC Scotland, iPlayer, Monday 10pm; repeated on BBC1 Scotland, Tuesday 8pm Sky 971, Freesat 960, Virgin 862, TalkTalk TV 956 THE ARCHERS BBC Radio 4, iPlayer Sun-Fri 7pm (omnibus Sun 10am)

NEIGHBOURS Zenin Alexio .................... Axle Whitehead Aaron Brennan .....................Matt Wilson Chloe Brennan .............April Rose Pengilly Gary Canning ............ Damien Richardson Kyle Canning ..................... Chris Milligan Sheila Canning ................... Colette Mann Elly Conway ......................... Jodi Anasta Clive Gibbons ....................... Geoff Paine Hendrix Greyson ................Benny Turland Pierce Greyson ....................Tim Robards Mackenzie Hargreaves ....... Georgie Stone Finn Kelly ................................ Rob Mills Karl Kennedy ...................... Alan Fletcher

Susan Kennedy............Jackie Woodburne Beatrix Nilsson ..............Bonnie Anderson Dipi Rebecchi ..................... Sharon Johal Jarrod ‘Toadie’ Rebecchi .....Ryan Moloney Nell Rebecchi ...............Scarlett Anderson Shane Rebecchi ............ Nicholas Coghlan Yashvi Rebecchi ................Olivia Junkeer Harlow Robinson ........... Jemma Donovan Paul Robinson ................... Stefan Dennis Terese Robinson ....... Rebekah Elmaloglou Lisa Rowsthorn .................... Jane Allsop Hugo Somers........................John Turner David Tanaka.....................Takaya Honda Ned Willis..................................Ben Hall Roxy Willis .......................Zima Anderson

lnsideSoap 93



For the chance to win £100, complete the crossword puzzle, and the yellow squares – reading from top to bottom – will spell out a word linked to the pictured soap character…


3 See 38D 7 & 11A Walford alcoholic who forgot her husband’s birthday (5,6) 8 __ Finch, vicar of St Mary’s Church in Emmerdale (7) 9 __ Henry, actress who plays Emmerdale villager Rhona Goskirk (3) 11 See 7A 13 Sam Dingle’s offspring who lives at Wishing Well Cottage in the Dales (6) 16 __ Nicodemou, longserving Home and Away star behind Leah Patterson (3) 17 __ Alahan, teen who had issues with skin-bleaching in Coronation Street (4) 18 Home and Away’s 44D is played by Patrick O’__ (6) 21 & 41A Walford hairdresser and domestic abuse victim (9,6) 23 One way to describe Hollyoaks villager Marnie Nightingale’s business (3,4) 26 __ Martin, legal eagle and Tracy McDonald’s rather surprising one-night stand in Coronation Street (5) 28 James __, actor who plays Ryan Stocks in Emmerdale (5) 32 Gary __, former loan shark who recently lost a baby with Maria Connor in Corrie (7) 33 See 27D 37 Infatuated Jean Slater is __ __ with terminally ill Daniel Cook in EastEnders (2,4) 39 Final word after prayers, uttered frequently by 8A in Emmerdale (4) 40 __ Midlane, actor who plays The Mill Health Centre GP Al Haskey in Doctors (3) 41 See 21A 43 __ Fletcher, aka Holby City’s Fletch, played by former star of The Bill, Alex Walkinshaw (6) 45 Jellied __, a delicacy traditionally enjoyed by those who live in the East End (3) 47 See 25D 48 __Duckworth, actor who plays Hollyoaks village teen Ollie Morgan (5) 49 & 6D Actress who plays scheming nanny 2D in Coronation Street (6,8)

94 lnsideSoap






5 8

7 9 11








18 19




23 25

24 26


28 29


31 33

32 35


36 38

37 40

39 41


43 45




48 49


1 Crime being committed by hapless Tim Metcalfe in Coronation Street (6) 2 & 24D She confessed to being related to 3D’s murdering ex John in Corrie (4,5) 3 & 19D Cobbles resident who is Tyrone Dobbs’ partner (3,5) 4 Last name of Summer Bay family Alf, Martha and Roo (7) 5 Kheerat and Vinny’s foodloving brother in EastEnders (4) 6 See 49A 10 __ Baptiste, Walford newcomer who is the secret son of Sheree Trueman (5) 12 It’s demanded sometimes when soap characters are kidnapped (6)

14 See 42D 15 __ Robinson, had an affair with his stepmum Moira Dingle in Emmerdale (4) 19 See 3D 20 Rash __, Casualty medic who discovered tragic colleague Mason Reede (5) 22 West Ham, football __ supported by Billy Mitchell (4) 24 See 2D 25 & 47A He died following his wedding to Courtney Campbell in Hollyoaks (5,7) 27 & 33A Former Home and Away star appearing as Zenin Alexio in Neighbours (4,9) 29 Last name of one-time Ramsay Street residents, twins Christina and Caroline (6)

