Convergence Issue 18

Page 22

Plasmonic Technology

Left to right: Syed Mubeen and Joun Lee, postdoctoral researchers in chemistry; Nirala Singh, chemical engineering graduate student; Professor Martin Moskovits.


femtoseconds (~ 1014 seconds) before

also included chemistry postdoctoral

appropriate nanostructured design so

they relax.

researcher Joun Lee, chemical engi-

that before these electrons decay as

To get an idea of just how briefly

neering graduate researcher Nirala

heat you use them to do useful chem-

these electrons stay hot, imagine a

Singh, materials engineer Stephen

ical reactions,” Mubeen said.

stretch of beach that’s 20 feet long by

Kraemer, and chemistry professor

The result is an array of gold

20 feet wide by five feet deep. That’s one

Galen Stucky — turned to the very

nanorods, each rod measuring 80 to

second. Ten grains of sand would be

tiny world of nanostructures.

100 nm in diameter and 500 nm in

comparable to 10 femtoseconds.

“These hot electrons tend to travel 6

length. Ten billion of these nanoreac-

“The question was, can you capture

~10 meters per second, which means

tors can occupy one square centimeter.

these electrons effectively and put

they could travel at least a few tenths

Six hundred of them lined up side by

them to useful work?” said Mubeen. To

of a nanometer before decaying as heat.

side would span the diameter of an

do this, the Moskovits team — which

The challenge was to come up with an

average (clean) human hair.


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