U-Lace is Providing Multi Color Tieless Sneaker Laces

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U-Lace is Providing Multi Color Tieless Sneaker Laces

U-Lace has managed to bring a fun aspect to the everyday activity of putting on shoes by providing sneaker lovers with the ultimate solution they have always been after. The team of innovators behind the company has successfully developed top of the line shoelaces which entirely eliminate the need of tying knots from time to time. Years of research and dedication to giving customers products that they can rely on sets U-Lace as the leader of the emerging niche which has redefined the shoe industry.

Talking about how they are making sneakers look better, the Company Spokesperson said, “We live in a generation where everyone has a soft spot for simplicity thanks to technological and professional advancement. There has never been a reason why you would enjoy all the benefits of modern day technology and still be held down by having to tie shoe knots as we did decades ago. Out tieless laces take away the necessity of having knots while maintaining the beauty of laces which is the wish of everyone regardless of age.�

For millions across the globe, it is a love affair with sneakers which continue to dominate the shoe industry. U-Lace has doubled the excitements by providing a platform where clients can find the best sneaker laces both in productions and in functionality. The laces are made from specially formulated lycra fiber that has been engineered by the company to achieve the desired elasticity and strength. U-Lace not only bases the quality of their laces on the material alone but has a professionally monitored manufacturing process that guarantees top standards for all their packs.

Speaking further on why tieless shoelaces is a trend to stay, the Company Spokesperson added, “Different from most short-term fashion and shoe trends, tieless shoelaces were developed out of necessity. The need to address the market gap where everyone has to adjust to tying shoe knots was the rising ground upon which the laces were designed. As such by being an answer to a question that many people have been worried about, our lacing solutions are futuristic and highly practical. We further gain the upper hand with our products as they have a way of making any sneakers instantly look classic.�

The excitements of color combination in sneakers are no longer the struggle it was only a few years ago. Clients have in U-Lace an online store where they can buy multi color shoe laces that allows them to go all the distance when it comes to decorating their sneakers. The multi color packs offered by the company come in all the exciting rainbow colors which one can take advantage of to create a flowing lace pattern. All these joys are enhanced by the fact that clients are not limited to a single style of using the laces.

About U-Lace U-Lace is the title holder when it comes to the discovery and promotion of non-tie laces which they made popular when featured in the TV show Shark Tank and to date are the number one lacing choice for all sneakers.

Source : https://www.briefingwire.com/pr/u-lace-is-providing-multi-color-tielesssneaker-laces

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