30 Villager Jimmy King’s sharp-tongued wife (6) 31 See 44D 34 Sister to 7A’s mother-inlaw Shirley in EastEnders (4) 35 __ Campbell, plays Dales kid Amelia Spencer (5) 36 Brooke __, currently on maternity leave from her role as Sophie Webster in Coronation Street (7) 38 & 3A Emmerdale village villain who was murdered (6,6) 42 & 14D He’s back to work after difficult times in Holby (4,6) 44 & 31D Summer Bay surfing instructor (4,8) 46 Former Albert Square bloke who briefly returned to visit 7A over the Christmas period (3)




4 5 3 8 4 5 8 1 9 3 8 4 7 3 6 7 6 1 9 5 7 5 8 9





A:Wife has developed a drinking problem B: Son made a move on his other half C: Has recently suffered panic attacks D:Once trapped in a car driven by a killer E: Recently got married







Appeal or entreaty Ordeal Annoying child

Cash machine (1,1,1) Genetic material (1,1,1) Walford’s --- Mitchell, pictured

Puts money on Remade film

Molten rock

Chris ---, Road To Hell singer

Article US rock band (1,1,1)

Web address (1,1,1) Joke or jape

Desert animal Corrie’s --- Barlow, pictured






£50 For your chance to win, solve the puzzle by filling in each answer in the same direction as the arrow. When you’ve completed the grid, you’ll find that the letters in the yellow squares, when rearranged, will spell out a word which is related to Robbo in this week’s episodes of Home and Away…



Link 1: D Link 2: E Link 3: B Link 4: A Link 5: C

Healthcare assistant (1,1,1)

Legend or chronicle



2 9 3 8 4 1 6 7 5

Light boat




5 6 1 2 7 3 8 9 4

Deficiency or lack Yell or holler

Allow or permit







8 7 4 5 9 6 2 1 3

Killer whale

Neither or Take away or minus




6 5 8 9 1 7 4 3 2

Precisely (2,3,3)



PRIZE ARROWORD Get ill again




Martial art Clock front




4 2 9 6 3 5 7 8 1



3 1 7 4 8 2 9 5 6

4 2




9 8 6 1 5 4 3 2 7


Can you identify the correct links between these five soap characters?

7 4 5 3 2 8 1 6 9

Fill in all the squares in the grid so that every row, column and each of the nine 3x3 boxes contains all the digits from one to nine…


1 3 2 7 6 9 5 4 8


Competition rules of entry: 1. Competitions are open to all residents of Great Britain and Ireland. Employees of Hearst UK or their families are not eligible to enter. 2. The competitions in this issue open on 28 January 2020 and close on 3 February 2020. 3. The winners will be drawn the day after the closing date. Winners will be chosen at random. A list of winners’ names is available on written request at the address below. 4. While every effort is made to ensure prizes are consistent with those offered, we reserve the right to change the prizes in the event of unforeseen circumstances. 5. Entrants may enter as many times as they wish. 6. Each competition has the prizes on offer clearly listed. 7. The competitions are run by Hearst UK, House of Hearst, 30 Panton Street, London, SW1Y 4AJ

TO ENTER BY POST: Write the solutions to the puzzles on the back of a postcard, along with your name and contact details, and send it to: Inside Soap Competitions 5, House of Hearst, 30 Panton Street, London, SW1Y 4AJ TO ENTER BY EMAIL: Write the solutions in an email, along with your name and contact details, put PUZZLES5 in the subject bar, and send it to: The closing date for all entries for this issue is 3 February 2020.

lnsideSoap 95



Text or write in* to win any book or DVD on this page E EK K

(*see details at the bottom of the page)








INNA DE YARD In Jamaica, a superstar group of reggae legends gathers to record a new album of hits that goes back to their roots. Starring an array of iconic Jamaican artists, including Ken Boothe, Winston McAnuff and Judy Mowatt.


by CC Macdonald

EastEnders’ Milly Zero (Dotty)



“I really enjoyed Euphoria on Netflix with Zendaya in it. She’s so great. I’ve always seen her in Disney shows while growing up, and to witness her just completely switch up her roles to someone entirely different is really, really good!”


HOTEL MUMBAI On 26 November 2008, devastating terror attacks threw Mumbai into chaos. In the heart of the city, terrorists stormed the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel – and their guests and staff began a fight for survival. Starring Dev Patel and Armie Hammer.

For the chance to win a copy, tell us who plays Hollyoaks’ Leah Barnes: A) Elá-May Demircan or B) Daisy Marlinn. Text ISWIN2, a space, then A or B and your name & address to 84988 (50p). Or see below for postal entries.


Lizzie is happy with her uncomplicated life – but then a letter arrives from her first love, stamped with the date he vanished 12 years ago! Will Lizzie find out what happened the year her life fell apart? For the chance to win a copy, tell us who plays the Street’s Ken Barlow: A) William Roache or B) David Neilson. Text ISWIN1, a space, then A or B and your name & address to 84988 (50p). Or see below for postal entries.

Carole King had her first hit when she was just 17 – and by the time she entered her twenties, she was married and writing hits for the likes of Aretha Franklin. But when her marriage fell apart, Carole found her true voice. The show stars ex-Hollyoaks actress Daisy WoodDavis (Kim Butterfield), and is touring the UK till 29 August – for tickets, see

For the chance to win a copy, tell us the name of the hotel in Neighbours: A) Ramsay Street Motel or B) Lassiters. Text ISWIN3, a space, then A or B and your name & address to 84988 (50p). Or see below for postal entries.

Naomi’s life is far from perfect – her husband is depressed, and their house is a building site. But everything changes when Naomi makes a massive mistake, and someone doesn’t want her to forget it!

For the chance to win in a copy, tell us who in EastEnders had an affair with Keanu: A) Lisa or B) Sharon. Text ISWIN4, a space, then A or B and your name & address to 84988 (50p). Or see below for postal entries.

Entry by text closes midnight 10 February 2020, and three working days later for postal entries. BY POST Send answers to Inside Soap 5, House of Hearst, 30 Panton Street, London, SW1Y 4AJ. Please include your name and address. BY TEXT Texts cost 50p, plus your usual network operator rate. Please send your contact details along with your answer. If you text your entry after the advertised closing date, you will not be entered, but you may be charged. Winners will be selected at random after the close date. Service provider: Spoke, customer care line 0333 202 3390 Data protection: We will use the information you supply to process your competition entry. For our privacy policy, visit For full terms and conditions and to enter by email, see p95.


Kids are all right?




o 41 is getting as bit busy next week, as Iqra and Habiba welcome another houseguest! But when a resident decides to move in with them, will it be all fun and games – or is trouble afoot?




he pressure of going back and forth across the Pennines to visit recovering Shona is already taking its toll on David, as he struggles to balance his family life and work commitments. Next week, a terrible incident makes him realise it’s all too much – but will it force him to accept things need to change, or send him down a darker path?


Farmyard fracas!



atty finds that work on the farm is getting on top of him next week – however, there’s worse to come as big trouble arrives from an unexpected source…


HOLBY CITY Nicky makes a big mistake! HOLLYOAKS The hunt for Sienna… HOME AND AWAY Who’s caught kissing?

PLUS! Star chats...

Lucy Fallon

tells all on Bethany’s next bold move…

Tom Wells

discusses twisted Leo’s drastic plan of action…

The inside track on an Albert Square icon… Michelle Hardwick reveals the future for Charity and Vanessa…

All will be revealed in the next issue of lnsideSoap

Written by Laura-Jayne Tyler


We like that Fiz and Tyrone hav v ve taken the precaution of wiring g Hope’s bed up to the mains.

“It’s just like Jurassic Park!” gushed April about Hawksford Outdoor Pursuits Centre. Oh, yes. Identical in every way. If there’s now a vacancy in the royal family, we nominate Sharon. Bow down, Britain! Bow before your new Queen!

EastEnders’ ‘Mr Honey Roast’ would deserve a storyline if it wasn’t for his – wait for it – hammy acting.


We really felt for putupon Corrie extra Dom, who has been hastily promoted to Bistro chef in the event of Robert’s untimely death. Poor guy looks like he’d rather stick his head in the oven.. Thank mercy for the fleeting joy that was ‘Vanity’ thi this week!

You know how and L Linda aren’t all wed to cheat each her co it’s The s? But could her holism the t ng that ves im the green ight for me hing a bit icy – finally? Th e is only so uch more his sad litt e face we n take.

In one shared befuddled moment, viewers squinted at their tellies as Graham’s murderer was revealed and went, “Is that… Pierce? Oh! Riiiight.” Emmerdale has never lost its ability to shock – and what an outrageous twist! Though, perhaps not as ou outrageous as Graham repeatedly sitting up like the Terminator, even after being bashed over the head 47 times. Are we ab absolutely y sure he’s dead? dead

Linda’s ‘Keanu’s not really dead’ face while scoffing chips was worth every penny of our licence fee. Classic!

We’ll never tire of a Sian Reeves casting in any soap. And is it too much to ask that she goes full-on Emmerdale’s Sally Spode on Tim and Sally??

We’re never going to forget Rishi wrestling a pizza box from his own son like some sort of animal – and that’s before he realised it contained drugs.

W ’d love it if S ua t and Rainie started We’d bumping people off because they truly believed it was in the best interests of Coker & Mitchell. But in a funny way, not the usual Walford murder-y way.

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